HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-11-20, Page 8HENSALL The December meeting will be held, at the home of Mrs. Dinuin, with Miss F. Welsh, as co -hostess. Roll call, my favorite Carol, my spe- cial collection to aid the War Mem- orial Children's Hospital Fund, Lon- don. Motto will be given by Mrs. Cross, Miss Ellis will be .the guest speaker. limas carol singing will be conducted by Mrs.' Brown, Social Comm: Mrs. Dinning Miss Welsh, Mrs. ShirraY, Mrs. Ti. Faber, 1VIrs• J. Paterson, MVIls• C. Forrest. At this time Mrs.' Kerslake gave a most in- teresting r'eport of the Institute Con- vention held in London, Oct. 28th,' Oct. 29th and Oct. SOth. Mrs, Ker. - slake asked for representatives to secure early history of the Church for the Tweedsmuir History, the -fol- lowing ladies being _named in tlljs connection. 1VIrs, Goodwin, Anglican Church; Mrs. C, Cock, United Church; Mrs. Cameron, Presbyter- ian Church. National Anthem sung. The president expressed apprecia- tion to all responsible for the enjoy- able evens. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Smillie, Miss Consitt and their assistants. Sunday after spending a few days in the Muskoka district. Hen was the only one in his party to bring home a deer. Card of Thanks The inanity et the late Mr, J. Wellington Johnston, wish: to extend; their sincere grafi- Lure to their relatives , Inhere enol 'friends � t s .netg Ler the kindness and' -sympathy shown them in their rodent bereavement. Also, ter the beautiful floral tributes. Special rthanks to Rev. Retia Hero, Dr. J. A. Gorwill nod Co diose who so kindly loaned cars. CONSTANCE `Ir, Bob Gowswell, Mr, Don Eu- ler, and Donald Stephenson spent h weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leo in Memoriam CLU' F -In loving memory - of my father,. Noble T. Cluff, who Passed away 21 years ago today, Nov. 19, 19'56. As +. wonderfulfather we think of you In memories thatare fond and true; There wasn't a thing too big or small That you, wouldn't try to do for us all, Hear dad, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still In memory yet ere with us As you always were before. Daughter Ireue FOR SALE One good young red Shorthorn cow. with red heifer calf by her side, about 2 months APnly to James Hill, Lot 27, con. 8, Hibbert. THE SEAFORTH NEWS STRAYED 2 -year-old heifer strayed to my 90090111' some time ago, Owitetmay have same by proving, pt'onerty . and jeering expenses. Wil- liam Dorsey, Dublin, Phone 22 r 9., FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet Coupe, good .tires, heater. Apply to John Anderson, Seaforth, R.R. 1. Phone 844 n 25. FOR- SALE A bay's coat and leggings, 0 -niece, size 4, like new. Apply at The News ; Office. TEACHER WANTED A fully qualified Protestant teacher is re (mired for S.S. #2..Tuckeesmith. APPlicmrts to .state experience,., qualkfieattons and weer- ences, and name of last Inspector if experi- enced. Salary $1600. up according to exper- ience. Apply to S. H Whitmore See.--Treas„ Tuckorsmith School Area, Seaforth, FOR SALE Tierce coal - ranges, two with warming' closets and reeetvoles, In good condition, cheap for quick sato, Can be seen any time after 5 o'clock or on Set:today, John Pethick, Notch Main St., Seaforth, FOR SALE 1 cook stove with: reservoir; 1 9 -burner coal e11 stove with. oven in Al condition; 1 building lot, appremimatelY half an 000e, on. George Street. Angus MacLean or phone. 366. the FOR SALE Stephenson,5 chunks of pigs, also, a Lorne Lawson spent good in the saddle. Phone 97 Mr. and alt's. L Central. TEa � in Stratford. e day uD e S TR AY ' th nt. William Dale is attending Steer, weighing around 7110-7615 lbs. strayed exhibiting Fair hisn orsenta, where he is `from the farm of E. J. Box 2111000 High- way, Anyone knowing whereabouts please Mr. Ken Thompson returned home notify E. J. BOA, Seaforth: black delver, r 33. Hensall PARCEL. CARRIER SNOW RUNNERS Easily installed, the retractable Snow Runner for use on prams, convertibles, or strollers, is the ideal all-purpose runner. Adjust- able to suit almost any make of carriage. By means of a foot lever, runners may be retracted, allowing carriage to run on wheels when necessary. til PARCEL CE L CARRIER Large enough to be useful. Rattle -proof -held to axle by strong spring clips -welded construction. Cadmium plated finish. Immediate Delivery That new Maytag you've got your heart set on 1 Come in and see it 1 1 B AT ROOMS WANTED Three rooms wanted.. urgently, Apply to The News Office. FOR SALE 3 -piece Chesterfield suite; electric fire place; dinette suite; cook ,stove; 2 -piece bads. room suite brand new linoleums on each. Doer: 4 pair drapes ; ail brand new, used less -than. 4 months, at the Royal Apartments, Seaforth, phone 278W, FOR SALE 200 hybrid pullets ready.' to lay, Sussex New Hump. cross, Lakeview of Exeter strain, Harold Coleman, phone 063 r 25, 'Seaforth, or 48 r 4, Dublin. Auction Sale OF COWS AND YOUNG CATTLE AT lot 15, con. 13, M¢KHloi Ta01„ on Tuesday, Dee. 2, at 1:30 p.m. led. DAVIDSON, Prop„ Harold Jackson, ..Auctioneer.. Auction saie STRATI•IROSAT., NOV. 22ND. 180 load of choice Hereford steers. Trucks to deliver. . A. G. MCALPINE, Auctioneer. t..TFINN{Gr,; AN'S FLAVOUR"THE SOUL OF FOOD" Allspice, Anise, Day leaves, Caraway Seed, Cassia, Cayenne, Celery salt, Celery seed, Cinnamon, Cloves, Fenner, Ginger, Nutmeg, Paprika. Pepper, Poultry seasoning, Sage, Pump- kin pie spice, Savory. -Food without seasoning is like talk without reasoning. This week and every week -Remember Finnigan los. your Flour, needs. Hood 0)15 the best Five Roses, Robin o SALMON SALMON SALMON b'la lllc: Leal (Red) Golden Net, (Red) Ocean Ring (Pink)) W. J.Fi NNIGAN & SON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1947 1� liner I ' riiit' AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention 'Hospital Bed Flowers for •all occasions . Office Residence 43 18 Nimassonswistwargena _ - nlleitmm r Community Auction Sale 1N THE SEAFORTH SKA'1'ING 1(1NIC. Saturday, Nov, 22nd at-1P.M. Dining room table, chairs. 3 China chairs. . cabin- ets. Breakfast set; bullet noble, '¢heat. Wardrobe, lazy boys choir. -.Child's cot; of drawers. Combination wardrobe & chest, Walnut finish single bed. Tables, high like new). kitchen chairs. Doll buggy Smokers. Congoleum rug 0x0 Ironing board, Radio stand. Stoves, Quebec heater 0 cook stoves. Dishes. Kitchen utensils; leather couch & chair. 1 wine studio couch (practit•es ally new); 2 occasional shahs (like new); Chestereeld table. Rocking chairs. Sewing machine, Cupboards, sink, fruit jar's, CherrY set of drawers. Bed room furniture. 1 -wheel ttoilet in good condition. Man's Sur coat. English pram (like new) ; ol1 burner; largo Quebec. heater; 10 -gal. baerel and tap;. tri - light hump (like new) ; gas lantern' and loran; wardrobe trunk; chest of drawers; ]dtchen cabinet; brown iron bed, Simmons springs and spring' mattress (tte. w ) ;i Simmons 0inue b¢ spins and mattress; Satu7 e sat; congolum nig WS?, rocking chair; alo0teefield bed; upright areae. Mule wvill be open Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. HAROLD 'JACKSON, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS ON Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 12 o'clock sharp, lot 11, con. 4, Morrie two. (174 miles East of nelg give. 30 head of choice Anthems, Poultry; full line of farm machinery, tractor and equip- ment; hay and grain. TERMS -Cash. WM. J. MrMLJRRAY, Prop. Harold. Jackson, Auc- tioneer. Auction Sale OP HAIRY COWS AND YOUNG CATTLE at Porter's Hill. 8 miles West of Halmsville m.. Wednesday, Nov. 260, commencing at 1:30 sharp, consisting of 18 choice -dairy cows, fresh, 3 clue time of .sale, balance due Klee., Jan.. and Feb, 4 farrow cows; 10 }0,letein heifers in calf;: In Holstein heifer calves; 12 yearling Holstein heifers; 20 beef type heifers, This is a good let of stock and will be sold under our usual guarantee, Sale held under cover. Young cattle tb be said first. TERMS- Cash. A. E. T01i NSEND Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Furniture Store Seaforth-Phone 43 Men's Pyjamas Cosy flannelette pyjamas that make for sound sleeping. in an array of colored stripes. Sizes A, B, C. 0 and E. $3.19 Men's Plaid Shirts Men's smart and warm red plaid shirts. The sportsmen really go for these. Sizes 14t// to 17. $2.59 Boys' Mitts Boys' sturdy leather mitts In brown. He'll need a pair of these rugged mitts. Reg. 75c Special - 46c sunanissionsessosausassssavannesnso Children's ALL WOOL LEGGINGS Children's beauti- fully made all wool knitted leggings. Red, navy and brown. Sizes 22 to 30. Reg.. $4.50 and $5.60 special $2.00anealeaSssantsnansras nr,,,nsamana.+e= ; full line of Boots & Shoes for the entire family still at the old prices. We also We lyrry a t o e 's Bos' and Kiddies' Rubber Boots, Ladies' supply of Rubber Footwear -Men's, W m n. , y Men's and Boys' Mackinaw Boots, Boys' & Youths' Hi -cuts. Also other lines. Auction Sale OP FARM STOCK, MONDAY NEXT, Nov. - 24th. 1:30 e'clork, Lot 16, Con. 7. Hullett, 5 roads West. 3 North of Seaforth. Janes E. Medd will offer for sale , 0 head of cattle, 18 Cows, 5 Dual purpose just fresh- ened. 3 Dual purpose to freshen December end January; 2 Iiolstelt cows rising 4 bred. to freshet In January ; 4 pure bred Hereford revs bred,to freshen In spring; 4 Hereford Akers 8n5 Ib. ; 15 winter' calves. 1550 to 500 lbw; 1 Holstein heifer bred, to freshen In spring; purebred Hereford bulls, 10 months; 4 fat steers 1000 lbs. 15 yearling steers and heifers; 1 saddle horse 8 yrs. old. quiet; 1 general purpose Mare sulPs0ed to be in foal ; 1 sow and to pigs; - English Collie dog; 1 Scotch and English female pup 10 months. This stock is extra goad and will be said to the highest bidder. TERMS - Cash or Credit can be arranged. JAS. E. MEDD, Proprietor•. Humid Seekson, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, Cl•01n. Hay, and Ilousehold Rfectles ts.17At Lot 12, Con. nd.' 31 Moliesm,, 8r. miles east of Winthrop, on Beee Nov. 20th. at 12.30 sharp. 1 General Purpnoe }terse -12 years. CATTLE --1 cm clue to freshen 10th Febremlurin. m 1 Durham „ealtl,ldee in February ls bt11nn1 Year. 0 spring calves.Du0000. 4 rham.Durham 20 pigs 3 moths. 76 hens. 1 year. 500 bus. mired train. 75 hus, barley. 45 ism Ajax seed outs. QuantilY of hay Red grab... Heavy 1arnee •single harness. HOUSEHOLD elcc- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS tris washing machine. 1 large storage cup. heard, 1 large bureau. 1 costal; & 1 bed with :Trines. Spartmt battery radio 111$ l,edreom dresser. 1 gaeollne iron & 1 gasoline lamp. Aladdin hanging lamp. Kitchen stove; heating stove & "_burner cnnloil stave. Some kitchen chairs; kitchen table, oak fnleh. 25 gni. milk can.& no. of barrels, 000. IMPLEMENTS - 1 MH grain bledot with cultivator•. 112th. manure ut-throwi. 1 disc. 92 elute I eels harrows, 4 sections & 1 ]corse stagier' 2-furrowirtga11(0 low. lowg MCI) mower,Oliver corn srultler. ft; gravel host 1 wagon bas. 1 i uteleader; 1 ink tack ; 2 taw racks. sets sleighs. 7 dump rake; 1 side rake. 1 roller. 1 Case fertilizer drill. 11 disc, a years old. Light wage)); rubber tired Merge: cutter; on fannn ing mill & bog truck. Renfrew scales & s00 of bats and musk::: eedtng t box Iformeeales cult)vatelr.. steft pig troughs. 30 -ft. windmill tower. lrt, hp Johnson gaso- line engine. 1 colony hoeee 14514 ft & 2 thicken. shelters. 1 oll brooder stove; 2 oil drums, same 5 -gallon 1900. Quantity of lum- ber, of Root ethegsltb sliding c; post - rack ; hole digging equipment. 3 rolls barbed wire & some steel post. 2 chop boxes; wheel harrow; forks and slmveln, 2 pig hangers. Steel.. repkettles, ee for r. sen Pon with smokestack; pan and pails. Sleek and tackle & seated .Jack; set of wagon wheels. 2 sets new hog melt silts & same plank; other antieles. Whigs Jeep, excellent condition. Model A Fend. gond shape. No reserve 05 farm Inas been sold. Terms rash. GERALD O'HARA, Proprietor. Joseph G. Ryan, Dublin, Auctioneer. Clerk. Thome::'Rourke RTJBl3ER BOOTS Men's & Boys, Rubbers, Bedroom Slippers, Wo- men's and Girls' Shoes small sizes Priced To Clear W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ S)AFORTII,' ONT. All, kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Compauies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President,. F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, 0, W. Leonhardt. Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore,. Seaforth R R. 3; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartlja, Clinton;. John L. Malone, Seaforth.„ J. J. 88 MIEwing, Blyth RR 1; Alex- ander Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode rich RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. ter J. r. Prueter, Miercher, Dublin; oI 1 th. Watt, Blyth. Y 61•odhagon• George Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above uanted officers addressed to their respective post offices. Auction Sale IN TOWN OF SEAFORTII. Friday, Nov, 21st, at 1 p.m., on Centre Street. Findlay cream enamel cook stove thew); extension table; kitchen chairs, dove board; Eureka vacuum sweeper, couch, electric s small radio, er of rockers, 11 tapes, numb of ems number of table. Gantry bake rd, Was Cherry drop -le Glass cupboard Washing machine, S Oak din- ing room (like new). 0 cheats, burette china cabinet, table. new): . 2 living, settee, library table. flay . N. 2 Irving thorn crabs. Bell seat & mirror, Number of other minors. Number, of occasional•chairs. Oval oak parlor table. Bell uptight piano. 3 bedroom suttee: - beds, springs, mattresses dressers, wash stands; toilet .sets & quilt boxes.. Quantity of wool blankets, quilts & bed linens. Floor cov- erings, pictures. 2 rugs-O'n12' & Carpets, 10 Seatte' mats & other 5001 cover- ings. Quantity of dishes. Kitchen utensils & linens. Floor lamp & table lamps. 2 long led - dere, 2 atop kidders, tope blocks, planes, stueree & other carpenter tools; 6 hand saws, chisels, tool boxes. trestles, wheel borrow, lawn Bose. black robe, lawn ,power & other gulden tools. Sealers, 50 jars of fruit crocks, chestnut coal & wood. Bost of- other grtieles., W. JOAN MCINTOSH, Proprietor. Herold Jackson, Auctioneer. PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, John street, Seaforth, Snt-ueelestNov. 3011. at 12,30 P.M. M0011uy nil -enamel electric stove; kitchen cupboard; kitchen chairs; stool, sewing ma- chine; oak library table: folding ironing board; 2 writing desks; walnut dining -room rite; buffet; table and 6 cruors; chester- field; auttigne settee; walnut dinner wagon; 3 electric radios; 3 100)001 nest of tables; number of Chostelfield tablas and other small tables; number of rockers' and occasional chairs; card tables; ertinmd boort case; Heiutzr en piano; small drop leaf table;. hall tree; table lamps; music. cabinet ; 2 Chests of drawers; fernoy; eleotrolux with all - attach- ments; drawers; sinele bed box spring and 5unlg mnttrnss and other bed -room furniture, springs and mn010000es; all -enamel electric washing machine (like new) : 4 -poster walnut bed, springs and spring mattress: -tolers crocks; quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; pletures; 2 lung ladders; 2 lawn moaners; lawn hose; garden tools; earpen9r tools and a host of other articles. PROPERTY- -7 intern 2 -storey. colleen house ret John St. Hardwood floes, thermeleit. Bath ,o,nn, heated with practically new nil bather, fireplace, torotely redoenratn,I Garage. Flower so,,len, TERMS, chatter cash Properly. 10e5 down, balance 30 days. Reserve bid.. 7 rooms and a reception hell, end large basement. Fee further particulars contact Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Ewtnte of the late Hugel Menet. MtCONNELL, & HAYS, Solleitore for Estate, - E. P. Chesney, Clerk. nni,rrnuuaa,,,,aap , , 1 , nn11u, , , 1/111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111uen, ,1i GET SET FOR WINTER SPORT ! Men's Gabardine ,11111111111111 ,nta11m115muun,,,1111nun11•unn11, 11, 11111 Children's ALL WOOL SNO - SUITS The ideal garment for the out -door youngster. One, two and 3 -piece $5.00 up Ladies' SILK WAIN *' BREAKERS Full zipper. Silk lined. Ideal for ski- ing and skating. Reg, 'Price 5.08 To Clear $2,00 Heavy, cotton gab- ardine parkas. They are quilted lined with knitted storm cuffs. In a nice shade of sand Special - :11„11,511, 511x11, uwun1151111nr11,,, Prices _ten? ree l�s't�I.3.. Depen Stores Onnosite Post Office have our new Motor Boots, -are Seaforth Lower etr i a��t; •I'da z�, 5:�.7y7�AA�.'.'GF�: p �Y. .�''�, tiF .�{,".tt WANTED Quantity of feedLTurnips urni s wanted. Phone FOR SALE 4 valves. Holstein, Durham and Heeford. DALE NIXON. phone 861 i• 4. FOR SALE Wood for sale. Large quantity of softwood $1,'l$ inches long, ISORIANdN0ICHOLSON. Phone FOR SALE Shed 75 x 44, property of Goshen United Church, framed structure, sided with Inch hemlock and finished with Pine ghipinp, painted, Situated on the Goshen line 6 mile, north of 'Zurich ;or 8'11 south of Bayfield road, Sealed. tenders will be accented by the under- eigned, up to, but not later than, Nee, 24, 1947. All tenders subject to discretion of Ron rd, R.R.1, Varna, Ont. W. J. CLARK, sect., PROCLAMATION . • TOWNSHIP OF H'ULLETT The annual meeting of the Ratepayers or the 'Township of Hullett will be held. in the COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO FRIDAY, 19 NOVEMBER 21 The Clerk will be in the Community 13511, Londesbdro, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations £or 1. Reeve and 4 Councillors to er tomos hold Office for the Year of 1818. When a proposed Candidate is not present Clearing Auction Sale his Nomination Paper shall not be valid un- less there is attached thereto evidence sales FARM, FARM STOCK & IM.PLEMENTS. factory to the Returning. OStcer that he con - At Lot 17, Cot. 12, Me1011n1' 'ewe., 2 miles sorts to be so Nominated. et,st of Loadimry corner, on 'Thursday, Nov- the Cneet155 tet bion Electlrsho al at 2 be held In ember 27111, at 12 p.m.Neventber 21st, to 11001• lirOPosed C; 1I"rue arcs; 1 d6 years sto 'ruin 5 yDee. Friday, In nidi dao Mahn let, 9 5, 4 ye015 1 oldr; 1 due number 'r of'Candidates tan 501 the Off. required -th, heifer; 1 due ro old; 2r' S Nominated and Vote demanded a Poll will be '0v. 9500 1.th; 9 leers ne l . purebred Hereford1due 1 years old: 1 run June 19 1 yeas old; 1 lug held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 1st Nnv heifer, Registered ni nutham bull 2 1947 yeig- old, Cauls -) tear loan.: Years old, Prom 9 A,M. until 5 P.M. et the following weigh s50 The. bade•. years eek ting lb. grant . 2 young, calves. 17 thunk pigs 70 prate,-• _ gelding. 6a Jen. 13th, matcholfl»team blue cord lMeTlr eat t,sPoll clerk. Milburn. iam Clark. 6e root 4 & 1 years old, General Purpose horse tom; of LoHouse SSG, DRO, Bert Bea- ./ years old. 2 set team harness. 1 et enod _ t. driving harness, Horse collar.Horse blankets. L'IPoll 3-School -8Pol0 leak, House S Tighe.R0 Joseph 1 Collie dog. Poll 4 -Community Ball, Londosbnm. 811.0 IMPLEMENTS---wer. (1 0. cut. Harris G Thomas Miller. Poll Clerk. Emerson Hosie. ft. rut M1C.-D. mower, 6 ft. cut. Dile droll. P 1 5 --Community Hall, Summerhill. 11R0, Packeret 111ehoe). Suring tenth cornrows, Edu•iam Snell; Poll clerk, Orval Replan. hayku', 3 section barrows. 1 ng. rase harrows, )Poll 6 ---Community Htdl, Londesbo•o. DRO hay loader. J. Wagon & sliding rack, Hee, Frame Longman; Poll clerk Robt..'Townshend Single crow low, 2 -furrow riding plot, Poli 1 --Foresters Hall, Auburn, IMO Wm. Siub a furrow plow. 2 walking Plows. Buggy Craig: Poll clerk, George Laelor, root p teres). Ptraler cutter. Grind steno, GEO. W. COWAN root Pinner. car trailer & arato reek new).eeales Two. Clerk. 2600 Ib. Renfrew cram separator (like new). boy fork rope, shag & aee, pulleys; waif- Notice to Creditors hay fork forks shovels, wheel barrow, Naga, eaeks, bag holder, beg truck. water trough, bob sleigh, flat rack, stone boot, manure In the Estate of MARY ANN HAASE. Rounder, Massey Harris e9clone seeder. Har- Alt persons having claims waited the relit, 5 gal. rani nil can, 105 ft .snow teeth. Estate et Mary Ann Ilaase, late of thus Lumbar, cedar pasts, ste0m coal. Grain, Ilay. Township of Meleillop, deceased, who died on Sop pans, 75 551, pails 0 gal. syrup can. or :;bout. the 21st day of October, 1047, are Gathering tank, Grimm's evaporator. Supple hereby notified to send in to the under- took. Quantity pine rents. 2 colony hooses signed on or before the 201h clay of Nevem- 10x12, 1 small one. Chicken troughs, oto. 145 bet, 1947, full particulars of their claims. Sussex Red pillets. Brooder stove, Immediately after the said last mentioned 11,29 Plymouth ear in good eoneStioa. date, the assets of the said estate will be HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Drop leaf distributed amongst the Parties sniffled them table. 5 dining room chairs, lbed, springs & M. having regard only to claims of which the mattress' dresser, feather ticks, alt lamps, the undersigned- shall then have notice, to the. Ailad1n lamp, coal oil stove; cook stove; 1 exclusion of all others, and the undersigned lounge, cupboard, ltytchen cabinet, chum. will net be liable to any hersnn of whose Reeking ohoirs, hand washing machine. Man's claim the urulereighetl shall not then have dug rktn cont. Leather coat, sheep skin ]lied, notice for the assets se distributed 00 any Lantern, Lawn mower. Portsble bath tub. part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 7th flay FARM -300 acre Farm, 7 thorn bungalow of November, 1947, type house. Bank barn, with all cement II. G. MSIR, Seaforth, Ontario, stabling, Implement shed & garage. Water to Solicitor for Executors, barn & house, drilled well & windmill. Small spring creek crosses farm, 'Wan fenced. 5 ae5s bosh. Bn1141005 are in No, 1 repair, land in gond state of adltivation, Well be sold sub- ject to reserve bid. TERMS -Chattels cash. Property l01'o dove, balance in. 30 days. MRS. RUBY DUNDAS, Pron. E. P, Chesney, Clerk. IIaold Jackson, Auetieneer... SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. I(fcMaster, M•B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 3 p.ln• Appointments for consultation may' be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.O. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W, C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,' third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. -58 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN MCGRATH , , . , . , Dublin, Ont. MILTON MCCTTRDY . Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Gladnlan & Cochrane, Exeter CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LiST MUNICIPALITY OF I•IULLETT Huron County NOTICE is hereby given tilos I hare com- plied with Section 3 of the Voter's' List Amendment Aot 1917 anti that 7 have postrd up at my office. Losdnoboro, on the 28th day of - Comber, 1047, - the list of all Per5on0 entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parliemont and municipal elec- tion, and that sneh list remains there for h,speetien. ail I h,'n}y e,.11 0Pnn ell voters to farce immediate proceedings to hone any errors or omissions corrected according to law, rho last day for appeal being the 'diet day 45 November, 1047. 0. W. COWAN, Cleric of the 'nwnshin of I1ullett. Notice to Creditors In Estate of MARY MecKENZIE, AB persons having claims against the Estate or Mary MacKenzie, late of the'7111- ege of Egmmulvnle, deceased, who died on or about the end dny of November, 1041, are hereby untificd to hem; In to the uldersigned on m• before the 29111 clay of November, 1047, full particulars of their claims.. immediately after the said last mett,onod date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed Amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only toclaims of which het undersigned shall hen hevo notice, to the exelusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall mat then have notice for the assets so distibited or any Pat thereof. Deted at Senferth,. this 7th day of November, 1547. H. 0. MEM, Seafmth, Ontnrlo. Solicitor for the Executors, CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OFVOTER'S LIST MUNICIPALITYuron TOWNCou010nty SEAFORTH H NOTT015 is hereby given that I have com- plied with Section 7- of The Voters' Lists Aet and that I have posted up at my office at Seoforth, en the fifth day of November, 1047, the lit of all persons entitled to vote In the said Municipality at Municipal Elea - liens, and that such list remains there for in- spection, and I hereby call upon all voters to bake immodiate Proceedings to have any 0,lor0 or omissions corrected according to ltnv the -lest day for appeal being the twenty-sixth day of November, 1947, D. H. WILSON, Clerk of the Town of Seaforth. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH . SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 384 Office Res. 220 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES The Town. of Seaforth County of Huron To WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 22ndday of September, 1047, sale of lands in arrears of taxes: in the Town of Seaforth, will be held in the Town Hall at the hour of three o'clock in the efte•noen on the 11111 day of January, 1948, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby :given that the List of lands for sale for arrears of tones was pub- lished In the Ontario Gazette on the Fourth day of October, 1017. and that copies of to said list lunybe had at my office. D. H. WILSON Treasurer G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed far rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. L. C. HALL, D,V.M., VS. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian Wllell requested (if possible) McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Bays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope.. with. price list. 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.00. Mall - Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. PIANO TUNING Have your piano tuned and repaired by an Expert nee' 30 ye0r0' experience. All work fully guaranteed end all remain carried on stock. ISNe27; direct to GI4EVALER„0North Mitten St.. Sande, Ont. FOR SALE PSNRegistered od a Ger ch. Hereford bails. ROY FARM WANTED TO BUY Alii horaoo and dead animals anitable for mink feeding; Will pay 2c a 111 for 11005005 and call and pie. »n came. Dene animals aeeoid- inti to volae. If decd, phone at once. Phone collect JACK GILBERT, 53e-21; or FRED GILBERT, 930-32, Goderich• FOR SALE 11,f storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, 0n South Main- street, Seaforth: Modern dwelling on Louisa St.. Seaforth. M. A. RNID, Seaforth.