HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-24, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1947 TIRE S} \f ('')RTH NEWS Snowdon Bros., Publishers lllllll ate, ttttttttt tt theolateelatinaimaelenallaall„u, FOOTBALL FINAL GAMES ATWOOD vs WALTON AT WALTON Man., July 28 Arlin. 25e. 7.15 P.M. Children Free ,1,1111"Ilnllnulnnl"n1u"mu Illn"In1111 , 1111, 111111 • Figured out in miles -per - dollar, Goodyear is the most economical tire on the road today. 'It's the best tire buy— by males! We have Good - years in your size. Come it today. YOUR GOOD/EEA Seaforth Motors Chev:Olds. Sales Service PHONE 141, SEAFORTH, ONT. EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS by One of the small but impor- tant things that helps a man succeed is the ability to re- member names. When you call a man by his name you show an inter- est that strikes a responsive spark. He feels that he has registered with you and that, in your opinion, he is im- portant. And it tends to stamp you as observant, alert and on the job. The value of this habit in dealing with customers and people in higher positions is obvious. In fact, the prin- ciple can and should be applied to everyone we meet. There is an almost magical difference in the effect of "Good morning!” and "Good morning, Mr. Ferris!" Try improving your name - memory and see if it doesn't help to advance you in your career. When you think of your future, think about Life In- surance, too. No other in- vestment offers such an easy, systematic way to save. And the security it provides for your family brings priceless peace of mind. These benefits are enjoyed by over four million policy- holders in Canada. W-14? WALTON Mr. Robert (Poore from. Peace River, at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, his sister-in-law and other relatives. Miss Mary Smillie at Weston, Out Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and children, Hamilton, with relatives, 11r. and lits. Norman Pollard and daughter, Miss Reba of . Rayniore, Sask., with relatives, 'a nephew of Mrs. G. Pollard. Miss Carrot Pringle of Galt with -hiss 1'Iay Jackson. Stuart Bryans has returned to Lon- don after spending the past week with his parents Mr.and Mrs. Ed - Bryans. Miss Doreen Long, Brussels, has returned home after spending. a few days with Miss Mavis Olicei Mrs. IVm. hearney with her daugh- ter Mrs. Earl Dow, Hibbert. Donald Wilson, London, with his grandinotliei i's. R. W. Hoy. tate of Engineer W. G; McGeorge, R. Nicholson was paid the sum of $742.50 balance in -full on open portion of the Cameron Drain and allowances as pea by-law: F, Maloney $1, A. Cameron 9 r Bauer, owner of $4,, and Reinhart Bw e of e Lot 2, Con, 9, $2 Clerk to request from , Ellice Council that they pay owners of lands allowances • as per Cameron drainage by-law, retain fee of clerk and by-laws, forward balance to Logan as por assessment in Ellice Twp. Correspondence from Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, request- ing, a grant of $100 towards mainten- ance of the Hospital, was granted. A rale of 1.5th of 1 mill is being levied on all farmers not objecting to the levy for the year 1947; for Federation of Agricultd'e purposes_ Council ad- journed to meet again Tuesday, Aug, 5th,- at 1 p.m. -3. A, Rudolph; Clerk. BRODHAGEN Mrs. Norman Roed of Detroit; spent •a •week with her parents Mr.' H U L L ETT and Mrs. Ed, •Prueter. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Diegel and The regular meeting of the Hul- Jimmy of Waterloo spent a week lett Township Council met this 'date with Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Diegel, in the Community hall, Londesboro Mrs, Alvin Pryce and baby son at 7 p.m. The •Reeve and three mem- returned from Seaforth to the home bers of the council were present, of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry iii, Leslie Reid being• absent. The Beuerman. Master Ronald Beuerman minutes of the last regular meeting of Seaforth is holidaying at the of June 2, and special meeting of same home., June 4th were read. Motion by Wm Miss Dorothy Querengesser, Jim - J. Dale and W. R. Jewitt, that the my and Billy Orbrake of .Toronto minutes of the last regular meeting are spending several weeks with Mr. of June 2nd, and special meeting of and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. June 4th, be adopted as read. Car- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stouch and ried. W. R. Jewitt and J. Ira Rap- Warren of Kitchener sent Sunday son, that the road Supt. buy 50 lbs. with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Queren- 2,4,d. and that we .hire Jack Little gesser. to apply it at 94.0rPer hour. Car- Mrs. Harold Diegel is spending ried. Jewitt and Dare, that we pay a this week at Grand Bend. grant of 5100.00 to the Community Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz, Maur - Hall Board. Carried. Rapson and een and Winnifred and Mr. and Jewitt, that the clerk write Geo. B. Mrs. Martin Rock spent Sunday in Eberhart re his letter of June 27th. Port Elgin, guest of Mr. and Mrs, As our by-law 1947-1 reads that we John Bielife. pay 6c per yard for gravel, the Messrs Henry Hillebrecht and Al - Council feels that it cannot pay .fred Querengesser spent Thursday more. Carried. Rapson and Dale, at Colpoys Bay, Tobermory. that we place our road insurance M1•. and Mrs. Lonie G. Rock left with the Continental Casualty Coin- on Wednesday for Detroit from piny for 510000.00 and 20,000.00 where they will motor to _Minnesota and 2000.00, premium of $100.00, with their daughter and son-in-law, also fire and theft on the power Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove and then mower. Carried. Jewitt and Dale, go on to the prairie provinces to that we insert an ad in the local visit his brother Mr. John Rock and papers asking for applications for other relatives. the job of operating the power mow- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querenges- ek at 50 cents per hour. Also asking ser and Susan of Waterloo, Mrs. for tenders for digging the tile por- Wm. Querengesser, Mrs. Russell tion of the Yungblutt drain. Appli- Sholdice, Gary, Warren and, Roger cations to be opened Tuesday. July motored to Colpoys Bay on Sunday. 15th at 8 p.m. Carried. Rapson and Garry and Warren remaining for Dale, that we write W.' Archibald several days. and ask hint if he would undertake' Master Roy Buernian has taken a the work on Municipal drains. Car- position with the Dublin bakery for ried. Council adjourned "to meet the summer months. Tuesday, July 15th at S p.m. The Sunday School Picnic which Accounts—Medical Welfare Board was to be held on Wednesday has rebate, $1.65; Geo. W. Cowan, been postponed until next Thursday stamps, 94.25; Geo. W. Cowan, part July 31. salary, 570.00; Community Hall Mr. Eric Schultz has taken a poli• Board, grant, 5100,00; Levis Con- tion as clerk in a cigar store in ctruction Co., bulldozer, 9108,50; Kitchener for the summer months. A. Weymouth, grader repair, 91;80; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philips and H. M. Campbell, grader repair, 96: Roger of Bridgeport with Mr. and 00; H. Emmerson, tile, 93.79; Geo. Mrs. John Amstein on Sunday, Rod - Goode, grader repair, 93.00; Gordon ger remaining for some holidays. Radford, gas and oil, 9134.19; J. L. Mr. John Steiss and daughter Bell, washout, $5.00: A. McClure, Mrs. Geo. Evans of Cranbrook with culvert, 95.50: Bert Hoggart, cul- Mrs. Sophie Bennewies. vert, 96.00: F. Phillips, telephone' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks and line, 925.00; Wm. Carter, road Supt. son of Mt. Albert with Mr, and Mrs. 948.00; George Mann, snow, 97.00; Milton Rock. Henry Glew, snow, 97.00; Ed. Craig, Mr, and Mrs. Greenfield, Florence snow, $7.00: Andrew Craig, snow, and Helen of Embro,Mr. and Mrs. 97.00: James Handy, snow, 97.00; J. A. Sippel of Tavistock with Mr. H. Johnston, snow, 97.00; S. Collins, and Mrs. Dalton Hinz on Saturday. =now, 92.25; Theo. Dale, snow, $2.- Pilot McMane of Milverton with 25; James Freeman, snow, $3.755; his plane took up passengers on Sun - Elgin Dale, snow, 92.25; County of day using Mr. John Kohler's field as Huron. snow, 510.00: A. Weymouth, landing field. grader op. 5103.20; Wnr. J. Dale, Rev. John Alberti and 1'Irs. Alber- ar expenses, 54.00, ti of Philadelphia will -be guests at �— -- the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. Schultz. As far as is known Rev. LOGAN I Alberti will preach the sermon at Logan township Council neat on the Sunday morning service. Monday, July 7th, at 1 p.m.. with all Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Rock accomp- meni.hers present. Reeve Fred Ahrens anted Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart to presided. Minutes read and adopted. Palmerston, Sunday, visiting Mr. Correspondence read. 'Drainage heti- Hart's parents. tion from T. W. Winteringhanr was (intended fm last wool), accepted. Con. 1.2 & 3. Lots 2 to S. The Mogk Reunion was held on 0. Gaffney, C.E.. was appointed to July 1st at the hone of lir. and Mrs. nuke an examination and report back George Mogk with about 125 pre - to Council. Drainage petition from sent. Games and races were enjoyed W. J. Winteringhanr, Lots 22 to 25, by young and old. A hall game by Con. 2.3 & 4, was accepted. 0. Gaff- the men and boys was also enjoyed. ney. C,E., appointed to make an John Mogk son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. examination to report back to Conn- Mogk, Rostock was the youngest cll. Drainage petition from John W. present. Mrs. Aug Bauer, the oldest Siemon, Lots 18-19 & 20. Con. 4 & 5. lady present, Mr. Aug Bauer, the was accepted. 0. Gaffney, C.E., was oldest man present. The officers for appointed to make an examination 1948 are; Pres.- Geo. :Mogk, Brod- and report back to Council, .Drainage hagen; vice-pres., Rudolph Fischer; petition from H. Bode, Lots 33 X; 34, Sec. Treas., Chris Leonhardt. An in - Con. 5. was accepted..0. Gaffney, C.E., vitation was accepted from Mr. and was appointed to make an examine- Mrs. Alvin Rose to _come to Point tion and report back to Council. A Edward on July 1, 1948. The results notice of want of repair of the Woods of the races _are; children 5 yrs. and drain in McKillop Tp, was received under, George Mogk; children 5 yrs. from H. 'Bode, The Clerk instructed ball throwing, Joyce Jordan; girls to notify McKillop Council to put the 6 to 8, Betty Wicke; boys 6 to 8, said drain in a proper state of repair. Ray Bauer; girls 9 to 12, Shirley By -Law No. 422, fixing rates for year Davidson; boys 9 to 12, Roy Wicke; 1947, was introduced and give the Dorothy Davidson; boys 13, Ronald first reading. Gen. Twp. rate 6 mills, Mogk; married ladies. Mrs. Wilfred Gen. County rate 5.783 mills. County Ahrens; married man, Ivan Rohrer; High School rate 1.357 mills; Local boys' 3 -legged race, Roy Bauer and High School rate 2.5 mills, malting a Don Bauer; girls' 3 -legged race, total of 15.64 mills in the dollar, Gen. Shirley Davidson, Betty Wicke; yard Public School rate 2,7 mills, support- measure race, Mrs. Hilda Jordan; ors of Public schools. Public Trustee horseshoe race, Mrs. Henry Lease; rates: south to north— No. 5 U.-4.5 marriage race, Roy Wicke and Shir- nrills; U.#6-5.8 mills; U.T.H. no rate. ly Davidson; kicking slipper, Albert U,#2-6.83 mills. No. 9-3 mills; ' #8— Bauer, 'Mrs. Llayd Prueter. 2.1 mills. #2-2.6 mills, #3-2.6 mills. S.S. No. 4 Logan #6-3.5 mills. U.E.I.-3.37 mills. No. June promotion results at S.S. 4, 4-3.6 mills. #5-4 mills. #10-3.3 Logan, Brodhagen school, teacher, mills #11-5.6 mills. U.#6-5.55 milis. Miss Aletha McMillan, are as fol - U.#7 -2.86 mills. Separate Schools: lows: To grade 8 — honors, Joanne U 6-8 mills. U, #1-4.5 mills. U.#2 Rock, Calvin Diegel, Glenn Miller; Dublin -3 mills and for Con. School pass,, Lloyd Pfeifer. To grade 7 - -3,82 mills. Monkton street lights— honors, Rose Scherbarth; pass, Ray, 2.5 mills. Date axed for final payment Beuermann, Ivan 'Siemon, Irvin of taxes will be Dec. 1st. 1/z of 1% Gloor, Keith Miller. To grade 6 —I Penalty will he added Dec. 2nd on any honors, Marleen Diegel; pass, Aud-' taxes remaining unpaid. Public rey Hinz. To grade 5, honors, Maur school area assessment $2,717,197,45. een Hinz, Shirley Riehl, Gary Shol- Separate School area assessment dice, Donald Miller. To grade 4 — $139,450.00. High school area assess- honors, Joan Kistner, Joyce Queren ment $2,799,147.45. Continuation gesser, Audrey Green, Charles school area assessment $57,500. Total Scherbarth, Nancy Mogk. To grade of taxable assessment 1947, $2,856,- 3 — Henry Leonhardt, Marlene 647.45. Road superintendent was in- Priestap, Wayne Beuerman, Ross strutted to engage Mr. Harburn of Puchelberg. To grade 2 — Keith Staffa with spray machine: Roads ex- Wolfe, -Grade 1,- Clayton Ahrens, penditures estimates were considered Raymond Bennewies, Lynda Doyle, and passed Road superintendent was Clare French, Glenda Miller, Larry authorized to carry out the expendi- Meugge, Carol Rose, Warren •Shold- ture of, approximately 946,457 on town- ice, Roy Wolfe. ship roads for year 1947. On certifi• Visitors; Master Jimmy Arbuckle et 1u"uuun11011111111111111111111111011111111111110n11111111111 tttttttt DANCE ! in Cardno's Hall ' SATURDAY, JULY 26 Norm Carnegie and His Band ADMISSION 50c 111 ttttttt 1111111011101111111111 t lt 11111111111111011 llll 11 111111111 Toronto is holidaying with his grand- parents lir. and Mrs. Albeit Queren- gesser. Mr, arid Mrs. Wiii. Besserer and Mary'Ann of Kitchener with Mr: and Mrs. .1d Smith. &Ir. and Mrs. Earl Kressier and daughter Sue, Mi•. and Mrs. Alf Kressler and Diane, Mrs, Adam Ki'esslei:, all of Hespeler, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl, Mrs. Adam Ki'essler remained Sof a few' weeks. Mi•, and Mrs. Clarence Ziir, Mrs. Henry Zinn of Listowel, at the home of Jack Prueter. BAYFIELD Mr. G. Westlake, who spent the last three months in Vancouver, re- turned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and family of Sudbury are spending their holidays with 324'. and Mrs, W. Ferguson. Miss R. Hovey of London is a guest of her brother Mr, E. Hovey and Mrs. Hovey. The Lions Club Frolic is being held in Clan Gregor Square Wednesday_ night, WHAT MAKES PEOPLE FLESHY 9 It's not always just a case of love for food that piles up extra weight. Excessive eating habits frequently can be traced directly to nervous and emotional tension. See how medicine treats this problem. Read "Pat Fran 'Psychic' ", in the American Weekly, great magazine with this Sunday's (July 27) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25e. MUSIC For your Summer time pleasure VICTOR RADIO - PHONOGRAPH 159.50 VICTOR PORTABLE 89.50 PHILCO RADIO - PHONOGRAPH 129.50 We have the latest and best 'standard RCA Vic- tor and Bluebird records in stock DALY'S Telephone 102 Seaforth REO ENT THEATRE Seaforth •THURS. FRI. SAT. NOW PLAYING DENNIS MORGAN JANLS PAIGE in "THE TIME, THE PLACE AND THE GIRL" • A GAY TECIHNICOLOR MUSICAL. MON. TUES. WED. "SISTER KENNY" Rosalind Russell - Alexander Knox The true life story of the world -famed nurse Next Thar, Fri, Sat, "TIIE PLAINSMAN AND THE LADYY" with William EI'Lioft Gail Patrick A Fast Moving Action Picture that will please all Western fans MATINEES- SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS AT 2.30 P.M. BORN - BOOTH—At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 18th, to 3!i'. and Mrs. Thos. Booth, Clinton, a son. MALONEY—At Scott Memorial Hos pital, on July 181:h, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Maloney, R R 5, Seaforth, a, sou. DOLMAGE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pita], on July 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dolmage, RR 1, Seaforth a son. What Shall the End Be - - - OF THEM THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF GOD 1 Pet. 4:17 • The Lord Jesus shall be revealed fi'oui heaven in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thes. 1:3. • For I ani not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation. Rom. 1:16 • Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ ani9 thou shalt be saved. Acts 18:31 TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7.7.30 (daylight saving) Sunday Evening Local Station — CKLW Windsor Old-fashioned Revival I -Tour — rebroadcasts on many stations at various hours Chas. E. Fuller P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. The features alone make ROAD. MASTER the best in hi -speed farm trailer wagons. A smooth running wagon to save fuel. when power hauled and to make lighter work for the team. Specially treated wood prevents weather and insect deterioration. Come in and see us. DONALD BUCHANAN PHONE: SEAFORTH 850 r 25 EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS,. LIMITED SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE 354 II1u111111111111111111111111111u1.11111111 u"n,1,111111,11,1,111,11111111111111111111111111u1111111111111uuu 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111,1111,1"1,,,1„11„1,1,11 NOW HERE EXCELLENCE FEEDS PIG STARTER HOG 'FATTENER HOG GROWER DAIRY RATION CALF MEAL CHICK STARTER CHICK GROWER LAYING MASH GROUND WHEAT WHOLE WHEAT BARLEY MEAL WHOLE BARLEY GROUND OATS ROLL CRUSHED OATS WHOLE OATS manufactured by Turgeon Grain '&'Processed Feeds Seaforth, Ont. Phone 354 All are available to Dealers, Wholesal- ers, Retailers and Farmers at Mill door. DEALERS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN EXCELLENCE in NAME and QUA.LITY