HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-30, Page 2THE SEAI+'ORTH NEWS • H ENSALL Hensall Council Re K'ular• [seating of the - Village Council.' was paid 'Tuesday, ' Uci:7tlt at A p.m. in the' Connor tJhamber with • all members present, ililinuLes of the two special meetings and •the last regular meeting read. Brown and Parke, that the minutes be adop- ted as read. Carried, &1r,• Appleby appeared- as •a delegate from• the Legion, as. regards,` securing a wr•'eath for Reinembrance Day.' Twitchell and Middleton, that we 'or•d'er a wreath from the Canadian Legion at 6.50. Carried. Miss C. 141itchell appeared complaining about her taxes and assessment as being too high,' A delegate from the Hen- sall Branch of the Canadian Legion appeared, consisting of E. L. Mickle, W. 0. Goodwin and A. Clark, ask- ing for a grant for 'the local branch to alter and maintain the building recently purchased by them. Middle- ton and Twitchell, that a by-law be drawn up by our Clerk for a Mem- orial grant for the boys who fought in the 2nd great war, authorizing a grant of 2,000.00 to the Hensall Legion, payable in four install- ments starting in 1947 with :$500. and 8500, each following year until the grant is paid. The grant is the years 1943--19-50, to be payable the first of May each year. Carried. Parke and Middleton, that we pro- claim a half holiday in the f'or'enoon on Remembrance Day. November 11, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m, for the pur- pose of attending the services at the monument, at the Town hall. Car- ried. P. L. McNaughton, Assessor, reported re the 194S assessment as made by Trim in 1947, the totals be- ing '''1400 an.l 3570.55 buildings 24911. business, or a total assess- ment. ,f .1..0.114-1 showing imavase. Hso statin;. the t'^inlati.'11 as l,e:. !._ F;:'7, showing a'i int" •'.',i-':ts year. Park .,,1+ 11 •.vn, =t sass...em roll hnn.kd in by t''e assessor '-'e .t:. i 1 i_' ':e a .,,n,' a:r t.'1. 1':. a i Brov:r. thm on • V17. • :axes 't'an.l-nt T`•c'.ie by him in a:e':' :hat 7l7.NWS of Dr. F. H.r:, e Carried. Corr:spa^:dense read follows: Karl Hensel. De.rt. : ways, Crown A;:,=r n e D. Holmes, In:e=-:aaoaa: Dept of Mi Tr2;.-.er.N R'• Myth L , '7 Bea : Growers Mk!... F - ..,..- ter.a'. 0.. Co., A C.:Ts. Ana Pipe C"..?'4 - uet, Be _ T e a: World Deg.. _. 31: - London Hosiery ,:r.stdered -:-d fired. T:v: :sal. perp::.._ '.. ..- _ ..._ _ e.:e- phone :.7 Wes:.';.i:. Tow^. the treasurer and :at • _.. • tense::. to sign report r :he d. P :s and acco:tr s :•ea:'. s. O,. ario M'.tri.:ira, Boar:is `a_,prr:a: of by -taw' .0.00 ; G. B o ro:i postage by as - _ P:a: treasurer,C. 16: County[ .';n n zai za:`•i:.. C. Mitchell, 7'?5: E. s ` ':e. p.l.int- ingsigns, ha'.i. 02.5' : Bank Mon- treal, payment loan. 01007.75; J. A. ' Paterson, salary and rubber s:amps. 0120.50: T. Kyle. salary. $73.80; Bell Telephone -orrice, :3.0; Glad - man mal Coihrane, transferring deed, 89.ln: A. Spencer and Son, eeetent sidewalks. 8225.06. T. Hud- dleson. labour, streets, 820.0. P. L. McNaughton. salary and postage, $76.40: Hensall District Co-opera- tive, coal, hall, 022,90; J. Pfaff, teaming', streets. 01.50; A. Clark. material and labour, hall and streets 015.35; Hensall Hydro Com., hydro, hall, 012.20; R. E. Shaddick, paint- ing hall, 539.85;N. Jones, labour and material, rink, 06,35: Brown's hard- ware, supplies, hall, 04.54; total 51691.85. Twitchell and Brown, that bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried, Parke and Brown, that by-law #18, 1947, Hensall main drain improvement, he given first and second reading. Carried. Middle- ton and Twitchell, that by-law *19, 1947, nomination and election, be given first and second reading. Car- ried. Brown and Parke, that by- law 19 he given third and final reading. Carried. Parke and Brown, that we advertise lots =4 59-460- 461, Moir's Survey, for sale by tend- er and tenders to close November 1st, 1947. Carried. Brown and Mid- dleton, that we now adjourn 1:15 a.m. Carried. LOGAN October Gth, Logan Council met, all members being present. The Reeve presided, minutes read, adopt- ed and signed. C. Young was paid in full on contract for the c onstr'uc- tion of the machinery shed, Reeve F. W. Ahrens was appointed dele- gate to Thames Valley Authority meeting for Oct, 20th, Stratford. Bonds of the Collector and Treasur- er were renewed. A drainage peti- tion signed by A. Gollnitz and others was accented. 0. Gaffney C.E. 'vas appointed to make an examination and report back to council. Louis Eisler. was awarded contract for painting of machinery shed. Engin- eers report on the N. E. drain was adopted as read. Roads expenditure, total of 01.310.52 paid. General ex- penditures of 0729.01 were paid. Council adiourtred to Oct 7th, 7:80 n.rn. Council That with all Members being •present, the Reeve Presided, minutes reads( Mooted and sinned. After due consideration Council cancelled the order for Caterpillar Maintainer, alid placed an order for the .Austin Western sold by the Sawyer Massey Limited, 99 H. Pow- er maintainer, powered with UD 14A Diesel Motor. • A resolution was passed to peti- tion the Government for an increase allowance for loss due to the T.B, test now under way. Clerk to far - ward a . copy to the County Clerk for endorsement. Manual Beuermann and Carl l'riestap were awarded contracts to keep winter roads open subject to instructions from the Road Super - intendant. By-law 432 was passed praying that the Minister of Municipal'Af- fairs extend the time for the return of the assessment roll to Oct, 22nd. By-law 433 was passed fixing nominations for Nov. 21st, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Election if found necessary on Dec. 1st, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and no longer. (Standard time). Clerk was instructed to prepare a by-law for the proposed North East drain and extension. Interest rate 3"l per annum. 10 year Deb. Court of Revision Dec. Atli, 3 p.m. Ellice Twp. to be served with a copy of the report, plans, estimates and specifications. General expenditures paid, 0783.75, Council adjourned to meet on Nov. 3rd, 1 p.nr. John A. ,Rudolph, Clerk. THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 1947 ELIMVMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wooten and Bonnie spent the weelt and with Mr. and Mrs Cyril Gillis of Woodstock. Sunday visitors with 1141, and Mrs. Bruce CJoop'er were Mr, and. A1,'o. 1I01 - are Delbridge and fancily o'f'Wincb'el- sea. Mi', and Mrs. Russell King, of Crediton: Dili.. and Mrs, Karl [Militia of Guelph spent the week end with Sr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis, Mrs, Drummod of Brandon, Mem. returned home last week after spend,. ing a couple of months with her claw ghter Mrs. John Miners. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sperling, Har. vey and Hazel, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Parrish of London. Mr. and Mrs, Merriam Pym and family if Theclford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Sirs. Samuel Pym. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Herdman were Mr. and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford and Mr. Carthau Herdman of Ingersoll and Mr, Clayton Herdman of Toronto. Mr. Elgin Skinner spent the week end at his home. Messrs. Murray and Laurie Steplisa of London spent the week end • with their parents, Misses Florence Bell and Mildred Miller of London spent the week end with Mrs. Thomas Bell. REQUESTED RECIP Mixed Pickles (Without. spice) 1 quart dropped•reen tomatoes 1 pint chopped ripe tomatoes 1 green pepper, chopped 1 small- head of celery, chopped 2 [tedium onions, chopped 1 enlall cauliflower, coarsely chop- ped! 1 sweet red pepper, chopped 4 tablespoons salt 3 cups cider vinegar 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon mustard '4 teaspoon cayene Put chopped vegetables into pre- serving kettle, sprinkle with salt and let stand overnight, Drain thorong'hly. Blend sugar, mustard, pepper and .vinegar and add. Cook until clear, about 1 hour. Seal hi Sterilized jars. Tomatoes Stuffed with Corn Remove centres from enough tomatoes to serve the family; sprinkle with salt and invert for hour. Cut corn from the cob. Mix with quantity of bread crumbs and the scooped out portion of tomato. Season with salt and pepper and a pinch of basil or marjoram and a teaspoon of finely grated onion. Stuff tomatoes. Bake in moderately Piot oven 400 degs. for 20 minutes. S Serve with cheese sauce. Canned Peaches Prepare medium syrup by boiling together equal parts of sugar and water for 5 minutes; or boil to- gether 50 eup sugar, % cup honey and 1, cup water for 5 minutes. ltleanwhile, blanch and cold -dip the peaches. Peel, cut in halves and re- tilove stones. Place peach halves in syrup and cook gently for 2 or 3 minutes. Pack peaches in hot 'steri- lized jars, fill up with boiling syrup. Partially-soal, If vacuum top jars are used, fill to within % inch of the top. Seal. Process in hot water bath for 15 minutes. Or process in electric oven of 275 dogs. for 30 minutes, Remove and seal screw top jars tightly. (Above times are for, pint jars). Ce . -Cam leo p*e, leanof chis CFamiyTHE CHRISTIAN SCIENCENewspapNIoNIToeritFree rom crime and sensational news ...Free from political bias . , . Free from "special interest" control Free to tell you the truth about world events. Its own world-wide staff of corre- ;pondents bring you on -the -spot news and its meaning to you and your family. Each issue filled with unique self-help features to clip and keep. 1 The Christian Science Publishing Society ❑ Pleare rend temple copier i Ono, Norway Street, [Satan 15, Masa of The Ghrirrian Science I Name Monil tor. 8 Street�� ] Pleare rend a one-month 1 1 ally Zona .. Siete .lore osbo iDrion. 1 e:- 1 Pse t MaialkatetlgasiibiaErleo You can help Hydro keep her there - Steve Electricity Ontario has made giant strides since the war. Her output from factories, farms and other industries has expanded enormously. In fact, her progress has been phenomenal. Here is the rub. Since industry in Ontario depends so heavily on Electricity, this wonderful expansion has resulted in insistent calls for more and more Hydro power. What is the Answer? Just this: Hydro has many new power developments under way, but it takes several years to build new generating plants. In the meantime Hydro asks each of you good Ontario citizens ...homemakers, work- ers, farmers, storekeepers, business men to do your part ... to Save Electricity. It should be easy. All of us use it lavishly—more so than any other people on earth—because. Hydro rates are so low. Every saving, no matter how small, will be worth while. Don't burn lights needlessly, use your electric range with care. Turn off motors and appliances as soon as you are finished with them. Please do your part and save electricity, everywhere you can. It's needed during every daytime hour. Every bit of Electric Power saved will be used to maintain employment, to make more jobs, to keep Ontario on Prosperity Street. Save Electricity 8 3I gJs ltd (Cut this out and read if again tomorrow) T