The Seaforth News, 1947-09-25, Page 1tc
The Seaforth Ne
WHOLE SERIES, ,VOL. 70,No.. 38
$1 a year
At a recent meeting of the official
board of Northside United Church,
detailed arrangements were com-
pleted for the Seventieth Anniversary
celebration of the present church edi-
fice on Goderich Street. On- Sunday,
October 10th,, the services will be
commemorative of the historical past
when Rev: A. W. Barker, a former
minister of the church, and Rev, J. W.
Button, who was received as a candi-
date for the ministry from the con-
gregation, will be the speakers.
The following Sunday,' October 20th,
will be observed as Anniversary Sun
day when the services for that day
will be conducted by the Pastor, and
Rev, Victor T. Mooney, B.A. ,D.D.,
Treasurer of the United ,Church of
Canada, as preacher.
In addition to the Sunday services.
a congregational "At. Home" will be
held on the evening of Monday, Oct-
ober 2eth. The congregation is antiel-
pating'tho Celebration as an •inspira-
tional time for Ole present members
and adherents, and ee a mentis of
bringing hack to the rhurelt, people
who at some tune in the past, be-
longed to the congregation .and are
now living elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs, George Dundee an-
nounce the engagement of their
eldest daughter, Ida May, to David
Andrews, son of Mr. and Mrs. An-
drews of Toronto. The wedding to
take place Sept. 27th; at Metropoli-
tan 'United Church, Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. John Byerman of
Walton, wish to announce the en-
gagement of their daughter Alice
Annabelle, to Henry Carl, youngest
RCM of Mt'. and Mrs. Henry E. Die -
gel of Brodhagen. The wedding will
take place in October.
The world's Finest Anthracite
k'bluMID �e ac�oD al'.
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
Rally Day Service,
Sunday School meets at 10,30 a.m.
The. Seaforth Fall Fair on Satur-
day afternoon was a great success.
Threatened rain held offand there
was a large crowd on hand.. The
grandstand was crowded to watch.
the afternoon program which began
with the school children's parade.
President J. M. Govenlock -wel-
comed the crowd to the fair and Dr,
R. Hobbs Taylor, M.P,P., introduced
Mr. C. D. Graham, Deputy Minister
of Agriculture, Ontario, who offici-
ally opened the fair.
A new feature of this year's fair
which proved very interesting apd
successful was the large exhibit of
eggs and dressed poultry in a .special
tent. It is believed to be the largest,
display of its kind in Canada.
The track was dry enough by mid
afternoon for the horse races,te be
run-off. The races were revived this
year after a ]apse of several Feats.
A good program was put on by
the Hugh Simpson Entertainment
Bttreau..which also drew a crowded
house on Friday evening in Card -
no's hall,
T )ban—Seaforth Public School;
Seaforth Separate School,
Rural—let, S,S. 5, Tuckeranuth,
(Mrs. Beryl \uholcon); 2nd, S.S. 4,
Hihhert 3rd, S.S.. 10, McKillop
.Mrs. J. Kellar); ]t]t. S.S. 4, Me-.
Rillop; 5th, S.S. 8, Tuckersnith
tMr. C. Trott), Honorable mention:
S.S. 7, Tuekersnith Mrs. Jason
I liis : S.S. -l. Tuckersmith ,Flelen
J. Jervis): S.S. tt, McKillop "tMiss
Florence Brawn): S.S. 2 . Tucker -
smith LiI. J. Weber) ; S.S. 6. Me-
Killop tFoster Fowler); U.S.S. 1,
McKillop and Logan •c Robert J.
Harness races. Lee Grattan,
Tout Yearly, Crediton) - 2-1-1:
Doyle McKinney .,J. Bannerman,
Stratford) 1-2-2; Lola Patch (Scott
Kerr. Seaforth) 4-3-3; Daisy Ax-
worthy (Norman Lambertus, Walk-
erton) 3-4-4: Simon Degree (J. R.
Burns, Seaforth) 5-5-5; Teddy Grat-
ton (Leo Johnson, Seaforth) 6-6-6.
Time: 2:35, 2:32, 2:87.
Stunning Races—Open Race, Mc-
Gee, Goderich; green race, Geo.
Elliott, Walton,
'Tug-of-war. Bosharts', Seaforth;
Seaforth Rural.
Classified Race—Teddy Chilcoot
(Len Gny, Seaforth) 1-1-1; May
Direct (Wm. Cudmore, Seaforth) -2-
33; Bob Lockhart (Jake Broome,
Seaforth) 8-2-2; Babe Chilcoot
11 am. Sunday School and Congte• (Bob Kirkby, Walton) 4-4-4.
gation uuite in worship. Theme — dole: 2:20, 2;21, 2:23..
"Crusading In Our Church School." BABY SHOW—i3 mos., and tin-
e p.m. Worship Service. Sublect, der: firs. Wm. Riley (twin) Cram -
"The Manifold Blessing of God's Hand at'tyl, Mrs. Win. Thamer (Walton);
'Upon Us," Mrs. Vivian Cooper (Cromarty),.
Times given are Standard Time. t; mos., to 1 year: Mrs, Ken
Stewart (McKillop): Mrs. A. Loi-
=elle t Seaforth) ; Mrs. Bob. Mc-
Michael (Walton).
Girls' Races -8 years and under,
Kathryn McGregor, Audrey Godkin;
10 years and under, Judy Eckert,
]The Rector will preach)
7 p.m. Evening Prayer. iRev. J. Ann Hildebrand, Judy Eckert; 14
L. H. Henderson, of Blyth, will
vears and under, Rita Murray, Judy
S. Ma 's Dublin Boys' Races -8 years and under,
' Ronnie Williams, Bev, Boyes; 10
3 pen., Service and Sermon by
the Rector.
Rector; Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A
Sunday Sept. 28th,
All Services Standard Time.
St, Thomas', Seaforth:
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., Morning Prayer
Jean ;McGregor • 12 veaas and under
First Presbyterian Church
Rally Day -
11 a.m.,The Sunday School` will
meet with the congregation for •a
special service of worship. The boys
and girls are asked to meet at 10;30
in the Sunday School room.
7 p.m,, Public Worship: The
Minister will preach.
Sunday, October 5th at 11 a.m.,
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A. B.D.
(Standard Time)
10 eerie, Sunday School.
1.1 tent, Rally Day Service
7 p.m,, "The Christian's Trial".
(A. Britsh War Victim)
Jim was a little orphan lad
War robbed him of his Mom and Dad
His hair was fair and blue his eyes,
Just six years old and under size.
Their home e humble little cot
Green lawn in front, a beauty spot
Jim had a dog, he named it Ted
A Scottish collie - thoroughbred.
They were so happy. Jest the three
:And then war came on land: and sea
Worst of all carne war from the sky
Jim's world was changed, he watched
men die. -
years and under, Frank Maloney,
The Public School Board met in One of the most interesting ex- Mr. and Mfrs. Albert MCGavin,
the Board room on Tuesday even- hibits at the Seaforth Fall Fair was McKillop residents, celebrated their
ing, with - chairman Clare Reith, that of the 'Seaforth Boys' Swine Club, golden • wedding anniversary re -
Board members, Geo. Johnston,, J, when they showed their young Yurlc cently. Their attendants, who were
A. Westcott, Fred Willis, Ross , Sa- slrlte sows at the Achievement Day.. 'Mrs. George R. Wilson of Park
vauge; Secretary M. A McKellar Mr...Digin Sang, Dominion Live Stock Rapids, Minn. and Mr. Isaac Me -
and Principal Peter B. Moffat in at- Grader• at Canada Packers in Toronto. Gavine were both presentfor the
tendance. Salaries, bills forrepair fudged the 32 young sows, exhibited. anniversary occasion. Gold and white
work on the school and school sup- and the pair exhibited by John Mc- decorations carried out the miniver.;
plies, totalling $1604.62 were pass- Gavin, of 'Walton , scored first, 101- nary theme, and a niece of the
ed by the Board.. The purchase 03 lowed closely by Francis }helmet] of couple, Miss Agnes `Wilson of Park
new supplies for` sports was author- Seaforth: Tile members of t.h
ized. It was decided that the follow- be congratulated on the very
ing petitionbe sent to the Town they brought out 'and showed their
Clerk to be presented to the Court- sows .,at tire' Achievement Day. and
cit at its next meeting: • most members, it is expected, will he
"The Seaforth Public School re- -taking part in the Senior Swine Club
r']nb Rapids, Minn., sang the anniver-
song, "The Sunshineof your
smile". Yellow roses and snapdrag
ons centred the attractively arrang-
ed tea table, whish was alsograced
by a three -tiered wedding cake. Mrs.
Wilson and Mrs. Kerr poured tea in
the afternoon and evening. Many
greetings and gifts were received
by Mr. and Mrs, McGarin, making
the day a memorable one for the
Incier..and g1•oom;of 50 years ago.
sister Margaret and husband,
Mr. ani] Mrs. John J. Skalitzky were:
here in aueust but tenable to be pre-
, ..t - for ;1.e 000asi0n.
Th.- adult Fellow—hie riot r of
en thee.Yorth.:de !Jolted Church livid
meetin_ on Monday even-
ing. Sept. 22nd. Tine Pre e e.�t. Mr.
I Stevens. opened the meeting by ,
p t r. After singing -"en Chrb-t
no Feet or West Try. Mfr,
wore -man e -gran le„ t prayer, Thelma
T ie red ,he scripture,Luke 19,
The mint tc end roil mil were read !
le the sec. Ruth Sluff. .lir. Ernest
"a -e, returned missionary student;
from Mistati,t:, -Sask., related his.
experiences during the past su,tnt-'
ear. He spoke of organizing eum-
mer camps for dt trier children.
glee rimmed vocational schools. Sev-
eral pictures of , community 'life
there were shown and ie.reeed
by Mr. Clarke. The closing, hymn
"Jesus shall reign where'et the Sun"
was sung and the meetingclosed by
reneating the Mizpah Benedietiou.
Several contests were enioyed and I
a delicious lunch was served by the
social committee. -
spectfully 'petitions the. See -M i in 1948.
tion to the ploughing of sidewalks;
at least on one side of the street,' for the year, leen they exhibited
starting this winter. The School there grain entries at Exeter Fall fair.
Board wishes to point out that the Sixteen boys took part in this Grain
teachers are training the children
Chili Project and thirteen exiubii,1
to avoid accidents by walking on the tt Frushtheach of Jae ,donee lM Bar -
sidewalks and keeping ' off - the ley tit their Achievement Day at the
roads; in winter it is impossible for Exeter Fan. Jack Hern, of Woodhull.
them to follow this safety advice exhibited the first prize bushel et her-
to the fact that they have to ]sac final club stat do veil •te
walk on the roads, Many children lea_ed al a later date, -
have narrowly escaped accidents, The t .cent heavy tzm hate e iu eel
particularly when going to and from con i lrliibir ciclay to ti he to cr-
school during storms. The Board vie. - to d we , no climbi leave a r,•ar
acct on this qualiif of flu• t c sulttng
would point out, too, that many sample. An e'ar'ly tens :.1 tin. t..t.e
adults whose advancing years make would - came a serious 1 to th ,-+
their feet less nimble or who may �ields wvhic•lt were seeded at railer a
have impaired hearing or vision, ares
late date and are not yet n 11(0)1
endangered because they .have to Ile<pitc the facer that 10•li P1)111r
walk on the roads and the highway. .)latch is being held at some distance
As taxpayers, we believe they -are from Match
County, a number in' b,••,:i
entitled .to the extra safety that plowmen will be putielr.:ting in ,].r.:
Plowing of the sidewalks would big evont. 111. preparation fm• th,
Internal lonal etul for the Loved
Matrit being held on October 8th. at
JAMES RACHO BUYS \tingham, ari'augenlcnrts have been
Lfi_LlCO WELDING SHOP made for coaching work with plow
bus at.various points throughout the
.lir. James Bache has purchased the,
welding, general repair and wood County.—Issued by LeRoy G. Brown, Agri -
work shop in Egmondville from Me. cuitin'al Representative for Hume
Alex Lillico, and has taken posses. Ccrutty,
sion. Mr. Lillieo recently retired after
twenty years In business in Egmond- PLACING OF SWINE CLUB
vine, 1
Council to. give 'serious considers- The members of Exeter Junior
Gram Club completed their- project
SUCCESSFUL TAG DAY I John S. McGavin, Francis Hick -
HELD ON SATURDAY dell, Jaek Murray, Malcolm R. Bolt-
- I on, Merton Keyes, Lorne Goudie,
Proceeds from the Navy League tag Kenneth R. Campbell, Eric Ander-
day on Saturday were 888.30 from son, Arthur Bolton, Mike Connolly,
tagging, 450 donation from McMiliop Merton Hackwell, Lloyd Cuthill,
Mutual Fire Inc. Co, Ross McClure; Glen McClure, Harry
Mr. Nelson Cardno was chairman or Johnston, W. Douglas Keyes, Don -
the committee for the- Navy League eld`1ic•Gyllure• •
tag flay. '
bit•. and Mrs. Edward C. Regele
wish to announce the engagement of Seaforth clocks will be turned bawl
their eldest Glanville,
Shirley orae, to one }tour t clocks
midnwit.ll Saturday. back
Frank Adam Glanyitle, third •raung'e'st 2nih, when the town goes back to
sap of till and Mrs. Harold Glanville. Standard Time after being on Day.
Sprhtg Bay \Iartieoulin Islam). '[ hw; light -Saving Time since April D1i,
naeridiug to tttl.e place ]u October.
Church services on Sundry will bo ern
The engagement' le announced of
11Ttny 7ermtica, eldest daughter of
Mite. Kathleen /.its Feeney, Dublin. • PALMER - DALEY
and the late Francis John Feeney. to The following from the Della
lir, J0101Herbert I)csclteue, Torauto, Times will be of interest as the
sap of the late elft'. aura 3It's. Fed. bride is a former Seaftertlt girl.
Deschet c'. former residents of Slttl- The marriage of Ethel Cir.r e' )aLey
bury, the marriage to take place at daughter or Mr. Edward D,l v and
St:. Peter'.s Littrell, Taronto, Oct-
ober 11.
Leon Murray: 12 years and under, MAE LONE
Tont Sloan, Laverne Godkin; 14. The September In • AUXILIARYf the
and under, Steve Maloney,p g t e
Ronald Broome. Mae Lane Auxiliary was held on
Pony Races—jack lIcIlwain Arn- Tuesday evening, Sept. 231'd with
old Campbell, Bob McCowan (Mc Mr's. B. Christie presiding, Miss
'Dwain), Bill Hunt. Vera Mole; 1st vice pies, opened the
HORSES meeting by reading a poem. After
Township Special — Beet tires singing the hymn "We have heard
horses from one municipality, Peter the Joyful sound" Miss Laura Mole
Graham, I1derton, L. E. Listman, led in prayer. The sec. Miss Mary
Wm. Dale, - Pryce read the minutes of the July -
Best handled colt, Fred Roney ,C August meeting. Reports were lead
Son, Joe Johnston, R. 2, Walton, by the various secretaries. Hymn
Alf. Buchanan. 0 word of God Incarnate" was
McMichael Special—Alf. Buchan- sung, followed by responsive read -
an, Joe Johnston, ing of chapter XIX, Mrs. Knight
Heavy Draught—Brood mare with then led in prayer. A duet "There's
foal by her side,- John Tremeer a Church in the valley", was sung
tKipeen) ; Fraser Dewar,. (Atwood); by Misses Blanche Westcott and
foal of 1947, John Tremeer; filly or June Snell, accompanied by Emma
gelding, 4 years or over, Peter Gra Sanderson at the piano. The topic,
hath and 2nd Wm. Dale and 4th; The Bible man's imperishable heti-
filly or gelding, 3' years old, John tage, from the study book, "Great
Tremeer; filly or gelding, 2 years is the. Company'. The history of the
old, E. J. Atwell, Wm; Lupton translation of the Bible was given
(Stratford) ; Sweepstakes, Peter by Miss Mary Pryce (St. Jerome)
Graham; heavy draught team in liar- A.D. 405 Mrs, A. Close (Dr. John
ness, Peter Graham, Wm. Dale, S. Wycliffe) 1320-1354: Miss Fennell
McCall, Fraser Dewar, • ,(Win. Tyndall) anti proved very in-
Agricultural—Brood mare with structive. The meeting closed by
foal by her side, Alf Buchanan; repeating the Mizpah Benediction.
filly or gelding, 4 years • or over,
Peter Graham and 8rd; W. Lupton, W. I. NOTES
L. E. Listman• filly or gelding, 3 The first social evening of the
years old, E. J. Atwell and 2nd; Women's Institute will ,be held in
filly or .gelding, 2 year's old, Wm. Cardno's hall' on Wednesday, Oct. 1,
Dale, E. J. Atwell; filly or gelding, Progressive euchre will be played
first, commencing at 8:30. This will
be ,followed by lunch and dancing
with McQuaids Orchestra, Admis-
sion will be 50 cents per person.
Every Institute member is re-
sponsible for inviting' three tables of
platers, that is. 6 couples. Please
note this members, as we are
Counting on you to Pill this nuote.,
Anyone not belonging to the Insti-
tute, who would like to attend, get
in touch with a member,
We hope, through this series of
social events to promote ' good fel-
lowship and cordiality in the com-
munity. All proceedsarefor worthy
The W. A. of St. Thomas' Church
will begin the season's work with a
Quilting in the Parish hall on Tues-
day, September 30th at 2 P.M.
1 year old, Fred Roney and Son.
Do you know w'ho this laddie was Sweepstakes, Peter Graham; Agri -
well you know the cruel cause cultural team in harness, Peter Gi•a-
War clrunts' sounded. Dad heard tate ham, W. Ltlptman, F, Dewar.
eau, Perelteron—Foal of 1947, Joe
With many others he gave all, Johnston; filly or gelding, 4 year's
or over, •L. Listman 'and '2nd. Sweep-
stakes, L. Listtitan. Percheron team
in harness, L. Listman.
Belgian ---Brood mare with foal
by her side, Geo. H. Fox, (Walton);
foal of 1947,Geo, H. Fos, filly or
gelding, 3 years old, L. Dunsmore
1Stiratfo'd). Sweepstakes, L. Duns-
more: Judge—Geo.' Summer's, Ay1-
Wagon Horses—Filly or gelding,
4 years or over, E. Pritchard (Luck-
; Beaver and. Shroeder ' (Exe-
ter); filly sol gelding, 3 years old.
John Kriel, E. J, Atwell; filly of
gelding, 2 years old, John Kries,'E.
Continued' on Page 4
Can we repair the damage done
Jim's olsle• now, this orphan son
lie needs your help. he needs your
He's undernourished over there.
Salvation Army, Red Cross too, '
Club, lodge, and church, it's up to you
Today you can't let Britain down,
There's need in City, need in town,
Lest we -forget, today let's give
Jim must be saved, yes, be must live
And all the other children too
Depend on folks like me and you.
Friends and Neighbors Honor
Couple Aa Dublin
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eckert cel-'
ebrated the 30th wedding miniver-..
nary on Thurs. Sept. 18th. A high
Mass of thanksgiving was offered •
by Rev, Dr. Ffoulkes on Thursday
morning at at. 'Patrick's Church,'
Dublin and in the evening a dinner
was served to their family, their
brothers and sister:, and Mr. Eck- ,
ert's father and Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes.'
Mr. arts' Mrs. - Dan O'Rout'ke and
Mt. and Mrs. William Flanagan,
Sr.waited on the tables. lir. and
Ute. Eckert were presented with au
ccasienal chair and fernery by
their family With an address read by
Mrs. Annie Cronin. Ilr. Fred Eck-
ert ami his family presented them
with e pair of woollen blankets and
en e1ectae clock, Later on • in the
evening the neighbors and other
relatives gathers dat Mr, and 3'Ire.
K 1;ert's home and presented them
_h a 9t niece. dinner set with an
and ess read by MIr, William Flana-
the late Mrs. Daley, to Louis Hiilyarrl Batt• Jr.In each case fir, and Mis.
Palmer, Brockville, son of toe. late Fcke"t expressed their thanks. The
llr, ani) :Are. John Palmer, of Pott evening was spent in games and
Perry, was solemnized in the parson- dancing with music by the Ryan,
age 0f Northntinster United Church Delaney orchestra. Lunch was sety-
Tuesday. afternoon, Sept. 1611t, wit:.ed, Mr. and firs. Eckert have a
the Rev, B. S, Norwood officiating. family of
l6. dug ]tee and 5etsons,
The bride was given in marriage by Mary. Sr. p
her father. She wore an afternaon M. Marearet Rose, Ursulnne Con
frock of aclua sheer with embroidered vent, Tilbury, Ont.; Annie,Mrs, AI -
yoke sue waist. She carried a colonial nhotlsu Cronin. St. Colunthan Ce -
bouquet of piipinkroses and white glad ciliaMrs. Clarence Ryan, Dublin:
is petals, Theresa and Rita, at hoine; Joseph,
Mrs. E. A. Southwell. sister cf the
McKillop; Michael, Fred. Jimmy and
bride, was matron of honour, Site Jerry at home,
Frank M. Smith. ae, a resident of
wore a dress similar to the bride's e:s in Dublin for the past '_'0 years. died at
powder blue, Hor bouquet was of ren his home on Thursday. ITe bad lawn
roses and yellow gladioluspetals. hi't lth for a number of years
The best man wee ;Mr. E. A. ht ill
Southwell. '•red had been failing' during the past
A reception was heli) at the bride's 'ear, linen- in Idaldimaud County .hi
?808 he was married to Miss Fier -
father's home when het' aunt urs. ence it1. Haines of Callen, 111., in
Harty Horton; received the guests,
The couple left on a wedding trip 1807, His wife predeceased him in
through Northern. Ontario. The bride
October 104 . He was the son of Mr.
and Mrs William Smith of Caledonia.
wore a blue mist crepe -dress with Befare conahtg In Dublin. he had
brown accessories. Mr. and Mrs.
Palmier will live in Brockville. spent most of his life as a touter for
tho Gypsum Company in Caledonia.
whale lie was foreman during 'the
The Seaforth and District. 14inist- later years. Lt Dublin he wa - m pt rt-
sera) Association will meet on Mon-nership with his brother. Garfield
day, October 6th at 2 p.m., at the Smith, in the garage business. He
s was a former member of the Masonic.
Manse of First Presbyterian. Tito Church. order and while in Caledonia was a
All members are urged to be pre-
faithful tnembc r of tis' Lodge. . nn' -
sent rivers include one son. William V.
Smith of Dublin. one daughter, Mrs,
• Thomas (Floret, , 1 Kay of Kcpiwn,
NORTH McKILLOP and one lnotlrar. Garfield tilniln. nub_
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Connoly end lin. The fun:•rai, whneh wus eeendi 11
family of Logan Twp., and Mr. and by t1 iat e roup pI +i ]eml.', an_i v„gb-
Mrs. Fred Glanville and family spent lawtoe , ),lace fronm the nt t tvstc:-
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward epee in Dublin on eettirdev eft. ennc 11
Regele. - Rev. A. FI Daynavi Stetft i attic t .tr,l
Mr. Frame Glanville of Centralia at the servie,`s and read c s ung
spent the week enc) with 511'. end the Bat Tlt ern wash e i with
Mrs: Edward Regele and family' 11 lnrofario t.?i' ini'lrnrn fl''''")NII. Stuart Thornton of Brampton offerings from the -family, the Dublin
spent S.nnday with Mr. and Mrs, ,r„" businessmen, and munerous vii .shale
eph Thornton and Mt'. and Mrs. J. emus a, well as relatives. Th,' pall
Ward Regale, bearers w,ye: Joseph O'Connell til Jos-
Mrs. John Glanville is ill ,n 3oa- epi C'atprtrer, William :! 0pletn,u
for'tit Memorial Hospilal. we l0:O,e fog Glu, E. Holland. 1);10111 Cos‘, -110 anal
Harold Wilson, The - flower -bearers
a speedy recovery. e' .0Isweer:: Edison McLean, elle, tt, Dal- Mt. R. 1't'. Hoy of Welland- at ids
Ci0'N`STAN((�' E 'on Malcolm, Billy Costello Edward' Monte in Walton.
y,/ C Si- -
leR-- tele NTING
Ali R N I N G
ra r eon's r ,i fS 14 ,c 17 5 n
n ,•
Deep -carved and eie e
pattern that is truly dilierect.
Come in and see it to.nor-
row. Services for 6 start at
537,50 in anti -famish chest.
Phone 104
Res. 10
Bateman and H, n1 , rt Houston, Ham-
ilton. also friendsfrom Carlingford.
Uadsltt❑ Kiplicn Stratford and Staffa.
.1. miscellaneous shower sponsored
by Mt 1g.t Stapleton tate) Jinx
Hubert 0 11' illy. in t,ot'iag Miss Mary
FI. S tpl tem. whoa marriage tc,
Richard 11.•5 is an vein of this
week was':ell the horn., of .71rs,
Patrick .Tufuatt. Five tables of Court
whist wet( arranged and prizes were
won by bliss Monica Byrne, Arise
3Tari,. Evans. bliss Margaret. O'Satti-
van and bliss Marie Nagle. .firs.
Fergus Stapleton read an address of
congratulations and presentation of
numerous guts of liven silver. ehh,a
and glassware was made. A crucifix
was also presented on behalf of St,
Patrick's Sodality members. Lunch
was served by a };roan of swung
la dies.
One of the 'urge Dublin Creamery
trucks was discovered to be on fire.
on Thursday about 5 a.m. but a 'vol-
untary bucks) brigade. of .neighbors
succeeded in backing the truck out
and extinguishing the fire before any
serious damage resulted,
Miss Brigid Costello has been ap-
pointed ledger -keeper at the Bank of
Conenevee, Dublin. Mr, and Mrs.
'Thoma Kay, Kippen, with Mr, and
Mrs. 'William Smith; Miss Jean Cos-
tello, London, with her parents. 'Mr.
and Mas. Daniel Costello; Rev. Louis
Phelan, St. Augustine, Mr. and Mrs.
.James Phelau, Blyth, with Mr, and
Mrs. William Lane; Mrs. Joseph
D'illnu. Toronto, and Mrs, Longeway,
Stratford, with Hies Ella J. Dillon;; -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend enter-
tained 0 group of about 20 guests at-
a. housewarming in their new hone,
recently: Miss Mary Dorsey, London;
with her mother, Mrs. Louis Dorsey;
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Villeneuve, Perry,
Sound with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
Looby Miss Lorean Looby, R.N.,
Stratford, with her Mother, Mts. A.
3I, Looby: Edward Rowland,. Wallace -
burg. with his mother. Mrs. Winitifred
Rowliad, Mrs. William Larne at Que-
bec and Saint AnnQ de Semipro; 51x'.
and Mrs. Arthur Forster al Owen
Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, J. Moly, -
neaux at Kitchener Mr. and etre.
Lou Murray and two daughters. Iowa,
'U.S.A., with Sirs. Barbara Harland
and Mr. cod Mrs. J. V, Flynn.
.hiss. Janet Simpson of Seaforth
at the hone of 11r, and Mrs. Her -
Holland. Belly Evans and Jetts ,.raple Mr, and Mrs. John Bolger in
Alt'. and Mrs. Archie Me -harry rt:I tan. Interment. took place to a'nod- London.
'Windsor, who were spending some: lour) Cemetery. Slitc•heh. Amonis thcise MIs ss
holidays at the home of Mr. Phillips tit;tendieg the funeral from a distance J. Bar ltt and her .son -in -
at Constance, were visitors also with were; Mrs: William Smith and son law, Mr: G BarSley of Gr)msby with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson and ltiorgan. Mr. and 1\Irs. George Robin -
Mr, and M Austin D
Mies. G. Walker has returned to.
r . Ue n eater• son, Toronto; 12t•. and Mrs. Norman her home at Grimsby.