HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-17, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BVS1NE59 OI'10nTUNITtl2S .EARN MONEY gathering 0.0d growing Medi - Plants. 11'or1h up to $12 I:Duna' H mIredo 0f RooIo, 1.2erhs, Weeds 000,Ning- wild have cash value, Send 01amP for detail.: 'Write lie Box 67-Y,Islington, Ontario T HAVE a few good 110µ100n. ,,1[teoe _'o 2 (•taro bloat, with-nenelmenls, A W02d'lt;ori1 nod' blacksmith shop with 106 inose ;and 'hydro In cmm1.'y vinnge Also number of 10, 100. 120. 200 etre farms. with hydro In' :flood localIons with boob, Priced from $8000. un. .3. C: Long, Real Estate Broker, Br00000), Ontnr,o, MON17Yt11ouov-Moneyl I1n100 (pant Chin- chilla Rabbits and reap the Profile, Pro - 0100410 pastime, Full information from'. Sun 'nYbYll Rabbitry,Waterlo0, Que. -- AGENTS WAN3'EIO OILS, GREASES, TIRES, fn. eotle'dcs,- Electric Pence Controllers, Houe° .and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc, Dealers wanted, Write 1Vnrco-Grease & 011 Limned, 'Toronto. EXCIOLLIONT commission. to agent0 calling on householders with new noetwar Incl: of •oleclrlcal appliance not on sale -anywhere In O unada. 10nnulriee Invited from men now an Tonics.. h'le-l)-Ray Corporation; Hanllllon, Canada. (SART CRICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS, Der Mecca for Baby Melts end ntertc0 Chiclts. will sin/prise you." ': All Chick. from blood. tested stock. .Carleton 'Hatchery. nritnnnla Sleights, Ont. AUGUST 012)020 should be ordered now .to insure delivery. Most breeds available, Pullets, non -saved, ecolrorols, Wo .eon give immediate delivery ehie115, and some stetted. Bray Hat0hmy, 130 John Nn S 01011ton, Ont. -EASY to raise pullets, No brooding hent re- - quired. Two to lour weeps old. Special Priced $24.75 m 320.76, Iolret clasp healthy .010011.Also day old chicks any time. Write for prices or send $1.00 0eno01t for early .s111mnen0. Flober Orchards, R.R. No. 2. Freeman. Ont, :2 WEER old started chicles Barred Reeks, New Hampshire., New Hampshire S Bar- ✓ ed Rock non -sexed 15.00, pullets 18,05,. cock- erels 14.06, Assorted Ifonvs' Breeds 14.86. Pulletµ. -17,00, ooekerels 13.96. \Yhito 'Leg- 1,orn X Barred, hock, 23laolr Anotralorp X 'White Leghorn,. While Leghorn pullets 23.116, A/marled Medium and .Light pullets 92.00. 3 week old add 5.00 Per . hundred, Shipped C.O.D. Also putlet0 eight weeks to laying, Top Notoh Chlekerios, Guelph, Ontario. IMMEDIATE delivery of. 011101)8, day olde and some atarted, 10 moot breeds, bullets, non - .sexed, cockerels.. Lot us - know your mode. It yeti want August chicks they 0hoeld be ordered without delay. Bray Hatchery, 180 Zebu N., Hamilton, Ont. W CAN' give prompt delivery on the following two and three week old Matted clicks non- -.cued, pullets or co0lmfote: Batted Rocks, New Hampehlree, New Hampshire X Barred Mock. . Pullets in the following breeds: White Loghorns, Whits Leghorn X Barred Rock, tChtte Roelc X White Leghorn, Black Metro - lora X White Leghorn, Also assorted he0y3' breeds all at rock bottom priceµ, Also pul- lets 8 weeks to laying, Freo 000010011, 'Twaddle Chick HalcherieO Limited, Fergus, '011tnr10. DYEING ANDCLEANING HAVE YOU anything •needs dyeing or clean - .1007 Write to ut for interruption, We are triad to answer your question, Department 11, Parkcr'o Dyo. Werke Llmlted, 751 Tongs Street. Toronto, Ontario. y, FARMS 1rOlt BALE 300 -ACRE- farm for sale, 76 tillable, well watered. bank barn, frame house In good xepair, po00ecolno any time, Archie Simpson, Levant Station, Ontario. EPS SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE—Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel whoele. 815,00 -each, rear Wheels: 87.60 each, (tont wheels, WI'cn ordering state dlnm0t80 and width of wheals. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt- ablro. Ave., Toronto, Ont BINDER i 7.ft, Cockshutt, ill bath nlomitoo, 1V80 International 3950,00, Four diet plow 5150.00. All good. Phone Linwood, Elmer O gram, Walienstein, Ont. 'CHENILLE SPREADS $4.B9 Atanufaeturere' clearance, first quality for d ouble and single beds In beautiful two -toned 0)o10000, Worth double the PI'Ice. Aloney re- funded 1f not. flattened, Sent C.O.D,.plus 00elege In Canada. Handicraft DIetribetoi's, 254 Sherbrooke St.. W.. Montreal 18, Quo, CONCRETE MACHINERY 2% Cu. Ft. Hand oe Power -operated Aflxoro. —Nodi for small mixing ,Jobs on the farm, either cement' or feed. 4 and 5 cu. 1t. Power _Mixers. Hand -tamped Block. Machines for the µmail operator or fanner 'requiring block. for his own use. Immediate delivery. Welt - Muter -Welker Indbatrleo Limited, 1200 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario, Electric Power Plants 3 5CVA (3,000 watt), 60 or 00 cycle, 130 volt, Onnn engine nod generator. A quality Unit. Ideal for lighting, refrigeration, water pumping and small power tools 1n cativo,' Boxed and waterproof@@d� for. ohlpment, Priced Sow. write -Tar detalid, SHEPPARD-ELECTRICAL LAB'S 104 Sparks 3t„ Ottawa, DUBAI' Dane puppies, registered, bred for lntolllgenoe, temperament: and ehmrt nu- .ieotie appearance from champion stock, finest blood lines. ideal for petor watchdogs. Write to Holrudaller-$mmela, 40 Clanperton, Barrie, Ont. I4UNTER'S special—brand- new war easels released- web rifle sllhgs. Fila standard swivels. The bargain you have been Waiting for -while they last only 60e each, Sling xwlvels for these aling0 75c per pair. Ell Wood 'Epps Sporting Goods, Clinton, Ontario. FEATHER TAIL Irish. Retriever moles .2'/a months old. Parents -wonderful' hunter., Males $20, Femalca $15. Thos, Chlnnlck, Chatham, 11,21. Nu. 4. MAPLE SYRUP MAPLE syrup, 1947 crop, Reasonable /Mom • No coupons, John M. (1lllesple, Abbotsford, Quebec. 5LcCORM101C-DEERINO -ensilage -harvester, with standardized power .takeoff... Used: four days. .:Harvest your corn at Its beet. with ono or two men. Price greatly reduoed, Immediate delivery. Write Graham H111, -Pont Rouge, Que. NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed, non -sag spring and mattress 8'=4.86. Writefor free catalogue. Mntlerdor. Furniture Warehouse; 179 Parlia- ment Street, Toronto. ONE COCfCS14UTT' and ono.. Ford new 1047 tractor on Rubber. 'Complete with two fur- row plows and double discs. Immediate nos- 000elon, H. Glecoff, Bltaon Road .South, Oshawa, Ont. REGISTERED hackney .how pone, 13.1 hands. - Apply II, S. Hall, 21 Maple St., Galt, Ont SHIPMENT 00 22 calibre rifles 1,lnt re- ceived; available to dealers. Order now. Scope Sales' Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Qat. • TIRE - We are oteunncltod - at he present of good used trade -In Liao tgUaranfeed Lo' be in ex- cellent simnel - 600 X 30 — $6.00 All order. ehloped C.O.D. Special egnipment dor vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tiros, BEACON TIRE corner Queen and 'York Sta, IAimliton, Ont. -. 00)311110105 MOST -MODERN EQUIPPED' TIRE SHOP Deniers Wanted Watchmakers Attention Lowoot prima on stems, stuffs. mainsprings, cry/dela wnlrh ports, Write for price 1181. Durbin .Company, Dept. -3, 74 Sussex, Toronto, HAIR DRESSING - WANTED LEARN Floh'dreesln0 the Rebecisca 'method t1101,1011111011 011 re010001 regn'rding elneses tj.lellonn'a Flnil'dreneina Arad0my. 1$7; Are nee Rotel. Toronto 11E1,1' %TAN"'ED• WANTED' lh, nediolely, Doctor for Bracken and district (10011)1 Unit number one. bees guaranteed. write or wire Mrs. 3, S. 410011ry, Secretory, RI ncken Hospital Board.. Bracken, Seek. I(OUSEKELLE11---Middle aged, 'capable o1 taking' full charge, Write Robert ' BIn1,0, West Lorne, Ont, _ HOUSEICEidPER-COOK, to - take full charge, m0111- early December. Would consider mother.. and daughter of uneful age, or, two friends. State fun partloulars, wage., phone number, 06.2, Percy Woodward: Pointe Au Dn •il, .On Earle. REGISTERED NURSES Heidi/nand War. Memorial Reenital, Denn. vale, Ont., capable of asaiating In 0.R.: $125 1nonthly, plus full inraintonnnce, 0 -day welt, long peat( -end" nwntdy, it -weeks' vacation with pial'. .Apply A. M. Canaelntan, D4nn- vnic, Ont. THE HOSPITAL for Sick Children, Toronto, o,fors a ce'tit1oate 000200' to young women In the care of Infants and young ehlldren. Length of course -2 months. Re0uiremenie —Aupncanto must he between eighteen and thirty yenta of age with one year. of 11101 0011003, :Remuneration provided plus tell maintenance And uniform, Aunlications are being received now for e01) Ms beginning August first and September Mot. Apply to Suoetdnlerident of Nuroen, Hosplml .for Sick Children, 67 College Street, Toronto, FA LNVTarll CHESTERFIELD SUITES Chesterfield Suites absolutely new. full amine filled 0000lructlon, every style, Guest Mohair. Velour, _. Prize, Brnealtele,Silks Damasks nod Wilier Pine bard well ring upholotering fabrics. 100 NE31' CItO$THltPIEL11 SUITES TO CHOOSE PROM FREIE DELIVERY TO roux NEAREST STATION. TODD line been In the ch00terfiel0 Hulls business for 30 yen 1% and Is ree0500000 In the trade as o specialist and the moot particular buyer h1 the hu81nee0. - Lieted below are a few of our cash prices for QUALITY Cf23STI6rtF(ELD SUITES, $119;00 3 niece Perlod Sotto — finest cu01o20 covered 011 over - with Eno quality velour, $149.00. 2 piece modern suttee, Balloon mohair_ $119.00 Denutiful S piece Lepeon Suite, $119.00 Finest 2 piece Charles of Lon - on suites. Many other 00101000in. niece. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 I1uy absolutely new manufacturers feetory showroom sample suites direct from TODD. S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phone QR0'1'ER 4318 91L+D1CAL IT'S EXCELLENT. Real .results after tatting DIson's Remedy for Rheum0010 Pains and Neuritis, Alnnro's !)reg Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheulontlo torment when Br00natune ot- ters prompt lasting relief. One menthe' treatment $1.00 100012011. Indian Remcmcb, 900. 118, Vancouver. PEOPLE ARE TALICINO about the good rosette front ,inking Dlxon'o Remedy for Ithomnntte Pains and N00)1011,, Munro'µ Ding Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. raalpaid 11.00, FOOT AILMENTS ICirx Foot Oil .effectively remedied cmme, callouses, cracked feet. No plootero. no pada, no caustic. Price 500, Comstock Producte Co., 701 Ottawa Electric Bldg„ Ottawa, Canada. ' OPPORTUNITIES FOR W5M10N BE A HAIDRESSER- JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good waged, th0usando successful, 5101001 grnduntea, America'µ greatest ayatem, llluetreted cake. male free. ,write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 268 Bloor Bt, t4'., Toronto Branches 44 King St„ 'Hamilton A 74 Rideau Street, -Ottawa OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor --List of Inven•'. ttana and. full Information sent tree, The Ramsay (.o.. Registered Patent -Attorneys, 278 Bank Street. Ottawa, PATENTS PETHERSTONAUGH 81 Company Patent Solicltora, Eatablished 1850, 1.4 Ring West, Toronto Booklet of Information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY GET BETTER PICTURES mm t11fo big, reliable studio - AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your .:films. Send them 20 Star Snapshot Service, ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 Exposure0 DE5 ELOPED and PRINTED 60e Reprint,, from your negatives 4c,. 8- mounted enlargement. 4 x 6" 21c, En. lar0cmenlo. framed 7 x' 9" 10 Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 74c. If pictures colored . 941, Prints and enlargements made from prints 0! loot cent -Wen, Dept, SM STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE - Dox Ito. POST orrree 4, TORONTO WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All Print/. withdeckle edge. 8 or 8 exposure- ro110-10o, Reprints. 30, .each, Box 2, Station J, Toronto. TEAL'IIIORS • WANTED. JACI(FISH: Qualified teacher, firbt cine" certificate, Jocktlsh, Ont., Thunder Bay district. Grades 1 to 0, between 80 to 35 Pupils. Salary 51,700 to $1,800, depending on qualification. Accommodation at local hotel, 5 athletes walk to ochool. Wanted Sept. 2. atpplr, giving name of present In- spector to P. A. Nicol, Sec,-Treae„ Jaettflab, (Int, PROTESTANT teaoher wanted for S.S. No. 8 Raglan. Dutleo to begin Sept. ynd 1947. Apply stating salary and quallflcatlons to Daniel Budarlok, Sec.-Treaa., Palmer Ranldo, Ontario, - PETERBORO COUNTY -School Area No, 9. TWn. of Chandos requlroe teacher Septem- ber. Male preferred,' $.1000.00 up, experience and en/OEM/alone considered, Walter Neleon,' Secretary, Apsley, Ont, HASTINQS CO. Four qualified teachere want- ed for School AreaNo 1, Monteagle and Herschel for school. No and5, b.onuties 10 and 11,Horeohet Solar)", $11D 0300. Dulles to commenoe Sept. 3, 1947, .Apply, etating nualiticatlone,, to Frank -Hinge, Sec. Treats., Maynootr Station, Ong . TEACHER wanted for P.S.S. No 0, - North Plantagenet, Enrollment 14. Convenient to boarding house, bur, train, Apply stating experience etc, to Mro. Leslie Robinson, Plan- tagenet, Ont„ MR. No. E. WANTED WANTED—Alla kinds of dressed poultry, Top Prices for top ,birds, Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dnpt,, 2064 Danforth Ave,, Toronto - 5. (We do .custom gradin), LOGS REQUIRED R71 Purohano Marne,. 0)1'01,, Ash, Cherry and Sae:wood loge, loaded' on freight care: for cash. Write Particulars to - 1301, 617, Hee- 1leler, 011 tart°, • Finland Recovers National Wealth By Self -Help :Effort Great plans are now being for- mulated to aid the economic re- covery of Europe. During dis- cussion of these plans it might be . well if mention were made of the tremendous effort in self-help put forth by little Finland, says The Woodstock Sentiner-Review. The end of the war saw Finland shattered, her cities wrecked, her population reduced, productive areas expropriated by Russia, -and faced with a 'reparations bill of $300,000,000. But: Finish industrial produc- tion figures were back in 1946 to 86 percent of prewar; in two .years the Finns have lopped $100,000,000, or a third - of the total, from the reparations hill, anti hope to have the full amount paid off by the end of 1952. - Arestu In faraway Tehran the Ritz. Hotel featured Arestu on its menu. A Time correspondent ordered it, found it to be the local way of writing Irish stew. Youth Delegates Leave For Prague—Photographed in Halifax as they embarked, these Labor Youth Federation delegates are on their way to the World 'S.youth. Festival i11 Prague. Picture shot's (left to right) Marie rlorodezna, Michael Lukac and Mary Vasil, all of Toronto. Sports -- And One or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sxbit Crider') Ontario racing circles have been mildly stirred by the first "ringing" case in many years; or perhaps it would be more nearly correct to phrase 1t, the first case to come ' to light in years. WILLEGIVIT and FIFTY SEVEN, the two ettuine ladies involved, are full sisters, and look enough alike to deceive the - ordinary eye. But we are somewhat stl2rprised that some of the expert rail -birds and work -watchers, who claim that they can identify any horse they ever saw at twenty paces, did not recognize the switch When WILLTGIVIT raced and W'Ofl under the name of her younger relative. 40 4t * As a matter of fact, we understand that some of these 'experts" are now trying to claim that they did suspect it was WILL7GIV1T who was funning at Woodbine; but when asked how much they won, somewhat coyly confess that they refrained from betting because of the circum- stances. If so, they showed a self- restraint and adherence to moral principles we have Ilever run across before; for it has been our experi- ence that the surest way to make anybody wager—from Cabinet Min-. ister down to binn—is to convince him that a race is "in the bag" and that he is betting on a sure thing. In other words, there's a slight touch of larceny concealed in the very best of us. * * STRAY T¥ O fI G FI T- ON A DELICATE TOPIC. In µ,1e of his prefaces Bernard Shaw advocated that medical Lien be rewarded on the Chinese system—keep your Doctor on salary as long as you're well, cut off his pay as soots as you're sick. No doubt it's a screwball idea — but sonletinlcs we've wondered how something similar would wont out with some professional tabor leaders. If their incomes ceased the minute a strike wos called—would there be just as nlarlyt * * One of our favorite sports colum- nists, Jim Coleman, reminisced in print recently about the runner, en- tered in a race around Toronto's old Belt Line, who sneaked aboard a trolley car and rode the loop, getting off at his starting -point in time to matte a dash home in front of all competitors, Too far in frout, for that matter, as lois skulduggery was detected. * * * This recalls other incidents of a similar nature; like the horse race on a foggy afternoon oat San Fran- cisco way when a jockey, left at the ping post, pulled up at thehead of the stretch and waited unseen in the Mist till the rest of the field had al most made the circuit of the track, then started going again and coasted hone a handy winner. Or the occa- sion at the Olympic games when certain French Marathoners almost certainly covered a large part of Elie gruelling journey concealed in a truck. Our favorite.of all, perhaps, W55 what once happened in a softball game just as the dusk was falling and it was expected that the umpire would call it off on account of dark- ness at any moment. V,'it11 the home team a rut ahead, two were out in the last half of the ninth. The pitcher, a real speedball artist, was working fast in order to beat the call of Time. - One strike—two strikes— shot across the platter. Again the pitcher took the ball, toed the mound, and swung his trusty right arm forward with terrific force. "Strike three—game's over" shouted the Umps. All his teammates crowd- ed around the pitcher to congratulate 11iu1 on his ;vin; and very few thele were who noticed him unobtrusively hand something to his catcher. It was the ball. Aided by the dusk, he had merely made his motion—and hung. on to the horsehide! atm..* sio� U U 5 NeBatRs Qnickf Stop itching of insect bites, heatraeh, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete t foot and outer externally caused akin troubles. Usequick-acting, soothing, antiseptic D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless,. stainless. Itch stops or your money back. Your druggist stocks D.9, D, PRESCRIPTION. OINTMENT' Furns,'Sores, G:u.ts,Etc, How to Comi3t RHEUMATIC PAIN Rheumatic pains may often bo caused by excess uric acid, a blood impurity that should be extracted by the kidneys. If kidneys Fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic point by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids—help you Feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you. 187 ISSUE 28-1947 Too IS Weep to the talc of W'allie T8 Who met a girl whose name was ICF' And begged her soon to become . his 2008. "I would if I could," said lovely K8, 01I pity your lonely, unhappy ts8 But alas, alas, you've conte too LS— I'm married already, the mother of Civilian Casualties France lost 620,000 of her citizens in the late war against Germany, according to the latest figures issued. The largest number of these, 150,000, ward' deportees who died in Hitler's. labor and concentration camps, while another 218,000 were other civilians who died violently due to his ma- chinations. I,ess than half the total death roll, therefore, belongs to the armed forces—Ottawa Citizen. SAFES Protect your 500U1(S and (]ASIS from 'FIRE nod T'HIL:VIOS, We -helve n nine . and type of Safe, or. Cabinet, .for any purpose. plaid us, or writefor priers, etc:, ' to Dept. W. :J.&c.J.TAVLI LIMITED 'TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1403 Proof St, p;•, 'Toronto ratobashed ISSN CB.AUTHE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality The only Cigarette Paper MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a ZJG-ZAG2 5 d CIGARETTE ROLLER • Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE POUND TINS 000 VOLI REALLY HAVE TO WEAR YOUR SHOES FOR OUR ACt ? JUST BECAUSE 4.NUGOOETr' TIIEM IS NO tYoU EASON To KEEP ,NEM ON ALI. THE TIME" o6NUGGET)l IS A STAR PERFORMER— IT GIVES SHOES A BRIGHT, LASTING WATERPROOF SHINE: MUTT AND JEFF—Yes Indeed, Umpiring Is A Thankless Job By BUD FISHER 'TOUCHDOWN Li ONE!' T�4.. NE. .• '.- I� . _ * P: �Z 4.4--4" :'.. �`, J 0 M TOUCHDOWN TyQa._ 1. . N \, 7 1Y\ , ,s. ...,1r' � ,1:i. q ; — r V TOU , 'i' S YO VE z. fgy� - j 'f i�.' HDOWN , EE. . s �t ea 1 i�k. , `'p ` - "%,� .aaappp�n :,M' You BOOB THIS Alri r >=ooYBAL 1. -you' lzP,YiN t- ,l " so wNAT, y � 'T ,� PGAiiiN1. r F', 5 B 8' LL A EA l Jp" 2 , £ 0'41 �� , ,'' f v \ �'a)I '� •,- m'. x i � t ? I�:� k b l V i 5;., . 'W II'I :sr11,. F.` tl. .� 1' r ;rr .,....a. ',.,.-.a . �11% ��lly .t J.' S r"� � .p•.• f-K01,n tC t -i • r'^-ur .{>� AgrY ,,i: ( i .� � jO d,::l(� .,, /..��e I,�WGIj , . � ,,si;t. !-, as.. . ti - -ate- .1i, o . -x. rslicr - �I.,, . ...-..-."