HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-11-13, Page 3It's a Cattalo -A cattalo, five-eighths buffalo a nd three-eighths domestic bull, is shown on a
government ranch at WTainw'rigllt, Alberta, Canada, Where Canadian animal husbandry scient-
ists are attempting:to breed weather-resista nt characteristics of the rugged buffalo into
domestic beef cattle.
Sp rts - And 0 e Thing
("A Sixbit Critic").
• Right now, in honor of Princess
Elizabeth's forthcoming marriage,
people of various Canadian` corn-
nlunities are preparing to send over
donations of food to the ander-
nourished people of Britain. Then, in
just a few months, we propose to
ship a Whole bunch of hungry ath-
letes and their hangers-on over
there, to take part in a set of games
which the British—and the rest of
the world, for that matter — are
about as much in need of as they
need a third World War. If that
doesn't figure out as a screwball
proposition, any way you look at k,
at least it should serve tillthereal
thing comes along
Of course it will be argued that the
Canadian Olympic athletes will take
their own food along with them. To
that we reply, O.K.-send that food
to be eaten by folks who really need
it, and let our athletes stay at home.
* a' *
It is our personal opinion that the
British authorities have made a great
mistake in not calling the whole
thing off before this, as it puts them
in a false position—especially in the
United States—to be stressing their
need 'for Western World assistance
and, at the same time, preparing to
stage such an unnecessary and fool-
ish affair as the Olympics. But if
British pride won't allow them to
cancel the show, at least let us stay
out of it. Right after a family has
come through a combination fire
and earthquake isn't the time to go
paying them social visits, even if
they are close relatives.
,e * a
The political orator was working
up towards liis peroration and, like
most of his tribe, using plenty of
oldies as though they were new -
tainted thoughts of his owls,.."After
all, viy friend.," he said, "nothing in
this world is absolutely certain, ex-
cept death and loxes." He paused to
wipe his fevered brow. "Oh, no?"
canto the voice of a heckler from the
rear. "lyttas about hearty applause
from a radio ,stadia audience?'
* *
Gate receipts $6;972; expenses
$7,455; net loss $743—that's the re-
sult of a football game in Ottawa,
played fin, sweet charity's sake—for
the benefit of the crippled ohildren.
And it was between two amateur
teams, of course for We all know
that we pat'en't any such thing as
professional football in Canada.
* * y.
That's the way the whole sweet -
scented affair stands at this writing;
and it should be a warning to all
charitable organizations, too many
of whoin allow their names to be
tacked onto promotions put through
by gents who believe that Charity
.not only begins at hone,- bat also
.ends there. One of the teatns in-
volved got something between $4,500 -
and $5,000 out of it; which, even in
these days of highprices, would buy.
quite a lot of train fares, bandages
and liniment Alt we hope is 'that
the crippled kids won't be asked to
kick in to make up the deficit.
* * tet
No matter how they try to smooth
it over or explain it away, we think
that the Ottawa Trojans and Mont-
real Alouettes have been guilty of a
vera grave mistake. It isn't so long
ago that there was serious talk of
taxing football •on a professional
basis, but the promoters of that sport
managed to wiggle through .without
getting nicked. But now with this
happening—and happening right in
the taxing authorities own back yard
—well, when the inevitable takes
place, they can console themselves
with the thought that they certainly
asked for its
* 4' *
To many of those whose entire
waking hours scent to be ,spent
within earshot of that (rent inven-
tion, The Radio, acetas of Mr.
Petrillo's ban on any future musical
recordings came as a ray of sunlight
bursting through a dark and for-
bidding sky, But now conies this
train! thought—maybe those ntuclt-
publicired genituscs, the disk -jock -
Cys, are readying for its entire pro-
grams composed of nothing but
Singing Commercials,
* * '1'
According to a recent newspaper
report, the Toronto Maple Leaf
Hockey Team has a friendly interest
in, and lends an occasional helping
hand to—among others—such ama-
teur clubs as Toronto Marlboros,
Senior and Junior; Winnipeg Mon-
T,;ou, winner of the $1,000 master all -age bird dog even at
the Intel national match at Fort Erie is seed with handler How-
ard Kirk, Macon, Miss. Dog is owned by H. E. McGonigal,
Kokomo, Ind.
Stamp Forgeries
Forged stamps which have hither-
to deceived even the experts are
liable to be exposed by a new X-ray
process developed by W. If, S. Chea -
vin, radiologist and distinguished
stamp collector, Details of his suc-
cessful experiments and applications
of low voltage X-rays for revealing
faked stamps were given at the
Philatelic Congress of Great Britain
held in Birmingham. The appara-
tus, which has already detected sev-
eral forgeries, should help to check
international .rackets in counterfeits,
as stamps now have acquired high
values in the black market,
archs; Oshawa Generals; as well as
one or more junior outfits in North-
ern Ontario.
* * *
This may be all very well if you
are one of the many to whom the
success or failure of the Maple
Leafs is all that really matters in the
sport of hockey. But if you were
just a sports -lover in a small town,
trying to keep the lads of your com-
munity interested in playing the
game, we very much fear that you
wouldn't look at it in exactly the
same light. In fact we think that,
sooner or later, you'd begin to
wonder if it wasn't pretty near time
for an entirely new deal for the
little, fellow not blessed with any
such wealthy and generous relatives.
* * *
191(0 a Toronto restaurant the
other day cane a Paan—at least he
had the outward appearance of a
man—who proceeded to put on an
amazing demonstration of sheer
gluttony. Mowing down the victuals
at record-breaking speed, he got
away with four full-si,ee meat or-
ders—each with regular complement
of vegetables on the side—and then
topped it off withnineseparate and
distinct desserts! Although trying to
appear oblivious of the stares of the
astonished specalors, he was obvi-
ously enjoying the sensation he
created. But he didn't linger long
after an old gentleman, who had
been watching the performance, ap-
proached. "If you're thinking of sell-
ing yourself any time, Mister," said
the old gent, "I'd advise your to do it
right away, as I don't think the price
of hogs will ever get higher!"
Queen Wilhelmina
Earns a Vacahhon.
For almost fifty years' Wilhelmina,
Princess of Orange, has been Queen
of the Netherlands, When she came
to the throne she, was a beautiful and
gracious child, still devoted to her
dolls;An equaldevotion to her
people in prosperity and trouble, in
peace and star has left her a tired
old woman,' weighed down with res-
ponsibility. None in' her own land
or any other will begrudge the rest
she now seeks in temporary retire-
ment from the burdens of state,
comments The New York Times.
• * * *
No woman -since Victoria of Eng-
land has left such a mark upon her
country. The great wind that swept
so many of Europe's monarchs into
futile exile left her untouched. Wil-
helniita, too, was in exile while the
black Nazi flood washed over Hol
lapid. But her strong voice reached
her subjects,' encouraging then to
resist. Two years ago she carte back
to a scene of devastation quietly,
modestly, but like a conquering he-
roine, more loved and venerated
than ever. She Was, and is, the
symbol or a people's hope.
* * *
The circumstances of her departure
are worth recalling. Before dawn on
May 10, 1%10, her unsuspecting
nation was wakened by the thund-
er of Hitler's gouts o1 the frontier,
the explosion of Nazi bombs in the
streets of its cities and the descent
of a swarm of German parachutists
around The Hague. Hitler's de-
sign was t, capture the Queen.
Her Ministers rushed to the royal
bell -chamber, begging her to fly
to safety. She flatly refused. For
five terrible days, while the
Duch killed the last of the
kidnapper paratroops, she sat in a
bomb cellar directing the national
defense. Only when it had become
hopeless would she consent to change
her quarters and only then to seek
refuge in her island province of
Zeeland. On a Dutch destroyer, wth
ler daughter and two grandchildren,
she headed there, to find it already
in German possession. Iu tears, the
Dutch Queen left her country for
* * *
That is the spirit in which she has.
met every crisis. She has grown
more liberal with the times, never
stepping beyond her' constitutional
prerogatives but always excercising
them With firm will and high cour-
age, Troubles have not ceased. In-
donesia, which has her promise of
freedom, is still in turmoil. Now, at
67, she must rest while Princess Juli-
ana tastes over her duties. But
valiant is the word for Wilhelmina.
Quebec is Fifth
.Quebec continues to consolidate its
position of fifth largest city in Can-
ada, according to Municipal Archiv-
ist Valdre Dcsjardins' statistics for
1946-47, which reveal that the An-
cient Capital's population now stands
at 190,021• He estimates that the
city's citizens are increasing by at
least 3,000 souls a year. No fewer
than 175,437 of the population are
listed as French-Canadian; English -
Speaking Quebeckers, mostly Irish,
English, Scotch and Welsh, total 13,-
34S. Quebec has only 460 Hebrews.
170 Chinese and 120 Greeks, ap-
parcntly the three largest foreign
Solite scientists believe the tortoise
to be the most intelligent of reptiles
For constant SmokingppPleasuree
Ziettlii/cSi" &tol8ir.'
t i
d Advertising
[as.ctinldes, Ele5trjo.,Fouce. Controllers, House
and Rani paint tt$ttpigoatingo, etc, Dealera
wanted, Write I79.tafpo`1Grease & 011 Limited;.
Depon8abto. Cmitpautt has 'opening for',hard-
worlelne, denendablo applicant»„between 26-60,
Part or full lino Wield -Excellent remanert-
1)on0, }slue Brand Products, 7227 Alexandra,
Monti., al.
APPLICATIONS how being received for trav-
ellers to call oil farmers withour complete
line or Yetortnnry Medn:roes, Car °asentie!,
remuneration on Commission hauls.. Apply by
letter, & bons (Canada) Ltd.. Verdun
Que., eiving detalla of experience.
FOR SALE—'tractor Tires. made or rubber,
suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $16.00
ea0h,.. rear .wheel's: $7 60 each, front wheels:
When ordering erste diameter and width of
Wheel's. National Rubber Cd, Ltd., 6 WItt.
shire' Ave.. Toronto. Ont.
AN OFr ni to every inventor—LIst of lever.
Sons and full Information sent free. The
Ramsay Co.. Registered Potent Attorneys, 373
Bans Street, Ottnwa-
Let us help you sell that invention. We.
contact bundrede of firms walling ror good
Ideas. Burntw•ood Agency, 188 Keowatht Ave..
PULLETS 14 weeks to laying. White Leg -
horns, llama Rooke, New hampahiren.
WiiRe Rocks, Light Sussex, and many other
Popular breed,: Also Day Old cliche hooked
to order. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chi-
ekerles, Guelph,Omarie.
ORDER November -December sleeks now. And
—045, for list of ready to lay pullets.
Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton Oat.
01030E rango pullets. 12 weep, to laying. Bar-
red Rorlrs. New Hatnpshlres, White I,og-
horns, White Rocks,Light Sussex, Aleo day
old chick booked to order. Free catalogue.
Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Popgun
ORDER now for 1548, 9,011,, eggs, breeding
block, Broad Breasted Bronze, the famous
Janes Bar Strain Texas, Gov't. approved.
Etoodtestud and banded. Members of hatchery
approval and O.T,A. Winners of grand
champion turkey of the show deemed at all
turkey show, Windsor, 1940. Brown's Poul-
try Farm and I3atchery. Dutton, Ont,
Bo ceratin that you hay good, healthy
chlelen this coming neaten. Insure delivers.
date by placing your order now. A11 breeders
Government banded and pullorun tested.
Write for our 1048 catalogue and price lint.
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information, We are
glad to answer your queatione. Department
H. Parker'0 Dye Works Limited. 701 Terme
Street, Toronto. Ontario,
l'ARM 0011 SALE -160 acres, good buildings,
2 wiles from St. Thorium on No. A HIghway.
Known as D. L. 011bcrt farm,. Examine prop
arty and acrd offer to executor. W. L
Gilbert, 36 Yale Street. Louden.
FOR. SAL10 0r Pent, 200 -acre farm, about 5)
mires of hard wood and timber. small 1100,0.
large frame barn with atone foundation, good
well, located on main rood about half way
between Mount Forest and Shelbourne. known
all Iota 28 and 27, concession 1, Proton hop.
Photo or write ICathlroa M. Reidy, 1803
Otomcrery, Detroit 8. kltch., Townsend 8-3180.
DRILL preesea complete with meter sullen
30 rapacity precision chuck, mortising -at-
tachment, mortising bite, sander attachment,
Sell In ''hole or parte. write Tool & En-
gineering Co., Box 406,. St. Catharines, Ont.
FOX and deer hounds, bred Iron choice stock.
E. 10 Tripp, RR. No. 3, Oshawa Ont.
FOR SALE --Pourer Ice cutter, Ice etuoher,
leader and leo lords. A. Leclerc, Box 3369,
Chopienn, Ont.
FASHION RITL•' Angoras. Excellent woollers.
developed from highest prize winning Can-
adian strains. Selected Seniors end Juniors,
110,05 anis 90.00 each. A. Geberdt. Maple
DrWe Angora Ranch, Route 1, Arlon, Gilt
QUna. mom—Mind :Lige and larger all
laid fiat, Colton prints and. stripes, Four
(41 pounds for 01.00. ituarnnteed or money
refunded: jape --10 :quilt patterns and Inatrtte-
Hons, trice—Detaned carpet knitting Inedrue
tons, Large quantity cotton, 0111r, wool under -
treat'. towelling remnants --full widths, up to
ra yds. long. For full information write Anao-
elated Converters Inc., 4084 8t. Lawrence.
Month al.
010) 1', P•ox, Mink Trappers use only tate best
complete &velem. Fishers tranvia: 505100
nod gland scents. Full pirtima:ins, A k
noire, Box 490 Calgary, Alberta.. -
St'IiCT.tCLEv, limseulars. repaired. Lenses
duplicated. Trotter Optometrist and Op-
tiriut, 1008 Dtonut Ruy,a St. Aust. Montreal
VCR SALE Wanner Sausage singer. Larne
insulated Fish Chest, No, 1 2erlotd Atm
100050 Compressor. Box 778,-Oaleellle, Ont.
NICSICAL Instruments for s11 t ul,ns, gui•
tars. banjos, niatulol 1 I pi eta, ants•
phtn.n, coto et l u r ta t 1'o11n, dons
ol,, Write for priced Expert ropair, dun.
also. Rill hut. Trades accepted. Mimics:
supplied Willson, 3Ian,
ATTENTION; Storoltr r,! cnru: merrnmo-
disc. Ln Igo washable loath, roll, toys, wedl
mael . noses ted, limnl0. bright colors. 15--
la tldn;� non nl '31.1111 co gu:nnifaclo. r,,
it t o 557.1,1 dog, l d :end nIttlW:
order .brpi,, ltone> h um:mt.e. .Star
Novebs lila. co., 379 Duluth Ila. 1. Montreal
I'nt4, and Santee, Bert .I4 Kennedy 0 Son.
419 Collo,.. Sl. 710,15,.
,UIINSON Iron Dorsa -engines, Ni 00.5', $51.45
1.31 11.P. 87000,- Immediate delivery, Cur•
pry IJulmer, t•:rltntun & Bathurst, Toronto,
T1ioRotYt111110151) K,hninrky ltvikone Hum -
hut Mounds, -pupa and registered Corker
Spaniels, ,ql colors and 11510. Sia'h•lure Yarm.
Nashville, on;
TRAPPING SUPT LIES—Dotloya animal lures,
and trupningsupplies.. Send' for tree case
arae, -,851¢1111'x, Trapper SuPPIY-House.- Clin-
fmt, Optarlo.
BLACI-AND-TAN and -Walker Hounds:
male, ready to hunt' this fall, E, D. '
w cover, Lakeaetd,-/Ont.
DARK QUEBEO- 1ttINK—Satisfaction guar-
anteed. ' Leslie Pope, - PLR. No: 1, Ways'
Mille, 5513.
LEARN” Holydresaing the Robertson method.
Information on recluse regarding olaaoeu.
ROberts0n'e Ilulydre,0ing Aoademy,:,: 137 Ave-
nue Road, Toronto.
DIXON'S REMEDY -For Neuritis: and Rheu-
matic Pains. Thousands aatlnaed, Munro'',
Drug Store, 326 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid
PILES -Nothing else youcan buy 1,00 rho
same Internal action as PYltone Pilo 11elnedy.
Thla liquid (taken by mouth) la compounded.
from special Bnisntua. 01nmo. and Plant.
Extracts. 1t gets reaulte heeaune It goes
directly to the internal cause of Plies. That's
the reason for Its 00ee0r00 on the most stub
born 00000, Thin modern way of treating.
that Internal- trouble gets results that last.
Olm bottle of py1),,,, la enough to prove its
healing power or price refunded 11.0 Once.
That's our guarantee no matter how. long
standing Your cotes may be. Your Druggist
pas it; or can .order It for 70',
READ TSIs—Every sun'eror of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis ahoold try Dixon's Rem-
edy. Munro'% Drug Store, 338 -Elgin, Ottawa,
Postpaid 51.00. ..
JOIN CA N:1 DA'S 1,EADINel St '1•1000
(Went opportunity Learn e
Pleasant dignified procession, good wagef
tltousands euecesaful Marvel graduates
America's greatest anneal. Illurtrated cata-
logue free. Write or can
866 Bloor St. W, Toronto
Branches 4.4 Icing St.. Hamilton
& 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa
LEARN Plastics by working with it. Interest-
ing and profitable. Make your own Christ -
mus gifts. Beginners kits, 81.50. Complete
stock of d5ca. cement, redo, tubes, sheet',
etc. Loweat prireo. Write Ace Advertislnr
Service, 217 King Emit, Toronto.
Snllcitora. Established 1800, 14 King Weet,
Toronto. Bookies of information it request.
20 FOR $1,00
The most distinctive Christiana Cards. You
can get ,, carder friends will treasure.
Sena us your favorite negative, we'll
return 20 attractive greeting cards 0/
x 41,5" with your "snap" (fram one nega-
tive) printed on and matrl,ius envelopes.
On 2 -color folder cards 01.60 dz. On fold-
er cards with photo, colored 03.60 dz.
Any size roll 4 or 8 developed and
printed 50c. Reprints from your negatives
a eenta.
Box 129 Post office A, Toronto
WANTED --All hinds of dressed poultry. Top
prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited.
Poultry' Dept, 2084 Danforth. Ave., Toronto
6. (We do cu04om. grading.)
TURN YOUR BAGS into cash. Wanted—Cot-
ton and used bags of every description.
whole or torn. Highest cash prices .paid. Lon-
don Des Company, London, Ont.
Honest, Anyway
Judge: "Guilty or not guilty?"
Rastus: "Not guilty, suh."
Judge: "Have you ever been in
Rastus: "No soh, Ah never stole
notilin' befo'."
Immigration Expert
Forma and all documents prer,an'd for
admission to Canada of OYarbraa Dia•
placed persons or refugees. No charge
on. first enquiry, Foca modLreitp, 10)11.
visit your area If antReient en•
gullies in your Ineahty. 2:: years with
Immigration Department. write:
15;,0 Bathurst 85.. TI,rnl,t' 14
t6ItQ1pp ryt17 1 iR
NO . 1 —2$
This year the \•,tiytl Winter
Fair is bigger and brighter
titan eter,
Reserved seats most be ob-
tained inunriliately by out-of-
town cisitars, as there is only a
limited muni rr of seats available
and the demand is great.
Afternoons and Evenings
Including -General Almission
Enclose a sell •addresse ' envel-
ope with your cls que-or money
order, to:
Mr. C. K. Nash,
c/o Royal Winter Fair,
Coliseum, Toronto.
MUTT AND JEFF—That's Tellin' 'Em, Jeff Old Boy, That's Tellin' 'Em
wwo TwE taEc°1< �i