HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-18, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1947
To Our Patrons
May we urge every Cream Shipper to send
in your estimate of the attendance of the
Seaforth Fall Fair. Each patron is . allowed .'
to send in two estimates. Join in the fun
and make it an interesting contest. It costs
you nothing.
-FIRST PRIZE $ -15.00
Seaforth Creamery Go.
7e€e�ra ce Teo' e "he qiend ea recede
No matter how good the service is, telephone people are
always keen to make it better .. to beat their own record.
Our present programrite— largest in our history — calls for more
and more lines, switchboards and buildings.
Bat more than equipment is required— something money caul
buy. That is the pride every person in the company takes in
continuing to give the best telephone service at the Lowest cost.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Webster
leave Mrs, Ktine
meat thi
week for their new home on West
Rev. H. V. Workman is in attend-
ance at the Annual Conference of
Emmanuel College Alumni Associa-
tion, Toronto, •�r o Monday y
Thursday of this week
Mr. and Mrs Herb .Wilton and
daughter Jeanne and Mr. Paul Ayers,
Galt, spent the week end with• Mr.
and Mrs. John Hothain Jr.
Mrs, H. W. Start has retuyned.home
after haying spent two weeks with
rr and
' er and brother-in-law,
hos sist
Mrs. C. W. Colelough, Niagara Falls.
The Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert and Mrs.
Gilbert spent a week at the Lakehead
visiting their son, the Rev, Stephen
Gilbert and Mrs. Stephen Gilbert, at
St. James' Rectory, Murillo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart were Sim -
day guests of Mr; and Ma's. W. G.
Hart, Wroxeter:
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lamont, De-
troit, were guests over the week end
at the home. of his brother Mr. Frartk
Lamont and Mrs. Lamont,
Mr. David Bolton, Waterloo, spent
the week end at the hone of his Par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bolton.
Miss Dorothy Parke has returned
home after visiting with friends in
Mrs. C. MacDonald, or Toronto, is
visiting at the home of her brother
Mr. Andrew Calder Sr.
Mr. Ross Rennie, Toronto, spent the
week enc' at the home of his parents,
Mr. and .Mr's. M. R. Rennie.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Borrett and
family, Toronto. visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs Ephriam Clark.
Mr. and llrs. P, Chesney, Trenton,
visited with relatives over the week
Miss vera Hudson, Stratford. spent
tyle week end at the home of Mr. and
firs. Scott Habkirk.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Robb. of Detroit.
were week -end, visitors at the home
of Mrs. H. R. Scott.
Mrs. A. W. Dunlop and Miss Evelyn
Canon Have returned house after
spending the past mouth at the house
of the foruief's clatighter, Mr. and
Mrs W. F. Orren, Tampa, Florida.
Mr. Jack Fortune, London, spent
the week end with his parents.
Mrs. M. Hickey, Mr. Joseph Hickey
and Mr. Pat Elliott returned hist week
after attending Toronto exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Smith and sun.
Mr. and NIrs. Mena Smith. and Mrs.
Don Pomeroy, Tore11tO, were week-
end visitors at the home of Mr. An-
drew Calder.
Mr, Win McLeod. Port Huron, wos
a visitor this week at the hone of
Mrs. Win. Herr.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Robb and dau-
ghter Peggy, Detroit, were week -end
guests of Rev. and Mrs. R. H. \Viii.
lams at the Presbyterian Mane
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin anti fam-
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Schultz, have
returned home after spending a few
days in Fltut, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs, L. P. Maloney of De-
troit spent the week end at a fancily
reunion at the home of his mother,
Mrs. M. Maloney.
Miss Gladys Forbes has accepted a
position as stenographer at the Hesky
Flax office.
Mr. Charles Renold and daughter
Elizabeth, Montreal, and Mrs. Antonio.
Sauvido, LaTucie, Que., were guests
this week at the hoine of the 1att'sr's
daughter Mrs. F. Phillips and Mr.
Phillips. Mrs. Phillips and children
are returning with then.
14lres Mary Ryan. Mr. Buil Smith
and Mr. halter Boswell left this week
to attend the Western University in
Mies Jean McMaster, Hajctiltou.
Hiss Joan Gardiner and Miss Helen
Smith, London, and Miss Marguerite
Westcott, Reg.N., Hamilton, attended
the Pudney-MeMaster wedding herb'
on Monday.
during the Fine Weather
W e have in stock
ASPHALT SHINGLES 210 lbs. — Various blends
Come in and inspect them. Improve the appearance of
your house and still have the satisfaction of a good
A rigid shingle lasting a lifetime
Improves the appearance and insulates at same time
By the carton (paper backed sheets) or by the bag
HARDWOOD FLOORING — 13 / 16" Oak Flooring
We have in stock:
Tongued and Grooved Spruce, 5, 6, 7, 8, inches wide
Spruce 2x6, 2x8, 2 10, 2x12
Fir from 1 inch to timbers
Seaforth Svpil Ltd.
Lon died 17 years ago. Surviving are
The Women's Missionary Society of
the Hensall United Church held their
regular meeting on Thursday after-
noon in the school -roost of the churelt
with Mrs. E. Geiger presiding. The
meeting opened by singing "My Faith
Looks up to Thee," and the Lord's
prayer in unison. The scripture lesson
Isaiah 43. 1-13, was read by lire. Gei-
ger. The roll call was answered by
ten members. Mrs. Carlisle read a
paper on Stewardship. Miss Gladys
Luker played a pleasing instrumental
"He Leadeth Me. The business was
taken up and it was decidedto have
the Baby Band meeting in November
instead of October. It was decided the
W.M.S. would serve tea when the
Evening Auxiliary had then bazaar
Nov. 15th. The study book on India
was taken up, which showed that a
great change for the better has taken!
place, for they are doing away with
different races in their tend A letter;
from Mrs Turner was read by lits.'
Mickle in reply to the card sent while
ill. Mies Jennie Jolly sang a delight-
ful solo entitled. "My Task' aceom-1
panied by Miss Gladys- Luker at the
piano. The meeting concluded by sing -
tug "The Light of the World is Jesus'
and Mrs. Geiger led in prayer.
Mi. and Mrs. Floyd Lee of Fen-
ton, Mich. and Mrs. Catharine Dev-
lin visited recently with Mrs. Ed-
na Corbett and "Ed.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Passmore 1
who have been visiting for the past
two months with Mr, and Mrs. John!
Passmore have left .this week for l
New York where the former will 1
take a Post Graduate Course at the.
Union Theology Seminary.
Hiss. Emily Horton, widow of the;
late Noah Horton, died at the home l
of her sister's, MissEliza Newell
and Mrs. Mary Mcl(aig on Wednes-1
day following a month's illness. She
was the former Emily Newell and
was in her 78th 'year. She was a
highly respected. -resident of the
Chiselhurst district for over 50
Years and a valued member of the
Chiselhurst United Church. The Wo-'
men's Missionary Society, and Wo-
men's Association Following her
marriage 85 yew ago she took up
residence in Western Canada where
they remained four years. Mr. Hon -
1111 11111111,11111 , 11111, 11 m" "111111,"11 111111,11
St. Joseph's Convent
Register now for DOW Tenn 1947-45
• Registration closes Sept. 20th
Piano - Vocal Theory
Pupils 'prepared Pot
Toronto Con-
ser•vatbry and Western Conserv
atory Examinations
six sons, 3oliir and Clayton, Vaux-
hall, Alta,, William, Detroit; Lloyd,
Listowel; Bert 'rind Calvin, Hensall;
one daughter (Mae) Mrs. A. B.
Rowcliffe, Hensall; four. brothers,
Robert, North Battleford, Sask.,
Thomas and Calvin, B.C., William,
Stewart, B.C., two sisters Mrs. Mc-
Kaig and Miss Eliza Newell, Hen-
sall. Private funeral 'service was
held from the home of her son Cal-
vin of Hibbert, Friday, at 2:30 p.m.
conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook.
Burial in McTaggart's cemetery.
Mr. Robinson of London, talented
band leader addressed a meeting of.
the Women's Institute in the Town
Hall, Hensall, on Monday evening
in the interests of or'g'anizing •a
boys' and girls' band here. Mi'. Rob-
inson will meet with children inter-
ested in this community at the
Town hall on Wednesday, Sept. 24th
at 4:15.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. ICerslake
and family visited recently with the
former's brother Mr. and Mrs.
ICerslake at Sebringville. •
Mr. and Ars. Floyd Lee, Fen-
ton, Mich. and Mrs. Catherine Dev-
lin visited recently with their niece
Airs. Roy MacLaren and Donald,
Mr. A, 'Pearce of Toronto visited
with friends here recently.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hayton of
Delhi called on friends here re-
Mr. A. J. Hunkin, Thames Road.
visited re ently with his uncle Mr.
Harry Anderson who is ill at Mrs.
Saundercock s Nursing Home.
ROE—At Scntt Memorial Hospital on
Sept. 12th. 50 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Roe, RR1 Blyth, a daughter.
The September meeting of the
Seaforth Women's Institute was
held at the home of Mrs. Gordon
MacDonald on the evening of
Tuesday, Sept. Otic. The meeting
opened with the Institute Ode fol-
lowed by the Lord's Prayer. The roll
cal was answered by "What I think
stakes a good Institute member."
This was well answered, most 'of the
members. stressing willingness to co-
operate as the most necessary quali-
t'ication. Mrs. Cecil Oke and Airs.
John Hillehrecht were appointed
branch delegates to the London
Area convention to be held in Hotel
London, Oct. a7 !1, 30.
The- Institute project for the fall
and winter months is to be a fort-
nightly euchre and dance held in'
G1d +1
Cardo's H
L11`1hc date e ]ia s
V Hand
� '1t
changed to the fust and third t\ ecl- 1 Norm Carnegie and )
nesday of eaeh month. Admission; ADMISSION .tic
will be by invitation and the price'
bo fifty cents Tier Pelson. At the end of the. husrnew period
Lunch will be served. 'L'hese events the meeting adjourned, a delicious
are -planned for the purpose of 'lunch Was served, ,and a pleasant
building up a spurt of friendlinesssocial time closed the eve ng.
and sociabilityin the community.
17 you would like to attend the
first one on Oct. let contact your
nearest Institute member.
Four dressing gowns were accept-
ed by the Institute from the Red
ire Cardno's Hall
Cross to he made up by members.
A booth at the Fall Fair was dis-
cussed and a committee appointed
to look after stoves, ice cream, hot
dogs, etc. All member's are asked to
serve at least one hour in this booth
OD Fair Day.
A. number of books were brought
to the meeting to be presented to
the Seaforth branch of the Legion:
Yes, we take your old tires es
part payment on brand new
Goodyears, Take advantage
of our trade-in plan today.
See ced itvs V etaild t
Seaforth Motor
Chev:Olds. Sales Service
Offhand you might say that
there is no connection be.
tween having a hobby and
being successful in your
But all of us need the re.
laxing effect of a hobby to
counter -balance the strain of
hard work.
"Fun is a tonic," says Dr.
G. S. Stevenson, eminent
mental hygiene authority. "It
refreshes us when we are
tired or bored with our rou-
tine tasks — gives us new
strength and enthusiasm for
the business of living."
If you have no particular
hobby, such as fishing, gar-
dening or photography, you
will be well advised to choose
one. Or if you indulge in a
hobby only rarely, you ought
to devote' time to it more
As a result, you'll be hap.
pier and probably healthier.
And you'll surely do a better
P.S. An acquaintance of
mine made wooden trays as a
hobby. They were so hand-
some that many of his friends
wanted to buy them and soon
he had a flourishing full-time
business. Such cases are not
:bull enjoy life even more
with the peace of mind that
life insurance brings. It has
provided for the future se-
curity of millions of Cana-
dians since 1847.
human need
is mercifully served by
Whether it be the unwanted babe, the
neglected or homeless waif, the erring or
unfortunate man or woman, or the aged
person forgotten in the sunset of life . , .
there is help and hope for the asking
through The Salvation Army.
It is the understanding heart and the
human touch that make The Salvation Army
so powerful an agency in reclaiming human
And it is YOUR dollars that make this
great work possible. 3.47
Seaforth District Ob ective $1600