HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-11-06, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
TIIL: til \I ,:i I \f \1'`•
A , ,:11y ac.ttutin wedding" was Sel-
e11110 ' • .1 111,'',
2 o'clock,
when Rev. R. 0. I-tazlewo0d united in
marl,;;e 1' u.. rt„ le
ter of 51r, <uud 21 is. Thomas William-
lillianl-son, Grey, 10 George Albert, only son
r, li
of b'1 r. rust Mrs. .\lis ii'al tl . 1317th.
The bride loeked <.d :lu* ely in a heavenly
blue ol'I'll dress with a corsage of
Briarclil'Ce ruses. Miss Ina Williamson
was her skim bridesmaid and wore
a dress of Florida rose crepe trimmed
with blank sequins and a corsage° of
Lestra Hibbert roses. The groom was
attended by Jack Watson, of Guelph.
The groom's gift to the bride was a
string of pearls, and to the bridesmaid
a gold pendant, to the grooinsulan a'
gold tie pin. Liter the !tippy couple)
left amid showers of confetti and best
wishes for London, Sarnia and other
Paints. Fol' travelling the bride chose 1
a black dress trimmed with sequins, a
grey coat, and black plastic acces-
sories. On their return they will re-
side on the 8th line of Morris.
Mrs. Horace Rutledge of Quebec
at the home of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Humphries.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman,
Goderich, with relatives.
Mr, Jas. Bolger, Seaforth, with
Mr. Herman Fisher of Bennriller
and Miss Olda Williamson of Wing -
ham spent Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Williamson.
A very sad death occurred in the
passing of William George Dundas,
on Monday morning, Nov. 3rd,
about 9:30 o'clock at his home, on
the 12th con. McKillop. He was in
his 40th year. Mr. Dundas was boat
on the farm where he had been
living. a sou of Mr. and Mrs. George
Dundas, He was married to Ruby
Young •' of Walton on Sept. 11, 1937,
and is. survived by his wife and three
dei hters Eleanor, Cavolvn, Joyce,
all •rt. hone. A brother, Frank Dun -
las. and iilree .deters, Evelyn
Due t.r:', tt N eaie Pcid and Mrs.
1l „' -w.,, 111 of Toronto, also
The ee '1 •1 tock place on
W 1r d, fierneen, Nov. 5tl1,
tatThe .•erri<.'e
,'nd't' tori l,v Roy. .T. '.'. Polars
\ ;?t 'pasteo± Re'Ece1 l'nit-
;iof was member.
lroer nrt took &ace Prussel
The Hydro staff of men are busy
getting the wires up and ready for use
tai IleTown Line.
3lrs.. Robert Watson aid 0011 Ed-
wards. whn whn spent the 9:151 tour
anon;hs with her mother Mrs. F. A.
Edwards. lett on Friday 0,r her home
in Broadview. Sask.
Mr. and firs. V3'in. L. Ferguson left
on Saturday for Sudbury where they
will spend the winter. Ie`P. 01. and
:4h's. V.'. Casey and son Peter have
leased Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson's 110100
forthp- winter.
Kc'n New•i.on of Detroit spent
the week end with kis aunt. Miss
Elizabeth Weston. Ilis mother Mrs.
Mattel Newton, who has spent the
P1101 two weeks with her sister. re-
turned to Detroit with trim on Sunday.
lir. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson of Lon-
don ware guests of Mrs. J. Ferguson
over the week end.
3Ir. and Mrs. Eugene Sander of Kit-
cltener spent Sunday with 13Irs. F. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowlie and 131r,
Lawrence I•'owlb' of London were
w,,..k•,•nd guests of Misses F. and E.
Mrs. Josephine Robinson of London
and Mr. Fred Turner of Godet•ic:h
spent the week end with Mr. and sirs.
Grant Turner.
Mo. and Mrs. A. Fewer .11,1 salt Bill
of Lon.lon spent Sunday with Mr's.
1i-tn. Stinson.
Mrs. N. W. Woods is spenditng this
week in Hensel] with her 'daughter.
Mrs. R. H. Middleton,.
131r. and Mrs. Rptn eh' Irvine and
bo be left olt Simday 1111' S.11111, nui1011
where they intend to 111,1,1 the win-
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have leased
their lane, for tine winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss and Mr.
Glen Prnss of London spent the week
end with Mr. aid -Mrs. lack Parker.
Mr. Albert Vanstone, London, spent
a few days last weak with Mr, and
Mrs, George King.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norman and
family moved to Goderich Saturday.
The Hayfield Lions- CIut, entertain
ed the children of the Village and dis-
trit•t at a. Hallowe'en party in the
Town Hall Friday e.'vening. Prizes
were given for the hest costme.es.
gauges were played under the super-
vision of the local school teachers.
Mr. 1•IeAuley and Mrs. Parker. after
which doughnuts, orangeade. cantly
and apples were served. The prizes
given for the hest costumes were $1
for the first prize, and .50 for secoud
in the different Classes.
()wing to tine funeral of the late 3.11',
George Clarke of Varna, the servlce
was withdrawn on Sunday in the
Blake Chtu'oh.
Many attended anniversary services
at the Evangelical Church in Zurich
on Sunday,
Mrs. Elizabeth Carnie left during
the week for Goderich Township
where she will spend some time on u
farm there.
Miss Vera ()Fisch has takena posi-
tion near Goderich,
Mr, Arthur Finlayson of Kippen
called on Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hey.
Messrs. Ted Jeffrey and Bob Du-
eharme left for Kitchener for the win-
ter months,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Finley and family
Visited friends at Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Hanlyn and daughter
Hope, at London, visited with Mr. and
Mrs P. Bancroft.
The teacher Miss Hettnrieh and
scholars enjoyed a Hallowe'en social
in the school Friday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ducharme were
visited by their daughters from Sar-
tia, and Port I•Iuron over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and family
of Klppeu visited with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch,
On -Thursday of last week 71r. and
Mrs. Loo Watt. Miss Jessie anti Don-
ald Watt olid Miss Phyllis Shephei'tl
to C(1111puny with Mr. James 114c-
eiwing motored to camp Borden to
attend the graduation of the farmer's
un, 93*'. Archie Watt, who was re-
ceiving his. diploma for al1 time
mechanic. Others also Were graduat-
ing the same 'class: After the dip-
lomas were presented they were serv-
ed a Mee flinch, part of which was a
very large graduation cake which was
all decorated. ft Is a little over 0 year
since Archie signed up .and started
studying and we wide to congratulate
trim on his success. He is now sta-
tioned at Centralia. The above men-
tioned car load, after leaving Camp
Borden, went to Toronto Thursday
night, leaving there Friday afternoon
after enjoying a lovely trip.
Friday night being Hallowe'en some
of the boys and girls got decorated
and enjoyed themselves a little with
the neighbors, but no harm reported.
The teacher and children in School
'Section No, 6 enjoyed a good after-
noon on Thursday, also having 100tH
at the enol of the fun, and in School
Section No. 7 on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John T. Knox in Wingham. Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Jeffrey and Paul, Strat,
ford, were also there.
Mrs. Albert McVittie of Hespeler
and her daughter 'Norma and husband
and children of Preston spent Sunday
for dinner and afternoon at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt. Later hi
the day Watt's and the former car
load visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Kellatid McVittie, Mrs. Leo Watt
and iVlr:s. Albert McVittie calling for
a short time at the latter's hone
when on the fare now worked by Mr.
and Mrs. Prank Weigh,
Miss Pennington spent the week
end with her friend Miss Marjorie
New Year,
Misses Mary and Jean Costello,
Louden, with their parents, Mr. and
NOS. DWI Costello.
Messra James Curti* Charles
Frieinl, and Thomas Dorsey attended
the hockey snatch in Toronto Saturday
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 0111 and 'dau-
ghter IVlari'on in Detroit and Flint,
Mr. and Mrs. George White, Kdu-
kora, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mt's.
Pat Flanagan,
Mr. Charles Malone with Mrs, 'Mal-
one and Mrs. McGrath,
Mr. and Mrs. John Shea Jr, in
Toi•oil t0,
Mrs, Joseph Kale and son Tom 'in
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Steinbach and
little son of London with, Mr, and
Mrs. Jos. Flanagan.
Ma's. Janes McQuaid with friends in
Miss Joan Flanagan of Bamberg at
her home ,here.
Mr, and Mrs.' James Medan in
'rhe first farm forum meeting was
held at the home of RA•. and iMlr's.
t',e•orge 3L,ck on Monday evening The
next meeting will be held at the home
of ,lir. mitt Mrs. Dalton -Hinz. Eve•y
1 body is we4•ome.
' Mr. Dickson of i *slow'..1 h-ts- pur-
cb 1 the Hardware stkire from ]R'.
1. +1. Biwa which has been nperntt•ti
by Mr. Clarence Green for the past
1 year. and has taken possession.
131*-. and Mrs. Henry E. Hiegel and
3A'. tnul 3A's. Earl Doyle and Lynda
and Sharon attended Mr. 17oyle's sI,
ter's wedding Toronto on Saturday
and spent several days visiting rola
rives there. - '
Mr. and Mrs.- John Anisleili union)
celebrated their 25th wedding atntiv
misery nn Saturday. Their two sons
Roy of Kitcl*ener, and Robe'r't, wird is
at home, were present. They were the
recipients of many lovely -.gifts of
Rev. and Mrs, W. Schultz and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Elligson matured to
Toronto on Saturday to visit Mr. Wm.
Hoppeuroth, who is confined to To
route General Hospital.
Mr. Roy Milstein of Kitchener with
his parents. Mr, and Mrs. J. Ametein
for the week end.
The Brodhagen Band were engaged
for the Hallowe'en* Frolic at Lufau on
Friday evening.
11r. and firs. Chas. Ahrens and
Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens.
Clayton, Robert and Kenneth. attend-
ed the celebration of the *1111 wedding
anniversary of lir. and Mrs. Spence*°
31'Leod 11 London 011 Tuesday.
On Friday afternoon the pupils of
the school enjoyed a IL•rllowe'en party
at the sellout.
Visitors with 131r•. and Mrs. .\elan
Kistner wore: Mrs. Huelmet'gard, Mr.
Frets I'Cistner. 31r. Clarence Hansen* of
Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg of St.
31.uys with Mr, ani 1VAs. hl 11011 11111•*,•
Mr. and 3'Irs. 1.01121111
Whit Mr. 111111 Mrs. L. G. itoc•Ik.
The engagement of Miss Helen
Theresa Karn of Honolulu, Hawaii,
Is., to Mr. Robert K. Chang, Hono-
lulu, was announced by her father,
lir, K. K. Kant, Mani County Trea-
surer, at a party recently, Miss
Ram was one of three Chinese
sisters who were guests of Mr. and
3'Irs. David McConnell while on a
tour of the United States, Canada
and Mexico during Augusand Sep-
tember. The bride elect is a gradu-
ate of St, Anthony's High School at
Mani, and is employed as an estate
end guardianship clerk at the First
Circuit Court. Her fiancee, Mr.
('hang, a graduate of McKinley Col-
lege, is employed at the Hawaiian
Gas Products, Honolulu. The mar-
riagre will take place early in the
'Theannual meeting of 1110 Ratepayer- „1
the Township of tleil.•tt will be held In rho
The Clerk will be in the Community Hull,
Lmndcsboio, from 1 to 2 p.m, to receive
Nominations for 1 Reeve and 4 Councillors to
hold Office for the Year of 1944,
When a proposed Candidate is not Present.
his. Nomination Paver shall not he valid un-
less then is attaehod thereto evidence setts -
factory to the Returning Officerthat he con-
sents to be so Nominated,
A meeting of the Electors will be :held its
the -Community Hall, - Londesboro, to 2 r•.i'+1,.
Friday, November 218t, to hear proposed ,
Candidates and in case more than the renuired
number of Candidates to fill the Office, are
Nominated and Vote demanded a Poll will be
held on
Prom 9 A.M. until fi P,M, at the Ibllowi,l»
Pon 1.-Forestors Hall, Itinburn, DRO, :ac-
cord McBrien ; Poll clerk, Epluiam Clark.
Poll 2 -School House SSG, 1)120Bet. 14,
eom Poll clerk Leo Watt.
Poll 0-- School House 382 DRO Joseph
Flynn;Poll clerk, Bernard Tighe.Poll 1 Community Hall, Londeshore. 1:151)
Thomas Miller. Poll Clerk Emerson Hoak
Poll re -Community Nall, - Summerhill. -105)1.
Ehhr±am Snell; Poll clerk, Orval Raproa.
Poll f ---Community Hall. Load } D,11 tr
Prank Longman 1 Poll clerk 1 Robs I r ihelel
Poll 7---Vomedore.. (fall Auhiu, . t e.0 \111.
Craig 1 P111 C1011(. (1001 haste"•.
Twp, Clerk.
Hensall village and surrounding
communities will observe Remem-
brance Day next Tuesday when -a
service of unveiling honouring the
fallen heroes of World War II will
be held at the Cenotaph, followed by
a service in the Town hall.
A parade will form at the Public
School, ready to move off at 10:30
a.m. consisting of 'Hensall ;Bp:anch
Canadian Legion, Town and Town-
ship Councils, Clergy, School Board,
Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts,
Girl Guides, School children.
At the Cenotaph, R. Robbs Taylor
M.P.P. will unveil the new inscrip-
tion of names, assisted by Guide
Orion Stephan and Scout Ron Mc-
Kinnon. Wreaths will be placed by
the Reeve, Mrs. R. Taylor, and Mrs.
A. McEwen.
In the service in the hall the.
speaker will be Rev. R. H. Sander-
son. It is hoped the entire communi-
ty will be present to honour our war
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 w
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Snarling and
Hazel visited on Sunday with Mrs.
33'nt. High, of St Mary's
1111 and 1 Evilest Mrs. Foster of
Granton visited on Sunday withMr.
and Mrs. James Heywood.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhule and
family, of Winchelsea visited with
Mr, Donald' Penhale, who returned
home with them.
Rev. Mr: Goodger of Kirkton pre-
sented 0very interesting travelogue
in Elimville Church last Tuesday
evening ,on his. trip to California and.
western states and Canada.
Miss Florence Bell of London spout
the week enol with her mother.
Church service next Sunday will
still be at 10.15 and Sunday School'
follow at 11,15 a.ni.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Philip
Mr. and Mrs, Eric Garscadden and
Jimmy of Exeter' visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Miners.
Mr. Harry Murch and Laurie, Lon-
don, visited on Sunday with Mr.' and
Mrs. Harold Bell.
Mr. Charles Pym of Thames Road
visited one day last week with his
brother Mr. Samuel Pym.
Miss Wilma Walters of Winchelsea
visited on Sunday with Miss Aldeen
A bazaar will be held in the
Township hall at Varna Staurday,
November 22 from 3-5 p.nt. and 8-
10 p.10. under the auspices of the
United Church W. A. There will be
a fine display of sewing as well as
several quilts and home baking. A
25 cent lunch will be served.
:lir. Thomas Pryce spent the week-
end in Toronto.
Mrs. Irwin T1'ewartha visited in
Brantford on Tuesday, •
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell cele-
brated thei 33t1 dd'
r 1 iwe rig annver-
sary recently with a fancily dinner.
26c• Mr. Sol Shannon has returned
with Louis Hayward, and Barbara Britton
All impressive, entertaining historical story with characters, 'settings
and mites stemming from the original works by Dumas.
ntei'taiatirent "JOHNNY NY O'CLOCK' MON. eves. wen.
Adult D J HN
with Dick Powell and Evelyn Keyes
A tense drama about a tough gilt --1t packs solid entertainment of
the police variety.
with John Wayne and Gall' Russell
A skilled, superior Western story -This is no ordinary picture
Coming: "CARAVAN" Adult Entertainment
with Stewart Granger and Jean Kent
Adapted from Lady Eleanor Smith's Best Seller
from Scott Memorial Hospital.
Miss Isabel Betties of Toronto
.spent a few days at her home this
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of Algoma
visited with their cousin Mrs. W.
Haugh last week.
Mrs. F, Crookes and daughter of
London spent the week end with Mrs.
Alex Mustard Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and
Brian were guests with Mrs. Must-
ard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey
sof Blake, on Sunday.
Mrs. Tas Berry is visiting with her
niece, Mos, C. Mance, and other rela-
tives, in London.
Mrs. Jas. O'Brien was taken to a
nursing home in Lucan Saturday.
Funeral of the late Mrs. Alex Mc-
Kenzie, who passed away at the home
of )ler daughter Mrs. A. Moore, in
Egnlondville on. Sunday. was held in
the. church here on Tuesday after-
noon. Service was conducted by her
pastor Rol. E. Stanway, and Rev. A.
W, Gardiner of Egmondville. and a
1011)101' pastor, Rev. G. F. N. Atkin-
son of Wardsville. Interment in
Baird's .
The BoycemeterySooutare holding their
'apple day' on Saturday. Next Sunday
their charter will be presented Lo
MORSON-On Monday, Nov. 3, at
Brampton, William C. T. Morson, be-
loved husband of tit,e late Marion
Rutherford Holden, Cather of Mrs. W.
E. Glenney, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick,
Mrs. J. H. Best and C. Russel Marson.
Resting at the funeral chapel of A.
W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Ave., W., To-
ronto. Service in the chapel on Thurs-
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
Boys and girls! Make your own
BOOK" . . . Follow the exciting
new sequence in "DICK'S ADVEN-
TURES" in PUCK, The Comic
Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday
Times. You'll have lots of fun keep-
ing a scrapbook of Dick's adven-
tures among the Pilgrims. Get Sun-
day's Detroit Times.
17 Jewels ;
17 Jewels:
•17 ECwe1i
21 Jewels
t 4950
Don't wait 'til the "last minute" - shop early for the best selection.
We will reserve your gifts until wanted ... payments can start in 1948
on terms to suit your convenience.