HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-11-06, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 THE SEAFORTTI NEWS DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, NOV. 8TH Norm Carnegie and His Band Admission 50c Card Party Dance DUBLIN PARISH HALL THURSDAY, NOV. 20 COMMENCING AT 8.30 Prizes and Refreshments Seaforth High h School ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT IN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, NOV. 14 AT 8 P.M. Admission 35 cents Ftp LUMBER ON HAND -1 car of Hemlock -2x6, 2x8, 2x10 1 car of Cedar -2"x4" to 12", and 3"x4" to 12"— Lengths 8' to 22' Reclaimed Cedar Shingles SPRUCE—in 1 and 2 -inch, all widths and lengths; also a car of tongue and groove spruce 5, 6, 7 and 8 -in. wide. FIR—In various widths, length and thicknesses. PEELED CEDAR POSTS—Straight and in good sizes. CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES—Dover White and Grey; Famous Johns -Manville Siding. INSUL BRICK SIDING & ROLL BRICK SIDING INSULATION—Loose or by the carton. 13/16 Oak Flooring PLYWOOD— 1%y, 3/16, 1/t and 3/4. -inch, various sizes. Beaverboard and Flexboard Hardwall Plaster Roll Roofing Sashes and Doors Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd® "Where the Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH .m>®,eecia.Faw,xrrr�earmexema� �ranrs,�,-,:it.,,.!'r..WAZvSIIr WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE EQUIPPED TO C t nd Fit Glass FOR ANY MAKE OF CAR OR TRUCK. D L S Ford - Monarch Dealers Seaforth CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST MUNICIPALITY OF HIBBERT TOWNSHIP PERTH COUNTY Notice is hereby given that I have complied with sec- tion three of the Voters' Lists Amendment Act, 1937, and that I have posted up at my office, Lot 28, Con. 13, Hibbert Township, on the 24th day of October, 1947, the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Mem- bers of Parliament and Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. The last day for appeal being the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1947. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert WANT Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135•r-6 immaNIMI rQ FREE ANIMAL SERVIC. OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD Girl o HOW. WOGS o SHEEP o CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect -, J MITCHELL 219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 E DO THE REST! A STONE SOI G; RSf2,LL,'O;NTARIO.. TOWN. TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. 'lbonrati' ttldrngtou are moving next week to the resid- ence on North Main S1, occupied by Mrs. Frank Storey, who is moving to Mr. Aldington's house on Goderich et. Miss Carol Milison, Clinton, spent the week end at the home of her grandfather, Mr. E. Mole. Mr. and Mrs: Wtn. Pollard and son, Stratford, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Pollard, • Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield and Nancy, Detroit, were week -end visit- ors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Case. Mr, Ernest Clarke, Victoria College, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neely and fam- ily, Stratford, were guests over the week end at the home of - Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves. The Woman's Association of North. Side Church are holding their annual bazaar and tea on Nov. 28, ' Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan, Lis- towel, Mrs. John A, Flone, Atwood, and Mrs. William Gill, Ethel, spent Sunday' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. Miss June Shaw, London, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw. Mr, Dennis Walsh, Kitchener, spent the week end at the home of his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Walser. Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, spent the week end with her mother Mrs, J. B. Thompson. Miss Mary Ryan, Loudon, spent the week end sit her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong have recently returned after spending two weeks in Rochester, N.Y. Miss Doris Ferguson, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson. Kenneth Eaton, who has been en- gaged at the Monetary Times publish- ing house in Toronto the past three months and has been given a higher position and increase in pay. spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Mies Betty Matthews, Kitclreuer, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Matthews: Miss Marjorie Bickell, Toronto, visited relatives over the murk end. RIis, Heleen Devereaux. London, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Devereaux. Mrs. Fred Adams and granddauelt- ter Connie Adams, spent the week enol at the hone of her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams, at Goderich Miss Ann Brodie, Toronto. was a weekend. guest of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Brodie. Mr, Bud Smith: London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. Miss Jean Belly, Kitchener, spent the week end with her parents, 101x, and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Mr. 'David Bolton. Waterloo, visited over the week end at his home here. BORN LAWLESS—At Scott. Memorial Hospi- tal on Nov. 3rd, to Me. and Mrs. Donald Lawless, Walton, a son, WALKER—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Nov, 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker, Seaforth, a dauglt• ter. MCCOWAN—in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Monday, November 3, 11147, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan, Me- ILillop, a daughter, a little sister tor 13ob, Jack, and Peter. and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Powell, of Leamington: Dr. Harvey Reid, Mr G. Elliott Miss Rena Johnston, R,1V. Mrs. ,Duncan, :VIr. Gordon Duncan and Mr. Ernest Clarke, of Toronto; Mr and Mrs. d', T. Reid and Eric Reid, Mrs, Annie McNaughton, of London; also many relatives and friends from Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich, CONSTANCE The W. A. of Constance United Church is holding a bazaar and sale of cooking in the library basement on Saturday, Nov. 15. Door will open at 3:00 p.'ril. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke left Friday to visit with relatives at New Liskeard. Mr, Rolf Reesor of Owen Sound visited with Stephensons on Wednes- day. Miss Doris Lawson of London spent the weekend at the home of her parents Nis. and Mrs. Earl Law- son. awson. Miss Vesta Combs, Mr. Harry Combs and Mr.Menno Jackson of Brussels visited with Mr, and Mrs. Leo Stephenson on Sunday. The Junior Red Cross of S.S. No. 3, Hullett, held their regular meet- ing Thursday last in the form of a hallowe'en party. At the close of the business part of the meeting the children dressed in their costumes.: Prizes were given for the best cost- umes. An apple hunt and refresh- ments then followed. On behalf of the mothers and nupils John Whyte thanked the teacher, Miss Turner, for the enjoyable afternoon. The Constance Sunday School will hold its anniversary services, Sunday, Nov. 9th. Rev. H. V. Work- man of Seaforth will be the guest speaker. Junior choir will provide special music. Service at 3 o'clock. VARNA The death of a well-known resi- dent of Varna, Mr. George Clarke, occurred suddenly about 10:30 Fri- day morning, Oct. 31, while talking to his son, iOb'. M. E. Clarke of Sea - forth, The deceased had been raking leaves at the Varna Parsonage when his son stopped his car to talk to hint. Mr. Clarke carne over to the ear and a few minutes later collap- sed beside it while talking, having passed away instantly. :His death is deeply mourned by all who knew his many fine qualities. He was a life- time resident of the community. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Clarke, he was born on the Goshen Line, Stanley township, on. April 3, 1870, but lived on the Babylon Line nearly all his life. Ile was married to Elizabeth A. Elliott of Goderich township on Oct. 22, 51 years ago, and lived for several year's on Baby- lon Line south before moving to the homestead, Babylon Line north, fion't where he retired to Varna 12 years ago. He was a member of Varna United Church and of L.O.L. 1035, Varna, Mrs. 'Clarice prede- ceased him five years ago last Jan- uary Surviving are two sons: Melvin E. of Seaforth, and William G. of Varna. Three sisters also survive: Mrs. J. W. Johnston (Mary Ellen) of Stanley, Mrs, R. A, Miller (Mar- garet) of Leamington and Mrs. R. S. Evans (Emily) of Oshawa. A broth- er died in infancy and four sisters also predeceased him; Mrs. Charles Reid (Lucinda) of Brumfield, Mrs. William Bates (Rachel) of Toronto, Mrs. Thos, Batten (Susan) of Tor- onto and Miss Florence Clarke of Stanley. He is survived by 7 grand- children. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from Varna United Church, attended by a large number of relatives and friends, it being one of the largest funerals ever seen in Varna. Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna. United Church, officiated, assisted by Rev. H. V. Workman, of Northside United Church, Seaforth. A solo was sung during the service by Mr. Sam Rennie of Hensall. In- terment took place in Bayfield ceme- tery. The ,pallbearers were nephews: Gabe Elliott (Toronto), Mervyn El- liott (Clinton), Dr. Harvey Reid (Toronto), Lloyd Miller (Leaming- ton), Lloyd Johnston (Varna) and Robert Dryden r(Oshawa) ; flower hearers were also nephews: Wilfred Chuter, Wilmer Reid, Thos, Chuter and Harvey Chutes, Attending the• funeral from a distance were: Mrs, R. S. Evans and Mr. and Mrs Robert Dryden, Oshawa Mrs. Margaret Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller BRUCEFIELD The Y.P.U. of Brucefield United Church lias been reorganized with Rev. E. Stanway as honourable pres- ident; Mrs. Gordon Keyes, presi- dent; 9rarion Hill vice president; Ruth Scott, secretary; Thornton {Mustard, treasurer; Margaret Mc - ,Queen, pianist; Cora 'Taylor, press - secretary. Convenors are: Missions, Blanche Zaphe; Citizen- ship, Nora Ilyre; Culture, Madeline 1 Wilson; Fellowship, Phyllis Mc - 1 Bride; Social, Mary Grace McCully, The first meeting was held last week with the vice president in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 378. Marion Hill led us in prayer. The roll call was taken and several new members have been added. Following the business period Blanche Zaphe took charge of the devotional service, which was open- ed by singing hymn 164. The scrip- ture St. Luke, chap. 8: 4-15 was read by Stewart Wilson, Blanche Zaphe gave the topic entitled Training for living in the land of COME TO — Township Hall at Varna Sat„ Nov, 22-3-5 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. Bazaar of 'Sewing Articles, Quilts and Home Baking 25c lunch will be served Auspices of the W.A. of Varna United Church C. W. L. St. Columban DANCE! THURS., NOV. 13 WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA the Humming bird, The meetin": was closed with hymn 240; the Mizpah Benediction and the National An- them. Wont and For Sale Ads., 1 week 3Se, tewerrzainewsisavx DANCE! Autumn Whirl ! AUSPICES OF THE NURSES O0 SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TIME Friday, Nov. 7th, 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. PLACE Cardno's Hall, MUSIC—Skyliners Band DRESS OPTIONAL ADMISSION 2,00 PER COUPLE This is the Third Social Evenin in Cardno's Hall WEDNES. NOV. 12 EUCHRE STARTS 8.30 Euchre and Dance 50c Dance only 25c LUNCH SERVED Harburn's Orchestra AUSPICES SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEN 1111E1.E9S REAL SHIN VALUE $2.69 and Special Sale of MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS These shirts are of top- notch quality. Fused col- lars in sizes 1412 to 16! 2, Come in and stock up now at these special price:; -- $319 , We carry a full line of Boots & Shoes for the entire family supply of Rubber Footwear—Men's, Women's. Boys and iC Men's and Boys' Mackinaw Boots. Boys' a< Youths' HI -cuts. Prices —at Boys' Wool Knee Sox Outfit the youngster for cooler weather with these fine wool sox. Elastic tops in brown. blue and wine All Wool Sno-Suits Girls' and boys' all wool and lined 1 -piece sno-suits. Reg. $6.50 and $7.49. Only a few left to clear $5.00 at Children's Sleepers Warm fleece -lined sleepers, The children really go for these. In sizes 1 to 6. Blue and pink. $ 1 r7'5 Special Flannelette Pyjamas Ladles' nicely trimmed flannelette Pyjamas, in pink and blue. Sm:;lh medium ,no Special still at the old p"ices. We also have our ne"; lddles' Rubber Boots, Ladies' Motor Boote Also other lines. Front Dept. Stores --are Opposite Post Office Seaforth Lower Did You Pay Income Tax For 1942? If so, read this carefully! The Government of Canada will repay the REFUNDABLE SAVINGS PORTION of 1942 Income Tax by March 31st, 1948. If you are one of those who have refundable savings a cheque will be mailed to you BUT— Your correct present address is essential! Correct addresses are available for most of those entitled to repayment, but a large nrmrber of taxpayers are constantly moving and others marry and their names change. Cards on which to report changes of address or name are being sent to all householders in Canada. These are being distributed at the present' time. A dditional cards are available either at your district Intone Tax office or your local Post Office. Do nothing if you live at the same address and have the sante name as in 1942. If you are entitled to Refundable Savings on 1942 Income Tax and you have changed your address or name COMPLETE AND MAIL YOUR. CARD AT ONCE! DEPARTMENT 01? NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation Division Ottawa - Hon. James J. McGann Minister of National Revenue