HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-31, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, 'JULY 31, 1947 HENSALL Bill Campbell Of Guelph visited with friends here this week. Rod. Ferguson is holidaying With his friend Chuck pickle at Rondeau Park, Mrs. Samuel Merne is visiting, with her sister and brother-in-law Mr, and Ml's. Isaac I• iicison in Sea - forth. Dr, By ou Campbell ;d Mrs; Campbell of Tan n, i t sa td reosatly with Mrs. I-ant.nn ;Inti Miss Greta Lonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Spray and son of London nen scan; visitors with Mrs Spray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bonthron visited with Rev. W. A. Young. Mrs. Young and family at Fergus re Gently. Miss Foster of Tonawanda, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dickens of BidduIph, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lam- mie and Bobbie, Centralia and Miss Amy Laramie of London were the guests of Mrs. Lanlmie ,and Miss Greta Laramie during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle are having their residence repainted on the exterior which presents a fine appearance. The work is being done by Messrs Shaddick and Kyle. The Arnold Circle Evening Auxili- ary of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a most successful picnic at the Lions' Park, Seaforth, on Wednes- day. shall give an end'before the human, Shower •For Bride -Elect ' ity's desgruotion. We are fighting Miss Mary Goodwin was hostess here not only for ourselves but for at her home on Monday evening for all the world. The struggle here is as shower held in honior of Miss June great and all of us suffer hard, 'but Saun'dereock, bride -elect of Satur- my dear what else can we do. day. After a social evening in which Finally, my dear, I thank you for. music end contests were enjoyed, your present. and if you please'dr,op also a; sing -song.' directed by Miss me a few lines. fetors to look, t asourheave tzlndyss Luker and Mrs. C. Kennedy.1 X p gilts Bath Hess and Miss Jennie factress. Jolly made the presentation of nuni-I Enclosed please find a picture of exons lovely gifts to Miss Saunder- my husband and I: Waiting your an- roek who, made fitting response, ex -I swer, 1 kiss you my dear, Mrs. Nicki pressing. ssing' her appreciation. Dainty re-, Mouzekite, • Avramion Missinis, f1ssIunents were served by Miss Greece. Goodwin assisted by her mother, 1 Mr. John. Forest remains seriously Mrs. Goodwin and their assistants.'ill at his home following a paralytic Misses Margaret Shepherd. Margaretstroke last week. MacGregor and Ruth Hess. J Mr. and Mrs. - John 'Moffatt of Following is a letter recently re -1 North 'Battleford and Mr. and Mrs. ceived by Miss Maly McAsh for a; Lorne Moffatt of Regina, visited coat received overseas. Avramion. during the past week with Mr: .and Missions, July 19th, 1947. My dear Mrs, John MacBeath. 0 Miss Mary MCAzh you' • Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and unknown f can't imagine how glad I was when family returned to their home in I received your overcoat which I, Chicago after visiting with Mrs. needed so much and I' beg you to'• Wilson's parents Mr. and Mrs. MB- aceept my warm thanks for it. It ton Russell. came just on time, because this time; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould of Tor - I ant lonesome with my children. for, onto visited recently with the lat- my husband is fighting now way up, ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. on the mountains against the com-. Walker. munists and every day I pray God; Miss Marion Sangster. and Jim save his life. You know well my dear,Sangster are vacationing with Mr. Miss, that the. war was never over, and Mrs. George Sangster in Port - for this little and poor country, and, age la Prairie for two weeks - we don't know to what extension' Mrs. Eva Carlisle is spending a this may have. Let us hope the Lord two weeks vacation with her daugh- ter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. L. Willert of Zurich at Cedar Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wood of Re- gina were recent visitors with ' the former's uncles, Messrs John and Watson Wood, and aunts, Miss Eliza and Miss Mary Wood. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hayton of Delhi were visitors with Miss Emaline Johnston, on Wednesday. ?Jr. and Mrs. Aleen Davidson Of Sarnia visited recently with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. David- son and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Twitchell. Miss Margaret Glenn returned home from a Pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Brown and son at Crediton. .lir. Alvin W. Nicholson of . An - eroid, Sask., called on his cousin Miss E. Johnston recently. Dr. J. A. MacLean. who has •been confined to his room owing to illness is much improved and able to be out again. Mrs. Catharine Hedden of St. Catharines is visiting with relatives in Clinton and Hensail. Miss Lillian MacKay of Windsor visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd and- family. Marliyn Eyre of Chiselhurst is holidaying with her cousins Lois and Marion Turney. Connie Corbett visited recently with her cousins Dorothy and Ger- aldine Parker at Chiselhurst. Mrs. Coles of Chiselhurst has spent some time with Mrs. J. Sim- mons who has been ill. Mr. Floyd Adair of London spent the weekend at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Passmore, Ron- ald and Norma are holidaying at Pike's Bay. 300,000 Feet LUMBERRD 4" AND 5" TONGUE AND GROOVED Suitable for Sheeting, Siding, Flooring or General Building Purposes RANDOM LENGTHS FROM 3' TO 16' '45.00 Per M. This lumber is thoroughly dried and in good condition, and a bargain at this price. Orders of. 2,000 feet or over will be delivered free of charge to points between Camp Borden and Seaforth, or within a reasonable distance. TERMS CASH Write, Wire or Phone your orders to trth Supply & Fuel Limted Phone 47 Seaforth PEOMERB nmear Hope For Cancer Cure? Absolutely Yes! This encouraging news about the fight being waged against that dread disease—cancer—comes from Dr. Roscoe R. Spencer, Director of U.S. Public Health Service's National Cancer Institute. Read about it in one of many exclusive articles in The American Weekly magazine with this Sunday's (August 3) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. •210',":"• Let EE FRONT Outfit You FOR FUN IN THE SUN Go jump hi the lake—no foolin'—it's coolin' And remember you'll look and feel your best hl a slick swim suit from Green Front. BUT, if the lake's too far removed for a daily dip, may we suggest some lightweight, casual clothes to take the temper out of temperature SPECIAL 1 THIS WEEK Arrow, Forsythe, Tooke, etc. TIES to clear 65c BOYS' WHITE POLO SHIRTS Reg, 89c 59c Reg. 79c 550 BEACH SHORTS Ideal for all vacation wear! For tennis, boat. ing, fishing and oh yes, for the beach Reg. 1.29 98c MEN'S BATHING TRUNKS STRAW HATS Reg. 2.25 MEN'S Reg. 39e ,.....,29c To clear BOYS'1.49 Reg. 35c 25c stagy MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long sleeves 2 Pockets Reg. 3.25 2 50 Reg. 3,75 2.95 LADIES' 1 PIECE BATHERS Reg. 2.98 ..........1.98 SAT. A.M. SPECIAL Ladies' Silk Panties Oversize 79c BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS Reg. 1.69 99c BOYS' CAMP SUITS Reg. 3.96 2.95 TENNIS SHOES All sizes, oxfords, etc, Child's, boys' men's ladles' 25% off We're "REDUCING" o�. PRICES Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded GREEN FRONT - DEPT. STORE Opposite Post Office AT FINNIGAN'S LEAMINGTON TOMATOES Tomatoes, the old favorite but with a new taste -thrill`! Fancy — firm, red and ripe. Delightful during the warn weather. The Best for less at Finnigan's. Sunkist Oranges & Lemons SMALL JUICE MED. JUICE LARGE, JUICE '2 doz. •39c 2'.doz. 49c • • • 2' 'dot.' '69c• "AT FINNIGAN'S — YOU'RE' NEXT-- NO WAITING" W. J. FINNIGAN & SON Auction Sale OF 2 COWS & arousaHOLD EFFECT'; Wed., August 13th. 'at 1 P.M, at Roxboro, 1% Miles west • & ligmiles north of Seaforth. 2 choke Durhamcows, freshened in March & due Mar, 8th - and 26th. HOUSEHOLD Masterpiece cook stove (good):; porcelains top. table; 6 kitchen chairs; sideboard ; chesterfield; library table; hall rack, leather rocker, reed rocker, walnut pai•- lor'.set, number of other rockers, odd chairs, small table, gramophone & records ; writing desk rug 9310. mats, 2 furnished bedrooms, 1 steelwalnut finish bed, coal -oil stove; child's crib, Singer sewing machine, antique bed. Quantity of sealers, small churn ; boiler, wash tub, wringer.. Lawn chairs, lawn mow- er; milk mails, garden tools. Quantity of dishes, kitchen. utensils. Pictures & host of other articles. Terms cash. JAMES J. BRYANT, Proprietor. . Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Olerk. -W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR Harness Hardware, and Shoe. Findings FRI. •& SAT. SPECIAL Rubber Fly Swatters 10c EACH Certified Raspberry Plants Write Box 754, Campbellford, Ont., for illustrated folder and growing "know how". Don't delay. Supply limited. WANTED Caretaker for Scott Memorial Hos- pital, duties to commence at once. Apply in writing to P. D McConnell, Secretary, Seaforth Ontario. FOR SALE 1 Allis Chalmers tractor on rubber in Al condition, starter and lights. Also 1 Massey- Harris out -throw disc. ERNEST ADAMS, RRL Clinton, Phone Seaforth 841r22. FOR SALE MIS Ford coupe, deluxe with rumble seat. Would take Madel A coach or sedan in trade, or sell outright. CHAS. REEVES, Seaforth DUBLIN Dr, Louis Dill,Detroit, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill. Rev. Jerome Arnold, C.R., Kitch- ener, with friends here. FOR SALE Mr. and ;Mrs. Hubert Zettel, Galt, l,6 storey frame house, easily moved. Also with Mrs. Mary McGrath and Mrs, s Massey -Harris Rite -Way'" milking mach- , ine, 2 single units, ARNOLD RATHWELL, Charles Malone. 13ayfieldRoad: Clinton RR3. Phone 905r22. Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne and _ DR. F. J. R. FORSTER family. Detroit, Mich., with Mrs. • FOR'SALE I Eye, Eat, Nose and Throat Katharine Byrne. 3035 Plymouth coach for sate. In goad con -1 Grathiate in Medicine, University Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, RR?n.Ph Applyone MARTIN FEENEY, Dublin of Toronto. Late Assistant New York vacationing with her parents, Mr. Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. FOR SALE ' _Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square Mr, and Mrs. Louis Matthews, De- fullyRebuilt Electric & Engine Drive washers, throat hospitals, London, Eng. At troit, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle. , paras FP, BEA TTY WASHER SER- Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Rev. Vincent Eckert, G.S.B. Ro Wednesday in each month from 2 to cheerer, N.Y., with his mother, Mrs. NOTICE 4 p.m. -63 Waterloo St., Stratford. Have your Washing Machine checked Teresa Eckert. nmv. -Telephone 267. M1•. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan,Toxon- SERVICE, ERVIe Potts used. "BEATTY WASH- y.ER SERVICE, Godarich. Phone SILLS G. A. WHITNEY to, with Mr. and Mrs. James Jord- IfnWE, Seaforth. an. FOR SALE Mis. A. M. Looby at London. 1 new Maxwell electric Washing machine Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle at De- tar sale. BASIL O'ROURKDD, Brueefleld. troit. Phone Clinton 615r21. • Miss Marie Krauskopf, London, is FOR SALE vacati' ling with her mother, Mrs. 10 pigs seven weeks old. PAT-MURRAY. Louis ICrauakopf. Phone 852r13 Seaforth. Miss Ally Looby, Kitchener, with FOR SALE her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. McCormick- Deering T 92 Combine, four - Frank P. Evans has been engaged foot eat, bagger type, complete with scour PS high school teacher at PoWasson, cleaner, pick-up attachment and sieves. Phone Ont., Joseph Givlin in Toronto. 6571.2, H. 001G, Ktpnen. The residence of William Staple -1 l Auction Sale ton was struck by lightning during the storm here on Sunday. The elec-t FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. — trical equipment was disrupted but On Thursday Aug. 7th, at 1 o'clock sharp, no other damage was reported. ( et Lot 24, Concession 10, Hibbert Township, Charles Friend who moved to -2 miles wont o£ Cromarty; 7 melee north-east o£ Hensail. Reason for Sale—Cron hailed. out Dublin last December has purchased by storm. the residence of James Jordan. HORSES—Matched team s years old, red. Rev. HarryF. Feeney, C.R. who I roan. Y CATTLE —Red cow, freshened, due 1st has been On the staff of St. Jer- January ; red cow, freshened, dye 12th Jan- omes College, Kitchener, for the vary; white cow• freshened, dye 4th March; past five ear's has been transferred roan aoty, freshened, due 10th March; Hare - Y ford cow, freshened, due 8th March; red cow, to the staff - of SCollard Hall, North freshened .due 3rd January; reel cow. fresh,. 1 calf at Hoot; red heifer, due 20th October; Bay College. His duties will Com- red- heifer, dye 10th Qetober; white heifer DALY S' mance on September 2. . due 27th Deeemifer• 6 Durham steers, 10(10 Mr. and Mis. Frank Evans and itis. ; 6 Durham heifers, steers 18th' months Joan in London. 1old; urhamrh baby heifers, steers,6ontyear s a old ld6 Rev. J. F. McConnell, M.M. has Durham spring calves. 1 purebred registered returned to Maryknoll College, NX.Durham bull 13 months old: parents, IGS—L young York hog; York sow due after his vacation with his p , Sept.Se12th ; York sow due Nov. 1.0th ; 5 young Mr. and Mrs. D. McConnell. *York sows due in October l 1 young York Mrs. John Na le in London. sow, due Sept. 28; 2 young York sows, due g in Nov, ; 8 small chunks. P. Bannon, Kitchener, with Mrs. IMPLEMENTS—New V.A. Standard Case A. M. Looby. - tractor on rubber, starter, lights. New M.H. Mrs. KayThornton, Misses' Ther: 3 -furrow tractor plow. New 3 -section Moo: Deering lever ,harrows: New 18 -disc M.H. esa and Dorothy Kistner are : Vaca—fertilizer drill. New M.H. bean snuffler and. tioning in Pontiac, Mich. puller combined. 1 good rubber tired wagon, Mrs. Lair Beale and randdau complete with hay racks; steel` roller, good Larry g g- shape; M.H. hay loacler, good shape; M.H. titer, Stratford, with Miss Mary 6 -ft, binder; Deering mower, 5 ft,; 35,56. Beale. - spring tooth .horse. cultivator; 4 section Dia - Beale. harrows; 3 section Diamond harrows; Mr. and Mrs. H. Gorman and walking plow; M.H. riding plow; M.H, man Ella Louise are onvacation at Ham- ore spreader; set of sleighs, wagon box, ilton anouter points. dump rake; stone boat; root. puiper; Beauty, Hump Jack and Beauty force pump in good. Miss Agnes Murphy, Ottawa, with shape; Monarch 1/, hp, gasoline engine; set of 2000 ib. scales, pig crate; 2 pig self -feed Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux. . ors; 5 oak barrels; 1 new Beauty hay fork; sling ropes, harness, electric fencers, forks, shovels, etc, - Colony House—good, 10312, and.. brooder' stove. New 650 lb DaLaval cream separator. 70 sap buckets and pans, 25 tons of good hay in barn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -1 Doherty cook stove 1Quebec heater, Marconi cabinet bat- tery radio like new new gasoline lamp,iron and lantern Terms cash. LAWRENCE DUNII Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. AT THE SAME TIME: AND PLACE there 00111 be oftet•ad far 'sale by public auction 100 ACRE I°ARM Gon, 10 Lot '24 Hib- bert Township, property of Henry Hoggao'th, Has frame house and good banked. barn, 40 x 60, Litter carrier and cement flooring. Good. drive shed 22.314. Pig house 12324. 12 to 16. acres^good hardwood. bush. Hydro available, Terms made known day of sale. Offered subleet to reserve bid. HENRY HOGGARTH, Proprietor; Clearing Auction Sale OF REGISTERED DUAL - PURPOSE SHORTHORNS, T.B. tested. Theentire herd of Mr. McCallum. These cows are all young, none over: 7 years old, several to freshen in November, balance in Jan. & Feb. There are also some choice heifers bred, yearlings, and 3 heifer calves.. Will be Bold without -reserve at 'Mitchell Sale Barns' on Tuesday, August' 5th at 2 pan. Terms cash. Mao usual run of hogs. AARON STEINACKER, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. Electric washing -machine in good shape, large- size. PHILLIPS •FRUIT STORE. ARRIVED A carload of Feed -Wheat. KRAUSKOPF BROS., phone 361,19, Dublin. NOTICE `Order your Reading Hard coal briquets from your dealer.. KRAUSKOPF BROS., Phone 301,13, Dublin. • NOTICE The Seaforth Public Librate' will be closed' from Aug 5 to Aug 19 inclusive GRETA THOMPSON Librarian WHITE WASH SPRAYING Power Machine. Have your barn or cellar done now. FRED HARBURN, Dublin RR3. Phone 44 r 9. FOR SALE Spruce Valley Yorkshires, Reg.-Gim. open Sows and .young Boars. Veterinary inspected: Free of visible signs of rhinitis. JOHN POWELL JR., RR2, Seaforth.. FOR SALE 3 months old Barred Rack pullets. Phone 934 r 23. POSITION WANTED Position as housekeeper. Reply Iv letter only to BOX 127, Seaforth News. FOR SALE Peerless Portland Cement. VARNA CHOP- PING MILL. Phone 626x6, Clinton. FOR SALE A good used McCormick Deering 7 -foot grain binder, on steel wheels and regular equipment. JOHN BACH, Seaforth. LOST Glamour pin set with pearls, in Seaforth, on Tuesday. Reward. Apply at The News. FOR SALE Shorthorn Bull, 18 months old, nice lark roan ; also two cowswith calf by sides. Can be seen on Lot 27, Con. 8, Hibbert. JAMES HILL, Staira. Phone 48x18, Dublin central. FOR SALE A good reliable team of horses. Phone 933 r 32, Seaforth. FOR SALE Gas power lawn mower. J. M. SCOTT, phone 851 r 32. FOR SALE Modernbreakfast suite, used. only one year. E. Kerr, phone 840x2. BOX urn?rat 11tC . AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers, for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All' kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest hates in First -Class, Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire •Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, Ont.. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. w. Leonhardt, Brodhagen;. Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors . W. R, Archibald, Seaforth; Frank. McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore,_ Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt,.. Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; J. II.. MoDwing, Blyth' RR 1; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich RR 2. ' Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Pruete',. Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications• to any of the above named officers. addressed to their respective post. offices. USBORNE & HUMERI- MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres., WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS SINCLAIR. R R 1 Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY.... Kirkton, R. 1. WM. A. HAMILTOCromarty. JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell•. THOS. SCOTT Cromarty- THOS. romartyTHOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham: SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, 111.13„ Physician_ Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m„ and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN -A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician•and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers; Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 For the finest Body and Fender Repairs & Refinishing bring your car to HULLETT Mrs. Gordon Kerr of Winnipeg has returned home after a ,short visit" A.1 wlthMr.andMrs.14•Camp'- bell, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGale of Toronto; Mr. Hugh Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Mrr and Mrs. Jack Kellar of Walton and Mr. and Mrs. George Carter of Londes- boro. Her daughter, Miss Margaret Kerr is staying for a longer holiday with her aunt Mrs, George Carter Misses Marylin and Elda Riley have returned home after a weeks holiday with their grandparents Mr and Mrs. Wm, Honking of Londes bora. NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 WANTED Tenders will be received, by the undersigned for the Caretaking of Schools Nos. 7 and 9, Tuckersmith, for the coming school year. The usual duties of SchoolCaretaker to he performed in a satisfactory way. For further Particulars and details, apply' to S. II. WHITMORE, Sec: Treas„ Tucicersmlth School Area, 11,R, 8, Seaforth: FOR SALE. Frame honso on •Centre street, Eamond- villa. Modern dwelling on Louisa St., Seaforth Modern dwelling, North Main street, im- mediate possession. Frame asphalt covered residence, on Rail- way St., bath, immediate possession. Dwelling with small barn, 2 to 3 acres, suitably located for poultry. 114, story frame dwelling John St. M. A Reid, Seaforth FOR SALE Seven -room frame house, on Main street in Egmondville, with stable and garden. to Mrs, Wilfred Glazier, Clinton RR4 Phone 617 r 31, Clinton FOR SALE • Quantity first quality Manilla hay fork rope. Phone 25. J. McKenzie.' .. FOR SALE Massey -Harris 7 -foot binder., ALTON, ZOHNSTON,. Brumfield; phone 62502 Clinton 4