HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-18, Page 3HORSE SHOW at the Windsor fait brought honors to "Black Bess," seven-year-old dairy delivery horse held by I{ay Cotyle. "Black .J3ess" won open class for wagon horses. Sports — And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic') It has long been customary for us sports fans to assume the superior attitude of being wiser, tougher - minded, and infinitely harder to fool than the non -sporting public. Person .ally,* we are beginning to suspect, instead, that we are just about the biggest suckers and softest touches on earth -the kind that vfitl'hold still for almost anything money -hungry promoters care to dish out. * 5. The Toronto Argonauts -to single ,out just one from many -recently played two games in Winnipeg, to large and profitable assemblages, with a bunch of athletes, many of whom hadn't been even formally in- troduced to one another. They then journeyed to Ottawa for a regular league game; and it required no ex- pert eye to discern that they were still a couple of weeks short of evert passably decent playing forst. Its other words they—and all the rest of them—were learning their rudiments and getting their preliminary train- ing in public, and at public expense. • * *' Now if Sir Ernest MacMillan, for example, were to announce that he was starting a new symphony orch- estra, and then invite music -lovers to attend his early rehearsals at reg - lac concert prices, we dotibt that he'd get/very far, Or if an automobile manufacturer, readying an entirely new model, were to ask folks to pur- chase sane during the period when 1t was undergoing road-lcsts, and before its bugs had been ironed out, we imagine he'd run the rise: of bcbig laughed to of business. Yet we hard-boiledsports addicts, year after year, fall for exactly that sort of thing, and with hardly 1 murmur at that. • * * It has kung been one of our favorite dreams to attend some such Contest, with tlse athletes appearing pounds overweight, short of wind, and with no desire beyond going through the motions as painlessly as possible— and then have the referee declare it NO CONTEST and tell the folks to demand their money back. We have grave doubts about ever living that long—hut still we can dream, can't. we? Draw poke' is undoubtedly the finest of all card games; and it is a great mercy indeed that the ladies have never taken to it to any large extent. This pious drought comes` right after rending the statement of the winsome young miss Who placed third in the "lilies America" contest. With a perfectly straight face she declared she was really very glad she hadn't sown lop honors, as it would have meant ilia obscuring of her !=bliss Canada" title which meant so wench to her. Just imagine silting in a game suitlz one like that, and trying to figure whether she was bluffing or tot! • * 5' The quality known as 'color' in an athlete cannot be exactly defin- ed; or, if it can we don't intend lo;bore you mere than usual by try- ing to do so. But it gists, never- theless, and stands out just as pro- 1i1i11e11tly as a shiner on the eye of an. usher at a church wedding. It's worth money too, both to the ath- lete himself, and at the box-oFfice —although really, stow we conte to think of it, those two are one and the sane thing. * * *- Take for instance, the cases of George Herman Ruth and .john Alizc, just 16 years ago, when The Babe was setting hie all-time home -run record, the whole world was watching• with intense excite- ment, and every time he bust an- other one it was front-page news. Today as we write this, Mr. Mize is aheacCof Ruth's mark of the sante date, and is a real threat to top hint at season's end, But tell anyone that Johnny Mize has bit another four -bagger, and the chances are the response, if any, will be "So what?" * * * The difference? Babe Ruth had the quality which kept every eye glued to hila even if he was only striking out, or blowing the suds off another seidel of soda -pop: while his present-day rival, to the man in the street, is just another guy named Johnny, It's color that does it— ancl it pays off too, but big! 5' * Id's note that some of our con- temporaries are protesting against the modern trend toward longer skirts. As a veteran observer, who has watched the /tetn-line climb all the way from sero -]!inns to 120% in the shade, and back again, we would advise them to be of good cheer and sane their breath. In the first place, nothing a mere male could possibly say eciil ever make the slightest difference anyway. * 1' 4: Secondly, we can recall some fair- ly exciting and pleasurable anontents even in the eras when skirts trailed for in the dust, and a windy day drew many 30(0551 onlookers io down- town corner's "for to admire and for to sec" as Mr. Kipling put it. Suck memories bring to mind the remark of the London bus -conductor to the lady reluctant to •mount to the upper deck in the presence of observers. "Just go right ahead, lidy,". he. ad- vised iscr, "1'111 directly behind you— 'and I Might inform you that, to a malt /51 Illy position, legs ain't .a bit of a treat." * * 0 We would like to be the first to give you the absolute low-down on the coming World Series between New Fork Yankees and Brooklyn Dodgers; and if tlfe latter should fail to get in, the same thing goes tor the Cardinals. Regardless of which has the better hitting, field- ing or Base -running averages, the series will he w'on by the teats that gets the better pitching; and the quality of baseball displayed will be greatly inferior to what has been seen ill the past. It always is; and ten years front now the experts will be fondly recalling the mighty clubs that used to perform back in M6 and 1947; * * y The 1!lesl protest 700 have heard about modern automobile stylings routes front a lolly 7e/10 attended -orie of the hlaralhoi saeims at the Can- adian t\'ational Exhibition. "It's sim- ply ridculons," she said. "Half the cars parked at the waterfront had Ito miming boards, and there wasn't any place to sit doter and eat hunch!" And so streamlining, too, teould seen! to have its drawbacks as well as its advantages. To Steam Press To steams press, cover fabric with ' a dry wool press cloth, then with a cotton cloth dampened in warns water. Use a Ia tis ia•011, set down, then lift it—dont slide it hack and forth. If there is still a shine after this, try raising the •nap with a clean brush or rubber sponge. TEEN -TOWN T PICS \•\'e' are now well into Septem- ber and the most of you will have Settled dowel to the fact, that there is. a 1011g sch00l term ahead of you. But school ca 11 also mean Tun — and llleitty of it. At the 1110 1119111 100 are thinking of Coo ball. The gang will be out on the back field after school ante you (if you arc not a By BARRY MCIRKAR player) can probably be seen Standing on the sidelines giving the boys the once-over and trtl-st- .;ing they will be ship-shape for the first game of the season. Corn roasts on c, of fall evenings with a harvest moon overhead can all add up to the fact that even if falldoes meat back to the grind, it can also mean good titles with the old gang, Those NAw campus Sweaters Yipe' and Yow: Nave you no- ticed the trend of those nets cam- pus -styles of sweaters? The sloppy-joe is a has-been, Yes, form fitting sweaters are the cur- rent trend and we do think you'll agree that they are much more feminine than the potatoc sacks we have been loking at for the past three 'years. We hope the girls will soon slide into the current designs, although we have no doubts, but that they will. Debates Are Good Debates are always a . lot of fun — at least we think so. It puts you on the beans and clears the mind of a lot of otherwise, flunky air. With fall fairs, school fairs and the like being the highlights of the moment, debat- ing teams will be polishing up for the annual contests with their near -by neighbors. During a debate is one time, it does not pay to be ignorant, The Coke and Malt Drinkers We had to admire the spunk of two teen-agers, who recently took Life Magazine to task for their continual picturing the typical teen-ager as a coke -suck- • ing, malt-slobberer with nothing to do but hang oui at the local drug store lists ling to Frank Sinatra while hol'diilg hands under the table, The gals in their letters to the editor, stressed the al im- portant fact, that: many of the kids of today like to sit down occasionally and are far too often fed up with the way, radio and the movies try to portray them. We think that the kids around our town are no different from kids of other places and the most of the younger set here, have already made up their minds what they want to be. You would he surprised to learn that most of them want a professional career such as doctors, dentists, etc. Congrats to the Soap Boxers We are not thinking of racing derby's, but of the four kids who Won the recent public speaking contests at the C.N.E. We couldn't get the names of the winners itt time for this deadline but we know that Sudbury, Osh- awa and Brantford were among the four top winners and re- ceived cash prizes from. the hands of .the President of the ".Ex." If anyone ever tells those kids to go grab a soap box, they'll be able to do it and slake a good job of it. C..N.E Clears Up a Matter of Misunderstanding The writer, along with thous- ands of others felt very, very sorry for the gal in the iron -lung at the CNE, until reading in Canadian Iligh news, that the little gal, name of Alma has two perfectly good lungs and is putt- ing herself through university on the weekly stipend received for stretching herself out in the lung for people to gape at, sigh at and go away fettling sorry for. We'll Hear From»You—We Hope By this time you may have been appointed, as reporter for your town for Teen -Town Top- ics. if you, have we'll be watching for your reports, We hope they will soon be swclliug the mails. _. ;,We can't give yrou a by-line on a columns that is already by-lined. but your name trill appear tender the, d0ws` you' scull in. So hurry and give as ' 11ic latest on the current ccner idoings in your lo- cality. iicmen l)cr' that even if ,you only have one item, 'he'll be pleased' to '000220 it andto pub- lish 11: Profiles Sio1115 weeks ago we 111011110111111 doing a profile from time to time of certain people known to all of you, 'There will be one coining up soon, 1f yu have any Certain ,radio star, writer or anyone that. you would consider good read- ing material, let tis know about it and ive will do our hest for you, Until next wok then, so - long and hest of luck. Suspicions Confirmed Swedish Cyclists The two cyclists described themael\'es - as ''employees" - on vacation. As they rode across Sweden's northern military zone, snapping pictures and asking questions, they seemed like or- dinary tourists, relates Newsweek. But their strong accents made po- lice Suspicious. Last week these suspicions were confirmed, In Stockholm, the Swedish Foreign Ministry ident- ified the apparently harmless travelers as attaches of the Soviet Legation. In an interview with the soviet charge d'affaires, the Swedes protested the Russians' trip, 'made despite repeated warn- ings that the area along the Fin- ish border had been closed to for- eingers. Thc jittery Swedish press called the trip "a case of espionage," SUGAR ,;;,AGS White strong bag.. useful for d5s11 towels. Pillow slips, tablecloths, etc. 7 for 52,00 1oan,al 1. 0r $2.20 COD. Money back guar- antee. Send cash Or MLO, to: ELWISL 'DISTRIIPUTIN(1 CO., DEPT, R. 4363 Pork Ave, 11otttrenl s, Que. SIMPLY DELICIOUS The Superb flavor of Maxwell House makes it the most popular of all brands of coffee. It lias extra flavor because it contains choice Latin., ,American coffees. FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Papers MADE 1N FRANCE on Sale in Canada BLUE COVER Pure White Free Burning WHiTE COVER Thin Paper Slow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOK -100 LEAVES _ 71 Classified. Advertising An17S'Is 11ANTr:1) OILS, GREASES, T1JlES, nap, lr'0.», l':I„erne 1`c,c ('nnuvti,r a. Lieges and Dal n ['ann. floor 1,25,10. ole Dealers. Wanted Wu”. .tt. 1,o W,. s & 0,1 Limlted, 'I'nrl , 0 1)0)7101 Atii)' ('l.11ANIN41 HAVE 160 enyth,0 neen5 d;+ring y1, eleon- ine Wrile Irl 11, 61,, Inform., lien 55',, are 210d to ant wer 700r aue0iiono. Ornortrnem H, Parkers Dys wora, Limned, 771 run,, Street Toronto, rig lt•to • BART cuicssS PULLET., 1 T.., — 8-10-12 50•., 3. In,onn rinplurin. 1 111. ,Ide•t' H. I I(.I la re In new, ate 1+ for gond 601 -winter h I .1,ivoid and 55,01:7,Send • for Uri, (1,•I-1 3..NovenJ ..Novel,nor melte a .ut11.1 60 ordered te. 111-ty 71.It,.he,'), t3) John 1i., ll-ndton, <'lot, 1'1111 ,s,• melee, JO Wookllt 1:1yn.r..Miro 21 1,05 rh It• bolted to 981,.0: 1'r,e rntn- Ir 1 'Pr ch":11 llutdnh'i«, Lidos ler SI X. nt'001 .1li1 embt wed; old l,ilt'1 Par- r -bile they 1001. whit, T„•I;1•o:its. ti 1- .• l,eghnrn X 11.lrrod lu,clts. 110tre 1 Reek X White ',gin', a , Anoint 7t 1t Only 0 itr.1 num,I it Y. Send for mr,rinl, 1 dor, l 161 1 unddle ihirlt Ai r hai'an Lnmted, too. 1.1:10] ra on re pullet,/ -10 weeks l !Solo,. Al - .I U old rhlrka boultd 'to ordvr.free p 1 11(00. Top Netrlt C'hbktrle, UueIPh, r;o. n llt1115170 pliers all AN rein L,'61mrn, w'nilo b•ghurn ?: [tarred ltu,.l, snit ,10.810;, w9dto pun., 0. r:l,',,,. they hast: 1 1000110 .rid. 45e, 7 weep old 55e, 3 Week old 35c. 000 tried Light and 'Medium llreed,, 0 weep old 411-, 7 week old' 55-, 8 weep old hoe. Top ;Cot", C! Lr ries. G uelph. Ontario, CAR6(S FOR SALE 150 00I1118 oeven miles from Crinin. Hydro water system, Barns 54 x 80. driving eked, Mg and hen pen, brick house, ninety five hun- dren, three thousand dolva, balmier et 3 ger cent. ant. Elliott, Rat, No. 9, 0,111ia. CHEAP for quick sale. farm 01 aereo, good house and. barn. 70 acres of bush and awampt moo barer to farm lifter large tim- ber to off. 50. GosHrk, Neuatndt. POR SALE 0EDAR Pools mrd poles all size, cord wood, hard and soft. M. 00515051, Numb-ult. Ont. FOR Salo Falrllanka-horse 25 H.P. Diesel Engine 10" McLachlan Grinder, nearly new. 18" Grey double roll roller m111; 25' elevators. belts, aborting, pulleys. Excellent condition, Alvin Mlark, Columbus, Ont. COLLIE pupplet. beautiful chamnion stook, 177 Aehdale Ave.. Toronto, Romer i ennele, 67" COC1SHUTT Combine Pickup and All attaehmenta price 51233.00. Consider trade for Trnelor, ear or truce. Apply L. Gaul. Melton. Ontario. COCKER spaniels, registered and unregister- ed from trained hunting parents. herald Vary. in'otvm'burg, QUO. 0015 SALE registered Brittany SpuuletO, doge end puppies. A. (4. MacLellan, Burnside Farm Amherst, N,S, RASPI5ER10 • canes, Latham or ray/or •6.00 per hundred. Red or blue), currants 3 far $1.00. 3011 Walker, Platteville. 0, 0,'ln, 1300I5S, novelties, Magic. Hobbies, Send dime for world's funniest novelty and large ca - Mimeos. t'ar.Own ('o., a Sanson Ate., Tor- onto 0. ATTENTION FARMERS Mk SALE—Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on ateet wheels, 615,00 each, rear wheels: 57,60 each, front wheels. When ordering state dlameter and width of wheels. National Ituhber Co, Ltd., 6 Wilt - Shire Ave.. Toronto, Ont. GOOD heavy used Military Wagons. suitable for farms, lumbering, mining and contract. Ing, Ala, five (orrice and 2 bob oleighs. Write for particular,. Percy. J, Borbridga, 501 Mesa BIOS., Ottawa, 6MALCOLM McGregor, Polled Ilcreford breed- er, Brandon. Manitoba, wilt hold a Hale of approximately fifty Lend of registered cattle on 11500da1S October 20 at 1:00 P.11. SEMI trailer beeeter brakes fifth wheel beaks controls 12 X 020 tires (2 new) 15 1•'t. beth racks, dolileo and all steel cnnateuction. Phone 2, Neustodt. 10. Gunlock. 01415 ESTATE of the late Janes Turner. Carrot. Manitoba. twenty tulles south of Brandon, Will. on Saturday, October 15, 1,t 1:00 P.M. standard time, Midterm the mist - tared head of pure bred Aberdeen Angus footle compriohlg about fifty head.. Thar cattle are all the deeeendenla of the (nmol, 100ralnn Ind of C,lanenrnoclt. mix nay more? New So" electric drill, Ja- cobs chuck. 034.56, 01,105 ,5 weight, 14 pauttde. 11" drill. 0 pouudo. 011.80. Portable *Wart* bench grinder, 111 pounds, 811.90. Postage extra. 110/3100 aro welders for gatalgee, farms. induotries. Complete outfits 041.50 and up. tluuranaleed. Free details. Willsace, Dox 4100, Portland 8. Oregon, HAIRDRItss1Na LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's 21.alydreestng Acnlenu. 137 Ave. nu0 Rood, Toronto. ISSUE 38-1947 HELP WANTED- ' ESSED far mechanics wanted to •cam - w:20 our shnn'. waft Excellent working t i 1,009. f. p eras, S. Stonily ' dvaneel00nt. 061,13 tlnL''hrey Motors Ltd., 1'bmte. 1148, la a'a1'wn, Ont, tJ .[1,.l: nail for small dairy 'farm (pernvan-'. nit $eu monthly.:' All eonvenienees. (tool U rd. 11. C o'amttn, Ct,12 No. .2, 0031aa'a, 0011011('A L 11 .,''dent 11:01 results slier taking. 1)1x. 1 s 1O r.,,ly lot ltneonrtue Pant,' and Now, 111. ,lonl'o'a I)ra'f 21 01, •.r 1Jlgln. 00- 1.1v: 0. 1'osllo.Id 53.00. RHEUMATISM and sciatica .can b0 relieved, rrq lialanee shoe inaerte have mlraeulog01y conemuered -tubbr1, canon Send '01.811 to -'rru- llnnit •c, flax 8552, Loudon, giving oboe alto, 01.0111 ars talking about lite 'good reaulbs 11,1110 lnkun, Drut's It'luedy for Rheumatic, 0, am and 1S oril.,o, Munro s Drug Store, 336 Itis❑t, oitun rt, Pin Otani 81.0, OPPORTUNITIES FOR .15:00111(5 BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn 1'Inlydrooaing Pk extant dignified prefer:wan, good Wageu, thousand. au0500,ful. Marvel graduates. Am0I'ICa'a greatest system. illustrated cats, Logue free. write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 361 Blom St. W„ Toronto Branches 44 Icing St., Hamilton & 74 RIdeau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHE1tSTONAU0I1 4 Company Patent Sollettora, Established 1800, 14 15155 We8L Tor0n00 13onitlet of Informatlan on reaueat. PERSONAL LONESOME? Join nation-wide sorre»ponoence club.. Romantic hi -monthly maaazise3 Photos, descriptions, a0dre,se0. I•'ull year $2.00. Sample copy '^c. world Federation Club, ParheivSew, Sank. PII0'100;ItAPn0 NU WAY Photo Service offer's you the latest 11, photo finishing. Alma developed and one deckle craft print of each negative 00,50' 05,1, to snanohot al6Om 10c. Reprints 4c, For better quality and taster personal eervlco send your films to Nu way Photo Sorvlet, Soden A, D,Pu C. Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED HUDSON S.S. 1. rettuirca experienced. 'cocker for Grades 2 and 3, Certificate to maple preferred. Salary. 11800. Apply with refer- ences to R. A. Scott. Sec. Treas.. Hudson, Ott. WANTED R ANTL,D—All klnda of dressed poultry. Top Prices for top birds, Joseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept., 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 6 (We do cu0tom kradin05. CHINS wattled, will pay cash fun any gun In geed condition. Rifle or shotgun, 11spri- ,,5I, interested In autonmtic or over and under shot gum. as well as standard puny, and double barrel shot guns. What have 1''80' Pend tlt0e.r5Ptton age and beet cath t1'r,to Leek box 011, lllnooville, Ontario. ki11mta, Logs Required LOGS I1Er4U111ED \PE Purchase Hardwood and Softwood loan for anlh, Write I1oo 11L Hespeler. Ontario. etESSEItiESEIMISSSEs 5'011 47111 Calm Roving At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO Every !town With Both, Shower and Telephone Slncic, 0..00 Op— Double, 03.66 no Gaon food, Dining an4 Dentin Nightly 6hrrbourno at Carlton Tel. RA. 4123 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OI'P. — C.S.R. STATION For constant' Smoking Pieasue'e e, c 4 oft 4 ALSO AVAILABLE IN x POUND 411dS MUTT AND JEFF—From all appearances Jeff will keep his .word as ar as night is concerned By BUDD FISHER •1^, U '1 >l` .t�' v i✓ I - �..,, ,, • �r *, )"- ' " jd•,.ti1 '.. ''' t 7 ,:.r.7 ljP r<tr, ll1a ]tl�` I ` c ' L� n 4 - ` r� , ,i .' y• S'I s ;/ '' ' ILL FIND IT VET? 1 i 111 - 1`/` F 1 N D p,�egetcl.: v' �WHAT? "'NEGATE To THIS PLACE! I'LL e! 'PINA %T M I HAVE TO STAY HERE v.,. /... ' y " >• r1 .i F►f 1• r� _. r/ ,1 I) �.'-.--_•ir �!1 s1�r- ,, ( i ��.� ...... _�