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The Seaforth News, 1947-07-24, Page 7
Classfled Advertising ll['SIN'LISS (81'POtt'1"l'N477'2310 T RANI: n feu 1000 business pia (('0, a 2 more Meek with apartments A woodwork and 1110„11 and I th anon 121111 101: house not 1106rl 111 -'ounl ry 011111 ge Also pointy, 01 f0, 190 160 200 acrefn ons with hi'dro In pn011 (8,11 inp0 with hush, I'rlced from, 030(10 un .1 C.' bang. Real (3,0010 Molter. 1301,00,•10 Calorie A P,P>SN10SS. of your own for only $24. • I ntlotl;lee"our revolutioitm'21 p1( lilted [loose - hold he;:eedly. Write'- for full plu'11vulara. Eng 146. 73 Adelaide W:., Toronto. 0122N'1'(1 2VAx'1280 OILS, GREASES, TIRES, In0ecOelde0, IOleel de Pence Con Fro I lore 1l ouse and Barn Pain L. Roof Co,(Ii; s, etc, Den [era wanted Write Waren waren q,l000 A. 011 Limited, Toronto. HAM Mfl('lib' T'5 188(21<els suited:-Cblcko: Borrel Meeks, Now. l9:amisbh•eo, 'New 1.lnmpahire X Darrel ;tock, bight Sussex X New riala1- nhirea nun -00x00 10.00, pullets 18.01, 1110110 0,'018.14.112. . Assorted ('Leavy Dl00110 14 10. pullets 17 05,cockerels 33.;11. White Leg- horn, 151(110 Leghorn X Barred 110011. Black Ao,11'o nrl'i X White Leghorn, While Cock X 'Whit. Leghorn pullets 223:00, Assorted 8,01- -1in 110.1 Light Pullets 20,06. Three week old add 6 50 Uri hundred. , Shipped '0.0,0, Also 'pullets olghl; weeks l0 111(1114. Top Notch Chick•n'1s's.' Guelph, 0010 010. YOU want Sent00111er chicks, they should be ordered without delay. night now we 40111 hevO chicks, 4a2oltna, some started, In most Invade, for Immediate delivery—Ivo ad- vise early' ordering, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, . Ont. Yrompt delivery on the following breeds 01 two .1101! •three week old started chicks non- , nexed, . pullets , of cockerels: 110110d I0rrlto, 'New 0anllsbh'es, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light 811eycx X New 1-1n nniilus, ('01- 101s 10 :he following breeds: White I eghm'ns. White Leghorn X Domed loch White 14008 x 101 to Leghorn, orn, 01i el, Austra limy 1 White Legh ins Also Aasorlel Flea t> Bleeds at 10010 bottom prices, Also tullets eight weeks to l4 -.::g. Prev catalogue. Twcddle Chick lhtch:rlcs 0101100, Fergus. Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING DAVE 1'00 anything tickle dyeing of clean. 22,4'1 Write 20 as tot Info] oration 5Ve are glad to anue'er your questions Department H. Parker Dye Works (,tolled. 701 runse Street. Toronto, Ontario EXCHANGE 'WILL EXCHANGE natural 1.11•130Y 1"N•nm, 50 ams 0 o01110 Hummer honme, trout (cream, springs gs 010, (10,000 for 1.01te 001200T4y. pre - 1.t 0,.:;10r10 or w'Indsur oom231321111Y. 1:, .1. 1 ha'....g, Moorefield. Ont. FA12010 FOR SALE C00D 100 acres, well fenced and 'drain -0. 0u'gg orchau't1 beginning to boo. All build- ings ;a. 0xeellta1 00214100(1. Juan McNair, 10'Oeoos, Ontario. 1'OI[ SAW. AIRFORCE SALE - Neti. -` C A 1.. Leather 01.100 Leola -07.08. }LC A.F.new raincoats—S4.96. Army 0,210(0 (lard; -0,,00, Blaulels—$3.02. Write for tom..•^^-+ Oreo Buneltn. Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St., Toronto. • 11121,1• WANTED N1313(31(r71.;P(`01(1, for modern farm' borne, 1.10111110 oftaking full charge;' 011/(110/ 0tats age and wages exported. 04183 G. Du,,canood, Quito., ' Out. - .. ATTENTION. (2Alta1ERb FOR -SALT:--Tractor Thee. made .of rubber.' suitable for bolting .on steel wheels, 016 110 ,each, rear wheels; 07.60 each. front wheels 'When ordering nate diameter and width el wheels. Natinnal Rubber Co. Ltd . 6 WI1t- 4lhlre Ave., Toronto. Ont. BIIAN:FORD Im2,erint . windmill. Perfect rofl:(to0.. 40 ft. Reasonable.. Also bank harm 40 x 60. Afro, J. 2(urta, Tavistock, CONCRETE MACHINERY - 2 is ACHINERY2111 Cu. Ft. nnna or Power -operated 01Isere —Ideal for small mixing dabs ou the farm. either 039(2101 or reed 4. and 0 cu. ft. Power Mixers. 21-and-lampod /310014Machinesfor the small operator or farmer requiring bloelts for La own use. Immediate delivery. wett- Sauter-Welker lnOOstrles Limited, 1290 1305' Otrer_. Toronto, Ontario. 431.ETFIAC caterpillar tractor with 8 ft. bull- . dozer, hydraulic Ilft, A131,15' (leo, Yl. Pol- lard. Rrtt00020, Oat. 1'12000 06 0 12. :POP. SAf,E--Young bull cal ves—negl8lrred Aberdeen Angus -4 months l0 0 months of as' -0 1,00 to 181,00 each. Ste year old hull—Registered Angus or Proven ab11116', 0150.1.1i. 1''erettoo1 Paten, R. t-, No. 2, West Larne, Ontario, .. FLAGS ALL SIx00 110100 Ja2120 or Canadian 1Snslg00. 8^40:1 wool bunting, Special offering on 43', and 6 loot Unlen Jetta. root dye sewn 1.0110n. Discount for quantities. -Brighten your 0001- (011nitl, or hone by flying a .good motility (tog. John Leckie Limited. 71 wellington St. West, Toronto• 842)2('AL, . WANTED—livery sof fever •of Rheumatic Patna 1'Neuritis to, try:'Dlx8O's ltemodr. 0lunro's .D ug.. Stare. 335 :Elgin. Ottawa. 0081(10(0 21,00. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatictorment when nl'eena tone of• rt:rs -0100 int 1.1 a11(10 relief. Ono menthe' tree mon' 1.1 00 00,4001d Indian Remedle0, Sox 118, 411 n, 111101'r 102116 3('11380: The frllleipal Ingredients. In DIxon'o 10010007 for Rheuinnlio Patna, N,urilia. Munro's Drug Store, 1101 'Elgin.., Ottawa, 1'ostpaitl. 01.00.: • TIRES - 600 X 10 — $5.po IRES600X10—$5.00 We aro' overeto0110d at tae present of 40012 used trade -In Urea (guaranteed to be to ex• cellent chapel. All erdc,s °hipped C,O.D. Segelai equipment fur vnlranizing 1',42122 and Farm 'Praetor Tires. .BEACON TIRE corner• Queen and Tm9r Sts.. Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S OfOS'r 800ERN - !EQ[IIPPED. 3223126'- sii(op pesters Wantgd FARMS FOR. . 0.10,10. lrt'Ptltert1N171E4 PAIL 222,4)01 102'l BE A HAIDRESSER' JOIN CANADA'S LEADING, SCHOOL Oren t 'Opportunity Learn Hairdres0lt(g Masan( dignified prof region. good Wages, (bootie rids successful Marvel : graduates. A merlch'o greatest oyltem' Mumma ted catty moue free. Write or call I ASVEL I4AIRBRESSINO SOH1'i(Ips 300 Blow Sl • W . (pronto Brinchee 44 I(lag „St., Humllton_. '18 74 Rideau .Street. Ottawa NURSE EDUCATION The Sarnia General 'Hospital" Offers (a). A three Ysurd 000100 In nursing. Ellin 20- d11000 tw" s1( c1ail(ca. (I1) 3 menthe affiliation in Paediatrics In Children's btoapital,: Detroit. (e) S months experience iu Psychiatry. Educational Requirements Complete Middle School Remuneration 020.00 per month Write—Superintendent of Horace for School Syllabus. '('(1(12 [IOSPITAI, for Sick Children. Toronto, offers 0 certificate course (0 Young women In the erre rf infanta and young children, Length of boors. -0, matrix. Requirements —Applicants- must be between eighteen and thirty year, of age with one year or high school Remuneration nrnvided Pius not maintenance and Uniform-Almlicn Nona are ' being received now for courses beginning August fits( and' September first. Anoly 10 Superintendent of Nurses. Hospital for 8(08 Children, 07 00(Icge Street. Toronto. "BEAUTY FOR YOU" A wonderful instructive boob of Beauty treat- ments >ou can give Yourself- Home fa2(ald, Tingor,vai'es. (':u•e of skin, hands, anile, eyed and hath'. Send 01.00.. Free Height - Weight Regalntloa Char;. Beauty Cult. 208 l., .21's St.,. New York 67, New York, 4)FPEIt TO tN2'ENT(1128 AN OPI"lilt In every invemnr—I,Ist et raven. toms and nal inlnt'mrl t inn sent free The aha,an( 111. 1te41dl sl ed ('0120, Al Inrneya. 277 liana Street. (111n WO PATENTS PET1111721ST0NA1'GH k Cornea SS Patent SI1l0101'3 1.7b1, llI,,hed 18610 14 king Wes6 910 onto uom;lel of 10 torula1Inn on • eminent PERSONAL OEFICIAL (tarNab History by R, A. JegerY turludlfg Membership Ono MAW, Writer Mn0Nnh Historical Association, 6'01(01. Ont. I'1111'l'tll:*EA 1'111 Nr: 1AY P101.0.1errlee offers you the latest 10 photo finishing. 1'llmd developed and 000 deckle 00011 print of Cuclt imitative 00m- nicle In. ,0apshot album 30e. Reprints 40, For better o0011ty mod POET personal 0ervlce send your films to Nu waY 2'2(018 Service. linti0n A. Dept. C. TOr0,10. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Thn 2,10. reliable studio dove muan•ty work - AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk ('"111 Films. Sent; them t0 sine Sntu,ahat Set'viee. A\1 SI7,14. IWI.L g 11 1x4,2,08 rIO DENIALllt'IOD and PRINTED 30e Itep,'Inill 1 ruin SAlnr 0eg011veu 40. 2 mounted eninl'COment0 4 x 0" 201 l0n. In memento limned 7 s 0" hl (Iola. Sliver. Walnut or t1har1, I''wunea 740 If VleturO entered 1(4e. Prints and e0ht0g0nitmts mode 0,011, 0(28(s 01 lost nom Oven Dent, 01 STAR SNAPSH DT SERVICE In1N 120. ;'OST 1311//811 A. TI11RONT0. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prime with deckle edge. 0 or 8 exp0hure rella--302. Reprints 2te. each, Box 2, station .1. Tm00(0.. TEACHERS WANTED t7t0'IJri1TA NT teacher wanted for S.S. No. 8 Raglan. Dudes 7o heg(n Sept. 200. 1047. Apply slating salary and dnnlitlentIons to Daniel Buda r001. Sec. -'meas.. Palmer Monte, Ontario. PO2TI:R130120 COUNTY—S011001 Area Na. 2.. Two 01 Chnntlea requires teacher Sentem• bar. male preferred, 01000.00 up, experience and nunn[10at1on0 considered, Walter Nelson, Seooetar y, Ansley. Ont. :111 1.1136 1•'A11I1, clay Imam, running water in rnatur0 year round, close to buildings, 7311 acres tillable, balance bush and pasture. Fru:1e house, 0 rooms, nerd and deft water. In sante ft'anm bank barn, 30 x 70 piggery. 111001rane 0110(, Ilett house anti garage. 7'0neter worked And eombloo threshed, hydro Omagh - out, sell lvlthor without stock and- Imple- ments. immediate 000,ossl0n. (.9, It. Hannah, .0(0001. 1•`rankfold, Out,, 12,12. 42 212,0,10 7830. FCRNITU ICY) CHESTERFIELD SUITES -C,cstertiold Suites abselulelY new, full. 0pr1n0 filled construction. every style. 6(0006. Mehnlr, Velour, 3''02,0, k",reealleie, 51111(1, Da010,118 0003 other fine hard wen ring upholstering 4,11,100. 100 NEW ' CHESTERFIELD SUI'T'ES TO.. CHOOSE llo1n 2 FREE DELIVERY .- TO YOUR NEAREST STATION. TODD has been In the 0hr/401•1101d Hullo business for 30 sem ,,1(d la recognisant in the (MAO its a specialist awl the most particular buyer m the busln000, - - Llvto,l below are n rely of: •Our rash prices fol 'QUALITY CI'il:sTER1'IELD SUITES. x$119 00 3 piece Period suite [Inst controls covered alt over with [Ino (1011113/ 00100,', $149.00 3 niece 2,10000,2 Sallee. Balloon mohair, $119.00 Uenuliful 1 piece Lawson store. $119,00 Finest' z place Chitties of 'Lon-. dun suites. Many other .outstanding Values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Tiny ;Limon ttcly new mane faclu era faelm'Y 'showroom sample suites direct from TODD.. S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. 2'11000 0120/1014 4.333 HAIRDRESSING • 4100 1119 Hairdressing the Robertson' method Information on request regarding classes Rr be tson s Hnhdreesing Academy. 187 Ave. nue 'Road Toronto rise r WANTED r100SD1 EE1 11R 0110010 aged, 002x812, of tatting full charge. write Hobert Dinka: west Lorne, Ohl. GENERAL 'DUTY NURSES !For ' 00a"lydn,10 . 1,01,'a1.3 1•1o81111,ah 0100,00 month andfall maintenance.. Away Dr. R. :[a: Carefoo4' ln'orkdwlo, Oak HAS T1NG0 ('0 Pour qualified leacher.. want- ed for School Area No, 1, 6fonleogle and Herschel fl•r ergonle Igo. 7 anti 0. Olo,lteaelet 10 01,d 11. ileradlel. Salary, 31000. Duties to commence Sept. 2. 1047. Apply, staring minntica(lens. l0 Frank H(nze, See. Tress:. 01ay000110 Sin 11011. oat. - WANTED WANTIOD—All kinds 02 oreseed noel 1rY. 7'00 2rIees for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited. fnulp^y Dont , 2069 Danforth Ave.. T02011 le 8 1Wo ti0 m1100111 eroding) " LOGS REQUIRED 1812 Purchase (maple. 01'111. Aali. Cherry and Basswood (008. loaded en. freight Care for cash, Write 0i rt(eulars to Dox 217. Dew Delco'. 00 111 001,11(0 DAIRY BUS'INESS WANTED What have sou le 01 far? We have a huYer for .a dairy, creamery. and milk 000nly depot. 01101st any .locality will be suitable. This comas, will Ourchase 8,1d use all the mlik nI'011k le Price up to 010,020. to include the uimme0,, all buildings Bert. Weir & 00213Realtors, 2330! Dundb Street. London. PARTY deoIreo farm 000118101,0 good0rchltr0, Georgian • ;Any district prefm'red. Now available 03,600 ego ipmen1, $1,000, outer us00ls. Could manage or run on shares. References, 0. A. G., Box 146, 78 Adelulde' '4'., Toronto.. Arabian Pipe Line .. The principal reason for an oil pine line across Arabia to Mediter- ranean' ports is the 3,000 -anile tanker route by way of the Persian Gulf and tilt Red Sea, and the 18.cents-per- barrel toll through the Suez Canal. KWDN EYACIDS- Rob your Rest.. Many people never seem to get a port night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it on'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. 11 you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help tiro kidneys so that you an rad better --and feel better,. 136 e 1075, nlinia".. iure ' West Walls, tunnels for am- munition storage, The gang had its little fuelirer, who Was also - lute boss, with power to "court- martial" his "men." The fuehrer .ordered a seven-year-old girl to sit in front of .a bunker and play the -role of the civilian popula- tion, A boy threw sand in her face. That represented the civi- lians getting bit by a bomb. CIGAREt TIE PAPERS On the Rocks - . , and Likes It—Apparently blissfully comfortable despite his hard resting place, this straw -hatted bather reclines atop some shore -line rocks and enjoys a Sun bath. Sports '--- And One Thing or Another Ey FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") As these lints are written, the BBrooklyn Dodgers are leading .the National League by a respectable margin. Afore than that, they have been in a contending position ever since ,the start of the season; and their biggest gamble—brunet Jackie Rohinslnl—has not only matte good on all that was predicted of him, hitt has also become the greatest draw- ing -card in the senior circuit. * * * Thas,,bolh fr0)n an artistic and a financial standpoint, the Dodgers couldn't be sitting much prettier if they had prrsoually written the script. And somehow or .other we ctnl't• help occasio,tally wondering just what lir. Leo Durochcr's pri- rate feelings must be 1s he -n zilches hi. former clunr(ICs sailing so merrily along without his guidance, 53 * NICE) Y111/17 R. P ,rsilily for no good reason, Russia's 311,1 111ololov keeps putting us in Blind of n mamma's pct named Eddie, tip in Perth County when we were a kid. In the baseball season, for inrt(nlre. Eddie would allow the rest of us to furnish bats, 'balls and all other para- phernalia, as well as got the diamond - into shape. 77cn, if he felt like it, he'd condescend to play—provided 011' let /tint go to bat first and tossed hint Dol/ring but cash pitehcr. 1. 43 * 1: The case of that -race -marc running —and winning—under the name of her sister is still :far from being satisfactorily settled. The chances are it never will be. Our turf sololls, '1'100 are a law unto themselves,. plastered two trainers and one owner with a sort of "Absolutely innocent but don't do it again" verdict. The owners of the steeds which ran second, third and fourth to WILLE- GIVIT will be taken care of, receiv- ing the portions of the purse that would have been theirs lead that lady stayed 111 the barn. sc * T But what of that other "forgotten mail"—meaning the two -and five dollar piker who only pays the bills? Well, he's still forgotten, and serve him right, When you buy an article from any ,reputable establishment, you (naturally expect thein to matte good if that article later turns out to be phony; but Jockey Clubs, even with their wealth of impressive and highly -paid officials, are evidently different. By their °w11 admission they are so cask' to deceive that they can girt you no guarantee the goods they are peddling are as represented and If .you get fooled, well—that's horse -racing." A warning commonly seen on race -tracks runs "Don't Tear CHECKED ITCH ht a Jiffy orMoney k Bac For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, I athlete's foot, scabies, samples and other itching I conditions, use Pure. cooling, medicated, llqui4, 1 D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense ftoldng, Don't suffer. Ask your druggist lodsY for D.D. D. PRESCRIPTION. • ISSUE 30-1947 Up lfutuel Tickets Till After the OFFICIAL Sign is Posted." We hereby move that it be amended to react, "Save Your Mrluel Tickets for at Least a Couple of Years." * * * NEW D.4TA ON THE PROB- LEMl 01' IIAfR-RAISING Idly scantling the advertising columns of a daily paper on the way to Fort ISrte, ane well-known Turf adviser (has;ler to your) was heard to remark to a companion, "at says here that some scientist claims a man's hair groves faster in summer than in win- ter. Do you believe it?" To which the other somewhat mournfully re- plied, "Al! I (know is that nothing in the world will make a gay's hair grow so fast as being shy the price of a hair -cul." : * * * Virg call for football talent to re- port for training has already gone out and before the Dog Days have properly set in, no doubt we shall be having pec=season exhibitions, to be followed by league games, with play- offs and post -playoffs ensuing right up to Christmas or,if the customers (1o1c1 out, possibly Groundhog Day. * * Of course it isn't any of our par- ticular business and, -as you are probably saying to yourself—if we don't like it we always have the privilege of slaying away. But we still can't help feeling that an Atli - laic Commissioner might do worse— for the -benefit of sport in general -- than to apportion the year into definite segments and tell, for in- stance, the football folks not to slop too far over into hockey's 'territory, and vice versa. * * w ll'l1AT 'T'E WANT IS SER- VICE; Tales of hitch -hikers and their agreeable ways arc legion. Still, we. rather relished this incident, as reported by a friend. Driving to his summer cottage with his family re- cently, they e-cently,..they stopped for this hiker, managing to maks room for !tint in the back scat. After half a utile or so the item passenger spoke. ";;lister," he said to the loan sitting beside the driver, "I wonder would ;hon change places so that I Gait sit in f4'ontP" Then possibly feeling that a word of explanation was in order, he added, "You see, there'llbe a pal of mine thumbing a couple of miles further along the road; and I want to be able to spot hint- in time 10 that ler cart pick /tint 4(9 too." Russia. Listens Moscow radiocast said that more than 5,000,000 Russians have radios in their hones. The ralliocast said the figure was,,more titan before the war, hut gave no comparative figure. Total population of Russia is slightly under 107,000,000. (Tile United States had 00,000,- 000 radio sets- in use last year, according to the 1047 World Al lrlatlac. The total population is 139,621,431. Progress Today, with the use of nlacllincs and science, theaverageCanadian farmer can work about 85 acres of improved land; in 1911 be was able to cultivate only 51 acres. To -day, the farmer can get ab0u1 00 bushels of hybrid corn per acre, where pre- viously he got only 50 bushels from standard varieties. - Cows yielding 5,000 pounds of milk annually are average cows, as compared with less than 3,000 -pound producers at the turn of the present century. Famous Pre -War Qualify The Only Cigarette Paper BLUE COVER MADEIN FRANCE PURE 1NNITE en sale i n Canada Free Burning Double Boob Automatics 700 Leaves For 0.A51' ROLLING use o TVG-ZAG 75c CIGARETTE ROLLER ^Fla° For constant Smoking Fieas.re i 6 : , The 0 umbo of f ALSO AVAILABLIE 1164 1/$ POUND -TINS Dere, in a single product, is complete protection against most common potato pests, including early and late blights, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles, and leaf hoppers. Widely acclaimed by profcssionalpotato growers everywhere, this combination insecticide -fungicide con. sists of a skilful blend of Basi -Cop* and Micronized* DDT: 'Re0'dl trade -mane Look for the Green Cross; the sign of Modern Protection MUTT AND JEFF—Shows You That Jeff ,Has a Temper of His Own By BUD FISHER r WHAT'S Tt4tS?','t6 A STRANGE MANS STRAW HAT ANO A Wo BRELLA Ohl MY J GIRL'S HOUSE I 0.0 Cid v'(9' V b a\ \ p , ,s�i►: ., MACK, , MA04. r • ,MACK•' 4apw 1 V i / .. a t % ` )/ �'_ ria , !/ %���� •j Illlllllllllt / � _`'IlNllllllllll�t.lui,.\ �flr _ .1:1S51NGTHEWAAVREVoU GIRL I M+ GONNA Do ,GoNNA MARRY' ABOUT IT? You WON`T i I'`L.. Hold YoLll THERE! o ""e, NOW •T'NOPE lT RAINS` AND YOUR N STRAW tiAT GETS 4; '"•a GET WO' 14' ;,r. AWAY •r a 911 l THAT I >'It", IIINIII, n ,, 1 f r r �, `'��r, •1&;1'"��11,t "a 5 lr. Yt -r't a' " 1' t,, X� n'i�,v l t4i1„ ,,,•; `< �'f k ) ► y�li 1110111 ,- (�, WET! ,.q� ' ''.7"'. Y? . ' Ihlllh,rk t Sw, .,:� � •:r':111NN .., *,. ° p o LV 11 . :4V-.. � >f: r f•r_ �.. � \• �� 1401,AIN I1011y 10 © la,.';i� i Wim' ��i: _�� 1