HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-30, Page 7THURSDAY, OCT
30, 1947
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Death Of William J. Carter
The death of William J. Carter,
South Street, a well-known and
highly esteemed resident of Goder-
ich, occurred on Thursday, October
26th, at Alexandria Hospital. Al-
though he had been in failing health
for some time, Mr. Carter remained
quite active until near the last and
was in hospital only one week. His
lite had been one of industry and
activity, and his determination to
carry on aslong as possible was
characteristic. He was born in Hui -
lett township, but spent most of his
life in Goderich, and being an ex-
pert woodturner and cabinet-maker
he was a valued employee of the
Goderich Manufacturing Co. for
many years. Products of his skillet)
and conscientious workmanship are
to be found in many homes and in-
stitutions in Goderich. He was a
member of North street United
Church, also of the Canadian Order
of Foresters and the I.O.O.F. Sur-
viving are his wife, the former Hel-
ena Reid, and one son, Clyde Carter,
The funeral took place on Satur-
day afternoon from the Brophey
funeral home, the services being
conducted by Rev. C. Wesley Cope.
The nterment was in Maitland cem-
etery, the pallbearers being H. J. A.
MacEwan, W. H. Blackstone, A. J.
Wilkins, J. 13. Lauder and W. H.
Robertson of town and Herbert Jen-
kins of Clinton. — Goderich Signal
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Christ Jesus came into the World
Why? TO SAVE SINNERS. 1 Tim. 1:15
WHO ARE THE SINNERS ? — YOU and I. Rom. 3:23
HOW CAN WE BE SAVED? — Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ audthou shalt be saved. —Acts 16:31
He died in our place and stead, bearing our sins that we might be
Justified who trust in itis finished work. 1 Pet. 2:24
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Nobomber 12f1,, Wean
'a(onnaaca ooa. y
salt your auoroet etlwgq tt • OScoon),
ease and
loss of ,subsidies of ten cents a
On The Farmer bushel on oats and tweny-five
cents a bushel on barley and wheat.
"Livestock :producers throughout It is predicted that the total in -
Ontario are depressed and angered creased cost to the farmer would be
by the tragic cloud of uncertainty substantially more than double
which is overhanging and threaten- these amounts. These feed cost in-
ing the industry" Mir•. R. W. Mar- creases would come on top of in-
rison, Alvinston, Vice,Presldent, creases of $10 to $13 a ton in mixed
stated on behalf of the Ontario feeds which became effective a few
Federation of Agriculture in Tor- weeks ago with the removal of
onto today. At the International mixed feed ceilings.
Plowing Match in Ringston, Presi- "We have been told that the feed
dent R. A. Stewart endorsed Mrgrain ceilings and subsidies will re -
Morrison's statement, main as long as the ceilings remain
"Our Provincial Federation office on meats, and this would provide
is being flooded with demands from some relief. But only part of our
farm organizations in all parts of livestock production goes into the
the province that the dominion goy- domestic market. The pork, beef,
eminent clarify immediately its wes- eggs and cheese which go to Britain
tern feed grain.•policy, and with re- go under contract prices which tend
Ports of tragic liquidation of live- to determine the domestic prices,
stock", said Mr. Morrison. "A wire and these contract prices are not
from Prince Edward County Fed- sufficient to permit substantial cost
eratlon is typical, stating that 5,000 increases, In fact, cost increases al-
laying pullets were sold for meat in ready hitting us have forced many
the county to one buyer during the farmers to reduce production. This
last week, and that great numbers is tragic both for our own farm
of brood sows are being sold daily people and for the needy people of
;for slaughter. Lanark and Renfrew Britain and the people of Europe
counties are demanding that any with whom Britain is sharing some
increase in feed grain prices be ab- of her means.
;sorbed in increased subsidies, and an "Our farm people are making
immediate announcement of domin- three principal demands. First, they
ion government policy. Grey, Bruce are demanding that the government,
and Duffei'in counties are demand-are
sells our products to Britain
ing a provincial livestock confer- and which therefore largely will be
ence to avert 'a major catastrophe.' setting the price of our livestock
Huron County farmers are holdingproducts even after all domestic
a protest meeting at Clinton to- controls are ended, maintain a fair
night. Other meetings are taking relationship between our costs and.
place elsewhere throughout the pro- the prices we receive for our live-
vince, stock. Second, they want a vigorous
"Despite Ontario farmers despar- govenunent effort to' move feed
ate need for feed grains, no sub- grains from the west in sufficient
stantial shipments from the Bay-
port elevators have been made to
Ontario dealers for the past three
weeks," said Mr. Morrison. "Mil-
lions of bushels are being held there
hi expectation of a government an-
nouncement of an increased price or
removal of the ceilings. This ex-
pectation arises out of the recently
announced increased price for wheat
colder the British contract, and re-
peated government predictions of an
early removal of the remaining
-eilings. A recent dominion govern-
ment statement was that such ac-
tion was being postponed temporar-
ily only because of the packing-
house strike.
"Fanners are doubly afraid of
this step because they have been
'hid that the present feed grain
subsidies are to be removed at the
same time," said Mr. Morrison.
"Thus eastern farmers would have
quantities to take care of their
winter requirements. Third, they
demand that the government settle
its feed grain policy and make it
known for a sufficiently long period
in advance to remove the fears aris-
ing out of present uncertainties and
to enable producers to do a maxi-
mum production job and do it with
"We met with the dominion min-
ister of agriculture, the Rt. Hon. J.
G. Gardiner, at the end' of last year,
to consider 1947 production goals,"
said Mr. Morrison. "We accepted
those goals gladly, even though they
meant another year of strenuous
effort with inadequate help, on the
get by. There have been small price
understanding that our returns
would be sufficient to enable us co
increases during the year, but with
the increases have gone increases in
costs which have decreased our real
wth an '.
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