HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-08-21, Page 34 Rainbow .Corner is Start of New horizon -Rainbow Corner is open again. A foriner military club at Picadilly, London, has re -opened for interviews of some of the 7,000 Britons who will fly on prjority an passages to Ontario, under a new scheme just announced by Mr, T. S. P. Armstrong*, Agent -General for the Province. Called 'Operation New Horizon' the plan provides specially selected iniltiigrants with all arrangements to fly to their new homes. Hopeful immigrants are shown writing out application forms at Rainbow Corner, beneath the badge of the Province of Ontario. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Professional basketball has been tried in the city of Toronto -tried, and found wanting in just one vital essential. The advance ballyhoo was ornate and gaudy; press and radio support most generous; players were of the All Star Variety although, at times, they did perform as though they hadn't been properly introduced to one another. Just one thing was lacking -namely, cash customers in sufficiently paying quantities. * * * Putting it baldly, the whole thing was a promotional flop; and while it's easy to be wise after the;.ey.ent, there were those of us who 'pointed out to the promoters -or trieth'to -what a mistake they were making right from the start. They overlook- ed the fact that, while 1000 custom- ers at $2.50 apiece put just as much dough in the cash -register as 5000 at four -bits, it is by no means the s: roc thing in the matter of building up a following. Instead of making sure that the joint was packed -even with dead -heads - for their first half-dozen games, they acted as if all they had to (lo was open the doots and have folks conte a -crowd- ing, cash in hand. And there's no- thing as chilling as a couple of thou- sand people trying to sound enthu- siastic in a place built to hold seven or eight tinges that many, * * * DIS4PPOINTIIIENT. There is said to have been great anticipation among the blade flies and wosqui- quitoes of Northern Ontario al the news of the eminent Gypsy. Rose Lee visiting those parts. Some of Modern Rustlers Travel by Truck Saskatchewan ranchers' action in posting standing rewards for the arrest and conviction of cattle rust- lers provides an interesting remind- er that much of Western Canada still is pioneer country, although the old "wild west" is gone, says The Edmonton Journal, Present day rustlers do not face the prospect of being hanged to the nearest tree if caught, but posting standing re- wards of $100 indicates ranchers feel the need for vigilance in pro- tecting their stock. The money may bring in information that will assist thepolice in rounding up the thieves. Stockmen admit rustling has de- creased following the postwar boom in black market bccf. But they claim enough livestock still is stolen to warrant the payment of rewards for capture of the thieves. Stalin Draws Plans For a New Moscow Prime itfinisier Joseph Stalin has personally drawn up a plan to re- build Moscow as a "harmonious ar- chitectural creation expressing the noble ideas of Communism," radio Moscow said, Quoting an article in the Sciriet newspaper Izvestia, it said the ,new city would contain avenues, squares, and pa rks grouped around the Kremlin, in addition to monumental buildings and "beautiful modern houses" to be built over Many square miles of ground. Nestling around the outskirts of {he city would be cottages surround - Id by gardens, M r. Stalin has plan- A led, then[ were even rumored as trying to hunt Bach's `Air for the G - String" as they honed and .stropped their stingers. But, alas, ltfiss Lee, like a good trouper, keeps profes- sional costume for professional ap- pearances, and so presents no softer target than any average cmnper. * * * A reverend gentleman has re- cently come out with a heated blast against wrestling and wrestlers -one which we think is somewhat unfair. Having been, in our time, (nixed up more closely than most folks with the - sport, business, racket, call what you like - of wrestling, we feel in a position to speak by the book. And while we have seen wrestling fans, male and female, stirred by excitement to actions that were hardly either po- lite or elevating -well, we might say the very same regarding what we have witnessed at, say, a Rev. Billy Sunday Tabernacle, As for the grapplers personally- talcc then( by and large, the quietest, decentest, best -living bunch you'll find in any line of physical endea- vor. Wrestling two, three and four times a week, they haven't the time, et'en if they had the inclination, for any real Cain -raising outside the ring' If some of their antics verge on the crude -well, as Shakespere said, "the drama's laws the drama's patrons give"; and modern wrest- ling is all of 00 per cent drama. Anyway, we are proud to count a large number of wrestlers, as well as many Ivfinisters, among our per- sonal friends. And if' we don't happen to attend wres.t(dg puatches as often as we used Co; i.tilii"Same goes for Church service -is' Well. * * * Looking at some cher'r'ies priced at $2.00 per basket not long ago, we overheard an old -tinier say to his contpauiorr, "1 can remember the time Totten we could buy cherries like those as low as 25c a basket." Then, after a pause, he added, "Yes; and the iwo-bits was just as hard to get hold of as the two dollars is nowadays." *** Swimming from Ireland to Scot- land a long-distance swimmer re- cently covered the 25 miles of tur- bulent water in slightly over 14 hours. If you have any Scots friends, suggest to then( that if he'd swum the other way his eager- ness to escape would outd have probably made hint cut the time in half. Then prepare to duck, but fast! * * ,k BRICKS AND LUMBER ONLY! It is reported that our Provincial Government has been informing prospective settlers front Britain that, here in our beloved Ontario, they 50,, expect to buy comfortable Mantes for around $3000 per copy. If such is the rase, we do ]tope they etre, 1/rev would Probably have to-do were also told that, at suck a fag -- all the necessary building personal- ly. When Ian°ir BACK ACHES Backache is often caused by /lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, din* turbed reat or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly -use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested, popular, safe, non -habit -form. ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue bon with the red band. Sold everywhere, tai fapanese Beetles Tour by Airliner -The Japanese beetle, since its arrival in New Jersey some 30 -odd years ago, has given evidence of be- ing much pleased 'with what it has seen and eaten of this country in more than a score of states, says the New York Herald Tribune. The ambitious insect is aware of the value of air transport in get- ting etting around a land so much larger than its original botne in the Pa- cific. Every Sulmner it makes use of planes, travelling as a stowaway or hitch hiker, and corning aboard clinging boldly to some traveller who may be munching lima bean vines in Ohio a few (Yours later. Now the Department of Agricul- ture's Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine has employed five girls to serve as inspectors at La- Guardia Field, with the duty of watching for outbound beetles at- tached to the back of a gabardine suit or iridescently ornamenting a wash frock. What Science is Doing Casein Bristles Hug bristle s6;in to be fighting a losing, battle. Eolig years ago, such. bristles were ,:used in watches until displaced by the' hair springof steel. And for a long time the hogwas the undisputed leader' in the produc- tion of quality bristles for ,paint brushes, writes W. P. K..ift The Christian Science \Ionitor. . During the war, however, the hog was forced to take a back scat by the appearance of synthetic 'bristles of various kinds. And now there is a new threat to his former monop- oly. A utixture of casein, obtained from skim mill:, and water is ex- truded through a suitable die and then subjected .to finishing opera- tions The resulting bristle is round• in cross section and black like horse- hair or China pig bristle and. can be produced in any length or ,diameter desired, The casein bristles are said to be particularly well adapted for use in paint brushes because - they are re- sistant to oils and organic solvents. In defense of the local hogs it probably should be mentioned that most of the hog bristles used here come from China and Europe. Not, we hasten to add, that our domestic (togs couldn't raise nice bristles. It is just that the local bristles are not long enough, due to the fact that American hog raisers do not, as a rule, keep boars long enough to grow bristles of the desired 'length, £TOITrUPH aRasA Qufckl Stop itching 05 insect bites, heat rash; ecrema, hives, pimples,scales, scabies, athlete's foot and other externally caused akin troubles, Use tlulck•ecting, soothing, antiseptic D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless, stainless; Itch stops orour one back. Your druggist hocks D, �. D, PRESCRIPTION. NNW 4T IMS rf our0 NERVO %V On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of Montle! If functional monthly dieturbnaces cause you to suffer nervous tension -at ouch times - this is very effective to relieve such oymptonia; 1fB104 E PINATA ifS COMPO UN D HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment htecca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protrudios Bleeding Piles, and is sold in Tube, with pipe, :or Internal application. Prion 760. Mecca Pile Rempdy No. tis for External Itching Piles. Sold n Jar, and is for external use only. Price' 60a. Order by number from your Druggist. it ^rttS I*01545 pA5CIU110E'S X45425 aOptHES B601aUGS D�® H � NECtDE SURF ATEaI Stainless, Lstn9 s r aua.snlae 1 1h't115001 en the ate. " Guaranteed by, Good Housekeeping ep Ir etr0e0IVE 50 rAs 4OVOarla Ee tfl0 - . WITH 5% DDi F ▪ "E 111ISECT , RFAC ICID r AS"us. MOtsf, rtl4t 104 Mosoultors *0,1.:" ▪ G u:weed'by� Geed Housekeeping ®i®fi. d6yJ p&9-igmere&�'asiroaieq-C , w4tltrmaggameggss Classified Advertising AGNT1 IVAN"fEI' 8161.1' LVANa20 OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides, "Electric Pence Controllers, House and Barn Paint Roof Continua, etc. Dealers wanted While Marra Crease & Oil Limited, Toronto _ *AOI CH1CKb, 3-4-6.6 1t"11;1C' old pullets Immediate. delivert•:� A snap for some wise pnnitl'Ylreeper. We advise you write 0000. We have u' limited quant;(. 01 dityolds also. Order now 1101 August -Sept. thiciso, :Bray Hatchery,. 130 John N,, Hamilton,' Ont Two minim ' old storied chicks; Barred 11000s. Nele 1'fampsbireo, NeW Hampshire Barred nock, Light Sussex X New Hamp- shire non -0000d 16 96. pullets 18.11, Assorte.l Heavy breeds 14.96,. pullet. 17.15. White Leghorn. White Leghorn K Barred: Reek. Black Australorp X- White Leghorn- pullets 23.06. Assorted Medium and Light Pullets 12,94, 'Three Week old add 5.00 per hundred, 4 week old odd 10.90 per hundred. shipped C,0.0, Also pullets eight weeks to la31ng. Top Notch. C'hIckeries, Guelph,Ontario, If l'I DING MATERIAL CEau'1NT sewer pipe and Gyproc delivered anywhere, J. Bray, Long .Broncb, 01,0110 Now Toronto 1024, 11CSIN OSB OPPORTUNITIES A BUSINESS of your ew'n for only 024. Introduce our revolutionary muented house- hold necessity. Write for Cull particulars. Box 140. 73 Adelaide w., Toronto. fN\-p1NTOP,S-Let us 11010 you sell that In- vention or Idea, patented or unpatented, Our new method 1s unique. We contact (hundreds of fh's,,, looking for good idea,. Write 'Oorntn'ood Agency. 263 Keewatin Ave„ Toronto, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything awe OYetna or clean. Ins? Write to ua for Information. We are glad to answer your 000011ons. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Gimped, 701 ronge Street. Toronto, Ontario, FARMS FOU SALE GOOD 100 acres, well fenced and drained, young brehord beginning to bear. All build - Ingo 10 excellent condition: .701m McNair, Brussels. Ontario. FOR SALE, good grain and dairy farm. 130 ncrea, over 100 workable, iota of running water; good buildings, silo, fences, auger Loeb and evaporator; small down payment, balance arranged; sell lvlth or without sleek and implements; 12 miles north Belleville. F. Elliott, West Huntingdon, P.O, 180 ACRES, high and lots land, alt tillable. buildings In fair shape, hydro. 20 miles from Ottawa, off Preeeolt Highway. With or without stoek and .equipment. App1Y Sterling 5cold,, Kara, R.R, No,_ 2, Ontario. FBI( SALE AIRFORCE SALE Sew P„C,A.F. Leather dress boots -37,96, R.C, A.F. new raincoats -84,95. Army pante (new) -62,95.. Blankets -83,96, Write for Free Bulletin. Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St„ Toronto. BEAUTIFUL Blank . Conker Spaniel Bitch Puppies, Championship breeding. Will make exceptional Kennel stock. SVrete- or phone Jack Merritt, 28 ,tames South, Hamilton, for prices and pedigrees, BEAUTIFULLY marked Beagle Hounds registered, Bred from Imported sire. Pronptla' crated and shipped. Phone or write Peter Porter. 280 or 0661 Burford, Ont. CLETRAC caterpillar tractor with 8 ft, bull- dozer, hYdranllo lift. Apuls' Ceo. E, Pol- lard, Brussels, Ont. Phone 66 r 13. ENGLISH pointer puna, registered, liver and white, good show and field prospect,. Dire. Windsor, 11 Nognnosh Rd., Toronto. FOR SALE-Ayrehiro Bull, Wynyato High- land Prince, 8 year old. Robert Bucking- ham. R.R, No, 2, Russell, Ontario. FOR SALE about 00 acres of timber con- sisting of Beech, Maple and Hemlock Imit- able for logs, ties and bolts, very tall clean trees. Reasonable for quick sale. Apply Pert Dolson, Shelburne, Ont, FLAGS ALL Sizes Union Jacks- or Canadian Ensigns, sewn wool bunting. Special offering on 454 and 6 foot Union Jaeko. Past dye sewn cotton. DIseount for quantities, Brighten your com- munity or home by (Wing it go0d quality flag. Jahn Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington St. West, Toronto, GOOD heavy need Military wamnia, suitable for farms, lumberi00, milting and contract- ing. Also five lorrlee and 2 bob (deishs, Write for particulars, Percy J. itorbrldge, 806 Plaza Bldg., Ottawa. GREAT DANE PUPPIES W0140E,LL ALLURED chattmlonohlp stock. 'with exceptional blood linea, Fawn with black. adults.. 803 L'rookdalo Avenue, Toronto,- HU. HASTINGS COUNTY, 2 miles from Highway NO. 28, 1 collo trent lake, c5verhtg famous summer resort, half mile to school, nen' 7 - room hound with water and furnace, prac- Meetly new barn, alio and largo cattle .and nig barn, upproxlmtttely 200 acres. 00 ncrea *leered, also additional 200 acres without buudine, fronting on lake half mile dlntanco, 60 acres sown to ante and eerde0, 12 acres corn. Fun 11neof machinery. new or In good condition, .Apply W. 0. Martin. Ban- croft, Ont. .PEDIGREE English Setter pupa. Adam Lando 11.R, No, 1, Vlnemount, 8 miles East Elfrida, I-Ilghway 20. TIRES 600 X 16 $5.00 We are overstocked atthe present of good need trade -In Urea (guaranteed to be to ex- cellent shape). All orders ehlppod C.O.D. Special equipment. for vulcanising Truck and farm Tractor Tiros. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Sta., Hamilton, Ont, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN . EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers 1S/anl ed AGENTS WANTED tlA1RDRESSINo LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information on request regarding Macaws. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ave- nue Road, Road, Toronto, a • 'niILP 'minus') _- GENERAL DUTY NURSES Per Marl,dale Private 110,111ta1. 8100.00 month and full maintenance Apply Dr. 1i. L. Cnroroot, Maritime, Ont, GRAnUAa'E, nurses Apply to Suuerintend- ent. Kirkland and District Hospital, I111r11. land Lake, Ontario. L'RANICI.IN Township. two teachers wanted. Protestant, for modern up to -date shoal.,. Duties 10 commence Sept. 2. Salary 01,600.00 with recognition of previous teaching expert - once, flay dolhtro par year 1150 to 0lx years, 55010 nuatlflentions 000 telephone number. Apply Mrs, Arthur 00ouhby, Ser.-Treas., Port Cunnington, Ont. 8 FULLY experienced farm laborers. non- drinkers, ago 30 to 40. 1:, good heaIOs. Only capable sten Beed apply, Yearly mel, hlokment: Good wages. Thos,-AinsILy Sunt., 0,010 held Perm, 11,R,No, 1, Wahl - fleet, bat. - MEDICAL DON'T WALT -Every :sufferer of Rheumatid Paine. `. or Neur5Lin should try : Dixon'* Reunedy, ' 25011,0',, Drug :Store, 836 Bleu, Ottawa,, - Postpaid, 11.00. , 11115000Y RECOMSIENDED - Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis sbould try Dixon's Remedy, Afuro's Drug Store,- tad Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid -11,00, OPPORTUNITIES 0)(t tV06113N BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LOADING 5011000 Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dlgnl tied profession, rood ware., thousands enemata'. Alan el graduateu. Amorlca'e greatest system. illustrated esta- IORue tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SC10O05 368 Blom St. W., Toronto Branches 44 Bing St., .Hamilton & '14. Rideau Street, Ott0w, PATENTS FETItE11STONA 0014 & Company Patent Sollcllore. EuOsbllebed 1890, 54 Ring Wept. Toronto Booklet of information on 0055001. PERSONAL OFFICIAL lfaeNab 131atory by 12, A. 'Jeffery.. including Membership One Dollar. Write( MacNab Historical A00ocla(lon, FOlyet, Ont, PHOTOGRAPHY AL WAY Photo Service offers you the late,* In photo finishing. Flims developed and one deckle crate print of each negative com- plete In eoaoshot album 30c. Reprints 4o. For. better Quality and roster personal service send sour films to Nu Way. Photo Service, Sauna A. Dept, C, Toronto. • SATISFIED CUSTOMERS an ores Collodi, RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You get finer "snaps" and prompt serv0e Rola this big, reliable Muffle. ANY SIZE ROLL 0 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED and PRIN'T'ED 80e Reprints from your negatives dc. a mounted enlargement', 4 x 6" 250, En. Iargen,entn framed 7 x 8" In Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 74c, 15 picture colored 94e. Prime and enlargement, made from print. of loaf negatives. Dept. 81 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 128. I'OS7' OFFICE A, TORONTO WANTED WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Tose prises for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept., 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 6. (we da custom eroding). SAFES Protect your 1100118 and CASA front FIRE and THIEVES. We have a alae and type of Site, se Cabinet, for any purpose. P/rlt us, or ''rile for prices, etc., to Dept, W. 4.6CJ.TAYLE1R LIMITED TORONTO SAF WORKS 145 Front St. E., Toronto Established 1855 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufac- ture in our factories -Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads. Horse ' Blankets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., Ltd. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality The only Cigarette TE PURE WHITEarette Pa a BLUE COVE MADE IN FRANCE ! On sale in Canada 11 Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaver For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG ° CIGARETTE ROLLER 4 ISSUE 32-1947 MUTT AND JEFF -Well Jeff Can Tell Girls he Was. Once A Life Guard Anyway suT I CAN'T SWIM, PEG? NEITHER CAN I BUT WE CAN TRY/ -comp oNE ON I CAN I GET A JOB AS A LIFE GUARD 'HERE INA HURRY? WELL,I DUNNO! CAN YOU SWIM? SWIM? -ER- Fslo! BUT, Of' BOY, YoU OUGHT To $ E ME WADE! By BUD FISHER KI0OIES WADING POOL -S LIFE 55D r 1(4 4.0