HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-16, Page 2J Dynamo Victor, bred lig: Malcolm McGregor of Brandon, Manitoba, was shown by Col. R. M. (Bob) Smith, Oshawa, at the 1(746 Royal Winter Fair where he tvns chosen Deserve ham pi 1 Iereford steer, Rup::rt Eugene, chosen in .May 1947 by the Australian delega- tion to Canada, to head leading. herd of 'Herefords in Australia, is considt-ed the hest Hereford bull ever to he`imported into Australia. Meddling Stanger 6y Annie Wilson 'wen down bus was stn 010 r in sight when Hollis Chan- dler look, ,I back from the top of the hill. This was the second hill be had climbed since he ieft the other passeng, drain there bud• died together like children waiting for Santa Cl:at ur -eon one. to • come Montt and give them a lift. Perhaps he would have done just as well to wait, but it was only an hour tudil thee for his appointment with Mr. Sanders of the Interstate Bus floes. He In '.cd t t •- watch and his jaw set in a determined Ihut -four mile yet to the next stop The pain shut tlirtau,h his hence again and sweat stood our on his forehead. lie slowed his walk and set h s feet more ear,fltl'} ell time. It was tint; l+c ,._,: the ,ear "aria." beside th e user. -lc mad at the foot of the hill. Nov: hr e v old get a ride of the driv r didn't ]1';:v,.! bei to lie got there --the ear was headed the other nut 1Ie tried tot aik ftutu'r. then 1011 1 /1,- wn, the mut wets sit- ting an th+ f t ler. a Lig man a fat man, r.,a1!53cul 1.111111111 in tile snit "Ili yoner. A llovt ,"-Int wren Hollis- caiue near.''Stop- and rest Ilse notioned to the fender beside hien but made no nono. to eive room exrept han h1' hattt .t little to enc Side. "How is r 'lave you a,dt,ed'" The mild blue • ]o-'r.crd Ih His over. "About a mile." The man nodded Itis head. 'Pits it hrdte• don." Mollis said disgustedly. ' . like -- "Where are the other passen- gers?" the man interrupted. -- "Back there," Hollis Motioned the way he had ccauc, "waiting Inc an- - .other bus or ride—" "Iiinmut--why didn't you wait:" "I have to be in town its less than an hour," he said shortly. • The big ratan shut one eye and blew out a puff of smoke that blot- ted cut his face. "Any important. looking people on the b "One man got off at the last stop. and took a tarxi. The driver warned us the bus might not get in." Hol- lis forced his voice under control "flow dill you come to stick with it?" Ile lea• ' forward and his eyes lost "their mildness, "I'nl interested in this line for one thing," Hollis words carte slowly, "anti ---my finances don't nm to big taxi hills," • "What's your hurry to Get to the next town, young fellow?" Hollis settled himself again re - simnedly and pushed an ant off Itis sore knee with a blade of grass, "1'ut Gni t, to meet a man councct• ed with this bus line. and--" he stuck tut his chin and his voice was hard as units, "tell him what's Wrong with it" "Such anF. the fat tubo 1Canc•1 forward eagerly. Chu,--" Holli, made a wild g,-s-- turc Sit on the road two hours Oaitmg- -just waiting--" Ht forgot he was talking to a meddle -soma (ranger and it all cause pouring, -ut. There v.onld Inca coma l nica- tlnn ey+tent like in the army, with the tract location of • bases charted on maps at frequent intervals, some- one to be there quickly in time of trouble. Bus travel in the future no he dependable: the fixtures 10 be comfortable. and durable, nothing elaborate. 'People who waist luxuries use their own ears. rir ride trains or ta 11. S. Army Mon i Ct to FfORIZONTAL 57 He is one of 1 Pictured con- the 11, S. mender of U.S, Army Air 82nd Airborne Forces' ----- Division, VERTICAL Maj, -Gen. 1 Jelly 2 Reply 9 Raced 3 Sea eagle 10 Stagger 4 Observe 21 Female deer 42 Knock 11 Novel 5 Obtain 25 Center 44 Squad 13 Directs fire 6 Too 26 Age 45 Earth 14 Seines 7 Discover 28 Is able 46 Distant %5 Turn 813orn 29 Torrid 48 Membranous Annteer to lreciotvn Puzzle WELL A—VD[y1 T E D E EVES R -.fir AN 5 F L.T • ©N ARTHUR O ER A. T W LIMEY O DE``Js t (FIRST DUNE R OF WIeuHGI014 S T T i R A E3 5H l P T LDE OREL EVEAL NEE( RCA ABf<RP ATNIO cl-111"8 pq ,4iJ L 111t- ORN P G 17 North 9 Diseneutn- Dakota (ab.) beeed 18 Tiny 12 Moist 20 Lyric poem 13 Also 22 Toward 16 Steal 23 Half -em 19 Finish 24 Upon 25 Flock 27 Engrave 30 Chaldean ciiy 31 Account of (ab.) 62 Infant 85 Cam e.heltci 38 Zither 39 Erbium (symbol) 41 British (ch.) 43 Permit 45 Meadow 5Musical note 47 Low 19 Sicilian volcano 2 Most 4 Standard of value ,5 English river IRurie"- 3 17 37 41 47 33 Spanish dance pouch 34 Before 50 Tennessee 35 Golf device Valley Au - 36 Eradicator thority (ab.) 37 Recede 51 Negative word 40 Spoil 53 Dance step @! L. 3 4 5 6 9 �s4 0 ■.■1,::'11 : ■■.15 I8 Sj err 20 Zl r 25 32 16 �.e 26 34 sol 1111 61111 36 ®r IR •J I 95 ley J 6 . 1 49 �ill i �■ 55.■u V5b 40 au oa TA LE TALKS A Pound of Round Steak 11 is amazing how a pound of rotund steak 'which would oriliiiat ily serve three or four people may be stretched to maks a satisfac- tory and delicious meat course for six. To be sure it does require a little extra effort on the part of the cook but the saving is al way;.. worthwhile, The home economists of the 'Consumer Section, Dominion De- parttnent of Agriculture are ex- perts on making the most of all foods and sheat is. no exception_ Here 'are several recipes to snake substantial plain course dishes, Chili Con Carne Stew cup fat 1 pound cubed beef 1 cup coarsely cut celery 14 cup coarsely chopped green pepper (optional) 6 medium onions (sliced) 2 cups tomatoes (fresh or canned) 1 teaspoon salt '4 teaspoon pepper to 1 teaspoon chili powder Alelt fat, add cubed beef and brown. Add celery, green pepper, onions, tomatoes and seasoning. If necessary, add hot water to barely cover meat. Cover and sim- mer 2 to 3 )tours. Garnish with a border of mashed potatoes. Six servings. - Quick Beef Stew 1 lb. hamburger 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup tomato juice Australia Imports Canadian Herefords Malcolm McGregor of Brandon, Manitoba, has gained an enviable reputation as a_breeder of fine Herefords. Isis herd Topper, Dy- namo Rupert, is proving a sire of unusual merit. Two of Itis get are rightfully fatuous, Dynamo Victor, shown by Col. R. M. (Bob) Smith, of Oshawa at the Royal Winter Fair last year, was Reserve Champion Hereford steer, - Rupert Eugene was selected from all Canadian offerings by the Australian delegation to Can- ada to purchase foundation stock for export to Australia. He was chosen to head the herd of Dr. N. F. Leake, which is rated the leading Hereford herd "down un- der." AIr. Mc(regor is planning to hold a sale of young stock on October 20 which should be an unusual opportunity for Canadian breeders. - planes -it's the common people who need buses," Hollis finished out of breath. Another tar calve roaring over the hill. Hollis stood up and stuck his foot out a time or two to test it before he stepped toward the car. The driver slackened his speed and waved at the man on the fender as he Walt by, The fat man laughe+' I-Iollis - whirled on hint with a white face. "So—it's funny, is it?" The big man looked at his watch, "Guess you're the only one impa- tient to get where he's going." Hollis watched with a grin of re- lief as the fat ratan in one easy (notion shifted his huge bulk to a standing po :ti+ 1 and put out his hand to open the door. "Get in," he motioned IIollis to the other sitter But Hollis stood transfixed and felt even the back of his neck get- ting red. For there on the door hidden by the man's body were the words: "J. It, Sanders, Inter- state Bus Lincs," STUFF AND THINGS "How about having p -a -r -r -o -t p e, • 1 cup dieed •cooked vegetables. Salt and pepper -to taste B I'o1Vt1 meatin hot fat, add flour and brown slightly, Add remaining ingredients and coop 15 minutes, stirring constantly,_ Serve on split hot biscuits or toast points. Six servings. Beef Loaf 1 cup bread crumbs (for lining pan and topping) 2 cups corn (fresh or canned) 1 pound ground - beef 1 cup bread crumbs 1 egg slightly beaten IA cup milk 2 tablespoons chopped onions 154 tablespoons salt - Pinch' of cinnamon - Pinch of cloves Pat % cup crumbs into -bottom and sides of greased -loaf pan (reserving % cups for top), Com- bine all other ingredients and turn into crumbed pan, top with crumbs. Bake in moderate oven 350 degrees F., for. 1 hour, Un - mold and serve with tomato sauce. Six servings. Stuffed Pepper Squash 3 large pepper squash 114 cups ground raw lamb or beef (D lb,). 54 cup uncooked barley 1% teaspoons salt %a teaspoon pepper 1 cup sieved fresh tomatoes (OR tomato juice) - 2 tablespoons mild -flavored fat 2 tablespoons flour Dash of salt Wash squash. Cut in halves, re- move seeds and pithy portion, and sprinkle with salt Mix thorough- ly the meat, barley, salt, pepper and tomatoes. Fill the halves with this mixture. Blend the fat, flour and dash of salt and spread over exposed cut surface of squash. Place in a greased baking dish, cover and bake in a moderate oven, 375 degrees F., for 45 min- utes, Remove cover and continue baking 15 to 20 minutes longer until surface is browned and squash is tender. Six servings. Time Flew Two small boys had taken the clock apart to see "what made - it tick." After examining each part very carefully, they put the clock back together again. During the night their father was awakened from his sleep when the clock began striking. It struck 137 times without stopping, Rotenore Kills Cattle Lice Following numerous experiments agricultural scientists have developed a commercial product which has found wide use among livestock men to rid their cattle of lice, says The St. Thomas Times -Journal. The ac- tive ingredients of this animal insect powder are rotenore and sulphur, both of which are safe to use and harmless to livestock. While lice are not touch of a prob- lem during summer months, when autumn comes they lay their eggs and multiply. When the eggs hatch and the larvae begin to feed cattle try to destroy them by rubbing against stanchions anad other stable supports. This results in un -sightly .hairless patches and breaking of skin which affords an opportunity for in- fectious disease to enter. Lice usually first appear on the }withers, neck and tailhead. Tite dust should be rubbed into the affected parts with a brush or by hand until the area is thoroughly covered. Since the powder will not kill eggs, it is necessary to dust again in approxi- mately two weeks and a third time in another week. This should catch all species in their adult stage. FREE OFFER: The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, Pe- terborough, Ontario offers free of charge the booklet,"Raise Sound Profitable Pullets". - All Ready George was sitting reading the newspaper when his wife entered. "George," she said, "what do yott think? Mother wants to be cremat- ed." "Right!" said George, briskly, throwing his paper to one side and springing to his feet, "Where is site? Tell her to put her things on!" POP— Come Difference ! t . ds: +ns r.�r: axwae b1 .11 But It Didn't Stop Them—.Despite this sign at Iucknitz Sta- tion, German;:; newsmen reported the plight of refugees from the Exodus 147, who were returned to Germany by the Brit- ish, after a vain attempt to enter Palestine. Some of the 4,300 refugees are shown behind tite wire fence as they walk to trucks which took them to nearby Poppendorf DP Catnp, .;..rt,P.,.at,.54 nswse ,....1.g11e111501,5141 .5545A1,0 .1151 :-T:74 47(2,-.!'515 It's the Sunshine That Does It—Professors Sigurd Alclsted, left, and L. T. Kurtz •of the Lr, of Illinois compare an ear of corn grown at the edge of an experimental plot with a smaller ear grown farther in the plot, where it got less sunshine. They're trying to discover the number of plants per acre and distances between that produce the best and most corn. Re- commendation is 24,000 seeds an acre, rows 40 incites apart. An employer, interviewing an ap- plicant, remarked: "You ask high wages for a man with no experi- ence," "Well," the prospect replied, "it's so studs harder work when you don't know anything abottt it." FREE OFFER( The Quaker Oats Company Of Canada- Limited, Pe- terborough, Ontario, offers free of Charge the booklet, "Save Milk and Raise Good Calves." Vol, Will tinJor Playing At The SI. Regis Ilefiel ro RONI•U • Steep hewn With Rath. Shower 'and Telephone • Single, $2.50 up— Double, 83.50 up • Hood Food, Mang a110 Danelns Nishily Rherhourno at Carlton Tel, RA, 9135 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY' FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS Ot'P. — C.N.K. STATION YOU SAID SNL- WAS CLEVEIZ ',NEL(. CLEVER GIRLS 33014'T Lo0.17 THE8s51 E5 WITH GHFAE PF-'twFUME SSgt .. I rr�� (nelac.ed LY n. Cell gyedleelm AG) t '. FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF S� `kG F � DOUBLE.DUTY -, 10055 DROPS WORKS FAST RIGHT WHERE TROUBLE 1St Instantly relief from head cold dis- tress starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-sol its each nostril. Also —it helps prevent eolds from develop- ing if used in time; Try it! works fine! You'll like it! VICES A-110.5 & T EAIo SHE NAb A LOT OF COMM V N SCENT5 •L � j By J. MILLAR WATT