HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-30, Page 5TIHURSDA.Y,, 'OCT. 30 047 THE SEAFORTH NEWS COME TO First Presbyterian Chur h SATURDAY, NOV. 1ST 3 to 6 o'clock BAZAAR OF APRONS, PRODUCE, KNITTED ARTICLES AND HOME BAKING AFTERNOON TEA - Silver Collection YOU WILL ENJOY A PLEASANT AFTERNOON HULLETT Mr. Alf Buchanan and son Fred, visited the Stutt male at Forrest and saw a fine bunch oi' Hereford cattle sold. There were 34 head and they averaged about $260, with top price of $370. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley, Sea - forth spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley of Constance. Mrs. Edwards, Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Riley. Mr. Fred Riley, Kitchener, spent the weekend with his parents in Constance, TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmitb Ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs, Gregor McGregor on Wednesday, Nova 6th, with Group 3 in charge. This will be Grandmothers' meeting, and all members are requested to wear an old hat: a prize will be given. Roll call will be, How to keep young. Mrs. Glen Broadfoot will be the guest speaker. Members are asked to bring gifts for the bale. The new slate of officers will be read. The club will hold a masquerade party and dance at No. 4 school on Friday night, Oct. 31st, A good attendance is requested at both. Ti Lionsri DO NOT MISS allowe'en Frolic The Ticket Wheel will give as part Prizes Large and Small Bags of Flour Some 100 lbs. Sacks of Balanced Feeds CHICK GROWER HOG GROWER LAYING MASH HOG FATTENER PIG STARTER DAIRY RATION As Special Prizes for Farmers WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE 3 THAT WE ARE EQUIPPED TO C.3# and Fit -Glass FOR ANY MAKE OF CAR ®'. TRUCK. LY'S Ford - Monarch Dealers Seaforth TOWN TOPICS ,.. Rev. Dr. Victor T, Mooney was the meal of Rev and Mrs Work- man b I 3, \ man while In tavfor Northside an- niversary ser•Vites. Mrs, James Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and two children; of Staffs, Visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. T. Altliugton. Mrs. ,Lorne Carter, Gloria and Don- ald, spent Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs: ' Thomas Williamson, .Mrs. Jack Cummings returned home on Tuesday from London where She was undergoing treatment in the hospital for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Kelly and fam- ily and Mrs, 'Daniel Crowley and tent- hly, of Kirtkora, and Miss Julia Mur- ray of Mitchell spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. James Murray and family. Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw attended the Watkins convention in Kitchener on Wednesday, Mrs, Hilson Whiteford of Ingersoll returned home on Sunday after spend. ing a few days with her Sister Mrs. Bradshaw. Among guests at the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman on Saturday Were Mr. and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford and Carman Herdman of Ingersoll, Mr. and. Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen of Cen- tralia, Antos and Herman Herdman of Exeter.. Mr. and Mrs. pr L. Aileen of East Amherst, N.Y„ visited last week with the fortner's aunt Mrs. A, L. Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nott 00 Clin ton, who have recently returned from n. looter trip thorough the Western provinces into British Columbia, visited on Senility w1111 1\Ir. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson at Constance. Mr. E. A. McIntosh of London spent the week end in town, Mr. and Mrs, George Finlay and son Douglashavemoved to their new home in Leaside, Mrs. C. A. Trott and Ann spent Sat- urday with Ib" f'ormer's mother. 01Irs. Louis Looliy, at Dublin. Mrs. Wesley Real, 'reroute, spent the week end et tli' hone of Misses Vert, and Lura. Mole. Rev. A. Hinton will be guest soloist next Sunday evening at the Egnrond- ville united Church anniversary cer- viees Mr. and Mrs, -Edmund Knox of To- ronto were week end visitors at the Monte of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Farquhar. Mr, and Mrs. John 11Moore of McLen- nan, Algoma, arrived last Friday and are spending two weeks at the home 00 his sister. Mr. and Maw W. J. Nola also with the Messrs. Dayman and other friends in Tuelcersntith and Usborne. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Farquhar were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer and Gwen and Greg, of Hansall, Mr, Russel Blackwell 0f London, Mr. Ron Farqu- har of Waterloo, and Mr, and Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar and Gail of Kippen. Miss Jean Agar entertained her Sunday School class to a Hallowe'en party at her home an Wednesday af- ternoon, Games were played and Hal- lowe'en treats served. Miss Jline Shaw, London, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell and Mary visited in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, New Hamburg were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson. ail and Mrs. Fred Walsh and fam- ily, Woodstock, visited over the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Fortune, Miss Helen Devereaux, London, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Devereaux, Mrs, E. Bee and Mrs, Walter Muir, Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis. Mr, and Mrs, Peter McIver and Jo- sephine, Mrs, Murray Stiles and Mr. J. Johnson, visited with Mrs. Melver's brother, Mr.. Thos. Johnson, In London on Sunday, Nin Cyril Flannery, Detroit, visited with relatives over the weak end. blr. David l3olton, Waterloo, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Dolph Masse and Miss Betty Bannon, Windsor, were week- end guests of Mrs. Ellen Bannon, Mrs, Thos. McAdam spent a few days with relatives in Toronto last week. Miss Margaret ('ase R:N., left Mon- daY for Sault ince. Mario, where site Will spend;; two weeks' vacation with her sister and brother inlaiv Mrs, Joseph Marinelli and Mr, Marinelli. Mr, and Mr's. Jack Sproat, North Bay, were recent guests of Mr, Russell Sproat, Mrs. . ss. !Sproat; William and Ross. BORN MURRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Oct 23, to Mi'. and Mrs. Ray- mond Murray, RR5 Seaforth a daughter.. HART — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oct. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs Ken- neth Hart, .Seaforth, a daughter. STEINBACH—At Scott Memorial hos- .pital on Oct. 24111, to Mr.'and Mrs, Wln, Steinbach, Seaford', a son. DUNN—AL Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 28t1s, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn, Seaforth, a daughter. L1TTLn—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oct. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little, Seaforth, a son. LEIPER — WHITELAW A very, • pretty fall wedding was solemnized last Saturday afternoon in Hillcrest Church of Christ, Tor- onto, when Mary Katherine White- law, elder daughter of :11r. and Mrs. J. Headley ,Whitelaw of Toronto was united in marriage to Mr, Rob- ert Leiper, son of alas, Annie Leiper of Londesboto and • the late Mr, .James Leiper. Rev:. Hugh B. Kilgour performed the ceremony against a background of white mums. Miss :Jeannie Alison played the wedding nusic Mrs. Richard Geary sang `I'll Walk Beside You" before the ervice and "1 bays but Thee" dui - lig the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her 'ather , wore a gown of camellia vliite rose patterned satin damask, 1 two-tiered hip peplum lent a pan- der effect and formed her graceful -rain. Her finger-tip bridal veil was •aught by a coronet -of orange blos- oew afuong which nestled some blossoms from her mother's and grandmother's wedding headdress. She carried a cascade of white Chiy- authcntums and bouvardia, which vas later sent to the grooms mother, vim was unable to attend -the wed- ding The bride was attended by her only sister, Miss Margaret White- aw dressed in a graceful gown of 'Ischia velvet with matching hat and carrying a muff adorned with >ardenias, dr. William Leiper of Londesboro, brother of the bride -II groom, was groomsman and Mr. twit Ferguson and Mr. Keith White-, aw assisted as ushers. A reception was held at the home of the brides parents. Mrs. White- aw received wearing a floor length gown of coral crepe with a draped skirt and gold beaded trim. Her corsage was of Johanna Hill roses. Miss Agnes Leiper, sister of the groom, assisted wearing a long gown of sapphire blue velvet with match- ing hat and corsage of sweetheart roses. Later the bride donned a raspberry wool suit with matching hat, navy accessories, Kolinsky furs, the gift .of the groom, and a cor- sage of gardenias. On their return from a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Lei- per will make their home in Toron- to. Out of town guests included Mi and Mrs. Jack Leiper, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Ratite„- Ottawa: ,iii and firs J Alex.. Whitelaw, Lon- don; Mr, Harold - Scott, Sturgeon Falls, NIr. and Mrs: W. T. Whitelaw, Searcy, Ark.; Mt's. John Jay, Mea- fdrd, Green Front Features Special Bargain Counter For Weekend Ladies' here's your chance to cash in on some real values. Shop early on Friday and Saturday and save yourself money on quality goods that have been specially arranged and priced on our Super Bargain Counter for easy shopping. E%,!' Girls' Head Scarves E,=�a Attractive and practical for windy days. In red, gold and blue : Ladies' Cardigans In All Wool All sizes from 14 to 20, Poudre Blue only. Reg. 4.19 $3.25 CHILDREN'S CARDIGANS All wool Cardigans in V neck style, Sizes 2, 4 & 0.. Wine, Light Blue rte Green Reg. 2.79 — 1.99 Prices —at gen Fr Opposite Post Office Reg. $1.89. Special 139 Boys' Pyjamas Heavy flannelette pyjamas in sizes q a]g 2, 4 and 8. Reg. 1.89. Special a atm 6.261111EP 1.11:1:1.09,37.2.112=017115, Men's Ski Caps Ideal for the sportsman. Wool in various colors. Reg. 1.09, Special., .7,9 Luncheon Sets In various patterns. Very nicely boxed:, Reg. $1.49. Special o� Listed above are but a few of the many items on display Stores —ogre t Dept.Lower Seaforth Mrs. J. Headley Whitelaw enter- tained at a. trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, - -NI. Katherine Whitelaw, whose marriage to -Rob- ert Leiper took place on Satur- day in Hillcrest Church of Christ. Miss Agnes Leiper, sister of the groom, assisted the hostess in re- cehing. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Keith Rapsey, Mrs. George Papsev, Mrs. James Court- ney, Mrs. S. Secord, • Mrs. J. S. Walker, Mrs, C. P. Wells and Mies NI. McLennan They were assisted by Miss Doris MacKinnon, Mrs A. S. Jefkins, Miss Eileen Waite, Miss Marjorie Secord, Dr. Eleanor Rob- inson, Miss Eleanor Yake and Mrs. D. Zimmerman. Others who entertained for the bride-to-be include her office associ- ates, a miscellaneous shower: Miss Marjorie Secord, luncheon in the Round Room; Mrs. A. S, Haw, mis- cellaneous shower, and Mrs. E. A. Fake, a linen shower. Hollywood; Moving on to San Fran- cisco they spent five clays there and saw "The Lion's Parade" represent- ing almost every country in the world, also visited the famous Red- wood forest and saw the Golden Gate bridge which is four miles long. Ieaving there they visited at Portland' Oregon and surveyed the international 'rose gardens, One ` of the most beautiful cities visited was Seattle Wash., where they left by boat for Victoria. Later the same evening they landed in Vancouver. and shortly left by train for Banff and visited beautiful Lake Louise, Moving eastward they stopped at Calgary and Edmonton and explored. the R.C,M.P. Barracks there. Leav- ing Alberta they wended their way to Saskatoon, thence to Winnipeg, (Port McNichol, Sault St. Marie and finally arriving in Toronto and home. Moving pictures to illustrate the trip were shown by Mrs. J. M. Scott and Mrs. McMaster, also those pictures taken of the different church organizations a few weeks. ago by Mr. Scott. Miss Rena Fennell moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Mc- Master and Mrs. Scott, After sing- ing "Come let us sing of a wonder- ful Love" the meeting closed by re- peating the Mizpah Benediction, CORRIVEAU - BROUGHTON The wedding was solemnized at the United parsonage. Rev. G. T Simpson officiating or Laurette Matilda Brough- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton, of Atwood, to Paul James Cn1.riveau, of Zurich. soli of Mr. and Mrs, Marcil Corriveau. The bride's gown was a floor -length model of while satin with filled bodice of eye>b>l. nylon. A pleated ,•sown edge al with pearls held her finger-t.ip 1"- 11 and pearls, which were the grono.'• gift were a1A, wor'u, She rep- lied Atn,'rieau Beauty rose.. 81 ise AMU' Brongloon. R.N.. of Atwouel, was her sister's brlib.sm nil 1‘,'111'111q.it n gi''t'n lineal'>d =:rtitr w,tb I It of ostrich plumes. 1i11r05 ., r' formed iter nosega y. '00,. hit i bro- ther. Wm. Broughton, 'AT::: h, .,l ratan. The wedding dinner was al the home of the bride's parent;. Later Ale and hits. Corriv,>art left on a trip to Northern Ontario. the "ride dolwhia for the journey a powder Idne suit with blaek accessories. They will re- side in Seafoet:a. CONSTANCE The Sunday School anniversary wL1 Ire held on Nov. 9111, There will he music ay the junior choir. Mf. Brown of Hanover is visiting his son, Mr. Borden Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton spent Tuesday evening With Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan, Remember the bazaar of the Con- stance W.A. in Seaforth library basement on Sat. Nov. 16th. Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan, Mrs, Betty Smith and Frank and Craig' Mellott o1' Garden City, Michigan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ephriam Clarke and family. MAE LANE AUX. MEETS The NIae Lane Auxiliary of North- side United Church met on Tues, evening Oct. 28 with Pres, Mrs. B. Christie presiding. Miss Vera Mole opened the meeting by reading a Poen" "Autumn Glory". After sing- ing the hymn "From ocean unto ocean" Mrs. Edwin Johns led in prayer, Mrs. J A. Westcott, ussist- ant secretary, read the minutes of the September meeting. Reports given by various secretaries and roll was called. Mrs. A. Sillery, Capt. of Circle 2, took charge and hymn "0 Master let me walk with Thee" was sung, followed with prayer by Nies. Gouclie. The scripture lesson was taken by Mr.'s. Lloyd Mor- rison, Miss Mabel Turnbull very sweetly sang "Can't Remember" accompanied by Mrs. Jas, Stewart, at the piano. The main feature of the evening was a travellogue of a good -Will tour of the United States and Canada by Mr's. McMaster, who in the company of several other's made the trip last summer.'. Com- meneing their tour from London. I they first stopped at Chicago and via Santa Fe railway, they touched the fnllnwina 'dares of importance: 'toured Kansas Cil.v and into state of Colorado and silent some time at Grand Canyon National Park which is truly enc of the seven wonders of the world. From there they travel- ed to Los Angeles, Cal, end saw several actresses and their homes in ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will beheld in E4inondville United Church SUNDAY, NOV. -2 at 11 a.m. and .7,30 ppm. Conducted by Rev. G. F. N, Atkin- son, B.A., 01 Wardsyille SPECIAL MUSIC' BY THE ' CHOIR DANCE in Cardno's Hall Saturday Nov. lst Norm Carnegie & His Band ADMISSION 50c DANCE! Autumn Whirl ! AtTSPICES OF THE NURSES OF SCOTT ,MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TIME — Friday, Nov, 7th. 10 F.M. to 2 A.M. PLACE— Cardno's Hall, MUSIC—Skyliners Band DRESS OPTIONAL ADMISSION 2,00 PER COUPLE mar and Sade of Homo Cooking fy In Library Basement. Seaffrth SAT., NOV. 15TH Doors open at 3 o'clock AUSPICES' OF THE W.A. OF CONSTANCE I'NITED CHURCH BIG OLD TIME CE! in Cardno's Hall BEAFORTH Tues., Nov. 4th MUSIC BY THE AVON AIRS OF KITCHENER Dancing 9.30 - 12.30 ADMISSION ane 1 STPI ANNUAL PALACE RINK - SEAFORTH kkk'' AT S P.M. HALF NET PROCEEDS TO BE DONATED TO SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL; REMAINDER FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK PARADE ^ WILL LEAVE MAIN 00 (10DERIC 3 STREETS AT 7.10. SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS HAND, AND BANNOCKBUP.N PIPE BAND. AND CHILDREN IN COSTUME. Gam ALL THE OLD FAVOR- ITES — BINGO, OVER AND UNDER — BIRD CAGE Entertainment Outstanding program by the McGregor Concert Bu- reau, including acrobats & music. Hallowe'en Contests Admission to rink — Adults 25 cents Children under 15, FREE Drawing for 8 Big Prizes 1 Bi 1, To a well known Sarnia Orchestra 2— BIG DOOR PRIZES — 2 Cardno's Hall — Admission 50 cents