The Seaforth News, 1947-07-24, Page 6A PICTURE
May Succeed Ike—Gen. Omar
N. Brad1ct, Veterans' admin-
istrator, has been rumored the
most likely to sueeeed Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower as
United States chief of staff
-when the latter leaves his pont
to become president of Co-
himbia University 113 New
York City.
Pedal Pusher—Pedaling from
London, England, to. New
Zealand, Fricke J. Cooke ar-
rives in Seattle, \Yash., where
he \vin board a ship for the
last leg of his journey. He has
traveled 13,000 miles through
Scotland, Ireland, Canada and
the I'.S, since he left London
March 4:
Love in London — The rain
didn't dampen the spirits of
the crowd watchingceremon-
ies during which the statue of
Eros, God of Love, was re-
turned to famed Piccadilly
Circus. The statue was taken
down eight years ago. Now
it has a new how and a new
coal of paint.
O d Swimming Hole: Russian Style )v r -1110 children undergo training in the w i n t e r
.swimming poo] of the Leningrad trade unions • after school. In the summer, instruction: is
carried ou among veicattonin;tir youngsters almost around the clock. 'l'aniau1 !'olygalova, the
Soviet Women's Champion. is one of the teachers.
Sow Cotton on Collective Farm—Team Leader Akhral Tssalhodjaev (left) and collective
farmer Assam Jihalkhodjaev (extreme right) keep an eye on things as workmen, rear, so%
cotton on the collective farm in the Yanki-Vul district of the Uzbek Socialist Soviet Republic.
S-H-1-I-H!—Apparently suspended in mid-air, man and microphone stand in a unique ultra-
sotmdproof room at the ]fell Telephone Laboratories Murray. I kill, N.J., where even a hushed
heartbeat can be heard. Built for acoustical research, the sealed, air-conditioned chamber 1s
lined with sawtooth fiberglass wedges to eliminate sound -reflecting surfaces, The working
floor is :a, netting of 8 -1.00 -inch -thick steel cables strung tinder high tension two iiac'i1' apart.
Below is another floor of wedges. The room is 35 feet long, 28 vvide, 21..i high.
i 0..;t.3.J.„: ; .1 . t.",.!
Hair -Cutting a Wheat Field — Aerial portrait of a wheat field
near Schoenchen, Kan., getting a haircut as harvest naoi•es
north into central Kansas. Thousands of similar fields being
harvested add up to the expected 500 -million -dollar IT,S. wheat
crop of 1947.
Ground Is the Only Storage Space Left.—Harvest hand 11. T.
J•Jolinan busily shoVels a record-breaking crop on the ground
at a Floydada, Texas, wheat farm, because there is no more
storage space. Elevators are jammed and unless more boxcars
are made available, more and more of the ,grain will have to be
Big Joe and Little Joe.—king Champ Joe Louis got his first
look at Joe, Jr., at lies hone in Chicago ;after Mrs. d.mais and
the i::ihy flew hack from Mexico ('11;', where Little Joe wvas
born. I i ire j0c :;15.111 nn his son Arline daughter Jackie and Mrs.
Louis iooh oil.