The Seaforth News, 1947-07-10, Page 3• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BUSINI2NS OPPORTUNITIES 11' HAVE o few good laminator :010000, a 2 store block lvIth apartments, A woodwork anti blaelt.nlilh •alum with lot, Leone and hydro tri 0Mmnry village. Also number 0f 50, 100. 150, 000 acre fermis With hydro In -good locations with bush, priced from 03000, C. Long, Real 19atate Broker, Braisecta, Ontario,- M2EN'f\9. II/ANT/As OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Pont --SALTS MAPLE 8105010' 111.0112012 05,5,011, 1041 crop. Retainable price.. *No coupons. Jahn M. Gillespie. Aliboteford, Quebou,' , - MuaJORMICIO-DLoERoNG 'ensilage harvester, wltb ,Landartilzed powers taI,9ott. 'Deed four` d,tym, Hemet yo0r corn et Its bast filth ono or two men. Price sweetly reduced. Immediate delivery. Write Graham 16111, Pont Rouge, Que, Inseeticldoo, Electric Fence Controllers. EmmaNEW BED OUTFIT . .atld Barn Pulnt,'Roof Coetingk, etas*' 17oalm•n Nee atmnl2n, Panel bed, 'non -,we spring and wattled. Write w'urco Grease & 011 LemlLed, ntallreoe 02435, Write for free, .catalogue. •-d Toronto.' - Alallnrder Furnilurs Wterebou6, 79 Perils. hent Street Toronto. 'EXCELLENT. commissions to akeata canton onhobeeholdcrs with new pootwar line of. electrical"apNlonre not on sale anywhere in Canada. Enquiries invited from 'men now on route,.FIu-O-fray Corporation, Hamilton, Canada. 11AI10 ('5850R8 . 'WE ARE 01111 hatehhlg'elneka and' can sive prompt 'delivery on the following pure •breeds: White Leghorn', Black Aflourons, Ceeonas, Brown 'LOghorns. Barred Rooke, White Rocks, Now ,Hanpohlres, Rhode Island Reda, White Wyandotte',Light Suomi, Blaine .,Ahstralorps, Jersey White Giants. ' Croon 4,'eds: Bleck Minorca X .White Leshnrne, White Leghorn X Barred Rook, Metra White, White Ronk X-. While Leghorn, Now .Hamp- shlrn. X Marred Rock, -Barred` Rock X New .11amp0hire, New Ham)lallll'e ): Liltht Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Light Sue-, .sex 'X Barred Rock. Also two andthree Week olds and older pullets eight week, to Ia1ing. Price. greatly reduced for June and Tidy, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick' Hat- cher*. Limited, Forga0, 0Onlarl0. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS .Our pries. for Baby Chick. and started ChlokO. will serprlee you. A11 Chick* from blood •tested stock, Carleton Butchery.. Britannia Heights, Ont, CATCHUP on the season with sense of our fast maturing two and three week old -start- •14 ohiel4 1n non -sexed, pullets Mid cockerels. Have The following breeds tor prompt delivery: Barred Rocks,' Black Au,tralorpe, NeW Hamp- shire., White Leghorn,, While Rooks,. Light' Sussex, New Hampohlre X Barred Rock,' Bar- red Reck X New Hnmpnhh'es, Ligbi Suonex X New Hampshire', While Leghorn X Itnrred Peek, Austra While., Barred Rock X White Leghorn, Send for asocial price list. Also pullets. eight .weeks to la.)Ing Tw•eddle •Ohlek Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. AUGUST allleke should he ordered now to Inoore delivery.. Afost breeds available, pullets, non-oexed, eockerate we can give immediate delivery" ohloka. and 001n0 ol'.erled. Bray .Hatchery. 130 John N.,- Hamilton, Ont. .EASY. to raise: pullet'. No broodingbent re. mitred. Two to four weeks old. Special p1lce0 $24.70 to 130.70. First, class beslthy Mock. Also day old chicks any time. write for prices or send 41.00 deposit for early shipment. Fisher ' Orchards, R.R.No. 2. Freeman: Ont. • BARGAINS - In Canadian Approved chicks for this week and next,' Barred' Rocca, New Hompehlroa, While - Rocks, Light Sussex. Black AuntralOrps. Rhode Island Reda, Now Hampshire X Barred Rook, Barred hurls X New Hamturhlre, New Hhmpalliee X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshite, Light Sussex X Barred Rork non -sexed 9.95. "Pullets 12.95, cockerels - 406, Aseorled I•lenvy Breeds non -sexed 8.98, pullets 11.08,corker. els. 77.95. White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Black. Auslralorp X While ' Leghorn,, White Rock Y While- Leghorn. 8.98, - panels 17.95, cockerels 3.91. ,White Leghorn' 8.95, pullet, 17.06, coeko'els 1.00- (Assorted Light or. Medium: Breed. non -posed 7,96, pullets 16.05. Two week old add 0.0D three week 'old add 11.04 per hundred). - Shipped C.O.D. Thi. Advertisement n1001 0606mna11y, your Order to receive these special prices. Also Mullets eight weeps t0 laying. Ton Notch Chlckories, U`uriph. Onlnrio• DYEINO AND CLEANING :STAVE YOU anything need. dyeing or clean - Ing? write to u. for Information. We are glad to answer your gUeetlons, Department H. Parker'. Dye Work. Limited. 701 Yonge Strout ,Temente. Ontario, FAISM8' FOR SALTS. 300 -ACRE farm for" sale, 76 tillable, well watered. bank baro. frame Ignore in good repair, DOaaenSien a07 time. Archie Simpson, Lgvort .Station, Ontario, ,. 005 ...1:'11E farm close to. good frond. church, coneedidntod continuation School (paid for) 'horse factory and. Post Office. Enough bush to 11; y for the property If handled by owner. Fred. Cassidy. Iialtvllle, Ont. 07 ACRES for sale, chey loan. near Honey-. 1 :.3. veering water. fair buildings, orchard. bush, flay, pasture. Apply lOre, Florence Ih.e:-ts stn,_ Terra Nova, Ont. F(405 BALE ATTENTION 1r41500ER8 FOR 1ALiu-Tractor Tfroa, made of rubber, su'table for bolting on steel wheels, 116.00' reels, rear Wheels: 07.50'0060, front wheels.. When ordering mato diameter and width of Wheels, 606Uon00 Rubber Co. Ltd., -S Wilt- , ebbe Ave, Toronto. Ont., Ar .:)CED Registry Yorkshires .delivered 1 .meso ',repaid.. Boars shout ready for tart- !_e 010. GIRO 1100 Aligned $76=6100. 11,1 :1, 11,1rt, Woodstock,., Ont. 3,1.1:531V10 SUPERS, •full depth Langntrogh, race 3. years, painted 63,00 each complete with 10 new frames, fitted with. full Mute), of '1.ndation. FL 1111211,,.. R,R. No. 2, W::h.d, Ontario.. x NEW pine boat. - 14 and 10 feet, 560.00 each. 2 new spruce boats 14 feet with oars.. 050,00 •each, Black- cherry lumber all tllniensl one. Abel. French, Cooltahtro, 'One. ONE COCICSHUTT and one Ford new 1047' tractor on rubber. Comnletor with two fur- row plows and doublealoe,. immediate 90e- easafon, 1i... 0100022, Kitson Road South, Oshawa.- Opt.. SACRIFICE nate of equipment, One -halt yd. g'aeoltae halt- swing' shovel,'_ 1lany extras. and 00are parte, almost new condition, 88- 090.00. One 1036 2 ton Ford truck 6760.00.' One 1037 4 ton White truck, 61200.00. Both equipped with steel platform rend' holes. Trask, both rebuilt Eat ' year. :New engine. trllOmisslone aid rear Dade. New rear tires. Ideal gravel equipment worth - much more money. Priced for 'inlet .ale- as I have no further use for sane. - Located at Oro Sta- tion, ADDIS, T, R. Crawford, Oro. Station. 00l0r10. ` TIRES We aro ovoretocked at the present of good need trade-in tires lguaranteed to be to es- eellent chapel, 600 X 16 $5.0O All orders /shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Perm' Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and Toth Sts., Hamilton, Ont, ONTARIO'S HOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP- Dealers wanted TOILETS For .Summer Cottage., Farmer, Schools., and Camps. Can be'used with or w1111,ut funning water. Caustic Sanitation, Ltd., 21 Ridley Blvd.. Toronto, Ontario. TRACTORSFord-Ferguson, 10-20 510Cor lelr- Deering, Sohn Deere D (Ase LA 1,1'c- Cormlcl and Fleury plowx Disc Hn ren , (. uilHatore New and used marina Tractor Spreader, Track platform a04 racism. Dunt) box with holot, Sally Power Saws. George Smith, Do'u'g, Ont, Watchmakers Attention Lowest -prices an. stems, Misfits.. malnetwInge crystals, watch porde, Write for price lint. Durbin (-monitor, Dept. -0, 74 Stomps-. Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method Information 'on request regnrding claimers Robertson'. Elnit•dreoning Academy. 167 Ave- nue Road, 9'or0nto. HELP WANTED 'WANTED Immediately. Doctor for Bracken and district Health Unit number one. Fees guaranteed. Write or titre A1re, J. S. 01000ey. Secretor), Bracken Hospital Board. 8,60600. Stork. -. . HERDSMAN Nlnnleexpel fenced with mere -bred dairy cattle on 11.0..P. References essential. Flaeka Favus. Unlolvllle. Ont,' GENERAL DUTY NURSES For Afa•104000. Private ktoapllnl. 1100.00 month and full maintenance. Apply Or. R. L. Cn.retoot,-Atarirtlnle, 060. 10OU8b75CEEP10R-ASidelle aged. capable of taking full"berm. write Robert Blnit,, West Lorne. Gut. FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD ,SUITES Chesterfield 'Suites nhxolutely new, Tull lamins filled co0Olrucliou, every style, fittest . Mohair. Velour. 1'rlre, (isoallele. Slllte, Damask. and other fine hued wearing upholnteling fabrics 100. NEW CIIJISTJIRF1181:I) SUITES To CHOOSE 1015090! FREE DELIVERY To YOUR, NEAREST STATION. TODD baa been In the chesterfield guile buatnros for 30 year, rend Ix reooguixnut In the trade as a specialist and the moat parLlaular buyer in the business, Listed below are n. few 0t our snob prices for QUALITY CHESTERFIELD 'SUITES. $119.00 ;1 piece Period Suite - finest euxlenx covered all over with fine quality velour. 11 piece modern suites, Balloon neutral'. Beautiful 2 piece Lawson Suite. $119.00 Foinestn 2 piece Charles of Lan - Many Many other ouletanding values.. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 BUy absolUtclY neva-n,on0fa6LUoerO (eatery showroom sample ounce direct from. TODD, S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. rim.. (MOVER 4348 $149.00 $119.00 {70ER': Dry Cleaning Filter with pump t 11812610. Secord A11en, Goderlch,Ont. CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 lletlutaetui'ore' clearance, first quality for .40,15,:, and single : beds' 1n beautiful two -toned colours, wOrtll. doldde. the price. Money. re- funded 1t not 00110E1ed, -Sent; C.O.D. plan hostage 11. 'Canada, 'Handicraft' Distributors, 254 i:nerbroolce St„ W.. Montreal 18, Que. Electric Power Plants 9 EVA, (3,900 watt), 60 or 60 cycle, 120 volt. Owen engine and generator. 'A quality 'Unit. Ideal for lighting, refrigeration, water Donning and, small ,power tool. in camps. Boxed 0110 waterproofed for. shipment.. Priced low. Write for details. SHEPPARD IL'LEOTRICAL . LA3•8 _.._� 304 :Sparks St.. Ottawa. FLAGS All 'sixes Union..b,el,,. or Canadian Ensigns, sewn Wool hunting. Special offering on 41,4 and. 0 foot Union Jxcke. Peet dye sewn cotton, Discount for quantities, Brighten Tour community or home by flying -a, good quality flag. John Lecitle Limited, 77 Wel- lington SL. West, Toronto, HARNESS and elm, renal.* shop and equip - melt and also belt enticing equipment for. Male Find also' a 7. room 2 storey brick house,. )n,medlate poasgesion. For particulars write' A.'0. Irwin. Corrie, Ont. 'HUNTER'S npecial-brand newwar teasels released web rifle sling.. Fits standard swivels. The bargdln you. Live been waiting fog -while they Inst only 600. each. Sling. 081/11010 Ter these' .ling, 760 ,per Pair. 1311.' 'wood' Epps Sporting; Good., Clinton, Onterla IRON AGE Potato Planters -one or two row. On steel. or rubber. Immediate. delivery. h5, Fleming & Sons., Blenheim, Distributer, • FOR SALE 118 aero farm, Lot 18, Con. 0, Sl:1'erly, A. J. AteICn10111, Roo5ton. Ont. LL ,.'IHL[t TAIL Trl,h Retriever peoples Sy. Beath, old Parente' wonderful Hunters. Wales $20 Female, 415 ThOs. Chlnnlek Chatham, R R No 1., 4113 AWIC Ilex Loader and Stacker: (elevat- ing bucla•alce) Will handle 50 tons per dna. used one. season en1y, 11. I(21110,, R. 2, Welland Ontario. LARGE qoa llly ,4 fuel wood hardwood, mixed body and limb wood shipping .Oban Durham And Teemmter. Also uunnlity 'soft Weal such, ea elm, soft maple, ole. 4' length., mired bob and II ul, w ond, nom shipping loins .and w',tlkerlon. • Apply BOgdon 2:Orena MEDICAL A TRIAL -Eve,' sufferer of Rlleumntle Pulps or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro'. Drug Store, 336 Elgin. Ottawa.. Postpaid 61:00: WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breonatono of - fere .room lasting relief. One months' treatment 81.00 postpaid, s Indian Remedies', Box 118. Vancouver. HAVE YOU HEARD abou0 Dixon', Neuritis and Rheumatic Palo. Remedy? It elves good result.. 9iunro's Drug Store, 336 Eight,. Ottawa, Poatiald 61.00. UNWANTED. ..hair permanently _removed, (harmless). Marvel. Compound. 92and84. Dormle Institute. 800 Paris Bldr„ Winnipeg. 01,0. FOOT AILMENTS Kira Foot Olt ef.tectively remedlem corn., canoeing, cracked 1x01. 160 plasters, n0 pads, no caustic.' 'Price 50o. Comsloek Products Co,. 701 Ottawa Electric Bldg., Ottawa, Canada. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WttllEN BE A HAIDRESSER ODIN' CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opbortunity Lear,' Hairdressing Pleasant dignifiedpn,feoalon, good wagon. thousands successful. Marvel graduates America', greatest 6yetem. Illustrated cot•, toguo tree. Write or Call'.• MARVEL. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ...... 253 Moor St, W.. Toronto •Branches 44 Kine 8t., Hamilton A 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa OFFER TO INVENTOR' - AN OFFER to every Inventor -Lint of .Inver, Gone and fail information sent tree, The Ratline, Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys 878 Bank Street. Ottawa. I'A'I'ENT6.. 1'ETHERSTONAUGH & Compan7 Paten* BalicltOrs, platabllohed 1800. 14 Bins West, Toronto, HOoklet of Information on regnant, 4,11119:SONAL LONESOME -Do you desire respectable friendship? Hurry. time -1, fleeting. Some- where your future sweetheart mem acquaint - atm. Bolendld positions! means. Iaformetfon fro,. Canadian Friendship Society, Box 111, Fgrolture .Co, Ltd., 'wnllio,'.ton, Ontario. ,Dnrhem, Oatnrto. PtI(11'00RAPITY. COAST to coast -Rolle 00100 8 prints 250. 5 x 7 enhergement. Mounted 30c, Prints copied 40c, Reprints 3e. Ideal snapshot Ser- vice. I-ingston, Ontario. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Thla big, reliable studio does gnnlity work AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your film,. Send them to Star Snapohot Service. ANY 817E MOLL 6 0r.8 Exposures DEVJ0L0PE0 and. PRINTED 30a Reprint. from your negative, 4c. x. mounted.. enlargements 4 x 0" 250, En. Inrgontents framed 7 i 0" 1n Gold. Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 740, If picture colored 44o. Prtnte and enlargements made from, prtnte'of loot negative.. Dept, 51. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 11071 120. POST OFFICE A, TORONTO TEACHERS WANTED M1N4Ita S.D. No, 1 reeulres teacher with flret c100acertificate effective September 1pt. Salary $1,600 year, turnlohed- teacherage, fuel, Apply stating. marital statue and qualification. to, M. G. Reid. Sete-treas.. Nimbi: Ont.. PItOTESTANT teacher wanted .for -5,S, No. 8 Raglan. Dudes to begin Sent. End.'. 1047. Apply attains; salary: -'and qualifications to Dente! Budarlek, Sec.-Treas.. Palmer Rapids, On la No. PICTERRORO COUNTY -School Area No. 2. TNT. 0f Chandos requires teacher Septem- ber. Male preferred, 51500.00 up, experience and ouallneattonn considered. Walter Nelson, Se,'retery. Ape10,, Ont. HASTINGS 00. Fqur aua11[led teachers want- ed for School Area. No. 1, Monteagle and Herschel for neliooie No, 8 and 0, Tloireasle;' 10 and 11, Herschel &Limey,. 81600. Dutlea to commence. Sept. 2, 1947. Apply. 'teeing qualifications, I, Frank iiinze, See: Trend., Neynotilh 01011,,, Ont. WANTED WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds, lo,epll Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept, 2054 Danforth Ave,. Toronto 6. (We do maim seeding). LOGS REQUIRED WE Purchase blame, Birch, Ash, Wherry and P.aeewnod logs, loaded on freight care for cash. 'w'rite particulars to Box 017, Iie,- peler, Ontario. Elmira Shows Way To Clean Up Weeds Elmira has set. an example to every municipality in the country. This year, every bit of land in the little town of southwestern Ontario Will get two -sprayings With weed killing 2-4-13. Parks, vacant lots and roadsides, as web as all private property, will be treated. ]•lerc is it clean-up :campaign that is really going to -get' somewhere, comments t'bc Financial Pont, in other places there will be community a minded citizens who will spray their lawns, only to have them reinfested with weeds from • the unsprayed areas next door. Unless his neighbors and his muni- cipality co-operate, all too often the elan who tackles his own dandelions and plantains fights a losing battle. The spraying and weeding must be done over and over again. Biggest delinquent in this fight against weeds is the municipality. Citizens are exhorted to clean up their' own backyards while weeds thrive along the streets and in every vacant lot. To avoid discoloring sinks and 'basins when a tap is dripiiing, drape a cloth from the faucet to the drain until the washer can be replaced. And 15 other prizes of $5. CONTEST 41 - Which sentence is correct? WILSON'S FLY PADS ARE DEATH TO RIES WILSON'S 51.? PADS IS DEATH TO -RIES The first eighteen correct answers drown w111 win! Contest 41 closes July 23, 1947. Winners name. will be published In Au01uL Send your answer along with the top flap, label, or target from any of the W4LSON' PRODUCTS below to: - CONTEST 481 - WILSON FLY PAID CO Dept, 0 Hamilton, Ont R0T DOST unser REPELLENT ANT TRAPS INSEC7POWDIER FLT PADS MOUSE TREAT WI LSO N'S INSECT REPELLENT Protects you from Mosquito', Biting Flies and other Insech, "AII es reliable as Wilton's Fly Pads" ask for WIL'S0N'S 5 WITH THE RED WHITE AND BLUE TAROEI ISSUE 27- 1947 To. Plumb Ocean Depths Prof. • Auguste Piccard, first man to penetrate the strato- sphere, will try to descend to a depth of 13,120 feet in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Africa. He will go down in lis bathysphere, a steel sphere about two yards in diameter with walls five inches thick. His reservoir of buoyant . gas, hanging above the sphere, will be seven yards long. Sports -And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sxbit Critic") As the philosopher said -only using four -dollar words instead of this nickel kind -if this isn't a goofy old world, at least it will do till the real thing shows up. For Months we have react of the pitiable condition of war- ruptured Europe, and the solemn warnings that, unless the New World conies quickly to the aid of the old, the entire works are due to collapse with a rush Then we see it calmly announced (hat a European promoter • is paying Joe Louis three hundred thousand dollars to take sotne light public exercise in such spots as France, Italy and Spain. * * fir As for Mr. Louis, both personally and as all athlete, We have the highest admiration. To see hint in action we have even„gone so far as to spend some of our own money; which, to anybody in the sports -writing dodge, is tantamount to parting with a leg. But when we hear of something like this, and then remember the folks in Britain being asked to cut their already -skimpy rations in order that starving Europeans may -have more to eat, the whole thing just doesn't seem to add up. Maybe we shouldn't have skipped so many mathematics classes at school. * * * R:1 NDOA1 THOUGHT ON NA- TIONAL PRIDE: We have been led to believe that Canada is a nations Of 'e kno0o that she entered the war by choice, unlike most of her Allies, who did so in sheer self-defense. So to Cts it seems that putting on Canadian soil a memorial which bears the names of any individuals whatsoever, yet omits that of any Canadian, is slaking small indeed of both our nation and our war -effort; and that it would be just as reasonable -perhaps even hole( so -to erect in Paris a memorial with, inscription ending "and to our na- tions' leaders Churchill and Stalin". lint somehow we canxt'hclp wondering just hozu the French would react to any such proposal. * * * STILL SOME DISTANCE TO GO. Fashion experts inform us that women's skirts ate to be definitely longer; which may or may not be 'Welcome tidings, all depending on the type of, well, architecture involv- ed. But somehow We greatly doubt if there will be any large immediate demand for that heavy brush bind- ing' the ladies used to sew on the bottoms of such garments to prevent too mticlt wear from trailing on dusty Sidewalks Russia's Wheat Prospects for a good 1947.crop in Russia were increased imineasure ably by reports of steady rains coy - "1 ering northern and western Russia, for the last 24 hours. Winter wheat was reported in fine condition in virtually every, part of the country. German People Must Learn To Co-operate The German people, like all other European belligerents of tlie .recent war, have been hit by the blight of hunger, but they have Been making more fuss about it than 'anyone lase. In moods which have varied from whining to belligerence, they have ' demanded to be fed, James Newnan, military gover- nor in Hesse, lies told tlient off in no uncertain terms, according to the Chatham N(WS. ]-Ic .7edited out that it is the first time in history that conquering armies have fed a people conquered. If, in return, the Germans hoard, strike, and re- fuse to co-operate, stern measures must be taken. This is the kmguage the Ger- mans should understand. They have been overplayed in the role of an innocent, betrayed people which only they believe. They shall be fed, but not through love, but of necessity. The sooner they realize this, accept it, and help themselves, the better itwill be for all concerned. Welder for Farms Many uses are foreseen for new lightweight welder, operating on. direct current for use on materials up to half-inch thickness. Produced in United States, unit can be mount- ed on tractor in two minutes, can be used as stand-by charger for batter- ies up to 32 volts, and will run any 32 -volt powered electric tool. -Fin. - uncial Post. IE EERE'S HEALTH to the wise 'housewife who in•' sists on Maxwell House 'Coffee. It's Radiant Roasted to capture every, atom' of goodness in the Superb Maxwell House Menai:: CIGARETTE PAPERS v *1;1311 Famous Pre -War Quality The only Cigarette Popov MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada 11 BLUE COVER PURE WHITS Free Burning Double Boo)* Automclie 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 1_451 (Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE IN 56 POUND TINS 0.1E5 MOWS 0.10057OkS ANTS Romoo BEDBuc$ ►D`� TNf 5a%DDT ll CE 1NsE'Ct10EDk�' s FPt� R in S s t 9 �I Stainless, LWITH 5% DDT --" ur avaranlaa I 1h{ 5oolanihsw 47 URpAcE IR3SEC41deD .,`ul• 6 , t11IENt o3 8enbul 11I1s, Moral, r 1A1 taEt �l Moiqu rola, ax1 r:: 01 * Guaranteed b f` � �' Good Housekeeping ,yds IF trlcT,Ve OR E'0 4s aOVonTIlra -eta,,,,, • OuaFnn*je'ed 6yy Good llonsekcepint MUTT AND JEFF -Maybe It Was A Grape Vine They Planted -Eh What? By BUD FISHER NOIN WHAT CHA LIST MN' To, 411 JEFF? ' x ,' 1,' ,>'.;Y' Yob LITTLE BOOB, YOU ,CAN'T 'HEAR ~ •�ns+s" ✓1,'y r� �-- - e a tar > "' � ,?;. 'inn NEAR IT MUTT$ ITS GETTING •LOUDER! � ~ n,.. wt' ,c'� _ _c^'- �rt _-"' _ _ 1 1 • L�� ® ;QI l':' ' Y:. .. fd i ' .1::"..Z.... `. o,. , ^Av+i-~ HERE IT COMES, n{E MUTT! MERE ! COMES! y / +�, y • r ', -.t D.1.0, u, y - WHAT KIND OF CABBAGE om DID YOU Y Vit. ''" PLAFIT y MUTT, td�ISC�( I CABBAGE 'GP,otNI y -I ► '�.t la. t�y of NN% I M LISTERIN' 'WINN% I 1050 :'v' TO THAT a '.''' • CABBAGE GR W WHICH��: r : You PLANTED! ANTE Lr riky.y� n q6.., i'',; ;�• ` /r .9%, +-c'•s+ a -n7, as •, ,' • - O'II,G � .Y tea". - :.�- chin: . .., a- .,.,t �.> iS wh w, . 'kAl3ier... ,[. c •I DO ./ ,i..� <,�' 01 jy� rs �'h.A � ..r..._•., -a �,..•.ir r , 't !%'. •.arol.• til .ti, --..: �-..,,,rte, +-.: •r. � •=A��.a+�','.,I . ii 1 f''jj�'{��/\Jtj�1�/' �I/N • L ` rq if,%.: ` `\