HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-23, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1947 70th Anniversary Services of Northside United Church SEAFORTH, O'NT. Sunday, October 26 GUEST MINISTER REV:VICTOR ' ,T. MOONEY, B.A.D.D. Di. Mooney is one of the outstanding preachers in the United Church, He has been honored with the. Treasurer- ship of the United Church of Canada SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE JUNIOR AND SENIOR CHOIRS MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M, SERMON— "Our Mother Church" ANTHEM — "0 Warship The King" ANTHEM — "0 Lord Most Holy" CHORUS - "Fairest Lord Jestis" Dr. Mooney Maunder Jr. & Sr. 'Choirs Combined junior Choir EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. SERMON — "A World To Win'? - ANTHEM — "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" CHORUS — "Little Lord Josue And I" - SPIRLTUAL — "Somebody's Knocking" - Dr. Mooney Sr. Choir - Jr, Choir - Si', Moir You are cordially invited to attend these, the final services of Northside United Church's 70th Anniversary Celebration REV. H. V. WORKMAN, MINIS'T'ER Mrs: J. A. Stewart, Organist J. A. Stewart, Choir.Leader DON'T MISS THIS RARE MUSICAL TREAT t. THE CHOIRS OF NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Present for your Entertainment "THE VICTORIANS 9 A highly trained and talented Mixed Quartette from Toronto. 'Phis group of singers have thrilled audiences in all the larger cities of Eastern Canada. They are rightfully known as CANADA'S FINEST COSTUMED QUARTETTE in RORTHSiDE UNITED CHURCH - MONDAY, OCT. 27th 0 8.15 THI2 CHURCH AUDITORIUM HAS SEATING CAPACITY FOR 700 Advance sale of tickets by choir members ]las already assurer] an audience of 400 SECURE YOUR TICKETS NOW ADMISSION ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr, Ilowar'd Hays and R. S. Riddell, ICC., both of Windsor, were guests of Mr. H. Glenn Hays, over the week -end, Rev. and Mrs. Barker or Highgate were guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. Har- ba'it during the anniversary of North Side United Cliarch, Mrs, G. Hoggarth and Lois Have re-:. turned from spending three weeks at Wilson'e Lodge, Skeleton Lake. Mrs. 7, A, Ballantyne of London is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H, Gat hiss. Mt. and Mi's. J. Rowland were re- cent visitors with relatives in Kit. diener. Mrs, Leo .Fortune, Misses Frances and Madeline, spent a few days in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Rae Prylte,' Stratford,' were week end visitors st ;the home of Mr. and Mrs. 7, Warm. Mrs, Clancy and son, Detroit, were week -end guests at the home' of Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0 Routledge have returned after a trip to Portland, Oregon, and other west coast [oints. Miss Alice Devereaux has returned to Toronto' after spending a week's vacation at her mother's home. Ws. Rinoent Muraski and family, Kitchener, spent the week end with Mrs. Mary Hildebrand. Miss Helen Devereaux, of London,.' Visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mts. 7. Devereaux, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hays and Patsy, Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Miss Jeanne McIver visited last week enc] with her sister Miss Marg- •taret McIver, in Kitchener. Mr. Larry Wright, Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. Miss Mary Crowe, London, was a week -end visitor at the home of her Brother, Mr. Ernest Crowe. and Mrs. Crowe. NM', and Mrs. Bruce Wright. and. sort, Hamilton. visited at. t1i' ]tome of his parents, Mr. and Airs. W. A. Wright, over the week end. ?,Ir. Ronald Farquhar, of Kitchener spent the week end with Itis parents, ilr. and Mrs Charles Farquhcti'. Miss Shirley Foster, London, was a week -end guest et the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Teal]. Mt. and Mrs, Frank Becker and two cons Kilcheuer, spent the week enc] at the •home of her parents. 11Ir, and Mrs. James Johnson. Mrs. Tuffin and grandson, Billy Parsons, of Staffa, and Mr. and Nirs, Jack Aldingtou of Varna, were guests of Mr.. and Mrs. T. Allington recently Mr. William Taylor of Science Hill was a visitor in 'town Monday. exall One Cent Sale This Week --- Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., AT Keating's Pharmacy SEAFORTH. PHONE 28 KIPPEN Very saccessfUl anniversary -ser- vices were held on Sunday in St, Andrew's United ` Church; Perfect weather prevailed and the cong'rega- tions,. especially the evening one, were the largest. seen 0or a number: of years past. The services were conducted by the minister, Rev.' A. Hinton, who paid tribute to the deep loyalty and generous support given to the undertakings,of the church during the past year by' the congreg-: ations of 1Cippen and Iiillsgreen. The speaker at the morning service was the Rev, W. J. Woolfrey, B.A., B.D., of Clinton, whilst the evening preacher was the Rev. R. R. Conner, B.A., a former pastor and now of King street United Church, London. Both of the addresses were of a high order and were a shining chal- lenge; to those present to continue dedicated to the great demands of the Christian faith, A ]happy touch was given to the morning service 'when the minister, Rev. A. Hinton, baptized the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hinton of Drumntond- vitle,'Quebec, the baby receiving the name of Peter Stanley, The travell- ing involved in order that the grandfather might perform the bap- tismal rite for the six week old child was over a thousand miles, Pleasure was also given the congregations by the beautiful solos sung at both services by Miss Dorothy Chandler of Parkhill, a daughter of a former minister, whilst the choir of thirty voices including singers from Hills - green, rendered fine leadership in song morning and evening under the direction of Miss Jean Ivison, org- anist of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hinton, and Peter of Drummondville, Que., are visiting his parents, Rev. and )yrs, Albert Hinton at the manse. Mrs. J. B. McLean of Exeter spent Sunday with relatives here. Sunday visitors at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones were 11Iiss Ellen Love and Mr. Clarence Love of Hillsgreen and Mr. and Mrs Roy McBride and family of Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore McBride of Exeter and alt'. and Mrs. lvison Torrance of Clinton ,pent Sunday with 1'Ir. and Mrs. Eddie McBride. Sunday visitors with Mr. ae,d ]lis. Arnold Gackstetter were Mr. and Mrs, W. Hornev Mrs. J. Sutton and Miss Bary Westlake, all of Ex- eter, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore and family of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Norman' Alexander and family of Loedesboro spent Sunday with the former's parents Ntr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mrs. Chandler, Dorothy, Jean and Shirley of Parkhill visited on Sunday with friends in the com- munity. Or, Gilbert Jarrott of Stratford visited on Sunday with his mother Mrs. T. Jarrot. il'Irs. T. Kyle of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Kyle. Mr, and Mrs. S. Baird, Oran and Gerald visited on Sunday with Miss Beatrice Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. E. Moffat of Lon- don visited, on Sunday with the fotmer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Alf Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert of Brodhagen and Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Hodgert and Marjorie of L•'x- eter and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fer- gusonand sons of Staffa, on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schilbe. NII. and Mts. Stackhouse and lit- tle daughter of London, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pell Mr. and Mrs, H. Aikenhead of Brucefield and Mr. and Mr's. James Bowey of Exeter visited on Sun- day with Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Edgar Butt of. Seaforth spent Stuiday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt. W.M.S. Meet The W.M.S. met on Wed. after- noon, Oct. 8th at the ]tome of Mrs. W. Workman with a good attend- ance". The president, Mrs. E. Chip - chase presided and opened the meet- ing by singing hymn 187. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Miss Margaret Sinclair read the scrip- ture lesson. The twenty-two mem- bers present answered the roll call with the text word, thanksgiving, ,The secretary, Mrs. John Anderson, I read a thank -you letter received front Mrs. W. W. Cooper. The study, The Bible for the North American Indians, was given by Mrs. W. F. Alexander. Miss Bernice McC1inchey favoured with a vocal. solo accompanied by Mrs. John Sin- clair. Hymn 1135 was then sung an,, the meeting closed by repeating. the Mispah Benediction in unison. Lunch was served by Circle No. 1. l — - McKILLOP 1IEGEL—BYERMANN BORN NCING° in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, OCT. 25 Norm Carnegie and His Band Admission Sue IiONNELLY--In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Saturday, Oct. 1Sth, to Mr, and Mrs. ,sack Donnelly, a son (ljodney John). BENNEWIES —In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 19th, to Mr, and Mrs, Norman Be,rnewles, Bornholm, a daughter. SNOWDON—In Scott Memorial Respite], on Suadnp, Oct. 19th, to M. and Mrs. Gerald H. Snowdon, a daughter l May Ann). NIXON--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Dale Nixon, Seu- tortbl a. daughter. RILEY—WILBEE A pretty October wedding was solemnized in Northside United Church on Wednesday, October 15, at 2 o'clock when Rev. H. V, Work- man united in marriage :Margaret Joyce, daughter of Mrs. James Ed- wards and the late Horace Wilbee became the bride of Alvin Stewart, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley, Constance. Pine boughs and roses were used in de- coration of the church and coloured tulle bows decorated the guest. pews, Ylrs. James Stewart played traditional wedding music and solo- ist, 'Miss Louise Case sang "I'll walk beside you". The bride's bro- ther, Mr. Win. Wilbee, gave her itt marriage. She was lovely in a gown of white parachute nylon with lace Eton jacket. The sleeves were long and tapering and she carried a bou- quet of Better Time roses. As maid of honour, Miss Vera Mole was gowned in peach ribbed taffeta with ruffled neckline and bustle back, The bridesmaid, Miss Ruth Wilbee, WAS in powder blue taffeta skirt with lace Eton jacket. The attend- ants wore matching halo headdresses and mittens and carried Johanna Hill roses. Mr. Fred Riley of Kitch- ener attended the groom, and the ushers were Messrs Thomas Wilbee and Gordon Hildebrand. Mrs. Ed- wards wore for the wedding a pale blue crepe dress with black acces- sories, her corsage bouquet being pink roses. Mrs. Riley's dress was grey crepe with black accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and itirs. James Edwards. The dinner was served by four girl friends of the bride. Miss Anna Wat- Stop Look & Read You can now get Rubber Boots in all sizes tofit children from 2 years old and up. These small Rubber Boots are made from crude rubber and v011 give real good Service We advise early shopping as the demand is heavy. Srnyth's Shoe Store MITCHELL PHONE 259W groom was best man. Guests were present front Tor- onto, Woodstock, Kitchener, Galt, Waterloo, Stratford, Ayr, Mitchell, Seaforth, h Clint on Brussels,se]s Elmira, Brodhagen and Ethel. After the reception Mr, and Mrs. Henry C. Riegel left for a motor: trip to. Niagara and Buffalo. For travelling the bride donned a dress of heavenly bine crepe with black accessories and a blue shortie coat with black and a corsage of red roses. The couple will reside on the groom's fano in Logan. CONSTANCE Mrs. Joe Riley and Mrs. Frank Riley attended the 76th Anniversary of St. James' Church, Middleton, on Sunday. Rev. Canon Townsend was the guest preacher, All former mem- bers were invited to the special an- niversary and dedication of gifts. Mrs. Frank Riley was organist for 5 years before her marriage. Mrs. Frank Riley had a suecessful quilting at her home recently when twenty-two ladies were present and quilted a quilt. Mrs. Riley using the Proceeds of the quilting for a gift at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. for the hospital. Conducted by Rev. G. F, N. Atkin- son, B.A.. of Watd,.villa SPECIAL MUSIC" BY THE CHOIR eesseeesesensesiemeeeeseesiewseseeisessesieezeseeset Members of W.M.S. and W.A. and mothers cordially invited. Lunch ItutttLittutu EUCHRE AND tie St. Columban . FRIDAY, OCT.: 24 ADMISSION 50c, LUNCH Special prize for Longest Mar- ried; also fur the Most Ilecent- ly Married, and other Prizes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DANCE! Autumn Whirl! AUSPICES OF THE NURSES OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TIME — Friday, Nov, 711i, 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. PLACE— Cardno's Hall, MUSIC—Skyliners Band DRESS OPTIONAL ADMISSION 2.00 PER COUPLE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held in Egmondville United Church SUNDAY, NOV. 2 The -;Mission Band of Constance United Church will hold their An- tumn thankoffering meeting and ba- zaar in the Sunday school room of the church, Saturday afternoon, Oct, 25th at pan Mrs. RCA' Lawson of Seaforth will be the eeeaker, will be served. son, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Ken Chisel and Mrs. Marks, Walton. The happy couple left amid showers of confetti for Niagara Falls and points east, the bride travelling in a rasp- berry -red coat and black chiffon dress with lace trial and black acces- sories. On their return they will re- side in Seaforth. Eti THE 5" � P WILL OPEN SATU ., NOV. l st, 9 a.m. IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL — NORTHEAST CORNER OF MAIN AND GODERICH STS, Children's Wearing Apparel Wool Hand Knits Gifts TROUSSEAU TEA • Mrs, James Edwards was hostess at a trousseau tea on Wednesday, Oct. Sth in honour of her daughter Miss Joyce Wilbee, whose marriage took place on Oct. 15th. Mrs. James Edwards, Mrs. Charles Riley, and the bride-to-be received at the door. Mrs. Robert Edgar, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. James Edgar, an aunt, poured tea in the afternoon, and in the evening Mrs. James Edgar and Mrs. James Flannigan were in charge of the tea table. Misses El- eanor Henderson and Kathleen Sil- lery served tea in the afternoon and Misses Delores Dale, ,Beth Muir and Ruth Wilbee, in the evening, Miss Vera Mole was in charge of the trousseau, hiss Laura Mole in the "•eft room and Mrs. J. Flannigan and Miss Anna Watson in charge of the 1),•ide's own collection. Mrs. Thoma Wilhee was lit charge of the reg inter. On Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 2:30 pan. al the, home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Byertiliat, was the setting for tt pret- ty autumn wedding when the second eldest daughter, Alice Annabelle, was united 111 marriage to Henry Carl., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel, Brodhagen. Rev. W. Shultz of Brodhagen performed the cere- mony inthe house beneath an arch of pink and white streamers, centred by a cluster of white and silver bells. Green ferns and flower's were banked beneath the arch. Given in. marriage by her father, the bride was attractively gowned in a floor- length gown of white brocaded satin and net with sweetheart neck- line and lily -point sleeves. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a coronet headdress of net and orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and fern. Her only ornament was a string of nearls Miss Ruth Byer - mann, Walton, was her sister's bridesmaid, dressed in a floor-len,gtlt gown of cream satin and lace with sweetheart neckline. Her shoulder- length veil el' nink net was held in place by a halo headdress of pink s flowers. Slee carried a bouquet of - pink, roses and fern. Mr. Wilfred Dieget, Brodhagen, brother of the 1,•;Tll :\NNL'.\L PALACE Rll'4K - SEAFORTH FRI. OCT. AT 8 P.M. HALF NET PROCEEDS TO BE DONATED TO SCOTT. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: REMAINDER FOR LIONS W!LFARE WORK PARADE - - 'WILL LEAVE M.\1\ n CODERICH STREETS AT 7.1:,, SI :AFORTH Ilirili.ANnERs RAND & CHILDREN IN COs -mx. amen ALL THE OLD FAVOR- ITES — BINGO, OVER AND UNDER — BiRD CAGE Entertainment Outstanding program thru- out the evening. Hallow- e'en Contests. Lots of fun Admission to rink — Adults 25 cents Children under 15, FREE Drawing tor 8 Big Prizes To a well known Sarnia Orchestra Cardno's Hall — Admission 50 cents