HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-02, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1947 Z' i`�Eit TAG DAY THE SEAFORTH NEWS For the Canadian National Institute for the Blind Sponsored by Seaforth Lions Club on Saturday, October Your generous donation will help the Blind to See ..asseneammeocomosegilumansomaimimommeenr. Imam ItligginiggglilliguglItig10111,1111111111111110.111..111111110111111111.1111111.111.11011111101u , ll 11.11111111 lllll 11111111MM To Customers of the Ina Gray Beauty Shoppe For your convenience '1 have installed a Private Rural Phone. For better satisfactiontry 669 Seaforth, We excell in Permanent Waving, Bieck. Treatment, Finger Waving, Shampoos and Manicures. Call early for appointment at residence, Egmond-'isle. PHONE 669 SEAFORTH nn,,,,,,;,nuue,wn,nOgg ,,,,,u,n,,,m,n,,,,n,mniu,nn,," 11111111g.111101111.111,101,1111111111/1111111111l111101111 „,,, ,,,;n, o. Hamilton spent the weekend with the former's parents .lir. and Mrs, John Murdoch. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. J. Davidson and daughter Mrs. L. Rose from Sask., are visit- ing With the former's sister and brother, Mrs. Stevens and Mr. Da- vid'Tough and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott and daughter of Toronto, spent the weekend with their uncle Mr. W. Elliott and family. Rally Day Service was observed at the morning service last Sunday, Rev. Chas. Scott, nephew af Rev. E. Stanway, who was visiting at the manse told the children's story, Stuart Wilson read the scripture. Rev. Stanway preached a sermon in keeping with Rally Day. Rev. Scott preached at the evening service. Next Sunday morning communion service will be held, preparatory service will be on Friday evening. Major and Mrs. 'Jack S. Ussher of Barrie are spending a few days with Mrs. Ussher's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh, this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Murdoch of HENSALL Pre -Nuptial Shower Miss .Margaret Shepherd entertain, err u,- her home on Tuesday.evening, Sept. 30. in honor of Miss Margaret MacGregor, popular bride•elect. Ar- rangements of streamer; in pink and white and lovely bouquets provided a pretty setting. During the evening bingo was played, winners being Jean Alexander, Ellen Bell, Gladys Luker, Margaret Glenn. Mrs. Finch, Alma Bell, Gladys Kerslake, Helen Sanders, Phyllis Glenn, Helen Farquhar, Miss Edna Saundercock and Miss Margaret Shepherd then Made the presentation of many beautiful gifts to the guest of honor who responded fittingly. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Shen - herd, Misses Edna Saundercock and Arora Kipfer. GErA 8/6' FOR YOUR OLD TIRES ON IE BRAND NEW MILES/ ' GOOD EARS', SEAFORTH MOTORS Ohm -Olds. Sales Service PHONE 141, SEAFORTH, ONT. ER ON FIAND-1 car of Hemlock -2x6, 2x8, 2x10 1 car of Cedar -2"r4" to 12” and 3"x4' to 12"— Lengths 8' to 22' SPRUCE—in 1 and 2 -inch, all widths and lengths; also •a car of tongue and groove spruce 5, 6, 7 and 8 -in. wide. FIR—In various widths, Tength and thicknesses. PEELED CEDAR POSTS --Straight and in good sizes. CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES -Dover White and Grey; Famous Johns -Manville Siding, INSUL BRICK SIDING & ROLL BRICK SIDING INSULATION—Loose or by the carton. 13/16 Oak Flooring PLYWOOD— ?,!y, 3/16, 1/4. and s/ -inch, various sizes. Beaverboard and Flexboard Hardwali Plaster Roll Roofing Sashes and Doors Seaforth Supply & Fuel Ltd. "Where the, Best Costs No More" PHONE 47 SEAFORTH FREE ANIMAL SERVia OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CAM. HOOSES • HOGS • SHEEP •CALVES • Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect -, L MITCHELL 219 STRATFOR'D 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE REST! TOWN TOPICS The .Woman's, Association of Northside United Church intend holding their annual bazaar and tea in the school room of the church On -Friday, Nova 28, Please keep this date in mind. Mrs. B. C. Rising, aocorrtpanied,by tier granddaughter Blanche Norris of Toronto, spent the past week Visiting in liltIl Oi S. Mr. and Mrs, -B. McQuirter and son, Midland, spent the week enol with.her mother Mrs. Frank Storey. Mr. and Mrs. 17. 0. Barrett and fain, try, Hamilton, were week end visitors at: her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Eberhart. Mr. Harry' Scott, London, spent the week end' with his Mother Mrs. H. R. Scott. Miss Evelyn Carclno has returned from spending a few days in Bothwell Mrs. Kathleen- Storey has returned from visiting her son, Thomas Jdnes, in Windsor, and her daughter in De- troit, Mrs. Ralph Gibbons, and her son Wilfred, Jones, at -dint, Mich. Miss -Margaret McIver spent the Week- end at the bone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McIver. Mr. George Parke, Louden,. spent the week encs at the home of his par- ents, Mt:. and Mrs. R. G. Parke. A'Ir, Jack Cleary, Sarnia, spent the week end at the home of his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. .Gratton Flannigan. and family, Hamilton. spent the week enol here. Mrs. P. 15, Souther and Miss Flor- ence Dinney of London were guests over the week end of Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Close, Mise Hazel Anderson, Toronto, was a week -end guest at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Anderson. Miss Jean Kelly-, of St. Clements, spent the Meek end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn and fain - BY. Owen Sound, were week end visit- ors at the Home of his parents, 31r. and Mrs. N. Dtuln, Mrs. Austin has returned from Scott Memorial hospital to the home of her son Mr. Wm. Austin. and Mrs. Austin. 51r. and Mrs. Carl McKenzie and two children of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner of Mitchell, and Mr, and Mrs. Les Harburn of Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha and two children of McKillop visited on Sunday 101111 Dr, and Mrs. F. Harburn. Mr's. 0, Trott and Amt spent Satur- day with her mother `Mrs, A. M. Looby, Dublin. Mr. Jack Fortune, London, spent the week end at his home. AIr, and Mrs. McGowan and Jerry Jordan, Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jordan, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune last. week. Mr. Jack Archibald of Des Moines, Iowa, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, R. Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Archibald and son Blythe, of Chat -ant, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Airs. Wm. R. Archibald. WINTHROP Mr. Donald Horne spent Sunday with his Mother• Mrs. Margaret Horne Air. 10. Haase, Mr..Glen Haase and 3U Allan Campbell attended Tees- water fair on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 0. Peters of Wallacebtirg were week -end guests of their aunt and uncle, Rev. and Mrs. Peters, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Date of Tacker - smith and Miss Edith Dale of London, Mr. and Mrs, Bert McSpadden and Jackie, Mr. James McSpadden and son W. M. McSpaldeu, ware guests of itir. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McClure, Misses Doris and Agnes Broadfoot and Miss E. McClure spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Adams at Holland Cen- tre, Miss A, Broadfoot and Miss Mc- Clure remained there. The latter went on to Collingwood Friday evening: to visit Mrs. Gillies, formerly of this district. Miss Broadfoot renewed ac- quaintances at Owen Sound and re- turned to Winthrop ou Wednesday by motor with 3rr. and Mrs. Adapts. Miss McClure returned by bus Sunday. CROMARTY; Mrs. Jack Duncan of Toronto with her parents Mr. and Mrs. .Lorne McNaughton. Miss Margaret Scott and Miss Helen Walker of London at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Worden. While cutting weeds with the mower on Friday last Mr. John Chapple had the misfortune to get his foot caught in the wheel of the mower, breaking his leg below the pitaknee,l. He was taken to London hos VARNA Note that service in St. John's Aug. Roan Church will be at 11.a.nt, Oct. 5. Mr. Lake. student of Huron College, in charge. We regret to mention• Rev.. Laverne Morgan, treetor. for ]last 7 months, owing to ill health, has been forced to give up his work for ere year, and will go to Byron San on Oct. 1st. While here Mr. Morgan has Duff's United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY,. OCT. 5, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. REV. J. MELVIN KEYS, B.A. of Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Marys, will be the Guest Minister for the day Ail former friends and parish- loners will be cordially welcomed J. R. PETERS, B.A. Pastor S1c:::FORTH HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS matte numerous entries in agricultural and handcratt ct o at Seaforth fail fair Friday and Saturdoy. Leading winner among them was Arthur Boston, Dublin, who 11 ,0 two first prizes, a second and a third for poultry; two first prizes for sliopwork; a third prize for . i t.lei Dere he displays pne 01 his first p, ka Barred Rocks. made many friends who will n. Pleased to welcome hint bank to till'{ Danish. The members of this emigre- gatiolt islet at the home of Mrs. L. Beatty Friday eight with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. A pleasant evening was spent with music, singing and con- tests, In the course of the evening Mr. and Nlrs. Morgan were presented with a gift of money, and Mr. Morgan ex- pressed his appreciation. Afterwards a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutes attended Hanriston fair Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Last of Windsor, Mr, and 'Mrs. Peterson or. Washington, U.S.A., in company with Mrs. G. Slavin of Heiisall called last week on Mrs, M. G. Beatty. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will meet on Thursday, October 9. Will members please note change of date at the home of Mrs. Albert Pepper, with group 2 in^charge. This will be health meeting and roll call will be "`A good Health Hint". Mrs. Hart - wick, public health nurse, will be guest speaker. A full attendance is requested. Mrs. Wm. Burrage of California, a sister of Mrs. Norman Long, spent the weekend with her, also, Mrs. Ella of Emery and Mre, Flor- ence Ducker of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeGard of Weston. Mrs. Ryan of Toronto is the guest of her daughter and son-in-law Mi. and Mrs. C. Bremner. The ICippen community are In- deed sorry to learn of Mr. I,»no's misfortune of breaking a bone in his ankle. COLLECT THIRD OF QUOTA FIRST WEEK At the end of the first week of the Home Front Appeal of the Sal- vation Army in Seaforth and dist- rict, one-third of the quota had been reached, Captain F. Halliwell reports. ./1111114 ,,,,,,, 11111111111111 n,,,, n, U111.111111411 ,,,, II ttttttttt 1 i„„1. School Dance IN DUBLIN Friday, a", REFRESHMENTS ommouvimmtwAcuteARAwito DANCE ' in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, OCT. 4 Nom. Carnegie and His Band ADMISSION 50c FILM AT WINTHROP HALL ON THL RSDAY, OCT: i at 0 rr p.ot. 311". 0. G. Anderson. guest speaker FILM AT ST. COLUMBAN SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, OCT. 10 of • 1i p.nl lir.. 0. G. Anderson. gui.st-speaker Everybody Welcome McKillop Federation of Agriculture Each year hundreds of Canadian childi en die needlessly of such diseases as diph- theria, whooping cough and scarlet fever, While small -pox is a constant danger. From 1839 to 1142 inclusively there were i.. Canada: • ' 10,762 cases of dipthheria 65,688 cases of scarlet fever 71,784 cases of whooping cough .... not if she catches SMALLPDX, DIPHTHERIA, WHOOPING COUGH or SCARLET FEVER The preliminary- figures for 11112 show scant improvement. Medical science has the imeans to prrlant Chase diseases. Texold prevents diphtheria. Scarlet fever taxin protects aE ipa 32 1 ooi'tug c 10.,11 05,r, to cough, 01119111Nox 1 01 ir.” r' vents Every chill.' have -hese r 711,11, age of one veal' . M earlier. A ra-inforc•ing" dose of Toxoiri should h, e:vo71 bear " 11:,e Atilt' starts .to sc11001. PARENTS ... It is up to you to protect YOUR 'child SEE YOUR J O tri ✓ Published by the Boards of Health of Seaforth, lbicKillop and Tuc•kt•rsnlith xc....a nmmmnrvssgsrwrrainvma6,