HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-08-14, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 1947 HENSALL Regular meeting of the Village Council held this evening at S in the Council Chamber with all membersbeing present: Minutes of the last regular, also special meeting' read. Brown and Middleton, that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. T. Kyle reported re the cutting of weeds on Private property. Twitchell and Brown. that the clerk be in- structed to add the costs of cutting the weeds on the different private properties to the collector's roll namely G. llicEwen Estate, $2;00 and C. Cante]on Estate $4.50. Car- ried. W. Pfaff appeared re the drain at the corner of #4 highway and King street, same to be looked into. Correspondence read as follows: I Dept;el Veterans Affairs, Dept of Planning. and Development,' Dept. of Travel and Publicity, Dept. of Highways, Bell Telephone, Dept. of Public Welfare, Empire Brass Mfg. County Clerk, Lions' Club, Zurich, Bayfield, Village of Exeter, same considered and filed. Bills and accounts read as follows: E. Little, painting signs, streets, $4.00; Bell Telephone, service, hall, $2.75; Drysdale Hardware. supplies, hall, $25.30; Jinks and Parke, sup - Plies, mower, streets, $41.80; - T. Kyle, salary. $73.80; Huron Lumber, supplies, hall, $2.80; J. Pfaff, team- ing, streets, $6.00; E. Fink, plumb- ing, hall, $151.95; Hydro Commis- sion, hydro, hall, $8.06; total $316.- 46. Park and Twitchell, that the bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried. Brown and Parke, that by laws 15-16-17 be given first and se- cond reading. Carried. Middleton rand Twitcheli, that by-laws 15-16-17 be given third and final reading and finally passed, Carried. Twitchell and Brown, that we now adjourn. Carried. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding and son Bruce and Mrs. Ida Harding of London visited on Sunday with Mrs.; Edna Corbett and Edward. Mr. and 141rs. Herb Britton and family of Dublin- visited recently with Mrs. Britton's mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Windsor were recent visitors with Mrs. Mc- Donald and Miss Marguerite Mc- Donald and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carol are visiting with the former's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. H.- G. Neeb in Tavistock. Mrs. Hopkins and Miss Dorothy Porter of Chicago, Ill. were recent visitors with the former's sisters Mrs. 11. McMurtrie and Mrs. Agnes Farquhar. Bill Mickle spent the weekend at Rondeau Park and came third .in the sail -boat race held there, Mrs. Ida Harding of London le visiting 'with her neice Mrs, Edna Corbett. Misses Lois Henderson, Betty Moir, Roberta Kirby, Orion Stephen, Ruth Alexander, Elaine Beer and Gertrude Bell, Hensel] Girl Guides, are attending camp Kitchigami, on Lake Huron, this week. CARPENTERS Carpenters' Helpers Laborers NTED rice APPLY ON THE JOB Scott Memorial Hospital SEAFORTH . ISEFISOSSIF YOUNG MEN ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE, 9 Kichrnomd Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario. Please send further inforfnadon and en application form for the Ontario Farm Service Force. Manse ....................... (16 Address ................................ . ase+.. ................ Town ..... A,xtilaEde from ................... . to.. ... .... • Ptiaw ONTARIO'S food crops are ripening fast and young people are urgently needed to help harvest fruit and vege- tables for a hungry world. The season of need extends from August 15th to October 15th and ,pay is good for every willing worker. Por four weeks spent in the out-of- doors, one way transportation will be given you free. Return transpor- tation is also yours if you remain until harvesting is completed. Share pleasure and profit with 'the hundreds of young people who are volunteering for this important work. Fill in the attached coupon and join the Ontario Farm Service Force without delay. No mixed camps or accomodatioss for families. DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR 0.0atCUtT0IiE - sji,ilV1 L580911, EDDCATfbf LOGAN Logan Council met with all mem- bers being present on Aug. 5th 1 p. in. Reeve F. W.. Ahrens was ap- pointed delegate to the Thames Val- ley meeting to be held at St. Marys Aug. 14th. Council as a whole de- cided to attend the meeting at Strat- ford on August 8th, 8 p.m.. G. H. Henmpel appointed to inspect the tile portion on. the Cameron drain said, drain is now ready for fill in. Monkton School Fair to be granted $20.00. Clerk was instructed to write the Crother Caterpillar Co. request- ing a definite answer as to when the Maintainer may be expected. Drain ace petition signed try C. W. Hobbs, and others was accepted. 0. Gaffney C. E. was appointed to make an ex- amination and report to Council. A grant of $60.00 and $15.00 baby beef prize was authorized for Mitch- ell Fall Fair Baby beef prize being for Logan residents. Council authorized the clerk to amend rates by-law fixing discount on tastes at 1/3 of one per centum for every 30 day period on prepay- ment of taxes prior to Dec: lst. 1947, that being equal to 4c/ per annum. Last day of payment of taxes being 'Dec. lst, 1947. The report of Eng. McGeorge on the Main North East drain was Dead and considered and after some dis- cussion was laid over to Sept. lst, 5 p.m. for further consideration. Clerk was instructed to write Mr, Young contractor on the, shed re- questing that said contract be com- pleted. Wm. Eisler and Edward Prueter were appointed to act for the Coun- cil to examine and prepare estimates of the cost of repair of Nicholson drain clean out as complained of by P. Bradshaw, also that of Mr. Mueller, lot. 2, C. 16. Weir drain, the trouble being willows in the drains. A delegation headed by Claude Horne, of Mitchell, made representa- tions to Logan Council with regard to erecting a 20 bed hospital in the town of Mitchell, requesting that Logan grant approximately around 322,650.00 towards the erection of the said hospital, the estimated cost of the hospital to be 3125,000.00. Later discussion centred around making it a two ballot vote of the electors, one in favor of Mitchell proposition and the other in favor of the Stratford Hospital proposition, i but nothing definite was done and so the matter rests until Sept. lst meeting. Roads accounts passed amounting to the sum of $521.17 and ntiscellan- eons accounts passed amounting to 3107.56 were ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet again Sept. 1, 1. p.m. Twp. hall. John A. Rudolph, Clerk CROMARTY The Hibbert Township Council met in regular session on Monday, Aug, 4th, in the Staffa township hall with all members present the Reeve Mr. Joseph Atkinson, presid- ing. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting . which was adopted as read. The Clerk was in- strected to notify the ratepayers on what is known as the Hooper Muni- cipal and the Parsons Municipal drains, to have their payments made to the treasurer, Mr. Roy Burchill, Dublin, R.R. 2. on or before Aug 22, as after that date debentures for the amount unpaid will be issued. The report of S, W.:4rchibald O.L.S,=on AT FINNIGAN'S IN STOCK: Shingle nails, any quantity; roofing nails, any quantity; 3" nails, quantity limited;: glass, any quantity 14/10 and 12/16; rolled roofing; electric fencers; Ibex blankets; white and colored flannelette; new prints; two hundred pair full' fashioned nylon hose; Haugh overalls, all sires; Greb shoes. Speciali Vel, 2 pkgs. 55c W. J. FINNIGAN & SON FERTILIZER ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER NOW. GIVE US A CHANCE. PAY OCTOBER IST. We are still buying GRAIN for Thompson, Hensall WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655 r 2 SEAFORTH in Memoriam ALLAN—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mrs. Wilson Allan, who passed away one year ago, August 17th, 1946. Quickly and suddenly came the call, Her sudden death surprised us all. Dearer to memory than words can tell, The loss of a mother we loved so well. —Sadly missed by Husband and Family. PROCLAMATION Township of Huilett A Special Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Township of Hulled will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro MONDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 1947, The Clerk will be in the Community Hall, Londesboro; from 1 to 2 p.m., EST., tore- ceive nominations for 1 Councilor, to fill the vacancy in Hullett Township Council, caused' by the resignation of Leslie R. Reid. A Special Meeting of the Electors will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, at 8 P.M. EST, to hear proposed Candidates and in case more than the required number are nominated, and a vote demanded, a Poll will be held on MONDAY, AUGUST 25TH, 1947 from 0 a.m. EST, until 5 p.m. EST, at the. following places: Poll 1—Forester's Hall, hmburo ; Seeord McBrte, DRO; -Ephriam Clark, Poll Clerk. Poll 2—School House SS No. 6. Bert Bea- com, DRO: Leo Watt, Poll Clerk. Poll 3—School House SS No. 2 ; Joseph Flynn, DRO ; Bernard Tighe, Poll Clerk. Poll 4—Community Hall, Londesboro ; Thos. Miller, DRO ; Emerson Resit, Poll Clerk. Poll 5—Orange Hall, Summerhill ; Ephriam Snell, DRO ; Orval Rapson. Poll Clerk, Poll 6—Community Hall, Londesboro: Frank Longman, /IRO; Robert Townsend, PC Poll 7 --Forester's Hall, Auburn ; William Craig, DRO ; George Lawlor, Poll Clerk. GEORGE W. COWAN, Township Clerk Dated at Londesboro, Aug. 7th, 1047. FOR SALE A number of bird cages, in good condition, also a canary ben. Apply .phone 224-W MRS. HARRY HART, Victoria street, Seaforth,. • FOR SALE Drop -head Singer sewing machine. MRS WM. HOGG, at Nurse's Residence, WANTED TO BUY 1 loud of second cut alfalfa or clover hay. Apply to FRANK MALONEY, George St, Seaforth. WANTED TO BUY Copper, Aluminum, Iron all kinds, and Rags. CLARENCE REEVES. WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the Caretaking of Schools Nos.:, 7 and. 9, Tuekersmith, for the coming school year, The usual duties of School Caretaker to be performed in a satisfactory way. For further Particulars and details, apply to S. H. WHITMORE,-Sec: Treas., Tuckersmith School Area, R.R. 3, Seaforth: FOR SALE Frame house on Centre street, E6mrond- ville, Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth Modern dwelling, North Main street, im- mediate. possession. Frame asphalt covered- residence, on Rail- way St., bath, immediate possession. Dwelling with small barn, 2 to 3 acres, suitably located for poultry. I% story frame dwelling, John St. M. A. Reid, Seaforth W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Harness, Hardware, and Shoe Findings FRI. & SA.T. SPECIAL • SET OF Rubber Team Traces BOLT OR CLIP $8.00 (Two set at this price) WANTED A quantity of second -cut hay wanted. DALE NIKON, phone 661 r 4 Seaforth. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, ETC.— On John street. Seaforth, on Saturday, Aug. 16th, at 1 mm. 1 chesterfield 1 oak table (small) ; 1 mahogany finished table; 1 velvet covered couch ; 1 eelanese covered couch; 1 small couch; 1 oak hall rack with seat' 1 .desk with shelves for books, several rocking chairs; 2 verandah chairs and bench; cocoanut matting runner for reran- doh ; cushion; 2 Wilton rugs 3 yds x 8%; 1 reversible rug 7 ft. by 9 ft.; 2 scatter rugs ; 1 radio (Stewart Warner) ; 1 sectional hook case with writing desk (mahogany); I floor lamp, 1 table lamp. Leather touch ; large leather rocking chair; 1 bed and springs; 1 mattress. 2 bedroom sets; 1 spring filled mattress; 1 bed springs. 1 large basket for flowers, several vases for flowers; jardiniere stands and jardinieres; 6 Limoges cups and saucers; corner china cabinet; garden tools; carpenter's tools; brass candle holders; drafting set; several pairs of curtains; 1 pair damask drapes, brass fire placeshovel,tongs and poker, on upright holders; extension ladder; wheel barrow ; 6 dining room chairs ; flower pots; large size stone mocks; small size atone crocks; pic- tures. Kitchen stool ; toilet pitcher; 2 wash stands; curtain pales; picture frames; quilt bo -c • tool box, Terms cash. JOHN FINLAYSON, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE �. Parts from Massey Harris binder including Two good York hogs ready . tar service. almost new tongue and knotter. complete, also A. C. LEVEY, RR#4, Seaforth. other parts, TAMES McQUAIl, phone 461.14 Dublin, WANTED Elderly lady wishes to share her home with couple, All modern conveniences. MRS. D. REGELE, Seaforth. WANTED Lady wishes to board with family. Apply to the News Office. • Auction Sale OF FURNITURE AND I•IOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS, ETC.—In the village of Dublin, on Friday, Aug. 29th, commencing at 1 p.m. 1 rd Oak dining room table, extension, to seat 12 people, 6 Oak dining room chairs to match. 1 square oak dining room table with 4 leaves; 1 walnut settee; 2 walnut chairs. -to match ; .Axminster rug Ox104 ; 1 tug - green 9x10;,; 1 oak rocker;. 1 rug 6' re 814'; 1 easy chair, red upholstering; 2 small tables. 1 oak book ease; 1 Raymond sewing mach- ine; 1 fire place; 1 rd pine table;. 1 stn chair 1 Sparton console radio, electric; 1 wall clock, 1 -3 -shelf stand ; 1 cane -bottom FOR SALE rocking chair ; 1 hall reek ; 1 couch ; 16 stair A number of Scotch Shorthorn cows. most pada; 1 box stove; 1 combination coal 12 have calves with them and re -bred. Also a wood stove with reservoir; 1 washing mach- young red bull, serviceable age. Herd fully ire; 1 storage cupboard; 1 rustic lawn rock accredited. Apply to STEWART DALE, er ; 1 table and 2 benches ; 1 walnut bed & phone 21-847, Seaforth. springs, dresser and weal: stand; I white iron bed. 1 oak dresser; 1 trash stand; 1 FOR SALE B O l,1 AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful. Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions. Office Residence 43 18 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in ,First -Glass: Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE ---SEAFORTH, Ont.. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. . Leonhardt,. Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and, Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank. McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore,. Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt,. Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; .1. MCEwing, Blyth. R R 1; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gods - rich RR 2. Agents. John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,. Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blytb, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will' be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR- R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY . , . Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont.. MILTON MuCURDY . Kirkton, R, 1. AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell, THOS. SCOTT • Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER'. SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician.. Dr. P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. 1l, H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W ' - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University WANTED of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Unfurnished rooms or house, Young lou- Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,. pie with one child. Apply at The News. Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square FOR SALE throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Nine acres of Max oats for sale in the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third stook. A. PETRIE, Brumfield, Wednesday in each month from 2 to FOR SALE 4 p.m. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Used electric washer, Beatty, wooden tub. Telephone 267. Phone 352 w, Seaforth. -. WANTED Housekeeper at once for modern home. All conveniences, Apply P.O. BOX 818, Seaforth. FOR SALE 2 wheeled trailer, 8 £t. box, removable stock. rack, 16x600 tires, ball hitch. Truck platform 8 ft, long, made of matched oak. McCormick Deering wanting DIow good as new. GEORGE STONE, Walton. Sea. 880 r 11. toilet. set, 3 pc.: 1 wardrobe; 1 card table; Twp Tumrenberg nanny goats younger one 1 blue dressing table; I blue iron bed odd ready for 1st bioeding. HENRY ENZENS- chairs; 1 bath room mirror, 1 white Pare. BERGER, phone 139r25, Seaforth. basin ; 1 -4 -drawer cupboard ; 1 -1 -drawer cupboard; 05 pe. dinner set; quantity of other dishes; kitchen utensils, sealers S other articles. 2 -burner electric grill; 1 carving set, t1ikvelectrOf Coal io. toaster; bedding; sideboard, , goer - :'our window & frames 5'8" x 8'6", glazed 15" x 80". 1 wheel barrow, 1 tool cupboard, tdse verloua ,1 e.gritnn'pdenter'atones tools; 1 wotablrk ebench, 1 1 wooden• 1 wood tank, wire screen 174," mesh ; 1 oak barrel ; 1-40' chain,; 1-18' kidder; 3 scaffold brook els ; 1 set springs for buggy 1 buggy axle ; 2 hay knives; 6 grain balls; 1 manure York; l 3 -tire hay fork, garden teals; 1 adze, 1 crowbar, 1 crosscut saw, 1 hand sate, 1 ripv sow, 1 scythe, 100 brick, 1 hinged•ooden screen, 1 pr. stable doors and frames 8'x9'x3" ; 6 sement window sills 34.' long, 8" wide Sri," deep, 1 shovel, lawn mower, Tams cash. .. JAMES JORDAN, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. the Darling Municipal Drain was read and after carefully considering same it was adopted and the clerk was instructed 'to prepare by-laws on this drain. The report on the Kleinfeldt drain will be read at the Council meeting to be held 011 Sept. 2nd. By-law No. 13. 1947 township of Hibbert being a by-law to assess and: levy annually a special rate as' nembershit fees for the Federation of Agriculture for the County of Perth at special rate of one fifth of one mill was given its third and final reading and passed. Mr. Robt. Nich- olson presented a tender on the Par- sons Municipal Drain and after con- sidering same the contract was let. to Mr. Nicholson. Due to Sept let being labor' clay the Septa regular council meeting will be held on Tues. Sept. 2nd in the Staffa towsnhip hall at one O'clock p.m.. Thos. D. Wren Clerk of the Twp, of Hibbert Auction Sale OF FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS, Etc.—In the village of -Hensen, on Wednesday evening, Aug. lith, at 7 p.m. Chesterfield; 7 pc, antiobe walnut parlor suite; oval table; number of small tables; piano stool ; extension table; 2 leather rock- ers; ock.era; number of rockers ; studio couch ; New Home sewing machine; 2 Quebec .heaters; Quebee cook stove; kitchen cupboard ; 4 cane bottom ehair s ; kitchen stool ; drop leaf table, kitchen chairs, glass cupboard. 7 beds, springs & mattresses; 9 dressers and stands. Folding ironing board, clothes horse, commode, violin & case, .quiltbox, cuehlans, 0 hooked scatter mats, hanging lamp. Alladin lamp, Cong rugs, carnets, other floor coverings. Curtains & blinds, House plants. Quantity of dishes & kitchen utensils, wringer, 2 new wash tubs & boiler. Quantity of Pint & quart sealers, crocks. Sanitary toilet, Carden tools, lawn mower & other articles. Terms cash. WILLIAM H. LOVE, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. D. P. Chesney, Clerk, LOST Tire, rimand tube, 21x40, on Saturday, north of Sonforth, Reward. Finder pTenae phone 849 r 1, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE North half of lot 10, concession 13, McKillop, consisting of 75 acres, GS acres of cleared land in grass, 7 acres of hardwood bush. Brick house. Two barns, Nelson Reid, RR2 Walton, Ont. WHITE WASH SPRAYING Power Machine. Have your barn or cellar clone now. FRED HARBU.RN, Dublin RRB. FOR SALE 14 storey frame house, easily moved. Also a Massey -Harris "Rite - Way" milking machine, 2 single units. Arnold Rathwell, Bayfield Road: Clinton R.R. 3. Phone 9051.32 Dramatic Stories.` of Wall Street Gamiblers. Be sure to read this colorful new series of true arteries about Wall Street's fabulous gambling financi- McKILLOP eye. Begin it with "The Rise and Fal] Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finnigan of of Jesse Livermore", the spectacular Kinkora and Mr. and Mrs. T. K. story of "The Boy the of Wall Patten and family, Luean, spent Street", in The American Weekly, Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jos. with this Sunday's (August 17) issue Manley. of The Detroit Sunday Times. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND " REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Certified Raspberry Plants Write Box 754, Campbellford, Ont., for illustrated folder and growing "know how". Don't delay. Supply limited. PERSONAL - - Hiyglenic Supplles (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 250; 24 samples $1.00. Maii- 4 miles from ,Clinton, order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Oat. . • • . FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD• DISABLED OR DEAD CBI's t • ROOM. BOAS • SHEEP • CALVES Pow'i, aid Eflideafly R.mowd f Slimply Phone Collect a MITCHELL 219 '+ STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 1K DO TIRE REST! .e. INGErSoi'-, ONTAPIO