HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-18, Page 1The Seaforth
The four-year-old Clydesdale stal-
lion "Loehinvar Flash", recently pur-
chased by C. F. Halliclay, Chesley,
Bruce County, and shown at the Cam
adian National "Exhibition, was
awarded senior and reserve grand
champion. This excellent stallion was
raised and fitted by 0. L. Switzer 00
Tuckersmith Township.
Miss Mary. Stapleton, daughter of
Mr. and Ml's. Carl Stapleton, Dublin,
and Louis Doyle, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Doyle, Hibbert, have been
awarded Dominion -Provincial Scholar-
ships. They are students of Dublin
Continuation School.
The St. Thomas' Church'Guild held
its September meeting in .the Parish'
MIL Ten members were present, and
MCGavin,` the president, opened,
the .meeting with the Scripture read -j
Ing from Elpliesians, 3. chap., followed,
'by prayers for the parish, for palish,
Workers, for hospitals, and the Lord's
prayer in unison. Reports from com-
mittees were dealt with and plana
were inacle for the coming term, i
• Members volunteered for work to i
assist in hospital aid work and Red'
Cross sewing. The annual bezaar and
tea will be held an Wednesday, Nov,
19tH, in the Parish hall. Talent money
already brought in amounted to
$11,25. The next meeting will be held
on Oct. 14th After the offertory was
dedicated, the meeting was closed
With the benediction.
Tho world's Finest Anthracite
*lose A:oal'
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a,m. '`The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper".
7 p.m. Worship Service.
Thursday 8 p.m. Precommunion
Rev. E. R. Stanway will preach.
• First Presbyterian Church
10 a.n'1. Sunday School
11 a.m. and 7 p.nt. Public Wor-
ship, conducted by the Rev, H. R.
Williams of Alvinston.
St. Thomas', Seaforth
10 a.m,, Sunday School
11 a.m., Morning Prayer
7 p.m., Evening Prayer
St. Mary's, Dublin
8 p.m. Church Service
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B.A., at all Services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.'
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Self Sacrifice",
7 p.ni., "True Greatness".
The Mount Pleasant Presbyterian
Church,Vanoonver, was the scene of
a very pretty wedding on Sept. 6th,
at i3 p.m,, when Rev. F. G. St. Denis
officiated at the wedding service of
Thelma Jane, slaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H. Riley, and Ralph.
Alexander, son of Mrs. Ella. Stewart
and the late Charles Stewart, all of
Vancouver. The church was beauti-
fully decorated with pink and white
gladioli and asters while the pews
were marked With white satin bows.
The lovely bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, looked charm-
ing in a white sheer gown with ti
floor length embroidered hat veil.
Slie wore a string of 2 -strand pearls,
the gift of the 'groom, Her bouquet
was peach colored Talisman roses
with purple ,and white heather and
asters, caught with streamers of
wbite taffeta ribbon and rose buds.
The bride was attended' by her sister
Beth, who looked lovely in a floor
length gown of blue taffeta, with a
chapel veil of pini: net. She wore a
gold locket, thegift of the bride. Her
bouquet was pink carnations, stocks
and asters, The groom was supported
by Mr. ,Donald Perry of Chilli -Week,
B.C. The, groom's gift to the beet man
was' a ronson lighter. The guests were.
ushered in the church by 11ir. Earl
Lathrop and Mr. Mike Varga, both of
Vancouver. During the signing of the
register, 0 Promise Me, was played,
1121.5, Riley, mother of the bride, chose
a dress of grey crepe with a black hat
and pink accessories. H'er corsage
was of pink rosebuds with purple
heather. The groom's mother, Sirs,
Stewart, wore .a dress of grey rayon,
with black hat and accessories. Iler
corsage was of White gardenias.
After the ceremony the wedding ban
quet was held in the Palin Room of
the Piccadilly Cafe, where 80 guests
were served. The bridal table 115101 a
lovely 3 -tier cake, The toast to the
bride wee given by Mr. A. W. Cook, -
and responded to by the groom. Later
- the young couple left for a boueynloan
trip to. Bowen Island. For her going -
away attire the bride chose a dress
of green gabardine with a brown gab-
ardine coat and brown accessories.
The newly-weds will make their
lion*L in Vaneouvver.
Preparations are complete for the
Seaforth Fall Fair which will be
held on Friday and Saturday of this
Attention is called that the fair
days have been changed this year
to Friday and Saturday, with the
important events on Saturday after-
noon. ,
The fair will be officially opened
Saturday afternoon at 1.30 by. C. D,
Graham, Deputy Minister of Agri-
culture, after the parade of school
children into the grounds.
The directors have made every
effort to have an outstanding fair.
Two bands, the Hugh Simpson en-
tertainers and clowns, horse races,
running races, tug-of-war, baby
show, poultry competition, are a
few of the features,
On Friday night the Agricultural
Society is sponsoring Captain Hugh
Simpson's all star hit show, "Back
To Civvie Street", in Cardno's hall,
A. dance will be held following the
show with Norm Carnegie and his
Any High Sehool boy or girl or
Public School boyor girl may make
any entry in outdoor exhibits (Live-
stock or Poultry) on payment of
10 cents, provided their SLS, or
P.S. school is a member of the So-
Any High School boy or girl or
Public School boy or girl may make
any entry in indoor exhibit, (baking,
flowers, vegetables, sewing, etc.,
dressed poultry and eggs) on pay-
ment of 5 cents, provided their
school is a member of Society.
Also any member of Swine Club
may enter a hog or hogs in any
other class on payment of 10 cents.
The Show building at the fair
grounds will be open to the public
from 7:30 to 9:80 on Friday even-
ing, Sept. 19th. Admission 10 cents.
Rural schools please note, that
your entry tags will be at the fair
grounds on Friday horning, Sept,
19th and Saturday morning, Sept.
The Achievement Day of the Huron
Dairy Calf Club, which was held at
Blyth Fair last Thursday, brought
out the largest class of dairy calves
that have ever participated in a
Dairy Club in Huron County. Twenty-
one Holstein calves were shown and
Mr. D. S. Dunton, of Brampton, who
placed the entries, stated that it was
one of the most uniform classes of
calves, considering the large number,
that he hadd f
judge of some time.
Fred VanEgmon0, Clinton, won first
on his calf, Sovereign Betty Finderne,
Ross Trewar'tha, Clinton, was second
with the calf, Daisy Fobos Supreme,
and Marie Cole, Centralia, was third,
showing Niverholm Lockiln'ar Irene.
In the showmanship class, -Marie Cole
placed first in a class of 21.
In the Blyth Beef Calf Club, Ella
Nethery, of Blyth, was first in the
Junior section and Kenneth Mc-
Allister, of Auburn, was first In the
Senior section.
The warm weather, which has
continued up until this week, has
been most favourable for the in-
crease in infestation by flea beetles
and leaf hoppers`in potato fields
throughout the County. .These in-
sects, which suck the juice from the,
underside of the leaves, have caus-
ed considerable damage, which is
often mistaken for the Late Blight
of potatoes. The late Blight has not
been prevalent this season to any
great extent and most field show-
ing foliage that is darkened and
curled are found to be heavily in-
fested with these tiny insects. In
many cases where the infestation
has been quite heavy, the flea beet-
les and leaf hoppers have spread
to adjoining patches of turnips, but
have caused little or no damage to
this crop. A few fields of turnips
have been- found to be quite seri-
ously infested with 'cabbage worm
which is a heavy feeder and quite
quickly defoliates. Cabbage worms
can be quite easily controlled with
an arsenate dust, or. a DDT dust or
Some answer to the question of how
hired help can be kept on thefarm is
provided In tlae flint ''Workers on the
Land," released by the national film
board in conjunction with the domin
ion provincial farm labor committee
for showing on the rural film circuits'
In September and early October The
film questions the "necessity of releas•
]ng all farm labor in the Fall with the
complication of rehiring in the Spring..
This flim will be shown at Holmes..
}'ills, Sept. 23rd, at 2.30 and 8.30 p.m,
Carlow, Sept, 24th at 2.30 and 8.30;
Egmondville, Sept.' 25th at 2 0 pen.
and SS43 at 8,30 p,m, (Tuckcrsmith),
Verne, Sept. 26th, at 2.30 pan. and
SS#7 Stanley Twp. at 8.30 p.m. Gibe
ton Collegiate, Sept. 29th at 2.36 p.m..
and Deumillea' at 8.30 pen. Clinton
Public School, Sept. 3011h at 3.30 pen.,
andHayfield nit 8.30 p.m. Londesbol•o
Hall, Oct, 1st, at 2,30 and 5;30 pen.
The Presbyterian broadcast on
Tuesday September 23 at 8 p.ln.
from C.K.N.X. Wingham will be
conducted by Rev. Richard H. Wil-
liams assisted by ,a number of Sun-
day School pupils of First Pres-
byterian Church.
$1 a year
Two small dry cell batteries ex-
ploded' in the kitchen stove at Mr.
John Hotham's home on Wilson
Street, on Friday, shortly after din-
ner. No damage was caused, but
ashes were blown out of the stove
and around the room. Some dis-
carded batteries had been dropped
into the coal scuttle and went into
the stove with the coal, giving the
family a few moments of excite-
Dr. Irwin A. Moon, of Moody
Bible Institute, well known for his
"Sermons from Science" demon-
strations, is the producer of the
sound -color film "The God of Crea-
tion" to be shown at 8:00 p.m.,
Wednesday (Sept. 24), at First
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Col-
lection at the door. Sponsored by
the Young People's of First Pres-
byterian Church.
The annual Recl Shield drive of the
Salvation Array starts Sept. 22nd.
The objective for Seaforth is $1000.
Capt. F. I•Ialliwell and Lt. A Millar,
of Seaforth, are district organizers,
for an area including fifteen neighbor-
eighboring places. ',r. T. Pude, chairman for
Exeter, is assisting them. Air. E, C.
Chamberlain,' Seaforth, is district
chairntan. Canvassers for Seaforth are
es follows: Mi'. G. McGonigle. Mr. J.
A. Westeott, lir. Sid Pullman, Mr. R.
Kerslake, Mr. J. Stewart, Ell, C.
Reith, Mr. G. Whitney, 3Ir. D, Reid.:
First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth, was the setting for a wed-
ding of interest on Monday after-
noon at 3 p.m. of ,Miss Margaret
Joan McMaster, elder daughter of'
Dr. and Mrs- Erwin McMaster to
Mr. Kenneth Harold Pudney,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Pudney of London. The
church was tastefully decorated
with standards of white gladioli and
Rev. Duncan Guest of Wyoming,
conducted the ceremony with Rev.
Richard Williams assisting. (Mrs.
Milne Rennie was at the new con-
sole organ and Miss Lois Whitney
sang the "Lord's Prayer" and "Be -
Given in marriage by her father
the bride wore a gown of heavy
white faille fashioned with sweet-
heart neckline with eyelet inset,
longet pointed
tbouffant skirtformedhe a
long train. A headdress of small
white pearls held her Long veil of
tulle and she carried red and white
roses and bouvardia caught with
white embroidered ribbon. :Miss
Jean McMaster of Hamilton, sister
of the bride, was maid of honor and
Misses Joan Gardiner. and Helen
Smith of London were bridesmaids
and Hiss Karen Kidd was junior
bridesmaid. They wore - indentical
caresses of taffeta in pink, orchid.
green and blue, made with draped
hipline forming a large bow at back.
All four wore little taffeta hats
and matching elbow mittens and
carried clusters of roses. Mr. Ted
Pudney of London was groomsman
and the ushers were Mr. Harold
Pudney and Dr. Joe Pickard, both
of London.
The reception was held in the
garden at "Hillside" the home of
the bride's parents. The bride's
mother received in blue with bronze
moss accessories and assisting was
the 'room's mother in blue gray
with matching accessories, both
wearing corsages of roses. Those
assisting at the tea table were Mrs,
Dr. Paul Brady and Mrs. (Rev.)
Richard Williams pouring tea and
serving were :hisses Marguerite
Westcott, Marion Mason, Lenore
Habkirk, Devine. Anderson, Janet
Handley, Pearl Pudney, Mrs. Ron.
Later the bride donned a hunter's
green gabardine suit with tan acces-
sories for travelling. Out-of-town
guests were from Barrie, London,
Wallaceburg, Aylmer, Brussels, List-
owel, Toronto, Wyoming and Mea -
Mrs. Ada Reid, quilt convener of
Seaforth Red Cross, hopes to re-
sone 'Work at the roorhs in the
library, Friday. October 3rd, and
would welcome all who can assist.
The death of Miss Jane Ballan-
tyne occurred in Woodstock earl'
Monday morning, Sept. 15th. The
deceased was a daughter of the late
Ballantyne and his Wife,
Agnes McKay Ballantyne, of Sea -
forth: Miss Ballantyne taught
school at Blnevale, Grimsby and
Seaforth. A sister, -Miss Belle Bal-
lantyne of Seaforth. survives her,
a sister, Margaret having prede-
ceased her in 1925, and a brother.
John, died in 1948. The funeral
took place from the Whitney Fun-
eral Parlours, Seaforth, on Wednes-
day afternoon, Rev. R. H. Williams
of First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth, officiating, interment was in
Maitlandbank cemetery, . Among
those attending the funeral were a
niece, Miss Lorna Ballantyne of
London, and a cousin, Mrs. N. J.
Cowling of Toronto.
I HIGH SCHOOL TOPICS 1 Morrison - Peltzer —
- A wedding of interest to this coni-
munity tool: place in St. Patrick's
The election for the student council
will take place this week, .'.anti: , -
tions were held an Wednesday morn-
ing and all nominated are to give a.
campaign speech in the Audit , ilrl.
on Thursday morning, About 20 were
nominates] for all the main offices,
It was voted that the high school
would continue Cadets this year,
Training is to commence following
the Field Day,
The Glee Club under the direction
of Miss Hall was formed on Wednes-
\ edne -day. About 50 attended the first uter•-
tice ler the Commencement, t0 be
held early in 'November.
The movie projector ordered last
terns by the Student Council a riv I
on Friday, - purchased with the me
ceeda of the February dance held in
-the school. 1t will be ready for aper
tion in about one month.
The Agriculttu'al students, of Grades
IX and X and Mr..11orrieon h. Vo been
busy for tine past ween getting II
entries ready for the Fall Fele
on Saturday.
A meeting is to be eelcl la ton
this week, after which a letesien ,•ft1
he made as to Whether ;VP hold int
annual Field Day or not.
Misses Doris and Agnes Broad -
foot of Vancouver,. P.C., are visit-
ing their grandparents AIr. and \Ir-.
John McClure and other relative,.
-lir. and Mrs. Rrisoell Madde-s of
Milverton spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs, James' McClure. and
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr attended
Stratford Fair on Tuesday.
Mrs. W. A. McClure has returned
from Scott Memorial Hospital and
is convalescing at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Robt. McClure.
Mr. Geo. Pethick and Mr. Roy
Elliott have left for the West to
help with the harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Payee and t
family have moved onto the Camp-
bell farm on the 8th concession. u
loIrs. Fred Hutchings, who has a
been visiting the past two weeks a
with her brother and sisters in Sea- t
forth, Winthrop and Walton dist-
ricts, returned by plane from Lon-
dod, via Chicago, to her home in
Cypress, California.
Mr. Hutchings who has also been 1
visit'i'ng iat. the community, returned
to Alberta by plane on Wednesday.
After completion of his business in
Canada, Mr. Hutchings will rejoin
his wife at their home in California.
The ladies of Winthrop W.M.S,
and W.A. are invited to Buns
Church to the Autumn Thankoffer-
ing, Sept. 24th. Mrs. Roy Lawson
will be the guest speaker.
Rev. Peters is attending the
Alumni Conference in Toronto this
week. Mrs. Peters and Miss West -
man accompanied him as far as
Brantford, where they will visit
with Mrs. Peter's daughter,
(:liurch, Toronto, September 0. when
In a tic,uble ring c•ercanony, Lev.
Father Morrison, S.J„ uncle of the
bridegroom, united in m113iege, Nag-
dalene Peltzer, daughter of Mr, and
Mrtz,- Peter Pellaer, Tocol 1 ..d Mr.
James G. Morrison, son id 31r. and
Mrs,- James A. Morrison, Dublin. The
wedding music was played by Miss
Anne Pitzer and the s-ot lire. A,
Rimmer, sang "01i This Day." before
the ceremony. "Ave Maria" at the of-
fertory, and "Mother Dear 0 pray for
ire," at the Communion. The bride,
riven in marriageby her father„wore
a floor length gown of white satin
with net yoke and carried- a shower
bouquet of red roses. Her finger tip
t -il was held 1n a coronet of nct
studded with silver beads and orange
l lc ssoms. Mrs. Matthew-Sclllane11.
.1..141' of th, bide. as -matron of
Motor, wore :. pal„ blue all over lac•'.,
gown with blue net shoulder veil and
.amici pink Poses. lir. Joseph Morri-
son, R1ti$01% brut h„t'.01 tht.-
t gra 111, was hest man After the t.ap-
tl 1 Ittat,s. a 1.,.'(-,191 Ia tt1111,41ti a,
Rideau FT tel at,1 dinner was 1.y
to slaty guests. .ler R 1 11t awls
the 311 , t- \C•: t
)4 .a 4 ow11 et wi't.' crew-
re _ It et avid a, essnl r 411,- w
by t1 - in id -gro iu s mother w
a 1, 1.3 Meek ack i le with is t.i
and leach ..ece...oiiee, They ..;ea:
wcn•� a shoulder c n1 -age of gardenias.
For travelling. the bride ch a blicli
dressmaker suit of 3ahal,llnei with
11.101, hat and acct sort, Foll,,uInc
a brief honeymoon trip. \Ir. to1•l `1l:,,r
11c 1s"u will 1 , ids in Toronto.
Guests were fue'ut front l;un'alo,
Detroit, Windsor, Parry Sound. 111.1,1•
ford. Boltane Loukstaft•. Xewlearlee,
Tillsnnbulg, Stratford and Dublin.
Of foul Dominion-Provmclal ,5cbot
arshilas for Glade XIII in Perth come
y, t400 are due to students el Dublin
Continuation School, The bettors are
awarded to Miss Mary Stapleton, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Staple-
on, Dublin, and Lou Doyle, son 0;
1Ir. and Mrs•, Joseph Doyle. St.. Col.
mbar. The scholarships are velrec]
E $100 each. 68 students are enrolled
t Dublin Continuation School fun• this
At a meeting of the trustees o
f /GYeR PSA7
Dublin Continuation Sebooh Hugh
Benninger resigned and Martin Fee
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Barrett c.r.1
family of Toronto visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke and Ah',
and Mas. Lorne Lawson, over the
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stelley of
Vancouver, B.C., Mrs. Logan and
Mrs. Naftel of Blyth visited with
Stephenson$ on Tuesday, -
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bromley of
Kitchener spent the weekend with
the latter's parents, 'Mr, and 3lrs.
James Dale.
Mr. William Dale was successful
in winning several prizes with his
horses et Blyth fair.
Rev. Mr. Penman has resigned as
minister ' of Londesboro Buns and WilliamConstance churches, Messrs William
Leo Watt and Norman Alert-
•ander have been appointed to choose.
a new minister for these appoint-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Aust, and Miss
R. Aust of London are guests at the
Little Inn.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Bauer of Water-
loo are spending two weeks vaca-
tion at their lovely lakeside sum-
mer home.
Mrs. rapt.) Jack Ferguson, God-
enich was a visitor in the village
during the week.
Mrs, 0. W. Rhynas, Administrat-
or of Public Relations of the Wo-
men's Hospital Aids Association of
Ontario, attended a joint meeting o*
the Women's Hospital Aids, the
Board and (addressed the meeting
relating to the value of voluntary
Hospital work,
Mr. and Mrs, R. Stephens and sons
of London spent the weekend at
Shangri La, their summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. elakins were on
their vacation last week and visited
at Toronto and Niagara Falls.
Professor' Lloyd Hudgins and Nies
Mabel Hodgins returned to Toronto
after' spending the .Snin1110]' 50 their
Miss Hardie of Detroit is ems.
of Miss Lillian Morley,
Mrs. Jim Ferguson of London spent
several clays visiting in the village
dullingthe week.
Miss Maud McGregor and 1111 Hear,
MacGregor' are visiting friends in
Itis, and Mrs. Gordon Galbraith and
their slaughters Mamie and Nancy
spent the week end at them' lakeside
n -
y was appointed in his place for ih
;Mance of the year,
Dublin Cucumber Plant is the cel
tre of almost continuous activity due.
fug a very productive season. The
manager, Albert Kramers, reports
that approximately 20 tons of
hers per day are picked up ley the
plant's trucks throughout the district:
Eight employees work until after slid
tight each night weighing and grading
the supplies.
Mlrss Bernice Flanagan. a student
at Loretto Academy Business Coll,
ege, Stratford, during last term was
awarded et medal bearing the Loretto
crest and her name for t t eefyillg
highest marks for general p nticleney
throughout the terns. Miss Flanagan
is a daughter of Mr. and etre. William
Flanagan, McKillop Township.
Word w 1.s received by Mrs. Thema
J. Moly-neuux of the 1)11310 death o
her Brother-hrlrlw, Timothy Griffin, it
Detroit, on 3iotlday morning He w -a
struck over the head by some- un
known assailant, while walking atoll
elle street, and died of his injuries
few hours later. The funeral will B,
held at Kingsbridge. Oat.
Miss Joan Burdette and ;hiss Mete.sinrpsun entertained It group of 2,
t yell g,ers at a corn roast at the holm
of 331', and .firs. Frank Runs on :fat
u dtry night. -Following the coni roar
social Item wasspent in games. t
in., snug and dancing. A dainty 1111101 served by the hostess. Mrs. Emus
assisted by hiss Mary Beale,
Personals. Air. and Sirs. (teorge
McCann. Toledo. Ohio. with Mr. and
1II'S. 1I, J. Nagle; Graham' England,
Owen Sonnd with 3D'. and Mrs, An
that' Forster; lir, 11)41 Mrs. .11111100(,
Morrison, Toronto, with M1. and Mrs
.lames A. Morrison; Mr'.. and Mrs.
Edward H5111115(, and two children,
Mr, and -Airs, Lorne Cronin, Detroit.
and Brother. Augustine, Presentation
Brothers, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Cronin; Dr. and Mrs.George
Michell, New Jersey, and ell, Al,
Michell, Prsedelia Calif., wird Mo,
aril Mrs. James Ki'auskopt s Mis'
Bary Margaret and Teresa Ryan
London, with their parents, Mr. andIL's. Patrick Ryan; Ml's, -Leo Hol.
land, Windsor, with her brother, Pat
tick Maloney; Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph
31, agber, and Miss Marion Meagher.
London. and Frank Stock._ Tillson-
btu'g, with Mr. and Mrs, -.1141111 Sleag•
he -r; Mr. and Mrs. ('halcraft, London
with Mn, amt( Mrs. Charles Friend;
3h', and ADs. J. V. Flynn and SL'. and
Mrs. Geo. E. Holland attended the
Holland -Ganey wedding at Kennicol1
on Saturday; Mrs. 1)811 Costello at
London; Mrs. M. 140Bulman at Strat-
ford; Mr. and Mis. R-iltiaiit c n1: i,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan ,O -
the funeral ofEdw'a rd Horan
at Immaculate Conception ('hurcn, :ti
Stratford oil Monday: Mr. and \i1 s.
Arthur Forster at Maikilele, -
Miss Maily E. Feeney, Sir atfotd,
with her parents. Mr. and Mt., .k,s r,,1
E. •Feeney,
Dublin Continuation Pupils
Deep -carved and elep :rt c
` pattern that is truly different
t- Come in and see it to.00r-
row. Services for 6 start at
$37.50 in anti -tarnish chest.
4-•, IT PAYS
Phone 194 Res. 10
treasurer, Matt Catherine Roland,
Firm representatives, XIII Frank Ale
Quaid. XII Lorraine Roland t
Malone, X Ma,i'ie Lane, IX LorraineMaloney.
Holy Ciiifditot l - President. father-
s. McIver; vice president. Jack Mal-
s. one: secretary. MargaretF1au,lgan:
I tl e actin e r, Doreen Murray. Formrep-
t r went ttit Form hIII John. Flana-
gan. XII Jack S lis, XI Barbara Ilol-
land, X • Joan Burdett 0, IX Abe(' Ryan.
.t Joseph Cronin was brought 1ta 31.0
from 141afbrih lroslcitai but is still
critically ill.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tomlinson and
, two ehildren. 1!11d ,iohn T. 'Ry -an and
Miss Mary 1131:1 were 3n•sts at tfie
• Diamond w',ddrl3 ann]rersvy of 3]r.
t and Mrs. jar McCort/tick, 1.011,lurl. •
I Miss Ter.saAT,haatghliti a(t tie
1 Martyr's Shrine, 311(1110,1, and f,s.
ago (leach.
Former Huron County Man
Murdered in Detroit
The following feel) ,a D•,roit paper,
refers to a mother -i111 iw of SL's.
'[hos. J. Molyucaux-of linblin:
While his cousin and life -lora;
friend. S1 yeateeld Rev. .T 40 t('Htilly.
recited prayers at his b.dside. Tim-
othy C riffin, oe. di, ,I in Urh'oit on
Monday, the victim o1' a bltidgeen-
swinghl'„ hanulft who Moat in his skull
for a few teeters of vacation money,
Griffin, a 11011,• of Ashfield Totrll hip.
Huron County. w10 a boiler roan( at-
tendant in r. Detroit apartment build=
11(g, Garden Court :apartments, 20(06
13. Jefferson. He was found Sunday
lying unconscious on a stairway to
the basement where lie worked. A
heavy lead pipe was found near by.
1Ir. Griffin lived at 3688 Mack, ile-
troit. it vas a trick of fate that:
brought Griffin to work Sunday on
what. would (lave :been his day off, lie
was ahout to on his vacation awl
decided to work the day to make 5011re
100re honey.. At the time of- tate she;
ing police believe he 'could Ilavc'e no
More droll 8100 in his po,l'o. 1'nlir.•
are 4eere ping fel' a. former chauffeur
of one of th apartment tenants who
• was recognized as ire left the, i1..:-,•.
mem a A,M; 101110105 before the dying.
111x(1 45'-1s 10114)0.
Elect Officers
The following students of the Dub-,
lin Continuation School have been
elected for the following offices:
Student Council—President, Lou
Doyle; Vice 'president. Mary Staple-
ton; secretary, Jimmie Flanagan;
MIS, Henry Heggarth returned Sat-
urday after spending two weeks in
Detroit with her sort -in-law and daugh-
ter. 311', and Mrs. V. R. Peiffer.
Reeen visitors
twith Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Heggau'ib were: Ml°, and Mi's,
V, R, Perfier and baby Diane. Detroit..
and Mr. Robert Bullard, Brandon,
Man.; Mr, and Mrs. Will Ryckuran,