HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-25, Page 7Moose With a Taste for Tea Moose -Man Joe La Flainnle,
the self-styled "Mayor of Gowganda," Ont„ says: he knows all
about moose. BUCeven lie was surprised when one of his young
hoose developed a taste far iced tea. Joe and his noose are
shown here on a. visit to the Canadian National Exhibition.
Sports — And One Thing
or Another
'("A Sixhit Critic")
The following letter brings up a
point that has doubtless intrigued
many newspaper readers; and we
pass it along without continent, in
the hopes that our guardians of the
law may be induced to look into the
mystery, "Dear Irir. Sixbits;' it be-
gins, "I take it that you are interest-
ed in racing, deducting this from the
way you misuse race -track language
in your writings, and also from the
fact that you are generally about a
month overdue for a date with your
barber and wear fringes instead of
cuffs on your trousers, these being
unmistakeable signs of the deep
student of racing forth. So I am
writing you about a hatter that has
long been puzzling ate.
* *
"No doubt you have noticed," the
epistle goes on, "the large number
of chartered banks that have been
Informally entered of late; in fact
such bust -ins are getting so common
that I understand some of our pa-
pers are thinking of listing •then no
longer as Crime News, but under the
heading of I3'L;SINESS OPEN-
INGS. You will also have noted
Holy, in iii search for the culprits,
The Law invariably comes across a
numbtr of citizens possessed of
large sums of folding money which,
they are always careful to explain,
they won by betting on the races.
* ,r. *
"Norco I would be the last to doubt
the veracity Of such people;" the Iet-
ter concludes, "who are no doubt
worthy citizens whose word is as
good as their bail -Bond. So I want
you to use any influence you possess
to find out something for mc. As a
turf investor who hasn't had a win-
ning day since the afternoon 120-
ROMETER copped the Icing's plate,
I sin eager to know what system
those guys use forpickingthe hors-
es they play so profitably."
(Signed) ANXIOUS.
* *
It rats the manage,• of n self-serv-
i.'d groecry establishment who told us
Of the two very young housewives re-
rcnlly observed scanning a large dis-
play of various soaps and leashing=
pawfldors, apparently undecided be-
tween two different brands, both
making .(ho .clahu ,CUIS.,l'OU12
knob' what Pm (Doing to do," jinalli'
'xclointcd one of the youthful mat-
rons. "1'11 buy a package of both
kkinds, and the darned old dishes 7ef1!
do themselves"
* *
Decision of the Ontario Gott. to
cut itself in for n small slice of foot-
ball gates comes as no surprise—Ole
only surprising feature being that it
waited so long to do so. We may
he sure, too, that what the Provin-
cials have ilcgun the Federal deral lads
will not be slow in following up;
and Nthen they start in with their
chisels and gouges, the wails of the
sufferers are liable to be heart-rend-
ing indeed,
However, the football moguls may
take what comfort they can front the
thought that they have nobody but
themselves to blame. For years they
have made small effort to hide the
fact that they were professionals in
everything but name, with bigger,
better and more frequent gates their
principal aim. So if they are look-
ing fur sympathy, they would do
better hunting under the letter "S"
in hhe_ dictionary than among their
cash customers,
* * 1
The r'cnlly' interesting point is This
—mow that they've started in on
football, lviil the same thing happen
to amateur hockey? Thal great
Winter pastime can ill afford to wrap
loge mantle of sinton-purity about it-
self and point the finger of scorn
elsewhere; "nor are those football
fonts of a type, liable to hold stili
under ill. probe of the taxing -lancet
while hnd.,y escapes with a whole
Furthermore, should hockey come
to be taxed, just where are they go-
ing to stop—or start—i1, a spa rt
where there are junior clubs with
vastly greater receipts—and expend-
itures—than any senior bulk can
boast? It's all very confusing; and
to a neutral observer it looks as if,
before it's over and done with, Ath-
letic Commissioner Apps plight be
wishing ne'd stuck strictly to those
Maple Leaf centre -ice duties of his.
* *
Thathuman nature is difficult to
figure out is by no oceans a novel
observation; but we had a new and
beautiful cen:,zple of its queerness
the other day during a call from a
middle-aged Englishman now visit-
ing Canada. Asked about his court-.
ry's rugged experiences during the
war, he. made light of them; and of
last ff%infer's alulcritft's, and the
strict rationing and controls imposed
by the Government since, he had
little to say except that they were
probably necessary.
* * *
But at one point in our chat he
became extremely hotandbothered,
indignantly exclaiming "One of
these days those Socialist blighters
vile go too fart". When we heard
him, we felt reassured that 'there'll
always be an England.' For his out-
burst cauls when it t told hint of
news just arrived—to the effect that
Princess Elisabeth's honeymoon Trip
had been ordered curtailed!
'Where do you think .you are
going?" asked mom, as I prepared
to . make 'a get-
away out through
the back door.
"I'm going
fishing with Susie
don to the
"deep -hole," I re-
"That's ' what
you think1 \Shat'
have: you got in hat bag?" Mom
opened the ice box door and then
made a lunge for the bag. "Give
me fiat," she snapped and
snatched, "Half my chocolate
cake gone and guests coming for
dinner tonight, Honest -to -good-
ness Barry, you'll be tie, death of
Ine ytti Now get that broom and
get busy sweeping the front
steps, After that I want you to go
to the store."
"Gee. - whiz," T protested, "I'll
never get fishingt with all those
jobs to do'" '
"If you hu"ry you'll have ,plenty
of time for that," mother shot
back. "You never bring home any-
thing anywayunless it's a couple
of dirty old mudcats."
\'fell, I finally finished these
chores r nd was free to go-wi'11-
out the chocolate cake. Bound-
ing up the front steps .of Susie's
house, 'I 'bunipe'' into her moth-
"Well, Barry" she excla4aed,
"1 have been oloking for a strong
man like yob. I need someone to
help put top the venetian blinds.
Susie's fathee is working ]are to-
night and my bridge club is coin-
ing in. I must get those blinds up
this afternoon."
"13ut-," I started to -argue,
"I've never put up Venetian
"There': absolutely nothing to
it," cable the reply. "The direc-
tions arc with the blinds. Susie
can help you."
I was cornered again.
Susie looke 1 the perfect picture
of dismay. .Like two rats in a
trap, we stared at the six boxes
of blinds piled in the corner.
"Well, 'et's get cracking on
these' things," I growled. (Not
loud enough for Susie's molter
to hear),
The blinds each had two ropes.
One Wrapped around each end. In
the middle of the blind was a
package of thingamadoos. These
were supposed to be screwed on
the window -casing and also to be
"I'11 leave you two to go to
work," said Susie's 1mom, "I have
to go and slake sandwiches."
First oz all, we had no ladder.
I tried standing on a chair, but
couldn't reach the top of the win-
dow. Next I stepped 011 the win-
dow sill which brought a blast
from Susie:' 'C3et your dirty feet
off those clean window silts or
tnaw will kill you."
So what, ' thought, lawny oft
my shoes, 1 got 11* again . The
to inc driver slipped from my
band and landed in tl., goldfish
bowl on the table beio,' me.
Water splashed on the nett wall
paper and two fish went ,slither-
ing across . t'. e ; ardwood (loot._.
Susie and I mad, a mad dash for
the fish, knocking over chairs,
upsetting a ,able of looks and
finally cornering the little fellows
under the 'et ling room' table.
Susie's non, cane screaming
from the kilehc'r, probably think-
ing a -'cyclone had hit the joint::
When .this excitement quieted
down, we tri -d: again, elle first
two blinds ).ere hanging at rak-
ish angles and had to be taken
down and straightened; sty hands
were blistered and bleeding in
several spots where the screw
driver i'ad slipped and gashed me.
On the last window, I made a
valiant etfor; to hurry the .joh.
This was a mistake. Trying to
balance a blind on my head,' as 2
screwed in one end,meant defeat,
The blind slipped. I slipped. The
blind went out through the win-
dow with a terrifying crash and
landed. on the verandah, I went.
toward the center of the room
with a terrifying yelp, and land-
ed on lay you -know -what, right
in an old fashioned straw cowered
rocker. With my you -know -what
protruding through the bottom of
the chair, 1 made an effort to
stand as Susie's mother entered
the room. As I stood, the chair
carie up with roe.
Susie and her mother stared at
the open window 'WW1 it's jagged
edges and then back at me.
"I—I—I," came the gasping,
choking sound from my throat.
"You—you'", they chorused.
They were stuck for words. To-
gether they made a leap at me.
1 jumped sideways and made
for the front door, taking the chair
with me. 'The arm of the chair
caught on tits door handle on the
way through, leaving the chair
behind and part of my pants with
Scooping up my fishing pole
off the verandah as I went Flying
by, I ram all the way to the "deep
I haven't ben over to Susie's
Place for over a week.
Home Building
In 1939 a five -roomed brick bun-
galow built in quantify in Toronto
cost $3,500 while this year the cost is
$5,200. The rise in the main costs of
such a house since 1939 is,enlighten-
ing. Painting is top 100 per cent.,
plastering 13S, millwork 100, elec-
trical 193, plumbing 116, heating 90,
masonry 124, carpentry, 117 and ex-
cavaling 53 per cent.—Financial Post.
This was the face of Japan when the
Yanks marched 111t0 Tokyo in Septem-
ber, 1945. Two years of peace have
washed away the tears and cleared the
rubble, but the country is far from
Today the Japanese face reflects serious
contemplation of the future. The nation
pins her hopes on children like this To-
kyo boy, whose fresh, young minds can
be trained to rebuild Japan along ole;;;-
ocraiic lines.
Wheels o[ Jai) industry still
turn slowly, This is a silk fac-
tory worker.
The people are hungry and housed. Slipshod Slipshod shacks are
homes for bombed -out Japs.
But the modern touch is
there, as seen in this contrast
in dress ort Tokyo's Ginza.
Classified. Advertising
AittN'1'S s; ANTED
Insecticides Electric ?en,. C'entrollers 1705»;
tend Barn Point Root Poeta hu etc. Dealers
wanrd We Ito Ware, Urease & 011 1110,11 ed
AGENTS, ,Jobbers t r ie for Illustrated price
tial Altractiot in or as. immediatedeliver.
leo. Spartan Jewe.lert, 225 Parliament; Tor-
onto (mlarin
11A'1t1 ('111011*,
0111. 2 our flocks. Replitor lIrao 6-31-12
week punets. coo /IN I t ld a00 alerted
chock, oleo. All p•on,r,l shipment. Send for
1181, her October -November deliver;•, order
now llruy Ptitteh,ry, 135 John N.. Hamilton,
HAt'1' 000 II11A1tD. about 13'x00'0 NUUr1ti6
and Rheumatic Pain. Remedy, It 01005 0006
.vulte. 151nr8'» Drug: 3tsro: 395 Elgin, OI,.
I, urn. Postpaid $1.00.
(10PenT'C.11q'IES F1111 110311074
Great OpportunloY Learn
Pleasant 41501000 profession; good wager,
' timman4, aueeeealul Marvel 0ra1untoo.
America n. create.; system Illustrated eat.
l0g1.1e tree tt'rite. or Call
368 Riper St. W,. Toronto
Branches 44. Icing St. Hamilton
& 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa
HAVE YOU .anything Ile000 dyeing or clean-
ing'I write to an for, Information Rif are
glad :to answer your queatlone. Department
80 Porker a Dye Works Limited, 791 Yo00e:
Street, Toronto: Ontario.'
150 ACRES -even miles front OCIIIIo. $jydro
water system, Barn 64 x 80, driving shell,
PIC and hen pen brick house ninety Mei Itun-
dren,titre° thousand down, balance itt 3 .Der
cent. Wm. Elliott, 11.10, No 4, Or11118,
0010,14' for bull, sale. farm 05 acres, good
1101,80 and. barn, 70acres of bush and
swamp: goes' bark to farce alter largo tim-
ber la oft. M. Goatie11,-Neusta0i.
Frilt 13A LE
A 1.E3IEAT block ninnufartu ig outnt, aux-
or, conveyor, 0 houisepower electric motor,
ballets, etc north $8,000; a' bargain for
roommate for $1,500. Apply 3 Luwott Are.. Si.
AIREDALIC t•up»les, three monttm,: sired by
Chumnlon, also 0t stud. Victor Campbell,
313 Gage Ave., South, Mountain Ton, Ham-
BLUE Arrow Kennels, Registered English set-
ter pupates,able cocker spaniel puppies..
Write 13ex 355, Renfrew, Ota
CEDAR Posts andpoles nil 111000 mord wood,
hard ' and. soft. 51. 0001110 \euatadt, 001,
1Olt Sulu Iral•banlrs-Morro 2.- H.P. Diesel
Engine 10" A1eLtiehlan Grinder, nearly new;
18" Grey Cobble roll roller mill; 20' elevntore,
belts, shafting. 001100'0. Excellent condition.
Alvin Marl`, Columbus, Ont.
FOR SALE—Tractor Tires, made or rubber,
suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $16.00
each, rear wheels; $7.60 each, front wheels
When ordering state diameter and width of
wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd„ 6 Wilt -
Mitre Ave., Toronto, Ont.
FOR SALE,3-8 '1Ieaty Duty Hanson Shovel
with back -boa atUehment and tratle. No
good offer recused. Apply nay Leffler, 197
Pelham ltd., St Catharines, One. Erenhl»,
-dial 4-4108.
FOR sale. 1 new Wettlautet Welker remota
block machine. plain and rock -face plates:'
nacrifcle. Charles Longman, Ancnslet•. Ont.
GOOD hea;y used Military Wagons. Minable
.for farms, .lumbering, mining and contract -
Ing. Also five lorries, and 2 bob sleigh..
Write for particulars, Percy J, Dorbridge,
306 Plaza bldg., Ottawa.
MALCOLM 'McGregor, Polled Hereford breed-
er. Brandon, MUnll0ha, will bola sale of
approximately fifty Fiend of registered cattle
on Monday, October 20 at 1:00 P.M.
3 POWER num* nixoccLAns
NEtt, Dor-ni01u V1s1on. 8 tinea cloaor, 3051,51
lenses. Prismatic. Achromatic, European.
Graduated ttdluotments on eyepiece focussing.
Brings mite. to 060 flet. weatherproof. lea-
ther combat carrying case, eLrnpa, Safeguards
Four »roherty. worth much more — $31 00
Refund guaranteed, raotnald' or C.O.D. plus
charges. Eddy Novelty Company. 0011ea1 De-
partment 3,162 Ontarla Street Toronto, Ont.
SPRINGER Spaniel mins, six months. Pedi-
greed sleek, boot colors and (oxen. L. 0.ym-
burner, Huntberonne. Ontario.
SEMI troller booster brakes fifth wheat brake
cantrofa 32 X 000 tires (2 new) 15 1't. With
racks. 0,111es and all steel constt notion. Phone
2, Nnustndt. 5f.. (1°80000.
THE ESTATE of the late Alma Turner,
Carrot. 6tamtobn. twenty ninon tonna of
Brandon, will. on Saturday. October 26, et
1:00 P.21. standard lime. diapers° the trend-
ered head of pure bred Aberdeen Angus cattle
comprising about 01110 head. These eatble
aro all the descendents of the famous 14aatr,a
end 00 (tlenottrnnek.
WHY Day more? New 1 " electric chill. Ja-
cobs chuck, $84.03, Mapping weight. 14
mounds. 81" drill, 0 pounds. 511.80. Portnblc
electr10 bench grinder, 12 sound,,, 011,00.
Postage extra, 110/2200- era WOldsrs (or
5000000, farms, tndustrlcs. Complete outfit°
141.60 and up. Guarnnntord. Free details.
willsaon, Dat -4100, Portland 6. Oregon.
LEARN Liairdreosmg the Robertson method.
information on rendre: regarding classes.
Robertson'. Hairdressing Academy. 117 Ave.
nue Read. Toronto.
11111,0 tv,tter D -- —
1ANTEJD--Capnblo housekeeper or maid with
good references for (looter's 00,1.ily. Anpb'
Dr, w. E. Park, Deep River, Ont;
L10E:1SE) tar Webnnica Wanted to nom-
tilcto bur shop staff. Excellent workll,g
Mini tions. Trl, wages. 910,45 ndrallaenlent.
Apply Cuiphtey Motors Ltd., Phone 1145,
815011E .man rot small dairy faun 1perntnu
WO 100 monthly. All anovvniewsoe. 'Good
hoard. H. Cr.:iman, H.R. No 2. (lrl:nwa.
1.0512502107 join nat1o11-w9do ,o,,,speti,o,,Ce
club. 110mmtllc Ulmmnthly mngn0R.u;
photos, descriptions, nddreaoe,. 10011 year
50.00. Smmnlc rope 200. World Fedcratiun
Club, Parkervirw. Sash.
A TRIAL—letrry sulfur or of Il,cdmatic
Pelta or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rents -
0y. Mtlllro's DomStole, 235 Menu Ottawa.
Postpaid $1.0'0.
1tITEUMATISM and 00101100 can be. relieved.
Trtl-17aloftce seine 1,0,010 have mlealouloeslY
conquered stubborn hmea. Send $1115 to Tru.
Anlnnce, Box 352, London, .'giving nhoe sine.
17, Brings
quick r ItoF.
no strong
Large, aconamdeal
slao. 65c
)? ETHER STOS A C'CH 'k Company Palen)
Solicitor, Eatabliobed 1890. 14. Eine tt'eart,
?termite 110nlitet of Information : 0e renuewt.
NU WAY Photo 100010e offers'. you . the latent'
111 0(1000 finishing. Films 'developed ora'
ono deckle::0r001 print of erten 'negative coop.
Plate In snapshot 'album .300. Reprints da
For better quality and Canter pereu0at n800loo
-end Tour thins to NU Way Kase service,
Batton A. Dent. C, Toronto.
TEACIi0Rs WAN71:11
HUDSON' 0.0, 1, requlrea experienced earlier
Lor Grades a and 8. Certificate In nine's
preferred. Salary, 21800. Anp1Y- whit 'r•ler,
enter to R. A. Scott, Sea Treas., Hudson,
8AN9'1CD—A n' kinds 00 Creased '001110'0. 'eon
prices for top 51,4, Joseph Cooper Limned.
Poultry Dept , 2004. Danforth Ave.. Toronto
6. (we do custom 0rnd1558
Scot] particulars to - 000 G1L, lfeaneler,
A Lady Vahan, 1 had Eczema break out on MY leg
and hied almost everything, but 11 did no good,
Then I tried Mecca and 501 ,0110F From the ,marH.a,
and Itchlne. I cannot spook too highly of Mecca,
Farmers Attention — Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Staco (farness Sumdies.
We sell our goods only through
your local Staco Leather Goods
dealer. The goods are right. and
so are our prices. \'1e manufac-
ture in our factories — Harness
Horse Collars, Sweat Pads,
Horse Blankets, and 1.catller
Travelling Goods. Insist on
Staco Brand Trade ]Harked
Goods and von ret satisfaction
Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto.
Protect 10nr 110003 and GASH
(rant FLUE and THIEVES. We
hare n size and type of Sore, et
C'nhInet, for any purpose. ('I,1t
WI. or write for priers, etc.. to
Dept. Te,
115 trrnnl Sl. (11. Toronto
61sia1,ilahea 1855
Now o Combat
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should be extracted by the kidneys. if
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See what Dodd's can do for you. 137
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