HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-16, Page 870th ANNIVERSARY CELEB ATION orth Side, United Church $i Al''OPTH, O:NT, 614011011.01131141.11 TWO SPECIAL. SUNDAYS OCT q n 1' th ja d 26th PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY, OCT. 19th Morning Service 11 a.m. GUEST MINISTER -- REQ'. A. W. BARBER, I3.A.,B.D, Minister of Northside Church from 1011 to 1915 SERMON -- "THE ANGELS OF OTR PILGRIMAGE" Anthem • "I'VLo are these in Bright Array" Nichol Spiritual - steal away to Jesus" • Unaccompanied The Junior Choir under direction of Miss M. Turnbull will assist at Both Services Evening Service 7 p.nll. GUEST MINISTER -- REV. S. W. BUTTON, B.A. Rev. Mr. Patton -entered the study for the Ministry frust this .Congregation in 1914 SERMION -- —A CHURCH TO MATCH THIS HOUR" Anthem -h m - the Lord, 0 Je'rnsatem Maunderlder Jr. Choir Double Trio - "An Evening Hymn" Anthem - "TUE PRODIGAL" Unaccompanied COME AND JOIN IN THE C"ELEBRATION OF THIS, THE TlITli YEAR OF CIHRISTIAN SERVICE OF NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH o REV. H. V. WORKMAN, MINISTER Nies. J. A. Stewart, Organist J. A. Stewart, Choir -Leader l-iENSALL 31-. and Mrs. Harry Cool: and daughter of Windsor spent the weekend with the former's parents Mrand Mrs. Coyne=ills Cook, • Miss Kathleen Jones of Toronto net -et the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and -on of. Toronto visited over the weekend with the former's mother Mrs. Manns. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd of London; spent the weekend with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd. 4 f London • Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson c s nt the weekend with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. lr attended the funeral of an aunt STRAYED Dr. Norma Cook of Toronto spent of Strayed from Int 29, Cnn 1 charge of both Services. Miss Minnie trunks & nnilt boxes. Johnston of Hamilton was special- 2 bedroom choirs, 2 bedroom suites, spring soloist in the morning and a double imatire+" & springs; mutt sets hanging quartette of young men of Blyth loops, mnkinole hoard, other lumps, mirrors, l 6"floor covering, pictures, ittty of dt rugs, bedding & Linens,. Qunnttty of dlnhes kitchen utensils, step ladder, garden tools & other articles. Terms cash. ALEX SINCLAIR, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P, Chesney, Clerk. ' THE SEAFORTH NEWS of ten successful entrance pupils. Arrangements were made for a eu- chre and dance to be held Oct. 24. A prize is being offered for the couple longest married; also, for the couplemost recently married, who are present at the social,. Meeting then adjourned' and closed with MANLEY Mr; and ill's, Joe Manley and family spent. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Manley in London. Ml'. and Mrs. Steve Manley and Gary of Chatham spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs.` Wm. Manley, Mrs. Steve Manley was winner of a beauty contest at Chatham, last Week. She was formerly Olive Petrie of London, ` TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. A.• E. Wligglesworth. of Shelburne, Ontr and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clarke of -Kincardine, called on relatives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Pearson of Toronto, visited over the 'week- end with Mr., and Mrs. Bussell Cole- man, Auction Sale • OP CATTLE. At Lot 12, con.. 13, Hullett Two, mile west of Harloek school,. on Monday Oct 27th, at 1 P,M; Ree. Durham hull 18 months old. 4 Durham & Hereford cows due in Mardi and April. Durham heifer 3:years old, clue early March ; 1 Hereford steer 2 yours old t. 1 Hereford & Durham steers rising 2 years tear 4 alt; Hereford Hereford Durham Durham fers tisspr ng ng 9 Years of es. Terms cash, 1\'ILLLtia MURPHY, Proprietor. 1-Inrold Jackson, Auctioneer, Auction Sale 1.7 THE TOWNSHIP OF TnCKERSMITII, 111 miles south of Red Tavern School, on Xtppen Rd., Friday, October 24th at 1 p.m. Blunt dine harm (good) • Intornottonal riding plow ; walking' plow ; Portland cutter [gond); rubber tired buggy; 0 ft Deering mower; 1 horse souther; fanning mill; Ren- frew 20(0 Ib scales (geed) ; turnip drill; Anka•-Halth cream .separator & other articles, HOUSEHOLD . -- Clare jewel white enamel conk stove [practically new); heating stove kitchen table; kitchen chairs; 2 coaches. Number of small tables, churn fruit cupboard, cracks. Approximately 2 tons Chestnet cool. Kitchen cupboard, Sherlock Manning -Piano & bench t buffet. Singer drop head sewing m wh- ine; library table, number of rockers. Spartan battery radio, chest of drawers, wardrobe, assisted the choir in the. evening, also, singing a couple of selections, and two of the young men sang a duet. The day was ideal and the church was full both morning and evening. There were visitors present from Toronto, Camp Borden, Kitch- ener, Hamilton, Goderich, Auburn, Clinton, Brucefield, Blyth, Londes- boro and surrounding country. We wish to thank all who attended the services and helped in any way to slake the Anniversary a success. Mr. Arthur Colson and his father Mr. Thomas Colson of Blyth, recent - AT FINNIGAN'S_ Renlell),ber Finnigan for your • Seasonal Fruit We invite you to browse through this Panoramic display of, Color. Every item priced NEW STOCK Rubbers, Rubber Boots. We have an excellent stock of Rubber Footwear for melt and boys. Also shipment of Frestone. Last call fol' Rolled Roofing, _Act today W. J. FINNIGAN & SON Card of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Jessie Watson wish to thank all the friends and neighbors forthe hind expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement also .the nurses -at Scott M emnr•ial Hospital, Dr. McMaster ; and Dr. liiady. FOR SALE Apples for -sale, pick your own. Apply' FRED SLAVIN, phone 84-32, Hensel' central. STRAYED Strayed from lot 27, Con. 13, McI{hien, 144 yetis• old Durham bull. PERCY TAYLOR, Walton. Phone 830 r 21. FOR SALE One pair of good steers. Phone, 833 r 14. Seaforth. the former, in Muskoka,s, L SOc111op, a a iving. with her parents 'Mr. • i o • bought a Pontiac =IRsteer. Phone 84r23. NELSON Me. thanksgiving. Mr. Wm Ina 1 and Mrs Norman Cook. car. We wish to congratulate him! FOR SALE 12r, and 'arra, Don Evans and son and wish him every success with his of Waterloo -were weekend viaitorB Gnat stmt, special Hnrristor, to goes email - of tion, Phone 666x2, Seaforth. with Mrs. Evan's parents Mr. and nal,. Archie Watt of Camp Borden Mrs. R. Y. :McLaren. and a couple of boy friends spent! FOR SALE Mr, and lir°• Albert \Torenz of the weekend at the home his pal•ents s aioi;n n hurl, 2' years old, Phone 542 r 3. Grand Pend visited -recently with Mr, and Mrs, Leo Watt. their son -In -Ian' and daughter Mr., Mr. and Mrs. James Watt of Tor -1 FOR SALE and Mfrs. ,Tack Corbett and family. onto vi'itd his brothers Leo and 3 choice Leinster ram Moshe. 14c pa• 11. \I: F.. Parker -returned to the Coril gr mart, over the weekend and Pimm s0ti r 11. R, 2, 110IG, RI11, Dublin. 'home of her son and daughter -in- il,,,, n, . FOR SALE raw. Mr. and lb's. F-1ar'olsi Parker aim 16 Winter Coat, navy blue, suitable for after spending several. weeks at. High s tp 1 girl, Can he semi al. t.ILLESPIE milr._•ll. DUBLIN CLEANERS, visRs, seafnrth. ',Mi Margaret McNaughton of • - A pretty Autumn wedding was . FOR SALE London( spent thanksgiving with her held -a'' St. Peter's Church, Tol•O11t0 I: wci conk stove, bombs coal or ,wood. it reit 1s MI'. kindMrs.. L'11•lle Me- on Saturday. October 11, when Mary Incus r-,t.:nnohiY.'FRANCIS COLEMAN JR, :',;alt OAOa. Veronica, 1, eblest daughter of Mrs.1 FOR SALE W.M,S. Meet n1.1.•is John Feeney, Dublin, and' ,at•1> p-nwder• Hue NILO and bnimet, size 3. Tile- \\retch et \l 1 tr .eteiftt. ,he late Primei0 John Feeney,. Walt n Gmnl as ew, Sf.:i . Phone 9er4, MR$, circa, o tier i nited Clilat ' e i ei in united in marriage to mi.. John ITel KtsTXER, Dustin. tin' school rOOtll of Te•.lareh on belt Lieechene. Toronto, son of the Thursday, Oet. [till, The o.1<-etin'- late MIr. and Mrs. Fred Deschene of rt.c,l by sitl21c1 l .' Th tve'1- Sudbury. Rev. Harry F. Feeney, none " followed t,: the Lord', C.P.. Seollard Hall, North Bay Col- . c..lo Voice _olio r . , P •oyer its unison. The : president lege. brothel' of the bride, officiated 'Alm W. D.. Cross presided. Mrs. G. at the ceremony and at the Nuptial Glenn took the de i anal.- St. John 1 Mass. Mr. Leo Leisnier presided at 43-51.- Tei • sen. e art Mrs L. i the •organ and the soloist was Mr. Card.of Thanks We wish to thank all out kind .friends and neighbors who gave us such grand trousseau tea presents and wedding' Presents. -MR, AND MRS. ;FRANK GLANVILLE Card of Thanks I wish to thank my many friends and neighbors for the kindly remembrance also: to Dr. Flyers, during my recent illpes , whole I was in. the 'hospital and since I came home. —MRS. GEORGE T, WILLIAAYISON,. FOR SALE Used 21" tires and tubes also wheels for model A Ford; white baby buggy; a jacket heater; 1 Roy- al Princess Pat cook stove with warming closet. George Reeves, North Main St, • Mickle read the minutes: of the last Lloyd 1,aube, who sang, Patiis An- corms tchir ' ire -e .•-•r1and adopt- geliens• at the offertory and Ave enders Wanted ed. The business was then discussed. Miaria during the signing of the re- I Tenders wi11 he recetved Iw the undersigned , MII-. G. Glenn n elute to Oster. I up m 0 P.M., Saturday, Oetnbor Isth 1.t47, i appointed for snowplowing township roads, in the • .c: ve lunch at the Evening Auxiliary Given in marriage by her mother, 're tieh)11 of Tucket:smith, in the winter of . Bazaar being held on Nov. 15th. the bride wore a powder blue gabar- 1 111,1i-48. 1 17-8, Tenderer thrc inn ti '» own `lii t1•h 1io Committees were appointed to look .dine .suit with matching .hat with be used, Tender to sta.. price per hon•. Lowest or any tender " not necessarily ; eecepted, E, P ,CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas.. 'rownshiu of Tuckersmtth, Seaforth. R. R. 4. FOR SALE STOVE — Circulator heater in first close condition. Apply FRANK 1REYNOLDS, Phone 607 r 33. FOR SALE - HOUSE & PIANO—Frame house recently moved to Clinton,' on a good int, in an excel- lent location. Also an Upright "Concert Apply JAMES ELLIOTcondition, uli, reasonable. FOR SALE Polled Angus bu1!, 2 years old, Goad Dvr- hamn sow. 11 yearlings ancanes. Otte Collie pup. Phone s43t = d 0 . MILLER. ADArlfs, FOR SALE New Cocksbutt all steel rubber -tired wagon. LToed slightly. Will ,'ell for reduced price. Apply at The N0101 Office.• FOR SALE 1030 Cher emelt (standard), real goad con- dition. Phone 541 r 12, Seaforth. after the lunch for the November brown ostrich plumes and accessories meeting when the Baby Band and and a• shoulder corsage of pink Tal- their mothers will be guests. The isman roses with Bouvardia. She SHOE REPAIR I have opened a Shoe Repair business In Walton, at my :home. All work will receive prompt attention. C. V. PRINGLE. FOR SALE Toronto windmill, 50 ft- tower; ready to load. WALTER BROADFOOT, 1012 Brussels. Picone 27 r 10 Brussels. Clearing Auction Sale OF FARM. FARM STOCK & IMPLE- MENTS. At Lot 16, .Con. 19, Hullctt Two., one mite east of Blyth, on the boundary road. Thursday, Oct. -23rd, at 1 p.m. sharp. THE FARM, consisting of 75 acres, thirty acres plowed. Drilled well. Good buildings. Will be offered subject to a reserve bid. HORSES ---Worst horse 10 years old; 1 work horse; driving horse. CATTLE—White cow due Feb. 25. Redcow due Feb. 20, Roan cow due in May. Blue cow due in May, Black cow dos in April. Hereford cow due in Mach: Hereford heifer due Feb. 28. Hereford heifer due due Feb. Grey Jervsey cw owr' dues( tfineR of sale. Durham tell. 10 calves. 10 yearlings. Collie dog. PIGS -40 chunks 125 to 1s0 Ib, POULTRY -71 Rock and. Sussex pullets 6 months old. IMPLEMENTS—Rubber tire wagon; 10 ft. rolling -hay rack; scales, hay loader • 4 milk cans; corm muffler; M -Ii cream separator; set of 4-0ection harrows electric fencer, need, brooder' stove; M -H 5 -foot. mower FI -H dump rake; M -H 7 -toot binder; wagon fan- ning 15113 ; International cultivator 51.13 cultivator ; cutter; buggy .row turnip drill vont [advert roller; No. 23 Fluery walking plow ; Tudhope-Anderson walking Plow'. col- ony h -u c set of double harness; set of single harness; M-11.sorcader. HAY & GRAN eat bus. [nixed grain, 30 .tots of hay. TIbR.10 Gush Everything to be sold es 1',eprietor is giving up farming. GERALD IIEFFZIPN, Proprietor. 1.,.,, - Rowland, Auctioneer. roll call -was answered by 17 mem was attended by her sister, Miss hers and 1 visitor present. The of- Genevieve Kathleen Feeney, Toren -1 COURT OF REVISION 1 fering was then t aken - np and the to, who \oOre a tropical 'tan suit • TOWNSHIP OF WILLETT meeting dosed by singing `What a with matching hat and black accts- The Council of the Township of Huuett will hold n Cont of Rov+isian on the 1048 assess - Friend we have in Jesus" and the sories and corsage of yellow roses, meet roll. Monday, Nov. 3rd. at 2 P.M., in benediction. Mr. Philip Flanagan, Toronto, was the Community D Hall, o Cle k010 best man and Mr. Richard J. Gun- HARLOCK ningbam, Toronto, ushered. Follow There passed away in the Sea- ing the ceremony, a reception was forth hospital on Saturday, Oct. 4, held at the Queen Elizabeth Room, another of the pioneer residents of Kin[ Edward Hotel. The bride's Hallett township, in the person of mother received the guests wearing Jessie McNaughton, beloved wife ea a black crepe gown with sequins and the late Wm. Watson, in her 921tid black accessories and corsage of red year. Deceased was born in Blan- roses, shard 'township, Dee. 8, 1856, and Dinner was served to 25 guests; lived there until 1902 when she the tables were decorated with early married Wm. Watson of Huuett Autumn flowers. Following a brief township who predeceased her in honeymoon to Buffalo and Niagara Jan. 1924, She leaves to mourn her Falls, Mr. and Mrs. DeAve„o 'will lass two daughters, Mrs. an, reside at 89 Howland e•, Toronto, Smith, St. Thomas, Mrs. Peter. Mac- Guests were present at the wedding Donald (Sadie) of Hullett and three from North Say, London, Dublin, Rochester, N.Y., and Toronto. Sons William and Robert of Hullett and Dave of McKillop, The funeral service was held from the home of her son-in-law Peter Themonthly meeting of the C.W. McDonald, on Monday, Oet. 6th, can. L. was held with the president in ducted by Rev. Henderson of Blyth the chair. The meeting opened with and Rev. Hazelwood of Walton. prayer, and minutes as read- were Mrs, Norman Shepherd and Mrs. adopted. Two boxes of treats have Frank Marshail sang a duet aecom- been sent to sick members. A letter paned by Miss Phyllis Shepherd, en- Was read from the convenor of fin titled Does Jesus Care". The pall- ante, also letters of thanks from sick members for boxes received. The treasurer's report showed a ba-' lance of 1122.30. Magazine conven- or reported 28 readers. Mrs. Morriss and Mrs. McTvo)• are to visit the sick members, Mrs. Tiricklin was ap- pointed to collect the cancelled stamps, An excellent report of the convention held in London was then given by the president, Mrs, Mur- phy. A vote of thanks .was moved by Mrs. Kale, seconded by Mrs. ST. COLUMBAN bearers were six nephews, Edward Reid, Harvie Wells, John Watson, John Wells, Wm. Mills, and - Earl Watson. Flower hearers were Don- na, Ione and Verde Watson, Vera Badley, Ione Lindsay and Nota Smith. Interment 1a0 in BIyth Un- ion cemetery. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to the family and friends. -Burns' Church Anniversary Ser- vices were held on Sunday, Oct. 12 with the Minister of Blyth having Shea. A gift was presented to o Etch Protest Itileeting Re Strikes and Feed Grain Situation An emergency meeting was held in the Agricultural Rooms in Clin- ton, last Saturday evening, October 11th, of the Huron County: Federa- tion of Agriculture and the C'cunty Hog Producers, to deal with tate critical situation arising from the strike in the Packing Plants and witI'1 the feed grain situation. At this meeting it was decided to call a PROTEST MEETING of all those affected by these conditions. This meeting will he held in THE TOWN HALL, CLINTON, on THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16th, at 8.30 P.M. COME OUT and voice your protest, by your - presence. If you are dissatisfied with the lack of action on the part of the Authori- ties, this is YOUR chance to do something about it. WE Pay NO Rent ' Hire NO Help Give NO Credit - SELL FOR LESS W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Harness, Hardware, and Shoe Findings Auction Sale 01' PROPERTY &-IOOUSEHOLI) EFFECTS to be held to village of Blyth on Saturay, Oct. 1tth,. nt 1 p.m. - Complete Zine of household Effects. PROPERTY — " room 114 storey frame house 3n village of Blyth, 1 block - west of Main Street, I•urnace, pressure water 1stern: Double garage & work shop. This. 2501,8ty is in etecellent. condition, TERMS — Chattels, cash. Property, t('O down, -balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to reserve bid.- Estate of late Mr. L. Smith, Prop.. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson...' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1947 BOX J ut1 tat 'rr'i t AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention. Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence, 43 18 Watson & Reid - INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds or Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class ; Companies, - - , Auction Sale OF PROPERTY in - the Town of Se,forth, on Friday, Oct. 17th, at 0.30 P.M. Cottage on Railroad Street, six toning, bath mom, r hadv, and floors; covered ,nth asphalt shingles; good roof; 2 tots ;.garage• TERMS: 2nq, down, balance in „n days. Reserved bid, LAURIE SCOTT, Proprietor, For further particulars apply to Harold Jackson. Auction Sate The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, P. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Bt'odhageu; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, 51. A Reid, Seaforth, Directors • W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank IVIeGregor, Clinton; S. 11. Whitmore, Seaforth 11 R 3; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seal`oreh; J. H. MlcHwing, Blyth R 1t 1; Hugh . Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, B1'ucefielcl; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; X. F,-Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers - addressed to their respective post offices, - OF LIVE STOCE AT PORTER'S HILL, -miles west of Holmcsville,' on hiesduy. October 21st,. at 2 P.M. sharer, consisting of CATTLE -15 :young cows,some springers; in Holstein heifers supposed to be in calf; 211 Young Holstein heifers (vaccinated),. 10 Hol- stein heifer calves (vaccinated), 11 stocker cattle. PIGS—Brocd sow with litter; brood saw due TERht MS Novcash.ember•. 14 chunks. A. E. TOWNSHEND. Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. UWAROWWWWWWWWWWVVYVIOVIN WANTED ! D ead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. OCANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CAIULd o HOPSES oHOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly wad Efficiently Removed piy Phone Collect L. ; MITCHELL 219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE RESTI Qt Auction Sale OF HOUSE 1 wdNISHINGS. In the village of Egmondviile, on Friday. Oct. 17, at 1 P.m. Modern white enamel cook stove (like new), coal oil stove and oven, Quebec cook stave. sewing machine, extension table. sideboard.. 6 diningroomchairs, 6 kitchen chairs, dos, leaf kitchen table.. glass cupboard, piano stool, clothes basket, odd tables and number' of rockers, 3 beds, springs & mattresses 3' dressers & wash stands. Fruit scales, copper' boiler, crocks, sealers, large quantity of kit- chen utensils & dishes. Modern bedroom suite fwalnur finish, new -2 months ago). Beauty. rest spring mattress. Chrome kitchen set, table & .1 chairs (new). Plnor eovecIngs Mewl. Force lump, storm door, garden tools. TERMS cash. ANNIE i100RE, Prop. H. Jackson, Auctioneer,. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Clearing Auction Sale FARM. . FARM STOC1:. Si IMPLEMENTS. Lot 9, Con. 5, Stmrlcy Two., 111"on1t11 & c, west of Btucetield, on Thursdny, Oct: 23 at ]. p.m. HORSES-- Bey teem of mares 121 ham cow with calf at fon , 1 Durham cnw, years old, 1 aged horse CATTLE -1 Dor- fresh 1 month. 1 Durham COW due Jan. 15th. 1 Durham cow doe Meeh 2iitli. 1 Dern , cow due. March lst, 1 part jersey March 18th, 1 (mow sou'. 2 Dm'hmn heifers rising 2 00ars old 3 Durham yearlings. 2 baby beeves: 2 young tai 1 sprint. c;41 1 Turk. bred 7 week., IIIPIEMENTS Frost & iVood. ft. Linde, 2,1Li ,, ft mower. •,clky rolO' Cock =hurt fertilizer; 7 ,1- drill ; cultivator: 4 section & 3 section .arrows w alltlue 1 ; TIH been scent & puller; turnip dull; muffler; International 005,003" spread- er; 3 drum steel. roller; 1 .farm wagon i hey rack; ¢ravel hos; bogey. cutter, steel slush scraper; 1200 lb ,scales ;. fanning mill ; Fir crate; DeLavoi ereom separator; 2 .barrels; milia pails: 1 .set of backhand harness; num- ber of horse collas; .single harness; slim ropes; scoopshovel; iron kettle; 1 set of gond farm sleighs; ; forks. shovels, w•hlpple frees. chains & a hest of other articles, Ouantlty. of Household Effects. FARM -100 acre farm. - frame house, T. - shaped bank barn, drive shed, splendid water supply, In acres of hardwood bush. Farm in good state of cultivation. TERMS—Chatter cash. Property terms made known day of sa1e.: Reserved bid, WILLIAM P. HILL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE In Bt•odhagen. real estate and building thereon, mow occupied as Hardware stops. L01115 G. ROCK, Brodhagen, Ont. FOR SALE J turcuoise blue dress, size 90, jest new ; ' oleo. 1 brown coat, chamois lined, plaits hack, size 40. just new. Phone 180. Seaforth, FOR SALE Pontiac sedan, in good running order, Ap- r113 at The News office, FOR SALE Seven -room frame house, situated on Main St., Egmondviile, with stable and garden. MRS. WILFRID GLAZIER, RR4 Clinton, Ont. Phone 617-31 Clinton. FOR SALE 1 chest of drawers. Phone 275-r, Seaforth, FOR SALE 1000 Leghorn x Rock, .cross -bred pullets, ready to lay for sale at reasonable price. GLAZIER POULTRY F'ARM, Clinton, Ont. WANTED TO BUY Old Horses and Dead Animals suitable for mink feed, Will Pay 11%.ie lb live weight for horses. Dead animals recording to value. If dead phone at once. Phone collect $ACE GIL BERT. 116o21.; or FRED GILBERT, 180,r32, Goderich, , FOR SALE First Class modern brick house, High St., Seaforth. Prompt posses- sion. E. C. Chamberlain. 11 1111yn, na„tin , 1111111111111111111111111111111111 Beans & Buckwheat The harvest is an. I am buying for Thompson of Hensall. Give lis a call before you sell. We have bags on ha11d. We will en- deavor to give you service. WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655-r-2 • tttttt tt t ttttttt mote pontoon t immune t tit rimmeoriono USSORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., .. Pres., .. . . . .. WM. H. COATES• Exeter - Vice -Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS - JOHN HACKNEY , Mitten, R.. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON ...... Cromarty JOHN MCGRATH Dublin, Ont MILTON McCURDY Kirkton, R. 1. AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell. THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Madman & Cochrane, Exeter SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Physician.. .Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 6 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made' in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. - JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 30W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in : Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorelleld's Fye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. ---53 Waterloo SL, Stratford, Telephone 267, FOR SALE Frame house on -. Centre .street, Egmond- ville, Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth Modern dwelling, North Main street, im- mediate possession. Frame asphalt covered residence„ on Rail- way St., bath, immediate -possession. Dwelling with small barn, 2 to 3 acres, sultablY located - for poultry: 1% story frame dwelling, John St.. M. A, Reid, Seaforth E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor,, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pi.tal Bed for, rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 VETERINARY SURGEONS. S. 0, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. L. C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. - Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian ween requested (if possible) PERSONAL Hygienic -Supplies (rubber goods) mailed - postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price llst. 0: samples 2551 24= samples $1,00. Mail. Order Dept. T-74. Nov-Rubher Co., Box[ 91. Hamilton, Ont. Seaforth Monument Works T. •PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience.' See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter.