HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-11, Page 3Home, Sweet Home Was Never Like This ---The "Train of Tomorrow" has among other in- novations an observation lounge car shown here, with four different levels. It i3 drawn by a 2,000 horsepower Diesel engine and is air- conditioned. It was on display at the C.N.E. 1 Y. Sports — Y a Thi or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic")- Complying ritic") Complying with n public dethand that would have taken amicroscope of the highest power to even see, our ever -thoughtful sports impre- sarios have now served us mid- August football, with the thermom- eter topping the 90 degree mark. The results were best described by Win- ston Churchill in his immortal. phrase about "blood, sweat and tears," The athletes provided sweat a -plenty, blood in varying quantities from bashed beezers and the like; and tears were clearly observable in the eyes of promoters vainly looking for dividend -paying crowds that failed to show up. * * * Our personal reaction, after a very brief look, was similar to the old one about the character whose wife coaxed him to church one morning - when tt a minister's subject was "The Prophets of the Bible." After two hours and a half it looked as though the preacher 'was finally running short of wind; but, after a deep breath, he began again with "We have now dealt, first with the :tfajor Prophets and, second, with the Minor Prophets; but now, brethren, just what place must we ascribe to the Prophet Zechariah?" • * * At this, the character stood up in his pew and said, "I£ it's all the sante to the rest of the folks, the Prophet Zccarialt can have MY place—Pm going home.' That, brief- ly, is our position as regards 90 -in- -the shade football—only for "go- ing" you can read '`staying". * * * The automotive industry has loop taken pride in its up -to -Ute -minute merchandising methods; and if imi- tation is the sincerest form of flattery, may feel flattered by an incident recently reported to its. Business was brisk at the Mlle boot[ where the overhead sign read JUICY HAMBURGERS ONLY 5c, But when the hungry customer finally secured one of the delicacies ile was surprised when the price demanded was just four links as great. "The list price is five cents;' he was told in answer to his protest, "bat it's a nickel extra far each of the accessories --Onions, relish and mustard." * * * Now we must confess to a really severe shock, Two lie three weeks ago Dick Irvin, of the Canad:ens, came out with the breath -taking statement that a goal -tender is 50% of a hockey team; which brought a prompt rebuttal from Conn Smyth, in whose studied opinion -a good cen- ter forward is an even more valuable asset to a club. • * * Very naturally the fully expected to see so vital a matter flare up -- with judicious fanning --into a rag- ing controversy occupying coll1(1511 after column of space, ndtll reporters madly dashing here and there to secure the opinions, pro and con; of anybody ever even faintly connected with ice, from Dans Brinker to the Sixth Vice President of the loot Shot Refrigerator Company. * * a, But, alackaday, nobody seemed to give a hoot either way, and the whole thing was just allowed to drop. Now can it he that our sports editors no longer realize the supreme importance of hockey as a national assett, builder of character, and safe- guard against tate inroads of Com- munism? Don't they know this is no way to treat the pearls which drip from the ops of the master -minds? Or did the press agents -like the football promoters already referred 'to—just make a mistake in their tinting? * * 0 A friend of ours recently attended a harness horse meet in Toronto—a meet at which the attendance, inci- dentally, would have been considered a poor one in several Ontario vil- lages -we know. Asked hisopinion of the sport, to which he was a stranger, his answer was rather in- teresting, Its good fun he said, "but 111 Loo darned honest—the favorites come down in front almost every tune. �r There, in nutshell, he carne close to hitting the real reason why so few people like both the Standard Bred and Thoroughbred brands of racing. Your running -horse addict, nine times out of ten, goes to the track with visions of sudden wealth, and considers any price of less than two or three to one as extremely stingy. - Trotting -horse fans, on the other hand, attend primarily for the fun of the sport, and if they bet at all, are satisfied with smaller profits and more certain returns. Person- ally, we like bout types about equally --and can go broke at either with about equal celerity. * * * ,.Reading the ,speeches made at the various peace parleys, one can hard- ly help being struck by the fact that, though the world is admittedly in a terrible condition, the spokesman in- variably lays the blame on any country other than his 0150. They put 0s in mind of the old lady up fa Bruce Comity who remarked to a neighbor, "li'hat do you t/link Father Finnigan said to sae al con- fession today:° Ile told are that I confess the sins of every person its the parish but myself!" TEEN -TOWN TOPICS. By BARRY .MURKAR Well, it's just about over for another year. We are referring of course to the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition that re -opened After five long years. ft has been a wonder- ful two weeks and thousands of you out there are probably bathing your poor, aching little footsies while you are reading this. We won't go into detail on the "l;x." as it is all history now; but in passing we would like to suggest that many of you drop a thanks to hate Aitken, Women's Director of the "Ex," for the swell job she did on Teen -Town, that held capacity crowds every day, Tise ,fashion shows, the radio broadcasts, the record bar and the dozen and one things they had at Teen -Town for our enjoyment all adds up to—it Was the best exhi- bition yet. Let's Face It Back to school again for an other year. To many it will mean another year before university; to others it will mean no more nights on the girl friend's veranda; while to others it will be the usual big, fat headache. However school time is here, no matter how it af- fects you, Longer dresses are again the current -style and pop will be feeling the pinch as daugh- ter insists that she must be up -to - dale. Junior, however, can still slop along in last year's togs and feel right at home. As far as we know, boy's and men's clothing has changed very little. We like to think about the first day of the new school terns, Maybe because the scene depicted in our -hone is the same as in countless others. Motu gets down the lunch -pail and dusts- it off while the kids sort out the year's text books and hand them down to someone else. Usually there is a mad scramble at the last minute and vont is near physical exhaustion by thc time she finds the last pair of braces under the bed or the hair decorations tucked away in a drawer—that were purchased in July for this gala occasion, Of course thele is always one conso- lation in the first day of school— and that is getting out early. Truck a pear in your pocket, an apple in your hand and away you go'. Thrills 111 v 1:11 us that newspaper psc, uct Bred of hearing, "you meet such interesting people." Honestly h 1 .y to ugll, -it's the truth. We agree the people Newspaper writers Meet are not always in- teresting but occasionally they provide a thrill, For instance, last. week we had the chance to try our hand at reporting police court news for the local weekly, There were two young fellows up for armed bank robbery and only re cently they had made the head- lines of the dailies. We hitch- hiked a ride to court with two police officers. On the way they pulled up at the county jail. They went in for a few minutes and presently came out with the rob- bers who were naturally hand- cuffcd. Never -the -less it was somewhat of a thrill to ride to court with the two men who we were going to write about. Then, too, we had the pleasure a few weeks ago of hearing the famous war -correspondent, Ross Munroe speak on Russia. He doesn't be- lieve there will be a war in our time. Following his speech, which of course was broadcast over the local airwaves, we had the pleas- ure of meeting him. As we shook hands, the man introducing us said to Mr. Munroe: "This young man is quite a student on foreign affairs," to which ;Munroe re- plied, "that's fine, I sure wish I had more time to study the sit- uation." Oh brother—and all the time we were wondering where Moscow is, But that's life. Only yesterday we had a pllbile call from the talking-rep'ts fir, Jim Hunter. Frankly we think we'll take to this newspaper work ser- iously. \Ve are beginning to find out—that you meet such interest- ing people. Another Teen -Town Topics It was interesting to learn a few days ago that there was an- other Teen -Town Topics column. This one we refer to, appears in one of the large dailies of Chi - sago and 1s written by a teen-age girl. She made a big hit recently, when she was the only reporter to get an interview with Presi- dent Harry Truman, Why the heck couldn't we get an exclusive like that? This other Teen -Town Topics is devoted wholly to in- terviews with celebrities. We mentioned doing something of a similar nature in the fall, Foreign Correspondents You, you or you may soon re- ceive the appointment of being official correspondent of your town for this column, You will be asked to send in news of your teen club, its members and any teen-age news of interest that hits your town. We want to fill this column with news of the various clubs, and we are appealing to you for help. When you get the appointment, will you take your pen in hand and send along the neays regularly? Thanks a mil- lion, Dogs and Cats Shun This Nicotine Spray CJI ilanWntal plants DO front porches, flowers and shrubs in the front garden, at]i1 the corner pasts of por^hes may be -protect- ed trout damage by dogs and cats by the simple use of dilute rico line spray. The spray i5 harm- less but its smell is very offen- sive to cats l.nd dogs, even when applied 3o thinly • that persons are unawareof its presence, The name of the material is nicotine sulpl ate and may be bought at any seed or drug store. The spray is prepared by mixing one-half teaspoon of the nicotine sulphate with one gallon of water. The spray evaporates and should be renewed after rain, otherwise in good weather spraying every two weeks is sufficient. Once they have sniffed the spray, the dogs will patronize the other side of the road its their favourite ram- bles round the town. Sprayed on small pieces of wood, the nicotine will prevent cats from making their nightly boudoirs among the rows of the prettiest flowers in the back -garden plots, There are three kinds of people— those who make good, those who make trouble and those who make excuses. diaiMEMESZEZIKOMMEgatm Pon 14111 Itn,lni Slaying At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • Eves, Room 5*111, Bath, Shower and To/rohone • Single, 12.50 uo— Double, 01.60 up • Good Fond. Dining and Dancing Nightly Sherlourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4136 PLEASE YOURSELF. Choose Maxwell House Cot. fee in either the Super. Yacuuuo Tinorthe Glassine. 'Lined Bag. You always get the same smooth, full -hod. ied Maxwell House blend. FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY CIGARETTE PAPERS The only Cigarette Papers MADE IN FRANCE on Sale in Canada BLUE COVER Pure White Free Burning WHITE COVER Thin Paper Slow Burning DOUBLE AUTOMATIC 000K-100 LEAVES 1.3 ISSUE 3s-1947 GIRLS! F'`i iOM ! TRY THIS IF YOU'RE Gan °CERTAIN DAYS' of The Month! id Do female functional monthly disturbances make you feel ner- vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and "dragged out"—at such times? Then do try Lydia E. Pinkham's o r 0 Vegetable Comppound to relieve such symptoms. This fine medicine is very effective for this purpose! For over 70 years thousands of girls and women have 'reported benefit. Just see if you, too, don't report excellent results! Worth trying. I. VEGETABLE COMPOUND Classified Advertising AGEN'T'S WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, In Ine'll, 1..n faecu'lr 1'0,118 Controllers 130000 and Hain Moot. Ri f .commis, etc. .Dealer,/. reunted quly W,tr, Crease & Oil Limited Toro. o 110111 C115CIL1 - 01901, for line hx rf;' ' I pnrel1,,t int six, seven and u> l t ,e,h "1 i 111,110 1,egimrn, White Leghorn v 1100181 1l 1i Bear•' Ihrck a White 1 aItorni Av 1 WhiM Pallets, is only a' limited l nun LILY 111 luck 1 t i t 10.0, Twodllo Cl !c lIatelierms 1 t 1, 1''wlluy Ontario 1,111515 r tn., Pullets 1 t i ,•kd 1 r la>ine.Also flay .ill clil:'ke booked to ord.,. 1•ro¢'0010 logne. 19:1: Notsh r.'r r.k I'i••N, i:aelph, Ontario RN-N'rot'ic with u•'\. 0! ell. WO bave some Tine youtll>; nnll,•I:., 0-3 40 w,•rdc old, various 1 reds, -11 Il 31'x re .11 r>'. Anti 50100 ready to MY. 'Ilirloirc ,:hco tl -se. Also order tall ahiels :tor. hoar 111, her. 120 John N., 1111311 range pullets 111 wi-im to laying. Also day old elnelia iseikol t order. Free 'ntaloner• Tw.d•Ity Click Haiti rtes Lim!. ted. Versos. On tarso... SP1001AL Prices Tur Nltito Leghorn, White Leghorn n n,rred lt0ric, 19arred ftoell X White I 6! 'n'u pullets, while le they Iasi: week old 4:c, 7 week old °fr, 8 weep old 6c. 0100,1ed 1.10101 o nl Medium Breeds 8 week old 40c, 7 week old 60c, S week old 00c, TOP�No1.11 (.hl,: .ries, Guelph, Ontario. 0111100 0001> CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing/ Write' to us for Informutlon. we are clad to answer your lineations, Department H. Parker 0 Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge. Street: Toronto. Ontario. 1'ASOlIS V'On SALE • 110 ACn10 4 seven miles from 00i11Ja. Hydro water system, Barn 64 it 80, driving shed, Dig and hen 00n, brick house, niiwty Live Fmr- dren, three thousand down, balance at 3 per cent. Wm. Elliott, It It. No, 4, Ordlia, TOR SAL17 1300100, NOVELTIES 1lagle, Hobbies, Stnd Wine for world's funniest novelty and largo catnlogue0, 100110on Co.. 2 Summon Ave.. Toronto 6. BEAUTIFUL sable te0lale collie PupPlee, Chnmplotc0hin breeding 523.00 R0rtlstered. (5. 30, Hanna, Box 91, Dunnville, Ont, COLLIE puppies light laonie, The VERY best —with character intelligence and outstand- ing beauty. Reasonable alter, Aluadale Col- lies, 104 Arundel Ave„ Toronto, FOR sate I''unrbanks-Morse e5 H.P. Diesel Engine 10" McLachlan Grinder, nearly new: 18" Corey double roll roller mill; 21' elevators. balls. Ohaftlng. Pulleys. Excellent condition, Alvin Mark, Columbus, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE—Tractor Tires, Ina0e of rubber. suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 616.00 each, rear wheels; 79,50 each, front wheel.. When ordering state diameter and width at wheel., National Rubber Cu. Ltd., 6 Wilt - :Mire Ave... Torontb, Ont. FOR SALE,3-8 Heavy Duty Hannon Shovel with back -hoe attachment and Waite. No good offer refused. Apply Ray Leffler, 107 retinue Rd., St. Catharines, Ont. Evenings dial 4-4103. 000D heavy used Military Wagons, suitable Km farms, lumbering, mining and contract- ing. Also five lorries and 2 bob plulghs. Write for particulars, Percy J. Borbrldge, 306 Plaza Bldg.. Ottawa. 36 x 60 000005ON Separator. Rebuilt in 1944, New Eberool Fender, Thrower. Shredder, Sprayer. Price $1100.00. Isaac Pray. flawkesville, Ona HOUND PUPS: Cross, African, Ridgeback, Black and Tan.' alt Blaclr and Tan, males 536.00; females 720.00. Wonderful deer fox doge. Dr. A. S. Biaek, Brooldtn. Ont. IMPORTANT: To ali,retanors. A bookkeep- ing and income tax service designed e5- peclally for the smntier retailer at a emit ao low that no wise business man can afford to be 101tho05 It. we serve everywhere. Send In today for full particularo. ACCREDITED BUSINESS SYSTEMS, Dox 909, Deihl Ont, DMALCOLM McGregor, Pulled Hereford breed- er, Brandon, Manitoba, will hold a sale of appt'oximately fifty head of registered cattle on Monday, October 20 at 1:00 P.M. 8 POWER ARMY BINOCULARS NEW. Day-nlght vision. 8 Limen closer, SOmm lenea, Prismatic. Achromatic. European. Graduated adluetments on eyepiece foousshts. Bring,/ mile to 250 feet. Weatherproof. Lea- ther combat carrying case, straps, Safeguards your property. Worth mucic more — $37 00 Refund guaranteed. Postpaid or C.O.D. plus charges. Eddy Novelty Company. Optical De - Pertinent 3, 162 Ostario Street, Toronto, Ont. 10010. 5000 Men's Army Trousers—Imported from Australia. Original Cohan khaki, 100 per cent Cashmere Wool. Similar to officers material—$0.75 Darr. Original colour mil - tonus, Canadian Army Bnttledreee, suits 90,60;. Greaten:11a $7.00, Army officers sells, originally coating $76.00-318.60. Sizes 36 to 09. Greatcoats 911.10. Airforce officers soils, 522.60. 04105 36-30. Greatcoats 312.60. Dopa ale cadet oohs—lunlc, trousers, wonder• tat school outtlt—$9.60. Greatcoat. 70,30. Postpaid—refund gaarnnteed. Frankel Cloth. Ing, 00 Queen East, Dept. C. Toronto. Poe SALE 1'5,AN3NG Mill, storage shed and apartment In Georgian Bay town. Sawmill and bush lot. Sell all or any part reasonable. IV'. A. Cornell, Thornbur>', Ont. 01/11 SALE,. 1111: ESTATE A 111 of 1110 late James '10010c'e, ,•• 'l'1'i I, Manitoba. 1)000ls 21111.0 0011)1 at 1,,mitin, will, 00 50105daY,' October 26, Int 1 n P. AI. standard lime, dioperee the-regisl- I I head oif' pure bred Alterileeu Angus rattle 1. I s about' fifty head. These cattle al • 11.vm 11 the descendents of the famono Karam. 311,1 of 1:lencarnnek.', - 99110 ;my roar'" New "15" electric drill. Ja- .'.bs gnu Ic. , 73191, ahlplling weight, $0 .drill, 0 pounds,. 511.10. Portable ll ,'roe i s -h' 0rnl r, 11 . pounds. 515.00. - 1 man extra, 110 /220V are weldero for 3 M., Harm, industries. str ies.' Complete Outfits $11 :Al. nod up. ' i00005otced. 1'rea-.d205310,.. "We, saes. 1sox 4107. Portland 8, Oregon. flAnt DRESSING' 01000111 lialydressins the Robert0on method. • Inf0rma5on on frailest regarding elan00,. 111,1ertson'e Hairdressing' Academy, 137 Av. nue Rond, Toronto I1ELP WAN'1'151) GENERAL DUTY NURSES For 'blarlydalo Private Hospital. 5100.00 month and lull maintenance.. Apply Dr. It I. CarOfoot. blurkdale, Ont. I,10ENSED cfir meebanles wanted to 0020- 91050 our shop staff. Excellent working - conditions. TOP IYO1OO, Steady ndr011ee00'lt, Ain it trmphrey Motors Ltd., Phone 114:5, I3ranlpton. Onl. 050(5051 monfur small dairy farms' (derma.. on) 538 monthly. t11l4 All conveniences, Good board, 1f. Crown -not 13.11. 110. 2, Oshawa, PERSONAL LONESO31E" Juin naticn-wide .eorre0pomenut elute. Romantic In -monthly nlaoacme; phones, descriptions, addressee, Pun yea' 51.57, Sample cony 23e. World. Federotioa Club, Plrl:erviOW, Sask. MEDICAL IT'S Dnp0rtant—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neurltto should try Dixon'sltemo- dy. Munru'o Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. oolsmid 51.00. RHEUMATISM and sciatica can be . relieved. Tru -Balance shoe mserta have miraculoedy Mattered stubborn cases. Send 61.96 to cru. Balance, Box 352• London. giving shoe aim t10OD Advice; Every 00(50.e, or Stlteumatie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'a'Reme- dy. Alvaro's Drug Stnra, 336 Echn OtLaoY.. Postpaid 01.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR 'WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halydreeeing Pleasant dignified profession, good w500., thousands eucceoatui, Marvel graduates, Amorlca'a greaLeet aystem, illustrated mata- 0000 free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches N King St., Hamilton & 75 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS OETHERSTONAUGR & Company Pateal Sollcllors, Eetabllehed 1890.14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of intormatlon on reevest. PHOTOGRAPHY NU WAY Photo Sortie,' offers you MO IateW in photo finishing. Film. developed oaf ono deckle crap print of each negative eon• mete In snapshot album 30c. Reprints da For better quality and faster Personal servitor send your films to Nd way Photo &erases, Sutton A. Dept. C. Toronto, TEACHERS WANTED HUDSON S.S. 1, rcaulres experienced Bache. for Grades 2 and 3.• Certificate In musk Preferred. Salary.. 51800. ADDIS, with refer.. ence0 to R. A. Scott, sec. Treas.. Hudson, Oat. PICKEREL Ont., Parry Sound district Pula. tic School, all grades, 20 pupils, ealar8' eighteen hundred dollar. begin Septemho, term. Norman I'dv, Pickerel, Ont. WANTED DISTRIBUTOR replacement that will tot Model T Pord. N. D. Charlton, 150 Ran.• ton Ave,, Tnronlo. RANTED—All kinds of dre00ce poultry. Top prices for top birds. Jo0eph Cooper Llmltod, Poultry Dept., 2064 Danforth Ave„ Toronto 6. (We de custom grading). LOGS PURCHASED 1011d particulars to Box 817. He0o01er. ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA 'FALLS ore. — Q,N.R, STATION For constant Smoking Pleasure gefelia 00,E , Cigarette Tobacco O1 ALSO AVAILABLE IN a POUND TINS AN1) TEFF—Well a day is 24 hours long, isn't it? By BUD FISHER AREN'T You MOPE! GOING oUT PAPER Fog•AWALK sEZ 'TODAY? RAIN! RAIN? WEW HERE,SEE! ITS A NICE: EABTWIND SUNNY'DAY! WITN {f, POSSIBL5 SHOWERS! 1T 'DOESN'T SAY y 1T WILL RAIN! • =j' IT'S 4 SWELL '' DAY OUT,;� . N...'• y _Q f / \ / (\ t" - , "- ' itl a aYt 1 j Wit" l ei,�g 'Y"•° ° ° .h o y,tt 42 ; WW2:xf "cry; c..--•,,.5' ,wwa ,:,.•o ...ma3>: 111' 0 ` ;:.:t. 1, imams IY� t .A :...1 , 3.. r 1. 1. i 6 t -r -G7 MOTT! 7 t: THE PAPERWASRIGNT/ ITS P....�r^i _.+It lC.1\. y •(t i I. ,gyp qil - /./ �i.r,. �. walvNfl. - 1. •--- r�ly s � — 4 \ ,,.; ; 1 r _ " ca I.- 1J ' ,h. I��� W '1, a �' ..�,,—, -- F.,: t{: '= c1• t Ip2% ': z 1 _ .:a c.RAINING! il: 'ti ''y�'llis., i✓••'- !Y/1X ., •Atb,.a..,.- .z` �Il' 'tr.- wrv. y .�l'Hle --1, .71gr l4ie\., �:5`r. ,� a:1�i..� F•. � ' l.l. # ",' wI .r. � (DG� , r.E?i ,w t. _ ._-)-w•.. _,r 1 f