HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-12-11, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
For All Makes of
Cars and Trucks
Fitted while you
Dads Garage
Y �
Mr. Frank Marshall, Toronto, and
Bally, Guelph, at their home,
Sirs. George .Beadle, Auburn, at
the home of Mr. and MI's. Clifford
Brown, her daughter.
Mrs. Horace Rutledge left on
Tuesday for her home in Quebec,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dundas of Mc -
have moved to Walton to the
Nicholson honne that they purchased
Mrs. Wm. Perrde and son Donald
and her mother', Mrs. G. Pollard, in
Send us die names of yourvisitors.-
4PM1.F-al ignAW;WV21.0 if4e ` �►e ( e -:I
Dolls! -ems
95c to $4.99
Toddlers' Ski Suits $7.50 & $8.95
Silk Rompers .............. $269
1.29 & 1.98
t 2.65 e. 3-25 40Boys' two-piece Cotton Jersey Suits
& Wool Jersey Suits
Girls' Blouses $1.25 to $2.50
Girls' Brushed Rayon Hoods & Parkas
3 only Wool Plaid Parkas, size 4, 5 & 6
, Kiddies Sha
5,' Queen's Hotel,
Seaforth � e 4r
Make This Christmas One To Be
Remembered, With
A Chesterfield Suite Sofa Beds & Studio Couches
Bedroom Suite Lazy Boy & Cogswell chairs
Breakfast Room Suites Tri -light Lamps
Torchaire Lamps Table Lamp
Pin-up & Bed Lamp Coffee Tables •
Occasional Chair Occasional Tables
Magazine Racks Wool Blankets
Chenille Bed Spreads Metal Beds
Spring, & Spring filled Mattress
Axminster Rugs 9x12, & 7=%x9
Occasional Chairs
Cedar Chests Corner cupboards
:Mirrors, all sizes & shapes
Give Home Furnishings for Christmas
d Ike WHET t E
i'it,+tur. t t AS ih .
SL I'DI{'1'Ii, ON'l'.
Only 10 days left to get acquainted with
FEEDS sold at
Special prices of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton
reduction for one month from November
20th to December 20th.
We can also supply you with Bran,
Feed Flour, Oats, Barley, Wheat whole or
ground, at market prices.
Mr, and !Mrs. Sam Smythe, George
and .Ir. and hiss. .Chas. .Leonhardt
of 1Titchell with Mr. and Mrs. C.' W.
lfir, and Mrs, Harold Corman and
daughter Ella Louise of Dublin with
,Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Dickeson of Tees,
waterwith their son Mr, Ford Dicke -
son and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. W. Schultz is visiting her
mother Mrs.Gelhar in Kitchener for
a few days.
Eric Schultz of Waterloo, with
ltev, and Mrs. Schultz
Roy, Amstein of Kitchener with
Mr:. and Mrs. Amstein.
Robert Rock of Waterloo with
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock.
i Mr. and Mrs. Don Markle and.
Bradley of Woodstock With Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Diegel.
t Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell'
Dolmage, Seaforth.
Mrs. Alvina Diegel returned home! after spending a month with her
daughter Mrs. Ed. Kressler and Mr.
Kressler at Stratford..
I Farin Forum was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beu-
erman and the next meeting will,be
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. W. Leonhardt,.
troln, Chap., Fred McClymont, Rec,
Sec., Robt. Taylor, Fin. See., Ralph
Turner, Treas., Harold Coleman,
Marshall, Murray Rohner, 1st Lect.
Joint Aldington, 2nd Lect., Lloyd
Johnston, let Com., T. J. Stinson.
Lunch was served+at the close.
The December meeting of the
Tuckersmith Ladies' Club . was held
at the home of Mrs. Warren ' Gib
bings with 19 members, 13 visitors
and 13 children present. The roll
call was answered by giving a Xmas
recipe: The yearly reports were giv-
en. It was' decided to donate $50.00
to the Clinton' Hospital to buy lamps,
also, to give $10, to the Tuberculosis
Fund. A reading and an encore were
given by Mrs. Burns and a recitation
by Douglas Gibbings. A number of
household hints were read by Mrs.
H. Johns. The president gave a very
good contest, the winner being
Mrs. A. Crich. A vote of thanks was
given by Mrs. W. Pepper to Mrs,
Gibhings for the use of her home.
With only two more nights of bowl-
ing for the Londesbaro bowling lea-
gue, interest is quite keen as a 'num-
ber have been quite close in scores.
The teams consist of B.A.'s (Jack Lee
rapt.), Tally-ho's (Bill Leiper capt.);
Extremes (Hugh Millar cap.) and
Slow Starters (Glen Carter caps.),
(lames are Played in Clinton on Fri-
day. night. The standing to date is:
Team with most points -Slow 'Start-
et•s (Glen Carter, Gordon MacGregor,
Clifford Sandet•cock George Carter,
Jack Webster). High single -John
Armstrong (Tallyhos 309). High
triple-Jois Armstrong 779. High.
average -Glen Carter (Slow Starters
204), Slow Starters -45 :points; Tally
he's 44 points; B.A.'s 30 points; Ex-
tremes 21. points.
The Christmas concert at S.S. No.
4, McKillop, on Tuesday Dec. 16th
at 8 p.m. program and a play by
the older folk. •
The annual Christmas Tree and con-
vert will be held in. S.S. #3, Kinbmn
school, Friday. Dee. 12. at S o'clock
Sri's. William Britton is visiting her
daughter, 1Irs. Ar'ehie Hoggartli, sit
Mr. Frank Riley returned home
Tuaisdo t;fter being a patient in St.
Jia' p11'. 110:1)1i London.
11r, r l..0 l T0110.7 and Mr, Kea
..uriiutl of I.o+.•,,.l 1 vi.sicr'd with Leo
1 1.''•u n cti 't arday.
Jan Medd I, a ualient in
tin Cilium. Ho:xprt.rl at present.
Word was received here on Sun-
day of the death of Mr. Louis Day
at his home in Detroit, Mr. Day had
been a summer resident in Bayfield
for over thirty years and was well
known in the community: Besides
his widow he leaves one son, Jim
Day of Detroit and Jean, Mrs. Lorne
Cook of Chicago.
Donald MacLeod left on Wednes-
day last for Vancouver, B.C. to
visit is brother Harold MacLeod.
Mrs. Fred MacEwen left this week
to spend the winter in Seaforth.
Miss Melvena Sturgeon of London
spent the weekend at her home in
the village.
Mrs. le. A. Edwards left last week
for Kitchener en route to Broad-
view, Sask. where she intends to
spend the -winter.'
Mrs. E. P. Lewis of Toronto is
the guest of Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Sit'. and Mrs. Harold Corfield who
have Lived in the village for the past
year, moved to Fergus last week.
The Postmaster; Bayfield asks the
co-operation of all patrons in the
handling of the Christmas mail. Here
are ways in which you' can speed de-
spatch and deliver:
1. Stamp .and face all letters and
cards and 'tie in bundles. This will
save the Rural Courier or postal
clerk at least one handling.
2. Please past parcels and pur-
chase money orders between the
hours of 8:30 a.m.-9.30 a.m. 10 -
11.30 a.m. and after 2.30 in the
afternoon. Do not hold up the Gen-
eral Delivery by posting them when
mail is beteg delivered.
3. Do not crowd the lobby and
talk while mail is being sorbed. The
hum of conversation distracts work-
ers and slows up sortation.
The annual meeting of the W.M.
S. and W. A. of St, Andrews United
Church, Bayfield, was held last
Thursday at the Dome of Mrs. Glad-
win Westlake, with a good_ attend-
ance, after appropriate Christmas
programme by each Society the in-
stallation of officers took place for
1948. For the W.M.S.: President,
Mrs. Fred Watson, Secretary, Mrs.
Robert Scotchmer, T4'easurer, Mrs.
David Dewar, 1st vice. Mrs. Colin
Campbell, 2nd vice. Miss Maud
W. A. Officers: President, Mrs.
Lloyd Makins, Secretary, Mrs. Wm.
Sparks; Treasurer, Mrs. Charles
Toms, 1st vice. Mrs. M. Toms, 2nd
vice, Mrs. Len. Talbot, 3rd vice,
Mrs. Roy Scotchmer. A ten cent tea
closed the meeting. The next will be
held at the home of Mrs. Russell
rrn forum :,f the Sth and Inn was
held .at. the Imine of STI'. and lits. Rob).
lanucsnil has Monday night.
'!L. and Mrs. James s Fan•service of-
t on,Iobol o intend celebrating their
olden weddlug anniversary in Lon -
d "shore community hall on Saturday
night, Dec. 18. 'l'luir many friends
wish them an enjoyable evening and
many more years of happy married
Wm. Carter judged the poultry et
the Owen Sound show last week,
Teachers and pupils are busy Pre-
paring their Xmas cmu'.erts, the maj-
ority holding -.them in the school
]rouses. Mrs, Reid and pupils of S,S.
No. 11 will present their concert in
l,ondesboro community hail Dec, 22.
To the Editor:
IIat's off to Disgusted McKillop Tax
Payer. There are nary more - wall
you, yes, toe many criticize but now
opportunity presents itselftoget. out
--attend nomination in regards to
Council and Reeve, It is time each
voter did their duty_. by picking men
that, won't sleep on the Job.
Other surrounding township roads
were opened immediately-- after
storms; in cur Township the most
done about if was talking, wondering
where the plough or "Cat" was.
.I1 was (4i her broken, or being
painted white• we waited for the sun
to do the job We hope 1948 will see
more active Wren in charge. Itt this
1 machine' r•„ , Holds don't make good
No. 2 1)i- ' '4 Mel{iliop 'Pax Pttyer
Telephone 354
We are pleased to know Mr. 14.
Dalrymple is doing nicely since his
return from London hospital last week
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyce attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. D. Beattie, a
former resident of Bruceleld, at Lon-
don last Friday.
Mr. Will Hill passed away at his
Route in Brucetiold last Thursday. Mr.
Hill hail been a long and patient suf-
ferer; the funeral service which was
held in the church 011 Saturday was
very largely attended. 11Irs, Hill and
other relatives have the sympathy of
friend~ and neighhora.
The W.M.S. held the monthly meet-
ing on Tuesday. The president- Mrs.
H. Dalrymple opened the meeting with
o Christmas verse se followed by prayer,
liter minutes were read, the roll call
MIS responded to with verses on The
Nativity. The secretary Mre. Baird
read the names of the officers for
next. year, which are lion, fres., Mrs.
A. Mustard Sr., Pres. Mrs. IL Dal-
rymple; 1st vice, Mrs. W. Scott; 2nd
vice, Mrs. C. Haugh; rec. secy. Mrs.
T. Baird; treaa. Mr's, H. Aikonhead;
cm•. secy. Mrs. 1:. Stanway; Christian
Stewardship, Mrs, R. Seott; expense
fund treas. Miss E. Bovey, cont.
friendship sec. Mrs. 1. Thomson, Mrs.
C. Baugh and Mrs. W. Moffat; supply
sec, Miss M. Swan and Mrs. L. Hill;
literature secy. 1Vlrs. A. Zapte; mis-
sionary monthly, Mrs. A. McQueen;,
associate members sec. Mrs. R. Allan;
temperance, Mrs. 13. Keyes; Mission
band suets. Miss M, McCully and Mrs.
S. McDonald; pianists, Mrs. A, John-
ston and Miss 1VI. McQueen. An article
on Christian stewardship was read
by Mrs. R. Scott. The worship service
opened with anisic and call to wor-
ship by Mrs. C. (laugh. 0 Little town
of Bethlehem was sung; cluing the
singing of this hymn the central can-
dle representing Jesus, the Light of
the world, was lit, The Christmas
story, Luke 2:4-20, was read it unison.
The candle -lighting ceremony was led
by Mrs. H. Alkenheacl, Lake 1:43-39.
Mrs. A. Zaple lit' the candle of good
will and friendship for the Jews of
Canada. "Tway in the moon of winter
time," an Indian carol, was read by
Miss E. Bowey. Mrs. Baird lit the
candle for Canadian Indians, A French
carol, "0 come, all ye faithful," was
sung and Mrs R. Scott lit the candle
for the French Canadians. A German
carol "Away in a manger," was sting
and Mrs. R. Allan lit tate candle for
those whose ancestors came from Eur•
opo to found new homes in Canada.
An African carol "0 little one lowly:
0 little One Holy" was read by Mrs.
J. Thomson. Mrs. Dalrymple lit the
candle for those who came to Canada
from Africa and Asia. A Polish carol:
Infant holy, infant lowly, was sung.
Miss M. Swan lit the candle for all
newcomers to Canada from the wan
devastated lands of Europe. A Canad-
ian carol: "Gentle Mary laid her
child" was sung. Mrs. W. Scott lit the
candle of Christian love and quoted,
Mrs. Aikenhead lead in prayer anri
closed the meeting with benediction.
At the morning service next Sunday
two new elders, Mr. Norman 'Walker
and Mr. Fred Boyce, will he inducted
into the. Session.
The Unite,' Church S.S. Christ-
mas eutcrta',ment will •be held on
"-ionday, Dec. 22.
The Iibrar-- Board met at the li-
brary .on It..,rday evening last and
intent] getti, • a supply of books for
the coming car, The library also re-
ceived a en,...1v of books from the
Huron Cot Library Association
last week. anyone who enjoys
roadie?. 1 book should avail
therescl cs some good reading
these long c. nina's.
1: 0.4 l r,, • held its annual meet.
ins• on Th -;'av evening last. The
fallowing o• •c-rs were elected: W.
. Lorne C' ,l: that, D. M. John Os -
Now 11;:etiiN6 TRAIL TO SAN ANTONE' Thur. Fri. Sat.
with Cl2i4:Atirie ' and 'CRA.IDIPION - The Wondor,yorse of the West Country'
An exciting Adventure story which will -keep 'y0i ,'lht suspense alt the way through
A Bing Crosby Production -the most beloved story Of youth and love. It 1$ without 0
doubt the most riotously romantic hit in pictures. Don't miss this Comedy Brassie
COMING: Double Feature "BOOMERANG" with Dana Andrews & Jano Wyatt
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25a.
in Ontario used their Provincial Wholesale in
1946-47 to a greater degree than ever before.
As a result the Wholesale was able to increase
its volume, earnings and patronage returns, The
local co-operatives in turn distributed these
wholesale earnings to their Farmer members,
Working together in an increasing number of
common undertakings, the Central and the
local co-operatives record with pride a year
of progress.
Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative t,..
Mrs. Richard (Ida Ann) Treble,
native of Huron County, Hied at her
residence, 231 Simeon street, Sat-
urday, hi her G8th year. She came
to London 27 years ago from i')xe-
Surviving, in addition to her hus-
band, are two sisters, Mrs, George
(Violet) Brownlee, Seaforth; and
Mrs. George (Flossie) Lovell, Lon-
don; and three brothers, Ernest
Flynn, London; Egbert Flynn,
Cleaves, Sask.; and Russell Flynn,
body rested at the Oatman
funeral home where service was
held Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. J. W.
Hunt, Wellington Street United
Church, officiated and interment
was in Woodland Cemetery.
Continued From Page 1
Fidelity Ins. Co'y, bond re J. Cum-
ming, $8,00; Public Utility Com.,
$3.10; Geo. D. Ferguson, 314.75; A.
Reid, fire chief salt, $150.; Treas.
Seaforth Fire Brigade, grant, 3438;
Ration Board Sec'y, re ration board,
$40.00; P.U.C. Electric dept. St.
lights, 32,030.00; Scott Habkirk
34.90; W. R. Smith, $13.22; Sea-
forth News, 3327.95; Bell Tele-
phone Co'y, 33.45; London Scale
Works, 311.00; R. Holmes, police
clerk, 325.00; Kerslakes, 319.70;
This Christmas, give a
BULOVA Watch! There is
no remembrance so precious
es a dependable timepiece
-none that lives so long 4e
useful service.
.� us
A small deposit holds any article until Xmas
J. A. WESTCOTT Jeweller - Seaforth