HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-30, Page 3THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1947 TUCKERSMITH Tuckersmith :14unicipal Connell met in the Town Hall, Seeforth, on Saturday, Oct. 4th at 8 • p.1i, 'all members Present with Reeve Nichol- son presiding. James Hay, Assessor, was paid $5,00 fees re equalization of assessments in the Union School Section of Zuckersmith, McKillop and Hibbert, and Hugh McMillan was paid $$2$.50 for chickens killed by. dogs. Council granted $750 to the ScottlIemorial hospital toward the estimated operating deficit of said hospital for 1947 with the un- derstanding that that amount would A story that never ends THE TALE your Telephone,,,Directory tells is never finished. Year after year more names are added, more people whom you can call, and who can call you. Right now we're busy with unfilled orders ... adding still more telephones just as fast as materials become available. More people are using their telephones more often. Our constant aim is to make the service better, too, better in every way. More telephones ... better service . . . and always at the lowest possible cost. I•t all adds.up to greater value for every telephone user. T E BELL TELE PUONL COMPANY OF CANADA THE SEAFORTII NEWS be the maximum grant for the year; and should Tttekersmith's shale of the operating deficit he loss than $760 the difference must apply On 1948 or later years' deficit, if. ariy. The clerk was instructed to adver- tise .for tenders for snowplowing in the township of Tuckersmith for the winter of 19.17-48, Tender ads. ap- pear elsewhere in :this paper, and the clerk was also instructed to pre- pare cash by-laws on the extra Cost of the Charters, Buchanan, Dill and 3'cCullie drains. Rate of 'pay for labour in ' the Township was increased from 50c per hour to GOe per hour. Accounts passed were as Follows; Relief, $35,; Roads, $1984.16; Sal- aries, $100.; Chickens killed by dogs, $29.50; Grants, $750.; Post- age, $5.00; Sundry, $8.50; Schools, 3200. Council adjourned to meet on Nov. 1st at 2 pan. N. P. Chesney, Clerk. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. William Bender, R.R. 3, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Myrel Ann, to Lloyd Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Storey, Seaforth, the marriage to take place November 14. Death 01 ir'hiiip Ament Biyrl.•i Waterworks The death of one of the oldest residents of 13russels Philip Ament, Plan Voted Down occurred at his residence, 1urnbei:•ry St. »r., on 'Thursda'y', October ltith after a lingering illness in his b9th 1.c: was burn in Heidelberg, s, ater•loo County in 1859 and carne with bi: p urents to ;Seufort!t when quite young whore he resided until 1879 and moved, to Brussels where. lie Conducted a sawmill and planing mill business until 1921. He was married to Matilda Wilbee, who pre- deceased him in 1913. To them were born the following children, Mrs, T. H, Hawkshaw (Margaret) at home; Mrs. J. R. Lynn (Carrie) Walker- ville; Mrs. George Dawson (Kate) Port, Stanley; Mrs. W. C. E. Kidd •(Laura) Leitch Gold Mine, Beard- more; William of Gateway, Ont.; Scott of Trenton, Harry of Sioux Lookout and the late Earl R. of Washington, D.C., and a sister, Mrs: Robt. Coates, London, and brother William, Seaforth. The funeral took place from his late residence Men - bull and the :10th prize, buil calf, day afternoon, October 21st at 2 while R. o'clock. The service was under the vIcItei1, Clinton, had the auspices of the Masonic Order con- sixth prize, junior yearling Bull. The ducted by Rev. G. Milne. Interment Huron entry stood sixth in a class in Brussels Cemetery, of eight in the county herd compe- tition, the winner being Oxford. A. by-law to provide 'for a public water wuras system for the Village of Ulyth was defeated Briclay by a Following many discussions of the ;nojei't, ratepayers turned out at. ells to express .heli opinions it a count of 11 against and 1)? . .1 the bylaw. Walton Bull Wins At London Show Huron County Holsteins adnitted themselves very well against the strongest kind of competition at the annual Western Ontario Champion- ship Show, at London. Ross Marsh- all, Kiskton, showed the third prize heifer calf in a class of 84, and also had the fifth prize, junior get -of - sire. L. "Leeming and Son, Walton, brought out the third prize, aged 0 DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 41/2% due November 1, 1957 heve been called For payment November 1, 1947 These bonds should be presented for redemption with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. • The show attracted a total of 238 , head from the ten counties of Ox- ford, Perth, Flgin, Middl,:ssex, Kent, Huron, Druce, Lambton, Es ex and Norfolk, making it the largest cham- pionship Holstein show yet held in Canada. Crop Rotation in The Vegetable Garden The term rotation, as applied to crop production, means a systematic arrangement for growing different crops in a more or less regular se- quence on the same land. This pro- cedure, according to F. Chipman, Dominion Experimental Station, Kentville, N.S., is important in veg- etable growing, and should be plann- ed and followed as systematically as possible to assist in the Control of A STA' tEl ENT OF POLICY by the GENE AL MS'f'ORS DEALER handling CHEVROLET o OLDSMO3ILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS Shortly after the war concluded, and because it was of timely impor- tance, we—your General Motors dealer --issued a statement outlining our business policy. In the interests of our customers and the community as a whole, we have decided that this policy should now be reaffirmed. It will be our continuing purpose, therefore, in all our dealings with you to adhere to the following principles: *We will abide firmly by delivered prices on all New Cars and Trucks, as recommended by the manufacturer. *We will do our best, having the responsibility of being the sole distributor in this area of new General Motors Passenger Cars and Trucks, to allocate them as fairly as possible with proper regard for orders placed with us and dependent upon the availability of models. * We will ask only reasonable prices for all Used Cars and Trucks — based on an equitable resale valuation. * We will make allowances•based on proper appraisal and a fair valuation to purchasers who have cars or trucks to trade. * We will give purchasers the benefit of those acces- sories which are available, but delivery of a new car or truck will not be conditional upon the acceptance of accessories other than those desired. * We will charge only the established prices for parts and accessories, and not more than equitable prices for all types of services. When requested we will gladly provide the customer with advance estimates. *We will, at all times, strive to be considerate of our customers' needs — arid to serve with efficiency, satis- faction and courtesy. GM.247X disease and insects, and to help the better use of resources of the aojl, bans tieliOn diseases ran be Con- trolled in a practical way by a ,Ys- telnatie rotation in which the host . plant is _grown on the same laud not more often than once 1n every few years. Club root of cabbage can be controlled bykeeping the land free of crue•ileraue ri'ops and weeds for seven years; e .r1y blight of potatoes' and . tomatoes, for a period of two to tinee y are; foot rot of peas, -a 1'0 ration of three years or more: and onion mildew, three to four years. Rotation is also of value in the control of SUMO insects, especially those which are unable to. more far. If the host plants are not near, the insects on emerging will die before reaching them. Here a short rotat- tion is usually effective. Injury from such insects as the white grub and wireworm may be avoided by not planting susceptible plants on. old green sod ploughed down. Continuous cropping with certain -er.etables has a depressing effect on yield. Likewise, there is a belief among' vegetable growers that the previous erop has an important re - lotion to the yield of a crop follow- ing. While it is difficult to outline a definite rotation for all conditions, the following principles should he observed. To utilize the resources of the soil fully, it is well to alternate shallow 1-ome,1 and deep rooted crops, and to follow crops which ftrnish organic matter with those whose culture faro' their decompo- sition. A crop such as fall rye may be used to furnish the organic mat- ter and it may be grown in a rota- tion which will not interfere with the vegetable crop season. In many sections of Canada veg- etable crops are grown in rotation -with general farm crops. In such cases a grain crop may fellaw the vegetable crop, and this, in turn, may be followed with a legume hay. The sod land may then be planted to corn or potatoes, followed by a vegetable crop the next year, or the vegetable crop may follow the hay unless weeds or insects are likely to be troublesome. A clean culture crop such as corn or potatoes should tiered small close -growing vegetables such as beets, carrots and onions. HAS PURCHASED FARM Mr. f=e+ret. Dneharme, who has been (uvaly. m his father's farm just meth of town. hay purchased a (very fine 'r. a„ west of Dublin and 1 ,-Nmem, *_, rr01 p0s.ession next nrn•r. His brother. Gilbert and wife Pelmet 1,70:o „roved into the home fear he+e wbli"h they have pur- Ichased.—Zurii'h Herald. EVERYBODYS' BusIEss by The other day I had an in- teresting nteresting conversation with a piano tuner who was work - Mg in my home. Although I had always thought his profession a rather monotonous one, I was soon to change my mind. For he talked so engagingly about his work, the construction of the instrument and other re- lated matters, that I found myself becoming genuinely interested. But what fascinated me most was his great enthusi- asm for his work. This attitude towards one's job is greatly to be desired. Enthusiasm has a magic, warming effect on all of us. And in a worker—be he sales- man or carpenter, butcher or book-keeper—it wins admira- tion and co-operation from employers, customers and all others with whom he comes in contact. So, especially to younger men, I would say: Regardless of whatever headaches and disappointments your work may bring, keep on being enthusiastic! u a Millions of owners and bene- ficiaries of life insurance pol- icies enthusiastically endorse this form of investment for security. Agents of the life insurance companies in Can- ada, too, are enthusiastic about their work because it renders a valuable service.