HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-16, Page 3TEEN -TOWN TOPICS = By BARRY MURKAR The little man with the sun-tan- ned face and white sideburns was reclining on the veranda of his modern brick h..me, when I called. Typical of his dress, were the gr trousers, brown shirt and yellow police lea - ccs, The little man, who is known to thou- sands of readers for tate above cha- racteristics of his parson, was Gre- gory Clark, the fatuous Canadian writer. "Who ho is that3 •ou have •in out y theasked t:art, h e as I mounted the steps. P• "Oh, that's Susie," I r e Plied, "site came along for the ride." "\Vell bringher in. She can talk with the ladies of the house; while we are up in- the den." And that is the way our interview with Gregory Clark began. "Getting into newspaper work to- day, is much ]carder than it was, when I first started," pointed out Mr. Clark, "There is far more com- petition, and daily newspapers to- day seem inclined to hire experi- enced newsmen; rattier than a greenhorn, who wishes to start in and learn the business:" At this point a green and white marble, fell from his pocket and rolled across the hardwood floor. Recovering it, he explained: "We have numerous cats around here, that pester my birds. I have a sling -shot and stand on rhe back steps and fire at them. I haven't hit anything yet, but I've scared the old Beck out of a lot of cats." "What do you advise a young person, who is inters led in getting into newspaper stork? I asked. Greg looked inc square in the eye before answering. "My advice ist start at the bottom- .n a country weekly. \V, '-k hard at the job, and some day when your chance conies to work on a big newspaper --work harder than ever, stove heaven sad earth to get the loll, and at least you are started on he way." And that pie friendlies is the ad- vice e of one of Canada's top-rank- ing newsmen, who knows that it is no easy job to get to the lop of the ladder in the newspaper pro- fession. "Now about yott and Jiro Fri,c the cartoonist. Do any of the stor- ies you write, ever really nappenf" I inquired,' "The most of them develop from actual experiences of Jin. and P, Greg i,.forined ie. "We have hunt- ed, fished and chummed around to- gether for 30 years. We started out together as cub reporter and cub artist, and although we are much alike in our play -habits we have a few differences such as Jint s preferri.tg duck hunting to my deco bunting and he like billiards and the races, while I would rither get for a walk or drive in the country.' "Docs Jim actually live around the corner?" was our .,ext question. "1 -Ie livedaroundthe corner from me for about 15 years, replied Greg. "Tell pie something lout the Greg -Jim stories, \Vherc do you get your ideas? How do you plat, a story? How many words are there in a Greg -Jim story, anti how long docs it take to tvritJ one?" Greg took a deep breath, settled back in his easy chair and begat' the answers to my questions. "In 20 years, I Have travelled thousands of miles. I have talked BEAUTY CONTEST winner of Glencoe Fair with Clown, Leona Fisher, Wardsville, won expenses paid trip to Windsor contest next year offered by Mr. Simpson of Windsor. Sports — And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") FABLE (With apologies to the late, great George Ade). Once upon a time there was a Certain Province that had Very Liberal Sunday Laws. Whenever the Day of Rest rolled around John Citizen had his choice of attending church, ploughing up a golf course, sniffing the sweet aroma of burned gas on the highways, stay- ing home and nagging the wife and kiddies or attending church. If des-. crate p he could even listen to the radio. a o. B ut despite all this vast var- iety of entertainment, strange to say the Ingrate g ate 'a•as stilt not satisfied. * * • So at last a group of High Minded Philanthropists decided they would do something about it. They decided to send a Representative Delegation of Six to call on the I-Iead Matt of the Province; and included in this Representative Delegation were a Baseball Mogul, a I•Iockey Magnate, a Football Promoter, a Roller Rink Proprietor, a Moving Picture Im- pressario and a Sports Reporter, the latter being taken along because the Taxicab held six anyway and there wasn't any sense in wasting all that space. * * The Head Man of the Province received them most graciously and asked then,, in his best Chesterfield- ian manner, just what was biting them. So with one accord they pro- ceeded to tell hint of the Terrible Sufferings of John Citizen under the Liberal Sunday Laws, how their Soft Hearts bled for hien Day and to men, women and children in all walks of life. Hundreds of them have contributed sayings and themes- for - any stories and - have never known it. I tell the story to myself first, then Jim and . hold a story conference that he can get an idea for the illustration, which is very important. The story is written seven weeks ahead of ' ab- li ati ,on Iri d ve an open car, and d get out in the count , as much as possible in search of material. I also atingle with the crowds on the street, and in the store . There are about 2,000 words in a xreg- Jint story and the actual typing is almost 2 hours, althcugh the story takes four or five days planning" "Whew," he gas; e; - "does that cover them all? "Did you ever write from other places, when you were covering a news story," I_ continued. "I have sent them in to the office by ,vire, cable and mail from all over the world," stated Greg. "In Italy they tried to stop t story fro go- ing through. The were certain it was code. Finally tl.ey let it go, at six cents .a word." \Ve then went th.enstairs where Greg's daughter, Elizabeth and Su- sie were chatting and eating frozen coke. Trust Susie to get in•on the eats, I thought. Greg alien showed us his collection of walking sticks, his books and animal mountings, carved front wood. After lool.ing around the walls, trying to find a Jim Frise cartoon of "Old Archie," We bade this new found friend and his family good- night. Beading out along the Lake- shore Road for home, we had a very contented feeling way down inside. And I might add, a very happy feeling. Night, and how something would have to be Done About It immediate- ly if not sootier. * * * At this point the Sports Reporter was heard to whisper, "What .a Pushover this Egg turned out to bel". * * * Then the Head Man of the Prov- ince said to flen "Did I he ar 3 •ou m making gentlemen tell m a that, in i ale ng this Request, you have only1y the Llterests of John Citizen at heart and have no—if ou willpardon the y phrase -Ulterior Motive or Motives, such as Red Propaganda, or Profits, or anything discreditable like that?" So one and all, singly, doubly and in concert, they assured him they were thinking solely of John Citizen. * * * "You do yourselves Very Great Credit," said the Head Man of the Province, "and I can see that you are all High Minded Philanthropists indeed! So with your Assurance in mind I will immediately instruct—I mean, of course, request—My Legit- lature to pass an Act loosening up our' Liberal Sunday Laws still further; so that now John Citizen will be able to have the Healthful Recreation of Baseball, Football, Hockey, Moving Pictures and Roller Skating in addition to the Vast Var- iety of Entertainment already at his cotnuland, And you, gentlemen, in return will—" * * * At this juncture a Breeze that felt as though it canoe direct from tate Upper Arctic seemed to sweep through the Reception Chamber. causing the Sports Reporter to try and recall where he had put his Winter Blanket for safe -keeping, and what it world cost to get it out. But the Head Mait didn't appear to' feel it, and continued— * * * - "You, gentlemen, in return will be, I and sttrc, Only Too Glad to do Your Share. Interested as you are only in the Welfare of John Citizen you would naturally be Loath to Profit in Any Manner from the loos- ening of our Liberal Sunday Laws, and would desire to work what is vulgarly known as Tor Free. So I shall instruct—I mean, of course, request --My Legislature to frame the New Act so that all mone- tary returns, such as admission fees, etcetera, - from any such new Sunday entertainments will be turned over, without deduction, to some Worthy Charity. As for you, Mr. Sports Reporter, I shall be - pleased to make arrangements with your Esteemed Employer whereby any Eutolument you might ordinarily receive for reporting such Sunday entertainment willhe devoted to the same Good Cause." * es fi But naw it was the Head Mali of the Province who noticed a oreece— orlly this time it was the wind made by the Delegation of Six taking it On the Lam out of the Reception Chamber with the. Sports Reporter three lengths in the lead. "Why, wherever can they have gone so abruptly'?" the !lead Mat said to himself. "I had so much more to say to totem; and besides the Carrera Man hasn't got herr lel Record this Historic Montcnt foe Posterity!" Then a sudden thought came to hint. "7 have it," said the Head Man. Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, titsecticidee. Electric hence Controllers House and Bard Palet, Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers wanted. Write Werth GI'e+iur' & 011 Lltnited. Toronto AGENTS: 9011 Slip -Not Rtes In your -spare Limo. A. fast eelli 6, .bent article. Write Station IE, Box' 29, Toronto, Ontario. 8501.0 WATCHES .And. get Yours 'free, Write for particularn and sane° watch, -Stale age and occultation, Sell- ers Bruther0 Jewellers, 130 Rimiest, Ave., ruron to, tin 1. nt'S1NESS ot'1'Onrcbos-O39S ATTENTION - leat:netts AND PROPERTY OWNERS Wanted for cash purchaser. forme, acreage or village property ,residential or business. Send full particulars, ouch us lot.. concession, taxes, kind of building. Also full price oohed. H. Prngnell Realty, - 1063 Danforth Avenue. Toronto, AN OFFER to every Inveuter—Lint of Invert bone and fell information seat free. The Ramsey. Co., ltegletered Potent Attorneys 473 Droit Street, Ottawa. I0A141' CHICKS i4 30011 SALE—Throe Buckeye Combination In- cubators 12,000 egg setting: capaoity, 4.000 .hntehing C,paelty at low 0e10a0, AlliY Twaddle Chielt .hatcheries halted, Fergus, Ontario. C1HIl'K—Or,Ier now your Oi•tolt r 10ovember chicks. Remember It's this tall'° puttee that get you the big -egg prices next season. Write for particulars. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N. Hamilton. Ont. WANT1,0—I'•tovks to rummy us with hatching 0gss•foe the 1948 Latching Nensnn, Flacks culled nna lilnodlested free. Guaranteed pre- mium plus hatchability premium paid. For full details write Tweddle Chlek Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. 1012105 range pullets 10 weeks to la3•ing. Bar- red Jtocha, New Hampahires. Whlto Leghorns White Rocks. Light Sussex. Also day old chicks booki,1 to order. Tweddle Chick Hatch - Wee Limited, Fermi., Ontario. I'1tEF range pullets, 30 weeps to laying. All popular breedu. Aloe day old chicks booked. to order. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick - cries, Guelph Ontario. PULLETS -bargains while they last: White Leghorno, White Leghorn X Barred Rock., Black Austrnlorp X Whlto Lenhornst 6 week 46e, 7 tveele 56e, a week Ole. Assorted Light and Medium Breed, 6 w-eelc 40e, 7 week 000, 8 week 600. Top NOteh Chldleeres, Guelph, Ontario. SIX. seven and eight week old pullet bargains while they Mat. white Leghorn,, White Leghorn X Barred Rocits,Barred Rock X White Leghorn,, Auutra white,, Only a limp- ed quantity. Send for reduced prlee ll.t. Tweddle Clink Hatched', I.itnited, Fergus, Ontario. FOR SALE LATI-IAi1 RASPBERRY canes, 04,00 per 100. 1''re,11er srrUWher'rtcs. 88.00 per 100. W. Witney. Elora, Int. - THE LS'rArlo u1 the late Juutes Turner, Cartel, Oinnitnha, twenty melee south of Brandon, will, m, Saturday. October 25; at 1;00 P.91. _stoodard Rmq disp:ree the theist- ortd.heud of pure bred Aberdeen Ammo cattle- cunu,r1amg n,hdut '.fifty' head. Thee°' cattle aro all the descendents ofthe famous 1Carame Ind 11 C I mu. mock 101 01110111 10 1000 stamps from around the world, 10c. 500 all die -rent 11, oaldawa Stamp. cu , Allendale, Ont . O0A1.Ull1,t1 51c0regur, Polled Hereford breed- er, Brandon. ltua,toba, will hold a side of approximately fifty head of reglatsred -tattle on 61nniay. llr(ober 20 .at 1:00 P.94. JO11NYi„N lion Borth Nesmith. 5 h:R•, 041,86, 1.04 h.n. *00,70. Immediate delivery, C0r- rey Delmer. l oOl ton & Bathurst, Toronto. itASf'1;1 I,1tY , Imea 1.0Uramur 't'oy'lor 55.00 per jemmied. Red or Meek currant, 0 for 01.00. I0:I Walker, Plaltsvillo, Ontario. FOR 0.01.10 by auction °etober' 0100, at 1 o'ciu,ik at least Star 1^:ura, Renfrew, Oat., 40 Itincietereil heifer Calver. 80 Regletered Mlik Gettig turd elu:nYera, 30 Registered Year- ling Heifers, 8 Reg. two year !letters. 6 young Reg. Bulls, all pure bred Hidsteina. John W. Prism. Renfrew, Ont, 4t S. 31,1151511. Rollers, 11.90 pairs: llom0r0 52.601 Slodenna0, 10.00. A. _.Smillie, 429 Albany Sl., Winnipeg, Sinn. TD -14 lulernu'lounl Diesel 1'ructar for Bate, Lqupped alt Ile y rs-Brie hydraulic an gled000r guard , Starter, 1.*11eratur, towbar. For (either particulue apply Bax 147, 79 Ade- laide 1. W. Toronto. GARAGE. complete with tools, equipment and 0tuelc, land s0 ft. frontage by 300 ft. 10 depth. nest mush offer. Apply to H. A,. Howard, llearneS, Ono„ 23 mites North of Hnntnville, Ont. WOLF, 00x. Miilk Trappers esu only the best, complete t3'atem. fishers trapping course and gland scents. full particular°. A. E. Fisher, Box 430, r.•algary. Atbp,ria. REGIS'l'l0LtE;D Springer .Spaniel 10151,0. Sire happy Knight of Ilampton, Canadian Na- tional 10xhibl,iou double champion. Reasonably priced. Irwin Bunn, Eleven Avenue Place, Welland, Ont. STURDY Latham Raspberry Canes for 1011 Planting'. 00.00 per 100. Premier Straw- berries $02,00. A. Crow/o, R.R. No, 1, Is- lington. Ont. DOUBLE 0tu,co house with grocery store tend seven rooms of nearly new furniture, 05,000. 02.000 down. 43 Morris St., Guelph, Ont. BUY a dog of distinction, small Manchester Terrier pupptee, else lovely Pekingese. healthy, registered, flippd anywhere, Thirty - Five Dollars. Fawcett, R.R. No, 1, Pratt - Ont B001CS, novelties, Magic, hobbles. Send dime for world's funniest novelty and large ca- talogues. Paragon Co., 2 Salomon Ave., Tor- onto 0, 1)5101560 AND CLEANING HAVE 500 anything -needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to the for Information. We aro Med to answer your Question,. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tango Street. Toronto, Ontario. IA.It1113 FOR SALE L,51131 for sale, along Lake Erie, 00 acres more or less, slay loam, atone road, e1x miles west of Dunnville, 2 miles from village. Buildings la goad repair. Eight room frame house, gas throughout. hydro available. Rank horn, barn abed, Implement sited, Paying ens wet. Farm wall or without equipment. Owner touring, Appisi Reuben Schwan.. R. It 0, Danville, ant - FARM for sale, S00 acres, 15 tntlea east of Parry Sound, For full particularn, write 9. J. Fisher, Parry Sound. Ont., R.R. 1, oilmen Dairy Farm, 150 acres, Oxford County. L' 3 R, J Oliver. ICl It c , , nt r, Ont. ATTENTION N I P 1 At rETtS FUR $AL14—Trn,tor Tires made of rubber, :suitable for bolting g ou caretw t 1 esla Y . ;moo When rear ordering 37.60 each, front idlteoo when ordering stats diameter and width of wheel,. National Rubber Co. Ltd., G Wilt- shire Ave.. 'Toronto, Ont. GOOD heavy used ,Military Wagons, imitable for farms, lumbering. mining and contract- ing A1ao five lorries and 2 bob sleighs. Write for particularn. Percy J. Borbrldge, 305 Plaza Bldg.. Ottawa, INTERNATWNAL T.6 tractor with Bucyrus - Erie mnnledozer, Recently rebuilt, Have purchased larger machine. Duncan Prentice, h1Inden, Ont„ phone 8120. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON CORN PICKERS, ONE ROW Made by Wood Eros„ Alodel W.13. LP, Com- plete with chains. can be used with any tractor, WEBSTER MOTORS ovrPHONE 4-1183 LIMITED yWYANDOTTE ST. E. WINDSOR The Fish Jumped Down His Throat A story about a fish that leap- ed out of the water and down an angler's throat was recently pub- lished in the authoritative British Medical Journal. The angler was taken to hos- pital in "a very distressing con- dition," reported acthtg surgeon Dr, R. M. 13. Lowis of a Malay State but details were supplied "freely and willingly by about six of the angler's relatives, simul- taneously." The angler, fishing in a Malay- an rice field, peered over his net to inspect the catch, reported Dr. Lowis, "whereupon a fish leaped from the water into his mouth and disappeared down his' throat."' "On examination .the tail of a fish could be clearly seen over the base of the tongue."" Then, the story g001, the tail carte off in a pair of sponge -hold- ing forceps and the fish ultimate- ly was removed in a hospital oper- ating room. The fish, described as ikon be. tole, is credited by Dr. Lowis with being able to cling a tree, Malay villagers say' that anglers fish- ing -for ikan' betok should "not - laugh but keep the mouth shut." FREE OFFER: The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, Pe- terborough, Ontario, offers free of charge the booklet, "Raise Tur- keys at a Profit", "Those High Minded Philanthropists are So Happy about what they've ac- complished for Iohn Citizen that they just can't wait to go and spread the. Glad Tidings:" * * * MORAL: EVEN IN BEING HIGH MINDED AND THOUGHTLESS. OF SELF IT'S EASY TO OVER- PLAY ONES HAND; RECORDS, Free entaloguet favorite hill- billy and dance artists. National Rade, Ltd., Dept, 0, 423 Portage Ave,. Wlnntnest. Man. TIRES We are overetocked la good used Trade -In Tires with high treads—all guaranteed to be In excellent shape. Special price on car Tire. ALL SIZES $4.50 BIG SAVINGS ON NEW TIRES & TUBES Guaranteed for one year "Oas3; —10.26 Tube 61.05. 410x21—;9.96. Tubo 51,90. 600a19-510.60, Tube 53.26. 600 020—$10.76, Tube $2.36. 62549—$12.60. Tubs 05.06. 600x17-414,60, Tube $2.65. 600.16— $14,36' Tubo $2200 650x16—$17Tub. $3.2G,32x0--700x14.80—$13.76, Tube Sd.T6, 760 x20 -34x $ 00 6:6 Tube S 0. $26x20— 302.50. Tuboe .7G Also a full Vim of retreads, all order, ship- ped - red C. D , 0. Dealers rs vvnnted. BEACON TIRE Cor. QUEEN it 5011K STS, HAMILTON 2, ONTARIO. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on rousent regarding ,tastes Robertson', Hairdressing Academy, 187 Ave nue Road. Toronln 51E111055. ST'S PROVEN—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis ohautd try Dixon', Rom- edY. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin. Ottawa, 1 o,tpald, $1.00. FRUIT JUICES: The principal Ingredient)) Ra Dixon's Remedy fur Rheumatic Pains. Neu- ritis. Af0aru's Drug Store, 336 Ligtn, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. GATISFY YOUItSBI.b'—Every sufferer of Rheunmtlo Pains or 250arit!. ,1,ould try DIxon's Remedy. Alunro'e Drug Store, 1136 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid, 31.00. FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY MEDICAL i"; aN1't9D - Livery uulferer o1 Itheumotla Intim or' Neurltls to 'try Dlxun's Remedy, Jti:nrn s .Dr;u6„ 4tnr0,. .856 Etgln, Ottawa. - Ito,tnald 3it09 ^' OPPlln1'UNt,rlE6 PUB WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LP:ADINC SCHOOL Graff Opportunity Learn HHa1rd relining 0,000ntdignified brofe0slon,. coed ,'IMAM/' in:M9anda ell:eesetaI Marvel graduates.. America's greatest system iliuetrnted eats Iogue treat Write or Call' MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SC01001,0 958 Bloat St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton ' & 74 Rideau Street Ottawa PATENT& F1,1'HERSTONAUGI4 &. Company Paton, Solicitors. leetabil,hed 1880 14 King wont Toronto Booklet of Information on muse. PHOTOGRAPHY CRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.01 The most dnstinetit'e Christman Cards you an out . curds friends will treasur.. Sand us your favorite negative. We'll return 20 attractive greeting garde 145 x 4'4" w'111, your "snap" (from one nova, five) printed on and matching -envelopes. On 2-colorfolder cards 11.60 dz. On fold - or cards with photos colored 63.50 da. Any -size roil 6 or adeveloped and printed SOc. Reprints from your negativism 4 cents. DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129 Post office A, Toronto WANTED WANTED -All -kinds of dressed poultry. Top Prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Llmlted, Poultry Dent., 2064 Danforth Ave., Toroot. 5 (We do custom grading/ WATCH REPAIRS Dependable 10 -Say service on all types of watch and Jewellery repairs. All work guar- anteed. SelIers Ilrothera Jewellers, 190 Ran- leIgh Ave., Toronto, Ont. DON'T WAVER. Say, "Maxwell House"5 It's the same marvellous coffee blend whether packed, in Super -Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or Glassine -lined Bag (All Purpose Grind), Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring oul core;, seals quickly, no scar. 25c, 30c, 50c, 31.00. A �1 n •urr E'. CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Papers MADE IN PRANCE on Salo in Canada BLUE COVER Pure White Free Burning WHITE COVER Thin Paper Slow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC 0OOK-100 LEAVES ISSUE 40-1947 MR.'BRISK buy. "WHEN YOU'RE TIRED AS YOU CAN BE,BRItdltA CUP OF LIPTONSTEA" VIREMerimirwanalmoguumrsassomuswanismemuaanIngounneatmem ALSO AVAILAB IM [POUND TINS