HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-04, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1947 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Announcement Having sold The Tasty Grill to Mr. ALEX SKOWRONSKI who took possession September 1st I wish to take this opportunity of thank- ing my many- friends and patrons in Seaforth and district for their co- operation and assistance during the 10 years which I have been in business in Seaforth. May I request the same co-operation and patronage for Mr. Skowronski, who will continue to operate The Tasty Grill in the same manner to which the citizens of Seaforth and district have become accustomed. Mr. Skowronski is an outstanding Chef and will feature full course. meals at, dinner and supper. • C M. SMITH. NOTICE SUTHERLAND BEAUTY SHOPPE Will remain closedSeptember Anyone the 30th of Sep. Anyone wishing their hair done in September kindly phone your appointments early PHONE 152 HONEY FOR SALE AMBER HONEY IN ALL SIZE CONTAINERS Wallace Ross Apiaries • Phone 135 J Seaforth Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. MAGISTRATE J. W. MORLEY IN LONDON HOSPITAL Magistrate James W. Morley,. Huron County magistrate who has been relieving in 'Middlesex County, was admitted to Victoria Hospital at London yesterday suffering from a severe attack of influenza. Al- though Magistrate Morley was re- ported to be running a high temper- ature, his condition was not consid- ered serious, • Patricia Schmidt's Own Story! NOW -for the first time—You can. read the story of Patricia Schmidt, accused killer of Jack Mee in the Havana yacht tragedy. Read her drania-packed true story starting in The American Weekly, great maga- zine with this Sunday's (September 7) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. The Veteran Painters Have secured the services of iII. W. Demeter, who is an expert in Spray Painting. 'When it's painting Homes, Barns, Garages or Places of Business, give us a call. We use only 100% Pure Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, guaranteed by the Manufacturer. So why hire someone to "slap dab the white wash brush," when we give satisfaction and service with High Class material and workmanship. Call 551-11 for Free Estimates u1,11,unnnnuy1111u1111unu:,"11„nunu1111„111111,muunw REPAIR THAT ROOF during the Fine Weather We have in stock ASPHALT SHINGLES 210 lbs, — Various blends Come in and inspect them. Improve the appearance of your house and still have the satisfaction of a good roof. DURABESTOS A rigid shingle lasting a lifetime INSUL BRICK SIDING Improves the appearance and insulates at same time INSULATION )3y the carton (paper backed sheets) or by the bag HARDWOOD FLOORING — 13/16" Oak Flooring LUMBER We have in stock: Tongued and Grooved Spruce, 5, 6, 7, 8, inches wide Spruce 2x6, 2x8, a 10, 2x12 Fir from 1 inch to timbers Seaforth Supply&Fvel Ltd...., WANTED ! D DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION WE DO THE LOADiNG DARLING & CO OCANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, l35 -r-6 ead or Alive TOWN TOPICS Mr: and Mrs, Lyle Jordan, Mrs, aiid Mrs. Charles Counter of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Theo Jordan, Mrs Leo Bolger, Mrs. Wm, •Barn, Messrs. Jos- eph aiid Jerome Jordan, Mrs• J'. Miller, Mrs, Dorsey, Miss Nellie Will- iams, all of Detroit; Mrs, Jerry Jor- dan of Sarnia, Miss Jeannette Weber and Jack Fortune of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lep Fortune, it being the first family reunion in a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradburn and Beulah spent the week end at Glen Orchard Lodge in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckert and Miss Teresa Eckert, London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Eckert. Mr, Wm; Bell, Toronto, is visiting with his sister Miss Mary Bell. Misses Adrienne Bannon and Jo- anne McMillan spent the week end in Bayfield, Master. Bruce McFaddin has return- ed home from holidaying with his aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Stausell, Aylmer. Mrs, Edith Lindsay and son Rowan, Detroit, wereweekend guests at the' home of Mr. and Mrs, George Pryce. Mr, Jack Dunlop; London, spent the week 'end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs.. G. R, Keys and ,fam- ily have returned home to Windsor after visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Wright and son, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs, Har- old Dinnen and daughter, Guelph, spent the Week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr, James Southgate, of London, spent the week end with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. Miss Jacqueline Walsh, Toronto, was a holiday visitor at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. .7. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield, De- troit, were holiday visitors withher parents Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Case. Miss Doris Ruston, London; spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Wright, Windsor, was a week end visitor in town, Miss .Jean Kelly, St. Clements, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright spent_ the week end in Kitchener. Dr. and Mrs. Hubert McGinnis and daughter, Detroit, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ironside. Mr. Dennis Maloney, London, spent the week end at his hone here. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Sproat. Detroit, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sproat. • Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Eberhart were holidaying last week with friends at Port Elgin, also with Dr. F. L. Eber- hart and family at Meaford. Mr. David Bolton, Waterloo. spent the week end with Itis parents. Mr. and Mrs. pay Dixon, Windsor, were week end guests at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Dixon. Dr, and Mrs. M. W. Stapleton spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly and son, Miss Margaret and Mr. Frank O'Reilly, Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, A. O'Reilly. Mr. Neville McMillan, of Listowel, spent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, 3. McMillan. Miss Betty Matthews, Kitchener, was a holiday visitor at the home of iris parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthews, Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the holiday in Galt, Miss Ruth Joynt left this week for Toronto where she has accepted a teaching position. Mr. Bill McLellan, Toronto, Was a holidayvisitor atthe home of his grandmother Mrs. R. S. Hays. Miss Bella Watson, Galt. spent the holiday week end with her mother Mrs, A. Watson. Miss Hilcla Hawes Kitchener, spent the `reek end with friends here. Cameron Calder, of Stamford, was here last week. the guest at the homes of Mrs, Barbara Sykes and Mr. H. Glenn. Hays, Mr. Jack Makin, Detroit, spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pierce and son Jack, Saginaw, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sills. Miss Joan Devereaux spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. George MacDonald has return - eel to Stratford after spending a week with Mr. and NIrs. Ralph McFaddin. Mr, Russell Grieve, Windsor, spent the week end with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grieve. Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Jackson, Flint. Mich., spent the week end with Mr. end Mrs, Sidney Pullman, ' The following teachers have return- ed to their schools; Miss Ria Hills, Miss Latina MacMillan, Miss Marjorie Bickell, Miss Anne Brodie, Toronto; Mr, Leslie Hogg, Preston Miss Jean Brodie, Kirklaud Lake, Mr, Roderick MacLean, Kitchener, Miss Teresa Mc- EiNNO itttra DANCE ! in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, SEPT. 6TH Norm Carnegie and His Band ADMISSION '60c Yt4t::- t Iver, Petrolla, Miss Bessie Grieve',' Chatham, bliss Margaret Grieve, Oak- ville, Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, Miss Marion Scarlett, Fort Will - lam, Miss Peg Grieve, Dresden, Mr. Glenn Gemmell, Beaver Lodge, Altai Miss Josephine McIver spent a few days last week in Kitchener. • Mr, and Mrs. 3. R. Archibald, Kitch- ener, Were in town Labor Day. Mrs. John McNay, who spent a month in town with friends and relatives, re- turned with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Pinkney of Ha- milton visited at the Pinkney home last week. Mrs. Fleet and Jimmie Higgins who spent their holidays at Carnarvon re- turned home Friday evening. Mr. Don Dale has returnees to Oak- ville having spent a few holidays here with his sister Mrs, Andrew Crozier and his mother Mrs. Dale. Dick Shockcor attd his boy friend, of Detroit, were here for a few days, the guests of Mrs. Barbara Sykes, Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd, Galt, and Mrs. Evelyn Dennis spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hudson. Mr. and Mrs,. McBride, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, Varna. were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mr, and Mrs. F, Cudmore and Nancy have returned to Wallaceburg after visiting with Mrs, J. Reid. Mr, Thomas Clint Toronto, is act- ing manager of the Dominion Bank while Mr, E. C. Boswell is on his vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson and Tommy of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen of Cromarty, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allington, Varna, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aldington. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and Patsy, Detroit, and Miss Kay Klink - hammer, Dearborn, and Miss Mary MacKay, Galt, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mrs. M. Peis has returned to De- troit after spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and NIrs. James Morris. Mrs. P. J, Reilly and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Reilly and daughter Rosalind. Galt, spent a few days with Mr. and John Hotham Jr, Miss K. Lynch, St. Columban, has returned home after spending last week with her sister Mrs. H. Meyer. Mr. and Nit's. Jas. Pipe of Goderich spent Sunday with N1 rs. Pearl Shaw. Mr, J. B. Shaw after finishing his summer course at Western Lniversity: spent a two -weeks' holiday with hin mother, and has returned to his school at Jeannette's Creek, Mr. Jack Cleary, Windsor, spent the holiday week end with itis parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cleary. Mr.,and Mirs. Edward Neubauer and Dorothy, of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. spent a week's vacation with Mr. and NIrs, \Vm. Oldfleld. Mr. Harry Kruse of Toronto visited last week with relatives. Miss Shirley Oldfield is visiting in Niagara Falls, N,T. Mr. HaiTy Kruse 'of Toronto spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs, Lem Swiuehart of Stoughton, Sask.. and their daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Stan Ad- lington of London. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smale on Sunday. BORN HOOVER—Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoo- ver (Merle beating) wish to an- nounce the birth of . their daught- er, Julianne Louise, Sept. 2nd at Grace Hospital Windsor, Ont; HUGILL Mt add Nlts Marold Htrgiit wish to announce the arrival of a baby sister for Douglas and Wayne. at Scott Memorial Hospital on Thursday. August 21 • (Sandra Marilyn). McCLURE—At Scots: Memorial Hospi- tal on August 11, to Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur McClure. R R 1 Blyth, a son, SCOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don D. Scott, RR2 Seaforth, a son. DEARTNG—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs: Marshall Dearing, Stela, a dough. ter. Hold Everything, . .Folks GREEN FRONT IS' CELEBRATINGI DoIIar Day ' is a special day of heal sale events that offers you top quality merchandise at remarkable savings. Shop early here at the Green Front and see for yourself the outstanding values offered in our Dollar Day sales MEN'S FINE SOCKS 3 pr. $1:00 Boys' Shorts (Underwear). 2 pr. $1.00 BOYS' SMART Sport Shirts Reg. 42.25 To clear...... 1.25 SHORT SLEEVE JERSEYS Small, Medium & Larae CLEAR 2 for 1.00 okadomi CHILDREN'S JERSEYS REG. 2�9 A0 69c ..... for i ■i9 VERY ATTRACTIVE Luncheon Cloths Special each HEMSTITCHED Pillow Cases Reg, 79c ea. Special ..:...., each 'LADIES' RAYON HOSE Special for 1 00 Dollar Day ■ for a110woeo, vmemr LADIES' SILK PANTIES (Small only) Reg. 59c Special3 pr. o`B'. ■OO Children's Bathir.c TRUNKS Sizes 2-4.5 pry 933 pr. $ sOO Green Front Dept. Stores DiED TULL—In C'aradoc Twp,. on Wednes- day, Aug. 27th, 1947, John Edwin - Tull, beloved husband of Pearl Paphteeu. and dear father of Clarke and Edwin Tull, in his '31st year, 7i'uncral front. his late r'esidenc'e, Muucey road, Caradoc Twp., on Sat- urday, Aug. 30th, at 3 o'clock, Inter- ment in Mount Brydges cemetery. Opposite Post Office Seaforth montaissmsamiss HAVE YOUR WHEELS BALANCED You will notice an amazing difference in your driving comfort and a great saving in tire wear by having your wheels balanced on our new Wheel Balancing Machine Daly's Garage Seaforth aryr,ier !• n In sues 1,250,0 Om TELEPHONE Son2uwriEae in Ontario or Quebec this week an installer is putting in the telephone which will bring our total to a million and a quarter. In the past ten years we have added more than 500,000 telephones, As the use of the telephone has grown, quality of service has gone up. More people are getting more and bettt•r, service than ever before. We will continue to press at top speed our task of providing more and better telephone service as fast as materials become available. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY' OF CANADA