HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-16, Page 4THE SEAFORTII NEWS 'I'IIF: X15.1 I•")111r 11 \7314-;: Snowdon Bros., Publishers 3 -ACT COMEDY PLAY 'Meet My' Wives". B the `Myth :Jcntor Fa, niers Institute 3 will be held in Walton Cornrinulity Hall THURS., OCT, 23 at 8.15 P.M. 1'ielea Oft .:,11 1'1. e•t ,'..1. ••t ttti,t n C'lIurc'n. Walton. �ilrulstion 4,11.er =• c' WALTON Mr, William Rea of Edmonton, Alta., has been visiting here, Mr. ltea, who is a I.ormer Walton boy, has been a euceessful- lawyer in the' western pity tormany years. )Ir. John Bennett of Guelph at the ilome of. his I,::en's. sir. an, Mrs Win. Bennett. Morris Fulton of Toronto at the home at 31rs. Id.: -11 Taggart. 1L Wright- of Toronto at the • ilon,e of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie• Bolton, his sister. My. and Mrs. John Bolger, 3Ir. and firs. Harry Bolger, firs, Frank Jot• eat. Mr:. Torrence Dundas, Mr. Joseph Haniil:ton. 3Ir. •and Mrs. Mark Hamilton, attended the funer- ial of Mrs, Albert Hudgins at Lucan, Ont., or, Wednesday. Mrs. John Bel - LP -.?1!, her sister. LONDESBORO w.m.d. of the United Church • ne church basement on af!erinnm With o good at- . Towat e nd the presi- - After the let'o_ vel group 'No, Dirk in assisting Me - i with 1 enzest T. aur. ,..•t T n i o ?:. and, 11i'e, Lmidon. ChM. and Belleville. Those who`seiwed the din- ner were two daughters and two alt \ rs B. Honking, ' 1 � .l , r •�-1)r dot 1 ht.ra Mrs F. Tantblyn, Mrs. J. P Mann- ing and 31rs W. Ir Manning, At 7:30 pm, other guests began to arrive including• the grandmother's l";heer'io Club of Which Mrs. 3Ianning. is the president, offering congirattt- lotions and best, wishes ' for many errs to come, During the evening rc+ e-hments were nervedby four of her granddaughters, Maxine .,and Delphine, twin daughters of Mr, and Mrs. 13, Hunking, Gail and June laughters of Mr. and Mrs. Will Manning. Mrs, Manning, who is hale and hearty in spite of her S0 years was quite able to enjoy the social •••t and enter into the tales of by- gone days, which .was the feature of t'^c gathering. Many gifts were re-. 'tired from relatives and friends, in oul.ling a pair of part wool blankets r .the Grandmother's Club, A in aruida lghter, 3fargaret Tamblyn, •thin is a student in Western Univer- sity, London, sent her congratula- tions ho frail. At the close of this very enjoyableoccasion all sang -Tor She's a jolly good follow Mrs. Manning thanked all for their very thoughtful kindness which will always be remembered with plea- sure. CROMARTY So. Paul's Anglican Church, Strat- ford, was the setting for a pretty auto::+0 wedding on Saturday, Oct. h at ''2:30 when Dorothy Irene. only daughter of Mrs. 3I, Maudson, "-ecame the bride of Mr. Anthony 11 n dei: Alen, eldest son of lir. and 111: Frank Alen. Cromarty. Rev. 3T H. H- Farr officiated at the cer- emony and 3Ir. Irwin Luthee, or- ecanist of the church played the wed - The c,turch was pret- dr'r e. with white chrvsan- t,t.res.;;chard A: Reid. 110- „f the 1,1de, gave his niece in t She '.0"0'(? 1011 12,11T satin :i n led with nous* d c. t it fyont panel w--111 tiny Point • 111'' n11011 sleeves 1 Fal,... •+r iwhite a hal:,. n.: c scol:eped n l:e.r tip veil a ,d ,. .••11.1'1011 a bouquet of w cer`- h-art- roses. her•only ornament was 1 110,20 of rl:, the gift ef tlae Mrs. IIx otd Tur heli ns o2 honor, wore powder blue eta 'ifw•i1 With • tj,,ee,n. :1:.-, f fed sleeves and bouf- fant ouf•.sa -„ - 3Irs. George Buford. 1nef t:• "=ride was br. Ie: maid, •e • yerlow taffeta gown with (Speen Anne neckline, puffed and 1,,Iffant skirt. They worip taffeta halo headdresses of n ttehing shades with yellow and 1 streamers anter s and carried. hounuets Talisman roses, Little Barbara 11 stern iv , fi .lows was her cousins ho week- fte.ver gt,l. was fi»eked 10 Yellow 11r. and Mrs, t,i t.',.ta with u•)ke bonnet in match - i l'._ shade and carried a nosegay of roses. 3Ir. Illdnn Allen, Cromarty, W110 teat man for his brother. 31r. Ge,,rge T.i htfaot, Stratford, and 3Tr. 11,111' L.at stir, -Cromarty, -were ushers. 3lis.: Bernice Burrnv sin of the bride sang, "I'll walkbe- sideyou," and "Through the years". She was Nicked in grey with black T.ondesboro '.ntiversary at c. Sunday. !o'.::. spend.. .1 LOLL? H31111)1. Kitt:111'10T. ry London. Miss 'n t•`e, .pent the weekend 7:11.h their parents, Mr. ''.111 3Ire. W. vi..r. • I - 011ie Moon with her par - accessories. A reception was held in the Paris'.: hall of the Church The bride', ,r:er this weekend. ,the received in a grey crepe 1T+ Ma ,ret Mannan, lett for dress with acces ories in hlaek. 1' „t,,r,, Menday, where she will Mrs. Allen, mother of the groom, ❑tives fora t''W weeks. Who assisted. wore a fuschia crepe s M ndoe, Oct.. rah, 1947, • the dress with black accessories. They 3lfs, .Margaret Manning wore corsages of roses. Later Mr. homy, planned and ear- and Mrs, Allen left on a motor trip i lir a xrt.' attrcetive hirthdaY to Ottawa and Montreal, the bride at1•:•,. it Lein_ the occasion of ;traveling in a raspberryshade gab- theirL i 1: ' It hii•thdac, ardine suit with ton coat and hat Mr. tuna Mrs-. Austin Hoggarth of Toronto, with 31r. and 31's. Alex McLaren, llr. Archie liegigarth of 'Wallace- burg allaceburr' with his parents, Mr, and 3Ir, R. G. Hoggarth, Misses Margaret Scott, Helen Walker, Blanch 3lcLaren and Mar- garet McNaughton, of London; at the homes here. Mir. and Mrs. Neil Lantond and daughter of London; with 31r. and Mrs. Sorsdahl, Mr. John Wallace had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable horse on Sunday. Mrs. David Ritchie of Seaforth was guest speaker at the Thanks- giving meeting of the 14Iarion Ritchie evening auxiliary on Thursday af- ternoon, held in the basement of the church; the meeting was attended h•- ten members and 22 visitors. The sithiect of Mrs. Ritchie's address was a "Message from the Hymns". 3110. Cartel' Kerslake presided at the meeting and 3lrs. Darrel Parker sang a solo "The City Four Square". HIBBERT The Hibbert Township Council -'et in ree•ular session on Monday October Gth in the Staffa 'Township mall with all members present, with the exception of Mr. Edgar Butson, who is at present on .a trip in the kin- lS est. The peeve, 31r. Joseph Atkin- son t son presided. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting which was adopted as read. The re - omit on what is known as the Lan - lin Drain was read and was referred 1'sv'k to the engineer. 'The Court of T'cvision on the Kleinfeldt Drain w• •o held at this meeting and it was 0(1 our•ned to meet at a later date. 1 v -law No. 15. 1047 on the Darling Municipal Drain was given its third and final reading and passed. 3lrr. Campbell Dow W .9 awarded twelve dol1aes for sheep killed by dogs. This. D. Wren. Clerk of the Twp. ef -.'bhert. CONSTANCE Clinton. lliss Doris Lawson of London visited withie:parents Mr. and Mrs. Eur Lawson over the Weekend. 1Ir, Archie Hoggarth of Wallace - but spent the holiday with Mr. and' 11rs. Wm. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan of Nilestowm spent the weekend with -lir. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. .lir. and llrs Justin .Sinclair and Evelyn of Brigden, 31r. and Mrs, Les Naftel of Hamilton and Mr's.. Logan of Blyth spent Sunday with Stephensons.' Mrs, Jaines Huaill spent a fete days in S tratford visiting with her daughter Mrs, Gordon Wilkinson. Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew Reekie and family of Brantford spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Britton. •_ Miss Hazel , Jamieson of Trail, B.C., is spending a few holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Jamieson. 3Tr, T nine Lawson spent Tuesday in London. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the. Home of Mr. and 31i' Austin Dexter; on Tuesday. -friss Donelda Adams of the staff of the Clinton Public School and Mr. and Mrs, Kelso Adams of Salt - ford spent the holiday with their permits Mn. and Mrs, Ernest Adams 3Tr, and Sirs, Miller Adams were muests with 3fr. and Mrs. Ernest 1da'ns on Sunday. ..firs. Austin Dexter held a social evening, Tuesday for the. W,A. Durinsi the evening eroouinole -wns moved and 1Llnelr served. Proceeds lJ., 0x111 ,ars Chas. Dexter and d ' s y -ti» Paxtat. %nett. e.•,-a� I he lim^'n of tlaw'i,• cntt- c- ` Ftmr'1• Th'ohec and .the Misses Ai; and Minn. at Tlderton. • s Isabel Betties,. 11.N, has ae- upted t position on the staff of •t, '1 ,. ], Toronto. Miss ••n,,.•1 . 3"icterra Hospital. WINTHROP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 947 R E N T THEATRE i i SLAPOi3:TH NOW•PLAYINcd '•MIRACLE ON..34th STREET" THURS.,1101'&1T. With Maureen O'Hara and John Payne Irere again we have. somethingto shout about - loud and long= BION. TUES. WED."HOMEST'RETCH" • InTechnicolor With Cornet Wilde -Maureen O'Hara A tate of the Track that unfolds lttvaried settings,. from Boston to England. NEXT TntRS:.101. SAT. "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" ,cath JOMN.MILLS and VALERIE I5005014' This almost flawless interpretation is a' sound job of story -felling. An easy way to Otte the work of Charles Dickens is via the film:.. Be sure to see this one. Coming "TEMPTATION" Albu1 P.ntertaiument 1,•111, MERLE OBEItON - 050IIGR 13 R13NT CILARI:ES tiORVI:N and firs. R. K. Davidson. Mrs. Robt, McClure and daughter -1'Irs. Sowerby of Colborne visited with -lir, Hugh Gordon and Mr, and i1rs. Ross Gordon also Called on Mr. and Mrs. John McClure, recently Mr, and Mrs. Steve Glenville and family left for British Columbia by motor. They intend making their hone there, J VARNA.- 3Ir. and Mrs. Argo and family of Toronto with the McCdnnell family, Dr- Harvey, Mrs, Reid and dau- ghter with the formers mother, Nlrs. 3I. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Carter and little daughter of London with the latter's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chute:. Mr. and 3Irs. Lathan: ane family company with Miss Beatty of London with the latter's mother, Mrs. L. Beatty. • Mrs. Addie - Willis with iii•, and nto. Wat Webster, Mrs. T. Snnith and her 0-lightor. Mrs. Dodsworth of London. wer,,, oiemi1int1)nces in the vt'ta•e, Mrs. Cole of Chiselhur , ai l' 10- cl+ , '1111 anent a year overseas ,.,,d ti',, Wm. Ben. , r Mr. ani Mrs. Gordon 1i l' i ns as a nursing sister 3Ir. TJ -11 Wl.l•int o.. and 1tt n '"o Wm.Ili d- visited in Kitch. 11 i ie of -r,,,•' ois,,,itl:. called Sunday '.t the hone of Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Mlas 11..'.4 1frs. Fen Keyrs Of rlrP.e,•- field wore Sunday guests at tate 'te.• , nr errs. Wm, Hart. in. end Mrs, Frank Grieve :girl little son spent Sunday at the El- liott parental hone. It 051 Mrs. yi-i.I Clark fed font- ;'.. ', ,-e moved into then new hone and will soon be settled. Rev. Mr. Tavener of Holme-wille was in charge of the - anniversary services in the T'nited Church no Sunday, The choir was n,sisted in the evening by Mr. Lockhart John- ston, a former Varna boy, and his daughter Miss Betty, who very ably sang a solo in the evening accom- panied on the organ by her father. Mrs. Bill Blaine of War•wick , ;°0 I ever on Tuesday Sunday with. Mr. and Mr:. 1\' , ,v t _ .t of lI)s, t?. , TV ^ tz t i stein,. confined to bed. Wr Afrs, Chars hale a rid family of hopeshe will soon -he better. Clinton spent Sunday with 3Ir. and Cir.«1 Mrs. R. K. McFarlane Wilborare spending a week with relatives 3T' and Mrs, Kelso Adams o` to: or Almonte and Montreal. d :rl Witt7 l`r, and Mrs. Mrs. Robt. McClure spent a few Eenest .Adonts over the weekend. 1 ', her d,u,rhter Mrs. Elgin 3Ir. B b Gewgweil of Lenora Ana rt,'e a" rr 3"r. Dee. Donald Stephenson. who are attend- 1-- Gni•clon Bottles :and IT avoid ;Mr 1 riv r :t-- in Toronto -pent the Dodds 'of T. nrdon and -lir. Donald weekend with 3Ir. and Mrs. Leo Horne of Mitehell spent the week, Stephenson. end at their homes. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Wakefield of Mr .and Mrs. C, Hawley of Sea- I.ondon spent the holiday with -lir. forth spent thanksgiving Sunday attd Mrs. Pave MMTlison, with 3Ir. and Mrs. W. T. McSpadden 3Irs. Peter Lindsay =vent a few 3f1•. and Mrs. Russell 3ladrle:ts days with Mrs. Myra Wheatley in and Lillian of Milverton with .lir. 1':lze h•,on,• lie.'::. -:1 e?v lith heauti- ' 11 flowers mc,rW i(. •. At 5:15 n- -I e' .oie•: nn c Iderly urx's sat down 0 a t' , ni .ken ,1 With all the to ,ngs. also birthday cake. The h'a :gas .entered hr 7t hn'imiet of 1 pink rn e buds, the gifts of bee ,,rralcddauslnter. Phylli- Man - ..,n_, s. teac•hrr in Aierrt college. Harvest Horne services : will be held in St. Johns Anglican Church at 11 ami: on Sunday, Oct. 26th. BLAKE The funeral of the late ;14r. Will Johnston was held from the West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, .on Fri- day, to the Blake United Church, for the service which was conducted by Rev. R. Hern, pastor of the de- ceased, who spoke a few short words in kindness 111 the parting one. Those attending the' funeral from a distance were his loving sister, Miss -Bary Ann Johnston, his brother, Mr. Gordon Johnston and nephew, Mr. Hugh Johnston and Mrs. Johnston,. all of Tliornloe, Ontario. Mr, and Mr's. C Haugh and Mr. Wallace Haugh, all of Brucefield, Relatives were present from Dashwood, Exeter and the surrounding. community. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereft 'family in this their (tour of sorrow. 3Ir. and Mrs. R. Heard and Mr. and M04, -'D. Turner and family vis- ited frldi'ds in this vicinity Sunday. Tho"service in Blake Cherc'i woe withdrawn last Snnrlay ow ne: to Wenn Chnrch Anniversary. ELIMViLLE Rlrs, Jean Jae 1, en and lits. Mel Al, rimier of Tnriulu spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P, rt. Mr. viol Mrs Sn1.n n, 111)11 minify ')f Tnt e oto St,e'el he" w ''k ''tci With lir. tittel 3Tr,. Phiitn 3iaeh. DANCE in 1Caxrldrw's Hall SATURDAY, OCT. 18TH Norm Carnegie & His Band ADMISSION 50c in grey accented with black acces- 0+w'ies On their• return they will re- - • ide at 355 Duke St., Stratford. gists were present from Staffa, r'r umorty, Montreal and - Mount T'ieasvtt, 3h'. an -i 3Tr=. John 'Wallace and family with air. and Mrs, Donald \'eilace. Carlingford. „we/ 15 I) 011 T110 10,1 11.0, neither time, effort nor ex- pense has been spared to give you clearer, bolter tele- phone atrviee, Indeed, today's telephones are actually four trine,, as clear and free from noise_ as those of not so many years ago. You get mitre s,'rvlrt'. too. We're eornpleting unfiiled orders -just as fast as we can get the necessary equip- ment. .til as more telephones are atldeil, it means more people whom yon can call -more scr'ie0. clearer eery - ice, and atwnt., at the lowestpossible cost. altogether, telephone user, today get greater value Than ever before. TUE @Bif's6.B.11'B36.IF.HniB49� tF r( 111IMPAN h' dl11,V 4u71iA44,0 From Fisher Styling to Knee -Action Comfort BIG -CAR ,Uses CITY AT LOW COST is yours only in Chvr let ! Look at this new Chevrolet, from Turret Top to tires .. from headlight to tail light ... and you'll say - BIG -CAR QUALITY, Then look at it, with a busi- ness -like eye, from purchase price to upkeep, and you'll say -AT LOW COST. And remember - BIG -CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST is yours only in this bigger -looking, better -looking Chevrolet for 1947. TEST THESE THRILLS! You're master of every motoring situation when you own a new Chevrolet. You have power, getaway, dependability, in extra measure, for Chevrolet's proved Valve -in -Head. Engine has deliver- ed more miles, for more owners, over a longer period, than any other engine built today. INSIST ON SAFETY! You have every right to demand the highest degree of motoring safely for your family; and you get it with Chevrolet's Unisteel Body by Fisher, Knee - Action Ride and Positive -Action Hydraulic Brakes- feotures combined only in Chevrolet and higher - priced car;. 11470 STUDY THE STYLING! What a beauty leader this car isi Trim as a yacht in line and contour -luxurious as a drawing room in upholstery and appointments' The body is a Fisher body -exclusive to Chevrolet and higher -priced cars. REVEL IN THiS RIDE! Just settle down in the form- fitting seat cushions - and relax! Travel over any road -front boulevard to byway --is made smoother, stead- ier, safer by the Unitized Knee -Action Ride - another advantage found only in Chevrolet and higher -priced cors, Remember -it will pay you to keep your present car in good running condition by bringing R to us for skilled service, now and at regular intervals, until you secure delivery of your new Chevrolet. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTOR$