The Seaforth News, 1947-08-07, Page 2SYNOPSIS ' ClIAPTER NNYIlt Realizing that the Inurdorcr It. lutti Moo to cameo while 00 lout lion oUslnr I\toCale rune down - /stairs anti out Cho trout door, Nearby 10 0 11010 115 0 nallorIe unlearnt. As 0I0Colo steps up and mike for a match, tilt' angor ronathea for ilio rOVOIVO, thio - Cale leaps on him, as t1000 Rocky and a pitlirsietut. Chapter XXVIII "Gosh," McCale heard Rocky say as he gripped the fallen man under the shoulders, bringing him upright, "The Navy. You sure this is the guy, Duke?" "No less." McCale gingerly felt the wounded arm on which he had fallen. "Mr. Stephen Bigelow in the 11114.017111 of Uncle Sam. He joined the navy once—remember? He must hese saved his suit Oh yes, and his pistol. By the way, see if his black kerchief is missing." It was. Bigelow mounted the steps be- tween Rocky and the officer. All the fight was gone from him. A squad car slid up to the curb- stone as McCain turned to follow the trio. Ile walked over to it and opened the door with a flourish. "Weleome!" He bowed as Don- h'v spped 'nt. "Late as usual, Lieutenant" it was Veronica who foundths piece of letter. l'oulasa. took over with R1,111S- UelIeSS that m as unfatniiiar. He herded thern a:: inio the library, wher.s. ar: astonished and shaking butler ;vas fttssing around Miss Adelalie. She stood, a figure of stone, drained of all animation, tier faze 11.15 gray against the ame!, at:I:shed, 'Sterhen,' she saM in a 1:.,:t beoaroe a cry. • . otrog old...face of Stephen looked :tali ugly, half descairing in the „inn light. -illtere was a *e'"ed shie eyes.% He his "ies w.:!: the, tias of his t.tegue. Snd..!..-nly slsrseed ieto• a chair. Acs-. M.:Cale said. His so.,,lns- 7.:oated moutti cmled010coi llll and his Wag ":t. Was Stool:en Figclow. kites -se! 'as a. whona we • egt44* I •.• C`""' rio he:fore the in:it'd:tr. Helooked as at the house ono:, rernerolotri rwist :too e seen us at the bay . . 47. for 'a At., read:7..o a paper, yrohal:lytts faze. Vt-hen Val:a:no:um ao,..7,7zoliisd the house, • he roust shelter of the areawaythat goes :insist the from s:cos — the sotv'ec erti..ance. When Chet W.IS i:rerd yointhlank." l'ioCole looked at tr:•:7 • rZtr.:C.Ty e.c, It was so sMtple. ".•,•".A:. it 5: no one ttttr„- ':..--:Iti sa"lsr hang aisur.S.* know.' Moilsale a7sovered si- :i entirely. I -pride notsell on having nnii. rtissed that too. :744"..1 320 SZI aloont the strects tItese days :bat toev al-. o‘‘,1: unnoticed: tny. viher.e. That is where .he was so ever, \Vito connect a sa.:- or with 1.10e 0::••3 sltsaniS 'he's:. seen, though, most f-OrglSe roy- Se:f fOr • -1,Vhat's thatt- a$.kc0i . •t00,011::1 :et and took tho hat hand. lsi'n and szmn the t: -1t like a plate. '71.Veli. loe dam:nod," l"Scitlese.- ex elc,Sesi. -I don t :0,1ar.te 7!"..C -7t. • t'104,^Tit r. itt:c:°s • 10re„ Ita.: r..c:ic:t!.*- e0end 7.4e.ittk , fits it as the type: of years •as..7.o. The stylr". alas changed about itle years newer ones tilt up in front like a regimental officer's cap without n Visor, If I'd noticed that one thing, I'd have realized the sailor we saw was a phoney." He sighed, "It might have saved a life." He thought of Shari Lyyn. Donlevy cleared his throat, Then there was a rustle of feathers and satin at the door and Victoria whirled in. Her eyes were bright and her make-up stood out in ghastly relief against the paleness of her face. Her fingers jerked to her hair and a shriek died on her Hos. Two officers moved forward automatically. She blurted some wild gibberish that foretold rising hysteria; then suddenly was quiet. "So you did it," she said slowly. "nly God, I didn't think you had the guts. You fool, you utter fool. She isn't worth it, you know—not worth it," By this time Donley! was rat- tled. He moved in on Stephen with a circle of his men. He gave the charge so low it was hardly audi- ble. His voice dropped for an in- terminable minute befcere he step- ped hack. As he did. McCale saw Bigelow's jaw move, his head come up slowly. Tired, furtive eyes lit up as he looked away from the group that surrounded him. A sin- gle tear ran out of the corner of an eye. it. 0 * He got to his feet, lowering his head as he slowly tutted to take them all in. No one moved toward him. Ile gave them a zontemptus MIS glare. Finally he turned to Victoria and spoke hie last words bit their presence.. "You'll to11--Idother7" His voice broke, She nodded. "Let's- go." said Dnlosy. They took him away. They had left the Bigelow house in a storm ..3f queations from the first reporters on the seent, in the din of ex -plosions front photogra- phers' flesh bulbs, in the cortfusien of the comiegs and goings of of- ficials from police headquarters and the district attornes's office. McCale was looking forward to the peace- and quiet of his own apartment. When thoy it. they found Ann ltarriot ,ring by the d3ing fite She juntroi np. smooth- ing hair tilts,. -ace. she said tatty. -are yo10 all. right? Running, ateurai like that in sour dressing gown. My goodeesa. That's eo way to call on the Beteort Stezet Bieelows. It's a:: over, ise'r it!' :1 1.0100.0 over the radio ahout holm ago. You wouLl have ts wrestle with mur- derers. won! da't you? You stare you fee; a:: r'ghtl" She -was try- ing, hard to :ea:: up .4:: etngern, She had been norrying ohout halm all afrall that he might seriously shoal - :ler. 4566 cant Neat Dattem 40 Zatilta: that's iass' to slip hit:, kitas 3101 ToOldeir: hest a:1 0,1 Pat:err. 4710 clan -es 41, 42. 44, 41. 41 Size 35 05035 I'.i yards TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ,stant05 saanot be aistesetS iHr nationnto room . oSs' 72.r, St. 05‚ .I1011043. 1 SIZE, NAME, ADB - ESS, STYLE NUMBER. Michael Redgrave Touring Canada—British film star Michael Redgrave, who is touring Can- ada, is seen above with his family. Vanesse, nine, demonstrates a ballet pose to her father and mother, Rachel Kempson, while Corin William, seven, and three-year-old Lynn look on. Picture was taken in the nursery of Redgraxe's Regency home in Chiswick on the banks of the Thames. Redgrave's latest picture is 'Tame Is the Spur," an Arthur Rank production. ANNE 14IRST Vault Fatniiy a-ezoz dot Marriage Between Two Faiths Solved "DEAR ANNE HIRST: My hus- band and I are both daily readers * of your coluinn. We think our ex- perience in a marriage between * different faiths may help some of ° your other followers. * "We are of different faiths, but * have been happily married for six yearss We have two wonderful * children. We never had a serious * quarrel—and neither gave up his * church, "Before we married we had an honest talk about our re- spective faiths. We decided which church the children would belong to. When *TY iuu- band wishes to ventansesst ga to church I * go with him, and vice versa. We * have friends, too, of different " faiths who are also 'happily mar- * ried. 4. "at:none has the same God, * and stn -dies from the same Bible. It can and does work out fine, if * the two involved use some corn- * anon sense. We know. . DAILY READElt." •7.:CtLE1A'NT PEOPLE L'S': A n?J1-1T 11 ..stet of people :u end your •:::::ohlrod s.:7.o. :Tr tiler toltroxot il. toc. that rr.orriluo.e. 11.01 hoon. :can :7-77::::m aeal. saat-ssl" ia it ohife-7enze re-! 0dn be erort'oi: out if araf Your Handwriting and You Men r Amott 1.,fany :s for hands. r.to.n,:.- - olysts reao.h. me and 1 ana ;leased to report ntary ir.terestiro and nting.s. When nr.t.nor your request. :: :s oze rafre wr,ttez :10-5 110pa-per. szt:efazte:y than 04-01:11 te its 7 0:7.:anent 1:5o ink ::-..tzat or rue Z7. .71007 .115 is reoessary :h5 spach.g and =iteztion of ths neritin‘g Cr. c:ztra 1:-.s:1e:110:n in the znaasis. t10e. pen, aith wboit10 .tt,o are szonstomed to 101111105 and not a n with you are not Tit should ird free iron: oroctos::-:15 R c-riated nil oaus- es heavy and' light tiros in the scr:;:0.010 titleven and 01'105 00:07 21e5 00101g that is untidy ult:t. ots scratches and smears duea t toga nib, hinder in ctros e. ing the true personaidy of t's in the. ben hard- toolting. you 0.11.esh..ree in a cornfort- o_i ar.ci natura: writing position. 7. -her. :he 1..;•:.,7e suggestions art • the script contains the .1..f.r.lf.7.:5 rent trne persor.ality. 11 the szrirt is distorted and care- lesly vorhoon. :he analyst most make 11.0 111110 IHSPIT14.1"..I7itg analysis. Anene telching a mare romplele ataiyrie 1:1e01 seed self-odtiresseel :tamped Inre'(fe to Bar S, room 421, 73 -4.driaion St. West, Toronto, 1 iz tos cltarsT far this terrier. ISSUE 51-1047 liceo'o person is entitled to I is own belief, which usual!) was fosi Ted by his parents It becomes an integral part of his character, and deserves the tRIMC respect as his other opinions. It is when one of he two tries to impose his faith on the other, that trouble begins. When that hap- pens, it can last through s lifetime, threatening the marriage, and often resulting in the children being raised in no church at If two young people who attend different churches approach mar- ria)1 as you two did, recognicing that 0 is necessary a compromise, they eon work it out, That implies a maturity of development, however which ;cony youngsters hare not achieved. So in ,ruck instances it 0 better to wait till they a* OCCC Pt mutual independence of religion or dc.-fde rot to mom). at all. * TO "HESITATING": You arc wise * beyond your years to question this * lad's gagiNlity. Your family pity- * sician can advise you best. TO "STILL IN LOVE," "BOB H.": * The behavior of the parents of * these girls may well influence their * ..T00:1 standards. Your mothers litow :he sirls; talk it over with thom. TO "KITTY": You must stop be- * h:>2.' still likes yeti. He * cared for you, or he would o hat 1- listened to gossip. No nice 'toy 1.*.:1:1",i, to say anathing sisrscsat:ry n'issit his girl friend, ard tat ::ss :yin he believe it. All tlo will 1- •ter understand- as graw 122r Takg my word for nses. 'Vs.= aarsata know best, esesci- " a'sa; this Noy, They enly vont yon 1:. happy. 1 snpoot • y vitat sort he was. and 1:0:12:: y0,e 01 go with him to s -,.n front Liust such a heart- * riow. Put ox-,-,otionce behind )s -n, an! ,to ahoal row as though yoo • . kno-v at all. FT,aae dates silisr friends, ated you rin • " ""'os arairi. Thars.'s * 7.7- cure for one boy like another you know. Lot us both It -pe ns.xt in::: :1-n" :rant t.0u nerd ▪ 75" ont el, room 42:. 1,V -hat's In a Name? Ent,,assy in has no trouble at ail te7::ng the cliffs:el:toe :ttvsen right and 'ZiTc.ft '..or':aisador is always Wror.g—his 1011105 .05 Hume Wrong. His third 5eo7et510- is Wright— Hume Wright.. "What's in a canteh" ask.Shi - • .77: The 'Latest sd.- it.:30: D'4:0tratie Blue Book wionold emt,,hasine that a mtn's • a- .01-±.0n5 \:0::g and I,Vr:ght are both consistenCy t right at :he Canadian Erahassy; while sne ei :he most careful men in the entire diplomatic corps is Lieut Colonel W. P. Careless,. military attache ed :he British .E.ra- bassy DO yOUSOrffrifigffirllar distreSS ffiffillf Of MESS ? this ,ael4ne is very cffssmoe to relieve 'oto, mer0ong Ilotoono goa ocesk... .terokm. ''IStaggaS mat^ 5, -t001 -Tc =at daya—when Sae to mate fancelonol zettinthay atelanbraanget Worth tzdne EMATIAMS rdthi CN.EI BULLETIN Women's Forum To Air Views In Two -Day Session How do Canadian women feel about the youth centres being set up in their own communities? Are they satisfied with present educational facilities for their children? Are Canadian women shining up to their responsibil- ities among the women of the world? Questions like these will be discussed at a two-day Women's Forum to take place at the Can- adian National Exhibition Aug. 30, 31, Kate Aitken, Director of Women's Activities, has announ- ced . Miss Mabel Stoakley of Toronto has been named chair - Man of the four sessions to be held in the theatre of the Col- iseum, West Annex. "Guest speakers in the panel discussions will attempt to clar- ify the place of women in an intelligent Canada," Mrs. Aitken said. "They will talk over wo- men's responsibilities in the home, the community, the nation and the world." Representatives of all wo- men's organizations and women everywhere are invited to at- tend these sessions to ask ques- tions and join generally in the open discussions. Keep It Covered Science announces a new cooking rule, according to Pathfinder: Cover the pan when heating milk. Why? Light destroys riboflavin, the B -vitamin for which milk is the main source. Keeping the milk is 140 dark retains most oi it. Other advaidages are that milk heate slightly faster when covered, and the lid keeps a skin from forming cn the surface. One cau- tion: Covered milk boils over easi- ly, n,e,ls close watathing. Politically ImmasaibIe. r,es-s: "Why. i to:to for you more St. Peter himself." If 1 :wore St. Peter, yem catt:eltel tote f1 517. Yon vottldn't to eti,ii,sa" Sunday School Lesson Parentis and Their Children Proverbs I :8-4i 6:20-21; l'itls 2216 2Jt22-40: Gold,m I exl '1 ran lip a child in the wan he should gd: utuf waken ire is ofd, !is tall ns/ depart from ft.—Pt:moors 22:1: The llible is a text -10)4k not only . of individual salvation, bet also- of family religion, Whett.the Philippine jailer (Acta 16), .terror-sttieltee teat his prison- ers should haVe elicapcd, but rcass sured hy the voice of Paul, cried "What must I do to be saved?". Peel replied, "Believe on the Lord Jesus thrlst, and thou shalt be saved, aml thy house," lint family religion had deep root; in the Old Testament, and in the Jewish literature were many pre- cepts, giving wise counsel to Par- ents, and setting forth the duties of children, thus establishin with clear- ness the conditions of family wel- late and a b,appy home -lite. Some of the choicest of these pre- cepts 'constitute our lesson. It ought to be noted .how strongly they stress the law end commandments. "My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mo- ther." There must be standards of right, and a sense of responsibility, if there are to be sound 'relationships and happiness in the home. The acceptance of parenthood without an adequate sense of re• seonsibility is the root of a great deal of home brcalcdown and trags edy today. A first essential of a good home is good parents. What can be expected of children, if their paten, ents do not set them -a good ex-' ample? Moreover, .precept and teach-. ing are not enough, for children will soon detect insincerity, and th4 worst of all counsel we could give to our children would be to say, "Don't do as I do, but do as I say." "Train up a child in the way he should go," is the Bible's injunction to parents, with the assurance that when he is old he will not depart from it. Alas! that assurance is not always justified, for many influences are upon the child, as well as those of the home, and too often they break down and destroy what the home has sought to do. The most acute of our social and religious problems of today are as- sociated with home and fanaily lite, Bad Pun Department A certain ambitious you -ug movie actress complained to a declining star: "(1 irks ole to think that I gel only On C hundred thousand dollars a picture.' 7'o which the other rejoined: "Nice irk if you can get it." You 00111 Patio) Slaying At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • Evorg itoom With Bath, Shower and Telephone 01.00 ov-- • Double, 03.50 up • Good Food, Diane and Dancing Nightly telterbourne at Carlton rm. RA. 4135 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NiA 0.111A FA.LLS 01.P. C.N.R. STATION PARKE W.> HOUSE Roksi Better Bake Plenty Add 1 envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and 1 tsp. sugar to 1 c. lukewarm water: Stir: let stand 10 min. Scald 1 c. milk, add 5 tbs. sugar, add 2 tsp. salt, cool to luke- warm. Add to yeast mixture. Add 3 c. sifted dour, beat until perfecdy smooth. Add 4 tbs. melted shortening and 3 c. MOPS sifted flour, or enough to make easily hams died dough. Knead well: Place in greased bowl; lover, let the in warm place until doubled in bulk, about 114 hours. Flinch dough down in bowl; let rise again III warm place until nearly doubled in belle, about 40 min. When light, roll out Issn' thick. Brush over lightly with melted shortening. Cut with 2" biscuit cutter, crease through center heavily with dull edge of knife, fold over in pocketbook shape. Place oe weil.greased shallow p. -ns OI apart. Cover; letriso until light, tbout 1. hour: Bake in 400*F, oven about 15 minutes. 5135