HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-11, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1947 TATE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Alm lley Wood }lit rltell of Ili; ay, Alla., spent the rr.o, 1rr,,L 1( ��..66�� C`• rIsinnu honk of Dr, idol Mrs. F. Ilarbin'u. This was Mr. Much ll's first visit to Ontario .and Mrs. Birch- en's i ch - ell s first visit liter an absence of 38 years. The latter is the. former Miss Mand Parrish of Ribbert and a cousin 01 NPs, Iltu•bw•n. • MI and Mrs .Robert Strong spent aweek itt the Canadian National Ex- hibition with Mr. and Mrs. K. Strong. 11r, and Mrs. Charles Lowrie, Loco- dots, spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. A,. W. Moore. Mrs. 3, Miller, East Grand Forks, Mint1., and hor norther, Mrs. John 7lannery, Guelph, visited with rela- tives. Miss Mildred McCartney and Miss Audrey Hadley of Ottawa spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Mc- 'Cartnee, and friends. Mr, and Mrs. Ehler Stevens. and daughter are spendhrg a week with 'relatives in Imlay City and Detroit, Mr, George Parlte spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Parke, Miss Mary Devereaux has returned to Toronto after a week's vaca- tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Devereaux, Mies Helen 'Devereaux, London, spent the week 'end at her home. Mr, and Mrs. M. Clarke attended the Toronto Exhibition last weep. Mt. and Mrs. Wilson McCartney ,and Georgette accompanied Miss Mil- dred McCartney and Miss Audrey Hedley to Detroit for the week enol, visiting the former's brother Mr. Bob 'McCartney. Mr. Frank Reynolds was in Tor onto over the week end. Miss Catherine Leemley, Walker- ton, was a week end guest at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. D. Netzke, Mr. 91, Seltzer, Hamilton, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, S. 'Slunen. Mrs Seltzer and son, who have spent the past two months with her parents, returned home. 31aster Douglas Finlay, Toronto, le holidaying with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs, John Currie. Mrs, Grace Ffoggarth, Miss Lola Hoggarth and Miss Therese Loiselle spent the week end at the Toronto Exhibition, Messrs. J. J. and AI, V. Collins of Buffalo with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune. 1lliss Madeline Fortune is spending 'this week in Goderich. RIs'. Harold Knight, Kitchener, spent the week end at his home,. .lir•. and Mrs. B. Hildebrand are holidaying this ireelc with relatives in Kitchener, 91r. and Mrs. Lent Bannon attended 'the Keohuie-Benninger wedding Sat- urday in Blyth. Mr, John Stevens attended the Beil- McGavin wedding in Stratford ou :Saturday, RI1ss Hilda Kennedy spent the wttek end with her mother Mrs. R. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chambers and Bobby of Seaforth. and Mr. and 'R'h•s, Roy Chambers of Goderich are spending a few days this week at Bracebridge and north Bay, The Hospital Aid of Scott M••inor'ial I-Iospital will bold their regular meet- ing at the nurses' residence on Thurs- day, Sept. 1Sth. at $ o'clock, Mrs. Wilmer Scott, who has been iu Victoria hospital, Loudon, has return- ed to her home and is improving nicely, REMOVE SLATS without dismantling or taking the blind from the brackets. The specially constructed slat hole keeps the slat in the correct position regardless how roughly the blind is operated. Just Arrived A NEW SHIPMENT OF Loy l y Satin Cushions In Various shapes, sizes and colours. One has to see these beautiful Cushions to appreciate their beauty. Bedroom Suites MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Priced from 93.00 for a 3 -piece Suite VISIT our Store to sea the new Sterling Washing Machine Immediate Delivery Box Furniture S PHONE 43. ore NOTICE SUTHERLAND BEAUTY SHOPPE Will remain closed after the 30th of September Anyone wishing their hair done in Septellaber kindly phone your appointments early PHONE 152 Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Rayburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41. J. Exeter. Introducing HER • EXCELLENCY "q; 21 jewels 34950 Savauge's Gift Store Jeweller Optometrist Flue Wa telt Repairing REPh1R Til,'iT HOOF during the Fine Weather We have in stock ASPHALT SHINGLES 210 tbs. - Various hlencls Come in and inspect them. Improve the appearance of your house and still have the satisfaction of a good roof. DURABESTOS A rigid shingle.lasting a lifetime INSUL BRiCK SIDING Unproven the appearance and insulates at same time INSULATION ' By the carton (paper backed slaeets) or by the bag HARDWOOD FLOORING - 13/ 16" Oak Flooring.;, LUMBER We have in stock: Tongued and Grooved Spruce,` 5, 6, 7, 3, inches wide Spruce 2x6, 2x8, 2 10, 2x12 Firfrom 1 inch to timbers Seaforth Suppy td. WANTED! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION'- WE DO THE' LOADING DARLING OF CANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 BORN h'I\LAYSON-At Scott Memorial hos- pital on Sept. 5th, to 11I1, and Rlrs. Lorne Flnlayson, P.P1 F•rncefie'Id, n s011, HOPI#I3' PO ti -At Scott Memorial d hos• Pita!, on Sept. 7th, to DIr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton, Stan, a daughter, FI.\LAYSON-At Scott Memorial hos- pital, on Sept. Sth. to Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Finlayson, RR:1 Kippen, a daughter: FALCONER -At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on "Sept. 10th, to Cllr, and Mrs. Charles Falconer, a daughter. COPELAND-At Scott Memorial Hos- Vital, on Sept, 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Copeland. Seaforth, a son. TOWN COUNCIL Continued From rage 1 estimated cost 31000. Motions: - Ross : and Christie, that Chief Currie be paid two weeps salary in 1;,e11 of notice and two weeks salary In lieu of holidays effective ,from Sept. 15, 1947, and notice given that Provincials take over on Sept. 15, 1947, Carried. Teall and Keating, that the Navy League of Canada be granted per- mission to hold Tag Day on Satur- day', Sept, 200 as Per request, Car- ried. Report of Finance Committee: F.U.C. (Elec. Dept.) $17,07; . F. Reeves, 3100.20; E•I, Hoggarth, $.10,30: S. Williams, $21.00; J. Cur- lie $108,00; J. Cummings, S10S.; A. Busbies 3125.00; D. H. Wilson, si 0.6': Jna, Wilson, Pension, 320.; National Sewer Pipe Co.,' 3437.21; Provincial Treasurer, Insulin, $2.75 Kenneth 14. Campbell, $2.15; Nor- thern 11lec. Co„ 31611.00: Ration Bowed, $40.00; Relief, 319.30; Can. `-.itional Railways, 32.1.45; S. Wil- liams, $18.90; F. Peeves, 321.00; W. H. Coleman. 571.00: E. W. Montgomery. 1116,95; Scott Hab- kirk, $13.24; Receiver General, Scale Insp. 31.50. BELL-MCGAVIN St. John's United Church, Strat- ford; was scene of a lovely wedding Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock when Lois Jean, only daughter of -Mr, and Mrs. Alex McGavin, 394 Al- ',er•t St., became the bride of Mr. William Harris Bell, 'son of Mr. and SIrs. W. H. 'Bell, Brussels. Rev, A. 0, Donald officiated at the cere- mony and lir, Gordon D, Scott, played the Bridal Chorus from Lo- hengrin and Mendelssohn's Wedding March. The soloist, Mrs. Gordon D. Scott, sang "The Lord's Prayer," before the ceremony and "I'll Walk Beside You," during the signing of the register..Glodioli and ferns de- corated the 'church for the occasion •Ik1.011111141111111111M11111111111111%11111111.1i1111131111.1113111,,,,,• St. Joseph's Convent SCHOOL OF MUSIC R04isl51' now for tr'W Term 1147.19 Piano - Vocal - Theory Pppils prepared for Toronto Con- servalary fwd \Western, Conserv- atory l:xauunattons PHONE 10(i 11011111111b111111nwnununummnn„q, a 11,1111„0 The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her attendants were Miss Margaret Bell, London, sister of the bridegroom, as maid 'of honor and bridesmaids, Miss Blanche Strode, Reg. N., London, and'Mrs, Douglas Knowles, Aylmer. The best man was Mr, Graeme Scott, Wel- land, and Mr. George Backer, Brus- sels, and Mr. Ross Twiss, Toronto, cousin of the bride, were ushers. The bride wore a gown of white satin fashioned with Pylon yoke edged with guipure lace, drop shoul- der and lily point sleeves. A sweet- heart headdress of white satin held her full length veil and she carried a shower bouquet of Better Times roses. She wore the bridegroom's gift, a strand of pearls. The maid of honor was wearing a gown of pale yellow corded taffeta made in off -shoulder• style with bouffant skirt in bustel effect. The brides- maids wore gowns of corded taffeta made in similar style to that of the maid of honor. Miss Strode was in pale orchid and Mrs. Knowles in pale turquoise. The three attendants car- ried nosegays of rosebuds. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. MtGavin had chosen a powder blue crepe dress and Mrs. Bell, mother of the bridegroom, was in dove gray crepe, They wore aceesseries in black and corsages of Talisman roses. Following a reception in the church parlors hir. and Mrs. Bell left for Muslcoka, the bride travel- ing in a navy blue dress with line green eeeeeeories. They will take up. residence in Brussels. Out-of-town guests were -present from Brussels. Seaforth, Goderieh, London, Toron- to, Barrie, Waterford, Brantford, and San Francisco. Registration closes Sept. each LAMONT - CARNOCHAN- Pink and white decorations formed the setting at the home of the parents,- "hlulock Farm', Sea - forth, for the marriage on Saturday, Sept. 6, at 12.30 o'clock of Ruth Janette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James. G. Carnochan, to Mr. Allister McDonald Lamont, son of Mr. A. Lamont, Port Elgin, and the late Mrs. Lamont, Pott Elgin. Rev. R., II. Williams officiated at the ceremony, Mrs. John Cairns, Brucefield, played the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked charming in a gown of white nylonmarquisette.lace trimmed,. Her shoulder veil of lace was held in a crown of seed Pearls and she carried a bouquet of roses. The bride's attendant, Mise Erma Walters, Seaforth, wore , evnvn .of blue -taffeta with flower headdress. Her bouquet was of roses. Harney Lamont Smith. High- land Park, Mich., was hest man. The bride's mother was dressed in 0. se- quin -trimmed black dress, black hat with ostrich plumes. A reception followed the ceremony. Those assist- ing in serving were Miss Mae Baker, Miss Marjorie Pierce, Goderich: Mrs. Levis, and Miss Margaret Welsh, London. air. and 3[ts. La- mont left later on a trip through the 'United States, the bride travel- ing in a gray crepe dress with se- geins, blue feathered hat, gray fur - trimmed coat with black accessor•- les. Upon their return they will re- side in Port Elgin. Guests were pre- sent at the wedding from ilurham. Toronto; London, Port Elgin, De- troit, Garden City, Mich Flora, Goderich, Markdale and Wainfleet. CARNOCI•IAN - TRUEMNER In a pretty bridal at Westminster Chapel, London, Friday afternoon, Willis Beryl° Truenmer, Reg. N„ daughter of Mr, Eldon Trucmner, Melfort, Sask., became the bride of James Wankel Carnochan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Carnochan, Seaforth. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. S. C. W. Cline and Mr. Ralph Gray played the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- riage by Dr. S. 0. Rogers, B.A„ 1I. B, She wore white embroidered mar- quisette in princess style with an off -shoulder neckline, The skirt fell softly into a train. Her fitter -Litt veil was caught' with a Dutch cap and she carried white gladioli in her bouquet. ;Miss Imogene Sharpe, Reg. N., as the bride's only attendant, wore blue embroidered marquisette in the sante style, with a blue Dutch cap and veil. She carried pink glad- ioli. Mr. Jack Stevens, Seaforth, was best man and the ushers were IIr. Hiles Carnochan, and Mr, John Carnochan, brothers of the bride- groom. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of Dr, and Mrs. Rogers, Westminster Hospital. Hiss Helen Walter received the guest's with her niece, wearing 0 brown crepe dress with brown ac- cessories and a corsage of red roses. The bridegroom's mother assisted in a black ensemble. Leaving on a wedding trip to the home of the bride in Saskatchewan, she wore a gray suit with black accessories and corsage oe pink rases. Mr, and Mrs. Carnochan will live in London, DANCNC! in Card io's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, SEPT. 13TH Norm Carnegie and Hls Band Admission: 5nc. SEPTEMBER MEETING OF HULLETT COUNCIL '11u, month/y meeting of the Hallett, Township Council took place Sept. 9th ill the community hall'Londesboro at N pain, The llee e• 'aid tlt0ee members of the Council },ting present, The minutes of the L..t regular meeting Aug, 4th. spe clal meetings of Aug. Tt11, 18th kith, loth, were read. Motion by J. Ira Rapson and Wm J. Dale, that the minutes` of the last regular meeting Aug. 4th, and special meet. ings Aug, ,th, leth, 19th, 20th, be adopted as read. At this time the Clerk read the declaration of Office and Mr. George C. Brown subscribed to same and was legally sworn in. Dale and Rapson, that we give a grant of 325.00 to the Blyth Agri- cultural Society, carried. Brown and Rapson, that the Road Sup'erintehd- ant prepare his report for subsidy up to Aug. 31st, carried, Rapson and Brown, that the Engineer's report on branch A, Flynn Drain, the Dodds Main Drain, and branch B of the Kinhurn Swamp Drain he re- ceived. That a special meeting be held on September 29th, to read the reports Oil branch "a." Flynn Drain at 1.30 pant.. D.S.T. Dodds "Main" at 2.30 p.m., D.S.T. Branch "13" •Kinhurn Swami) Drain at 4.00 p.m, D.S.T. Carried. Rapson and Brown, that by-law be prepared to appoint Mr. W. Archibald as our Engineer on the Riley- Drain. Car'r'ied, By -fax No. 47-11 was given, its several I eadings and passed. Dale and Brown, that the accounts as pre- C:,�+•-:. sent fel 'ie. 111 le. Carried. Iiron'n unci kala, .'it. that we appsitit the I:eeve •irm.:1, n ' as it pcclor on the ti's portion o ;he Miser. c Drain and the Taylor Ittain, Carried, Dale and 1 al, on, that we appoint. Mr. Geo. Carter as sheep valuator for the bal- ance of the year. C'-arried. Brown and Ranson, that we do now adjourn A, tout ts; Muruuipnl World, Elec- tion Supplies, 310,29; P_roviiteial Treasurer, er, In uln , 34.34; Geo. W. Cowan, Part salary, 370.00; Ephri- ,.a Clark. D.R.O.39.00; Lorne Law- son, Poll Clerk, $4.00; Bert Beacom, 0.11.0: '55.90 ; Leopold Watt, Poll 'lerk, $4.00; Joseph Flynn, D.R.O. 55.:10; Bernard Tighe, Poll Clerk 34.00; Thomas Miller, D.R.O. 35.00; Emerson Hesk, Poll Clerk, $4.00; Ephriam Snell, D,R.O. 35.50; Or- ville Rapson, Poll. Clerk, $4,00; Frank Longman, D.R.O. 55.00; Ro- bert Townsend, Poll Clerk $4.00; William Craig, D.R.O. $5.90; Geo. T a•elor, Poll Clerk $4.00; Frank Tyndall. use of S.S. e2, 32.00; Oh. von Anderson, use of hall, 32.00; John McEwing, use of S.S. sr6, 32.00; James Medd, use of hall, $2,00 Mrs, Chas. Merrill, nee of hall, 32.00; Geo, W. Cowan, R.O. eieceim $8.00Blyth Agricultural Societe grant', 335.00; William trter, }Med Supt. $102,00; Ben Riley Power 'flower, 328,00; • Art Weymouth, trader On. $36.00; Geo. F. Elliott, crushing gravel, 33364.30; Cees Cartwri ht gravel, 032-1.110 Bert Brunsder. power rower, 53.51; Gordon P,adford, Gas and oil, $57.24. Geo. W. Cowan, WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF HIGH QUALITY STOKE COL Pries - 1.,511 Delivered OTIIEP. FUELS ALSO ON HAND AT ALL TIMES MUSTARD LUMBER SRUCEFIELD, Ont. Pitoito 610. r 11 t:'lint'11 WIN ONE OF THESE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ber 19 and 20 l-t,(I SSI\t: CONTEST 1-.afm tit t. a -.gaiety dun t -. throe. i ash to ' . 111, schwa of attendance (paid admt i:,ns)at .• ,f,rtth 1 ll Pair. l'i'st pct ,• T1,., i 1st 53''i': . tiz,•s. . Estimates trust be 1na10,1 ciuc,•tiy tri th<• Sea• ft'rtit e i aao•ty 11111 mai-: b„ ,,,.itost on or h:dore the open- ing day .,1 the Pair, S,}, ,.aittt- t, 111 pat'e'ns u'f Seaforth Creamery. • 2-I3EEP CATTLE - - lir. 1I W. Stepleti`•n offers a Bp'C•ial Price of 010.,.. 11r. Cbanmlo t Beef Bull, _ tn'.y Pro« rlfoot offers two prizelt of SG,a,I ,and 34.t't• for Best Shertiontit Co,w. ° • • Amos Corby offer's two prizes of $6.011 and $.4iur for 1' - i:'.,,t shown by boy or girl 17 «ars. and tuid,,r. 3 --DAIRY CATTLE. W. J Thompson ,tftters ,titters$1..00 in r,o,neinindis, each to Jersey and ey- and II 1 t+in c19h. 110 RIVon t, t les` ttnutr,1 to nahihttnl' t1 -4,11:,a r.rhin „n r;tit t Settfy,rta. T. Eaton c e , offors sits,- • on Crystal Pratt l ow I. 'ala . 35 01. for Pest Grout, of Three Dill:- i', w of :tpy ,'i 111` •r,. 4 -HORSES The M,'hilchael O! tial. 111 Y prizes of $15, 11 e rte and 52.00 for Bost Foal sired le. ,, •v of Inctfollowing stallions: West Pln,• Snpetn;n. Tin: -al ['ar ,;'•alfa I' il.t,.,F. 5-13AC0 `v' HOG'S rvi7es tt r S.ir:ne a 17, ni, I: r }lest Pour Ila,',,n 11, page 21. ttf I't•tz< 1.I ' G -POULTRY 11, ?tab offer• 911,,'i0 for eh,• Rest Ilress, d i,idiy't tri al ('tri; Lie shown in any of the ,it's, ,1 ;'hieken classes. 7---IIESKY FLAX • fleshy Flat „Rot's. ,a 1 $1n.1)11 for best sample of Oil Flax Seel, :grtr" 1 district. flit 510.60 for hest slu,af of Oil Flax Stra,v, erec't's 91 this district. 5 --LADIES' WORK The Seal,: t tit R . ntc n s tiozdiing. ;5:10,:30 for c 1 t.un art n I pec p ioi' 411, Puzo Lit. ('11,,.11 t -..1;:s 11; years anti under. 9 -HIGH SCHOOL Seaforth Ilea Fnlnn offers a $19,00 • Permanent to Higtr school girl winning i last points in Horne Fc"u„nti, r :'tine. ltusoeli 11, 1101 •r tr r " ,,1,11 tar roost points to each of , eetlula R and Section C. See Prize List, page 57, Plan Your Entries Now SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY J. M. Govenlock, President Mrs. J. Grtulv,iett, Secretary -Treasurer