HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-12-18, Page 3Fl THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947 CROMARTY Cromarty Ladies' Aid held their annual. meeting Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. John Wal lace with nine present. The presi- THE SEAFORTH NEWS dent, Mrs. Houghton, read the scrip- ture and offered prayer. The follow- ing officers were re-elected for next year; president, Mrs. Houghton; vice-presidents, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Mc- Laren; secretary, Mrs. Laing; assist- ant, Mrs. Sorsclahl; treasurer, Mrs. McLaughlin; card committee, Mrs/. Leslie, Mrs, R, J. Scott; work com- mittee, Mrs. John Wallace, Mrs, Ti 3E INIS Condensed Statement as at 31st Octobet, 1947 ASSETS Cash on Rand and in Banks, including Bank of Canada... Deposit with Minister of Finance Government and Other Securities Call Loans Total Quick Assets Commercial Loans and Discounts Bank Premises $ 64,331,826 40,394 138,803,838 8,445,633 $211,621,69. , 131,352,952 5,342,528 Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit, Acceptances and Sundry Other Assets .... .... ......... ..... ... 12,207,499 $360,524,670 LIABILITIES Deposits $323,277,655 Deposits by other Banks 6,814 545 Notes in Circulation 677,444 Letters of Credit, Acceptances. and Sundry Other Liabilities, 12,122,613 Total, Liabilities to the Public....... ......... .$342,892,257 Capital Paid Up . . . ........ ... . . .. . . . ... . $ 7,000,000 Reserve Fund ..... , . , 10,000,000 Undivided Profits 632,413$ 17,632,413 $360,524,670 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the year ended 31st October, 1947, after making appropria- tions to Contingency Reserves, out of which full provision for bad and doubtful debts has been made $2,441,201.02 Provision for depreciation of Bank Premises 214,766.12 Provision for Dominion and Provincial Taxes $2,226,434,9016 _ 1 1,756:19 .11 Dividends at the rate of temper cent per annum $ 77 ,000.00. 7oo,o9u:oo Amount CarriedForward 5 271671'.11 Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 31st October, 1946 1,360.73'1,0d Transferred to Reserve Fund $1 0 (' (`) 1 1 ul.: :n) Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 31st 0 tei,er, 1947 C. H. CARLISLE, President ROBERT. RAF, G,'#:r:, Facts to date show that consumption of electricity has been somewhat reduced by modified ration- ing and voluntary savings. The Commission appreciates the effort of all consumers in this con- nr,c,,ion. But results are still short of being enough. R', --,:;t icioy costs so little in this province that people have long been accustomed to using it lavishly. For example, your porch Tight left burning when not needed is wasting electricity. Ask yourself honestly: are you doing all you can to help relieve this situation? El ctr1ehy is predous! Dont waste it a Save it: DO YOUR PART TO KEEP PAY ENVELOPES FULL Continuing deficiency still forces some industries to get along on substantially less power than is re- quired for peak production and full employment. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO PROPOSE POULTRY AGREEMENT Adoption o1 a marketing agreement wag 1ec'alllnlr idled 'Nf rept' gelalat- :tives of local 00 -operatives interested in poultry lnat);'-11,111 d_ '1 il_•'ltll.", in Toronto on Dec. 2. The meeting appointed a Drovh-ional 11sI(111110 to discussiauo1' the new ala rlcetim, agreementc, left to right (1,lrn t Taylor, Pict on, president at Pi ince Nu00111 I u,llr••; Prodocts Cooperative; Ralph Staples, Toronto. 0 UnitFarmers c oopiT tiVI! ('0. director and president of the l oclperat1ve Union or Canada Piave Reith, Seaforth; P S. Meliercher, president, Seaforth 1"ur1 1s_ Co-operative. and A. 81. Johnston, IVardsville, Houghton, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs, McKellar, Mrs. Harper; pianist, Mrs Sorsdahl; assistant, Mits. K. Mchellar. Herbert Mahaffy is reported pro- gressing favorably after his recent operation in a London Hospital. Mrs. John Scott was taken by am- balance to Seaforth hospital. CHANGES IN 1948 COUNTY COUNCIL. There will be quite a number of changes in the Huron County Coun- cil for 1948. Several municipalities as a result of the elections already have yet to hold their elections, but held eight seats at the 1948 Council will be occupied by beeves and de- puty reeves who are not members of the 1947 Council. Members already elected for 1948 are as follows (those marked * are new members): Ashfield—Cecil Johnston. Colborne—Stanley Snyder. Goderich Township—Geo. Ginn. Stephen --Elmer Lawson', Henry Beaver*. Hullett--John W. Armstrong. East Wawanosh—J. D. Beecroft. West Wawanosh- Everett Finni- gan'. lYforr'is—Harvey Johnston'. Grey --John 14IcNabb0', Clifford Rowland* 'l'uinberry--Walter H, Woods. Howirk—John -Winter, l'3; J. Far- rlsh Goderich Town -•-J. E. Huckins':;,• Clayton Echvardse. he atwth -I S. Sills. W iI hin 1 IIu1'ray Johnson. Brussels—R. 11. Cousins. I.;th—Frank T. IJaiuton, Hew -all --A, W. Kerslake. In Stephen township Reeve Roy Rutz and Deputy Reeve Arthur Amy retired, and their places :are taken by Elmer Lawson and Henry Beaver, the latter elected by acclamation. In West IVawanosh Reeve Brown Smyth retired after his year as war- den of the county, and in the elec- tion which ensued. Everett Finnigan was chosen as reeve. Morris township sends a new man in Harvey Johnston. Ile. succeeds Cecil Wheelei.', who retired after five years in the reev eship. Grey township has two new re-. preeee t..ttvt1, John McNabb and Clifford Rowland. After many years in the Council Ex -Warden Alex. Alexander retired from the reeve - ship and Deputy Reeve Stanley Me- ehan was nominated to succeed hint. John McNabb, who years ago was a member for• several terms, opposed him and won a close vote. In his appeal to the voters Mr, McNabb proposed to "stop the building of the Court House at. Goderich and save the ratepayers of Grey township 1 %1' • FARE AND A HALF Good going:-S,uurday, 1)e- 00101er 211th, 1917, to and including rhursday, January 1st, 151.18. Return Limit—Leave desti- nation not Inter than olid, night, \\ ednesday, January 'th, 1948, 77dts and rnurplefe informer - tem from .nrr dgerit, OLD•DiSABLLD OR DEAD CATTLE . HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Prorn0y and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect L - ielfTCHELL 219 - STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE REST I er Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 DARLING (" OP CANADA trD; • CHATHAM. ONTARIO thirty •of forty thousand dollars." Clifford Rowland was elected de- puty reeve. For the town of Goderich J. E. Huckins and Clayton Edward sue- ceethiesond Reeve Maeliwan (elected to the mayoralty) and Deputy Reeve Ma- . STEPFIEN TOWNSHIP Stephen Township on Monday elected Elmer Lawson as reeve, with a vote of 538 to 478 for James 1'I. '.Dalton.. Councillors elected are ROY Swartz, Willis Gill and John A. Mor- I1 invey. Henry Beaver was efeeted deputy reeve by acclamation. GREY TOWNSHIP John oirNabl, was elected reeve of Grey township en M onday, defeat- the -1e117 reeve, Stanley Machan, to 881. Clifford I1oxltnd was t ee ', d deputy re 1 1.1. red the (mull - (dim) 8 burs,11 1i-: are Berk Johnston,Kenneth. -AJ Fi-i uie and Percy Ward, E1011,7,18 TOWNSHIP Cauncillurs elet•terl in Morris tnv a -,hill ur ,l .,u earn k, Bailie !Parrott, ,,n+uel :tocock ock and Charles Coult es. Harley Ju11n:eton was elect- ed to the reeves,Iiip by acclamati on. VARNA Mrs. 26. U. Beatty of Varna has 1et','ived aletter of thanks frum the I Bible Society. Since 11)45 Mrs. 1'eatte has collected and sent to the Society 27,550 used stamps. liven bits of stamps are used on cards with mottoes and turned into Money !ler the Society: In wie year over I e5,000 was realized from old used !and torn stamps, so there is no need of anything being wasted. Think how many stamps are thrown into the fire. Dear Mrs. Beatty; Thank you for your letter of Dec, 3rd and `loather contribution of used postage stamps. We deeply appreciate all you have done to help in this way, and you will no doubt be interested to know that one of the colporteurs support- ed from the proceeds of the sale of used postage stamps, Enrique Ba - Baran of t olivitt, sold some (10,000 copies of the Scriptures last year. We pray you may have continued health and strength to help in this way. Wt.], every gaud wish, Yours faithfully, J. B. 34. Armour WALTON The regular W.M.S. meeting NV:10 held in the church hastment r'n December 10, udder the leadership her group the annual candle lighting service was conducted. Thin year's theme was Christmas for all nation- al:ies. As each candle was lit we were told of the people from whoa, it was lit and a carol familiar to that country was Sung. We: heard carols of Prance, Germany, Poland, South Africa, etc. The last candle to be lit was the candle of Christian Love. 4Wlien it was lighted we were tnld to "Love thy ne:_;hhot' as thyself this truly is to keep Christmas. Lave can spark a lau ua0e :aa natienalitias can understand.- The worship part 1.' our se 1.1 ; ml ;luted with "Our I ntd's sumbdtry of the 1:1w". • 1.0 001 cell to be answered by > Chrietmas Thought" ht was well re- sponded to The 'treasurer's ui ei report .41,10ed Cant we have 1'ai0ed over 055(1.00, so have been able to ex- ceedour allaeatiern again this year. The C:G.I.T. group are hol,l'_nst their annual vesper ;ereiee in the chtlrvh basement on December 22. at ?; pan, and ell W.M.S. are invited to :mend. The n0n1h1atin„• committee brought in the list of -officers for 19-11. 'i ;1 e• Will a,e installed :11 0tir '0lectih.g. The list is °s roil,/et S. Officers, Hon. ores.. MrsE. Bee.„ -- /met- 11re- 111'0. 1' G. 11 lmee ret: 1st vice -pros., Mrs. D. VM1ts,1(1: 91nd circ-prlo,. Mrs. J, Mars'e.41; :11.6 • O i,'0'91., ' 11.5, 4'. li o1'tin : sec.. M('5, 1'. T. Holman: Treas.; 111•s. 11. Hol • - 111111 slimily sec., Ml's. S. Johnston: 'come`. Fl•ieed See„ Mrs. N. P.eid; `e.,. of •le, 1ptran e and Christian Pellowship, Mrs. N. Sehade, Mis.4on• :try mnllthly sec., Mrs, H. Johnston: Stewardship sec.. Mrs. H. Kirkby; Literature sec., Mrs. 1.. Bennett ; As- soc. Helpers ser., Mrs M§r, C. Hack - well: Mission Band Stipt., Mrs. A. McCall: ass't., Mrs. W. Broad loot; B;iby• Band supt., Mrs. G. '.11eG n'in: C.G,LT. leader, Mrs. U, Hazle- wood. assts„ Mes. H. Kirkby, Mrs. G. McArthur; auditors, Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Mrs. John McDonald, Woolen's Associeeion Officers for 1048: Hon. Tres., Mrs. R. Reid; Pres., "1. vs. W. 3, Bennett; 1st vice -pees., ars. 3. Smith; 2nd vice -pro Mrs. Ritchie;C. 3rd v to t pre.s,, 111.. 1V. vinninelle see„ ZIrs i (Tall treas., ils. W. Davidson pllnists, Mrs. W. nevi/Ison, Mrs. H Johnston, Dar's. J. liryans; Flower 00111„ Mrs. S. Jam - sten, Mrs. D. Renis. HU.LLETT The "Farm Forum" meeting of S.S. No. 1, Hullett, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glazier on Monday evening Dec. 8, With 21 in attendance. Three groups were formed to discuss "The teacher in the oemmunity". The remainder of the edening was spent in playing Progressive euchre, after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Next meeting to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wn1. Hol- land. olland. HENSALL The annual Public School concert will be held in the Town hall, Hoa- sell, on Thursday evening' Dec. 18. Plan to attend the concert. The Ladies of Carmel Presbyter- ian held a most successful bazaar and supper in the school -room of the chnrcll 011 Sattn'day last. Mr. Bruce Glenn of 0.A.C„ Guelph. spent the weekend at the !home of his parents, Mr. and SIrs. 301111 NI. Glenn. The I'Iensall' Branch Canadian: Le- gion will hold the Christmas bingo and dance in the Town hall on Wed- nesday Dec. 17. Prizes of fowl will be given for the bingo. •