HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-30, Page 44 mid ti1.1 \tiattl't'Dr \0Ivcs Snowdon .Oros,,: Publishore WALTON :CUNNINGHAM - ENNIS Mrs Fred ,,overecl pastoral relations' with this Walton was the scene. of a and urged his hearers pretty ;tlitulim wedding on'. Saturday to - go' on. from."the good old times" P °afterneouat. two il'clock, when ReV.'.to the "good new trines" to do tizlewood United in marriage venter things. for Christ and His R. G. H rt 1 errata uar- THE SEAFORTH NEWS ed Anniversary Services at Mon- ciirff on Sunday. Rev. W. J. Maines, ,t Tonnes Mister, brought the mes- 'sages, morning and evening, in a very- earhest and..capable.. manner. He noted changes that have taken The home of Mr. and place in the sixteen years since he Ennis, congregation Lutedom, The Seaforth quar- to youngest slaughter Anna lsobel,, toRoss Dunbar Cunningham, eldest son of Mrs. E. Cnnninghani and the late Roy Cunningham, of Grey town- ship. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely. in a floor length gown of blue nylon net over taffeta, with matching finger tip veil which fell from a hair - dress of blue velvet flowers, She car- ried a bouquet of. American Beauty roses. Mta, Kenneth Ritchie, Seaforth, Sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and wore a floor length fuch- sia corded taffeta dress with match- ing hairdress and gloves, carrying a bouquet of pink Better Times roses. Robert Cunningham was groomsman for his brother. Airs, Douglas Ennis played the wedding niareh zuul ac- companied Miss Estelle Cunningham, sister of the groom, who sang "['11 Walk Beside Fon." Following the ceremony a reception was held, the bride's mother wearing a navy blue sheer dress with corsage of pink cal" nations. The kronen', mottle+ wore a dress of hunter's green crop, and a... 001•aage ol- hronze ruses. The rooms were tn-n f'ilIy dr,"rat„d with pink and while rgn.atti,,N and bou,[n.'le of ra Alai ions and a•h rysan h,•muln:. As-� .11tins ie serving k‘ere :Missr.s Marie I1••,,. 1 Leona Watson .land ,Margaret ham i. id i,} airier nt w rel=l ng trip to to, t."011od Stat,rs. thebride nil[,: itYlye] ,a, , 1 hr,Vn 11iliow sued, snit with -rade !,!1. emit. ami ,.rr. -.mids. Oil „•[, ,r..r ct,,:y v zit resin'' un .sus ..ten tai-. l.'itri.. Guest. trim Toronto. Leaside.1 t'ranhrook HONOUR BRIDE ELECT Ai.ons n friends and neighbours gath e,i at the home of Mts. Mark Hamilton Fri. night, in honour of 31t P':oreuce \Viliianieon, bride• elect of the month Ganges were prayed 'luring the evening. Mrs. J. William on then invited the bridle 00 a pretty doeo,ued chair. A mock wedding was staged with Mrs. Clif- ford Ritchie acting: as minister; Mrs. Jaf.. Courts, bride Slrs. Harry Bol- ger'. ,'room; \ids. Carl Dalton, bride-nnlid and Mrs. Mark Hamilton. hest man. Miss Marilyn Bolger and Joyce Hamilton then carried in a well laden basket of white and red enamelware and many other useful gifts. Florence then expressed her thanks for all the lovely gifts. All Joined in singing "Fir She's a Jolly Good Fellow”. A dainty lunch l,rod.•ht the evening' to a close. Mr Thoma, O-tklec ,.f Lindsay with relatives and friends, sin of '.ie rate Mr, and Mrs. John Oakley, formerly of north '5i'81 1 1 td. Rev. ul,l 3h' W ef Glen- ene with 111.. H. Ramsay. y. Mr. Joseph end 11iis, Tactor and their '01 1.{a1 Tarl'rr with rtet :Viss. Marr Smillie. 1L., Harold I)irgei. )kr. :Mtn 1Todcins and ;nn of fir. and .firs. John Buleffelt and 1'r _,•ort. Michimin. visited sound ,'•mile of Port Elgin with Mrs Chas tette brought very appropriate mes- sages in song which were much ap- e eciated• The good people of Mon- Crieff congregations are to be con- gratulated on having such a very snecessful anniversary, A birthday ten was held in the c"bonk-room of Duff's United Church mt Monday evening of this week •-•:tit a gond attendance. Evening's nn+ertainteent was under the aus- elves of the Woman's Association. THURSDAY, OCT, 30, 1947 table was also decorated'with yellow. rose buds and tall white tapers. The dinner being served to about 50 guests. among the gifts were two gold pieces, tri -light lamp, Wool blankets,- silver cream and sugar, and 'many' other beautiful gifts. Rev. W. Schultz gave a very suitable ad- dress. Through the day well-wishers called on these beloved :friends and in the. evening music and singing I provided entertaimnent. Relatives and friends were present from:Tor.: onto, Stratford, SebringVi1le, At-- wood, t- wood, Mitchell and McKillop. The play-offs of the ;swing bow- ling took place on Monday after- noon and evening. In the first game the ladies of Echvin Rock's team de- feated the ladies of Ed Prueter's team. The second game was won by the ladies of the church council de- feating the ladies of Jack Prneter's team by a score 1188 to 1141. The men's team—the first game was won by the members of the church coun- cil over Jack Prueter's team, score - 1338 -129 2. core1338-1292. The second men's game went to the team of George Mogk against Ed Prueter's, score 1033- 1020. Following the games. Avery - One enjoyed a delicious pot luck sooper in the basement of the church In the evening the winners of the afternoon games played: The ladies of the church council defeating the ladies of.Edwin Rock's team. The men of George Mogk's team defeat- ed the men of the church council, 1292-1216. The six ladies having the highest score throughout the =Pason. namely: Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. J. W. Moak, Mrs. Ed. Prueter, ''re. Wilfred Ahrens, Mrs. Harry r+,it, Mrs. Ed Smith, played the six nen with the highest score; Wtn. Hiegel. Fred Fischer, Russel] Shold- iee. Clarence Green, Harry Muegc'e. *' •old Rork. The oven defeating the l ane. 1905-1'135. ,After the final -mites, all present nertook to lunch. ed hit coffee, nnany :friends were pleased to see them once again, Mr', Frank Young and daughter !Sherry, visited .l'Ir, and Mrs. S. Hay. M. and Mrs. Loon Jeffrey are. spending a few days at Kitchener. 'Mrs. Napoleon Ducharnte and family of London are spending a couple weeks at the home of Mr'. and Mrs, Leon Jeffrey: Miss Dorothy Oeseh spent the weekend near Exeter. ROSS COUTTS Continued From Pace 1 hopes soon to return to civilian life, having served in the air force (turfing the war on active service. Two of the passenger's on the plane when it dis- appeared were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knight. who kept the boarding house where Ross Coutts was staying at Penticton. Seven RCAF personnel and two civilians were aboard the RCAF Mit- chell photographic survey plane miss- ing on a flight from Calgary to Pen- ticton. 13.(". The plane was Identified by head. quarters as 0 Mitchell attached to 413 Photographic Squadron at 'Rockliffe. Au Station at Ottawa and four of the rorvi••e personnel nb0111)1 }vert 01-. t two. digin. The plane was (111e of a sent)' used hY Oct11(A1• for photographic work throughout the West this summer. It Mei been 1)11,54 at Penticton. B.C.. and its dn,' to return to Rockliffe air -011(11 the next day. The two civilians aboard were idem Oiled only as ai 11r•. and 1Tr-,. Rnight t 1".nniet,m. Knight is the manager ut the Imola lintel at Penticton, but. air force officials said they had no nowledr;e as to hove they rause 10 be bawl the plane on this flight from Following is the list Of RCAF per- sonnel aboard the imssing \Iitche il: FP. Lt. J. L. MaeLend, end, Ott iw n; Lae. 0. E. Bowman. Ottawa; Cpl. J. N. iabourin, Ottawa; 1O. 13. Cook, Ot- tawa; FO. G. Il. Leben, Riviera 1)u Loup, Que.; FO. A. G. Robertson. Win- nipeg; Lae. \V. 1L Molyneux, Calgary. BRODHAGEN AIi'. and Mrs. Manuel Beuertnann, ]toy and Wayne spent Sunday with Mr. and :firs. Kenneth Chessell at Seaforth. Visitors at the home of Mr. and lits. Edwin Rock on Sunday were, 1101. Geo. Durst, Robt Rock of Waterloo Seminary, Miss Betty hock, SL Mary's Hospital, Kitch- entl Mrs, Don Markle and baby son t ullt+y, returned to her hone at yeedstock after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and "1th rel;rti• , s ane{ friends, Rock' and Mr. and Mrs. John G. to••mp,15 or the 16th eon. of (rl'ev, t 11-,, l ,t 11r,f,lid 1fi''..Tosenh Hodgin . His first visit here in fifty seven years d ens ,ri nn +hvv r,. noerr. ;rtieni{- Studded Sure -Grips ON CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS Deep, strong studs, set like tractor cleats, bite deep .. . take hold... ' keep light trucks and cars going in the bad -road season. YOUR Seaforth Motors Chev,-Olds. Sales Service PHONE 141, SEAFORTH, ONT. !Tins. 11r. and Mrs. Don Barber and s,hirlee Anne of Guelph with Mr. •.,11,1 Mrs. L G. Heinz. Jnr. and Mrs.. Wm. S. Riehl and :;ridgy spent Sunday in Kitchener. :1r•. and Mrs. harry. Kuntz, Harry, 1'..illy Charley, David and Marjory Baden with Mr. and Mrs. J. Am - Visitors with Mr. and :Mrs. Geo, ')h -gel were :Mr. Carl Deigel, Toron- to, Mrs, Brunner, Sehringville. 1Ir. 'and Mrs. Dalton Heinz and "e". '. and Mrs. Schultz attended the '•'e t, rmation Service at Sebastopol, on Sunday - 1Ir. and Mrs, C. W. Leonhardt and Mrs. Mary Leonhardt with Mr. and r e. Matthies at Tavistock. Mr, and. Mrs. Edward Ahrens, `:orman and Harry with Mr. Wm. "'irk and family, Rostock, on SIM - day. Mrs. John Mueller of Hamilton .'-ith her parents Mr. and Mrs. Aug. 'Tillehrecht. 1h'. •and Mrs. Orval Lemon and amity, NIr. Cecil Lemon of Seaforth -itlt Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wolfe. STEINBACH—Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Steinbach announce the birth of Gtngo'ich and family when some their son in Scott Memorial Hos- i 00 neighbours, relatives and friends vital, Seaforth, on Saturday, Oct. attended the gathering. A sing -song 25th. for the children led by Miss Anna On Sunday, Oct. 26, NIr. and Mrs. Mae Gingerich, accompanied on the 'leorge Riegel observed their Gold' piano by Mrs. P. Gingerich, was the «'1 Wedding Anniversary at their evening's entertainment, along with EGMONDVILLE Thu regular meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S, was held Thursday aft- ernoon, Oct.23 at the hone of Mrs. Elmer Stevenson, The meeting open- ed with the president of the W. A. hi the chair by singing hymn 681 and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call taken. Following the business period, Mrs. Richardson, vice-president of 'the W.M.S. took over the devotional period. Mrs. Roy Lawson, guest speaker, gave a talk on Home Missions from the book "With Glowing Hearts". Mrs, Ed. Boyles , onducted a contest and lunch was served. STAFFA Staffa Women's Institute had Fullarton and Goulds Institutes as their guests at the regular meeting in Staffa hall Wednesday. The pre= silent, Mao. C. Bowman, opened the meeting, and a welcome to the guests was extended by Mrs. James Hill, charter member of 'Staffa W. L Mrs. Yundt and Mrs. Sidwell, presi- dents of Goulds and Fullarton branches, respectively, called their rolls in turn; there were 33 visitors in all. It was decided to send a do- nation to a family whose home was burned recently', Mrs. Yundt took the chair for a program that included a piano- ac- codian selection by Mrs, McDoug- all, Fullerton: a reading, Mrs. A Thiel, Goulds; the topic, "Indoor Gardening," -Mrs. McPhail, Fuller- ton: piano solo, Mrs. Boyd, Goulds; a contest and a skit, Miss 1897 and Miss 1947," presented by Mao, Jack Cheoros and Mrs. G. Seignelr, Lunch was served, BLAKE A reunion was held at the home of Mr. Ephriatn and Miss Margaret Gingerich of Wednesday afternoon for the Gingerieh families. Those hi attendance from a distance were Mr. Jacob Gingerich and Miss Anna Mae Gingerich of Oregon. It has been 26 years since they were home last. So there many relatives and friends were rejoicing at meeting them on this occasion. A farewell party took place Thursday evening et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1, nae • {n Bledhagen where they spent the young folk, with songs after a their entire married life. Married in treat of ice cream and maple syrup, c+. Peter's Lutheran Church Oct, by the hostess: Everyone left for 1. 1897 by the Rev. 11. Wiegand.Illonle Lifter a farewell to Mr. J. bride, the former Emma Rose, Gingerich and daughter Anna Mae. ',tighter of the late Mr. and Mrs,'. Mrs. i'ymm of near Kirkton held lucre, Rose, and 0004.20 Diegel, son a wear -ever demonstrationat the ^o the late Mr. and Mrs. H. Diegel. home of Mrs. Alfred Ropp, on Wed- "M attendants of 50 years ago be-inesday evening, Mrs. Lee Erb win - 'se! nresent, Mrs. George Wolfe nine; guessing contest anti Mrs. Hai" 't noise Rosen sister of the bride and old Finlay, door prize, Mrs, Roy "'rpt Hillehreeht, as best man. Gingerich had a demonstration "ms. Diegel is 70 years of age and week previous. Mrs. Rudy Oesch T)ir"el 74 vears and working winning the door prize. -"ory rlay. heing employed by Dr.'- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride and Tsai( Roe. of Atwood, for the "in.h were in London recently. --a,•+. on 5551'5. They have four child- Hugh remaining to work for a few Mrs, .The Smith (Rona) of Me- months. "'lion. William of Brodhagen, Mrs. Mr. and. Mrs. Basil Edwards, Hen- "e Yn,n"• (Georgina) of Strat- s"11. are spending a few days at the .-1 end Carl of Toronto, all were home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence ssesent, and R grandchildren. Parke while they attended the wed- for a speedy recovery. helm, decorated with illy',of . n relative in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Bltaz{il of Toronto -ase nrid. rink murals and delphin- ^"+•. ('=ingericll and daughter left were weekend guests of Mr. and The table bete., "entered with ('•.,• 1Cilehener .Friday, where they Mrs: Norman Long over the week - a three storey wedding cake decor- will visit relatives enroute on their end. 'tel with 30 golden candles; the 'onimey back home to Oregon. Their and Mrs. Allen of Kirkton STANLEY On Friday evening, October 24, about 55 neighbors and friends gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale, Bronson line, for a miscellaneous shower in honor of Ml'. and Mrs. Melvin Bennett. The evening was spent by playing progressive euchre. During the evening the bride and groom were called forward and an address was read by Mrs. Vernon Desch, Miss Ethel Watson and Miss Betty Jean Talbot then carried in a large basket well filled with lovely gifts, The groom replied expressing thanks on behalf of Doris and him- self. After the gifts were opened, a delicious lunch was served. WINTHROP Mrs. Henry Haase of Fordwich died at the home of her son, E. Haase, Winthrop, on Tuesday, Oct. 21, in her 87th year. Mas. Haase passed away .suddenly. Her maiden name was Mary Ann Graybiel and she was born at New Dundee, Ont, Her husband, Henry Haase, died June Stir. 1936. Surviving are three sons, David, Denver, Colorado; Ad- dison, Christopher Lake, Sask.; ph., of Winthrop; and three daug- hters, (Edna) Mrs. Tom Ellis,. • of Manitoba: tidal Mrs. Galahad, of Wroxeter; (Vera) Mrs. James Ing- lis of Afton. There are also four- teen grandchildren and fourteen great grandchildren. The funeral was held on .October 24th from Fordwich United Church and inter- ment was in Fordwich cemetery. The pallbearers were Glen Haase. Addis Jacques, Leslie Ellis„ Tom Pntclvi:son, Torn McClement. Wardle Shaefer. Mr, William McClure and Welte,• neve returned from visiting friends in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Mr. Roger McClure and Mr„ Ted Simpson of Russell, Manitoba. are visiting relatives in McKillop. Mrs. Ellis of Plum Coulee: Mot.. and Mrs. James Inglis of Acton were here attending Hie funeral of their mother. Mrs. Mary Haase. Mr. T. T-Taase. Mrs: ]:tits and Mrs Margaret Horne visited in Fordwich on Sunday. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavell, Winthrop, w111 meet at the home of Mrs. Hugh Alexander of Wednesday. Nov. 5111. at 2 pm. The theme of the meeting is- the Btble for my life and my community. The roll call is a verse of scripture. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas'\\'olmsley and two child - rent, Penny and Pat, of Windsor. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh, over the week end. Mrs. J. O'Brien. n. who has been ill for some time. was taken to Seaforth hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Nr•s. Dilling - of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Broudfooi over Ihe week end. There d were good elmgregatiens at both services on • Sunday when Rev. M. Stuart of London preached an ex• cellent sermon, taking his text from Matt 11:111: "Thy kingdom come" at: the morning service. In the evening Rev. W. Wooll'rey of Clinton spoke from the -t:ext Matt, (1:23, when he delivered a. very earnest sermon. Special music ,tias given by the choir with Mrs. J. Murdoch as organist and choir leader. They were assisted by three former members, 31r. 0. flitting of London, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hot- ton of Hensall, At the morning service Mrs. G. I-Ienderson sang a solo. "Teeth me to pray Lord." In the evening Miss Lois Richardson tools the solo parts of one of the anthems. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of Algoma visited the litter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daynlan on Monday. VARNA Mrs. J. W. Horner is visiting with her sot Albert Horner, and slaughter. Mrs. Ings. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ings, London, were week -end guests with Mr, and Mrs. A. Ings. Mrs. Elmer Kruger and fancily, of Zurich, were Sunday guests at the Tugs home. Mrs. Tuffin, of Staffa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jno. Aldington, and Mr. Aldington. Mr, hid Mrs, Wissen of Strafl'ords- ville were week -end guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Soper. Miss Easier of Minneapolis is the guest of her sister Mrs. McConnell Miss McClineltey of Parkhill is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Hart. Mr, and Mrs. Laythent, of London, were guests at the hone of the la.t- ter's mother, Mrs. L. Beatty and Edith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gie•hart of Der trott, were recent guests at the Ings home. Harvest Thanksgiving services held in St. John's Anglican Church Sunday, were well attended both morning and evening. KIPPEN The many friends of Mrs. E. Dow - son of Kippen will be sorry to know she is confined to her room but hope ua RE0 T SEAFORTH NM .FLAYING "THAT'S MY MAN" TnURS. PRE.. SAT. hitt! DON AMGC'Hls .cud CATHLRINE McLGGD They're off — and the crowd roars1 A memorable story. Adult EntertainmentMON.'5055. WEI). Entertainment"NOTORIOUS with Cary Grantand Ingrid Bergman Story deals wit!* the efforts of Government agents to uncover a. plot NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. "THE. RETURN OF MONTE CRISTO" with Louise. Hayward and Barbara Britton An impressive, entertaining historical story with characters, settings and names stemming from the original works by Dumas. Coming: "JOHNNY O'CLOCK Adult Entertainment with Dick Powell and Evelyn Keyes ntialfililliiiIIIIIIININIESIMIRIENNINVIEBINCIMESIIINE1111,. many were also their guests, shower for Miss Leone Duncan, Mr. John C. Doig of Grand Rap- Thames Road, - ids is expected home during the Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntyre week for a few days, the guest of and Mrs. Johns, Stratford, with Mr. his mother and sister. and Mrs. W. O'Brien. Archie Cooper, Toronto, with Mr and Mrs. James' Barbour. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller and Clifford Miller attended the funeral of Mr. Miller's brother-in-law, Mr. James, at Lanark. LONDESBORO Anniversary services at the United Church here Sunday were well at- tended, both afternoon and evening.. The guest speaker was Mev. William Fingland of Niagara. Falls. and the Choir was assisted at both services by the male quartet _of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland, Clin- ton and Rev. and Mrs. W. Fingland, Niagara Falls, with Miss Alice Fing- land. Miss Ruth Shecldick, Clinton. at her home here. Miss Mary Caldwell, Lon- don, with 31r. and Mrs. Robert Cald- well: Miss Velma Ihsk, Clinton, at, her stone here. Miss Elva Govier. Lon- don, with ber herparents, Mr. and Airs. W. Govier, ,hiss Fern Watson. Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. W. Riley. Henson Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and fancily, hipprtn, with Mrs. Charles Watson. Miss Margaret Colgahonn_ London. with ir•. and Airs. L_ii Caldwell miss Mabel Hammy, , ("11111011, with Hiss Alice Fingland. Mr. and Mrs. 'Moody HuilNIM and 15111113' with Mr. mid Jim, George Moon, STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harburn at- tended the Willow Grove church an- niversary and were guests of .lir. and Mrs.. Will McNaughton. Mrs. Tustin, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington, Varna, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Persons. Mrs. John Drake attended a bridal BAYFIELD The body of Mrs. Harriet Laving Parke, widow of Rev. James Francis Parke, will be laid to rest in Hayfield cemetery of Thursday. at 1.30, Mrs. Parke died on Tuesday at the home of her slaughter, Mrs. Eric Forsythe Caere, Toronto. Surviving besides her daughter are three grandoliildren, Mrs. John. E. -Macdonald. Vancouver, IRC.; Mrs. Henry W. Caldwell and Jahn Francis porke Cerro. Toronto, Tho body was resting at the fnuernl haprl of Fred W. Matthews. Toronto, Where 11 Service was held Wednesday everting. Pickled Peaches -1 quarts peaches 2 cups vinegar 4 cups sugar 2 teaspoons whole gloves 1 stick cinnamon Choose small and perfect fruit. Wash and remove skins by scalding and then dipping in cold water. Boil vinegar, sugar and spices (tied in cheesecloth bags for 20 minutes.. Place a few pieces of fruit at a time in the syrup and cook until tender. Pack hi sterilized• jars and cover with boiling syrup. LUMBER ON HAND -4 car of Hemlock -2x6, 2x8, 2x10 1 car of Cedar -2"x4" to 12", and 3"x4" to 12" --- Lengths 8' to 22' Reclaimed Cedar Shingles SPRUCE—in 1 and 2 -inch, all widths and lengths; also a car of tongue and groove spruce 5, 6, 7 and 8 -in. wide. FIR—In various widths, length and thicknesses. PEELED CEDAR POSTS—Straight and in good sizes. CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES—Dover White and Grey; Famous Johns -Manville Siding. INSUL BRICK SIDING & ROLL BRICK SIDING INSULATION—Loose or by the carton. 13.'16 Oak Flooring PLYWOOD— 1 , 3 '16, 111 and 3=l -inch, various sizes. Beaverboard and Flexboard Hardwall Plaster Roll Roofing Sashes and Doors Seaforth Supply & Fee! Ltd. "Where the Best Costs No ,Wore" PHONE 47 SF_U"0I{TH COURT OF REVISION Township of Hibbert The Council of the Township of Hibbert will hold a Court of Revision on the 1948 Assessment Roll, Monday, Nov. 3rd, at Two P.M., in the Township Hall, Staffa.. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST MUNICIPALITY OF HI5IBERT TOWNSHIP PERTH COUNTY Notice is hereby given that I have complied with sec- tion three of the Voters' Lists Amendment Act, 1937, and that I have posted up at my office, Lot 28, Con. 13, Hibbert Township, on the 24th day of October, 1947, the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Mem- bers of Parliament and Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 Hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac - Cording to law. The last day for appeal being the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1947. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert WANTED! ead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING LI G &CO. QL MITEDA Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135.1.6