HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-12-18, Page 4TRE SEAFORTR NEWS sammtti un d;,ST,iu nu nu 111 m1 a iu a 1111 n n uu 11,11nnwiunwu,11a,1111.111111nu barn final,11,lnl„ala0a......,,a,a,,...M,' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sea -forth, Ontario CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1947 10 A.M.--Sunday School; The girls and boys are asked to bring their white Gifts 11 A.M.—PUBLIC The Christmas Message Choir— 'Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy IlIot'n' Solo— 'Selected' — Miss Marion Mason 7 P.M.—PUBLIC WORSHIP: Carol and Candlelight Service with the Senior and Junior C'huirs and members of the Sunday School participating. This will be one of the outstanding services of the year, Plan to be present l uu"u11wu,u' ,1111uuu,w,,,u„ , i 1111uni 111011,11, , uauo111 uu11m ,.tttt 11 To Farmers and Feeders Christmas Greetings with a bonus We extend our Special Prices of $3..00 to $4010 ' ' ton reduction to Dec. 31 on our EXCELLENCE FEEDS. Bran, Feed Flour, Oats, Barley, Wheat, whole or ground, at market prices T t �• :r s s u. Grain & Processed Feeds Telephone 354 Seaforth FEED DIVISION OF EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS LIMITED c -f V$2 L:C0-a\:CKL �litU2-1; : bis! e 9, c to 54 s9J Toddlers' Ski Snits $7.50 & $8.95 mill Romper:, $269 'Boys' two-piece Cotton Jersey Suits 1.29 & 1.98 & Wool Je scly Shits 2.65 & 3.25 P,lollses $1.25 to $2.50 Girls. 1;rus1>.ed Rayon Hoods & Parkas $1.85 3 only Wool Plaid Parkas, size 4, 5 & 6 $12,00 a? t�f e1 The %,Thr Kiddies Shop Queen's Hotel, Seaforth_s ; •tg80.0.P;,..0AIR W4102,04'412 504 V.r4U MakeTthh Christmas One To Be Remembered, ith A Chesterfield Suite Sofa Beds & Studio ('ouches Bedroom Suite Lazy Boy & Cogswell chairs Breakfast Room Suites Tri -light Lamps Torchaire Lamps Table Lamp Pin-up & Bed Lamp Coffee Tables Occasional Chair Occasional Tables Magazine Racks Wool Blankets Chenille Bed Spreads Metal Beds Spring, & Spring filled Mattress Axminster Rugs 9x1.2, & 71x9 Occasional Chairs Cedar. Chests Corner cupboards Mirrors, all sizes & shapes Give Home Furnishings for Christmas Add FURNITURE 1 plyEY FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: DAY 119. NIGHT AND SUND'AY 65 �-. SSFAFFOOItTH, ONT. l'..�' V.aFP-bl' ��:ice-al':P.sR-alfifiFg-a "t�.,(c -G-. WALTON S.3. No. 7 (Leadburv) is having! its Christmas entertainment on Thursday evening, Dec... 18. Mrs. Eliza Ramsay of Walton has been an invalid since fracturing her hip in November, 1945, and during that time she has received many kindnesses for which she is grateful to her friends, Mrs. Ramsay writes: "Long years ago it used to be said of old people who fell and broke their hip, it was the end; but not so with me.” Mrs. Ramsay fell on the street in Walton and through 0 ser- ies of misadventures there was con- siderable time elapsed before the full extent of her injuries could •be determined, Mrs. Ramsay continues: "I am still in bed, I sit up part of the day, and two men help me to walk." The many friends of Mrs. Albert Clark, East boundary, are pleased to know she is recovering from an attack, of pneumonia. BRODHAGEN The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held 'their annual Christmas party in the basement of the Church last Wednesday evening with their husbands as guests which numbered about 70. A delicious pot- luck supper was enjoyed, after which games were played followed• by a program consisting of: The opening address by the President, Mrs. W. Schultz: Song by the ladies, " We're glad" and "Bonnie Parodies". Read- ing by Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, Sa- crifices, Song by all "0 little Town of Bethlehem". A short play, "A Christmas Present Mystery" by'Mrs. Geo. Mogk, Mrs. J. Amstein, Mrs. Harrold MIogk. Song by all, "It came upon the midnight clear". Reading, Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, The Spirit of the Ladies' Aid: Comic song, Mc- l.amaras Band and She's too fat by Mrs. Green, Mrs. Dalton Hinz, Mrs. Geo. 1VJogk, after which followed the visit of Santa Claus. Miss Dorothy Querengesser of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. Ivan Querengesser has taken a position in Toronto for the winter months. Mr. Ed. Ahrens is confined to the Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Deigel are visiting in Detroit. Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs C. W. Leonhardt on Monday evening.. Next week it will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Amstein. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Queren- gesser and Susan of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Don Barber and Shirlie Anne of Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. Jiro. G. Bins. 'Mrs. John Brodhagen, NIr. Wil- fred Brodhagen of Mitchell and Miss Fleming of Stratford, with Mr. rand Mrs. Harold Mogk. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wurdell of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jordan. Moving pictures were shown in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Sunday evening, on Stewardship. VARNA Special Christmas services will be held in the United Church on Sun- day next Det 21. Tho regular ser- vice in the morning and a special -rrviee in the evening. The Sunday School Christmas en- tertainment will be held on Monday evening Dec. 22,in the township hal], lunch will e served at the The township council timet for its la -t ntec"tin,c of the year on Monday of this week. • HENSALL Rev. Sanderson Guest Speaker The regular meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Young People was held in the school -room of the church on Monday evening. The president Mr. Clark Kennedy conducted the wor- ship period. The meeting opened by singing several Xmas carols after which Robert Taylor led in prayer. The scripture was read by Russel Moore. The carol "The First Now ell", Rev. R. H. Sanderson was the guest speaker and gave an interest- ing address based on happening elf his younger days in England. He snake on religious services of that time and also related some humor - nus incidents which were much en- ioved by those present Miss Aline, Bell favoured with a vocal solo en- titled "The Gift". Arrangements were made to prepare boxes for shut-ins at Christmas, donations will he accepted by members of Carmel Church,these boxes are to be pre- pared at our next meeting, Dec, 22. The meeting closed by singing "Joy to the World" and the Benediction by Rev. Ferguson. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947 LOGAN Logan Council met .on December Sth at 1. p.m. Win. H. Chaffe being absent due to a recent illness. The Reeve presided, the minutes read, adopted and signed. Correspondence read and disposed of. Clerk instruct- ed to write for further information on vacation of employees with pay. T,V.A. account of $14.00 ordered paid, Logan share . of first levy. Rudolph Mueller was paid the stun of $25.00 for Cutting willows in Weir drain being part of intended clears out of `Rahn Drain, being its outlet; the drain has been surveyed.. Glen Battin, $1.12, Roy Bradshaw, $11.- 12, Dick Bradshaw $7.50 and John Bradshaw, $13.37 for cutting wil- lows in extension of N.W. drain or- dered paid, the drain has been sur- veyed. Fees of D R O.s., Poll Clerks and polling booths were ordered paid $6.50, $4.00, 15.00. 1111.0.11. salary ordered paid, $175,00. Caretaker of hall paid his fees, -the sum of 129. Court of Revision on North East drain and extension was formed. By-law 434.1947. Appeal of R. Bauer on Lot. 2, .Con. 9, allowed, acreage reduced to 25 acres and as- sessment to $22.50. Other appeals dismissed and Court of Revision closed. Appeals were filed with the Clerk by Geo. Douglas and N. Mor- eno (immediately) from the Court t e om y c ) of Revision to the Judge last date for such appeals being 10 days from closing of Court of Revision. Road accounts ordered paid, total of $1,- 307, 80 and General accounts order- ed rdered paid being $540.58. Council ad- journed to meet Dec. 15th, at Twp. hall, 1 p.ni. John A. Rudolph, Clerk. WINTHROP The annual Xmas concert was field in Cavan Church, Friday, Dec. 12 with a large attendance: The Pa- geant, "Gifts for the King," put on by the S.S. children under the leadership of Mrs. Will Dodds and Mrs. E. Toll, was well presented. Santa Claus made his usual appear- ance and distributed gifts from a well laden tree. Mrs. Theron Bettles spent the weekend in Goderich with relatives. _Misses Agnes and Doris Broadfoot of London spent the weekend with relatives here. VARNA Themany fr'iends o the Rev f LeVei'ne Morgan will be pleased to welcome their Rector back to his parish where he will administer Holy Communion at 11 -a.m., Sunday, Dec. 21st, An appeal to all mem- bers is requested. During the ab- sence of Rev. Morgan, Mr. T. Lloyd Lake, a student of Huron College, very ably carried on the service and while here made many friends who look forward to a bright future for Mit Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Soper and family spent Sunday with friends in Stra£- fordsville. Mrs. Jamieson of Centralia is spending a few days with her moth- er, Mrs. Reid. HENSALL Mfrs, Mary Hennesey of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Elsie Case. Mrs. Jack Corbett, Rose and Con- nie spent the weekend in London with the former's sisters, Mrs. Leslie Adonis and Mrs. Chapman. Special Xmas Services will be held in the Ilensall iJnited Church on Sunday, Dec, 21st. Rev. It. A. Brook will speak on the theme 'The Spiritual Dawn". In the evening a candle -light se}Wire will be held in which the choir members of the Sun- day school and congregation will combine in a service of Christmas anthems and carols. A children's chorus will sing "Away in a Man- ger". Nine readers from the Sunday School will be light -bearers and bring messages from scripture. White Gifts will he presented to help the needy folk in Britain. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell of Lon- don, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, returned home after spending a week with her daughters Miss Helen McNaugh- ton and Mrs. John Duncan, hi Tor- onto. The Hensall Public School concert will be held in the Town hall, Hen- sel] on Thursday, Dec. 18th at ,8 p.m. Mr, Wm. Fee and Miss Mary Fee visited recently with friends in Goderieh. Who Wrote "Night Before Christmas"? You'll find an absorbing behind - the -scenes report about the most famous of all Yule poems, in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (December 21) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Also for your holi- day -time attention will be Christmas decoration ideas and suggested reci- pes for Christmas dinner. Get Sun- day's Detroit Times. Music will add Joy to your Christmas Now is the timte to replace your old radio with one of the new and improved models we have on display 1:t RCA 'VICTOR RECORDS MAKE MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFTS DALY'S STAFORTH E 0 E; T THEATRE ' E SEAFORTH, NOW VLAYSNG "AWES IRISH ROSE" Thur. Fri. Sat. with MICHAEL CIIEI{0V — JOANNE DRU — RICHARD NORRIS A Bin," Crosby Production—the moat baioved story of Yoath and live. It i5 WI rh out n doubt the most riotously romantic hit in pictures,. Don"L miss this Comedy Mosaic MON. TUES. WED. "BOOMERANG" .Double Feature -. with Duna Andrews & Jane Wyatt It actually happened a number of years age and to -day remains an unsolved murder —Anel THE WALCO'I"T - LEWIS FIGHT NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT "THUNDER IN THE VALLEY" In Technicolor with LON McALLI$TER mai PEGGY ANN GARNER Based on the novel, "BOB, SON OF BATTLE" by Alfred 011ivmtt. Coming "WINTER WONDERLAND" with LYNNE RQBERTS — CHARLES MIKE HARLOCK The teacher and pupils of No, 7i school held their Christmas entertain., ment Dec. 8. There was a good attend- ance and the program was good. • The teacher; Mrs. Arthur Colson, and pupils of No. 6, held their Christ- mas ,entertainment Dec. 11. They also had a good program and a full house. Nor: and Mrs. Arthur Colson Mr.r. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson and NIr. and Mrs. Ilarry Sturdy, spent the week end in Waterioo and Toronto, going Friday and returning home Sunday night. Mr. Robert Jamieson and his bro- ther Will `Jamieson Waterloo, called Friday night on Mr Albeit Rapson, who has been for some, time in the hospital. They say he was in good spirits but very thin. Mr. John Rapson and brother Harry Of McKillop motored to Kitchener Sunday to see their father Mr. Albert Rapson, If all is well they expect he will soon be able to get home: We are very sorry Mr. Thomas Neilans has not been enjoying good health lately, but hope he will soon be his usual self again. Mr. Isaac Rapson spent one evening last week at the home of Mrs. Annie Leiper and family. Mr. Archie Watt and a friend spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt. Mrs. Watson Reid and her pupils are holding their C:hr'lstmas 'entertain tit eat. in Londesliorc ball Dec. 2 2.,, Mrs. Reid always puts on a good concert so rweoads,pe for a good night and good !to BORN SCOTT---- At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec, 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 13. Scott, RBA Seaforth a son. WILLIAMSON — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dee. 14, to Mr. and Herbert Williamson, Walton, a son, PATRICK—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Dec, 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patrick, RR2 Walton, a daughter', ETUIS-- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Etue, RR2 Zurich, a son. SHOBBROOK — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shobbroolt, R111 lIlytit, a daughter. SPECIAL XMAS NIGHT DANCE December25-. IN LIMEY'S HALL. DUBLIN NORM CARNEGIE AND HIS BAND DANCING 9 TO 1. TICKETS 76e DANCE! AUSPICES OF KIPPENEAST INSTITUTE HENSALL HALL MON., DEC. 29 FLANIGAN'S ORCHESTRA Ladies' Lucky Lunch Ticket LADIES PLEASE PROVIDE LUNCH Dancing starts at 9'P.M. Admission 50c DANCE! Staffa Hall FRIDAY, DEC. 19 MIURDOCFI'S ORCHESTRA Auspicesi of Dublin Girls Softball Club A RECEPTION Will be held in Winthrop Hall on TUESDAY, DEC. 23 For Mr. and Mrs. Ross McDoeald, newlyweds Everybody welcome Please bring lunch EtAINSWAIUMAIMAIMAIWIAANIAANRI PROCLAMATION BOXIN By resolution of the Council I hereby proclaim :'MAY,SE . E B (Boxing Day), a Holiday for the Town of Seaforth, and respectfully request the citizens and business men to observe same. M. A. REID Mayor GOD SAVE TFIE KING This Christmas, give a SULOVA Watch! There is no remembrance so precious as a dependable timepiece —none that lives so long 4n useful service. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE & GLASSWIRE A small deposit holds any article until Xmas J. A. WESTCOTT - Jeweller - Seaforth