HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-23, Page 4THE i41 ,tFORTII NEWS
Snowdon 01'os., Publishers
11151'�i:'r rIORTtl$[I)s CHIJRC
Conriimea From Palle 1
alert to give any help or advice whet
needed all through. those 70 ytalh
they have contributed most liberally,
to the financial aid of the church,
In 1902 the .Ladies' Aid preseritetl
to the Trustee board the gleed of tile'
property now stands, and iu 1904 took
an active part in the building of the
they Y
were "
e - stu-
In have these chandeliers in -1
stalled at the time of the redecolat-:
ing. In 1014 gave 91,000 as a. payrneiltl
on the church mortgage, and 10 1924
gave very generously toward instal-.
latiou of our present organ, and all
through the past 70 years they have
contributed in no small way to scores
of other needs not mentioned,
The officers elected in 1925 in the
Hated Church were, Mrs. J, B.
Thompson. president; Mrs, J. Fiulay-
son, lst vies president, Mrs. J. G.
Docherty, 3nt1 tree president; Mrs. R.
Archibald. set, etary; Mrs, A Mc.
Gavin treas.; prop. com., Mrs Bur-
rows, Mrs. Consitt, Mrs. Pell; flower
come Mrs. Cliff. Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs,
Willis; kitchen coni., Mrs, Stark; vis-
iting cont., Mrs, Hamilton. Mrs. Frost,
Mrs. Hudson, Miss Robb.
Quite a number of letters of greet-
ing's were read at the Monday evening
Greetings from Mrs. Rev. 1. B. Wal-
wyu of Toronto, from Ray Birks, A.C.,
of Toronto, nu behalf of Itis mother
and family.
Rev. H. D. and Mrs. Moyer of Kit-
chener. Rev. Geo, McKinley of Lon-
don; Rev. T. A. ami Mrs. t'arnrkhuel
of Brantford. Rev. 14.=1'. and Mrs.
singing the Institute ode followed by
the I ord s Prayer, All joined in sing,
lug"Way down upon the btvanee
l iter 1.)r. Brady of Seaforth was
uc tt speaker for the evening and
:ire a splendid address on "Hospit-
a'iZ,ation", explaining the many ad-
:rutages of this new scheme now in
nroress. Miss Florence Welsh .of
r{ensall favoured with a pleasing
,nlo `Bless this House" accompanied
by Mrs. Laird Mickle. The roll call
1;as answered by a new health habit
which I should practice daily. Mrs.
J. McClellan and -Miss Grace Tre-,
neer were appointed delegates to
;he Western Ontario Institute Con-
--ention to be held at Hotel London
^R, 29; 30th of October. It was also
derided to use the Institute sugar
e' -,et le left and make Christmas
rake to he sent to England for
e"hl•istmas. The Institute is making
en appeal for donations of fruit,
refits or hotter to be left at Kyle's or
T)amm's stores in Kippen or with
env Institute member where it -will
ee distributed to the committees 1n
-l'a"re tnr the making of th by
.,".1•es. Ail donations to be left
eaovember 1st. TI was also decided to
i+a••e a euchre and dance in the near
future and further particulars will
apveer later.
Tetters of thanks were read from
Mee. 101, leleT can re nor veteran in
Ter'nnto. Miss Helen Love favoured
with n plana solo, Schalkawskev's
r'nrrert 'Po. 1. The motto, r'To cure
1,; rhe vnic'e of the past, to prevent
:e the divine whisper of the future"
"an presented by Mrs. Glenn Mac-
e e+en to her most canahle manner.
ma. :Wee Sinclair moved a hearty
-rap et thanks to the hostess and
all taking' part in the program•
Quite a number iron here Littera- Mrs. Gor on ac enz e. ea g
ed the shower for Harvey Wolfe of were given by Mts. Eldon Kerr, ales.
i- t Mrs, David
t an s,
it a le
tai Gordon P 1 c
root,a 1
r 10 and i 1 i
Iia n t1
ser, at the 'town hall, llitcltclr on Shannon. The meeting closed with
Friday evening. They wale preseeted hymn 571,
with a studio couch and occasione,
and Mrs, Oscar Diegel andScott. Mrs. Id. Adryniple,
Mr, a d Mrs. R.
Jimmy of Waterloo with Me, . and Mrs. E. Stanway, Mee. H. Aikefiliead
Lune of Toronto.T.uneh was served by the committee
1I . anti Airs. Savo Somers of I)•. in charge,
troit lir. and Mrs. Win.. Bristow of
i;:,•tit•i. Air. and 31r.:. Hs rry Eyre of '
all .tplc s il th,•.ir sincere regret
-.1r F, +ter !'3 s > a.•.eri b,r wl i 1i1g
•.,,• t.......;run .t:,y sue,
Mrs. Garnet t''l lin n' s and little
da.ne.hter Sandra at the Hume of Mt'.
and Mrs. Lawrence l.unlntinge.
Mr. .Roy Williamson 11,.1.4 returned
a trip to the west.
;qrs. R. Ort e. Listowel at the
of Mr. and Mrs. YtV. .1. Husnp-
lasepn Cit.^rpireli of Se:1iot•th
yvi blonds.
e7eeere )tu 'el Barrows, Stewart
11,1 tli, Wm, Bennett, Wm.- Perrie,
Wm. Coutts and Kenneth McDonald
int r.,leti the plowing match at
lei -inn last week.
The regular monthly meeting of
Der,. W.M.S. was held in the
eli.tch basement on Wed. Oct. 8,
Mrs. Hazlewood presiding. The re -
spouse to the •roll call, "Thanksgiv-
ing Thoughts", was good. It was de-
eided not to have a special thank -
offering meeting but e veryone is
asked to turn in their envelopes at
the next meeting. The topic "Bring-
ing the Bible to North American
Indians" was ably taken by the 20th
of Grey group. We were.told of
Sohn Elliott's work amonthe Mas-
sachusetts Indians, and Stephen
Rin'g's work among the Dakota In-
dinns. These teen men had the first
Indian Bible printed. Now the In-
tarnational Bible Society has over
119 *translations macre of the Bible.
sa than almost every one may have a
e',:,00 in his own language. 3Teetilig
....,r•1 with prayer.
Mrs. Henry L. Diegel. end Mrs. 11', Henry attended the sec-
3tr. and Mrs. Ali Dykerean of tionat meeting of Huron •'Presbyterial
Pott Coedit with 'Ales. Henry Klebel.' last Thursday•
and other relatives,Several from here attended the
Visitors With Me. and tllfs. bar'1 funeral of 'the late Mrs, Thornton
Doyle for the weekend ,were Mrs. Mustard of Toronto at Clinton last
Rachel Doyle, aNirol. and ;T11rs. George Tluu'sday,
Smith, Mrs, .Harold Wilson. Miss Margaret McQueen spent the
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
FA week end in Seaforth.
Eichmeir, Me. and Mos, J. H. Bach, R•ev, Mr. Peters of l4cliilli)p octan
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sutter of Long- led`the pulpit Here on Sunday morning
while Rev. E. Stanway pr eachecl an-
niversary service at Thames Road, No
service was held here in the evening.
A splendid musical concert was
given ill the church Monday night
when Mr, McGee of London demon-
strated the qualities o1' the Ham[itond
organ. Mr•. McGee was assisted by Mr.
G. Gordon, a noted Loirdolr violinist:
Red Cross held their monthly ureet-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs; H.
Dayman on Wednesday this week,
when the ladies quilted a quilt.
Anniversary services will he held
here next. Sunday, Oct, 2Glh, Rev, M.
Stuart of Colborne St. Church, Lon -
dim, will preach at the morning ser-
vice and Rev. Mr. Woolfrey of Clintot;
at the evening service.
The Ladiee' Guild of St. Mary's
Chru•ch..Dublin, met at the a home of
1,, Charles Friend, 00 Thursdty-
T .• afternoon was spent 111 quilting.
1 tneb wasserved by the hostess
el her a r Blur.
. Andrew Trautzer spent thanks -
i ing dcy in Windsor.
11 1'' Marie Ei•auskopf, London,
' h here other Mrs: Catherine
' . rnusknpt,
r J. i _Costello, London, with
tui n ,rent.. lir. and Mee.. Dan
Mrs. Yonne' 311,1 two children
Hutu, with lir. and- Mrs. Joseph
ford, Kansas, Mr. and• is.
Baskin and Mx. and Mrs. Prank
Cowling and Frank of Toronto; Mr.
Lonie Kahle, Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilton Eickmier•,
Roger and Gary of Detroit, with Mr.
and Mrs. George Eickmeir. kie
Mr, and Mrs, John A. Arbuckle,
Jimmy and Billy of Toronto with
Mr.- and Mrs. 'Albert Querengesser,
Miss Elizabeth Boyd and Mr. Vin-
cent Dittrner of Toronto, visited
with Mrs. Mary Dittmer on Sunday.
Congratulations are due Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Bennewies on the birth
of their daughter .at Seaforth hos-
pital, on Sunday.
Mr. Adatn ICistnee has been con-
fined to his bed through illness.,
A number of friends and relatives
attended a birthday celebration at
the Legion rooms in Miichell, on,
Monday evening on the occasion of
Mrs. Margaret Collins' 80th birth-
Mrs. John E. Simon is confined
to St. Joseph's hospital, London, for
Members of the Ladies' Aid at-
tended the Ladies' Aid Rally held at
Preston. on Wednesday.
Hiss Dorothy Wolfe who had been
employed in Querengesse • and Die
gore store for the past three and e
half veal's, has now taken a position
at the Riverside Silk Mills, at
The October Meeting of the ICip-
i;•h East Women'. Institute, Wed.
15th wss held at the 7.1
home of 's.
ti 11-L"an with Mi T Kay as co -
h'. t "i . Mrs. W. Kyle. pies. was in
ti:' eh•rir. The •meeting opened by
Do You Fhid it
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Our New
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Mr, Martin hurray. Toronto, with
tl '. and Mee. Gilbert Murray.
Mr.. and Ws. Charles Kintner en-
tertained at a chicken runner on
'1day in honer of their 1 9th wed -
din., anniversary which was an event
of last week. Those present included
Me. and firs, John Kenny, Mr. and
Mrs. Gc0rge Neumann and son Don-
nie of Cooley Lake, Pontiac, Mich.,
Mrs. Frank Kenny. Mrs. Kay Thorn -
inn and Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenney, Mr.
and -firs. Geo1•xe Neumann and son
-of Pontiac., Mieh, with bre. Frank
Kenny and Mrs. Thornton.
Mr. Johnny Kenny of Pontiac,
mil Mr. Dick Galley • of Detroit
'alled on Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kist -
roe, Sunday evening.
lir. and Mrs. Chas, Ahrens and
Ronald, 3h'. and Mrs. Wilfred Ah-
rens, Clayton, 'Robert and Kenneth
rieited in I onden on Sunday with
M;. and Mrs Spencer McLeod and
Mr. and 7lrs,Keuneth McLeod.
Mrs, Sepliie Beunewies and Mrs.
'7`:11.0 Dittmei• attended the funeral
of Lot'i•ie Steiss :it Cranhrook, on
Chels. W. I.eonhardt and air.
Rudolph Fh;ehei' spent the weekend
at the home of Me. and Mrs. Alvin
Reef; at Point Edward, Mrs. T. eon
herdt who emelt the past week there
returned home with them.
We welcome Mr. and firs. Elmer
Koehler . who have recently moved
into the. home of Mrs. Annie ElIig-
•on. also Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1:.
Diegel, who have moved irate their
home herr,
Me. and 3Irs. Dalton Heinz, And -
Vey and Gerald spent Sunday with
Mr. and1Trs. Theodore Rosenberg,
near St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonie G. Pock spent
the weekend i11 London and Detroit.
Visitors with 1Ir. and Mee', Gen
Mock v:ere :lir. and Mrs. Joe Berry
of Hamilton.
Mr. and Bios. Sydnee TCitney, Mrs..
'Mildred Finlayson and Joan. Mr,
Fail Clark of Toronto, Carman
Mo',•k of Wallacehurg. Mrs, Sophie
Miller, returned from Toronto, after
eeending several months there.
Visitors with ReV. and Mrs. W,
w„hultz were Robert Howald, Eric
Schultz and Dr. It. T, Lehmann, all
of Waterloo. Dr. Lehman preached
he sermon St. Peter's t Lutheran the trimming
Church. At
the evening service, sound pictures,
Progress of Waterloo College and
Seminary. were shown by Erlyn
1'Vllkee and explained by Dr. Leh,
The W it S and W.A. of Duff's
hereh, •11 K.illop, was held at the
orae of MI's. John ,Iiillehreeht on
Tresday eyenlug, Oct. 14118. Mrs. W.
Mannon i.'csided and opened the
meeting with hvnm "Break Thou the
;weed of lite." after• .which • Mee.
Geo. Campbell led in prayer. The
eriphn'e lesson wits then read by
Ws. Chester Henderson. Mrs. F.
11rKereher and Mrs. G. MarICeneie
were appointed delegates to attend
the sectional nleetieg itt Monci•ief11
Oct. lath. Mrs, Geo. Campbell 'ore -
sided over the business period.. 351's
Dnvicl Shanon had charge of the pro-
ei'a 1. Hymn 1-48, Breathe on me,
Breath of God, was sung after
which Mrs. Kenneth Stewart offered
prayer. Mrs. Chester Henderson
gave a Christian Stewardship read-
ing. Psalm 714 was read in unison.
The study book was ably taken by
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Rev. J,' R. Peters had charge of lowing the Ode. 0 Canada was sung
and Lord's Prayer repeated. The
minuteswere read and collection
taken. The roll call featured.. "A
book I have read recently and en.
joyed". In connection with the theme
of the 'meeting "Education" there'
followed the presentation of 3 .ef-
fective films, these being the prop-
erty of the N ational Fill. Board.
Mi'. 3'.'Bowey, Exeter, was the "op-
erator, 1. Ski-ing in the Lauren -
dans; 2. Our Canada; 3. Listen to
the Prairie. Mrs. A. E. Munn was
responsible for this Part of program.
Master Gerald Smith of Kippen ren-
dered a pleasing violin solo, "Blue
Bells of Scotland", accompanied by
Miss Greta Laramie. The motto "The
best way to get to tate top is by be -
the Thames Road Church on Sun-
Mr, and 1'Irs. Zack McSpadden
spent the weekend with their son
Mr. and Mrs. Sanr. McSpadden at
Miss Jean Pryce of Guelph with
her parents Mr. . and Mrs. John
An open meeting on Sunday
evening, Oct. 12 was held in the
"h basement. The Helping Hand
Mission Band took -charge. The pres-
ident, ,Marjorie 1VIcClure, presided.
The tweeting opened with a hymn
after which the Mission Band re-
peated the Mission Band purpose.
The scripture lesson, Psalm 95 was
read by Leslie McSpadden, Mac
2(101141 -emery led in prayer. Ilev.
T'eters gave a very interesting talk
on India after which he showed
l:intern slides. A vote of thanks teas
tendered Rev. Peters by Dorothy
Cuthill. The meeting closed with the
uatioe el enthere.
Anniversary services of • Caren
''twit„it. Winthrop, were held Sun -
de , Oct. 19, Rev. Mair of Thames
Service in the United Church will
be withdrawn Sunday, Oct. 26, ow-
ing to the annual Harvest Thanks-
giving to be observed in St. John's
Anglican Church. Morning service
at 11 a.m., guest speaker, Rev, R.
M.P. Bulteel of St. Pauls, Clinton.
Guest .speaker for 7 pm. will be E' ing the best mail at the bottom "
'Lloyd Lake of Huron College, Lon- was fluently discussed by. Mrs. B.
don. Geiger. During the business period
Mrs. W. G. Beatty, Miss MoStephenson 1. The members were asked to con -
in company with M. Stephenson tribute special ' collection towards
spent a day with friends in Croat the purchase of a Legion flag.
arty and Brussels. It was decided to spend the amount
A miscellaneous shower was ten -
of ea5.0 0 10 the buying of supplies
dered Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid, newly
e suitshle for use in the kitchen of
weds, in the hall Friday night where the I.eg'ion roams, this swatter to
a pleasant evening was spent. rest with the buying committee,
Mrs. Beer, Mrs. Horton and Gladys
BLAKELuker. 3. The next item mentioned
Mee. Roy 'McBride and sons Keith tuns the Short Course Film Let's
and John returned from a weekend can Ontario's Foods" which was
visit with relatives at Amberley and presented in the Council chamber
district., on Wednesday night, Oct, lst, con -
Mr. and Mrs. l3, Oeseh havere- dm ted by Joss Broadfoot. 4. The
termed after visiting for a few days we011'' 'nstitl'tes Convention will
=•iih relatives in Michigan. be held in London, on Oct. 28th,
'.r. and 71jP. Thomas Dinsmore 29th and 30th. Mrs. Kerslake, Nlrs.
React was the guest speaker and de- ,:pent the weekend in Windsor. S. Bell .and several other members
erect two inspiring sermons, morn- Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay were will attend. 5, rs, TI, Fiber ex -
'l .g, to l'lrge and at- visited by relatives from ICincardhte pressed sincere thanks to the them-
tenor e e oneregations. He was the ,alt Sunday. bees for the nice card received dur-
,est ee Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Church.
S eel l meek was rendered by the
eheir wh[ell was much appreciated
and received thanks from Mr. Mair,
Mr. George Pethick and Mr. Roy
Elliot have returned from e muter
trip to the Western provinces.
Mr. Andrew Montgomery of
Brantford spent the weekend at his
NIr. and Mrs. Norman Dodds of
Brussels -with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Dodds.
Miss Pearl Grainger of Toronto
was a guest over the weekend with
her aunt Mrs. John McClure and
Mrs. John Smith.
Mr. Jacob Gingerich of Oregon, int' her illness some months apo. T.
visited relatives in the community. Further discussion was held re the
It has been some years Spice he possibility of a Junior Banti being
visited in Ont. Many are pleased to nrtanized ander the leadership of
see him again. Mr. A. 0. Robinson.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Hansell Institute took Place in
the United • Church school -room, on
Wednesday evening, Oct. Stli, pre-
sided over by the Pres. Mrs. Ker-
slake, there being a splendid at-
tendance of members and guests,
Miss Greta Laramie and Mrs. 13. Ed-
wards ably acted as hostesses.. Fol -
Mrs. Will Bagley of Toronto spent
a few days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Austin Dexter, also visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Dexter and other
Rev. and Mrs, John Button, Brigden,
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Dexter during week end.
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