HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-31, Page 1The Seaforth News
ULY 31, 1947
$1 a year
'ilhe appointment of R. J. Me -
Naughton, B.A., B. Peed., of Corn-
wall, to the staff of the " Stratford
Normal School. as science master,
has been announced by the Depart-
ment of Education, Toronto.
Mr. McNaughton will fill -the va-.
cancy recently created by the re-
moval of E. C. Beacom, B.A., to the
principalship of the Normal School'
at North Bay, Ont.
Mr. McNaughton is Inspector of
Public Schools for the County of
Stormont, with headquarters in'•
Cornwall. At the present time he is
a teacher in the special .summer
short course for teachers at the
Toronto Norma] School.
-Mr. McNaughton is a former
Tuckersmith township boy- and a
graduate of Seaforth high school.
Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton have
two small daughters.
The ceremony was solemnized in
Egmbndlville United Church manse
on Saturday, July 26th -when Rev.
A. W. Gardiner united in marriage
Marjorie Claire, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Hunt, and Lorne
Rutherford Dale, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Dale. Their attendants
were Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Case.
The bride chose for her wedding an
ice blue crepe afternoon frock with
white accessories and corsage of
pink rose buds and baby breath. The
matron of honour wore beige crepe
with corsage of red rose buds. A
buffet luncheon w'as served to the
immediate families at the home of
the bride after which Mr. and Mrs.
Dale left by motor for Muskoka, the
bride travelling in a green wool two-
piece with black trimming and acces-
*'blue coal'.
The world's 'Finest Anthracite
Sunday, August 3rd.
St. Thomas', Seaforth
11 a.m. Holy Communion and Ser-
mon: No evening service.
St. Mary's, Dublin •
9,30 a,m. Holy Communion and
The Reetdr, Rev, C. F. L. Gilbert,
B,A., at all services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m.,• "Christian Responsibili-
ty'r7 p.nt., "Spiritual Renewal".
Commencing August 1st the hours
of the Province of Ontario Savings
Office will be from 0;30 to 4, instead
of 9.30 to 5, as heretofore.
Mrs. S. Ottaway and daughter
Miss Edith Ottaway of Brighton,
England, are visiting the former's
brother and -sister-in-law, Rev. and
Mrs. Albert Hinton at the ?manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and
family attended the 'Ferguson reun-
ion at Springbank on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Richards and
sons Derek and Scott of Danville,
Quebec, 'visited last week with Mrs.
Richard's parents, Rev. and Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Ferguson,
Mary June, and Grant of St. Thomas
visited last week with the former's
sister, brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
A, Gackstetter. • •
Mn and Mrs. S. Beattie and child-
ren of Wingham are visiting Mrs..
Beattie's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Robt. McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Walters and
Miss Edith Walters and Mr. and Mrs.,
'Robt. Parsons were Monday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons.
Mr. (and Mrs. A. .Gackstetter visit..
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-
ence Dunn of Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green and
Miss Murdise of London are the
guess of Mr. Jonah Green.
Mr. John Doig of Grand Rapids
accompanied by his mother and
sister returned' from a pleasant hol-
iday trip to Belleville and other
Mr. and Mrs, AIvin Ulch of Wind -
sol are visiting with relatives in and
around Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams of Salt -
ford spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Ernest Adams:
We are glad to know that Mr. Win.
Britton, who underwent en operation
at Scott Memorial Hospital on Satui••
clary, is recovering as well as Can be
expected; and hopes soon to he able
to be home. '
Mrs. Leo Stephenson spent a few
days last week visiting with Donald
in Owen Sound,
M. and Mrs, Marvin Richmond of
Kindersley, Saslc., are visiting the lat-
ter's nephew Mr. Ross McGregor.
Mr, and Mrs.. Kelso • Adams of
Saltford visited the former's par
ents Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Adams.
During the severe thunder storm
Sunday morning the large bank barn
of Mr. Harry Norris, Tuckersnith,
was burned to the ground. A colony
house on the farm of Harold Hugill,
two miles west of Seaforth' on No. 8
highway; was also burned by light-
ning earlier the same morning,
around 8 o'clock.
The Norris family was in the
kitchen after ten o'clock not more
than five minutes after he and his
son had come in from attending to
the calves in the barn, when a bolt
of lightning struck the main barn
and smoke was seen coming from
building. Mr. Norris carried several
pails of water from the pump in
the barn and tried to put out the fire
but it spread too rapidly, and. the
main building and the addition to
the barn were completely destroyed.
Also burned were twenty tons of
hay, 600 bushels of grain, fourteen
pigs, three calves, a yearling, and
implements including a binder and
threshing machine and milking
equipment. New stabling had been
installed last year. Most of the live-
stock lost was due to their running
back into the barn after being
driven out.
The main barn, where the bolt
struck. had lightning rods. The
Miss Marjorie Hunt, bride -elect,
was the recipient of many lovely an¢
useful gifts at a shower - given in
her honor at the home of Miss Glad-
ys, Hopper on Wednesday evening,
July 23. Mrs. Wesley Real of Tor-
onto favored with several nnusieal
selections and also led in a sing-
song. The main feature of the even-
ing was the snaking of a bride's.
book. A matrimonial contest was
conducted by Miss Thelma Forbes.
The address was read by Miss
Gladys Hopper. Gifts were carried
in by Joyce Wilbee, Vera Mole and
Thelma Forbes. A delicious lunch
was served by the hostess. Follow-
ing is the address Dear Marjorie—
We are gathered here to wish you
and yours, a very happy pleasant
trip, as you journey through the
years. May we on this occasion ex-
Press the best of sincere wishes, and
may you sometimes think of us
when washing up the dishes. Please
accept these little gifts, kind
thoughts and joys full -measure. .We.
hope that they may useful be, int
married life together. From your'
A kitchen shower in Marjorie's
honor was held at the house of Mrs.
J. Eisler on Friday evening. About
45 were present. A pleasant even -
lightning had put the telephone out ing was spent in euchre and lunch
of order and it was impossible to was served by the hostess.
call help, but neighbors and mem-
bers of the Brucefield fire brigade BRODHAGEN
soon arrived to give all possible aid.
There was $2,800 insurance but it is Mr• and llrs. John G. Hinz, Maur-
the loss will exceed this een and 'Winnifred spent Sunday at
amount by at least $5,000. About Guelph with Mr. and Mrs, Don Bar-
twenty-six head of purebred cattle be; and attended the christening of
were out in the field and were saved.( their granddaughter, Shirley Anne
The estimated replacement value of Barber.
the property destroyed is well over Mr• and Mrs. John Arbuckle and
$10,000 at today's costs. (family of Toronto are spending two
Mr: Norris has arranged this week weeks holidays with Mr. and Mrs..
to purchase the 100 acre farm of Albert Querengesser.
Mr. Frank Taylor, Provincial Traf- Mr. and Mrs. George 'Young of
fic Officer, Clinton, which adjoins Stratford with Mi and Mss. Geo,
the Norris farm on the north (the Diegel.
former Henry Dayman farm). He Mrs. Ed. Bressler and Cherry of
gets immediate possession of the Stratford with Mrs, John C. Diegel.
barn. The house on this farm is a+, Visitors at the home of Mr. and
present occupied by Messrs Skaife Ms's• Wm. S, Riehl were Mr, and
and Johnston, Brucefield painters,
Mrs. Ted Malone• and family, Mr.
and Mr. Elgin Thompson has had Adam Fiehr, Rev. Wentzlaff, all of
the land leased for this year. (Tavistock,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Doyle, Lynda
and Sharon are holidaying in Tor-
ROBERT FRENCH onto this week.
A former resident of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. D. White of Wood-
Robert J. French, died at the family stock with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hinz
residence; 547 Talbot St,, London, on Monday,
on Saturday, July 26th. He was mar- Mr. Glen Diegel spent Sunday
vied to the late Fanny Summers with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Queren-
French, and lived with his daugh- gesser at Waterlpo.
er, Mrs. Helen Berry. Mr. French Mr. and Mrs. (fen McLeod, Ken-
was: in his 84th year at the time of meth and Ronald of London, Mr. and
his death. The funeral was held Mrs. George Wesenberg, Larry, Joe'
Monday with interment in Mt. and Meryl of Brussels, Mrs.' B. Mc -
Pleasant cemetery, London.Leod of Hamilton were visiting• at
The funeral of William E. Hogg
was held Friday afternoon horn the
residence of Mrs. Thos. Habkirk,
Victoria Street, Interment took
place in Maitlandbatk cemetery.
The pallbearers_were Adrian Hogg
aid Joseph Hogg (Collingwood),
Janes Hogg, Scott Habkirk, Ster-
ling Habkirk and Frank Grieve.
Flower bearers were Leslie Rah -
kirk, Gordon Pullman, Bob Marsh-
all(St. Marys), Walter Eiffert (Tav-
istock) and John Pullman. Mr. Hogg
died suddenly' Wednesday night. He
had been ill two, clays, having suffer-
ed a heart attack. Mr. Hogg . was
born in McKillop township, the. son
of the late William Hogg and Mar-
tha Brown and was in his 74th year.
IIe was married to Agnes Grieve of
McKillop in 1899, • and about the
year 1922 went to Stratford where
he lived for 15 years, moving to Sea -
forth about nine years ago. when he
accepted a position as caretaker at
Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. Hogg.
is survived by his wife and one son,l
Leslie Hogg. of Preston. He was a
member of First Presbyterian'
Cltureh, Seaforth..
, the home of Mr, and Mrs Chis
hrens on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock and
family. motored to Edgewood Park1
Summer Camp near Guelph on Sun-'
day. Misses Joanne Rock and Shit•- I
ley Riehl returned with them.
The Brodhagen Band will hold
their first open air band concert on
Sunday evening.
Miss Audrey Ford of London is
holidaying at the hone of Mr, anti,
Mrs. Edwin Rock.
Eric Schultz of Kitchener at his
Mrs. Tuffin of Cromarty with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Tuffin at the home
of Mrs. Sophie Bennewies celebrat-
ing Geraldine Tuffin's birthday.
Agricultural Highlights during the Thursday afternoon. July 24, the
past week, issued by Leroy G. -Brown. First 'McDougall -Miller reunion was
Agricultural Representative for Huron held in the Lions' Park at Seaforth
Cduuty, with 70 descendants of John 'Me
The farmers of Huron County have Dougall and Agnes Campbell, of
received with great concern the an Argyleshire, Scotland, present, It
nouncement that the Federal Govern -was on June 28, 1828, that the Mo-.
ment plans to withdraw the subsidy Dougall family left Greenoch in a
on Western coarse - grains being sailing vessel bound for Quebec.
brought into Ontario, to be used in They arrived early in September in.
the production of vital food supplies Lanark where they settled in North'
such as eggs; beef, pork and chill Sherbrooke. In 1849 their eldest
products. .A. number of the members daughter A •nes, and her husband,
of Huron Federation :of Agriculture George Miller; also their son Duncan
and other interested parties met 10 McDougall, left Lanark for Hibbert'
the Agricultural Office at Clinton on township to start pioneer life again.
Friday evening, to discuss the situs- They settled on farms a mile east
tion, and letters of protest were sent of what was then known as Spring -,to Prime Minister,Mackenzie King, hill, yr ,
the Hon. James G. e Gardiner, the the parentsnowStaandffs. theFive otherears six mlateem- •
Minister of Agriculture, and the Hon, begs of the family, Margaret (later
Douglas Abbott, Minister of Finance, l9ss, Henry Nlorrrill), Mary '(Mrs.
at Ottawa, If the subsidy is with- Andrew Park), Hellen (Mrs. Donald
drawn, it will neon that -the farmers park), John, Lilly {Ml's. George
of Ontario will Have to pay 25c more Herron) and Isabella 'hiss, Peter
psi• bushel for Barley and Wheat and Campbell) followed, and after a few
�l0c more per bushel for feed Oats. months spent on Duncan's farm
Such an increase in price 'the
feed tock up a homestead on the bound. eraiu Would seriously curtail pro-
concession 14, Hibbert, where ,
duction of livestock and poultry pro- the father and mother lived till they'
ducts in Huron County. In some abet- both passed away in 18855 at the
tons in the province so sassy brood age of 93 years and c92 years re -
sones are being. received' for slough- specticely, having early that year
ter that the packing plants in clues. celebrated the sixty-seventh anniver-
tion have, in some cases, refused to Bary of their marriage. Their grand-
acoepi•. delivery, In the month of May son, Alex eirpourall, still resides on
alone 204 brood sows were shipped the McDougall homestead, and Les -
to the abattoirs from Huron County. lie Miller, grandson of George and
This is very much above the normal Agnes .Miller, is now on the Miller
figure and the effects will be noticed homestead.
nett winter in the lower number 05 The result of the sport events
bacon hogs being sent to market, The were as follows: girls 5 yrs. and un -
situation is really serious, and if this der, Audrey Annis; 6 to 9 yrs. Ruth
subsidy is withdrawn, it will not only Brown; boys 6 to 9, Jackie Dunn;
reduce the amount of meat, eggs and girls i0 to 18, Jean Brown: boys 10
dairy products available for domestic to 18, Hughie McDougall; young
consumption, but will also jeopardize ladies, Betty McDougall; young
our Canadian bacon, egg and cheese men, Angus Brown; kicking slipper,
contracts with Great Britain, ladies, Lizzie Lamport; Men's shoe
Haying operations are still general scramble, Art Rhode; throwing pa -
through the County, and at this late per Plates, ladies, Mrs. Gordon Mc -
date many acres of hay land will be Dougall; clothes pin race, Betty Mc -
used for pasture instead of being cut Dougall's group; ball throwing con -
and stored in the barns as hay. A few test, Mrs, A. Webb's group; paper
farmers hhave commenced cutting fall cup contest, Mrs. W. Annis' group;
wheat, which fn general is a good bean contest, Mrs. Wilfred Annis.
crop .throng decrease
the County, but a The oldest person present was Mrs,
serious decrease in yield will result Henry Hoggarth, Seaforth, and the
from the heavy infestation of loose youngest, Mary, nine - weeks -old
smut. Loose smut of wheat has al-, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs, Raylnond
I ways been a serious menace to the Miller, Mitchell. Those who came
va ty D
t e , awson s Golden Chaff, and the longest distance to the reunion
the only way in which this can be were: Matthew Carmichael, Van -
defeated is to use new clean seed each couver,
B.C.; Mrs. E. Payne, Moose
hoar, tero treatmeyournt
own seed by tlne,Jaw,'Sask•; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
hot Water.. treatment which is cumber- 4lcDougall, Boharns, Sask., and John
some and expensive, or to use ver- Carmichael, Chelsea, lIieb. Others
ieties resistant to this disease, The° Were present from Aylmer. Thorn
Crop Improvement Association in dale, Stratford. Staffs, Cromarty,
Huron County plan to introduce a Hensall, Mitchell and Seaforth
considerable quantity of Corm 11 595 After all had enjoyed a bountiful
seed wheat to the County this fall.
This variety is resistant to loose smut
which it cnic supper s mnnienouslyting �decideas s to
an from results obtained' during the make the reunion an annual event•
Chaff for yield and straw strength.
past three years in test plots, it conn` The following were the officers ap-
Pat as favorably with Dawson's Golden pointed for 1915, honorary press
dents, Dan Menongall, Boharm,
• BRUCEFIELD Sask.; Mrs. James Campbell, Moose
Jaw, Sask,; John Cornish, Dublin,
lir. Wes. Stackhouse Inas purchas- Ont,; pies. Will Sparks. Bayfield:
the house on .firs. Archie 1Ic- vice pies., Ernest Templeman. Staf-
Gregor's £arse, Mill road, - and is fa: sec.treas„ Belle Campbell. Sea -
moving it to Brucefield. forth: sports convenor, Margaret
.lir. and Mrs. Robt. Pennywitt Templenian; lunch convenor, Mrs.
and Bobbie, Don Jones of Detroit, John Stewart. The. 19.45 picnic will
Mich„ spent the past three weeks he held in the seine place sometime
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W..Aikenhead. in June. -
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Matheson of`
Port Colborne spent the weekend -�-
with Mr. and Mrs. 3, W. Aikenhead. WINTHROP
Mr, and Mrs.. Cipher of Delhi visited
with the tatter's mother Mrs. D.
• Tough last week, Witt,1,,,, wtil'meet at the home of
' The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavesn,
, 'The July meeting of the Kippen
East Women's Institute was held at
the home of Mrs, Wilmer Broad-
foot on Wednesday evening, July
23, with an attendance of 40 mem-
bers and guests. Mrs. Glenn McLean
presided and the meeting wasopen-
ed with the Institute Ode followed
by the Lord's prayer. Roll call was
answered by your first school sec-
tion and teacher. An interesting de-
monstration was given .by Mrs.
Hugh McGregor on something new
from something old. A few of the
articles shown: girl's jumper and
blouse, boys overcoat, table cloth,
clothes pin bag, hooked cushion
seat, ladies dress, all made from
used material, The business was then
discussed. The short course we ap_
plied for is not available in our dis-
trict but could be taken with the
Hurondale branch. Mrs. Little had
also received a letter from our sol-
dier thanking the Institute for the
lovely pyjamas sent to him. The
Real estate changes tln•ongh the of -
flee of M. A Reid: Modern dwelling
on John street of Renee M. Schultz,
to John C. Cochrane of Egmondville,
possession August lst:
Brick dwelling of Mrs, Ernest Din=
piing Egmondville, to Mrs. Renee M.
Schultz, rmmectiate possession. Mrs.
Dinnin has taken an apartment at
the home of her sister, Mrs, James
Davis, Goderich street.
A Tical housewife on South Main
street his found What appears to be -
a successful way of getting rid of
ants. Plage cucumber peelings in the
places where the ants are in the
hoose. Result: Ants vacate at once.
A meeting of the conveners of the
carnival committee was held on Fri-
day night: when a very successful
year was reported, The approximate
net amount realized' was around
82,900 for welfare work.
The men will entertain the ladies
at a local bowling tournament on
Wed.. Aug. 6th, weather permitting.
As many as Possible are wanted to
be present. Coots prizes. Decent
food. Be there.
The Excellence Flour Mills tourn-,
anent is being held -on ,Wed. July
30th, and ,the Boshart tournament
will be on Aug, 13th,
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. William: Clurrclt, on V4'ednes-
Mrs. Hairy Morris 10 the loss of their clay, Aug.d at 2:30 DST, Topic will
barn, which was destroyed by light -,be taken by .sirs. William 1Iont-
ning on Sunday. gomery.
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore of Win -1 Mrs.,J. E. Smith of Brussels visit-
nipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLean ed at the home of Mt and Mrs. John
of Gull Lake, Sask., were guests at MicClure on Tuesday.
the home of Mr. and Airs. Wallace;' lir. and firs. Joe Hogg and
Haugh during the Week end. It is overs Douglas, Mr. and Mrs, Adrian
forty years since Mr. Moore was I Hogg of Collingwood with Mr. and
home \Irs. James Hogg.
' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kerslake and
Joan Millman of London is a guest
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Archie patsy • of Exeter, Mrs. Charles Dick-
Mustard. son and' Miss Janice Dickson of Beg -
Dr. Anna McIntosh and family, a8-, ger, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. Archie
ter visiting with the former's parents
Haugh and other rel- Messrs Tom, Gerald, and Dave
atives, left for their ]tome in Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. C. HCunningham of Wiarton visited with
the first of the week.
'Mr. E. Haase over the weekend.
. Wm Hodes of St
Rev. R. Passmore who is visiting in
Hensall occupied the pulpit here the
past two Sundays; his services were' Catharines with Mrs. Margaret
much appreciated. Rev, C. Down of
Exeter will take the services here the
following two Sundays, Aug. 3rd and
Mr. and Mrs, Thornton and son of
Hamilton after spending a week with d t tl t 1
Mrs. Miller and Mr. Toni Pethick
of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. John
Messrs. Andrew and Ross Mont-
gomery of Brantford spent the week
en a ne r tonne.
quartette of girls. Joyce and Edna' Mi. and Mrs. A. Paterson, have re- Mr: and Mrs. Syd McCullough of
Blyth visited With the lattei s fatlnei,
Broadfoot and Bernice and Virginia turned home,
Miss Marion Paterson of London is Mr. J. A. Montgomery. Ruth and Mac
McClinchev then favored with two
songs "April Showers" and "Linda",
A health quiz was then conducted
by Miss Margaret McKay, followed
by an instrumental by Mrs. Chas.
Forrest of Hensall which was enjoy-
ed by all. An interesting event of
the evening was the display, and de-
scription of your bridal gown. Mrs,
W. H. McLean had, the oldest gown
on disnlay snd it was really a beau-
tiful dress. Mrs. R. Simpson of Hen-
sall in her capable manner then gave
an instructive paper on family life.
In 'closing; one point • she stressed
that a united .front at hoose is as
necessary to a child's mental- welfare
as food is physically. Mrs. R. Broad-
foot and Miss Vira'inia. McClinchev
favored with two piano duets. A
vote of thanks was then moved' to
the hostess and the meeting closed
by singing "God save the Ringo.
Lunch was served by the committee
visiting with her parents Mr. anti returned to Blyth with them,
Mrs. A, Paterson.
17r. Alex, Smith, of London, Mr. and Mrs, George A. McClure
e4as and family of London with the for -
a guest on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. acs's grandparents. air. and Ml's.
Wallace Haugh. John McClure and other relatives.
Master Don McKenzie...of Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase and fa -
spent Wednesday with. Allan Neil roily have returned to London after'
and Peter Haugh. spending two weeks With relatives at
Winthrop and Walton.
Mi•. and Mrs. Ilohert McClure spent
the week end with the letter's bro.
then, lir. and Mrs. S. J. Knox in
Mr. and Mrs. Wolper and two little
daughters of Exeter called. Sunday at
the home of the latter's parents, 11Ir.
and Mrs. E. Chuter. ,
Evening prayer will be held on
Sunday in St. John's Church 7 p.m.,
followed by Holy Communion,
Don't forget the bazaar to be held, s
in the old post office, Bayfield, on
Saturday, Aug.. 2nd.
Little Shelia Soper has returned
after a two weeks' vacation with rel-
atives in Straffordville:
Mr. John Shannon his returned
come from Windsor where -he visited
his slaughter, Mrs. Urie.
Mi•. Sam McSpadden of • Toronto
pent the weekend with relatives.
Mr., and llrs. Lorne Wilson of
Tuekersmith, Mr, and Mrs. Robt.
McClure of McKillop spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Knox at Windsor.
-6he contents of this
beautiful set in tarnish -proof
-chest are eight each of the
following -teaspoons, dessert
spoons, forks, salad forks,
knives and one butter knife
and sugar spoon.
Available in LADY HAMILTON
(illustrated) or CORONATION
patterns, Other services in
tarnish proof chests from
$34.75. Retail purchase tax
Watch Repairing
St. Coluntban eliminated Brussels
from the Huron Football League
Friday night, 4-0, in a genie on St.
Colunnban's house field. Last Tues-
day the same teams battled to a no-
score draw at Brussels. The visitors
had the wind with then for the
first half, but even with that ad-
, vantage were outscored 1-0 before
halftime. F. O'Connor scored the
only first-half 'goal. .The second
half was five minutes old when 0' -
Rourke made it 3-0 for the (tome
club and the finest goal of the game
was the third, scored by O'Sullivan
on a pass from .O'Connor. Delaney
kicked the final oounter into the
Brussels net as the game drew to a
close. A large crowd of spectators
saw the battle.
St. Columban—Goal, H. Murray;
full-backs: F. Murray, T. Murray;
half -backs, F. O'Connor, L. Ryan,
P. Ryan; forwards, Delaney, Mc-
Quaid. J. O'Connor, O'Rourke,
O'Sullivan, Malone, McGrath.
Brussels—Goal, Riley; full-backs,
Pearson, L. Steiss; half -backs, Do -
hu., Bryans, Nickel; forwards,. Rut-
ledge, Lowe, Ring, Allen, Nickel,
McCutcheon, H. Steiss.
At the home of the bride's parents
the ceremony took place uniting in
marriage Elizabeth Stewart McCain-
us Hone, only daughter of the Rev.
A. W. Hone and Mrs. Hone of Ridge -
town, and William Cosby Ennis, son
of lir. and Mrs. F. A. Ennis of Wal-
ton, the father of the bride officiat-
ing. The ceremony was performed
in a lovely setting of sweet peas
and roses. The bride was charming
in a paste] green crepe dress and
pink ostrich feather hairdress. Site
wore a corsage of Talisman roses.
Her bridesmaid, Miss Anna Ennis,
of Walton, sister of the groom wore
a gown of pastel blue sheer, with
matching hairdress; her corsage was
American beauty roses. The groom
was attended by David W. Hone, B.
A., of McGill University, Montreal,
brother of the bride.
After a fancily dinner at the par-
sonage of Erie Street United
Church, Ridgetown, Mr. and Mrs.
Ennis left on a ntotoi.' trip to Ottawa
and noints in Northern Ontario. For
travelling the bride . wore a beige
suit with black satin accessories. On
their return they will reside in Lon-
Walden defeated Atwood 2 to.0 in a
foot ball play-off game at Walton on
Monday evening.
12r, and Mrs. D. Ennis and family
have returned after a week's vaca-
tion at Port Elgin.
Mir. and Mrs. Dudley Bird of,
Kitchener at their home at Walton.