HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-09-04, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Snowdon l3cns, Publishers
1.Vord has been 'received of the
death:of'Martha Ann I- utcharl of Van-
couver on August 14th. She was born
at Londesboro, the youngest daughter'
of the late Nlr and Mrs, Ross Bolger.
She is survived by three sons, John
Roy incl George, two granddaughters,
a sister hi Los Angeles, California.
Her only brother, John, predeceased
her two years ago in Winnipeg, in
,August, Funeral service was held
Aug, 16th at the Harron Ltd funeral
bottle, Rev. J. P. Gordon officiating.
Interment in the Mountain View
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Hamilton
and baby, Winnipeg; with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sellers in
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Walker of
Grimsby with relatives.
Mrs. Richmond near Blyth with her
sister Mrs. D. Johnston.
Miss Leona Watson was in St.
The Walton school reopened on
Sept. 2, for the new terns with
teacher D. Lawless in charge. New
beginners are Jerry Achilles, Ben-'
neth Ryan, Lane Hazlewood, Regin-
ald Stone, David Kirkby. The school
now has 30 pupils. -
Geo. McCall, Vancouver, with his
brother Arthur McCall.
Mr. and Mrs. Cosby Ennis, Lon-
don, With Mi and Mrs. Fred Ennis.
Lawrence Ryan has sold his
threshing, machine to Mr, Haliahan
of Blyth.
Jerry Dreisell has returned home
from Toronto after spending several
weeks with his mother, Mrs. Mary
Cliff Brown, relieving section
foreman. is in waterdown this week.
Misses Edith and Bernice hack-
well. Stratford, spent Labor Day at
name here.
Miss Dorothy Donnelly will re-
sume her duties as Principal of God-
erich Business School in September.
Robert Schultz, Stratford, a re-
cent graduate of Stratford Normal
School, will succeed Mrs. Clayton
Looby at Beechwood Separate
a hoof.
Miss Morrisson, Monk -ton, has
seen engaged as teacher of S.S. No.
5, Logan.
tiIrs. Leonard Nagle is undergo-
ing special treatments in Westmin-
ster Hospital. London.
Joseph Cronin is critically ill at
Seaforth Memorial Hospital,
Dr. Frank and Mrs. Stapleton and
son. Galt, with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan, Tor-
onto. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Jordan
and two sons, Jerome Jordan, Jos-
eph Jordan Mrs. William Byrne and
Mrs. Len Bolger. all of Detroit and
Gerald Jordan. Sarnia, attended the
sale of their father. James Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Counter,
Toronto, Mrs. May Dorsey, Mrs. Jo-
seph Miller and Miss Camille Wil-
liams. Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs.
David steConnell,
Mr. and Mrs. to Murphy. Mary
and Jack, Pontiac, Mich., with Mr,
and Mrs. Dan Costello,
Miss Marie Krausknpf, Landon,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fr ink Krauskopf,
Tilsonburg, with Mrs. Loris Kraus -
kelt f.
Misses Mary and Margaret Atkin-
5on. Toronto. with their parents,
:lir. and Mrs. Joseolr Atkinson.
Mg's. Ida Carpenter, Detroit, with
Mfrs, ,James Shea,
Sir, and Mrs. Bili Dtai•.s . Wroxeter
a„d Roy Durst, iztratford, with Mr.
,,lige Mrs, Arthur Forster.
Miss Jean Costello, London, with
zi'irr•nts NIr. and Mrs. Dan Cost-
Charles Krauskopf, Detroit, with
hi. ro.ents, Mr. and Mrs. James
1Ti,s Marr Dnrsey, London, with
her pother. Mrs, Louis Dorsey,
Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderich,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Misses Eileen, Jean and Loraine
Jordan, London, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan.
lfiehael Murray and Mrs. Bernard
Murray, Detroit, with firs, Kather-
ine Evans.
Misses Mary Margaret and Ter-
esa Ryan, London, with theirparents
Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Ryan.
Miss Monica Byrne is vacationing
in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams in
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Carpenter,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McCarthy and
Tsseph Krauskopf in Detroit.
Edward Holland and Earl Oslin m
Mr. and Mrs. Leo McKay, ,De-
troit. attended the Ryan Eckert
wedding on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rourke and
M -.and Mrs. Andy O'Rourke,: De
:suit; with, Miss Katharine Burris,
Miss Leona Dzuar, St, Mary's
tit Spite", Iiitl het e,, With her par-.
outs, Mr. and Mrs, J, Druar,
Joseph Morisson, Windsor,' with
Itis pareiras, Ms'. and Mrs. James
Mr. and :Mrs, Leonard Bader and
?:r. and 'Mrs. Arthur Tacque; De's -o -
it, with Me. and Mrs. Martin Feen-
Rev. Father Cox, S.F.M, and Rev.
Father Murphy, S.F.M. St; Mary's,.
Billie McCann, London, and Miss
Rita Mclvor, Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs. W eluates Mclvor,
Jack Morris, Hamilton, and. Thom-
as Morris, Windsor, with their
mother Mrs. , Josephine Morris.
Mir. and Mrs, Harvey Dantzer and
son, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs,
John Nagle and William Dantzer.
Mrs. H. Pugh and son Glenn at
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill and
Karen and Mr. R. Frost at Brampton
and Toronto.
Mrs. A. M. Looby at Grand Bend.
Pick and white Gladioli decorated
the altar of St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, for the wedding on Monday
morning, when Cecelia Agnes, daug-
liter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eckert,
Logan township, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Clarence Ignatius
Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ilya, Logan township. Rev. J. B.
rfoulkes, J.C.L. officiated at the
ceremony and sang the Nuptial
Mass, Miss Mary Beale presided at
the organ and the choir sang "Ave
Maria" at the offertory, and "On
this day, 0 Beautiful Mother" dur-
ing the signing of the Register.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor length gown
of slipper satin fashioned with ny-
lon yoke studded with fantasy seed
pearl fitted bodice, long pointed
sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her
full skirt fell in a slight train and
her full length veil of embroidered
net fell from a halo of white flowers.
She carried a shower bouquet of
Sweetheart roses. The bride was at-
tended by her sister, Miss Teresa
Eckert wearing a floor -length gown
of blue net over satin with bouffant
skirt and fitted bodice. She wore a
matching headdress with shoulder
tip veil and carried pink roses. The
bride's niece. ;Marie Cronin, was
flower -girl in a floor -length frock of
pink satin with headdress of pink
and blue flowers. Her nosegay was
of asters and sweet peas.
The bride groom was attended by
his brother, Mr. Leo Ryan and Mr.
Frank Ryan and Mr, Michael Eckert,
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the hone of the
bride's parents. The bride's mother
:-eceived the 'guests wearing a town
of Royal blue crepe with black ac-
eessories and corsage of pink roses.
She was assisted by the bridegroom's
mother who wore a flowered silk
jersey frock with blaek sequins and
corsage of pink roses. Later a din-
ner was served at the hone of the
Bride's parents to the immediate rel-
atives of the bridal party. For tra-
rolling the bride chose a Queen's
blue gabardine suit with brown ac-
cessories. Following a brief honey-
moon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will
reside in Dublin.
Among those attending the wed-
ding from e dietanee were: Mr. and
Mrs, Leo McKay. Detroit: Mr. and
Mrs. Jneeph Lemon, Stratford'r' M±,
:r'r,i Mrs. Hugh McCann, Parkhill
n l Tis Doris Flanagan, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Alm Mueller of Jlam;
111,111 with Mr. and Mrs. Ang. Hine -
Mr. and Mrs, John Eisler of SFR.
14,1,111 with Mr, and Mrs. Manuel
c"isitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ed
Schmidt were Mr. and Mrs, Joe Klein.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Paoli and son
Bobby, Detroit, Mr. Herman Schmidt
and Violet of Preston. Mr. and Mra.
1,'.vern Stahley of Kitchener, Mr. and
Jim McIntosh. Mrs. Otto of
Sara t ford.
RTr, and Mrs, Dalton Hinz and fam-
ily spent Sunday at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Milstein. with
Mrs. Annie Mnega' at. Heidelberg e,c
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Roch with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Brooks et Mt, Albert.
Visitors with Mrs. Sophie Be±nie-
wiea were Bob Murray and Elsie
Staley of Toronto. Martha Victor, Kit-
chener. Rev. and Mrs. S, Friederich-
sen and son of Philipsburg.
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Bruce turd Eun-
leo of Toronto with 1Mr. and 11Ire. Earl
Mr. Roy Ametein of Kitchener with
Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Amstern.
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence. Queren-
gesser, Mildred and Florence of C'ran-
bronk with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Rock who have
been visiting in the West have reutrn-
ed house, -
Dir. unsl Mrs, Lorne Messeraclsmidt
and Arlene of Detroit' with Airs,
Henry ,Bieber Sr. • ,
Miss Grace Hofftueyer of Sebring -
vine with her grandparents Mr. and
Ml's. Eli Rapien,
Mr. Chas. Rode of Kitchener with
Mr, and Mrs, Ed Prueter, •
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Diegel of
North. Bay with Miss, Louise Hinz and
other relatives,
Pdr. Ralph Diegel, N. Bay, with then
sou Mr. Glen Diegel,
Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser,
114r. Albert Querengesser and Mi'. and
Mrs. Howard Querengesser spent the
week and in Toronto guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fend Querengesser, Mr. and
Mrs. John Arbuckle, and also attend-
ed the Exhibition.
Mrs. Mary Dittmer is .spending a
few days with Mr, and Mrs.' Aug.
Bauer near Moukton.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Grove and sons
Harold and Bobby of Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs: Ray Hart of Loudon, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wheatley,. Joan and
Larry of McKillop with Mr, and Mrs.
L. G. Rock,
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hills, Maur-
een and Winnifred, attended the To-
ronto Exhibition over the week end,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Diegel spent
the week end in Hamilton.
Mi'. and Mrs. era Baskin of Toronto
with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Eickinetr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doyle, Lynda and
Sharon, spent the week end with his
parents Mr, and Mrs, Jim Doyle at
Toxon to.
Roger William, infant sun of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Pryce,' was baptized
in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on
Sunday morning the sponsors were
Miss Edna Wieite and Stanley-Beuer-
man, Miss Jean Pryce and Aaron.
Miss Betty Rock, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Rock, has entered Sl.
Marys Ilospital at Kitchener as nurse
in training.
Public school opened on Tuesday
morning with Miss Aletha McMillan
as teacher.
Ralph Scherhtu•th, 12 -year-old son
of 1M,'. and Mrs, Ed Si'herbarth, who
was stricken with a mild case of polio,
isgetting along nicely: Ise is confined
to London hospital,
Mrs. Aug. Hopiienrotlr underwent a
major operation' in \'irtoria Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of List-
owel were recent visitors with their
son and fancily Mr. and Mrs, Orland
Marlene and Peter Haugh who
spent their vintner vacation with
their grandparents and cousins left
for their home in Toronto; last
Thursday. They were accompanied
with their mother and brother Rog-
er who visited here for a short time.
Mr. Jas. Foster and Miss Alice
Foster and Mr. Donald Foster of
Fair Grove, Michigan, visited with
their cousins Mr. and Mrs, Robt,
a 1, as 1 ay,
Miss Edna Mustard returned from 1
1 her summer cottage at Inver Huron, I 1E'
7 i` A rY+
last week, 1 1 A l 1`� A
Rev, and Mrs, Chas. Mustard and 111 ' SEAFORTH
'daughter of Toronto and Mrs. F.
Crookes and daughter of London,
visited with relatives here last week.
Mr. Will Hill returned from Sea-
forth Hospital last week much im-
proved in health.
Among some who attended the
Toronto Exhibition last week Were
Mr. Douglas MsBeath, Mr. Thorton
Mustard, Mrs. Aldie Mustard, Mre.
Wm. Pepper, Mrs. Elgin Thomson,
Mrs. Jas. Thomson and Miss Edna
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Archer of
Kitchener.' were guests with Rev, and
Mrs. E. Stanway over the weekend.
The solos sung by Mr. Archer at the
morning service on - Sunday were
much appreciated.
The Misses Elizabeth, Ina • and.
Helen May Scott of London • spent
the weekend and holiday with rela-
tives here,
Major and Mrs. J. S. Ussher' of
Barrie visited with the tatter's par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. 0. Haugh on Sun -
dais and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Reid Kirk, Mr. and
Mrs. Wurtz of Fair Grove, Mich,,
Mr, Geo. Howard of Exeter and Miss
Evelyn Howard of Toronto called on
Mr, and Mrs. R. Allan 'and Mr. and
Mrs, C. Haugh on, Sunday,
Miss Mary Steckle of Clinton
hospital visited with Mr. and Mrs,
W. Haugh on Tuesday.
Schools re -opened here on Tues-
day with Mrs. Campbell of Seaforth
at S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith and Miss
Phyllis McBride of Varna, at S.S.
No. 10, Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson are
attending the Toronto Exhibition
this week.
Mrs. Fred Hutchings of California
is visiting her sisters Mrs. W. E. Haw-
ley and Mrs. C. I•Iawley and brothers
Messrs. Jack and Will McSpadden.
Mr-. T. E. Hawley and Mr. Jack
McSpadden attended Toronto Exhibi-
tion this week.
Winthrop school opened Tuesday
with the teacher Mrs. Jack Kellar in
charge. The new pupils are Kenneth
Davidson and Paul Glanville.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Davidson and
daughter spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. Davidson.
Mr, Donald Horne spent the week
end in St. Catharines and Toronto.
NIr, Glen Haase and family have
moved from London to Mr. Leith.
waite's house on the eighth conces-
sion and is working in the chopping
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bernard and
daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Dale, Hullett.
We are glad to report that Verne
The Story of a Thousand and One Wonders
with Douglas Fairbanks Jr. — Maureen O'Hara
A Tecnicolor Spectacle of Dazzling Splendor'
Joan Crawford -- John Garfield in
Fannie Hurst's dramatic Love Story set to Glorious Music
Roy Rogers -.George "Gabby" Hayes in
"My Pal Trigger"
The "King of the Cowboys" and his horse "Trigger" brings you the
Season's Top Musical and Action Hit
COMING "SMASH-UP" with Susan Hayward
Leslie,' infant' son of .Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Dohnage, is hone front London
Hospital and is improving.
New pupils at#6 schools are Gloria
Boyd, Edith Boyd, Sandra Doig,
Fergus Jantzi, Betty Murray, Jimmy
Sloane. The teacher is Mr. Foster
Mrs. Bert McSpadden 'and ,Jackie,
London, with Mr. and Mrs, Z. 'Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan
and Mrs. Wm. Britton went to Lon-
don on Sunday. Mr. Win. Britton,
who was in Victoria hospital, re-
turned home with them.
1141. and Mrs, David Dewar and sou
George, of Toronto, and 11Irs, Myra
Wheatley of Clinton called on Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Lindsay and 11Sr. and ;ties.
Will Carnochau, Mr. and Mrs. Robert -
Rogerson and Mr, and Mrs. William
Mr. Douglas Britton, who spent the
summer with his grandparents Mr,'
and Mrs. Wm. Britton, returned home
to .Thamesville on Sunday,
George Pinder, wife and two ,daugh-
tars, of St. Catharines, visited his
brother Charles and Dr. and Mrs,
Harburn, and Irwin and Mrs. Tre-
Card of Thanks
Mr, and Mrs. 'William Britton wish
to thank their friends and neighbors
for ale the kindnesses shown while
Mr. Britton was iii hospital, both at
Seaforth end Victoria.
Duffs United Church
Anniversary Services
• 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Daylight Saving Time
of Centennial United Church, London
All these thrills are yours
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Here are all the major thrills of motoring combined
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In the new Chevrolet, riding is like cruising in
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Count on hair.trigger getaway -power for
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For this new Chevrolet boasts a Valve -In -
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Be wise! Keep your present car in good running condition .by bringing it
to us for skilled service at regular intervals, until you secure delivery of
your new Chevrdiet. Come In for a complete service check-up today)