HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-25, Page 251NOt.SI3 - ---
Chloe .tl The red -wended monger or -
rives in 1'aIYano wallrr and the village
ot Luna Rota whereGarvin 11ves. Cau
l.111LISIY gaining entrance. to C t'yro's hone,
l aldei finds himself before the cloned
door of Ramona •U:trvin', .office. •
Itis lips .tightened grimly, -Be
• hind-that•door wee one of the sten
he had hunted so relentlessly for
five years,
tic threw open the door and
stepped into the office, both hands
dropping to the silver -decorated:.
holsters of his heavy six-guns. He
closed the door behind him and
leaned carelessly against the wall
beside it as slowly, mockingly, he
removed the scarlet handkerchief, •
revealing his face.
The than before hint did not ex-
actly face him, for Raymond Gar-
vin had his hack to the door
through which El Caballero Rojo
had quietly entered,
Never would he forget that ca-
daverous face, the lips that were
pale brown lines over discolored
vulpine teeth, the ratan the youth
of eighteen had instantly pictured
when he had heard his father whis-
per his name. Garvin's hair was
now 'sparse and gray, for the years
of continued brutality had not
dealt lightly with this ruthless
Y k *
But one thing had not changed
--leis love of gold. Even believ-.
ing himself alone, his movements
were quick and furtive as he fin-
gered a gold piece from a stack
is front of him.
• With abruptness he seemed to
sense that he was not ;lone. He
spun )tail around in his chair to.
glare at the -reel-headed man who
stood against the wall, - Garvin's
piercing green eyes below the
overhanging brows were allot with
:widen accusing anger.
"What do you want here:" he
b•tr ked, "Who are you anyway—
and how did you get in?"
1?! laltallcro Rojo laughed. It
len, harsh laughter that ceas-
ed on an ominous note.
"I'vc-come to
settle v11'li
all th l rc of
the de vac
1.114 laic upthe val-
he said tightly. 'Maybe one.
or two other things . while I'm
Fite de Cuevas place? "• Garvin's
i egeve heat a tattoo on the desk.
' L nlr:,. let me see , . , Oh, yes,
the 1c- Cuevas place down the val-
ley He added sharply. "I know
the pare now, but there is no
1. rcc: :c. chance •:r discussion
wool i• The bank eta, foreclosed,
e. - •!:e bank has already taken
t dosed,
1:: l.il,.; . a dojo drawled tneau-
1 }. "Pee,lase I'm right here
now 1 • rr. .a it, Two lives were
ng on that little
-,:.:< •. 111 the money you 'have
eeei 'can't give them back.
ehrttg brought fresh
F _ the lamplight from lois
1 silver trappings—"I
to:e your money from
tie other folks
1 rar,abed )tore-.
willing to open up thesafefor
me," said the red -Beaded man, Then
his tone grew grim, menacing,
"Note bring out the money—quick.
And every . cent you've got- cached
m there! And every blessed mort-
gage you've got in any, of - those
labeled drawers! Quick, I said I've
got a nervous trigger finger,'[
Once his clumsy trick at trying
to outwit El Caballero Rojo had
backfired, Raymond Garvin had no
choice. It was obey or be killed.
The muzzle of the gun that bored
into Garvin's back sent shivers
down. Itis spine,
Trembling iu every limb, a ruth-
less mail gone cowardly when his
own skin was menaced, he brought
out what he was ordered to produce,
under the watchful eyes behind the
steady gull. A heavy bag of coins
was plopped on the floor, then
stacks of currency, 'then the long
reaching arnl, exploring the safe,
brought out a stack of folded papers
hearing red seals. -
These palm's won't do 3011 any
good. you devilish red-headed out -
Jaw 1" Raymond Garvin burst out
in fury as he threw the last of the
lot on the floor. "You rani collect
on '0111 — nobody can but reel
"And you neither can, nor w ill!"
Valdez snapped. "Now dig out that
yellow -backed box down there in
the corner of the safe, It looks like
a letter file from where I stand,
and I'd be plenty interested in read-
ing your -personal mail,"
* r
Garvin reluctantly did 15 he was
ordered, and the titan holding the
t;un on hint took one hand to pick
till the box and lay it on the desk
beside the other loot. Garvin got
waveringly to his feet and turned
to face the red-headed menace,
"You don't think you're going to
get away with this, do you?" Ise
burst out furiously, "You won't!
hedause you'll never get out of here
alive—not out of this placer I'nless-
you kill me in cold blood—"
"Which I'm not aiming 10 do, not
just at present—unless you plauib
forget to keep your shirt on,' drawl-'
cd the red-headed non. Then I r t his
t 0100 grew hard andi cold.I) "I'd like
tllnow '
t lnameofh
emalt autoure
wvking for. Senor Garvin. What's
more. 1 want to know where to find
Hutt and mean t:) 111.11111% savvy?"
"You're. loco, Garvin growled, "I
haven't any toss, nobody I'111 be-
holden to. I rata 1113' own business,
ltd "•
"Give me t1:e trade, tisrvial," Val -
.tea said wearily. "You should know
I mean. to have-it—I,erause maybe
you. know 22110 'I am by now." •
"Who •113-l't heart of El Cabal-
!en) Rojo?" sneerer) Garvin. "The
road 3ee11t, tate imitation Robin
Hood, syr thoe iafui for the op-
press, d—w;•vetEt getshi111 any-
thi. gl l),.. ,t.vi,:diltg its a lot of
Spanish gewgaws and 11 red bandl-
lu 1 c islet over his face!".
* * *
Listen, -Raymond Garvin!" Val-
des said coldly, "Many would like
to 'know just wit° I aim, Pin going
to tell you—deer and now. Maybe
you'll be particularly interested, 3(y
21,11110 is Michael \-aider v O'Brien:
\ 1 -1 -d -c-;;1 Savvy that? Does that
mese mean anything to you?
-10 Felt ,ap .t.,e,i .,0..d01 0 ewes
•wide with sad'1.ii as be'
n His dance
1.- t.y n0tw
- ..e was
....that ,Iia-.
f it
t One
On 'CERTAIN DAYS' Vegetable Compound to relieve
of The Month! awl sy-iaptoms.Thisfine medicine '
is tttti' eflectfve for this purpose!
Do female functional monthly For over 70 years thousands of
disturbances make you feel nee- girls and women have reported
ows, fidgety, cranky, so tired and benefit. Just see if you, toe, don't
"dragged out"—at such times? report excellent results! Worth
Thou do try Lydia E. Pinkhaam.m':s����tr.t'ing.
e, C'/�OW m C 91141 p NBig
Grand Champ of Canadian Fairs—Grand champion at Various
Canadian fairs 17 times, "Data Valilandeghen " 2,200 -pound
Belgian gets adnsiring glance from Inez ]3c:its of Paris,
Ont., at the C.N.E. horse show.
ANNE �fl�S,-J
Young Husband
Offers Chart
For Happiness
1'\'E ONLY ',ad the pleasure of
following your column for a short.
* time." writes a young ltuslnnd•
* 1'd like to congratulate you on the
* valuable advice you give • young
* folks who are dame, courting and
* prcparirg for 1h'11rr.,:ut.
but w Iia1
about after mar-
riage? People
must work just
as Hard for hap-
piness theft. 1
feel that couples
1110l•Iy • with
CV Cry intention
of being good
husbands -a n d
wills, and went
* to point their efforts in the right
* direction In many cases. we must
* learn by the trial - and - error
x method The 11105(011 isn't: \',lio
0 is right. Itis: 'What is right,
"Please correct rue if 1 am
wrong but—as I see it—tete .rot of
* Live, so far as the Mau 10 coli-
* earned, is the art of p10101115 his
* wife. The vvnm:ut's love is tete art
0 of luring and enchanting the ht15-
0 hand. while ]t'avi210 to him the
* aggressive rale apprt))tl'ia': t, the
* male,
l.i 11,1 t,.r,'e ..tat.e, Y.tt ,t •el;y
•'1:t o1' you in hats.• ••:ear s 1,re his
iter t as 1:itrat'If; andthe aft
see that she revere:re revere:her h.''"uart.
How ,: n'lrpe,s apply t1110 0:' , ;Cry
day 1111115 ct,, tf,'d make -ve'•'a11; in-
formation for 111007."
1 agree- with 3'ari that if :site and
1l strand „f:d kept c'1 a - the 't.",1:11
mord of phiasi;'i tit ,laor, the
1110.1•70,-. conets 1. r,G¢ hare little
dud as .t .ay. it it 1t'ha1
14:ri 1l that it the vital question. So
Wary 711 :00 } .'':r a.t cooduat are
.i +'y in the ( '1,' that
any int d parson.,l0 aptly
!•,'rn Rr.a.. 1) ", aria ..IK"
the war. 1 learn, that daily Bible-
realwg hag inereased lretnerdausly,
ao,I I . o.t .,l.l, ail my heart that .the
a: , 1 ruireraaf. 7Itr 16 04-0171,
1 12:4 . ; r.. ,' 'tat ars is oars
r r , i rtffn i !13
,3 Cis 11'0 1v
40 7e0 tr+•, [:0
.. .0 So. .
1 a thr..l , ,rd
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
p. ... 13 0.)a raairt
• 01=-- cAtversalitgi?
A. N:, If y..11 ern politely price It
vicw,'01in1, it will 0reate
it,r/• iLr etern^rsation. But drop the
:0.7.11 , ::rad that the Other
1 :
7:1• 1.0 :1005 are becoming hurt.
1 r
it o::rreet to eat "cake with
the fingers?
A. Saudi rakes and slices of plain
• are eaten with the fingers,. but i
• tst01 cake or French pastries
re,mire a fork, -
t) If a woman is standing directly
't a Man's way, tm151 he tip his hat 1
when he asks her permission n 'to
A. Yes, as- site steps aside he
.should thank her and tip [lis hat.
- Q. If a man and a woman are
dining together in a- restaurant and
the tea is served in pots, who pours
1t? -
A. If the waiter does not pour for -
tlteua, tete' woman should attend to
this rite. -
110,1104 :11 experience for the oar we
torr ostd, in doing that, we fired our
own 1l0ppiness 110 sorely as 'thr slut
* FATHER": As you continue to
* read 1110 varied problems in this
0011111211 .you will find repeated
* again and again the Do's. and
* tou't's for marriage which the
* situations presented indicate. 1 ant
* always happy to have suggestions
* from my renders, and 1 shall
web -mw others from you,
7,, SIRS, 1.C.": Haw Olen 1
Trish 1 ,.rend er harge olantrs and
addresses of t/ty traders! )'rt that
is the nue rule I dare not break. I'm
sure l' all trtdrrstand.
MARRIAGE 1. is a two-way ad*en-
tau'. Anne c
Fin tC11 t
help fall
* stake it work, if y '
ort l{� i
t1 r tr her
* truith at Box A, roam 421, 73
* Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Your Handwriting
and[7 By
You Alex S. Arnott
Can you read the writing 111
tete example below? It can he
react, but with difficulty, The
handwriting is a good examp:e
of a common criminal, a person
whose mentality and environment
have made hitt[ everything his
writt iilg indicates. Notice the
smeary seript with feather edge
dilwu.tr.kes of tile letters and the
dirty appeara.tee of the writing,
also the eer:awly-, disonleriy ar-
rangement of the whole script.
The "a's" and "d'' are open at
the bottom, 1 real give away of
a writer 111, wirti!':I deceive at
every opportunity.
\(tire, t.eo, 11.100 {11e 000S5e0 of
the lett[ t" .top spurt of the
stem, an excellent example of
eaut1)0, as though he were avoid-
ing being caught in a dishonest'
act. There is nothing refitted or
graceful about this writing, it is
as hard as the writer and as dif-
ficult to maleretand. Study this
script and yett will see how the
criminal e -.ewers to) his writing,
blots mot smears elver up let-
ters so it at one; letter catsnot be
distingui hd l s r -:nn another, and
1110 up art 1 ;':°.v:o trend of every
word reveal, 1i:e shiftiness of the
writer's h,t lits in that it is hard
for hint t write in ' -a straight line
Glen if t
This, n, e 15 the writing
of "i 0.011521015' crook. There are
other types of criminals—the em-
bezzler, the fellow with a smooth,
shady kind tt writing; the forger,
whose artistic touch ran be de-
tected by his coo light and too
dark peri pressure in every word
of the script. Each criminal has
his - way of revealing Itis bad ha-
bits' easily puked out by the hand-
writing expert to reveal these for
what they are.
A-cig .(247 4-/
Anyone tt.1f::g alive complete
analysis please send sc1-addressed
stomped rh„1,•pe to lox B, roost
421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
There is no rllarge for this service.
ISSUE 37-1807
The Way to Peace
Scrip: ere: Proverbs hs 3130-31 ; 15 :1,
1R; 22:21.23; 25:15, 21-72; 20:20-2Ie•
Matthew 5:4; James 3:17.
The 1 ctiotary defines ilarmoily'
as "concord or agreement i11 facts,
opinions, ' manners, interests, 010,”
But 110111 of the passages cited from
the hook of 1'roterlis Have to do
with tete hest way of getting on with
angry and disagreeable people.
in general. the basic advice is that
if other people are 1110111.toward you,
don't be nest), yourself. If a man is
angry will1 you, that's the time to
control your own temper, "A soft
answer turnclh away wwrath; but
grievous words stir up.'.anger"
":\ fake no friendship with an angry
elan; and with a furious man thou
shall not aro; ]est thou learn 1his
u'ays, and get a snare to ten' soul."
Proverbs that recall Pal's counsel,
"As hutch as licth to you lire peace-
ably widt
eace-ably"trills all men."
lel a similar spirit, the Proverbs
stress the wisdom of regulating one's
02211 life 11111 good sense, and not
according to what others are doing
Peace of mind is of the very essence
of inward harmony.
The passages cite([ in our lesson
deal chiefly with 'wisdom its personal.
attitudes and relationships, but it is
ob1'ous that our world today pre -
1e1111 great problems of harmonious
living between groups, races, peoples
011(1 nations. -
111 our personal lit es we can do
much to avoid people who don't like
115, but in the larger social and in-
ternational relationships we arc con-
fronted with conditions and sitations
that we have to take as they are:
situations involving sharp differences
if not conflicts. Yet unless we can
achieve some measure of mutual good
will, - tolerance, and forbearance,
dark tragedy Ioonss again upon the
The proverbs and 0011111els that
make for wisdom and harmonious
living in individual life ought to be
watchwords in the affairs of the
!low Can I?
By Anne Ashley
Q. Now can I .pretreat mold hi the
fruit chosen
A, Place.tt can of lisle in the fruit
• closet,. or 011 the shelves with jellies
and preserves,
Q. Plow can 1 keep the skin soft?
A. The 011i11 )rill be soft and tine
if a healing astringent cream 11 ap-
plied regolnrly, By doing 11115, chap-
ped, dry ,skin, and blemishes are
healed, `l'he . astringent closes the
pores and 11)111es the 510111 sil)tet)
smooth. -
Q. Now ren ! thorougliy clean
A, Add a Handful of - salt to the
second water when cleaning greens..
This slakes all Abe sand sink to the
bottom of the •ptu1. Another rinsing
will make 111e111 thoroughly clean,
Q, ]Tow can I nlaltc cut flowers'
last longe,'?
A. They will last longer and heel
fresher if a Mlle camphor is added
to the water.
Sgltt'( 110 /1 i,,0
r; *r`' ran vulou *rlltr;or .
HEAl)CH) &'O)her,P3lns •
inn Will 1105*, Stasi,', At
The St. Regis Hotel
'10110 0TO
• Fr*, Itoun WW1, Shower
• J Trirnhnnr -
• SI gte P.e.15 OD—
Double, 53.60 no
• rand t ond, (lining and Dnnrtne
nherhmerne ,it Carlton
ILA. 3135
FURNISHED $1,50 up
Drs — C.S.n. STATION
Ail! WHAT ,AeLeDg
tAt 0°11 f I
'DOTTY MARIE — Iv:aric Mc-
Donald features these red and white
polka dotted tailored pyjamas with
a matching rose -wool robe in her
next picture, "Living in a Big
Way," in which she plays opposite
Gene Kelly,
just Strange
Discussing hi.r :epitaph, Sir Toler
Strange said, "1 want no fuss, noth-
ing fa.nry. I simply wan/ these words
on my stone: Dere lies a lawyer
who a!OOyt spoke the truth'."
'But,' a friend protested, "no one
will know who rests there." t.
"011, yrs, they will know," Sir
John replied. "All who read will say,
,t�• �'tEA
lot bluing