The Seaforth News, 1947-07-31, Page 7CHRONICLES ()F
By Gwendoline P. Clarke.
„.Partner event out a few minutes.
ago to shut tip the chickens. Wlieu
he -returned he said-"1Ve11, 1 guess
I just saw some of those flying
I looked .at lima, startled—"I don't
believe you—you didn't 'see any-
thing of the kind."But Part'ner's .
expresion was . inscrutable as he
continued -"Well, what I •saw cer-
tainly answered the decription of
the "'sanders." They were bright,
luminous objects, travelling at a
terrific speed entil they finally dis-
appeared from sight. Yes, t think
a; could be 'quite certain they were
flying saucers except that i recog-
aised then as fireflies!' And with
that closing remark he grinned.
Tat ntam.. - . as .long as L have
lived with him i still can't tell from
his expression whether he is ser-
ious or kidding.
* *. *
Here is another little story, only
in this case it happens to be true
and made me wonder how much of
what happens—or doesn't happen
depends on pure, unadulterated
Partner had been out over the
creek coiling hay._ Ile started at
the far end of the'field so thatif•
he didn't finish he would not have
as fax to go next time. This even-
tually brought him to the bank of
the creek, on the other side of which
the cattle were grazing. He heard
Oheifer bawling and went to in-
vestigate. The heifer all right
but further up the creek he saw
one of the cows lying in rather a
suspicious way right on the edge
of a deep water -hole. Hurrying
over Partner saw that she already
had a new-born calf. As he ap-
proached the calf was struggling
to get to its feet but was unsucce'ss-
fuland was gradually slipping clos-
er to the edge of the water -hole.
Inside of a few minutes it would
surely have fallen in and been.
drowned Of course Partner res-
cued the poor little thing and car-
ried it to a safer'placc. But it was
not only the calf's life that had
been in danger, there was also the
possibility, had the calf drowned,
that the fact of the cow having
calved might have been overlooked,
in which case the cow wouldn't
have been milked at the right time
and might have developed milk
fever and died. However, they say
most of the troubles in life that we
worry about are the ones that never
happen, so the cow and calf incident
is • certainly another one to add to
the list.
* * *
C.S.-thank you very much for
your kind letter with its information
about the' birds. I shalt look for
the bird book you recommend next
time I ant in the city. I also hope
to answer your letter personally in
the very near future. And regard-
ing your question—I can assure you
I am not kidding!
For the sake of my other readers
may I explain what I mean by
that reference to "kidding"? My
correspondent, "C.13." compliments
me on my powers of observation in
regard to birds and then adds—"Or
are you just kidding us?"
t was puzzled over that question
for awhile but finally carte to the
eeonclusion that C.B.—and possibly
•butters—couldget the idea that for
the sake of "copy" I might read up
something or other on bird -life and
Tnake a story of it. Believe me,
that is not so: Anything 1 describe
regarding birds or anything else for
that matter is what I have seen or
beard with my own eyes and ears,
We''VVon1 They could 'hardly wait to phone the good news
home! Velma Richards and Sedley Mackie, Toronto, were two
of the 16 models selected from 350 applicants at the modelling
auditions for the round of Canadian National .Exhibition fash-
ion shows. The models will receive a concentrated three weeks
model training course at no expense to themselves, tinder the
personal direction of Pasquale D'Angelo, 7 oronto School ,1f
Charm. •
Since last week, summer fatal.,
ities have soared to an alarming
degree, Despite the continued
warnings of press and radio, young
people—and older people — in-
sist on doing silly things while
in canoes or in the water. Already
it's been a record for.summer trag-
edies --so watch yourself and take
the necessary precautions.
We've Done It Again
Following our article of a few
weeks ago on education vs. in
fluence, we have had several com-
plaints and have been accused of
being pessimistic. Well, we won't
give in to anything we said and we
still feel that, when the time
comes, those looking for jobs will
find that what 'we said was true.
Prove we are wrong then we'll
change our attitude.
Chillin, Chillin, How Could You?
The teeners of the Bradcbridge
area certainly didn't win any ad-
miration from this department
with their recent display of ga-ga
over the two characters who fig-
ured in the inquest held there. We
are referring to the bobby-soxers
who besieged Kettlewell and Bar-
rie for autographs when. they left
the court room. It stems the babes
must have mistaken them for
something from Hollywood or
else they are not very particular
about who signs their little black
books. Personally we feel that
the parents again are to be partly
blamed for this display. As the
crown said at the time: "If par-
ents want to let them come, that
is their business. To make heroes
of two men such as Kettlewell
and Barrie is nothing short of
disgusting in our estimation."
if not, then I give credit where
credit is due. 1 am genuinely in-
terested in birds and regret that
1 know so little about them. For
that reason your information, C.B.
is very acceptable and I thank you
for your trouble.
Not Fair
"So you deceived your husband!"'
exclaimed the iutlpe.
"No, your honor," was the reply.
"Flt deceived we."
'Explain, please."
"Fie said he was going otct of torsos
and he didn't go,"
31 Co
83 Prattle
34 To one side
35 Brazilian state
38 rootlike part
39 Muse of
, poetry
4.1 Fashion 22
43 Frighten.
45 Stellar body
46 Driver of a
. team of horses
1. Be seated
2 Beautify
3 Simple
4 Facsimile (ah. )
5 Exclamations
6 Harvests
7 Remove
4 U. S. Governor I
ss a G
1 Pictured (anat.)
governor,, 10 County in
11 Uncommon'
9 Lamb
11 Rejoinder
13 Tapioca -like
12 Symbol for
14 Separate.
food 15 He is gover
15 Entangle nor of—
YO Genuine 18 Sewing
17 Typo of nu. t implements
19 Constellation 20'Opera (ab.) '
21 Shop
22 Hind of tide
25 Ornamental 32 Caterpillar
flower vessel hairs ,
23 Royal Italian 26 Princes
tarlltly name 27 Edit (slang)
24 Afiirtti` •srl?W . I' Z 3' 11 5 6 7 T,..
>1 Be carried
28 Wicked � I � �
Au Rser to Prewtout Puzzle
S1.8,R1,9T6E ys?..;