HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-24, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1 a year
The hospital board of Scott Mem-
orial hospital has received the report
of the auditors Brock, Davis and
Dunn. -Your hospital operated at ` an
estimated loss of $3700 for this year..
This has been due to higher costs and,
lack of staff and hospital help.
The ratepayers of the surrounding
municipalities are being asked to
approve a. grant to cover their share,
of the operating cost defieit, •This
amount is based on the number of
patient days of the residents. Tucker
'smith's portion is $750, which means
$1.75 to each individual taxpayer.
In the event Tuckersmith should not
give the grant, residents of Tucker -
smith will be charged - an extra per
diem amount to offset the loss of the
grant. This -means you will pay $1
per day unless the grant is approved
by Tuckersmith,
The hospital board is doing the
best they can to meet the needs of
this community. There is an iminedi•
ate need for a larger, better equipped
hospital and work is progressing
satisfactorily on a new wing at the
present time.
We trust this information will be
of some value to you.
*'blue coal'
The world's Finest Anthracite
E. L. BOX -
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Lifting Power of
- Vicarious Sacrifice."
7 p,m•, "The Cost of Not Being a
Sunday, July 27th.
St. Thomas', Seaforth
11 a,m., Morning Prayer
No evening service.
St. Mary's, Dublin
9:30 a.m., Morning prayer.
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B.A., at both services,
The Salvation Army
Officer in charge:' Lt. A. Millar.
Sunday, 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting.
3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.nf. Salva-
tion Meeting.
Tuesday, July 29, 5 p.nt. Major
Webster, tenor soloist from Winnipeg,
will be present. All are heartily wel-
come to attend these services.
The other day I had some time to
I scanned my Scrapbook: no oiie else
was there.
One page would start a tear, the next'
a" smile,
Yes, now I'm glad- I spent that little
The Scrapbook cover's torn, the
corner's curled,
We might say that about this modern'
But inside there is not one jarring
Only the gems of thought that good
men wrote,
The Church I'vegiven an honored
place in there,
Sermons and songs, with here and
there a prayer.
Gold could not buy it, every leaf is
It breathes to me of memories divine.
Recorded in my Scrapbook are the
Of comrades I remember, playing
Happy and hopeful, all eager to win,
Good luck, here's our hand, we'll meet
you again.
Those curling friends decked out with
broom and bonnet,
The curling stone with Seaforth
printed on it,
The skip shouts: Don't be short,
they're lying shot;
Maybe we'll take it out, and maybe
The bowlers too present a broken
So different from the days of "Auld
Lang Syne";
Pd like -to put down names, it wouldn't
There are so many, I might leave out
Fishing, the sport of kids, the sport
of kings,
My scrapbook tells me lots of funny
We used to catch them with a crooked
The W. M. S. and W.A. of Casten,
Winthrop, met at the home of Mrs.
Gilbert Smtth, on Wednesday, July
9th. Mrs. Smith presided. The theme
of the meeting was "The World
Council' of Churches," The meeting
opened with lrynin 249..A reading and
a prayer from the missionary month-
ly was given by Mrs. Smith. Thea
scripture lesson, Luke 10, and a shorts
reading -written by the late Walter
Craw was read by Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Farlane. Hymn 252 was sung, Mrs.l
Allan Ross gave a reacting entitled'
"Walk in Light." W.M.S. report tonj
the second quarter was given by Mrs..
McFarlane. A temperance reading en-'
titled the brewer's product was given!
by Mrs. Calvin Hilien, Mrs. Snaith
closed the worship period with pray -4
err. Mrs. McFarlane took charge for
the remainder of the meeting. The
roll call was answered by fifteen
members. The W.A. report was given
by Mrs. Earl Hawley. Mrs. William
Montgomery gave a short talk on the
rebirth of India, Mrs. MoFarlane
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served by circle 3 and a
social half hour was enjoyed.
Moving pictures on Temperance
will be presented in Cavan Church
Sunday School on Sunday, July 27,
at 11.30. A good attendance is
looked for.
Rev. J. R. Peters spent Monday
in London. Mrs. Rev. Peters is holi-
daying at Urgwassan Lodge Musko-
Mr. Ross Montgomery has taken
a position in Brantford,
Jacqueline Davidson is holidaying
with Lois Fox, near Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure and
Ross,_ Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard
and Lois visited with Mr. and Mrs.
0. ?Dale, Hullett. •
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bolton at-
tended the reception in Goderich for
- Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox and Lois
of Walton with •Mr. Austin Dolmage.
A large bank barn on the former
Sperling farm, on throe 4th con, of
McKillop, •beside Mr. Harry Palin's
farm and now owned by him, was
burned to tare -ground during a violent
thunder storm last Thursday after-
noon after being struck by lightning.
There was some of last year's hay„iu
the barn, also several implements.
The loss is partly, covered by
Would we could live those carefree
days again.
My life, thank God, has been a lite of
Maybe that's why my life has been
sa long.
The Scrapbook says many have gone
away, .'
Such is our fate, we are but common
The many friends in this vicinity
of Mr. John Hartman were sorry to
learn of his death which occurred
on July 18th, at the home of his son,
John Hartman, in Hamilton, after a
two days illness with a heart attack.
Mr. Hartman had been a resident of
Seaforth for twenty years, until go-
ing to live in Hamilton with his son
last year. Born on Dec. 19th, 1861.
in Hay township near Zurich, Gosh-
en line south, he continued to farm
on the homestead until retiring to
Seaforth. Fifty-three years ago
last Oct. 4th, he was married to
Miss. Caroline Strub, of St. Agatha,
who passed away in April, 1946.
At the tune of his death Mr. Hart -
b • of St. John's
During the severe electrical storm
Tuesday of last week a bolt of light-
ning.struck the barn of Mr. Russell
Hayter, but no damage was done ex-
cept some splintered boards.
Church, Hamilton, also a member of
the Holy Name Society and the
League of the Sacred Heart. He is
survived by six sons, Bernard. of
Thedford; Edwin, of Goderich;
Charles, of Sarnia; Philip and Kuno,'
of Zurich; John, of Hamilton, and
one daughter, Miss Agnes Hart.,
'man; of Wallaceburg. There are
also twenty-four grandchildren and
three great grandchildren, The re-
mains were brought to the home of
his son, Kuno Hartman, Zurich,)
where they rested until Monday
morning when the funeral was held
in St. James Church, Seafie t ,
10 a.m. The celebrant of the
Solemn Requiem High Mass was
Rev. E. F. Goetz, Wallaceburg; Rev.
Aubrey Limier of Zurich was Deac-
on; Rev, Bernard Laverty of Wal-'
laceburg, was sub -Deacon; Rev.
Louis Purcell, Detroit, Master of
Ceremonies; Rev. T. P. Hussey, in
Sanctuary. The sermon was deliv-
d b Rev BernarLaverty, as-
sistant of Our Lady of Help Church,
Wallaceburg. Pallbearers were:
Louis Farwell (Zurich), Leander
Hartman (Waterloo), . Ted Smith
(Zurich), Alex Donnelly (Goderieh),
Victor Hartman (Hamilton), John
Smith (Windsor). Interment was
in St. James' cemetery, Seaforth.
From a distance were: Mr. and Mrs.
Kroeteh, Leander Hartman, Mrs.
Meahm (Waterloo), Mr. and Mrs.
Zirhee and Donald, Mrs. Jack
,Strub, Mr, and ' Mrs. Leo Strub
,('Kitchener), Mrs. Lunz (St. Clem-
ents), Mr. and Mrs. Henhoeffer
r(Kitchener), John Smith, Art Bur-
bach (Windsor), Mrs. Dorothy Hart-
man (London).
The Milverton Red Seal band will
present the Sunday evening concert
in Victoria Park.
Many things have changed since
Mr.- and Mrs. Henry Stimore were
married 50 years ago, but haying
season brought the same call then
as now, for all available manpower
on the job in hours of sunshine.
Celebrating their golden wedding'
anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Stimore
recalled that on the day of their
marriage in 1897, the hay was ready
to come. in; wedding or no wedding,
Mr. Stimore pitched hay -all morn -
Mg on July 21, 1897; the marriage
ceremony took place at the bride's.
home at 2.30 p.m., and the bride-
groom was at work in the hayfield
the next morning. 'Henry Stimore's
courting days led him no farther
afield than the next farm north amd
west of his father's place, Mr. Sti-
more, son of the late Mr. and Mr's:
John Stimore, grew uP on the farm
at,iot 5, con. 11, McKillop, near
DUBLIN her parents, M. and Mrs. Dan
DoubleBet Galant, Windsor, with Mrs.
Wedding at London —
St. Peter's Cathedral,' London, was W. Rowland.
the 9eetie of a pretty wedding, Father Mr, and Mrs, J. Lannan and child -
W. Smith performing the 'ceremony. ren, Toronto, with Mr,, and Mrs. Jo -
when the two daughters of Mr. Emil seph O'Rourke.
Herreman and the late Mrs. H,erre- Mrs.. H. Pugh has returned home
man became brides at a double wed- after spending a month at Grand
ding. Miss Rose Mary became the Bend.
Bride of Laurence Patrick Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton in
and Miss Mary Blanche became the Toronto,'
bride of Andrew Joseph Maloney, Mrs. Johanna Roach, Miss Monica
sons of Tylrs: Catherine - Maloney of Roach and Mrs. Joseph Cronin at
London, and the late James Maloney. London.
Mr., Peter Krauskopf, uncle of the Michael McCarthy has returned
grooms, gave both brides m marriage, from Midland,
Miss - Rose Mary wore a gown of Billy Costello in London,
white flowered organza with lace yoke Mr, and Mrs. William Stapleton
and wore' a finger tip veil and orange left on Tuesday for a trip to Mon -
blossoms and carried red roses. Miss treah Jimmy Newcombe accomp-
Rose Mary's bridesmaid was MiGs anted them to his home there.
Rita Maloney, dressed in pink org-
andy and carried pink roses; and Mr.
Jack Maloney, brother of the grooms,
was best man. Miss Mary Blanche
Manleycrossroads. Mrs. Stimore, wore a gown of white satin with lace
panels extending from the shoulders.
the daughter of the late Mr, and She wore a finger tip veil with orange
Mrs. James Bell. lived as a girl at blossoms .and carried red roses: Mrs,
lot 6. con. 12, McKillop; it was only Albert Lane was Miss Nary Blanche's
a mile across the fields from the bridesmaid and wore a gown of blue
Mr. and Mrs. Stimore were mar- Mr. Albert Lane was best man.'
groom's home to the bride's
, net over satin and carried pink roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCullough
spent Sunday with the latter's. par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale, on
the Bronson fine.
Mr. and Mrs, James Barnes and
daughter Alma of London spent Sun-
day afternoon and evening with Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Penhale and family.
Tied by the late Rev, Daniel Mc- Mrs. Catherine Maloney, London,!• VARNA
Gregor, of the Reorganized Church mother of the grooms, wore a dress of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Adamson and
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. flowered sill: Jersey with white 'hat daughter Ann, and Miss Rena John -
At the time of his marriage Mr. and dark coat. Little Miss Mary Anne ston of Toronto spent the week end
Stimore took over the management Compton sang "1 love you truly,” with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston.
of the family farm at Manley; nine "Jesus My Lord, my God, my All," Mrs. R. S. Evans and Mrs. R. A.
years later Mr. and Mrs. Stimore and "On this day 0 Beautiful Miller' returned with them:-
hemesMother." The happy young couples The ladies of St. John's Anglican
left 'on a motor trip to Windsor, De- Ohurch purpose holding a bazaar on
troit and Royal Oak, Mich., Rose Saturday, Aug. 2 at 3 p.m. in the
Mary travelling in a pink dress, grey old post office, Bayfield. There will
Stimore was for over three years coat and white accessories, and Mary be offered for sale homemade bak-
superintendent of the elevator. On Blanche travelling in a blue dress, ing and sewing, including patch
retirement from that position, they blue coat and white accessories. On
lived for -five years on a six acre their return they will reside in
plot at Trowbridge and moved to London.
Walton about four years ago. Mr. M. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan were
Stimore served as a school trustee in Blyth.
for many years in his home section, Misses Ilene, Jean and Lorraine
S.S. 9 McKillop and was two years Jordan of London spent the week end
chairman of the school trustees, at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Stimore have two MTs. Betty McGrath and son Jack
sons and two daughters, Norval is'are. visiting at the home of Mr. and
now farming the home place, loot 15,
w a e ; ; ; k f f a Mrs, John McGrath.
moved to lot 15, con. 14. McKillop,
between McNaught and Walton,
where they farmed for 26 years.
They went then to Ethel where Mr,
17, con. 14, McKillop. Myrtle, Mrs.
Earl Machan, is living in Monkton,
and Ialeen, Mrs. Kenneth McFar-
land. at lot 22, con. 16, Grey; there
are three grandchildren.
We are pleased to hear Mrs. Frank.
Donnelly is getting well after hav-
ing a very serious operation in St.
Joseph Hospital, London.
Mr. Teddy Hickey has gone to
Alberta to visit his brother Michael.
MRS. THOMAS COWARD Mr. Frank McConnell and Mrs.
Ed. McGrath visited friends in Dub -
Leola Glanville, wife of Thomas .lin last week.
Coward, passed away in St. To- Miss Teresa and Mary Margaret
seph's hospital, in London, on Satur- Ryan of London were at home over
Clay July 19th in her 39th year the weekend
Mrs. Coward was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn visited
Mr. Arthur Glanville and the late friends in Windsor last week.
Mrs. Glanville of Hensall, where she Dublin Softball team sponsored a
made her home, until '7 years ago benefit dance in Looby's hall on
sire proved to her hone on the Base Monday night honorif!g Frank Row -
Line of Blanchard, Those left to land who recently sustained a frac-
mourn her passing are her husband, tared jaw in a baseball game. The
two sons Alvin and Leon, She also first lucky ticket prize of $5. was
leaves her father, Arthur Glanville, won by Frank Kelly, Huron Hotel,
of Hensall, three sisters, Mrs, Orval and the second and third awards of
Cooper (Clara) of Kippen: Mrs $3, and $2. respectively were won
Letha Miller and Beulah of Sea: by ticket holders from Kitchener and
forth: three brothers, Wilbert ofIngersoll, •
Staffa, Melvin and Charles of Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jordan and
sell. The funeral was held from her children, Sarnia, with Mr', and Mrs.
Hen -
late residence Monday, July 21st, at James Jordan.
2 o'clock with Rev. A. Laing of . Sirs. M. Writt and Miss Mary Re -
Woodham officiating the Ceremony,' gan, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs,
Interment in Exeter cemetery. The McConnell.
pallbearers_ were: Nelson Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ICuntze, Ir-
er, Alfred Baker, Robertvine and Ellen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Miss-Donelsa Adams is attending
the Huron Presbytery Junior Girls
Camp, Tawi-Skala, at Goderich, from
July 21 to 28. Miss Adams is serving
M the capacity pf general manager,
and registrar of the camp,
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McDonald of
London agent the week end at the
home of Mi, and Mrs. Ernest Adams..
quilts and other °articles.
Mr. A. Esler of Western Canada
is the guest of his sister, Mrs. A.
McConnell. Dr. Harvey and Mrs.
Reid, Toronto, spent the weekend
with the former's mother, Mrs. M.
Misses Roxie' and Adeline Palmer
of Toronto spent the weekend with
Mrs. Gertrude Reid.
Mr. James Reid was renewing
acquaintances in the district.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rathwell in
company with Mrs. J. Rathwell spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr, and Mrs, M. Elliott motored
to Barrie, Monday, to attend the
funeral of Mr. Morrison,, cousin of
the latter.
Mr, and Mrs. Chris Ings of London
are visiting the former's brother, Mr.'
A. Ings and Mrs, Ings.
Miss Annie Foote, Detroit, visit-
ed last week with her brother, An-
drew and Mrs. Foote.
Mt'. and Mrs. James Scott and Ken-
neth motored from Toronto on Satur-
day and visited friends at 'Myth and
McVittie friends and neighbor's over
the week end and beginning of the
Master Jimmie Scott, holidaying at
the hone of Mr, and firs. Leo Watt
and other friends, has been helping
11r. Reece Ferris with his hay. •
Mr. James McEwing recently
bought the continue from Mr. Wm.:
Miss Viva Cole of Toronto visited
at the home of i\Ir, and MrsLeo
Elston Jesse Elston Fred Jameson., Watt and other frfeLo last week.
Joseph E. Feeney at Owen Sound. Mrs. Knerhtel of London is at pre
The flower beaters were her nieces Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes in Toronto. sent spending a while with her bra
and nephews Joyce Glanville, Mar.; Miss Marie Nagle isvacationing then Mr. Reece Ferris.
lens and Gordon Miller of Seaforth,m Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schnieder and
Lloyand Marlene Cooper of Kip -I Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Woods at children of Toronto, when returning
pen, Meryl, Donna, Marian, Mar- the Martyr's Shrine, Midland, from their holiday at Manitoulin Ts -i
jorie and Cecil Glanville of Staffa,I Rev. William Devereux, Mr. and land and Port Elgin called on friends
Gerald Glanville of Hensall,
Mar',Mrs. Wm• Devereux and Miss Vir- near Kinburt and Hat•lock friends. l
garet • Anne Lawson of Crediton, ginia Devereux, Chicogo with Mi. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoy, also Mr.,
also Betty Langford of Seaforth, and Mrs: David McConnell, and Mr's. Arthur Hoy of Goderich
res o
Robt. Mackian of St tf rd Ray Mr, and Mrs, Fergus Reynolds, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Mrs. Robert Watson.
Swan, St. Marys.
Carpenter. is. Bert Beacom visited par
Miss Anne Roach and Mrs. Kath- Tuesday afternoon at the ]tome of
With ideal weather and perfect. arine McQuaid, .Detroit, and Mr. and Mr, and NIrs, Wm. Knox.
greens the mixed doubles bowling Mis. Thomas Feeney, Betty and Jo The Misses Irma and Marjorie
tournament Monday evening sponsor septi. London, with Mr, and Mrs. Watt and Margaret Marshall are on
ed by the Seaforth ladies' bowling Patrick Feeney. a motor trip to Quebec with the Band
club, was a great success. with 23 Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Young and Master, Mr, Robinson, of London.
rinks taking part. Rinks were from twin daughters, Toronto, with Mi'.
Stratford, Wingham, St. Marys, eft -and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke. KIPPEN
ton and Seaforth. Winners were; lst, Miss Mary McGrath, Toronto.
Mr. and Mr s• George Johnston, Sea with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. T\%m. Kyle of Tiippen
forth; 2nd, Mr, an Mrs. J, A, Mc• Mrs. Harold Smuck, Kitchener, are happy to announce the arrival of.
Donald, Stratford; 3rd, 1i9. A. Reid with Mr. and Mrs. Thos• J, Moly- their son Albert Norman on July IS.
and Alice Reid, Seaforth. in Clinton Public Hospital.
Mrs. Alex Hackney, Tiirkton, ac•
companied by her two daughters,
Mrs. Dot, Reg,N., and little son of
Albany, N.Y., and, Miss Olive Hack-
ney, Reg.N., of the Toronto General
Hospital, with Miss Mary B. Currie.
Mrs. Duncan McKellar with her sis-
ter Mrs. M. Barr, and other relatives
at Stratford.
,Tames Scott Sr. has returned home
after three weeks iu Seaforth hospital.
Miss Janet Ballantyne, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott.
Mrs. Jessie Hamilton has left to
visit friends in Regina and other
points in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank MacDonald,
Colin and Ian, Regina, ,ancl Mrs.
Margaret Yoeman Enid Robot, Moose
Jaw, called on`Mrs. Wiilianr'Houghtou
while on a motor trip to. Nova Scotia.
Mrs. Lindsay McKellar •and three
young sons with Mr. and Mrs, -Don
Wallace, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Clive MacDonald and
fanny, Mitchell, with M155 Olive
Speare, -
Miss Dorothy Kemp, who has been
holidaying. with her grandmother,
here, has returned to Mitchell and
will attend camp, at Bimini.
neuua. - daughter, Mrs. Elgie has returned to her
Mary, Stratford, with Mts. M. Schul-
home in Stratford after a pleasant
visit with 4hei' many friends in this
Miss Agnes Murphy, Ottawa, with
Mi. R. J. Cooper is spending his
relatives here. vacation in Muskoka and has ac-
tors Charles Malone and two
daughters have returned home after cepted a position with a frim.
spending a month at Galt. Mrs. Strott of Brooklyn is visiting •$T COLUMBAN
Frank Bantzer on a fishing trip at with her brother Mr. R. J. Hayman.,Mrd _MrsWJietham at Mrs C
lift and Mrs. Michael Coyne spent
Colpoy's Bay near W,iaarton. , an. A,
Wroxeter and other points.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dill and daug-
hter, Detroit, with Mrs. Katharine`
Byrene, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H.
MacDougall, Hallam, Sask., with
Mrs: Kathleen Feeney.
Rev. J. A. Feeney, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mr. and Mrs. Vander•walker ,and
two children, Flint, Mich. with Mr.
ani. Mrs. Joseph Dill.
Miss Mary Purcell, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckert,and
son Clover. Norman Eckert. and Jack
Hanley, all of Timmins, with Mrs.
Teresa Eckert.
Mrs. Philip Flanagan. Betty, Mar-
garet, Don and Philip, Toronto, with
Mrs. Frank Feeney.
Mrs. Loretto Schmidt, Stratford
with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Cronin.
Miss. Rose Burns, Stratford, with
Cooper i Sr is confined to her
66 -he contents of this
beautiful set in tarnish -proof
chest are eight each of the
following—teaspoons, dessert
spoons, forks, salad forks,
knives and one butter knife
and sugar spoon.
Available in LADY HAMILTON
(illustrated) or CORONATION
patterns. Other services in
tarnish -proof chests from
$34.75. Retail purchase tax
Watch Repairing
United Church and were very much
appreciated. lir. Lobb and family
were attending a Lobb reunion over
the weekend and were visitors of
Mi's. George Henderson.
Miss Ellen Mae Scott of London
has been spending her holidays with
friends and relatives.
lfr, and Mrs. Frank McDonnell
and sons Ian and Colin of Regina
and Mrs. Margaret Yeomans and son
Robert of Moosejaw spent a few
days visiting Mr. and NIrs. Oliver
The many friends of Mrs. Carrie
Ballantyne are pleased to hear of
her improvement following a recent
optical operation in London,
Miss Betty Roweliffe returned
home from a pleasant visit with Miss
Betty lVlickle at Rondeau Park.
District Zone Commander
Initiated Eighteen Members
District Zone Commander N. W.
4'iille • of Goderich was present at
the Legion meeting held in Hensall
on Monday evening when eighteen
new members were initiated. Mr.
Miller had charge of the meeting
and was assisted during the initia-
1 tion by Mr. Erle Burgess, President
t of the Provincial Command of .St.
'Thomas and Mr. Jack Cornish of
Brucefield. Guests were present
from Exeter. Clinton and Goderich,
several of -whom gave brief addres-
ses. The following officers were
elected: Pres. Mr. Samuel Dougall;
1st vice-pres. Mr. Sidney McArthur:
2nd vice -pies. Mr. Wm. Brown;
ain, Rev. P. A. Ferguson;tress. Sgt.
s, Mi, Byron Kyle; Sec-
Mr. W. 0. Goodwin. A hot barbecue
lunch concluded the event.
with room under the Doctors care and all Sunday Miss Marion Meagher.
hope to see her around soon,
Two RCAF airmen from the Clin-
ton radio school were found guilty
by Magistrate A. F. Cook in police
court here Tuesday of assaulting Alvin
Sharpe, Clinton garagenan, on July 5
in Clinton. One was fined $5 and costs
and the other $10 and costs. The
charges were laid following an affray
in which. Isaac Carter. Clinton, a
neighbor of Mr: Sharpe, joined in and
used his walking stick on the assail-
ants. The pair was originally charged
with assault occasioning bodily haven.
Ten district men appeared on
charges of having liquor in a public
place. Each was fined $10 and costs.
The metal street light in front of
Gallop's Garage was broken off when
struck by a motor vehicle Friday
Mr, and Mrs. Chown of Toronto
and Mr. and Mrs. McLachlan of
Montreal spent the weekend at the
. home .of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Murdock,
Detroit, spent a few days with the
former's sister, Mrs. John Cairn,
' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh and
family, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haugh
and Mr. George Howard of Exeter
spent a day with Mt. and Mrs. Goy:.
don Manson at Bruce Beach. ,
nnet1 Priestly,
Jane and Ann of Vasson, Mich,
visited with their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Haugh and Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Allan, last week.
Mr. Lobb and his three sons of
Flint, Mich., sang two numbers at
the morning service at .Brucefield rtrgltt•