HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-10, Page 4P
No. 11 and 7 of I 3.tt lett held a
pionie on the grounds of No. 7 school
on Monday, June 30. The afternoon's
programme of sports got under way
with a ball game between the pupils
of the two schools: The score was 20-
19 in favor of No, 7. The winners ill
the races were as follows: punning
races ---Girls 'O and under, Lenora Ha-
milton, Elda Riley, Agues Riley, Boys
6 and under; Tommy Rooney, Carman,
Riley, Keuy MoonGirls 8 and :under,
Dorothy Knox, Betty Sturdy, Marilyn
Riley, Boys 8 and under, Bob Reid,
Doug Riley, Arnold Riley: Girls 10
and uuder, Marjorie Knox, Helen Ha-
milton, Donna McVittie. Boys 10 and
- under, Don Horton, Bob Reid, Hugh
Coiquhoru• Girls 12 and under, Anne
Pairservice, Marjorie Knox, Ola Fan -
grad, Boys 12 and under, Harold
Knox, Gordon Hesk,, Art. Hoggart:
Girls 14 and under. Anne Fairsertice,
Marjorie Knox, Janet Pollard: Boys
14 and under, Tornmy Lloyd, Reg
Hesselwood, Harold Knox. Young
ladies, Irene Knox, Velum Heslc,;Helen
Lear, Young uteri, Benny Riley;. Alan
Shaddick; Gleu Carter. Married ladies,
Hazel Reid, Isabel Colson, Clara Riley.
Married men, Alan Shaddick, Ben
Riley, Bill Knox, Three-legged race,
10 and under, Helen Hamilton and
Ola Fangrad, Donna McVittie and
Marjorie Knox. Harold Knox and Don
Horton, Three legged race, 14 and
under, Gordon Hesl_ and Alurray Co1-
quhoun, Donna McVittie and Marjorie
Knox, Jean McVittie and Anne Fair -
service. Sack race, 10 and under, Art
Hoggart, Marjorie Knox, Helen Ha-
milton, Sack race 14 and under, Tom -
thy Lloyd,' Douglas Shobbrook, Mar-
jorie Knox. Sack race, men, Tommy
Lloyd, Donald Horton. Shoe -pile race,
-kin slipper, > j
Scott. Kicking 11e ,
Jim Iii
Knox Kicking shoe, Glen Carter. Run-
ning high jump 10 and under, Helen
Hamilton, Bob Reid. Boys 14 and
under, Murray Colquhonu, Tommy
Lloyd. Girls. 14 and under. Janet Poll-
ard, Anne F lir ervice: men. Alan
Shaddick. Glen Carter; ladies, Beryl
Reid. Janet Pollard. The men's ball
game between the team trom No. ;
and No. 11 ended with Nu. 11 leading
by e few runs. The serving of lunch
ladies to close the
brought a
by .? tndr-.. non t
the g
► e'-con'l very anec•eesful picnic held by
these two schools,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd and
family. Mr. and Alrs. Peter McDonald.
► Mrs. Lorne Badley and childreu, at-
tended thr? Walls re -union picnic in
► Stratford Park on 1st of July. There
were also friends present from Lon-
desbvro ilcIiiilo SI a
wauosh 0
Brantford. Jarvis and other
points. A very enjoyable
b]e day
Mrs. Leo Watt and Jessie returned
me from Loudon on Saturday. n Saturda . We
know •'•ie's 1 is
to Jena e
areleased g
more comfortable than before and
she is now able to be up some In a
wheel chair. We bope she continues
to improve,
Jimmie Scott from Toronto is holi-
• h homeo Mr. an Mrs,
a in at the f d
y g
Leo Watt and other friends.
Some of the men belonging to the
beef ring have been busy lately get-
ting the slaughter -house moved to
the farm of Mr. Arthur Colson and
now have it on a good cement found-
ation and put in a cement floor.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Knechtel held a
birthday party at their home in Lon-
don for Mr. Joseph Bewley of near
Walton on Friday, July 4th, There
were present Mr; and Mrs. Joseph
Bewley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mr.
and Airs. Albert Voeden, Mr, Reece
Ferris, Mr, and Mrs. Clopp and son,
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Bell
and children and Miss Mlle Bell. Mr.
j - and Mrs Knechtel being 25 years
married the next day. the two cele-
► brations were held. We wish to ex-
tend congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Knechtel, also to Mr. Bewley and
wish them many happy returns of
the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson attended
the presentation party on Thursday
evening of last week in Loudesboro
hall in honor or Mr. and Mrs. Tom
• Tough tread for
lone r
er wear, g.
• Diamond tread de-
sign for super 4 -way
non-skid safety trac-
• Greater resistance to
fatigue atiorgheat b owe
• Greater resistance to
tread cracking, chhp-
ning or cutting.
Mason of Summerhill who recently
sold their store. .A. nicely worded ad-
dress was lead. and a case of silver
ware presented. Mr. Mason replied,
thanking his friends, and his daugh-
ter, formerly Miss Marion Mason, also
spoke a few words of appreciation.
There wag a large crowd present and
all appeared -to enjoy theinselves.
Ltinch'of ceff8re; sandwiches and cake
was served.
The Elimville Sunday School held
their annual picnic on 'Thursday,
July 3rd at the Seaforth Lion's Club
Park with about 120 present. Dinner.
was served at 12:30 with a good
crowd. Sports followed about
o'croek. After the races they all en-
joyed a good ball game. Supper was
then served about • 5.30 with every-
one reporting- a. good time. Those
on the sports coinmitteewere: A
MrsoiCBell,Mrs. Clifton Brock,,
, Clarence
Hawkins and Miss
Ruth Skinner. Winners of races are
as follows: Girls under six, Sylvia'
Johne, Grace • Routly; boys under
six. Grant Skinner, Lennard Haw-
kins girls 6-3, DomtaGILT' :ham
Mary Skinner; boys 6-8, Fred Del -
bridge, Bobby Pooley; girls 8-10,
Hazel Sperling:, Jean Gilfilian: boys
3-10, Ross Hunter; Kevin Delbridge;
girls 10-14, Dorothy 'Pooley, June
Walters; boys 10'-14, Billy Gilfillan,
Donnie Stephen; young ladies' race,
Wanda Stephen, June Walters;
young .mens' race, Billy Gilfillan,
Earl Hunter; mewled women, Mrs.
- Harold Bell, Mrs. Clifton Brock;
married men, Mr. Howard Johns, Mr.
Garnet Johns; exercise race, Mr.
Kenneth Johns, Mr, Elgin -Skinner;
wheelbarrow race, Dorothy P.00leY
Betty Bailey,ev, Billy
rind Earl Hunter; minute race Mrs.
Ted Pooley; soap race, Mrs. Clifton,
Brock's side; beauty contest, Elgin
Skinner and Mrs. Alvin Pym, Mrs,
Gilbert Johns and Alvin Cooper:
snot race for ladies, Mrs, Everett
Mrs. Janet Britnell
Mrs. Janet Britnell, widow of
Donald (Don) Britnell -died at her
home in Hibbert Township on Friday
in her lith year following a lengthy
illness. Born in Hibbert Township,
she was the former Janet Drover
and a member of . the Chiselhurst
United Church. Surviving are three
daughters Edna) Mrs. W. R. Kins-
man, Cromarty, Isobel,
Sratford and
Mae) Mrs. J. McLellan, Toronto;
four sons, Thomas and William,
Hibbert Township. Wilson, Kirkton,.
Cliff of Exeter.
l ser-
Public f
vice was held from her home on
Monday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev.
R. A. Brook. Interment in McTag
gart's cemetery.
HARRIS—In Exeter, at Mrs. God -
bolt's Nursing Home on Friday,
July 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Harris, a daughter.
Lois Tinney is holidaying at the
home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell Eyre.
Mrs. Jas. Morris and family of
Goderich are visiting with the for-
mer's sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Chipchase.
Mrs. D. Churchill and daughter
Miss Elvira Churchill of Toronto
are occupying their cottage at Hay-
field. Judith Sheddick of Hensall and
Catharine and Jimmy Lavelle of
Palmerston are spending a week's
vacation there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Billie
and Bobbie of Detroit are holidaying
with the former's mother Mrs. L.
Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Bell of London
visited recently with relatives and
friends here.
Mrs. Mary Pope of London was a
recent visitor with friends here.
i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tudor at-
tended the Old Boys' Reunion in
Dundas last week.
Mrs, Donald Chlew of Los Angeles
is visiting with her parents Mr. and
Mrs, Cornelius Cook.
} A number of local fishermen
formed a club at a meeting on Fri-
day evening and plans were made to
(lainthe creek 011 No. 4 highway and
start trout in it in the hear future.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman -Jones visit-
ed recently with their daughter and
son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson.
RANNTE—In Clinton General Hos-
pital on Saturday, July 5, to Mr,
and Mrs, S. G. Rennie of Hensallk.
a daughter.
Air, A, D. McEwen is enjoying a
trip to Western Canada,
Seaforth Motors
Chev.-Olds. Bales Service
Miss McTaggart, Mrs, Joseph Fer-
guson and Alla• Joel. Pepper of Hen-
sel' visited lith Mr. and Mrs, Alfred
Buchanan on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Kelso Adams have
bought a store at Saltford and get
possession on July 15th.
Air. and Mrs. Joseph Hutt and
family pf Toronto are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan.
l,ev, J. C. and Airs. Britton and
family of Thamesville are spending a
few holidays with Mr. and' Mrs. Wil-
liam Britton.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McDonald of
Brigden and Miss Evelyn Sinclair
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Stephenson Tuesday evening.
Mr, Fred Wallace, Mr, Robt. Hall-
man and Miss Alice Hallman of
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Ball and' Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Joliii
and Sylvia were visitors
at the hone of Air, and Mrs. Austin
Dexter on Sunday last.
Miss Doris Lawson of London
spent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson:
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Minkie and
lir. Leonard 'Shepherd of Griffin,
Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Riley and Mr, and _Mrs. Frank Riley
on Thursday,
Mrs. Andrew Reekie and children
of London visited with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Britton
over the weekend.
Miss Marion Lawson of Kitchener
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Lawson, on Thursday.
Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Ephraim
Clarke and Ellwood Clarke spent
Tuesday in London,
Mr. Kelso Adams has purchased a
grocery store, stock and equipment
auSaltford near G
icli and gets
possession on
the 14th of July. We
are very sorry to lose .Mr, and Mrs.
Adams. Our best wishes follow them
to their new home. May success
crown their every effort in thein
chosen vocation.
The Constance W,II.S. held their
open meeting Wednesday, July 2nd
with auxiliaries from • Northside,
Seaforth, Winthrop, and Burns, as
their guests, and Rey. Mr. Stanway.
of Brucefield, as guest _speaker.
Mrs. Ernest Adams, vice-president,
opened the meeting• by repeating the
23rd psalm in unison. Mr, Penman,.
Mrs. W. 'Britton and Mrs. Clarence
Montgomery offered prayer. Mrs.
Adams told a story, "Happiness" as
the title. Sang hymn 681, then Mrs.
Dexter took over. Mrs. D. Mt
gaveaorbla reading, 1
st Psalm. The
offering was then taken by Mrs.
Earl Lawson and Mrs. Leo Stephen-
Mrs, Peter Lindsay gave the
address of welcome. n me. The Constance
quartet, Mrs. Clarence Montgomery,
Mrs. George Macl wain, Mrs. Ethel
Stephenson and Mrs. W. Britton
sang, "This Wonderful Christ is
Mine". Mrs. W. Leeming told a
splendid temperance ";tory. Sang
hymn 259 "Jesus Saves", a duet• by
the Misses Blanchard "Jesus is real
to me". Miss Ida Leiper favoured
with 'a splendid instrumental. Mrs.
Roy Lawson told a beautiful story,
"How to be happy", to do something
beautiful, to see beauty in some-
thing,' to say something beautiful
each day, then Mr. Stanway gave a
thrilling address on missionary. work
he said the people in Canada are not
awakened to world missions and
apart from the church no one can
solve world peace. Hymn 496 was
sung and Mr. Penman closed the
meeting with prayer. A social half
hour was spent and a delicious
lunch was served by the young
ladies and this brought a wonderful
afternoon to a close.
The strawberry social held on the
manse lawn Friday evening . was a
great success; over six hundred
tickets were sold, Many enjoyed the
play "Happiness Ahead," after the
Miss Violet Petrie of Sault Ste.
Marie is visiting with her sister Mrs.
Robert Allan,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Burdge of Gode-
rich are enjoying their vacation with
relatives here.
The W. M. S. held their monthly
meeting on Tuesday afternoon, This
meeting was in charge of the Home.
Helpers secretary Mrs. A. Allan, The
worship service was taken by Mrs. C.
Haugh, who opened the meeting with
hymn "0 for a thousand tongues to
sing", followed by prayer and scrip-
ture reading, Neh, 2; 17.20, Hymn.
"Rise up 0 men of God." Mrs. H.
Dalrymple, the president, had charge
of the business. It was decided we
send a gift to our missionary for
Prayer, Miss W. Harris of China. The
missionary programme "What of the
,Church of Asia", was taken by the
Hoare Helpers. . All appreciated the
duet sung by Mrs. A. Mustard and
Mrs. J. Burdge. In the programme,
Mrs. Allan was assisted by Mrs. J.
Cornish, Aire. J. McDonald, Mrs. W.
Haugh, Mrs, R. P. Watson, Mrs. L.
Eyre, Miss V. Petrie and Mrs, A.
Ham. A vote of thanks was given to
all who helped, Hymn "Lord of light"
was sung and Mrs. Allan closed the
meeting with the. benediction. The.
Sunday School and congregational
picnic was held at Bayfield on Wed-
inesday, July 9th. ,
Mr, and Mrs. 3, Dinsmore of Wind -
Ai. A.
with Ml's.
company tl
• in C x3
sol 0 1
Stephenson of Hensall called Satur-
day on the former's uncle, Mr, Jaines''
Stephenson. '
Mr, Fred Davidson or Detroit call-
ed Saturday on Mrs, M. G. Beatty and
Miss, 1\iosso1), Mr. 'and Mrs. Laytitem
'and family, :Miss Beatty.
Rev. and Airs. Abrallem and fam-
ily of London were guests at the
home of Mrs, L. Beatty and Edith.
AIr. and Mrs, Argo and family with
the letter's mother, Mrs. MCCounell.
Miss Lorne and Douglas 'Heard of
Stratford with their grandpm•ents,,
Mr, and Mrs. M, Elliott.•
The Clutterfaintly held a reunion
at Springb"artk Stinclay•
Mr., and Mrs. «'m, Colclough of
Woodstock ' were renewing acquaint-
antes in and around the village last
Mr.. and Airs. Parsons and famil • 3 of
Skaffa spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. John Alclington.
AIr,• and Mrs. Cecil Wiley in com-
pany with Mr. and Mrs, G1'ilnllle of
Detroit, were week end guests at the
home pf the former's sister Mrs.
Gertie Reid,
Mr, and Mrs,: Gordon Marks,
Ross and Carol of Toronto spent
the weekend with brothers; Mr, and
Airs, Harold Connell and Mr. and
Mrs, Roy Connell of 'Clinton.
Mrs, Chas Whitman •of Lansing,
Mich., Mr, and Mrs. H. Whitman of
Willowrun, "spent the weekend with
sister Mrs. G. Connell and attended
Sturdy picnic near Holmesville,
Mr. Geo. Connell, Mrs. H. Connell
and children Claytbn and baby Ellen
also attended the Sturdy picnic.
Air. and Mrs. Roy Connell of Clin-
ton attended the Sturdy picnic.
The congregational and Sunday
School picnic' of Kipper and Hills -
green will he held at Jowett's Grove,
Bayfield, Thursday, July 17th, at 2.30
p..m., featuring a full line of sports
and games. Everyone in these com-
munities is urged to attend and bring
a picnic lunch,
The July meeting of the lCippen
East Women's Institute has been
postponed owing to the Seaforth
Lion's frolic being held Wednesday
evening, July 16. Further particu-
lars in next week's paper. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride and
Donna and Mr, and Mrs. Cleve
Cochrane spent last week end at
Manitoulin, Sudbury and North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Cairoi
Mich., are visiting with their many
friends in this vicinity. ,•
Mr. R. J. Cooper has resigned his
position as manager of the 'Co-op
which he has held for many years.
Dr, Jas. Jarrott of New York is
spending his vacation with his
mother and other friends,
Mr. Thomas Atchison. of Winni-
peg is calling on friends in this
community. It is over fifty years
since he left these parts and no
doubt sees many changes.
Mr. John C. Doig of Detroit spent
the weekend with his mother,
The death occurred in. London of
Miss Mary O'Sullivan, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs, P. O'Sullivan of
MCliillop'townSllip, in her SSth year.
Funeral took place from Cleary'e
Funeral home, Seatorth, and thence
to St. Coliunbart Church for requiein
high masssung byRev. Father
O'Drowski, and to St, Colnnlban
cemetery for interment. The pall
bearers were Joseph Carlin, Vincent
Lane, Joseph Kale, John Devereaux,
Patrick Ryan, Joseph McQuaid: She
leaves to mourn her loss three sisters
and a brother, Mrs. Agnes Wilcl, Bay-
field; Mrs, N. Farrell, Portland, Oreg.,
Airs. Joseph Downey, Vancouver.
Johnf McKillop. A broth r:
Wash.; o Mc op brother. -
James O'Sullivan predeceased her
.1 by
four months. Many friends and re-
latives from London, Clinton, Strat-
ford, Waterloo, Kinkora and Detroit,
attended the funeral,
.Diegel Reunion
The 10th annual Diegel Reunion
was held at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Harold. Rock on July 1st with
about 100 present. Lunch was served
for both dinner and supper, and races
and games were enjoyed by young
John Edwin Ball
The funeral of. John Edwin Ball,
Goderich, took place from the
Wheeler funeral home, Toronto
street, on Saturday, at 2:30 p.m.
Rev. C. Cope. of North Street United
Church, officiating. Interment was
in Clinton cemetery, Mn' Ball died
at his home from the effects of a
stroke suffered after he returned
from a picnic. He was born 80 years
ago near Auburn, a son of the late
John and Sarah Palmer Ball. For 50
years he operated a farm in Tuck-
ersmith township, retiring to live in
Goderich five years ago. He was a
member of North Street 'United
Church. In 1893 he married Seine,
Crich, who survives with two sons,
Oscar • J. Ball, Detroit, and James
Clarence, Grosse Isle, Mich; two
daughters, Mrs. Norman Habkirk,
Detroit, Mrs, Clayton Martin, Kitch-
ener; two brothers, William, Clin-
ton; Antos, Goderich; three sisters.
Mrs. John Gibbings, Clinton; Mrs,
David Wright, Londesboro, and Mrs.
Wesley Vodden, Summerhill.
2 heifer calves a few days, old.
Roy McGeoch, phone 663 r 3.
£ th .�
This, pleasant light Romance, inse with nfteL•tive;,masicril panels should "make nappy
entertainment for all.
with Gary Cooper and Lilli Palmer
Titis story is neatly packaged with thrills, suspense, romance, action
and the blood and thunder of war
with Errol Flynn and Eleanor Parker
You will want to see this gay, light-hearted production
with Humphrey
La B
p Y -
Lauren acall
c l• to raSEY r.-. incl ggia off, '
,ley Ann of Guelph with Mr, and Mrs,
John G. Hinz.
Congratplations to Maureen Hinz
who received first` class honors in
Piano. exams, and ,to•Betty Jean Hinz
who received honors in. vocal exams:
Mr: anti Mrs:, Oscar Elligson and
Sharon of Kitchener with Mr. and
Mrs, J. G. Hinz,
Mrs, C. Sippel, Me. and Mrs. Milton
Sippel, Farrel aud Claudette of Tavi-
stock with Mr. and Mrs.• D. Hinz.
Mr: and Mrs. Henry Scherba'tlt and
Karen and Mr, and Mrs. W. Stender
of Detroit with relatives.
Mrs, Annie Kuntz of Baden, Mi-,
and Mrs. Leslie Kuntz and Faye of
Toronto, Mi', Robert Kuntz of Kitch-
suer, Air. Roy Amstein, • Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs: John Amstein.
Mr. and_ Mrs Manuel Beuermann,
Ray and Wayne, Mr. G. Mueller and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beuermanu and Ro-
bert attended the Magus Reunion at
Cheeiey July lst,
Mr. and Mrs, Id Wessman and
Mrs. S. Collins of Mitchell with Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Diegel. • Air: and
Airs. Harvey Beuerman and Ronald of
Seaforth and Mrs:
S with o � t 'A r, i Harry
Beuerman, Air. and Airs. Alfred Beuer-
man, Larry and Diane,' of Seaforth,
with Air. and Airs. Louie Hillebreeht,
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield, Mar
garet and Linda Jean, of St. Cather
Ines, with AIr. and Airs. Russell
Ali•, and Mrs. Lawrence Rock of De-
troitwith r
o t N I. and Mks. Geo. Eichmeir
Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Bressler Mid
Cherry of Stratford, Mr, and Airs.
Howard Querengesser and Susan of
Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. '��
Quer n e
e ss r, and
Mrs. John
er, M
Mueller returned to their home in
Hamilton after spending three weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Aug, Hiliebrecht,
;anti old. Richard Allan Leonbardt, 4
riontlts, sore sof Air. and Airs. Mervin
Leonhardt, Mitchell, was, youngest
present. Mrs.. John 0, Diegel, oldest
lady present; Mr: George H. Leon-
hardt, oldest man .present. Later
married couple Mr. and Mrs, Dave
Davis of 'Fulla•ton. After the snippet•
Hour the President, Geo. Rock, tooll
charge of the business period. Russe
Sholdice, Secretary, read the minutes
of the last reunion. The following are
the officers for 194S: President, Bert
Haney; Secretary, Rnssell Sholdice
sports committee—Mrs. Henry L. Die -
gel, Mrs. Henry Steinbach, Mrs. Geo.
Young,, Earl Doyle, Carl Steinbach,
Irvine'Leonba•clt, An invitation front
`t Vogel,
ul Mrs. 1'I
Air. m
to hold the reunion at their Place,
July lst, '1945 was accepted. The
uieeting closed with the national an-
them. The evening was spent in
Mrs, Jack Smith of Toronto with
Mrs. Sophie Bennewies.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Grove, Harold
and Bobby of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs.
ri with
Mr. and
• f Londo
RayHat o
Mrs, Louie G. Rock.
Mi'. Carmen Mogk received honors
at the Embalmers Examination held
in Toronto two weeks ago.
Miss Gertrude Iierbei•t of California
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herbert.
Masters Ray and Wayne Byerman
have been holidaying at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hippie, Mitchell,
Mr. George Mogk
in Ha-
milton erecting a house for Mr. Joe
Berry. Donald Ahrens has taken a
position in Dublin with the Dublin
egggrader for the sum-
mer months.
Miss Joyce Querengesser is spend-
ing several weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
J. A, Arbuckle in Toronto.
Rey, and Mrs, G. Alberti of Ridge-
field, ,
N J. with Rev. and Mrs. Schultz
Miss Audrey Green with her uncle
and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. E. Livernois,
Mr, and Mrs, Don Barber and Shit':
PEIFFER-In Detroit Hospital on July
Ord, to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Pedlar
(Ethel McDougall), a daughter,
Diane Marie. -
1.111 llllllllllllllllllll t1111 lllll 011111
Balanced Ration Plant
Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds
Are now available to Dealers, Wholesal-
ers, Retailers and Farmers at Mill door.
, 0•