The Seaforth News, 1947-08-07, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1 a year
Goderich is planning a gala, wel-
come for the visit of one of the
,largest cruise ships on the Great
Lakes, "the Western States". on
September 5. The "Western States",
which docks at 'Goderich for the
first time, is 362 feet long with an.
80 foot beam, and is one of the big-
gest pas8enger steamers ever to 'ar
rive at -Goderich. The North Ameri-
can and South American, which
visited previously were 300 feet long
with about 46 feet beam.'
S. L. Phillips, general traffic man-
ager of the Detroit and Cleveland
Navigation Company, visited God-
erich a few days ago and discussed
arrangements with the Harbor
Through the summer months the
Western States rui•Ls regularly to
Mackinac Island,, Balling at Midland
on the way. The special schedule
calls for the boat to leave Detroit
September 4 and go to Mackinac
Island, leaving there September 4
and arriving in Goderich about
noon, Friday, September 5 on a re-
turn trip to Detroit.
Mr. Phillips is a native of Forrest,
Ont., but has lived in Detroit for
sone time. His wife was the former
Beth Govenlock of Seaforth.
*'blue coal'
The world's Finest Anthracite
Northside United
First Presbyterian
Congregations worship' in First
Presbyterian Church during August.
Sunday Schools at 10 a,m.
. A charter has been granted re-
ceritly to an organization here
whose first objective is t o purchase
and develop as a• park, that parcel 'of
land adjacent to Sunset Point on
Bayfield terrace.
Asia, tribute to their forefathers
who cleared, the land and established
a settlement here, it will be 'known
as Pioneer Park.
When the land at the mouth . of
the Bayfield River was purchased by
Baron de Tuyll more than a cen-
tury ago, he made a design for a
town which would be spaciously
planned with broad shady avenues
as in some of the European cities
with which he was fa -miler. The first
building was located. at the north-
east corner of the land to be pre-
served as a park.
Many of the older citizens today
remember the two-storey :building
owned for so many years by the late
John Ferguson. One may still see the
depression which was the cellar of
the old Riley boarding house for De
Tuyll's men.
It was the autumn of 1944 a pe-
tition to Stanley Township was Cir-
culated urging the purchase of this
land for a park. The village trust-
ees were in favor of the project but
J. E. (Ed) Morrison, one of
Barrie's most useful and :highly
esteemed citizens, passed away y,.ery
unexpectedly,' at his home, 53 Hol-
gate St., on Friday morning. July
18, 1947.
Always fond of flowers and gar-
dening he
ar-dening_he had been doing some
Iight work in his garden when he
was seized with an attack of coron-
ary thrombosis and lived but a few
Son of the late J.. C. Morrison and
Ellen Dickey, he was born at Rose-
mount, Ont. Following the vocation
of his father, who taught school at
Painswick, his first schools were at
Big Bay Point and, after his father
retired, at Painswick. He also taught.
at Collingwood for a year.
Of commanding physique and en-
dowed wih a keen mind and tactful
manner, he was well fitted for his
life work and progressed steadily
until he was appointed principal of
Prince of Wales School, Barrie, here
35 years ago. •
Throughout his busy life he
found time for many other activities
besides teaching. Although never
seeking publicity he never evaded
an obligation, or duty, in connection
with any of the many organizations
in his school, church and commun-
it was not completed before the end ity. In teaching he was firm but
of that year. just and kindly.
Although the signatures of a large He was always ready to heed a
majority of those el
i 'ble to sign
call from a
friend in need and had,
many times, duringvacation helped
the petition were obtained, the trus- p
ees in office in 1945 did not favor in the harvest fields.
it, so nothing further could be done For over 40 years he had been a
by the township. sincere and active member of Burton'
In the summer of 1945, to pre- Avenue United Church and had been
vent the sale of this p arcel of land superintendent of the Sunday School
for private use, a group of 12 per-tfor 20 years. He' had held many of=,
eons purchased it from the, J. Rfices m the church, was an elder and
Reid estate for the sum of $2,000 on had often been called upon to make
an understanding with the heirs of decisions in difficult problems of
the estate that the land 'was to be church business.
held as a park open to the public. He was a member of Kerr Lodge
The Bayfield Pioneer Park Associ- A.F. & A.M.; Lodge of - Perfection
ation has been formed by the orig. and Scottish Rite; was treasurer of
inal purchasers and is so constituted Barrie Parks Commission for 15
that it may properly extend its mem-years; secretary of Centre Simcoe
bership and raise and administer' Teachers' Association for 18 years;
Chairman of the Allendale Y.M.C.A:
Board; a member of the Red• Cross
Society and of the Barrie Horticul-
tural Society.
Upon retiring from the princi-
nalsh• of the Prince of Wales
Services at 11 a.m., and 7 p.m• i funds for the project..
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister in Its first aim is to raise a mini -
charge. • mum of $2,500 to 'reimburse the or-
,iginal contributors for their loans
Egmondville United Church !for the purchase price and subse-
++«r «a+ af,,�
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B,D,
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., "A Cheerful Radiance",
7, "The Christian's Good
Sunday, August 10th
St. Thomas', Seaforth
11 a.m., Morning prayer and ser-
mon. No evening service.
St. Mary's, Dublin
9:30 a.m., Morning prayer and
sermon. •
Rector, Rev. C. F. L, Gilbert, B.A.
The Salvation Army
Officer in charge, . Capt. F. J.
Sunday, Aug. 10, 11 a.m., Holi-
ness meeting. 3 p.m. Sunday School.1
7 p.m. Salvation meeting. Everybody
Regal fillies, ferns, roses and by-'
drangeas made a pretty setting for
the wedding on Saturday at high
noon in Egmondville United Church
of Helen Doreen, daughter of Mr.'
and Mrs. Andrew• McLellan, Eg-
mondville, and Mr. Frank Thomas
Rutledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Rutledge, Brussels. Rev. A. W. Gar-
diner officiated.
Escorted by her father, the bride
wore a gown of white embroidered
satin, made with double net skirt
over satin, off -the -shoulder neck-
line, and inserted yoke of net. From
a headdress of heirloom lace fell a
finger-tip veil and she carried a bou-
quet of Cascade red roses and bou-
varclia. She wore a double strand of
pearls, the gift of the bridegroom.
Miss Ada Mae McLellan, sister 'of
the bride. was bridesmaid, wearing a
costume of ice -blue crepe satin and
lace with shoulder veil in matching'
shade. She carried a bouquet of pink
roses and maiden hair fern.
Mr. Jack Rutledge, Port Huron,
Mich., was best man. Ushers were
brothers_ of the bride and bride-
groom,' Mr. Ross McLellan and Mr.
Hartley Rutledge. Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor, - organist, played softly dui-
ing the wedding'cerenmony..
The wedding reception was held
• on the spacious lawn at the home of
the bride's parents. The bride's
mother received hi a costume of
.lime green with fuchsia trim and
fuchsia accessories. She wore a cor-
sage of cream rosebuds. The bride-
groom's mother wore . a costume of
rose with silver trimmings and white
accessories, and corsage of cream
rosebuds. Those assisting at the
tables were Miss Thelma Forbes and
Miss Gladys Forbes, Seaforth; Mrs.
Dalton Diegel, Brodhagen and .Miss
Florence Robinson, London. Mr. and
Mrs. Rutledge left by motor on a
honeymoon to Wasaga Beach and
'northern centres, the bride going
away in a two-piece brown pin stripe
suit with corsage of roses. Upon
their return they, will reside in
Brussels. •
Guests from out-of-town were
from Stratford, London, ''Toronto,
Port Huron, Mich,, Dublin and
• Brussels.
queue N- `- i School in 1945, he was honored by a
rent of the property.
It is entirely a non-profit yen- number of presentations from the
ture and there is to be no commer- members of the Teachers' Associa-
cial use of any kind made of the tion and others.
His wire -
property. It is not to be used for; de easedfe (ivIiss hr eannyear tone son,
trailers or camping. For many years, Lloyd, who has been teaching at
through the generosity of members Seaforth, and four brothers, Albert
of the Ferguson and Reid families, E of Tornton, Herbert D. and
this land has been open to the puB: Percy of Sudbury, William J. of
lies It is the intent of the Pioneer Belleville, also a teacher, survive of
Pari: Association that this land be the family. "
maintained permanently for the . There was a large attendance on
health and enjoyment of the people. Mon lay, July 21, for the funeral
It is planned that the money be service held in Burton Avenue
raised through memberships in the United Church with the minister,'
association through rontribu'tions Rev. J. L. Carder, in charge. Assist -
and by functions given for the bene- in • was Dr. N. R. D. Sinclair of
fit of the project. Donations may Esse Road Presbyterian Church who
aloo be made in memory -of indivicl_ Y'
nal pioneers or pioneer families. ;was a close friend of Mr. Morrison,
Donations will be published un-' Interment was in Barrie earene
less it is the wish of. any donor to Cemetery. Honorary p Cullen,
remain anonymous. Donations may were W. J. Blair, W. W. Cullen, L.
be mailed or paid in person to any M. Richardson, J. P. McMillin, A. F.
of the current officers of the organ- Pugh and William Park. Acting
Nation: Miss Lucy Woods, presi_ bearers were A. E. Iielceb' W. .4..!dent; John Stewart, vice-president; Bell, Geo. Morrison, G. C. Smith,
Miss Jessie Metcalf, secretary-treas- Reg. Wilson and Ross Wilson.
sizer; or to F. Fingland, K.C.. Clin-
ton, their legal advisor. Anyone who LONDESBORO
has enjoyed the view of a sunset or -
an approaching storni from this Mr. and \Irs. John Fingland are
height, or has spent a quiet hour visiting at the home of their daugh-'
here beside the lake, is asked to help ter, Mr. and Mrs. Griercon, Sunder -
to maintain this open place with its land.
fine view of lake and harbor for Miss Dorothy Little and her
mother, Mrs. R. Townsend returned
home last Saturday from a very
pleasant trip' to Florida.
Mrs. Lillie Webster had a bunch
Word was received here at the of cousins from Paris visit her on
weekend of the death in Saskatche- Sunday.
wan of Daniel Hughes, in his 81st Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pringle, Tor -
year. A :former resident of this dis onto, Mr. and Mrs. T. Oliver and
trict and an uncle of Mrs. J. J. I daughters, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. C.
Cleary, Seaforth, Mr. Hughes died TrooPe, Chicago, with Miss E. Mains,.
in a Saskatoon hospital after an 111-1Sunday.
ness of about six weeks. He was un -I Miss Eriima Mason and friend,
married. Bonn Feb.. 19, 1866, he was London, spent a couple of days with
raised in McKillop township and at- iter sister Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon.
tended St. Columban Church. He, Mrs. W. Bream, London, spent a
was the son of the late John'Hughes few days last week with her parents
and Joanna Dugan Hughes of near Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffiths.
Beechwood. In 1906 he. went west,' Miss Elva Govier and friend, Lon -
living for aknumber• of years in Ker- don, spent the weekend holiday with
robertSaskatchewan, later moving' her parents Mr.' and Mrs. Will Go-
. . where he lived, anti] hie4vier.
final illness, Mr. Hughes was the! D. and Mrs. L. Whitely, Gorrie,l
last member of a fancily of 10, four visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Young -
sisters and six brothers. He was a blutt and W. Mountain.
member of the Holy Name Society Mrs. Wm. Mair Sr., visited with
and other organizations. He is sur-, Mrs. M. Manning, Sunday.
vived by four nieces, :of whom two I Mrs. Chown, Clinton, spent Mon -
are Mrs. -John Flannery, sr., former -1 day at the home of her parents Mr.1
ly of Seaforth, anti now of Guelph, and Mrs. Wni. ICnox.
and Mrs. J. J. Cleary, Seaforth.] Miss Alice. Fingland is on a holt-
the funeral willi is from bhold day trip to Halifax and other points,
:from they home of Mr. and Mrs..: ting IncMr. crop of wheat and. finished
Cleary to St. Janes' Church with in- Tuesday, being the first in the com-I
'berme -lit in St. Columban Cemetery.' enmity.The remains win] arrive in Sea-, Mr. Norman Alexander and so
forth. Friday noon, and are. to rest Daviel have returned from Wasago
at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary's home Beach where they were on a,holiday.]
with the funeral t eking place Sat I Mr. Robt. Youngblut and Mr. Wm.
urday at 9:30 a.m,., to St. James 1I{.nox took in the races at Stratford
Church for services and thence to on Civic 'holiday.
St. Columban cemetery for burial.; Miss Flossie and Ester Jamieson!
have been visiting friends in Mi.chi-
John Thompson, of Seaforth, is Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Saundercock
the latest student to fly solo at Sky are moving this week into rooms
harbor Air Services. On Monday ,with Mr. and, Mrs. Willows Moun-
night he went up alone for the first fain,
time for a period of five minutes.— Mrs. Herb Oakes, Clinton, is with
Goderich Signal Star. • her sister Mrs. Fred Shobbrook.
present and future generations.
Tt apears there will be some delay
before the Provincials come to Sea -
forth. There was a rumor last week
that the Provincial Police were tak-
ing over the police duties in Sea -
forth on August 1st, Mayor Merton
A. Reid stated on Wednesday he did
not know how such a story got start-
ed. The last word the town clerk, D.
H. Wilson had received from Inspec-
tor Craig was that they didn't have
men available, and no further infor-
mation has been receiv,ed since.
Mrs. John Benny and son John
motored to Dublin on Monday and
breuglit Mrs. K. Thornton, and Misses
Theresa and Dorothy Kistner home
from a two weeks' vacation at their
home at Corley Lake, Pontiac, Mich.
Mrs. Jack Flannery and daughter
Rosemary spent a few days in Port
Arur and Tillsonburg.
Pjr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke
family sepnt a week in l'ort Dover.
Rev. Harry F. Feeney, C.R. Ditch-
ener, Miss Genevieve Feeney, Tor-
onto, with their mother Mrs. Kath-
leen Feeney. -
Frank McGrath, Kitchener, with
his mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath.
Miss Agnes Murphy, Ottawa, with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux.
Miss Leona Druar, St. Mary's
hospital, Kitchener, with her par-
ents NIr. and Mrs. Druar.
Mr. Joseph Aldington of Vancou-
ver, younger son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Aldington of town, has sent
his parents a snapshot of himself
with two large rainbow trout which
he caught on Vancouver Island. The
larger trout weighed 16 pounds and
the other was almost the sane size.
Mr. Aldington has many fine fishing
trophies, and three years ago he
won first prize for the largest rain-
bow trout caught in Canada. He has
been a resident of Vancouver for the
past ten years where he is in the
building and contracting business. I
Mr. and Mrs. W. Merritt Nediger,•
Clinton, wish to announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Clara!
Margaret, to William Wilson, only
son of Mrs. Brugger, Seaforth, ansa
the late Frank Brugger, the marriage'
to take place on Monday, Sept. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Elgie,
Kippen, announce the engagement
of their elder daughter, Edna Fran-
ces to Andrew Stanley (Don) Mc-
Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
B. McKnight, 'Kirkwall; the azar
riage to take place in mid-August.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau re-
turned to St. Catherines atter
spending their vacation with their
Mr. and Mrs.James Atkinson and parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mousseau,
daughter, Toronto, with Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Twitchell.
Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,Drysdale
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Feeney and and Jerry spent the weekend with
family, Victor and Martin Feeney, friends in Sarnia.
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Mart- Rev, R. A. Brook officiated at the
in Feeney. marriage of Marcella June Saunder-
Rev. J. Speilmacher, St. Jerome's,cock and Radford Willard Donald -
College, Kitchener, called on friends son in a lovely garden ceremony on
here. I Saturday at the home of the bride's
Mrs. L. Gormley, Kitchener, with•mother Mrs. A. Saundercock, Hen -
Mrs. Elizabeth Bruxer. sail. The groom's parents are Mr.
Miss Lorraine Jordan, London, and Mrs. D. Roy Donaldson of Lon -
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-' don. Miss Gladys Luker played the
seph; Jordan. !wedding music and Mrs. W. A. Mac -
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke Laren of Goderich sang °'0 Promise
and family at Port Dover and Tilson- Me" and "At Dawn". Given in mar -
burg. nage by her brother, George Saun-
Miss Margaret Atkinson and Miss dereock of Windsor, the bride chose
Joycelyn Farady, Toronto and Mr. a pretty long gown of white slippe^
and Mrs. Cyril Brown, Kinkora, with satin with bustle back and sweet -
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. heart neckline with finger-tip veil
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pauli, Hamilton, caught in a sweetheart halo. Her
and Mrs'. M. Murray,' Detroit, with bouquet was red roses. Mrs. G.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Felly, Huron Hotel,. Smith as her sister's bridesmaid
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan, Tor- wore a blue silk jersey gown with
onto. with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan. blue net headdress and bouquet of •
Miss Jean Costello, London, with yellow roses. Little Georgina Don -1
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cost- aldson of London was flower girl in'
ello. a yellow taffetta frock trimmed in
Rev. Gordon T. Dill and Rev. Hue with a tiny yellow halo and a
Father Walsh, Windsor, with Mr. nosegay of flowers. Al Pearce o+',
and Mrs. Joseph Dill and Peter Dill. Toronto was best man. For the re,'
Miss Ally Looby, Kitchener, with caption following, Mrs. Saundercock
her mother. Mrs. A. M. Looby. received wearing " navy blue and
A. H, Jordison and Wayne, An- white ensemble with black accessor-
caster, and Miss L. Jordison, Lon- ies and corsage of red rocs',. :lits.;
don, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Whetham. Donaldson wore printed mauve
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kostek, Tor- crepe with white accessories and
onto. with friends here. corsage of roses. Later Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Benny, Mrs. Radford Donaldson left to spend
Bullough and son, and Reginald their honeymoon in Toronto and
Bullough, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. points east. The bride wore a navy
George Holtzhauer, Galt, with :gr. ;marquisette frock for travelling with
and Mrs. Dan Burns. navy accessories and lighter bine
Gerald Feeney and Miss Lorenza shortie coat. They will reside on
Corbeau, London with Mr. and .firs, Wellington Street, London.
Mac Feeney. , John B. Forrest, well-known Hen
Mr. ^a nd Mrs. Francis Glossop eall resident, died at his home here
and daughter Betty, Halifax, N.S. following a two weeks illness,
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster. in his 76th year. He was born in Hay
MVlr. and Mrs, D. McConnell at Township where he farmed success-
Hensall.d fully for many years before taking
NIr. anMrs. H. Pugh and son and up residence in Hensali a number of
Miss Dorothy Ann Costello at Grand years ago. In 1902, he was married
Bend. !to Annie Lipphardt, who predeceas-
- Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney at ed him in 1922. Their family con
London. I sisted of three sons, Ward, Stanley,,
Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and Wil- Cooper. of Hay Township, Louis,
Bain Dantzer at Bayfield. Niagara Falls; two daughters, Mrs,
Garfield -McGillivray, Gordon Mc -,W. Blacker; Clinton; Mrs. T. Lav-
Gillivray and Miss Florence Ham' ender, Hensall. In November, 1943,
mond, Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. Fred be was married to Matilda Allan,
Sargent and Bert Johnson, Galt, Mr. who survives. Also surviving are two
and Mrs. Arthur Haughton, Toron-,sisters, Miss Edith Forrest, Hensel].
to, with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc -,Mrs. Harry Manuel, London; two
Gillvray. brothers, George, Manitoba, . Oliver,
Mrs. J. V. Ryan, Stratford, with London. He was a member of Gar -
her sister, Mrs. M. Schulman. mel Presbyterian Church. Funeral
J. Aslin, Toronto, with Mrs. Aslin services will be held from Caramel
and sons. 1 Presbyterian Church Thursday, Au
Ted Doyle, Toronto, with Inc gust 74, at 3 nat.. conducted by Rev.
mother, Mrs. James Doyle. I P. A. Ferguson. Interment will be in
Miss Jean Costello, London. with Hensel] Union Cemetery.
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dan Cost-
ello. KIPPEN '
Miss Ursula Tfranskopf is vete- Mrs. Ryan of Toronto is the guest
tioning at Grand Bend. of Mr. :and Mrs. Clarence Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Woods, Misses• and Barbara.
Kav and Rose Mary, Patrick and Jo-,
seph attended the Old Boys' Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dixon of Toron-
at Arthur. , to, le. and Mrs. Wm. Forester and
Charles Iirauskopf, Detroit, with family' of Zurich and Clarence Rei -
Mr. and Mrs. James Krauakopf. ! chert of Kiupen were the guests of
Mrs. A. M. Looby, Mrs. Clayton Mr. and iris. Clarence Bremner
where they were cerebrating little
Looby and Miss Loreen Loobyat Barbara's, birthday party.
Montreal. t
. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Dan Mullock of
Miss Margaret O'Cornrell, Mrs,
Elizabeth Bruxer, Joseph O'Connell, Goderich are holidaying are in guests
Joseph Dorsey and Frank Cronin at. of '\I their children are the ,nests
the Martyr's, Shrine, Midland. I of lIr, and Mrs. 'Win. McGregor
Mrs. Thos. 3.-Molyiieanx at Akron,'BAYFIELD
M. and Mrs. Frank Evans in De- Mr. and Mrs. Chui:•ehward and
troit, Mich, family and hiss Shutt of London
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney spent the weekend at theit cottage
Betty and Joseph, London. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Maitland - of
Mrs. Tack Danecker and son, Bobby. London were guests at the Albion
Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick over the holiday. '
Feeney. Miss Mallard of Brantford is
:pending two weeks at the Little
W. I.
The Seaforth Women's Institute
will meet on Tuesday, Aug. 12, it
2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Jack
McLean, Tucicei•smith, Roll call will
be "what to do in case of fire". This
is the health meeting with Mrs. Gor-
don McDonald, the convenor.
Mrs. G. Atkinson of London is a
guest of Mrs. Brown.
A public ceremony is t o be held
on Sunday, Aur. 10, at 3 o'cloclk at
the Cairn in Clan Gregor Square in
memory of the boys who gave their
lives, for their country in the recent
�.,. ... ...tom. ,�
C -6 -he contents of this
beautiful set in tarnish -proof
chest are eight each of the
following—teaspoons, dessert
spoons, forks, salad forks,
knives and one butter knife
and sugar spoon.
Available in LADY HAMILTON
(illustrated) or CORONATION
patterns. Other services in
'tarnish -proof chests from
$34.75. Retail purchase tax
Watch Repairing
Mr. Chas. Wolfe is confined to
Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Ham-
ilton with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hille-
Mr. Carman llogk of Wallaceburg
with Mr. and _firs. George Mogk,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Diegel,
my of of Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry L. Diegel.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elligson and
Howard of Hamilton with Mrs. Fred
Miss Betty Rock had her tonsils
removed at Stratford Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. EIwood Smart, Den-
nis and Carolyn and Miss Sylvia
Bennewies of Windsor with Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Bennewies.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reid of For-
est with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diego!.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Byerman of
Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Annie Kuntz and Richard
Kuntz of Baden with Mr. and Mrs.
John Amestein.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and
Clayton in Niagara Falls N. Y. visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carlton.
Mrs. W. L. Querengesser is spend-
ing this week in Waterloo with Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Querengesser..
Mr. Alvin Leonhardt of Kitchen-
er with Donald Ahrens.
Mr. Glen Diegel sepnt the week-
end -at North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and
Audrey at Teeswater.
Messrs George Simon and Adam
Eisler are on a Motor trip to North-
ern points.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hintz and
family at Guelph.
tr•. and 3lrs. - Russell Sholdice,
Marv, Warren and Roger and Mr,
W. L. Ouerengesser with Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Sholdice at Walton on
Mr. Herman Schmidt and daugh-
ter Violet and ?Tr. Stehle of Preston
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmidt.
'Rev. and Mrs. Schultz and Eric
are holidaying at the lake. '
Barbaro Ann infant daughter of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Honey was
hautized on Sunday with Mr. and
M,'s. Alfred Bverman and Mr. and
Mrs. G.nrdon Irleber as .sponsors.
Mr. and Mrs. f`has.' T;, Williams.
Dublin, Ont., had a great surprise
on Wednesday. when the for.mer's
cousin. Mr. T. H. Heise, his wife and
rlangliter Miss Verna of Fordivieh,
Ont., accomiianied Mr. Heise's'
sister. Mrs. Wesley .Collins and Mr.
Collins of Kindersley.-Sask, whom
they haven't seen for thirty-two
years tihs coming January, motored
doom from the West.