HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-17, Page 1he Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 70, No. 29 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947. $1 a year GORDON McKELLAR MANY FARMERS NEED BECOMES CONDUCTOR HELP IN COUNTY Mr, Gordon McKellar, of 'Toronto, I The cherry crop in the county is has successfully passed his examine- light, but prices are very good, tions for conductor with the Canad- The recent rains have caused de- ian National Railways, Toronto. Gor- lay in haying operations in various don is the son of Mr, and Mrs. M. parts of the county; but have been McKellar, of Seaforth, and has been very beneficial to spring crops and on the railroad for six years. pastures. Recent communications concern- CONSERVATORY MUSIC ing the delay of the arrival of West- duties of policing in Seaforth as soon Provincial Police to Police Seaforth Council Asks for Provincials — Grant of $1,000 to Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth town council will ask the Provincial Police to take over the RESULTS ANNOUNCED ern harvesters are rather vague, but as possible.The council' voted un- •assurance has been given that the animously in favor of having Provinc- Results of pupils of Mrs. M. R. original quota of workers asked for ial Police, at the regular July meet - Rennie, trying Western Ontario will be corning without any further ing on Monday evening, Under` the Conservatory of Music examinations loss of time. Originally the men were proposed plan two officers would be pianoGrade V, scheduled to arrive in the County stationed here, working an eight hour Junen are ast class duringthe first week of July. To shifts, Among the advantages would 21Snell, Ht t, ho honors; ; Grade an, William Hunt, honors; Grade II, i date only 11 Western men have been be the linking up with other Province Marie Hunt, lst class honors. placed in the county, and there is ial Police by radio. The cost will be still a very large list of farmers somewhat higher than at present, as NO BAND CONCERT waiting for help. reports. Mr. LeRoy the two salaries will total $3,500 a G. Brown, Agricultural Representa- year and an extra 1600 estimated car NEXT SUNDAY EVENING true for Huron County- mileage. Couneiilors were all of the There will ie no band concert in A number of . Junior Club meet- opinion that present day conditions make the change necessary and is in Victoria Park on Sunday evening Ings were held throughout the coun- July 20. The band is joining a picnic Calf Club met on Tuesday evening no way a reflection on the services of of ten district bands at Stratford in ty last week. The Blyth Baby Beef the present police. at the fauns of Edwin Woods, of All members were present. and Blyth, with 11 members present.The Mayor Reid presided. South Huron Juniors Farmers, num-1. Fire Chief Allan Reid, in his month - ANNOUNCEMENT bering about 100, spent a very en -fly report to Council, stated that two Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLellan, joyable day ata picnic in Queen's' fires during the month had been ,Seaforth, announce the engagement Park, Stratford, on Wednesday 'last. started ta tflres in town, tone false Thealare mvatre of their daughter, Helen Doreen to The Seaforth Swine Club members. twd Mr. Frank Thomas Rutledge, son of met at William Turnbull's farm, at a call to the country. He also mere Brussels, on Thursday evening, July tioned clangers during building opera - 10th, with 15 in attendance, The tions and bonfires. Clinton Grain Club, sponsored by, Chief of Police Currie reported in - the Clinton Junior Farmers, met in vestigation of recent break-in at the (the Agricultural Office on Friday rink. He said he found that one door evening, with 13 members present. was never locked. Councillor Mc - At each of these club meetings, in- Master said there had continually struction is given in judging of live- been trouble with boys breaking into stock or grain, whichever the case the rink and last year fifty records may be, and discussion is held rela- for the loudspeaker had been stolen. tive to the particular project. I The locks and hasps had been nearly all smashed. Chief Currie reported DALRYMPLE - BROADFOOT I ]raving secured the help of Provincial The marriage of Mary Blanche Police on Saturday night and had laid Broadfoot, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. charges against ten men for drinking Jas. Broadfoot of Seaforth, and Wil- beer in their cars on Main street. A tam Robert Dalrymple, son of Rob- boy had been fined for throwing a ball ert Dalrymple of Egmondville, was through•a car window and some fel- quietly solemnized at Egmondville lows had been fined for drinking beer. United Church Manse on Saturday, in a car on John street. An unavoid- and July 12th with Rev. A. W. Gardiner able colli n lb Main en t a rah d b a the afternoon. Concerts will be •re- sumed the following week. Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge, Brus- sells, The wedding to take place in • Egmondville United Church on Aug. 2, at 12 o'clock noon. *@blue coal': 111E SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT 1 E.4 L. BOX PHONE 43 Anglican St. Thomas', Seaforth 11 a.m., Morning Prayer St. Mary's,' Dublin 9:30 a.m., Morning prayer. Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. Services in charge of Mr. C. G. Markham, B.A., of London. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10' a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., "The Christian's Re- sources", 7 p.m., "Relgious Tolerance." officiating. The bride's dress was buggy on North a res a been of embroidered nylon with matching satisfactorily settled when the car hat and she carried a bouquet of driver, Mr. James Laidlaw, of Blyth, Johanna Hill roses. Her bridesmaid, I voluntarily paid Mr. Alex McNab $15 Miss Wynnifred McFayden of Tor- for damage to his buggy. onto; wore rose nylon with match- Mr. Ross Murdie appeared before Mg' hat and carried a bouquet of council to ask that sidewalk repairs white carnations. Mr. Robert Dal - groom be made in front of his home and rymple, cousin of the was was assured -this would be done as best man. After a reception at the soon as possible. Chairman Close of home of the bride's parents for im- the streets committee explained how mediate friends, the young couple hard it is to get men at present, The BRUCEFIELD left on a motor .trip to Northern heavy rain storm earlier in the even - Ontario, the bride wearing a grey ing caused a lot of discussion about Mrs. F. ^Young and daughter, of hooding on the streets. lake, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. crepe dress with contrasting acres- Councillor Close said he had been sorter. On their return they will re;' Iustthe first of.the week• side at Brucefield. l accosted by three ratepayers while Missss Tena McNaughton is visit � on his way to the meeting, all after ing her sister, Mrs. W. Haugh. EGG GRADING STATION him about the water on the streets. Rev. and left Mrs. E. Stanway, Ross OPENINGI Mr. Cummings looks after cleaning The Seaforth Farmers Co -Opera-• and Nancy, left for Cape Breton on ,five is opening a modern egg -grading out the catch basins, he said, but Tuesday where they will spend their station on Thursday, July 24th, on I they plug up again in a few minutes. month's vacation with relatives. Seaforth Main street in the store fol; Reeve Sills sate] you can't build any Rev. R. Passmore who is visiting nrerly occupied by Mr. Gn.I, I sewerto take away a rain like to - with his parents in Hensall, will oc- night. Even the large aides can't do cupy the pulpit here, on July 20th it, he said, and we are just a small and 27th. KiPPEN EAST town, Mr. John Hill of Moose Jaw is •Tile July meeting of Kippen East Councillor Ross interjected: "But visiting his brothers, Mr. Will Hill W.I. will be held at the home of NIrs, and :61=r. Lyle Hill and his sister, Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mrs. John McIntosh and children are visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh and other tela- evening is to display or describe your, Close said• . "We have had so many trues. bridal gown. Topic taken by Mrs. R,i heavy rains." Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Crosby and son Simpson, 'Bride of 25 fears Ago ad - Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams of vises Bride of Today." There will also Paterson, New Jersey, spent the past be a demonstration and a health quiz, week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Aiken- Lunch served by the committee. head. we have oar by-laws and by-law's, just Wilmer Broadfoot Wednesday, July like a city. They have nothing on us 23, at 8.30 pan., with Mrs. A. Finlayson for by -Laws." as co•hostess. This is historical r•e- "Everybody is up in the air this search meeting and a feature of the! year about the drains," Councillor VARNA The Misses Marion Horner, Nancy and Margery Webster spent the past week at Sauble Beach, returning Sun- day with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Horner and Mr, and Mrs. Wat Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Walton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3, P. Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and fam- ily, Sudbury, are -spending their vaca- tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morton. Elliott. The very sudden and unexpected passing of Mrs. D. Anderson cat a gloom over the village Thursday. The sympathy of the community .is ex- tended to the bereaved husband and family. Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Miss. Masson and Mr. Jas. Stephenson visited, friends in Hensall one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wisson, 'Strafords- vi11e, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Soper, during the week. Mr. and NIrs. W. Carrie, Detroit, visited with Mrs. Gertrude Reid dung ing the past week. Mr. M. McClymont, daughter and friend, London, called on Mrs. Hart. Mrs. E. Smith and daughter bUs• Dodsworth, London, were renewing acquaintances in the village Monday. Mi•. L. Sounder, Detroit, called on Mrs, G. Reid one day last week. Mr. and Mr's, Geirliart, Detroit, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ings over the week end. Mr. and airs. Geo. Pilgrim, Orange- ville, and Mary Collins, are visitors at the home of C. Pilgrim and gamily. Mrs, B. Keys, Brucefielcl, spent Sat- urday with Mrs. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Milestone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ings recently. Mr. and 'Mrs. O'Rourke and son, Brtrcefield, were Sunday guests at the hone of NIrs. Wm. Hart. - NIrs, Argo and children, who spent the past week with her mother Mrs. A. McConnell, returned to Toronto Sunday, - WINTHROP Misses Betty and Shirley Mont- gomery visited their. aunt, Mrs. Scott in Brussels recently. Mr. Melvin Blanchard Jr. of Mon- cit session for the first time in capac- treal spent the weekend with rela- ty of Reeve, he said: tives. "My observation of the County Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haase and Council is this: 11 they keep asking family of London is holidaying with for as much and as often as they are Mr. E. Haase. • from the government, there will soon Mrs. Mel. Nichol and baby clang- be no county council; they passed a titer of Stratford with her parents, resolution asking for the government Mr. and. Mrs. H. Blanshard. to pay 100% of the snowplowing cost, Miss Marjorie Papple- of Tucker- and are already getting an 80% grant smith is visiting with her grand- on the roads. That is just what is parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryce. going , to happen, there will soon be Mr. Rae Holman who has been no county council. - Some; of the assisting his untie Mr. Ralph David- reeves are starting to realize that, son has returned to his home at but whenever anything comes up it's Peterborough. 'Ask the government'." Mr. and Mrs, John Broadfoot and Reeve Sills was equally outspoken family of Tuckersmith with Mr. and in his opposition to tearing down the Mrs'. John McClure. old court house at Goderieh. At the Mrs R. K. Davidson and family start of the session, he said, Reeve spent the weekend in Milverton. Russ Dorr•ance of McKillop was the Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Little and only objector, then there were. seven family in Tavistock. Mrs. Miles who or eight others against it. Now the has been visiting her daughter Mrs. council is pretty near evenly' divided, Littler -returned borne. about 16 to 13. Mr. Scott Bolton has been on the "Personally I am against it Reeve sick list. Sills said, "Here is my theory, That, Miss Jean Piyce spent the past court house with all its tradition Vas two weeks with her parents, Mr. and not built for extinction, but for ex - Mrs. 3. Pryee. tension. Those old fellows built a Mr, and Mrs, Irwin Trewartha wonderfully goocl building. Some of visited friendsinStaffa. the reeves say 'Look at the hard Mr. and Mrs. K. Beattie and benches'. Diel anyone ever- hear of a Elaine with iv r. and Mrs. W.'Tjramer new building being put up just to get softer seating? Why, they are destroy- HENSALL ing a building worth $200,000 to ptit up a building Miss Audrey Walsh returned Home cit.:1360,000. That adds up from a pleasant holiday with Miss to a total eost of $550,000. You ddon't Barbara McNaughton, hear of the British tearing down Wayne Tuckey of Exeter enjoyed Westminster Abbey to put up a new a pleasant holiday with his cousin Douglas Moir, recently. Chairman Keating of the finance committee instructed all committees to meet and draw up their estimates for the year so the tax rate can be struck. Reeve Y. S. Sills, reporting for the property committee, said a good mower had been purchased for the town at a cost of $29. Speaking of his recent attendance at the county cglari- "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" An advertisement in last week's Seaforth News. for :a lost bicycle re- During discussion abort changer sulted •in the Prompt return of the from bonfires, particularly • behind' bicycle to its owner, by noon on conanoe3on' Pere rive cathedral, and our court house is full of - tradition for Huron county. Reeve Sills asked for .an expres- sion of feeling of the council mem- bers and all spoke against 'tearing clown the court 'house, Thursday., DR. RUTH DUNDAS RECEIVES DEGREE. Dr. Ruth Dundas, daughter of Robert A. Dundas and granddaugh- liter: of Mrs. W. A. Dundas, Sea - f orth, graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of. Toronto, this week. Although • her grand- mother was unable to be there the graduate sent her bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dundas attended the ceremony which took place in Con- vocation Hall with a garden party and reception in the quadrangle of Hart House afterwards. The Dental Convocation was the first official act of the new Chancellor, Mr, Vin- cent Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Dundas entertained at a buffet supper at their home in the evening for their daughter. W. M. S. The Missionary meeting of North- side -United Church was held July 10th. with Miss A. Lawrence presid- ing. The meeting opened with sing- ing hymn "When All Thy Mercies, 0- my God" followed with prayer. Minutes of the June meeting were react by Mrs. Porteous. Treasurer's report read by Mrs. Finlayson. Read- ing on Christian Stewardship by Mrs. Finlayson, temperance reading byl'Irs. C. C. Koine, Watch tower reading by Mrs. Hay. Circle No. had charge of the devotional period with Mrs. J. Finlayson as leader. Theme "The World Council of Churches", hymn "Jesus shall reign" was sung, then the scripture read- ing, Ephesians 2: 11-22 was read by Mrs. Hay followed with a reading by Mrs. J. Finlayson and prayer by Mrs. Hay. The program 'One Great Church' was conducted by Mrs. McPhee and Mrs. MeQuaig. The. meeting closed with singing hymn "In Christ there is no East or West" then prayer by Mrs. Finlayson. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance of Clinton. We are very pleased to report that Mrs. James McClymont who has been ill for several months is able to be home again. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ford, Mrs. Lorne Ford, Jack and Jill of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Foster and family of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Hors- ey and Bobbie of Ridgeway, and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Horsey and Mrs. Mary Stacey, Exeter. 3Ir. and Mrs. Jim Cleland and Mr. and Mrs. Pretzell and Gordon, all of Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mr, and IrIrs.. Wm. Alexander. Miss Annie Angus returned to her home in Owen Sound after spending three weeks with Mrs. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wallace and family (nee Oral Finnigan) for- mer teacher of S.S. No. 14, Hay, of Stmcoe, visited recently at the home of Mr. James Petty and called on friends in this community. Miss Isabelle Alexander and Miss Habday, teachers of Toronto, who have been holidaying at Southamp- ton are now visiting the former's parents Mi. and Mrs. Wm, Alexand- er. Mrs. Irwin Foster and family re- turned to their horde in Hamilton on Saturday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and Rev. Robt. Passmore and firs. Pass- more attended the Passmore picnic at Grand Bend on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green accomp- anied by Mr. Jonah Green visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green near Mitchell, on Sunday. Miss Alice Forester of Zurich was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Clar- ence Bremner and Barbara for a few days. Master Grant McGregor is holi- daying with his relatives •Mr`. and Mrs. Harold Jackson near Seaforth. Mrs. Ryan of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and ' Mrs. Clarence Bremner and Barbara. Miss Anna Patterson of Exeter visited at her home for a few days. S. O. S. I CA • LLIIVG ALL. 'WA WAR BRIDES I S. 0. S. -- Calling All War Brides of the Second World War. Here is a message just for you. Are there times when you feel just a little homesick and long to talk to some of your country women ? Of course there. arae. Canada is a lovely' country and the Canadians are very nice people: yet for all that there are times when we long for a glimpse of aur old horse land or a talk 'with another war bride. Lots of us went to Clubs over there anmiss that now. But why -can't we have a, club over here where we can, have chats- and maybe even a party once in a while. - - W wouldn't it be 'nice to celebrate Xmas & New Year in our own cus- tom. 'Yon bet it would! 1 Well, let's get organized- kids, and have one night in the wee]: for a meeting. You can write a letter saying what night would he best suited for you, and that way perhaps we can get a set night. Address your letters to:— Union Jack Chub, Seaforth R,R, 2, PRESENTATION TO BRIDAL COUPLE A large crowd gathered .at the Bayfield pavilion on Thursday night in honor of Mr: and Mrs, Harold Rice. Dancing was enjoyed by the music of Harbuin's Orchest- ra. During the evening they were presented, with a purse of money by Harold Corey and the following ad- dress was read by Robert Wallace. To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice—Con- gratulations on the occasion of your marriage. Dear Harold and Janet—,To celebrate your recent marriage, we have asked you to join with us to -night where we can all have a whale of a good time and where we can meet you both and follow the time-honored custom, "Shake hand with the groom and kiss the bride." We have been expecting this event for some time and are truly thankful that you didn't disappoint us and that you are going to carry on the "Rice" farm, which is so well situ- ated, that is, close to school, etc. Many things come to our mind when' we think of your marriage. There has been and still is, great scarcity, of certain commodities during the' war years and even up to the pre- sent. One rationed product which we' think of is sugar, but we know that a pair of honeymooners who are as sweet on each other as you two are will have no worry about that. An- other great scarcity has been that of "Rice". We hope this will be rem- edied from now, on. Again we offer our congratulations and•good wishes for a long, happy and healthful mar- ried life. Will you kindly accept this gift from your friends. DUBLIN A large group of friends and rel- atives attended the funeral of Miss Jennie O'Connell at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Friday, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes sang the Requiem High Mass and Rev. John F. McConnell. M.M. Maryknoll, N.Y., was in the sanctuary. Miss Mary Beale pre- sided at the organ and the soloist was Mrs. Leo Fortune, Seaforth, who sang, "What could nay Jesus do ;more?" Numerous spiritual and flor- al offerings were in evidence. The pall bearers were: Joseph Dorsey, Harry Fortune, James Klrauskopf, John V. Flynn, Tom Dorsey and Frank Cronin. Interment took place in St. James' cemetery, Seaforth- A former resident of Hibbert Township, James Roach, died at his hone in Seaforth on Monday morin- ing' following a brief illness. He was the son of the late Mr. and firs, Ed- i ward Roach of Hibbert Township and was in his 79th year. He had been a life-long resident of Hibbert until about five years ago when he moved to Seaforth. He is survived by two brothers, Patrick and Peter Roach, Seaforth, and three sisters: firs. Patrick Feeney, Hibbert twp„ -hiss Anne Roach and Mrs. Kathar- ine McQuaid, Detroit, Mich. The funeral was held at St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday morning with interment in St. ,Tames' Cemetery, Seaforth. Frank Rowland had the misfor- tune to have his jaw fractured at a baseball game last week. John Looby and Dick O'Brien, Saginaw, Mich„ with Mrs. A. 31. Looby. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Columbus, ,Kitchener, and Mr, and Mrs. Camer- on Stuart, London, with Mr, and t 32ra. Leonard Nagle. Mrs. Leo, Holland and daughter, Stephanie, Windsor, with her sister, Mrs. 31. Schulman. _lirss Margaret O'Connell, 'Buf- falo, Buffalo, N.Y., at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, Exeter, and Mrs. H. Workman, Hen, salt; with Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Brit- ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, Phyl-1 lis and Ronnie, Stratford, with M. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Alex. Stewart, Brussels, with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Roney. _ Mr, and Mrs. Whalen and sons, Buffalo, N.Y., with Miss Molly 0'- Connell and Mrs. Elizabeth Bruxer, 1 Ref'. T. O'Rourke, West Lorne, with Rev. Dr. Ffoulke's. Miss Margaret Atkinson, Toronto, is vacationing with her parents, Mr. land Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. t Hiss Mary .E. Feeney and Miss Teresa McCaffery, Stratford, . with ,.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney. Misses Mary and Jean Costello, London, with their parents, kir. and Mrs. Dan • Costello. Miss Angela Rowland, Windsor, with her mother, Mrs. W. Rowland. Miss Mary Dorsey,Lon n v i t her mother, •Mrs. Louis 'Dorsey. Mrs. Swetham, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Swetham, Miss Bernice Flarag a Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Flanagan, 1 lir. and Mrs. Arthur Forster at Markdale. p I Mrs, Joseph Kahle and Patricia in IDetroit. Mr. and ,Mrs. George- Robinson and, Gladys, attended the Stacey re- union in Stratford. - Rev. Wrn. Nigh, C.S.B. Assump- tion College, Windsor, and Brother Martin, Presentation Brothers, Mop - tree', with Mr. and - Mrs. Fergus Feeney. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton and son. Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. William a 1 St neton. Gerald Doyle, Arizona. U.S.A. !with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. 3. Moly- ! rieaux. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf, Che contents of this beautiful set in tarnish -proof chest are eight each of the following—teaspoons, dessert spoons, forks, salad forks, knives and one butter knife and sugar spoon. Available in LADY HAMILTON (illustrated) or CORONATION patterns. Other services in tarnish proof chests from $34.75. Retail purchase tax extra. SAVAUGE'S GIFT SHOP JEWELER OPTOMETRIST Fine Watch Repairing Tilsonburg, with _firs. Louis Kraus- kopf. James Jordan, Toronto, with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. 3, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kuntz and son, D. J. Coldwater, Mich., Mr. and Mrs, J. Hall and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Frank Killoran, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kelly, Huron Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton at Grand Bend. Mr. and firs. Arthpr Forster at Markdale. Mr and Mrs. Philip Flanagan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- Gillvray, Toronto, with Mrs. Frank Feeney. P. J. Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Phelan, Cincinnati, - Ohio, with Mn and Mrs. Wm. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney, Mrs. M. O'Hara, Tilsonburg, with her sister, Mrs, Joseph Murray. Gerald Burns is relieving as C.N. R. section foreman while Mr. Mc- Gillvray is on vacation. HENSALL Mrs. Geo. Dalrymple of Kippen entertained at a miscellaneous show- er at her home Monday evening, July 14th, honoring her daughter Marjorie, bride -elect. Many neigh- bors, relatives and friends attended from Hensall, Kippen, Exeter, Sea - forth, Dublin, Centralia and' else- where. The display of household furnishings, silverware, china and also the trousseau was shown by Miss Doris Kercher and 14 lies Dal- rymple. Appropriate vocal solos were provided by Miss Audrey Walsh of Hensall, accompanied by her mother. During the course of the evening Miss Dalrymple was made the recipient of many attractive and - beautiful gifts, Miss Velma Fergu- son reading the address and Miss Doris Kercher, .Miss Patsy Mitchell, Lila and Audrey Dalrymple doing the honors. The bride -elect expressed sincere thanksto all for their kind- ness. At the close delicious refresh- ment.; were served by the hostess and her assistants. The following is the address. Dear MarjorieI — We, your friends and neighbors have gathered here tonight because we felt that we could not let an event as important as your marriage go by without some recognition, so, to- night we have that pleasant duty to perform. We extend to you hearty congratulations and ,best wishes and trust that the years to 'come in your new hone will.hold for you, health, happiness and prosperity, so Mar- jorie, we ask you to accept these gifts as a token of our friendship and may they be a constant remind- er of your old friends and neighbors in this community. Signed by Your friends and neighbors.