HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-11-06, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 HENSALL lass Olive Walker R,N., returned to Tampa, Florida, after holidaying' with her parents Mr., and Mere, George. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and 'fami- Euchre and Dance Sponsored by the Kippen East Women's Institute in Rensall; Town 1;lall THURSDAY, NOV.' 6 GOOD PRIZES McQuaid's Orchestra LADIES PLEASE PROVIDE LUNCH Admission at Popular Prices anvessesswanswentevammemaseisissatitiew, WALTON HALL tl.a Nov. 10 9 �% AT 8.30 P.M. :Ih:1t S 1VE EL CHRE Electioti of President and Vice-PreSidellt ONE F1L1 l.L"1t'li s1:ILVEl) DANCE MiOttlid - Delaney Orchestra :ADMISSION 'or, CENTS EAt'H EVERYBODY WELCOME McKillop Federation of Agriculture ly of Detroit visited over the week- end With Mrs. Voth's mother Mrs. L, Simpson. Mr. and Mos, A. L. Case spent the weekend in Detroit. Mrs. iiVlinnie Sangster, Douglas, Robert, Margaret and Norma :spent Sunday in ,Haniilton and Niagara Falls. The Wohelo Class of the United Church held their Monthly sleeting on Monday evening Nov. 3rd in the school -room of the church with the 1'sesident Mrs, Wes. Jones, presid- ins. Following the singing of a hymn the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in e-peatedin unison. The roll call was answered by 10 members, Miss Gladys Luker favoured with a piano instrumental. Business discussion followed and the offering was re- ceived.A program will he presented in the school -room on Nov, 20. The topic Was taken by Mr: Edison For- rest entitled 'Look brother, your house is on fire" showing how Can- adians need to change their ways of living by leading better lives, Au- drey Walsh contributed a solo en- titled "There is beauty in the for- est'. Miss Ellis gave a splendid reading entitled "As a grain of mustard seed". The hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" was sung and the meeting closed with the Bene- diction. Refreshments were served at the close, Unit- ed n, all L The W .:ui, S. of the He ed Chun ch Will entertain the mem- bers of the Baby Band and their mothers in the school -room of the Church on Thursday, Nov. 6. at 3 pan. Carmel Presbyterian Church We sell "Pittston" Top Quality Pennsylvania ANTHRACITE (stove and Nnt Size n"w in stock) We can make prompt delivery of orders received "RIVERDALE" LUMP Bright, Hart Structure from the "Deep Seam" ]lines of Alberta, CAR NOW ROLLING Young Peoples' Society held a Pump- kin pie social on Monday evening Nov. 3„ A sing -song which was en- joyed by all opened the meeting. Rev, Andrew McKenzie a former member of Carmel Church was the guest speaker and he gave a very inspiring and challenging address to the youth of to -day. r.Phe hymn "Ori- ward Christian Soldiers was sung followed by the Benediction. An hour o1 gaxnes was enjoyed: after which the refreshments were served. • ,Vir. and 'Mrs. Neeb :of Tavistock visited this week with their Son- in- law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Benson Women's Institute will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs, J. Smillie; on Wednesday night, Nov. 12, at 8:15 p.m. sharp. Miss Consitt will assist the hostess, The honored guests on this occasion will be the 'Grandmothers". Roll call will be 'A contribution for the Tweedsmuir Village History. Mrs. A. Rundle of Iluroindale, will be the guest speaker. Mrs, R. Elgie will present the motto, Social Comm. Mrs, Smillie, Miss Consitt, Mrs. A D, McEwen, Mrs, Goddard, Mrs. Orr, Mrs. C. Gook, Mr's. McEeath and Mrs. R. Broderick. A large at- tendance is urged. The members' who have not contributed to the Legion Flag are asked to do so at this meeting. ' The monthly 'meets'n g he of t Evening Auxiliary tUnited Church), takes place at the home of Mrs. 13, Kyle on Monday evening, Nov, 10, with Mrs. E. Shaddick assisting, Miss Ellis will conduct the Devotion- al period. Roll call "A memorable incident of World War 1I, The Study will be given by Miss Violet MrClymont. Social Conlin. Mrs, Kyle, Mrs. Shaddick, Mary Goodwin And Edna Walsh. A full attendance is requested. Final arrangements niust be com- pleted re the annual Auxiliary iia- za;'r which will be held in the - nited Church School -room on Sat- urday afternoon November 22,. Var- ious booths will be featured includ- ing Novelties, aprons, handlcnit items, produce, home baking, a mystery table etc. Tea will be serv- r'd under the auspices of the W.M.S. Auxiliary members are asked to Present et this meeting all articles and donations for the bazaar in connection with the mystery table, each member is asked for a contri- bution. The date of bazaar, Satur- day, November 22., not November 15 as previously planned. We are taking orders for off -car delivery of this splendid Canadian Coal J. H. Scott R. Watson 336 — phone — 193 w essessausenswas eatemarm,ovverv. heel alancing Helps tires wear longer. We have modern precision equipment to balance wheels properly and add extra miles of service to your car. MAKE A DATE FOR THIS SERVICE TODAY arage FORD - MONARCH DEALERS SEAFORTH STORES CLOSED The Merchants of Seaforth in co-operation with the Canadian Legion's request, will close their stores all day Tuesday, Nov. 11, Remembrance Day. Stores will close as usual, at 6 o'clock, Monday, Nov. 10. MERCHANTS COMMITTEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Town of Seaforth ,PROCLAMATION Rem 1:►yr ranee In accordance with a request from the Canadian Legion, Seaforth Branch, and the desire of the Merchants Committee to co- operate with same, I hereby proclaim Tuesday, Nov. 11th, 1947, a public Holiday, and respectfully request the citizens to observe same. M. A. REID Mayor GOD SAVE THE KING FOR SALE Frame cottage in Seaforth, on Goderich St. East. ;VI, J. CROWLEY. FOR SALE Three Durham cows due In January, and three spring Phone 842 S calves. TOM IRKBY, RRA, FOR SALE Brumfield. Phone Phone 620eks okCli tont. HENRY, FOR SALE Feed Grain for sale. Buckwheat, oats, mix - rd. MILLER ADAMS, phone 346r22, Seaforth FOR SALE 2 Quebec Heaters with 7" .pines.. one large almost new & one smell. Apply JOHN EARLE. Egmondvil le, Tel. 660-6. FOR SALE Hand crocheted bhtertleehsire 7-" x 4.py aTeSafohNs FOR SALE Stucco house, a rooms, one block west of the United Church in Egmondville, garage, acre of land, hydro. NOM small fronts. Immediate possession, JAMES WEBSTER, Egmondville, phmnc 068 r 41. LOST A man's wrist watch, Birks. At Hallow- e'en Frolic. Reward. blinder please notify News Office. FOR SALE Two-storey frame house in Seaforth, on Go.rree St. FRANTC PHILLIPS, Londesbo o. LOST Saturday afternoon yellow gold man's Gruen wrist watch, in Seaforth 01 vicinity of North Read. An RCA remembrance. Reward. MRS. GORDON Melt -SIMS, 836r2, Seaforth FOR SALE D,Ferest•Crosley radio, in good condition, with batteries. Phone 359 Seaforth. POR SALE Flom lamp, 2 cook stoves gramophone, ?- Plate. cleetrle stove, curtain stretcher, 9I50. FRED REEVES, Side street, Seaforth. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, 20 months old, red, resist - tercel. Also 1 grade bull, 10 montha old, ted. Both animals passed TB test. JOHN Me- t—ARTY-1Y. phone 36x3, Dublin .central. FOR SALE Registered Leicester ram for sale. PEAR - SON CHARTERS, phone 662,4 Seaforth. AT FINNiGAN'S POTATOES Stock Up Now Froin the sandy' soil of Sarnia beautiful Write Cookers. $1.90 in lots of five. Also New Brunswick and Spud Islltilicl. Potatoes. The weather is fine, stock up now. ARRIVED THIS WEEK — SUGAR BY THE BAG Priced at $9.99 a hundred, 10 lbs. 1.09 Remember Finnigan's for better meichanclising W. J. FINNIGAN & SON - 'FOR SALE One black mare 4 years. old Two gond w•m•k horses. Three young :grade Jersey springers due to calve thismonth, GEORGE B. EBEOIOART, Seafortli, Ont, • FOR. SALE SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull color roan,. 2 years old. Thisbull was bred by Stewart Dale and is a grand son of "Larbert Templar" im- ported, W. T, LIVINGSTON, 8470.31 Seaforth Auction. Sale At Lnt 3, Con. 10, Tuckersmith, on. Thum - dee, Nov. 2011,, at 1 P.M, 4 miles east of IClppen. ' 1 black Mare 6 year's old. 1 general purpose Mare 14 years old. 1 Jersey cow just freshened. 1 red cow, due time of sale.. 1 red cow, due Jan. 20, 1 red cow, due time of sale.. 1 blue cow just fresh - ow due IsY. March. 1 black caw, freshened esh 1 red r freshened.In September. 1 reit env freshened In September. 1 Hereford bull 3 yea. old. 8 steers 1 year old. 3 heifers 1 year old. 5 calves, 100 Pullets, Rock a New Hamite.. 1 seed drill, 13 -run. 1 riding plow, 'Kassel, - Harris. 1 disc, I'rnsl & Wood. Terms cash, RIO MrKAY, Proprietm'. Harold Jacl(.e), Auctioneer. FOR SALE Table model battery radio. 4 tube superhet, Jorge. 0 -inch .dynamic speaker,wonderful elec- tric tone. Complete with nearly new 2 -volt A battery. Call phone 87 11 12 Hen=all central FOR SALE Three cooking stoves, two with Warning closets and reservoirs, in good condition. Can be seen any time after 5 o'clock. Jack Pethiek, North Main St, FOR SALE Baby Buggy in gond condition, reasonably priced. Apply at. News Office. FOR SALE 1 turquoise blue dress, size 40, just new ; also 1 brown coat, chamois lined, plaid hack, size 40, just: new. Phone 180, Seaforth SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Nov. 18-26 TOiRONTO Good going—Nov, 17th to 19th inclusive. Return — Lv. Toronto not later than midnight, Nov. 27th.. Fare and ono -third for round trip. Government Tex Extra Full information from any agent Y r. 0 1 Auction Sale OI^ PROPERTY & HOUSEHOI-D EG- b'EC1S-- In the village of Varna, Satwdny, Nev.r,. et 1 P.M. HOUSEHOLD EI FEC TS Cnmplote line of lenselm1,1 rife tincluding strtves, kitchen, dining men. i rnnm & bed MOM turn- lures. I)14,o , Kitelion utensils & garden tools. PROPERTY -5 torten fram, .ettage (pl 1`- hc the hleAsh stem. in the tillage of nett of laud. with fruit trees. Barn & double garage. Terms. chattels. cosh. I' teary 10e;: down, bulnnce in le days. Resorts- bid. MRS, ALICE AUSTIN, Proprietross. Gerold Jeckson, Auctioneer. E. 1'. Chesney. Clerk. Auction Sale PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. On Main Street of Hensnll, Wednesday, Nov. 19th at 12.3') P.M. sharp: Clare Jewel all -enamel cook stove; 2 -burner electric hot plate; Deforest Crosley radio: electric heater; electric toaster & iron. Break- fast set table & 4 chairs, white, leather seat.. Extension table; glass cupboard, 6 (lining chairs; Kitchen chairs; bake table with porcelain. too. Number of rocking chairs, number of small tables; occasional chairs;. Chesterfield suite; upright piano with bench; hall rack, mirrors, floor lamp, - 2 couches, 3 bedroom suites, springs & mattresses; 1 iron walnut -finish single bed, spring -filled mat- tress. Toilet sets. Book case. "books, carpet sweeper, Phonograph & records; camp emirs. Large quantity of bedding, pillows, guilts & linens. Rugs, scatter mats, carpets & other floor covering. Folding ironing board.: Quan- tity of sealers, Bross pail. Lawn mower, lawn roller, garden tools. Large quantity of dishes & }Mellen .utensils,. Cutlery & host of other articles. PROPERTY —There will be offered the HARNESS Gloves, Shoe , Repair Find- ings, Nugget Polish, In- soles, .Laces, Black Suede Cleaner, Sock Savers. 'We Sell For Less W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Card of Thanks We wish to thank all those who ea10ePott sympathy during, the bereavement of cur father, also for the many kindnesses, !mind ing the loan of cm's. M. E. CLARKE W. G. CLARKE Card' of Thanks Mr. Hugh Dunlop and family express their sincere thanks to the many friends and or- quah,tsuees for the kindness and sympathy shownin their recent bereavement. Also for. the beautiful floral tributes. The thoughtful kindness of so many will never be forgotten. BOX if -funeral l iUit l' >v® AMBULANCE Prompt -and Careful Attention ('hospital ]led Flowers for all occasions Offlceo Residence 43 18 Community Auction Sale IN THE SEAPORTTI SKATING RINKC, Sattunlay, Nov.22nd, at 1 PM. Anyone wanting to put firniture in sale, pleas, Phone or Send list to hIAP.OLI) JACKSON, Auctioneer, before Nov. kith, NOVEMBER Mgsrno0 OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SnAFORTH, ONT. All kinds, of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F. 1VIoGregor, Clinton; Vice President, . C. W. Leonhafdt,• Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt, Bornllolnl; E. 7.. Trswartha, Clinton; Sohn L. Malone, Seaforth; J. ISI, McDwing, • Blyth R R 1; 'Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; 'Harvey Fuller, . Gode- rich- RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; 7. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,,J3lyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by. applications. to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, The -next meeting of the Huron County Council will beheld in the Connell Chambers, Court House Goderich. commencing Monday, November 17th, at 2.00 P.M. All amounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 16011. N. W. MILLER County Clerk Ooderich, Ontario Auction Sale In town of Seaforth, west of Re- creation Ground, on Saturday, Nov. 3, at 1 pm. Blue flame oil heater (used 2 mos.) ; Quebec cools stove (Find- lay); Quebec heating stove; oak dining 1.00131 extension table; ice box, kitchen cabinet, 6 kitchen chairs, 3 - burner oil stove; child's high chair. Number of small tables, number of rocking chairs, magazine rack, com- mode chair, occasional chairs, 9dd residence of the late 3, W. Ortweln subject: chairs sideboard, electric iron, small do reserve bid: ( P111100 radio, day bed sewing mach - 7 room, 2 storey brick house 2 -ear garage, Me (Singer); 2 wahrut finish iron beds, cable springs & mattresses (practically new); white iron bed, springs & mattresses, dresser, ward- robe, Congoleum rug 9x12; 4 other pieces of Cougoleum; 1 hall runner & scatter mats; curtains, kitchen uten- sils. Quantity of dishes.'6 ft. step lad - on Main St., Hensall, Furnace, 3 pc. hath upstairs, toilet down stairs, Insulated. Press- ure water system. hardwood doors, This Property is in excellent condition. TERMS --Chattels. cash, Propety 10r/r down, balance 30 days. Reserve bid. ESTATE 010 THE LATE MR. AND MRS. J. W. ORTWEIN. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Auction Sale OF CHOICE DAIRY COWS AND YOUNG CATTLE at Porter's Hill, 3 miles west of ]•Iolmesvllle on Wednesday, November 12th, at 1.00 P.M., consisting of: 25 Dairy Cow's, 8 fresh, 12 due to freshen in November & Dcoember. th • bal- ance dee in Februmy & March. 6 young far- row arrote Cows. 3 Spring calves. 2 Holstein heifers due in January. 10 year-old Holstein heifers. 10 Holstein heifer calves lvacoinated). A well bred holstein bull unlf 6 mts. old. 16 Dairy bred heifers (vaccinated). 11 head of stocker cattle. 18 of the cows are well bred Holsteins of gond size & quality, All the Cattle will be sold subject to guarantee. Terms cash, A. E. TOWNSITEND, Proprietor. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2 -DAY Clearing Auction Sale NOVEMBER 12 AND 12 Faris Farm Stock, Implements & Household Effects. On Lots 23 & 24, Con, 4, Morris two., 5 miles east of Belgrave, or 11/4 north & 2 miles west of Brussels. Wednesday, Na'. 12th, 12.30 p.m. sharp: IMPLEMENTS — Cockshutt "70" Tractor, fully equipped on rubber (like new) ; Coek- shutt 3 -furrow plow; Cockahutt 6 -foot one- way disc: 3 -section drag harrows Inter- national tandem tractor dice; 4 -section trac- tor harrows; 4 -section diamond harrows; John Deere manure spreader, 1 year old, on rubber; 3 -drum steel roller, 0 -ft. 13-dise International fertiliser drill Massey -Harris binder, 7 -foot; 6 -foot mower International drop -head hay loader; hay tedder, sulky rake; Massey -Harris cream separator, used six menthe; International cream separator; Universal -double unitmilkingmachine;. new 11,1: 1,0 International gos engine; circular saw; 2 good rubber tired wagons; 16 -foot hay rack; tock reek; gravel box; sloop sleighs with flat rack; cutter; 600 -tree evaporator needtwo seasons;. 2 grain grinder's; storage ; tankgathering tank; 360 buckets rend apiles; fanning mull; Renfrew 2,000 5, scale: 2 wheelbarrows; steel slush scraper; barn leek; drive belts; rivantity of lumber; shingles forks, shovels, whifflctrces and a host of ether articles. FURNITURE -- Grand piano; oak dining roam suite: buffet; china cabinet; table and. 6 rho ro (like new); battery mantel radio; Connor ga•-driven washing moehine (new) ; Reach all-enarncl cook stave (new) ; 2 beating `itis s; Coleman 3 -burner gas alnye with r.von borne` coal nil sieve ; studio couch; 2 .lay beds; 3 bedroom sniten, .spring's and mattresses;. extension table;kitchen theirs; number of odd tables; numer of rockers; 2 rise. s: oupbaarde-rtuantity of gond floor rover - hit's; Coleman goo iron (new); Alladinlamp; lawn mower; 8 venetian blind•, 2' 10" wide, 1' 6" high ; mi—rare; quantity rot a -oier a, dish s, kitchen utensils. FARM --- 124 aero form . red brick Ileum; bank Karn, drive shed :ml pie pen.; le a•ros rot hardy/cod Luh Onr,rl anter sapplY fhur d v, November 1301,, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE -in young Durham;two,due te, fr+hen from January to April. 1 Uu;lmn hull 10 Durham :end Hemford rd SL •ins naives; 13 steers from 100 in 0400 11 2 hrif-r. ion lb 18 Durham heifers ,Ori . 1rore, rising '2 years old. HORSES -1 grey mare rising 4 years old 1 1 black mare tieing 3 years nld; 1 aged mare. 1 driving mere, 6 years old. Harness and hot a collars. PIGS --3 Ynrk sown with litters. 20 York 'honks, ranging from 100 to 150 Tb. 1 York hog, POULTRY -225 Hybrid Pellets, six months old, New Hampshire & Rooks, 2 range shel- ters. Brooder stove. Poultry feeders and. equipment. HAY & GRAIN -300 bus. Fall Wheat;. 100 ]nus, Buckwheat. 300 bus, Mixed Grain. TERMS--Chattics cash, Property 10% down, balance in 80 days, Reserve hid. JOSEPH BREWER, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Robt. Patrick, Clerk. der, garden tools, boiler, lawn mower. Numerous other articles. Terms cash. TOM WILBEE, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Executors Sale Estate of the late Philip Anent. in the town of Brussels, Friday, Nov. 71:11, at 1 p.m, Parcel 1—Farms; Lots 23 & 24, Con, 7, Morris Twp„ 200 acres, well drained, fenced, never fail- ing spring water supply, clay loam, all seeded to pasture. 30 acres of sec- ond growth maple bush, S acres of soft wood, 2 frame barns and frame house. Known as Douglas 1VIcDonald farm. Parcel 2—Lots 25 & 26, Con. 3, Mortis, 200 acres timber land. Parcel 3—Lots 24 & 25, Con, 17,. Grey Twp. 200 acres of grass land, well fenced and divided into 100 acre lots, good water supply; will be offer- ed in one or two parcels. Known as Camp Borden farm. Machinery & tools -2 form mowers, gravel box, 1 farm wagon, hay rack, 50 ft. Aeromotor windmill, force pump & piping, galvanized water trough, binder & wagon tongues, wagon reaches, log skidders. Quantity of as- sorted lumber, 1 inch, 2 inch & 2x4 scantling, work benches, 2 grind stones, log tongues. Several double $c single blocks & pulleys. Quantity of belting, trestles, 2 wheel barrows, whippletrees, doubletrees, neekyokes, forks, shovels, cantheoks, scoop shov- els, grain bags, wire, assorted logging chains, 3 feed mixers, cow chains, horse collars, 2 gals. linseed oil, wood clamps, tree pruner, feed box, winch, 1200.Ib, scales, 2 bag trucks, harness bench vise, pipe vise, barrel oil pump, barrels & boxes, 2 cyclone grass seed- ers, 3 scythes. Quantity of used pip- ing. Factory wooden & steel pulleys; 1 saw sharpening bench, 2 crosscut saws, valves & Piping, pipe fittings, hobbit spoon, host of other articles too numerous to mention, Small quantity of household effects. In case of rain, sale held M shed. Terms cash. Dilate of late Philip Ament. Herold Jackson, Auctioneer. Robert Patrick, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION Townsbtp of Mc10110p The Council of the Township of McKillop will 10000 as a Court of Revision on the A oment of 1043, at Garnegic Hail Sea - mob, on Monday, November 3rd, 1947, ei 10 ;tan. Parties interested should 'govern themselves accordingly. J. 1N. ECI{ERT, Clerk, MclOillop HELP WANTED Men or Women FAMILEX is the easy way to big cash profits. If you have selling ability, a small capital and a desire to establish a profitable business of your own, join usl PRODUCTS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR QUALITY. Sell direct from door to door full or part time. Pro- ducts -sold throughout the year. De- tails and catalogue FREE on re- auest. 'FAMI%,EX, Dept, D. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician, Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- clay 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments far consultation may be nlacle in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. Ii. H. Ross' office. Phone SW MARTIN W. STAPLETON, BA.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooreffeld's Eye, and Golden Square- throat quarethroat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to' 4 p.m. --53 Waterloo St, Stratford, Telephone 267. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS SI'NCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS I,- s� JOHN HACKNEY ... Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN McGRATII Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirlfton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNB, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Gladmain & Cochrane, Exeter Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TiJESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Tiarburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. FOR SALE 7 room stuccoed house, hydro and furnace, garage. Centre St., Seaforth. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 Alvin W. Sillery Banister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers, Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. 0. TTJRNBULL, la.V M., V.S. L. C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either. Vet- erinarian when requested (if possible) PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed• post.faid in plain sealed envelope withprice list. 6 -samples 26e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED TO BUY 01d "Horses and Dead Animals suitable for.: mink feed. Will pay 1l/3o lblive weight for horses. Dead animalo according to value. If dead phone at once.. Phone collect JACK • GILBERT, 0$6r21; or FRED • GILBERT, 9863.82, Gnderieh. FOR SALE ll/ storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, ' on South Main street, Seaforth. r. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth. 15 A. REID, Seaforth.