HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-17, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFCSRTI-I NEWS Snowdon arm. Publishers ST. COLUMBAN LAVIGNE—ROACH White .rhos and red tulips adorn- ed the altar of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Kitchener, for a pretty June wedding when Loretta Gertrude, daughter of Joseph. Roach, St. Coluinban, and the late Airs.. Roach, was united in marriage to John Maurice Lavigne, son of idr. and Mrs. Henry Lavigne, 34 Chest- nut street, Kitchener. Rev. N. Lavigne, brother of the bridegroom performed the Rodding ceremony and sang the nuptial mass. The bride given in marriage by herfather was lovely in a gown of white slipper Satin, Made on princess lines with French lace panels in ,front and satin covered buttons adorned the back from neckline to waist, and lily pointed sleeves, Her three-quart- er length veil fell from a Queen Mary headdress and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white sweet peas. hiss Isabel Purcell, Stratford, was her cousin's brides- maid, dressed in gown of sky blue' dotted marquisette with low cut ruffled neckline and puff sleeves. She wore a hat of pink ruffled net with streamers and centred. with a deep pink rose, She carried a bou- quet of pink carnations and' mauve sweet peas. Paul Lavigne, Kitchener. brother of the bridegroom was groomsman. The ushers were An- thony Lavigne, Toronto, and Wil- liam Roach, Streetsville, brother of the bride. The groom's gift to the bride was a bright gold pendent with a big clear setting, to the brides- maid a compact, to the groomsman a tonson lighter and the ushers re- ceived tie Ilius, A wedding dinnei Olde served at the Mill Coffee Shoppe, Kitchener. Mrs, 'Frank Hart St, Coluinban, sister of the bride re - Calved wearing a white flowered jer- sey dress with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride- groom's mother had chosen a dress of greys crepe and white accessories and a large picture hat of natural straw and corsage of red roses. Fol- lowing the dinner of 40 guests all motored to the home of the bride's aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Purcell, Dublin, where a large re- ception was held. Among the honor- ed guests was the bride's grand- rnother Mrs. Johanna Roach, St. Coluinban, who is in her STth yen. Mr. and Mrs. Lavigne .]eft on a mnneyinoon trip to Rondeau, Port Stanley and other points east. For Travelling the bride donned a dress- maker ei Snit of grey and a. turquoise co t with white accessories and a ,i age of Better 'Time roses. On their return they will' reside in 'Kitchener, ROACH=MISSERE Sacred Heart Church was ''the vete of a pretty wedding when Miss Rita Ann Missere; daughter of Mrs. l i'aheth Mi,sere, 130 Hitcher St. Kitchener, and the late Anthony Ali sere became the bride of Mr, Ed- ward Thomas Roach, son of Mi. Joseph Roach of St. Columbaan, Ont.. and the late Mrs. Roach: Of- ficiating in a setting of pink and white peonies was Rev. Joseph Ca- piga. Sister M. Camille, organist, ac- companied the children's, choir, Miss Helen Dlugocheki, soloist, sang "Mother at Thy feet I'm kneeling" rnit Hore#/fiE 0#74/047-Avaaairti SANDY SIMPsoN has been patiently improving his dairy herd. Ile saw his chance to buy a pure bred bull --- and the manager of his bank lent him the ready cash to close the deal. Now he's expecting great things of his new calf; already he sees her winning her class at next year's Fall Fair. A few more like her and he can also see his milk pro- duction rising — as well as a nice extra income from selling his surplus stock' to neighbouring farmers. Branch banks, in rural communities across Canada, help to build prosperous farms . . and at the same time help increase the flow of food to family tables both at borne and in distant lands. THIS IS ONE INSTANCE Canada's 3,200 branch °mss play their part in the daily life and work of Canadians. 7.• SPONS01110 IV YOUR SANK and Rosewig's "Ave Maria" at the offertory. The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Carl Daub. She wore an ivory brocaded crepe gown, styled with a heart - shaped neckline, fitted scalloped torso bodice, lily point sleeves and full skirt A,. high scalloped cornet of finely shirred net, edged with net puffs and set in pearls and orange blossoms caught her cell, enhanced in the corners with embroidery and failing into a long train. She wore a triple strand of pearls, gift of 'the hridegroont and carried a Cascade of rapture roses and white sweetpeas Only attendant of the bride was His. Margaret Diemert of Mildmay; Ont.,: chose a peach taffeta gown fashioned with a heart shaped neck• - line,. fitted bodice, cape sleeves and skirt with gathered flounces falling frtithi a bustle effect.: With it She wore a strand !of pearls and earring's, gift of the groom. She also wore long matching.; gloves and carried a Mrs. John G. Hinz were Mrs, BarAmmumosammur - bosa McLeod of Hamilton, Mr, and , R Seaforth Mrs. Clayton Carlton of Niagara Falls, N,Y.', Air. and Mrs. Don Barber and Shirlee Ann of Guelph. A family gathering was hold at the hotite of Mr. and .Mrs, Ernest Ellig- son, ,McKillop, on Sunday. Among those ,attending were Mr. and Mrs. Chas Ahrens and Donald, Mr, and Mies: Wilfred Ahrens, Clayton, Robert and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs, John, G. Hinz, Maureen and Winuifred, .Mrs. Barbara. McLeod and Jean, Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Barber and Shirlee Ann. Mr. and sirs. Harold Appleton, Mar-jory and Leonard, of Fort Erie. with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Green. Miss Gwen' Rock is visiting in Tor- onto and Newmarket. Miss Marlene Riegel is spending several weeps with her grandinother Mrs:, Brunner of Sebriugville. Mr. and ' Mrs. .Fred ' Soherbarth, Kenneth and Earl, of. Detroit, with semi cascade` of rapture roses girl Mr, and Mit. J. L. Beunewies, Mrs. mauve **cot peas. Mr. Roy Missere, Beinewies suit. Glen returned with brother of the bride was best; man. thein after spending a week in He was presented' with a ronson, Detroit. lighter. -Ushers Were Mr. Kenneth WALT' Musclow and Mr. Jack Roach, who ON Feollowing1the ectceremony alldiu a fon Mrs. R. S. Forbes 'and daughter i0 uests was. served at "The Olde Johnen . Young and her family Hill Coffee Shoppe with a_ rete I with friends from hear Blyth. plp Mrs. Wm. Iier•ney at the hothe of tion held at the home of the bride,. her daughter Mrs, Earl Dow, in Hili - Receiving the guests was the bride'stbert. mother, choosing a Gainsborough) lir. and Mrs. Thomas Williamson blue mesh dress with navy .blue at List3wel. redingote, white accessories and cor-I Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bennett at sage of rapture roses. Assisting was Niagara Falls. Arts. Frank Hart, St. Columba». Mr. Donald Wilson, London, at Grater of the bridegroom, who wore a' the home of Mr. and Mr's. R. W. flowered corded silk dress, white Hoy, his grandparents. accessories and Better Times rose Duff's United Church W.M.S. corsage. When they return from a was held in the church basement on trip to Wasaia Beach, Midland, Wed. July 9. It was in charge of Mc - Mildmay, and Dublin, St. Columba», Killop group, with Mrs, D. Watson' the couple .For travellingewill sideea bride 130 � luc Blucher presiding. The treasurer's report St two-piece biege suit, ]bride picture showed that we are going to be able to make our allocation. The topic hat and green accessories.` i"One Great Church" was taken by j -firs, T. Hackwel, and airs. Marshall. McKI LLOP A short item on "Christian Steward - Children's day was observed in ship" was read in which Was given the Evangelical Church here on three ways to be happy namely: l - Sunday with Rev. Mr. Edwards of commit to memory something good Listowel as guest speaker, with every day; look for something beau -1 Rev. G. L. Gross, pastor, in charge tiful every day; do something fort of programme which consisted of someone every day. The meeting; solos and duet by Miss Betty Moore closed with the singing of hymn 252 of Seaforth and Miss Leota Hoegy; after which the benediction was pro-' duet by Betty and Bobbie Doerr; pounced. choruses by juniors and selections by' The Church picnic is to be held in the Gross sisters of Listosvel. ' Seaforth Park on Friday, Aug. 3. Among visitors from a distance Be sure to keep this date open. who attended the services ware Mr.; and Mrs. Jno. Kechnie of Mitchell,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isehe of Sebring- On Monday evening, July 21st, ville, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Fischer and District Zone Commander N. W. Muriel of Fullarton, Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Goderich will install the Carl Eisler and Carolyn of Logan, officers of Hensall Legion and also _urs. Gordon Muegge of Seaforth, present the Charter and take charge Mr. and Mrs, Sam Smyth and Geo t'. of initiation ceremonies. of Mitchell. 1 A joint decoration service by the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoegy and Legion and L0.0.F. was held at the children of Galt, recently spent a cenotaph in Hensall on Sunday. Mr. few days at the hone of his parents Sydney McArthur had charge of the Air. and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy. I parade and Bugler, Fred Beer, When Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ben -'sounded the reveille and Last Post. newels were getting their cows The flag was placed at the cenotaph home they saw what appeared to be by Mr. Alfred Clark. Rev. R. A. a bear but it immediately dissap- Brook and Rev. P. A. Ferguson peered in the bush and no trace of assisted in the service. Decoration of him has been found since, although the graves at Hensall Union Ceme- H ENSALL THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 THEATRE THURS. FRI. SAT, NOW PLAYING "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" with Errol Flynn and Eleanor Parker A Gay Lightweight story with many a laugh MON. TUES. WED. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE BIG SLEEP" with Humphrey Bogart - Lauren Racal. A MASTERPIECE of MYSTERY NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. "THE TIME, THE PLACE AND THE GIRL" with Dennis Morgan — Martha Vickers AnappealingTechnicolor spectacle,, plus tlic music of Carmen Civnllero andhis hand' COMING "SISTER KENNY" ,Rosalind Russell — Alexander Knox ARMERS may borrow on special terms under the Farm Improvement Loans Act for the purchase of breeding stock, agri- cultural implements and equip= ment, electric systems, electrical household and dairy appliances, drainage, fencing, repairs to buildings and other farm im- provements. Rates of interest ... 5% per annum. If you need money for these or any other worthwhile expendi- tures that will modernize your farm operations for increased profits we shall be grad to have you come in and talk over your plans. Applications are invited. THE DOMINION BANK Established 1877 SEAFORTH BRANCH: E. C. BOSWELL, MANAGER footprints were seen on the ground. tery followed when Rev. Ferguson concluding remarks for the Legion where it had been. •- read the scripture and led in prayer. and Mr. Percy Campbell gave the Mrs. Wni. Hoegy had the mis- The address was given by Rev. R. A. concluding remarks for the I.O.O:F. fortune last week of having bhe Brook. 'Mr. W. 0. Goodwin gave the Latex the graves were decorated at waggon wheel run ' over her foot causing painful injury. Mr. and Mrs. John. Deitz were at hone to a large number of friends at the reception held at their home on Saturday evening, July 5, in honor of their eldest son, Mr. Mer- vin Deitz and his bride, whose mar riage took place ]n Mitchell that day. A large gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elligsen on 12th McKillop, on Sun- day, July lath, when the Weisen- berg reunron'was held there. Friends were present from Niagara Falls, Mitchell, Guelph, Logan, Brodhagen, Kitchener, Hamilton, Brussels. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Rudolph Fisher is confined to Sea - forth Hospital BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl and. Shirley, Mr. Edwin Rock and Joanne, at Edgewood Park near Guelph, on Sunday. Shirley Riehl, Joanne Rock. Rose Scherbarth and Audrey Hinz are spending two weeks at Lutheran Summer Camp at Edgewood Park, near Guelph. Frank . Dantzer, Russell Sholdice, Wm. L. Querengeaser and Russell Knight of Cranbrook are at Colpoys Bay near Wiarton for a. week's holt. days, camping and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz and Aud- rey, Miss Rose Scherbarth at Elmira and Edgewood Park, Guelph, on Sat- urday and Sunday, Mr. Robt, Rock, Canadian Steam- ship Lines, Toronto, at his home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, Ray and Wayne, Mr. G. Mueller, spent Sunday at Ipperwash. Miss Jean McLeod of Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ahrens. Miss Dorothy Tait has been holi- daying in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Miekle. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sr. Rock spent Sunday at London at the home of their daughter Mrs. Ray Hart and Mr. Hart. Mr. Bob Miller and Miss Ruth Lati- mer of Galt with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Millet'. The annual Sunday School picnic of St. Peter's Lutheran Church will be held next Wednesday. The first part of the Swing Bowl- ing Tournament being completed, the, team with the highest score met the. winners in second place in a game on Monday evening, the winners be- ing the Ladies of the church council and Ed Prueter's team. Mr. and Mrs. _Ed Wesenburg, rylr. and Mrs. Bill Allan of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk. Mrs. Carlton, who spent the past month with Mr. and 'Mrs. John G. Hinz, returned to her home in Nia- gara Falls, N.Y. Visitors at the home of Mr. and MacTaggart's cemetery. Mrs. Beattie and Miss Mossop of Varna called on friends in Hensall recently. EXCELLENCE FLOUR SEAFORTH, ONT. MILLS, LIMITED PHONE 354 NOW HERE EXCELLENCE FEEDS PIG STARTER HOG FATTENER HOG GROWER DAIRY RATION CALF MEAL CHICK STARTER CHICK GROWER LAYING MASH GROUND WHEAT WHOLE WHEAT BARLEY MEAL WHOLE BARLEY GROUND OATS - ROLL CRUSHED OATS WHOLE OATS manufactured by Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds Seaforth, Ont. Phone 354 All are available to Dealers, Whoiesal- ers, Retailers. and Farmers at Mill door. DEALERS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN EXCELLENCE in NAME and QUALITY