HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-02, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1947 HENSALL Sound films, "'Used in Crisis," "Lis- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kip f er are hol- idaying with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Green at Port Stan- ley. Miss Barbara Shepherd of Clin- ton spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Seale of Sea - forth were recent visitors with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Smale, Mrs.. Donaldson of London visited at the hone of her mother Mrs. Annie Saundercock last week. Mrs. Rumball of Clinton visited over the weekend with her son-in- law and :daughter Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rennie. Mrs, Geo.. Thonison of, London was a recent visitor with Mrs. Alda Simmons. Mrs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto is spending two weeks' vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston have moved into .their apartments over the welding shop. Miss Helen Swan returned home from a pleasant visit with friends in Goderich. Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Catharine Hedden of Clinton visited recently with relatives and friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Milton England of Ss. Thomas visitedrecently with the fornler's parents Mr. and Mrs. Matthew England, Holy Communion Service will be be'd in Carmel Presbyterian Church c.r. Sunday, Oct, 5th at 11 a.m- Pre- paratory Service will be held at 8 I , Friday evening. Tien=all Women's Institute will ce: in the United Church School- -I -en on Wednesday night, Oct. 8th, Miss Larnmie and Mrs. Edwards will be hostesses. An interesting ta,n will he nresentecl ineluding owing of films under the dir- n of Mrs, A. F. Munn. The roll will be answered :as follows, it I have read recently and en ived. Mr-. Goodwin, Miss Lammie, •Ut ;, Cross. Mrs. Hess, Ml's. Sher - 'Mr, Edwards, Mrs. Drysdale, d Cindys Luker. form the social tn- A large attendance is re - 1 at this meeting. Motto— way to met to the ton is by sin;r• the best pian at the bottom ten to the Prairies.' ' Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elder and ittle sou have returned to Hamilton after spending the past week with 111, and Mrs, , John Passmore. The ladies of Chiselhurst United Church will hold a bazaar and home - baking sale in the Hensall 'United Church on Saturday afternoon Oct. 18th. Miss Goldie Cross R.N. of London s holidaying at the home of here parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cross. Miss Gladys Luker, Mrs, Hedden, Mrs. H. Mccwen, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherritt, 'Mr. Jarvis Horton assisted with the musical numbers at the Chiselhurst Anniversary Services on Sunday. Rally Day Services were held in Carmel/ Presbyterian Church on Sun- day conducted by Rev. P. A.' Fer- guson, assisted by Mr. George Tin- sley, Sunday School Superintendent. A Junior choir of Girls sang a pleasing number and the Senior choir sang the anthem "I was glad". The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Campbell was baptized at this service. Rev. P. A. Ferguson gave an interesting discourse on the subject "The Lord of the Harvest". The service was largely attended. The Clinton Citizens Band pre- sented an outstanding band concert in the Town hall, Henson, on Sum day evening under the Bancl Mast- er Mr, A. C. Robinson of London. The programme as follows "0 Can- ada" by the band, "March Invercar- gill" cornet solo "Just a Wearyin' for you" R. Mathews aged 10, accompanist, Miss Irma Watt at the piano ;waltz, "Mello. Moon" band: cornet solo "Air Varix" Jimmy Mil- ler, aged 14, Ingersoll (Gold Med- alist) accompanist, Miss Irma Watt.'I Selection "Land of the Shamrock" rlarinet solo, "Elena Polka" byMiss Ina Robinson. Hymn "Sun of my Soul" band; "March of the Thund- rrer" hand: cornet duet "Chums" Misses Irma and Marjorie Watt, Blyth, accompanist Miss Ina Robin- son, Selection "Southland", band: cornet solo "The Lost Chord" by Jimmy 'Miller; Hann "T,nacl Findly Lie1,t", band Siteh, "Hospitality"' Hymn "Abide with me". The nation- al anthem. in his 76th year, Mr. Beacom was the youngest son of the. late David and Catherine Beacom., Born in Goderich twp. on the Bayfield Line, 110 resided there until 1897 when the family moved to the 12th con. of Hallett twp. on the farm where his son Bert now resides. Two years ago he moved to Lonclesboro, Mr. Beacom was an active member of the Masonic Lodge, A.F. and A.M.;' No, 303 Blyth and was a past Dist- rict Deputy Grand Master. He 'was an ardent Conservative in politics. Althongh in failing health for the past seven years, he was confined to his bed for only two days. Death was due ,to a hemorrhage of the brain„ On Dec. 23, 1903 he was, united in marriage with Mary Ann. Pearson of Ethel. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his loss two sons and three daughters, Laura, Mrs. Joseph Lyon,Hullett twp.; Harold at home Herbert, Hallett twp.; Kath- leen, IVlrs. George Neil, Kirkton; Edythe at home; four grandchildren Murray, Bert and Marguerite Lyon and .Marilyn Neil and one brother Dr. George Beacom of Listowel, Rev. A. D. Penman conducted the funeral service which was held from his late residence on Tuesday after- noon Sept, 23 with Masonic service at the cemetery. The pallbeareris were James Neilans, Robert Towns- end, James -.McCool, Bert Allan,,. Thomas Knox and Isaac Rapson. Four Masonic brethren acted as flower bearers. Interment was in Clinton cemetery. Friends were pre. sent from Pontiac, Detroit, and Sault Ste. Marie, Mich,,' Listowel, Atwood, Ethel, Wingham, Clinton and surrounding community. HARLOCK A. W. Beacom There passed away on Sunday evenine• Sept. 21, at his hone in I. ondesboro, Albert Wesley Beacom KIPPEN Mrs, E. Little, .Hensall, is spend- ing some time with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long. We are sor- ry to report Mr. Long is confined to his room owing to a broken ankle re- ceived last week, the result of a 25 - foot fall in the barn when he be- came entangled in the sling ropes. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited last week with Mr. mid Mrs. J. Lauder of Denfield and also attended the Ilderton fair. Mr. and Mels. A. Gackstetter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hor- ney of Exeter. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Zurich Fair on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons and Walter of London visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Par - Choose Your Winter Coat Now We're mighty proud of our huge showing of new Whiter Coats, bought before the removal of price control, and hence can be sold at these reasonable prices. Smart slip-ons, Raglans and new Drape Double-breasted models in all the new darker shades. Fleeces, Velours, Elysians and Barry- a more coatings in shades of Oxford, Blue' Brown. Teal: a nd Fawn — Tweeds. in all shades. Sizes from ® � 33 to 46 in stock at STEWART BROS. AT FINNIGAN'S WHO BUILDS A CHURCH Who builds a church within his heart and takes it with him everywhere is holier far than he whose church is but a one -day house of; prayer. Morris Abel Beer BOX 3J tuwra1 'ruirr AMBULANCE Prompt Prompt and ,Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 NEW MERCHANDISE AT FINNIGAN'S Mitts, Gloves, Shirts, Btan kets, Socks, Yarn W. J. FINNIGAN & SON sons. Rally Day Observed Here The altar of St. Andrew's United,,,: Chureh here was prettily decorated with late autumn flowers for the l' special Rally Day services on Sun- day morning when Hillsgreen con- gregation joined with Kippen. Spe- cial music was supplied by a large junior choir with eight little. girls singing "Praise Him, Praise Him". The choir. sang "Father we thank Thee". The order of worship for Rally Day was followed:' The story "The Church of the Friendly Heart" was told by Mrs. Harry Caldwell. The scripture was read' by Mw. Clarence Reichert. A very ap- propriate address was given by Rev. Frinton, challenging the men and women of tomorrow. It is our aim to build a still larger Sunday School attendance, BLAKE Communion Service will be held in the Blake Church on Sunday, Oct. 5, 1947 at 3:30 p.m. witli Rev. R. Hein in charge of the service. All welcome, Miss Gretta Ross of Seaforth visited her aunt, Mrs. John Douglas, Sunday. Mr. and :airs. Itemlyn and daugh- ter Hope, of London, and girl friend visited Mr. and Mrs. P. Bancroft. Mr. Newell Geiger wears a broad smile now, his wife presented him with a young son, congratulations. Mise .4.. Heinrich and her schol- ars took a holiday Tuesday, to take in Zurich Fall Fair. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Finlay and fancily visited relatives in Kincar- dine, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch were visited by his sister recently. Card of Thanks Miss Florence Fowler wishes to thank all those who were so good to her while in the hospital. Card of Thanks Mr. Samuel Thomon and family wish to thank their relatives, neighbors and friends for the kindness mrd .sympathy shown to them in their recent sad bereavement, also for the lovely floral tributes. FOR SALE Modern taffeta evening dress with bolero,. size 14. Reasonable price. Apply at The News FOR SALE Quebec Heater for sale. Median size. Also cool oil st ve, •1 -burner with oven. J. A. WESTC NOTICE Would the patty she borrowed the Electric Fan kindly return at °nee. J. A. wESTCOTT FOR SALE A child's 3•pieee suit, size six, navy. Apply at The News office. FOR SALE lr1,P Pontiac ac , dan, off good running order. Ap FOR SALE Good Amber Honey. GEORGE PARKER, Kenton R2. - - FOR SALE 1 Ayrshire cow, carrying second calf, due in Oct, good milker, sound and a'ieht, J. S. 0 iISILLY, phone - 37r23, Dublin. FOR SALE Tinge acres of Market St., with email house and same outbuildings. Priced to sell. Call 59, Dublin, Ont. •FOR SALE Forts -Ferguson trector and plow. Apply a The New. Office. FOR SALE Ensilage cutting box with conveyor ceps end inside filo pipes. Cockshutt grinder 1 year old. HENRY ENzENSBERGER, phone 020 r 25. Leather Gauntlets $1.20 pr. Cotton Gloves 43c pr. W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Harness, Hardware, and Shoe Findings iiiiiiii 1111111111111111iiiii mext t,t l ,1ltllpa l,i r111.1.11111In • Beans & Buckwheat The harvest is ou. I am buying for Thompson of Ilensall. Give us a call before you sell. We have bags on hand. We will en- deavor to give you service. WM. M. SPROAT PHONE .655-r-2 II tttttt ,11111 t{ttt III„11 ttttt 1111110111111111111111, ttttt III11,m1„1, FOR SALE 200 White Legborn yearling hone. These are big -trail_ healthy birds, laying good. Also 250 White Leghorn punct., some of them laying. Phone 847 t• 21, Seaforth. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SF)AFORTH, ONT. All kinds of insurance risks effect- ed s4 lowest rates in First -Class Companies. FOR SALE 20 pigs, 6 weeks old, also some chunks. A. C. Levey, R.R. 4, Sea - forth, phone 662-13. FOR SALE 1 rood team of work horses, will exchange for young cattle. Phone (,3N r 2, Clinton. Wm. Henry, l:rucefield P.O. . FOR SALE Fifty Ruck &'Red Hybrid pullet ivy mos. e 'd, laying. KENNETH STEWART, phone Seaforth. FOR SALE Fleury ,ne-fm•rew .riding plow le goad condition. LEO CRONIN, Blyth, Ont. Phone 13 ring 11, Blyth. FOR SALE Registered Leicester ramand ewe lambs. WM, PEPPER, RR8 Seaforth. Phone Clinton 915 r 21. Clearing Auction Sale On Lot 3, Con. 7, Mullett Twet lo mile east of Kinburn. On Thursday. Oct. 0th at 2 p,m. sharp. IIIIPLEMENTS-1 MIS mower. 6 ft. cut; 1 hay rake; 1.,eultivatort 1 (Ilse; 1 0e - bec riding plow, new; 1 Plemy walking plow, 21. new; 1 sculner; 1 set harrow's; 1 reed. drill; 1 set .scales 2000 lbs.; 1 wagon and bort; 1 set of sleighs; 1 set of sling ropes; 1 hay fork; 1 buffalo robe; 3 woolen blankets; 2 blankets ; roll of woven wire; 1 hay reek: 1 setdouble harness;. 1 set single harness; number of cedar poste 1 hay knife; 1 root putter; 1 cutting box, 1 colony house 10x12; T barrels 8 bunches of shingles, large num. her of articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. W'ILLIA'M CARNOCHAN, Proprietor. Lew Rowland, Auctioneer, Auction Sale The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont.. Officers President, F, McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagou; Secretary -Treasurer and. Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore,. Seaforth R113; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth R R.1 Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich 13R. 2. Agents Jolui E. Pepper, Brucelleld; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. I.!. Prueter, Brodhagen; George .4,,Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be Promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. At Lot 21. Con. 7, McKillop Twp„ 35, north and ill eo... of Seaforth, Thur^day, (let. ',th, 1 pan HORSES—Bay nine. 7 year. ,)d ; bleep More 8 years old, good single and trouble; 1 gelding coning 2old. CATTLE- All Durham eattle--Red s..'' cow bred 21 Jan.; tray reefer bred 3 Feb. ; roan cow bred. S Feb.: Red cow bred 7 May; White cow bred 211 June; Grav heifer bred 1e July Cray sow bred an July Gray row bred 1 August. Red cow bred 1 May. 1 bull Polled Hertford, 3 Years old. s steers rising 2 years old; 3 heifers rising, 2 years(Id; 1 calves 1 Year old; 3 small calves. PI0$ 1 sow mel 20 Jule. secotd llttet ; 23 chunks 126 !b. 2 York maws bred 3 months v Geese, 1 Gander, 6 goslings. 4 Dueler! and 2 drakes. IMPLEMENTS --MH 7 ft, hinder; Mer 6 ft, mower 1 fertilizer iiise 11 hoc drill twe- drumateel roller; rubber tire wagon• iron wheel wagon; sloop sleighs; buggy; cultivator with seed box; cutters; Vosset grinder 1055 in. on wagon ; wafter double disc. McCormick' Deering (like newt horse disc harrows; 3 -furrow Cockehutl. di.se plow tllke new) ; set 1.00 ib 5crtles ; pig crewel wagon box l box rove Breeching team harness; 2 set single harness; 4 collars. Grain -800 bus._ oats; 150 FOR SALE bus. barley; 160 bus. n5 mixed' grain, • Cream enamel Findlay cook stove, Forks, 1 chest of drawers. Phone 276-r, ho, 1s, v•hlpplrtvoes, neckl'okes, challis & a Seaforth. hest f other articlea, TERMS cash. WM. KERR, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.. 2. P. Chesney, .Clerk, FOR SALE Modern chesterfield suite with rich cover - Mg, used a few months only and in excellent condition, to be sold half 11•!ee of east; modern mahogany book -case; singing canary with cage; modern chrome kitchen table; books en languages and stet. Apply to ROGER W. JETTED Reynolds' Flom, Proal Entrance, Seaforth, Ont. After 6 p.m., or phone 667 R 38. FOR, SALE Force Pump and about 30 ft, of piping, and Holstein bulmp l about 16 monthsorold nn. andAlso e out 25 one -year-old hens, ERNEST STEVENS, 'Walton. Phone 880 R 22. FOR SALE A small piano. HAROLD JACKSON. FOR SALE English walnut trees for sale. Three years old, ready to move this fall. Earl VanEgmond, phone 6601.6, Seaforth. FOR SALE Winter Overcoat like new. for youth -10 or 17 yeare of age Bargain. Apply Box 122,, News Office. FOR SALE • 2 pies 7 week= old : also 8 chunks 12 weeks nld. FRANK MALONEY. Georg St.. Seefoth FOR SALE .one -Girls' brown Tweed -ente i sc r . In.se). Apply at News Office. Auction Sale OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EF 11'(15 To be heldat the M"2011ep United Church Manse, Con. 5, MrK flop r miles north of -Senfnrth, en Monday, Ott. 1341, et 2 P,M. Quebec heater anis nines: Jewell kitchen range end pipes; kitchen table and 6 ehoh•s, sideboard, 4 dining room chafes. dresser awl - stand, .beds; 2 set of springs,..2 me . v beddn nase1 do bedroom ret pieces feces linoleum, n v teams. PROPERTY Quarter acre of ]end with gond 7 -room, frame house in good repair, covered with asphalt shingles. Dan suitable chickens and geraeo. Hydro installed. Terms, chattels. Bash. Property, 20% down, balance in 30 days. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, FOR SALE Seven -room 5rame house, situated on blain t, Egmo el ill., with stable and - garden. MRS. WILFRID GLAZIER, RIM Clinton, Ont. Phone 617-31 Clinton.. FOR SALE New Princess Pat range, burrs coal or wood, water front, reservoir and warming closet. Used 13 months. JOS. 2. RICIiARD- SON, Bayfield, Phone 634x41,. Clinton central FOR SALE 2 Quebec sulky riding plows, single furrow; also, 1 Farmer's Friend double furrow riding plow. Harry Regele, phone 23 r 16, Dub- lin. HOUSE FOR SALE 2.story frame house ou Market street, Seaforth. Apply at The News WANTED Girl or woman for general housework for 2 adults and one child ; no family laundry. Apply to Box 127, e; o'Tbe Seaforth News, FOR SALE a part -Jersey heifer=, 3- 16 months eld, MRS. D. MUSTARD. Drueefield, Oa. Phone 1127 r 21, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the. Estate of ELIZABETH HARRIS: A11 persons having elolms ngni,,.t the °state t rlheheth ITaer9.v. !ate of Village of hetet:, in the County of Perth, wdw deceased. d who died nn gong the e 1 6th dos More h, h 7+ are hereby notified to WIIEl Iry tn thr tind. ,tpn 1 on or before the lee, flay ef Ortnber, 1847, full palIraI,rs of their olaim Ireme,betcly after the set() last meotin,'4 date, the assets of the 01012 esInte will be distributed .amongst the pities entitled there- to. haying regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the excl nail n t , of all-others,and d the n ndm signed will n h of e liable to an Y erson of p whose claim the undersigned shall not thou have notice for the assets o dtstrtbeted or any pat thereof. Dates at Seaforth this 17th day 'of Sep- tember, 1992, McCONNELL. & 'HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for the Administrator. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ' Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres„ WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS• SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell n1RECTORS JOHN HACKNEY , Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN 3lcLRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON MtCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS , , , , , , , Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEATERS Exeter W SOLICITORS Gladman S: Cochrane, Exeter SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician.. Dr, P. L. Brady, NI.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 6 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office, Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York. Ophthalmic atld Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. --53 'Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. L. C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. Seatorth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- erinarian when requested (if possible) E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res, 220 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 PERSONAL • Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed Postpaid ' in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 samples $1.90. Order Dept. .Dept..T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. HELP WANTED Men or Women FAMILEX is the easy way to big cash profits. If you have , selling ability, a small capital and a desire to establish a profitable business of your own, join us! PRODUCTS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR QUALITY. Sell direct from door to door full or part time. Pro- ducts sold throughout the year. De- tails and catalogue FREE on re- quest. FAMILF,N., Dept. D. 1600 Delorimier. Montreal. FOR SALE First Class modern brick house, High St., Seaforth. Prompt posses- sion. E. C. Chamberlain. FOR SALE .Prtune house.. on Centre street, Egmond- ville. ' Modern dwelling on Louise •St. So n orth Moderndwelling, dv 17In North Mein s trodt im-, mediate as ession Frame pastrhalt covered rea[denee, on Rail - wee SL., bath, immediate possession, Dwelling with small barn, 2 to 8 acres, suitably located for poultry. 1'�iMroAm,eReidinSeaforthL