HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-11-13, Page 4T1 LE SI+EA1 ORTI : NEWS ��.a,nmr�;g.��+-,r��ur�s•^ ::mora - '- = - - , Frust Presbyteria Church niversar SUNDAY, NOV. "itlith GUEST. SPEAKER REV. M. SCOTT FULTON, D.D. MINISTER OP FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Cf CEIL711CH, CHATHAM Dr. Fulton is a noted speaker, with a forceful message SPECIAL MUSIC The Choir Under the leadership of Mr. Robert Bechtel, will render Special Music at both services MORNING SERVICE — 11 A.M. ANTHEM "Laudamus Te" (We Praise Theel .... . ....... . . . . Nfue ler SOI:O--SMeeted Mr, Harold Wardell EVENING SERVICE — 7 P.M. ANTHEM With a Voice or Singing'. - „ - Shaw SOLO -Selected Mr•. Harold Wardell YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US AT BOTH OF THESE SERVICES REV. R. H. WILLIAMS ROBERT BECKTEL J1 isler Organist and Choir Leader EdER ANNIVERSARY In the Auditorium of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth Wednesday, November 19 S.15 P.M. GUEST ARTIST MISS HAZEL SOLOMON NOTED NEGRO SOPRANO She will be assisted by lir. Harold Wardell of Stratford, and our own organist, Mr. Robert. I3ecktell. Admission 50c and 25c rum SIi,\NOR•r1i NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers WALTON :if.- and Mrs. \Van. 4\alsh and family of Hagersvllle, at the homes of M. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries and Me. ...,., M . Stewart. Hum. 31r. and Mits. V• at Sea • 1:;, t i. :' and Mr. an , -1 :i : - Wi elan. r i .11 HENSALL Council Meeting After the Court of Revision on 1 is Assessment Roll, the C rune it met, in the: Council chamber for the regular monthly meeting at' 11 p.m. i .+ -all the members being •t)e,,e nt Minutes of the previous re- gular trod ,rt •ial meeting r'ad.1 Brown and P.trke. that the minutes ad,mted as read. Carried. The' 7. A. Paterson. re-! poi to d rt! the collector as follows.1 rash $13,296.22. and • *1090.00 in prepayment, leaning* a balance of $51-1-.78 in arrears, however a con- side lible sum is expected in the near future which will make - the arrea); very small; T. i;yle reported •rc' the -sidewalks as being_ completed also, as having received sonde sand for walks during the winter, also re- ported re the outside toilets at the rear of the hall, The clerk, J. A. T'etersom reported the tenders re- ceived for the nurehase of the three lot'. Middleton and Twitchell, that the tax collector's roll be accep- ted and he he instructed to proceed to collect the sarrle as arrears:. and - the salary paid for Fane. Carried. GL. for ail makes of cars and tr eks® FITTED WHILE YOU WAIT Twitchell and Brown, that the tend- er of Mrs, L. E. Baynham for lots :59-d0-1111, Moir's survey, of $100. be accepted and the deed be pre- pared for Saone. Carried. J. A. Pat - reported re the recent meet- ing held in Parkhill on October 29, of C.le Ausable River Conservation Autizerity. 1 ' an, 1 :nu:it read as fol- Thos. Kyle. sa arc-, $73.80: J. A i r so electing* furors tax ;a:i by-laws expenses, .;i1). A. W. Kerslake, :sot. 1.- 0 • 1'. L. Me - jurors, 1.50; T. '(_,dace$ Drain Sur-' t)I): F. G. Betithron, post - 5.e0: Bell Telephone, service, aL.:n r ,'on Band Ltd., type- rpatr- 2.75.: G. • Il. Hess, mruit:n.. 51."0: Hensall Hydro. ,i,:i, hall, 1S,:i5. Brown's Hard - wale. stepladder, hall, 24.00: Ont- ario :Municipal Board. approval by- law, 5.011; ll:ysdale Hardware, sup- plies, hall, ,ti, -1:3: W. Madge ,garbage di pc 00 i C Reid tracking ' 7.0d: ga:ba e, ;0.0(1: 5. W. 00.: vita 10 ,.00 G. Schwalm, tractor cork S.W. 2.00; Hensel' Co -Opera - :Ivo, trueki e• S.W. 42,00: A.. .Spen- eer Cement S W. 150.00-:- W. Pfaff labour garbage, '3.00, S.W. '23.25, tozal .T R. Dick. labour, gar- bage, 0.00, S. W.- .1,00, total 10,00; F. Appleby, labour, 0.00, S.W. 15.- 50, total 21.50: C. Reid, trucking, S. `wt' .00; -11. Todd, Labour, S. W. 11.50: \%. Lot Et. Labour, garbage, 0,00. S. W. 2.50, total ``.50; T. Hud- illeaton, labour S, W. 15.00: E. Dick contractor 5, W. labour and nrater- ial, 72.-10; E. Dick contractor, S. W. labour, material, 24,15, A.. Pass - 'mere, tru.•kine. gravel, 143.00, total 1714.71. Parke and Brown, that the clerk charge N. E. 40',4 of the 524.- 15 account of E. Dick or 9.66 for sidewalk installed. Carried. Parke and Tw itche I that the hills and accounts as read he paid. Carried. Brown n anal Middleton. that by-law "6-1947 granting •-2,00t..0 0 to the Canad a n - Le r1,r yen first and s.e.eon i readi?-.w. Brown and ti -et by -]Late,' 20 be given third and final reading and finally rarried. •l7onsiderable • diis- eus-:ora nro-con took place as re ar r t hs:r the rent for Hall for ',r, same considered later. The Oerk was instructed to call for ani ications for the caretaking he r'n'- Fos• the winter months, "150irstrneted to have bills posted rlo'lprina Nov.11 a half holiday. Twiehell and Brown, that we now adjourn to meet again Nov. 15 at 1 p.m. Carried. S. A. Paterson, Clerk. The monthly meeting. of the W. M.S. of the Hensel! United Church was held in the school -room - on Thursday, Nov. 3, at 3 p.m. The room was beautifully decorated with flowers and Maple leaves. The meet- ing being the occasion of entertain - the Baby Band and their moth- ers, by the ladies of the • W.M.S. The meeting onened with Mrs. E. Geiser in the choir In the absence of the Presid?nt. Mrs. W. B. • Cross, and the singing of the hymn '"Praise Him, Parse Hun, all ye little child- ren", followed by all repeating the Lords Prayer in unison. The child ten were ,hen called upon 10 bring their Baby Band boxes to the .rent and place thein in a basket. Mrs. Albert Sherray thong told the child- ren an interesting bible story about baby Moses. Recitations were given by Gwen Chapman, Sharon Elder, vocal solo by Mary Ann Rennie. A short dialogue entitled "A bag . of Wishes" was given by seven boys and • girls, Recitation by Norma Passmore, Douglas Shelray, Mar- lene Richardson, Steve Kyle. Solo by Audrey Walsh as the eleven boys and girls who graduated from the Baby band into the 11lission Band, marched through the gates, they were accompanied at the piano by Miss Florence Welsh. Hymn "Jesus Loves nie this I know" was sung. The offering was taken and the meeting closed with prayer. A de- licious luncheon was served at the close. The following is a list of the Baby Band graduates: •Norma Pass- more, Patsy', Jones, -Joyce Faber, Sharron Smillie; Ruth Townsend, Da- vid Noakes; Ann Shortt; Geraldine Han•burin, Diane Rennie, Sharon Elder, Marjorie Hyde. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmlth Municipal Coun- cil met in the Town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, November lst, at 2 p. m. All members` were present and Reeve Nicholson presided. The As- sessment Boll, showing' an assess- ment of 52,163,587, was iseturned by Assessor James A. Hay and he was paid salary of 5275 and postage of 53.00. Court of Revision on: same ..ms set for Nov. 15. 1947, at 2 p.m. Complaint was made to council by Oliver Rowcliffe, owner of Lot 1 Con. 3, L.R.S., that the Mitchell drain was in need of repair and the clerk was instructed to notify En- gineer S. W. Archibald to report, on :Skye. Grants of 510 each to Hensall and Seaforth Legions were made :or 0 wreath for Remembrance Day-. Council rescinded a motion of Oct. 18th meeting' to raise $1,000 by tax- tlen fe: ,'Tants made to Seott Mem or'ial Hospital in 1947 and decided to pay same out of surplus. John Mc- Kenzic• appeared before council and asked a partial rebate of taxes paid on the portion of E,gmondville t ltur•eh sheds of which he is owner and Matter was referrer] to Court of Revision. ision. Account:, passed. were as follows: Relief, 535.00; Law costs, 56,113; :1rCnllie Drain, 550.00; Sal- cries, 5375.00; Selecting Jurors, 412.00; Roads, $1520.43; Grants, 520.00; Postage, 58.00; Sundry, 534.75. Council adjourned to meet Dee. 6th, at 2 p.m. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 WINTHROP Mrs, Allan Campbell and two Writ a few days with hoc parents kir. and Mrs. frank Walters, West end Tuckersmitll. Mi. and Mrs. Glen Haase, David and Margaret 'visited in Woodstock \vitb Mrs, Don Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Body and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deitz of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs, Galaher of Wroxeter with Mr. T. Haase.: Mrs. Zack McSpadden is visiting in London with Mr. and iVIrs. Bert McSpadden. BRUCEFIELD The regular meeting of the Bruce - field Y.P.U. was held on Monday, November 10th. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 511 after which the Lord's Prayer was repeat- ed in unison. The 'roll call was read. and answered by ,twenty-one Ineni' bets.. After the business, the meet- ing which was under. Nara Eyre's group, was opened by singing hymn 519, after which Audrey Baird read the scripture; Matthew .5: 13-16. Marion Hill led usin prayer. Nara took the topic which was light, salt rnd Christian Unity which was' in the form of a discussion. We closed the meeting with hymn 623 and the Mizpah Benediction.. Mrs. Blair visited with Mrs. W. Stackhouse over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas of _'ort Dover and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglas of Brantford were guests at the hones of 11Ii•, and Mrs. 'Win. Douglas and Mr, •and Mrs. C. Eyre, recently. Bit. and Mrs. Gordon Manson of Dundee visited with relatives during weekend. The 'Boy. Scouts held their "Apple last Saturday when they Feared forty-six dollars, At the morning service last Sun- day the Boy. Scouts occupied the _entre pews, during' the service their •are 'r was presented to them by "r. Walter Moffat, the Scout Mest- :lr. john Hohner made a suit - reply. T' a service on Sunday was in ee•riara•. of Reinembrance Day, Bob, fait took the solo part of one of the anthem:; sung by the choir. held their thankoffer meeting. on Tuesday afternoon, "b—,nee of the ni'esident, Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Mrs. B. Scott presided t'ers'siu Service was conducted by 1"s. Haugh which opened with call to worship. Responsive r eading from Psalm 119, hymn "Breathe on me, Breath of God" was sung. Scrip - tore reading was taken by Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. B. Scott and Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Hymn "God's law is per- fect" was sung. Prayers were offer- ed by Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. B. RFC � THEAT E SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING THURS., FRI., SAT. "THE ANGEL AND THE BADMAN" with John Wayne and Gail Russell A skilled, superior Western story—This is no ordinary picture MON. TUES. WED. "CARAVAN" • Adult Entertainment with Stewart Granger and Jean Kent Adapted from Lady Eleanor Smith's Best Seller Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. "THE OVERLANDERS" with CHIPS RAFFERTY and PETER PAGAN This Is s-shnply told story of trial and tribulation backgrounde,1 by - broad glimpses of the Australian hinterland and some of the devastation created_ by Japanese. ale• ,'aids during the war. . COMING: "DEAD RECKONING" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT with HUMPHREY- BOGART and LILAIETH SCOTT Scott. 'After the business Mrs. E. Stanway gave a very interesting talk on mission work in China. A vote of thanks was given to ' Mrs. Stanway. Hymn "0 God of Love, 0 King of Peace" was sang, and Mrs. Scott closed the meeting with the benediction, A light lunch was serv- ed at the close. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse and daughter are moving this week to their new hone in Brucefield. 'We welcome then_ to the village. A missionary conference will be held in the church here on Friday afternoon and evening. At 4:30 the boys and girls are invited to attend to see picture slides, at 730 there will be an open meeting to the pub- lic when pictures on India will be shown. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Dayman moved to Loudon on Tuesday where they have purchased a home. STAFFA The Women of Staffa line, east, met for a quilting at the horse of Mrs, Lorne Hodge, Friday after- noon. This quilt is to be a gift to a family who lost their hone recently by fire. The United Church W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Walt- er O'Brien and quilted a quilt. Finial arrangements i'or the yearly bazaar were completed and it was decided to hold the bazaar in Staffa hall the afternoon of Nov. 21. Lunch was served by the hostess. .13r. and Bios. John Aldington and l'rs. Tuffin, Varna, with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Parsons. Mir. and Mfrs. Don Tyndall and Dunne, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. lh•. and 114rs. Walter O'Brien in DEPENDABLE AT ALL HOURS, in all kinds of weather, she's at her, post. You count on her and sire's proud of it. \With switchboards busier than ever because of the many more telephones, per's d till '-Che Spirit of Ser- -v ir•'." \More telephones are living willed right along'. 1.lur t•nstant aim is to pros ide more and better •t ret ole a r al the lois ca pos-ildc c ovl .. lo „itr greater t;flue to every telephone neer. 51)0 BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA London, at the home of Mrs. Charles Treffry, who is very ill. . HA DS AT WORI LEARNING REFRIGERATION ONTARIO'S productive capacity is the measure of her future prosperity. To assure this province a prominent place in domestic and foreign trade markets, skilled hands are needed. Increased production of refrigeration units will mean a greater need for skilled servicing. Veterans, basically trained in schools and ON THE JOB, will fill this need as they are absorbed into industry. For those who have mastered skilled occupations, higher wages, job security and better working con- ditions are within easier reach. Through plans sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs and other agencies, hundreds of young workers are tieing trained for refrigera- tion servicing. Graduates of training schools ate ready now to take their places i.n inclustry. Craftsmen of the future, they will have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial de- velopment. TIE MEWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) REFRIGERATION D. C. Guiry, 23, of Toronto, a veteran of 1534 months' service in the Royal Canadian Air Force, is shown checking the operating pressures on a domestic training unit. The Refrigeration Course gives the student a theoretical and practical knowledge of domestic, commercial and air conditioning units. :.x's+P'at..tv,mrl:a!avymonsancans-evinR uttintwe...rwosev.. easay.Yit.am? v':i,t, i,. .,4w. •