HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-10-02, Page 3TEEN TOWN TOPICS By BARRYMURKAR _..-z:- By now, some of"you will, have heard the fatal news. For those of )'ou who haven't, May •We sug- gest yott find a nice easy chair, before reading the rest 'of this. "those nice salaries you have beck receiving for your summer job are 0 thing oft the past — as of now. Yes, as much as it hurts, it's trues The official report is out. And that .report is to the effect that hundreds of employers are now re -placing teenel'S with ex - servicemen, and civilians who had svar jobs, and are now out of work. The old days are gone when junior came home flashing a roll equal to his pop's weekly stipend. Next summer,the em- ployers inform us, there will he far fewer jobs for teenage kids and where there'. are, the money will be much, less than it has been. Tough as it may seem, 1 (tope you really didn't believe that "all this and heaven too," would last forever. Here's hoping you made the best of the free- for-all while it lasted. Camera Clubs, Popular Since the war, we have noted with interest that photography is fast becoming a popular hobby of the middle -man, Young people as well are taking g a decided inser- est in shooting this and that. (Not to be taken literally). We used to think that photography was for the roan with money; 'but in the past few years, it has been pointed out that good pictures can be taken with an inexpensive camera, The secret lies in the knowhow, Booklets for a few eents can be obtained anywhere, telling you how to get the most from your camera whether. it be a small box job or a speciai streamlined affair with all the gadgets. Camera clubs are be- ' coining very popular across the line. Many teen clubs have them. A gang gets together on a Satur- day afternoe,n anti goes out tak- ing pictures, By pooling their fi- naitcial resources, they can set up their own dark -room, complete with developer, printer and en- larger, .Any member of the club can make use of the fa.:ilities for only a few cents. This is a sug- gestion for your fall program, if you have nt t already thought of it. Nice , , . Very Nice Mary Waters, higir sato%rl stu- dent at Mount Forest, will have little trouble With dates this term. The reason: Mary walked off with the title of "Miss Mount Forest" at the recent beauty con- test held up there. She defeated 15 other eontestants, Nice going, Mary, We have just been looking at Mary's picture, and can easily understand why she won. This re- minds us of a story a few weeks back of the boy in au eastern On- tario town, who dressed up like a girl, hent in the local beauty contest and won first prize, IIe was given the title of Miss -what- ever the name of the place was— and no utle knew until after the contest that the beauty -queen was a 15 -year -nits boy, Flying High Marilyn house, 17 -year-old student at Danforth. Tech. is go- ing places in the flying world. She has the distinction of being the youngest girl in the Wings Club, fraternal organization form- ed by aviation students and pri- vate pilots operating from Bark- er Field, Toronto, She liked fly- ing so much, she has taken a job with an aviation company. Her next goal in flying, is to obtain her private' pilot's license. Apart from flying, Marilyn likes Swim- ming and reading. Some day she hopes to own and operate her own plane. We hope she makes the grade. Our Interview As we mentioned souse time ago, we plan from time to time to have a column which will be headed, "Our Interview," Here we hope to present a newsy and off -hand chat with people you have all heard or read about, The first one will appear next week. \Ve have chosen for our first interview, a lovable sort of character, who is known all across Canada. We are referring to the famous Cana- dian writer, Gregory Clark. Greg has long been associated with Jiiu 1 Frise, the cartoonist and we think that you will find our first inter- view, interesting and we hope in- formative. If you have others, you would like us to meet for you, drop a line to this column and we'll do what we can: He picked up p the telephone, 1but found the line 'busy. "I just put on some beans for dinner," he heard the woman say. A few minutes later Ise tried again. The sante two wo- inept were Still talking, "Say, lady, I smell your beans burning," he broke in, There was a screams, two receiv- ers went up, and the line was open. Sports — And One Thing or Another 13y FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Quito an interesting discussion slight be built around the question 1 "Just which type of sportsfan is the screwiest?" There have been times when we would have been prepared to 'argue strongly in favor of the horse -racing addict;- while your dyed-in-the-wool hockey follower is never to held too lightly, and neither is your rabid baseball bug. Still, after considerable thought, the have come to the conclusion that, other things being equal, the football en- thusiast tops them all. * Like the highly indignant friend We happened to run into shortly after' noon' On ,t. -]recent torrid. Saturday.'' "There ought to be a law'" he ex- claimed, slopping his streaming brow, "The very idea. of playing football in this krill of weather— making folks svelter in the hot bleachers while the guys on the field can barely, go throng•', the motions. Yes, there ought to be a law, or something." * "If that's hale you feel about it," we 'suggested, "why don't we just Bind some quiet, air-conditioned spot and spend the afternoon there?" * 5 Our friend started at us in genuine amazement."You mean not go to the game at all?" he gasped, "You must be even crazier than usual to taik such nonsense—so get ;a dnove on or We'll bclniissillg the kickoffs" q More and More we marvel at the amount of 5/1(00', uncomplaining cour- age there is loose around this wicked oltl world! "I his beautiful thought comes to vs frequentlynotPada1s 55 we read aborit the heads of e'ru•ioiis great businesses telling of the intense pain they sllDrr at bring forcers to raise the prices of the commodities they sell, You'd almost imagine some of them, at least, would try to spare themselves this agony; but No, they .111151 sop under it gamely, wellinrh- ingly -o,id to -a man, the -'unsung heroes" (hal they ore/ • * , 4. * One, of the funniest of all-time sports happenings has beer the rapid rise el Primo Carrera" lo great heights as a wrestler—or asyivay as a wrestling attraction—and even more surprising is his continued stay at those heights. For itis hardly a secret that, when it was first proposed to torn the mbling .Alp into a. grappler, real concern Was felt -malty of those be- hind she scenesbeing convince(( that Primo was liable to break lido several segments the first time he got a tumble. Ll fact one bystander suggestedgettng some of those FRAGILE — 1-IANDLE WITH CARE stickers to paste on his car- cass, and using "London Bridge is Folling .Gown" as Theme Music. * 5 But to the amazement of all con eerie(' Carrera has not olily manag- ed to stay in one piece, or there- abouts, but has continued to prove a real box-otffce.draw, packing them in, light after night, and rolling up a list of victories that would put Jinenly Londos, Strangler Lewis, or any of the great ones of old to shame, We understand that there is no truth iu the rumor that has. nut the sante opponent some 200 times --the actual number being not ever 150. And what Primo himself thinks about it all—well, :if he has a sense of hs111or, Inc Must be getting many it secret laugh over llle whole thing. 4• * * 11'1I1' PARENTS GiET PRE- MATURELY PF. -fit tl UR1dt) GR:11'! Assured by advertisements that the pi'(are was a striking denim:straiten of the fact that "Crime Does A'o( Pay" the mother allowed her trco ,mall sods to attend Me matinee. Later, she overheard the two of them discuss Illi lug what they had seen. "You see, Freddie," said the elder, "Me mis- take this dope shad,' Gats leaving his Food Poisoning Each year ?suite a stunber of people' arc' made ill from eating something that has been •mistaken: for wholesome food. Recently 'sev- eral persons became sick from appar- ently mistaj ing toadstools for mesh-' looms,'zJt Jt'nc'eessary, first of all, that gcopre,„; )e acquainted with what- ever they aro gathering. Fruits and vegetables should be washed to get rid of sprays -which lnfq• be poiewl- ons. Trio much' care cannot be exercised, — Kitchener Record. fingrrprinls on the. gall, `SLUe. thing!” Mimed in I/o' younger. "Vow if We Were doing il, we'd take rare to •recur rubber gloves, ?couldn't tee °" 1 * Toward the cud of the last foot- ball season we went overboard with the statement that Joe Krol was the greatest all-round player that has ever performed on a Canadian grid- iron. We see no reason to revise, or apologize for, this opinion; but we dowish that some kind friend would send Mr. Krol a copy of that once - popular song: entitled, "It isn't What You Lysed to Be, But What You Are Today," As one onlooker commented on his way out of Varsity Stadium after the Alouettes ganic, "Krol piays as if he had been doing most of his training reading his scrap- books." 1 011 11'III l;i,Jna 'pathic A( The 5t. Regis Hotel TORONTO • Evers Room With Balls, Shower sled Telephone • Siegle, 52.50 115— Double, 03.50 un • (local road, Dining and Dancing Ntghuy Nin•rbourne at Carlton Tel. RA, 4155 Sold by all Druggists --25c, 35c (tube), 50c and 51.00 " • It Followed Icer To School One Day . . . '—Maty Anne Fannon, centre, 8 -year-old girl decided that it would be a );icer world, especially on the first dap- of school, ii nursery rhymes came •true. So Mary Aute and "Batt Baa'i showed up at St. Joan of Are Parochial School. But "]3aa spas" looks like he'd prefer to take it on the lamb. Canadian Airrnen Graves Well Kept Graves ori Canadian airmen killed during the tear have been maintained in "beautiful condition" by kindly Europeans, salt Stein. Ldr. Co, 13. (Jerry) Philbin, D,F,C„ of Valley- field, Que., on returning Monte after two years' service with the combined R,A l-R,C.A.F, missing research ancl-inquiry unit on the continent, Tho unit, with teams ranging over France Uelgitan, Holland Denmark and Norway, located the graves of 19,000 allied airmen, he said. Civilian cemeteries, in whets most of thein are situated, are "very beautiful," (lowers being placed on the fliers' plots every week by local inhabitants. "If relatives of Canadian niers Out of the South • In the last 16 years, Detroit's Negro population has increased by 75 percent (to 21.0,000), Los An- geles' 133,000 Negro population has more than doubled since 1940. Between 1930 and 1945, New York's Negro population has in- creased 67 percent (to 547,000); Chicago's by 50 percent to (350,- 000); SanPrancisco'a by 14 percent (to 32,000), • In Portland, Ore., Negroes increased from 2,100 in 1940 to 11,000 in 1946, who were killed could sec the way these cemeteries are leept by the peo- ple of the liberated countries at their own expense, they would be leery proud" he said. Flying Ship The Stockholm radio reported completion of trials in a Swedish flying boat which is 11311 ship, half plane. On reaching a speed of eight or nine knots the boat's hull lifts out of the water, only a part of its stern and two front floats remaining submerged. Pro- duction costs \vete said to be low. Powered by a single 8 -horsepower engine, the Vessel attained a speed of 24 knots during trials. A loan who wanted to be a cen- tenarian was advised by his doctor to give up drinking, smoking and women, "Witt I dive to be 100 then?' asked the patient. 1\o," said the doctor, "but it will seem like it:" Classif• ied A dyer -Using AGEMS t1 ,11,'t7tU OILS GREASES, TIRES, insect lc dry .1 ,eerie ('encu Controllers- Roust and Illus Paint, Itnef Coatings, ole, Dealers wanted 1)01, 1t'nreo Cl (sloe St On l.l:nlled, o 'GENTS: S.11 Stip-Not Ties in Your snarl. Eine. A ,u1 selling, repeat article. Writ Station 0, 1100 .3, Toronto. Ontario. WATCHES And 1.01yours free. Write tor l,.i,' l:eull,rs Anil Laniplo trul: h State age. and ercunatton. Sell- t1s III 0111,331J,,,,.pine(. 130 Run hugs Ave., Toronto, Ont. - m,.0t SINJ SS OPPOItTt'NtNES ATTENTION '1 aIt.111;1 S AND PROPERTY OWNERS wanted f. eneli i.,r }u t Gus, nereng, tom., 1 1 t rad ..:' 15sh,ese. S IPI 0111 1 I' 1 lo. u h nN I,l 11 .scion. trtio kn d of 5,11! ,u, Alto full pr,c, 05)155. If. 11 7. ,.1,: 1 . ,tr.'.,r tit Avenue, 11.1,.Lnil PELLET I:S i t 1 1 1 't' bait, lips whit, 11 1 ,' Waite Leghorn.. White Let.l , 101 N liar i ',i Rocks. l link Auslrrlorn \ Walt I glorne, 0 wrens old, 45e. 7 '5101(0. 55c, 8 week. 55e. ,Assort- ed .Light and 0101(010 Breeds 0 nrel:a, 400; (leeks 50•, 8 weeks 150. Top Note', Chick- s, 3i11n1111 Ontario. • 011111:15 October -November chirps now, Re- member those pullers put you in the beg -egg class for next Sete. 031:43 114;5 I r,,'rs. Bray ILtt-•hery, 130 John N., 1(0,,,11,,, Ont. 1'1l51.1 IRA\GE pullets 15 weeks to laying: Barred Rocks, New linmpohurs, White Legborno, White Itoelts. Also day old chicks booked to order. Free catalogue l'uedrlle [hill: Hatcheries Limned. Verges. Ontario. SIX. seven and eight tvee1t old cullet bargains. while they, last: white L•ghorns, Willie Leghorn X - Burred Rock Barred Rock X White Leghorn. Austra white. Only a- limited quantity. Send' for special nricolrst. Tweddle Click Hal heriea Limited: 1•'ergu, Ontario. FIt15L• RANC\, pull ern 55 weeks Is 'laying. All 1,01,0(0,' breeds. Also day old ells ks booked to order, 1'ree Co. u 1 1 '. t h cries, Guelph, Onttteri•Fo. 1,0R S L,1 lht e Duclioyo Combination 1n- rUk000ls 12,000 egg setting 00111111)', 4,500 hntehing eapnrtty fit Inn• (tics.Anal)• 'Ptreddle (nick If,ttcherms Limited. b•ergus. 00 ta,90. DYEING AND CIM,001NG KAYE YOU earthing peens dyeing or clean. Incl Write to us for Information. We are rlad to answer your questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARMS FOR SAL)+ 160 ACRES seven nines train OriRul. hydro Water system, Barn 54 x 80, driving shed. 710 alai ben nen, brick house, ninety five lain - Oren, three thousand down, balance at 8 per cent, Wm. Elliott, 15.10. No. 4, (Ntho. FOR SAI.E • 0,015100 Spaniel Puppies out of t'nntain lied of Svdmarry. Wins Nonchalant of Barrie. champion Torchill Trailer. Champion lied Pilot of Southwood. th nap ,n Nw, t1itl Night Flyer. Also bred. 104: hos, :IoLlme Kemal", 12 Holleman 11,1.. Toronto. Pelt SALE—ltrg- Nock mid tau fox and ro.u1 hound pup. 12 weeks old, veil :.1 f' ,• 510,00, slither sex. 31,•. 131110 0. I1,i1•r. 13 w'o?(o S4ee4 Bac ees, rndorirh, our, 1'0I1 $,11.1)1-Ir,•inri:ulu, YoO,l,!r, s•:rrb ob!e age hnnr [ram shat' 10,1 0.11_ stock. Also younger ones. It•vinn `I-11�:rdy. I'•: rt;.ts, Oht. FOR SALE—Re:GI (erect IPA:n,in (101. (51o, -'s mouths 01,1. 1)tuh, typey. ,r",.( na.ngre,.. Grandson of Loneln. Teeel 1':Uu'' D n, hna tw., rerol•ds over 4 pry cent. .%,.cre..lit'.l. (.4' ,,;ally Tented. Iteueonabl••. P.nbce. Fl.•o,il,g, 1tedboro, (lutario. 5010 5.11,E 1t \'COI w Al Oregon, Polled' Hereford breed - ' Brandon, - Alurlltoba, will bold a sale of ,Iprnxtmalely fitly bead of'. reglatered tattle on Mon005', October 20 at '1;00 15,111, • \tcCOR111IC1C 01:151117511 eumbine model at, 0 font 001, equipped with grain cleaner and ...ger; 10w r take -off drive. food one'. year. 1r se lslv, 1 Ins, Richmond Will. Ont. TIRES We air of olio,, knl in good used: :('rade-in Tires won high treats 11 guaranteed to be Il c\. dl, fit thick, Special lithe on ear Arcs. Alt si.es C: 00 ,1 ord..: X shipped: C.O.D.,.' from Ontario's moot mod.n4 enurbpod tiro 01,00 Also full 11, i.. ,': 11 :did s. Dealer* Wan., ft. 141'1('ON 1 M Corner (seem and fors, Sta.. Hamilton, 0111ar10 0111. ESTATE of the late James Turner, Carrot, Ilan:tabs, twenty mils south of Brandon, (1!!), w, Saturday. Oetolmr 21.. nR 1:00 r,5!, standard time. disperse the teglst- 0100 bead of pure bred Aberdeen Angus rattle comprising about fifty head.' Hese' cauls are 01 the descendents of the fanlnno Bantam Std of rn,nrnrnoek WHY pay more. N.C. is". electric drill. Ja- cobs chuck, 511.05, shinning weight, 10. Pounds, 1,1" drill. 0 pounds, (1150 Portable electric bench grinder, 12 pounls. 111:95. 'Postage extra. 110/320V arc ,-elders for garages, farms ,,id1 sol 9 Complete tete outfits 541.50 and upllmt us need. Fres .details, Willeaco, \lox 411,9, Portland 8, Oregon. 11 Al R 1110ESSINO L5,A1HN liatrdreseing the -Robertson method. Itltdrmat(oa ore "'3050501 regarding classes. nebertson', Hairdressing Aredemy, 187 Ave. nue Road, Toronto RFLP WANTED SINGLE mut, lor small dairy tuna (perman- ent) $55 monthly. All conveniences. (rood hoard. 1'1, Crossman, It R. No. 2. Oshawa. MEDICAL 1T'rl 1'It0\I l vert Alflr'r rt liheumatie. Pains of Neuritis should try Dison's Item- Inst s Drug5[ , , lit i n. Ottawa Postpaid, $1 00 �111s1•'Y 3Ol1c$liL11, ry sufferer or lthesm;,),c Puns or Neuritis. ,•huuld try Dixon's Remedy. haste's Drug Store. $36 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid, $1.4", OPPlRTCNITIES rule 1SOMSON. BE A HAIDRESSER JOINCANADA'S 5.1050/150 SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good emcee, 5hotmen50 successful. 8larvel graduate+, America's greatest system. Illustrated esla- looue tree. Write or Call 1.tARY15L HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 5lo0r St, 1Y., roronto Branches 44 King St,. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa PATI;NTD FETHEitSTOsAt'011 & Company Patent Sollellors. Established 1800, 14 King Went.. Toronto. Booklet of Information on recount. PHOTOORAPIIT ND WAY Photo Service otters you the latest in photo fialsb,ng• Films deicioped and. one dvclae crafty print of each negative rem - Plate in snnpahnt album 24*, Reprints On. For better oualiey and fast*; manna! service send your fame to Nu way L11wm Service. :anon A, Dent, C. Toronto, WANTED WANTED—All kinds o1 dressed poultry. Top prieee for top birds. Joseph Cooper Lrmtted. Poultry Dept, 2054 Danforth Am, Toronto 0. (we do custom gradings WATCH' REPAIR,- FOR Salo Fairbanks -Morse 'J MP. Dieeel ;?nano 10" McLachlan Grind; T. 1.11'15. t av: 15" Grey double roll roller mill; 25' elevators. bolts, shafting, Pulleys. Excellent condition, Aldus 31art1, Columbus, Out. IRASPIlERRRY caned, Lathan( or '1•01.n• .5.0.1 nor ',marred. ?ted 'bl• black 'nun, ,si , 8 i,r 01.0,, E) Wotli •r, rl:rt tsvlL'e. 0:aru :,.-. ATTl;\'l'1ON FARMERS FOR SALE—Trnelor Tires, made of rubber, suitable foe bolting on elect Wheels, 515.00 each, rear tvheelsl 07.50 each, front wheels.. 5(1,en ordering state diameter and width of Wheels. National Rubber Co. I.14., 6 Wilt- shire Ave., Taranto, oat. COOD heavy used Mllltary Wagons, 0011a1/10 for farms, lumbering, ruining and contract- , Also Ove lorries and 2 bob sleighs. Writ* for particulars, Percy J. uorbrldge, 306 Plaza lila,.-.,Ottawa. lN1'4I11NA'1'0,V.\L '1'.a triers or in, 11,1,', p•,rrhaand hu cr nm, bin.•. Duuc:,n (tarn'1�•, Erie ;u,glec3„z,.0. 11,, anuy 101.0,1), have 51111i.11. (rut., 14..1° 0150. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON CORN PICKERS, ONE ROW SI1010 by Wood Pros.. Model w'-.0. I.O. Com - Met.' with chains. Om to ,u;"0 with any t tactor. WEBSTER MOTORS ('YIN'DS(IR( LIMITED room,: 4-1185 48 WYANDOT'1•E Sl'. E. WINDSOR IF gnu w.mt champion Collie puppies from B,dlhaven Riuu,nhtes ilireel It- related to cbcunmon .swat Coition Ililp' Champion RAI - haven S!,.1, 0 Commander, Champion Bre- gate contact Bel -A Kennels, 1. Bower Alli. Woodstock, Out: 1 1TH,tlt 11.1St Ill ltltl canes. 0{ .e par 100 Promlor of ,) Me a, 01,)0,1,,a' 1 tie. w'. ,, . Mora. nn, - t It..1,bnNr- ,b!n,p. Nr lo +.`,. J a :C` -1t.-.., Itan- 1v1411 FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Paper, MADE IN FRANCE on Sale in Canada BLUE COVER Pure White Free Burning WHITE , COVER Thin Paper Slow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC Boot{ -=0o LEAVES 7-J ISSUE 3o —1947 CIGARETTE Tomo Soothe . them with S L I t M E r!0t 0- . Rub on freely, and note 35c. quick relief, Grenades:. (0005 CCONe5ICAL Fest-drying. No erten*8 size 65c odor. 18.46 Vossonivatrantn "Doctor, how are my chances?” "Oh, pretty well, but I wouldn't start reading any continued stor- ies." MUTT AND JEFF—Jeff is a ventriloquist without even a .dummy on his knee HUH! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA YOU LooKIN' LIKE ME? WH igTHE/You HAVE BIG IDEA No RIGHTTo You Looi<N' LOOK LIKE LIKE ME? ME! 1 You HAVE NO RIGHT TO LOOK LIKE ME? y I SAID I'D SHOUT THE FIRST GUY'I SAW WHQ LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE ME, By EUDD ISHF,R •