HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-11, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS TEE E,3EAIi Ofl:TH NE\VS bah ''canon in Walton district: Ar- Sna.rclnn Dross, Publishersrar gements will be comPieted for games with Auburn, Ripley ant WALTON ea of exhibition games will beheld to prolong thegirls' soft - EVE x1soN's Btsiss by In virtually every job, future developments must be con- stantly taken into account. If you are working to a definite schedule, your main and perhaps only concern will be to keep up with it. But if you have no such schedule to adhere to, don't fall into the error of thinking that it is not necessary to plan your work ahead. Every job can be done more efficiently by taking future require- ments into account. The advantages of doing so are many and important. To suggest a few: It enables you to be bet- ter prepared for each task as you come to it. It closes up gaps be- tween operations—elim- inates delays. It gives you a clear pic- ture of your whole job and of production rates which may be needed for reference at any moment, While these are broad gen- eralizations, I am sure that an analysis of your particular job will reveal many other specific advantages of "or- ganizing for tomorrow". The necessity of planning for one's financial future is recognized by millions•, of Canadian owners of Life In- surance. For them and their families, security is an as- sured fact. w.21 - Dublin. Ja1iei Bishop has returned from North Bay;. dames and Mrs, Humphries, Wind- sor, with Mr, and Mrs. William Humphries. Ur, and Mrs. L G. S. Cummings and James have returned home from :Northern Ontario. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Hamilton, Mr M 1 ' nrr) '_ with .It and s. M. ilirz _i 1 ,. Hareil t oils Mr. and 31r-. Henry Last, Wel- land, with Mrs. R. W, Hoy. Miss Leona Watson in St. Thomas. Wib Turnbull, "Grey, has returned home from Iowa, Mr. Turnbull reports the outlook for the corn crop this year in some of the states is not so good. Marry.Balger in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs.- Pat Quinn and fain- ily spent some holidays visiting rel- atives in' the Twin Cities, Benton Harbour and St. Joseph, along lake Michigan, they went, by motor. Miss Betty Quinn spent • Thurs- day at the Exhibition. • Mary Bolger in Winnipeg. W. C. Bennett has bought the 'barn next to his egg grading station from R. Marks, and plans to make it available as quarters for custom- ers' horses during the cold weather. Shelter for farmers' horses in the village has been lacking for some tine. lrrs. George Kirkby and •sons, Murray and Ian, have returned to Butwaoh after spending' the holiday months with H. Kirkby and Mrs. A. Murray. Arthur McCall in Vancouver with his brother George. Arhiiles.Malton, with his wife ar 1 family here, Mises Maud and Annie Ferguson, Seaforth, with \Ir, and Mrs. D. En- Mr. and Mrs. hen. Ritchie with ".t and Mrs. F. Ennis. 1tiss Edith Hackwell attended the Bell-McGavin wedding in Strat- ,rd, WINTHROP Miss K. 11 \Vestman of London, Ont.. i. visiting Iter sister \Irs. T'e:Ems and Rev. Peters at the manse Mrs. W. Shortreed of Walton, G rdon of Clinton. and Miss. Mary S tt1•eed of Lender. were attests with lr. and. Mrs. W. iHavel Hawley, re,ently. S.S.N' Cr;McKillop sent out s:•••• studeets studentsthis year to High " Laverne Gndkin, Doreen tie .le. Lorraine Smith and Marie 'rem -wily going to Seaforth. aiid "'tee Sloan and Rita Murray to P'.tlx. There were -seven beginner, ++ *ern': Sandra Doig, Eclih Boyd. rrnec a tan, Betty Murray, Gloria Poyd. )'ei' Gndkin and Fergus ra .. 'rt'e 'in'uber on. the roll is row 31. F. T. Fowler, wit:• and For Sale Ads.. 3 weeks for -Sac. The Biggest ... The Best Money -Saving Values In Town E 1 Sturdy, Comfortable Work Clothes Men's Sturdy, Well -Made hrts All Sizes — All Colors Special — 98c 1111/1A111111111111111111111;1111,1111111111111111111111111111/ Men's High and Low Back Overalls WS "B" Braid, Lighthouse nd Picket m'}] 9 Special . ,1111i111111111111/11111111111111111111111111/41 lllll 1111111111.. Tailored to Fit! Ladies' Lovely SIPS Special— 98c up .. -...casw:xxa Ladies' Silk PANTIES (Small sizes only) in White & T. Rose 3 pairs$1.00 Menus Good Quality WORK SOX special — 49c up Boys' Smart SAILOR SUITS (Navy with White trim,) W10"�itwh pants 2a69 8,. r�,9'•b�' Ladies' Denim Work Slacks In navy, light blue and brown only 1.19 up Children's VESTS Cotton and 'Rayon Each 49c Children's Training White and Cream PANTIES IES 3 pair$1.00 Gree Front Dept. Stores Opposite Post Office Seaforth • JUNIOR FARMERS DO WELL IN JUDGING AT C.N.E. Ouo of the big featureb. acral ture Day" at the C N E. was the judging .: ornp, titic n. ca;l.lu :.xi by ,ht Ontario Department of Agrieul- t.nre. Several Junior Farmers from Huron County took part in this C ony lctltrnx and made in excellent show- ing, despite the fact that the entries in the cla„es were targe and cunt pi' i - tion very keen. In the Livestoclt dlvi- s1 u 1Il. Ho netPym, Centralia RR1 stooksixth in the Senior Swineconi- petition, and Glenn Wise, of Clinton 111-21, was ninth in this same class. In the Senior. Beet Class, Mr. J: E. Miller, Exeter RR3, was seventh and Elmer Powe, Centralia, was eleventh. In the 'Grain and Root division, Sen- ior Class Mr. J. E. Miller; Exeter R13,3, was seventh, Mr: Elmer Powe, t'entralia, was twelfth, and Mr. Wni. 13. Roweliffe wan thirteenth. In the Dairy Products division, Mr: Jim Row- clitte, of Hensall, made a fine score and placed second in this division. The harvesting of the 1947 bean crop .has commenced with quite a number of fields being Milled and others at the stage when this opera- tion will take place, According to of- ficials of the Bean Board, the increase in acreage is about ten per"cent over that of 1946, but it is felt that the Meld will be considerably lower on 'a per acre basis. ^Results of the late season _arae showing up plainly now, and many fields of beans are in a rather late state of maturity and may be subject to damage . from early frost. The extremely hot weather, which we have had in .August and early September, has caused Consider- able sun scald, quite frequently mis- taken as rust, but at the same time. loos helped to avoid -infestations of Blight and Bean Anthracnose. ltr. K. R. Hillier. Inspec•tor•, Plant Pre. duets Division, London, has stated hat, unless we should have a period f cool. dull ,weather. there should be little danger of an outbreak of either Blight or Anthracite:so this Fall, 110111 hese diseds s caused a considerable loss to the crop of 11149. A 1''w farmers have already -rade inquiry to cr storr men -about the 'lill- ina of their silos. and possibly 01111' 1 this will 1 e dune by the end of the week. In yew of the fact that corn was late s "deal to most rales it would be w se to cheek ek closely the stage of F1(11-tl1 of the corn, before it is eusilerd. Tho best stage 'at which e"ru should be cut it' it is gohtg to b - put Into the silo, is in the medium late dough stege. 11 rut at this stage. there Is a considerable increase in amount of p•otein tat. sugar and dry matter per. nr. Cott can be made inro gond 11,0e sevelel days after rating if there is sufficient moisture retained, but best results 1(10 obtain- ed if en ileo'. immediately, or shortly after cuttinc. ---Issued by Leroy G. Brown, Agr i- r•ultural Rire•sentetive for Huron. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1947 Perault, Montreal, Qne, with Mr. and MPs Edwin Stapleton, 1s. 11. J. Prendergast, Chicago, with Mrs. James Sliea. 11'lr, and Mrs, Thomas Kelly; Blyth, with Mr. and Airs. Joseph!, Carpenter. Charles Malone, Ingersoll, with 'Its. Malone. A di shorts fire took place on Saturday night when the home of Mr. and lits: Edward Byers, about 2 utiles from Dublin, was destroyed � fire It is believed the fire bythat was cated byshegasolsto lantern n exploding, causing the flames to tread rapidly. The Mitchell Fire Brigade was called butowing to some 'delay were unable to save- the house, and only the bare walls: are left of a: fine White brick house. A voluntary group of helpers succeed- ed in saving most of the furniture The loss is only partially covered by insurance. Pte• and bias, Joseph Krauskopf and son of Hgaersville spent 'the Past week with bit. and Mrs, . N. J. Krauskopf of Dublin. HULLETT Mrs, McCall and Mrs, Hill left for their hone in Regina after •spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. . Ih-. and Mrs, •, Jos. Nicholson, Brussels, and llr. L. Nicholson, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Adapt: Nicholson of Constance, re- cently. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Riley recently were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glazier, Huron Ptd., and Mes. Wheatley of Clinton and Mr and Mrs. D. Dewai• and son George, Toronto: Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mies Jennie Mann of Hallett. Air, and Mrs. John Riley, Tuckersmith, Mr. and -hers, Geo. Suffidy and children Exeter; Mrs. McCall and llrs. Hill, Regina; bir, and Mirs, Charles Riley and Ronnie, Con- stance, and Mrs. Harold Colclough, Blenheim: Mrs. R. Mann and Miss Mary Heins, \Vingham, CHISELHURST There 'vas some excitement on Saturday at Stewart McQueen's fifty between Cromarty and Chisel - hu st v'±e" the tractor of Wilbert G anville's threshing outfit back- fired and burst into flames. The tractor was burned. The machine was starting up after dinner. The belt was quickly taken off and no ether d r+raxe was done. DUBLIN According to a report from the Section of Sant Domingo, which is served by the Scarboro Missioriers, Toronto, of whom three priests from this district are members: Rey, Thos. McQuaid, S.F.M. Rev. John Melvor, S.F.M. anti Rev, Frank Moylan, S.F.M. definite and rapid headway in the spiritual and meter - reconstruction of the Dominican Republic is being made. Of the ten Darishes conducted by theliission- y priests, none has less than 25,- 000 souls, The largest parish is that of Bani, with 50,000 where Father ,John Fullerton and Father Frank Mn '.an are stationed, The Scarboro priests are working under Arch- bishop Pittini of Santa Domingo, hose Archdiocese embraces the entire Dominican Republic. His r'ethedral at Ciudad Trujillo is fano- as as the burial place of Christo- pher Columbus, A young soldier went to a Post Office in Chur, Switzerland, to send a telegram to Dublin, "which Duh - 'in?" asked the official. "Surely. there's only one, the real Dublin, I mean." On referring to the Inter- national Postal Guide it was learn- ed that there were seven Dublins, one each in Ireland, Georgia, Texas, New Hampshire Virginia, Ontario and Southern Australia. Still curl - ons, the soldier asked the official why he was so certain that there was more than one Dublin. "A mere coincidence", he replied with a st..ale," the man you met going out as you were coming in, had just sent a cable to Dublin, Ontario." Jerome Manley, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. William J. Manley, McKillop Township, was taken to the Isolation Hospital, London, last week, a victim of poliomyelitis. Lloyd Elliott, lineman of McKil- lop, Logan and Hibbert. Telephone Co. is also under observation at Victoria Hospital, London. Rev. A. Durand, St. Peter's "eminary, London, with Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Hill, Chica- go, with lets, ,lames Shea and Mr. and Alis Martin Klibkhamer. Mr. and Airs. Earl Hubhs, Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sta- pleton. . Gerrard and Jack Byrne, Detroit, with their grandmother, Mrs.'Kath- erine Byrne, 7. McGillivray, C.N.R. section freeman here for the past five years has been transferred to Turner's "' tot Paisley. Gerald Burns •is re- lieving for the present. AIr, and Mrs. D. McConnell at- tended the funeral of Mrs, Spencer Stratford on Monday., Mss Bridget Costello in London, 11r. and Mrs, Tames Morrisson • +t,nded the wedding of their son in Tnrnnto, ''Tr. anri Mrs. Jack Meagher and. e in London. Mr. enol Mrs. Dan Williams in Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Forster at Mark. este. Thos, P,utters, Joseph Looby, H, oesenan end H. Pugh in Detroit,' Mrs, Perauit and Miss Helen KIPPEN .Mt. •R. J. Cooper left recently fel Edmonton, Alta.. where he in- tends to visit and assist with the harvest for some time, Mli's W. H. McLean is improving nicely after her severe operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, but will he confined to hospital for some time yet, Bean harvesting is the order of the day around the village. Mr. John C. Doig of Washington spent the past Week with his mother and other friends, Please -take 'tote the September meeting of the Kippen East Wo- men's Institute w111 be held in Kip - pen Church Sunday School roost on Wednesday, Sept. 1 7, at 8:45 in the evening. Due to a change the entire October meeting will be held, Guest speaker, Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensall. Roll call, interesting facts about the Royal Family; motto, It is best to think more of my neigh- bor than myself, by Mrs. Will Cole. Lunch will be served, ret'renallF'>"' en i :"sex THEATRE El SEAFORTII 01{111t9. FM, SA•r, "My Pal Trigger" NOW PLAYING Roy Rogers George ` Gabby" Mayes in There is action, ronuiure, songs and brills ill this saga of the '‘.-rest. MON. 01195, WED. "SMASH -U P" Adult Entertainment Susan Hayward and Lee Bowman This is decidedly a. story with that "different" touch.—The dramatic ta i, c chronicle of a tentptesttous woman and her struggle against loneliness Next Thurs. Fri, and Sat,' "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER" John Garfield and Geraldine Fitzgerald This action -thriller melodrama of the "Confidence Garvie" with "Ccr- fteld playing rough and romantic should please the Gals and give the Guys who brought them some thrilling entertainment. LET'S 'GO - COMING': "THE MAN 1 LOVE" wits Ida Lupino andRobert,-Alda '~_ ttflA 9 4 kaAnstsvorgre.vvegememaArouvetneuwwwuvanitsrovonovviewarmutnati WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF RCA Victor C RADIOS IN STOCK PRICE $64.95 - xb9' Seaforth CROMARTY The Hibbert Township Council met in regular session on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd in the Staffs. Township hall with all members present, the Reeve, Mr. Joseph Atkinson, pre- siding. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous sheeting which was adopted as read. The report on what is known as the Kleinfeldt 'Municip- al drain was read and adopted, The Clerk was instructed to prepare by- laws on this drain accordingly. The Court of Revision on the Kleinfeldt drain will be held on Oct. Lith at the Staffa Township hall. The Court of Revision on the Darling drain was held at this meeting• and as there were no appeals the Court was closed, 13y -law No, 18 appointing Deputy Returning Officer's, Poll Clerks and -fixing polling places was given its third and final reading and passed, By-law 'No. 19 for changing the hour for holding thenomination. was given its third and final reading' and passed, Thos. D. Wren, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert. ,ces.msaas ter.tee'laic'n,^,.s n3141.ft eMAArasli •,,r.6.v` Mere: BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Edwards of London were week end visitors with her. mother Mrs. T. Bailey and Mr. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maitland and Mrs. Si. Mom'house of London are spend- ing their vacation at the Churdtward cottage. Mr, and Mrs. R. Stephens and fain- tly, who have spent the summer at their summer home Shangrela, left fortheirhome in London on Sunday. Tbey expect In spend the week emits here. Mr. Aust of London was a week end visitor in lhe village, Margaret Ferguson is spending a short vacation at her home. Mr. Sas. Scott of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hovey silent last week at Toronto, Further contributions received Env the Pioneer Park, Bayfield, are as fo ows. Balance previously reported: $1,- 062,95. Anonymous $5; ID's. Jack Atkinson 55; Mr. and Mrs, Jas. P. Ferguson 125; 'The Village Guild $5;. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Kanter $100; Mrs, J. Mc- ('lurc $1; Dr, and Mrs Wilson, Mit- (Moth $25; Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. S. Wiglttmen 520; Mt, and Mrs, Chas. R. 11911 $35. Total—$1,231.95. b l:o Strut' L.AR N O,J HALL A LL Seaforth FRI.SEPT. 1(at 8.15p p.m. Under Auspices of Seaforth Agricultural Society A fast mowing Variety Show Features Entertainers who served in the cast of various Army and Airforce Shows Presented by Hugh Simpson Enter- tainment Bureau of Detroit HUGH SIMIPSON Concert. Admission 50e ;1T)1I1S510\ TO DANCE AFTER Sl-1Oii" Sur. Dvffs United Church Waton REV. R. G. HAZLEWOOD, MINISTER 82N D Anniversary Services SUNDAY, SEPT. 21st II a,m. and 7.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time SPECIAL SPEAKER REV. DR. R. T. RICHARDS of Centennial United Church, London SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR AND VISITING TALENT BRODHAGEN 1?• and .Mrs. John Dickett, El- mer and Arlene of Lakelet with Mr. and rite's. Chas. Ahrens. Mt': Wilfred Murray of Toronto With Mrs. Sophie Benneweis. Miss Betty Rock, St. Marys Hos- pital, Kitchener, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. The choir of. St. Peter's Lutheran Church assisted in the decoration at Hesson on Sunday. Messrs John Mogh, Win. Bach, John and Wni. Queren,gesser attend- ed the convention at Edgewood Park on Sunday The 'Caticunien's class begins on Sunday morning in the Sunday School room of St. Peter's Luther- an Church, Decoration services will be held at St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery on Sunday, Sept. 14 at 8 o'clock. The Sunday School will be omitted on Sunday morning. Mrs. W. L. Querengesser at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Querengesser at Waterloo. Mr. and bias. Alvin Pryce spent the weekend at Galt. Mrs. Clarence Green entertained 9 girls on Monday afternoon to a party in honor of her daughter Au- drey's eleventh birthday. Aadrey's grandparents Mr. and Mrs, James Livermore of Clinton were also pre- sent for the 'occasion. Mr's. Lizzie Morenz of Kitchener with. Mr. Jack Prueter for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Hairy Tait and. Dorothy : spent Sunday at London.